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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH WORD CLAP GAME (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Purwasari)


Academic year: 2017

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(A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Purwasari)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Degree of S.Pd., in the Department of English Education










In the name of Allah the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.

Praise and gratitude be to Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord

of universe, for giving strength and guidance for the writer, so that this skripsi can

be finished thoroughly. Peace and blessing be upon Prophet Muhammad who has

guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

This skripsi is written to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the Sarjana

degree at the English Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training,

State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Firstly, the writer would thank to the beloved parents, Mr. Sukadar and Mrs.

Mimi Utami who always be patient to educate, motivate, and always pray for the

writer every time. They also never stop teaching their previous meaning of life,

giving their knowledge, and giving their time wherever and whenever she needs.

The writer also thanks to the older brother and his wife and also their twins baby;

Wirawan Aria, Hany Nadya, Muhammad Al Ayyubi, and Muhammad Al Fatih. In

addition, the writer also thanks to the beloved friend; Bhakti Destian Wijaya who

always giving support, motivation, and love.

Secondly, the writer would like to address her thank and great attitude to Dr.

Fahriany, M.Pd. and Teguh K haerudin, M.App.Ling as the writer’s advisors who

give consultation with full of patience, help and guidance as valuable advice

during developing this “skripsi” and completing her work. Hopefully, Allah

always blesses them with their family, they are always healthy and may Allah

grant all of their wishes.

Thirdly, the writer thought that she would never finish this skripsi without their

supports and their helps. Her gratitude also goes to:

1. All lecturers in the Department of English Education, for teaching

precious knowledge, giving motivation, and for sharing wonderful study



2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the Head of Department of

English Education and as the Secretary of Department of English


3. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, MA., as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

4. Mr. Juhanda, as the Headmaster of SMPN 1 Purwasari, Mr. Jajang, as the

English teacher for the eighth students, and all of the teachers and staff for

their cooperation and kindness given to me in doing this research.

5. The writer’s best friends those she cannot write all names who helped in

finishing this graduating skripsi and have continuously given aid, great

support and suggestion to the writer in finishing this skripsi.

Finally, the writer admits that the writing is still far from being perfect.

Therefore, she hopes some suggestions and criticism from the reader for this

skripsi. Hopefully this skripsi will have some values for her and the reader.

Jakarta, April 18th, 2016

The Writer



NURINA AYUNINGTYAS, 2016, Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through

Word Clap Game (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Purwasari). Skripsi of Department of English Education at Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Keywords : Word Clap Game, Vocabulary Mastery

The objective of this study was to see the empirical evidence about the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery through word clap game at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Purwasari. The subject in this study was 8F students of SMPN 1 Purwasari. The research method is classroom action research that follows the design of K urt Lewin developed by the researcher. The research was conducted in two cycles. Then, each cycle conducted three meetings (the test was not included as meeting). This research was carried out for one month. Techniques of data collection were interviews, observation, and test (pre-test and post-test). The result of this study was the implementation of learning English vocabulary through word clap game has increased. The result showed in the pre- test there were only three students passed the KKM in which 52.7 as the mean score, then the post-test 1 there were 16 students passed the KKM with 66.7 as the mean score. Finally, the post-test 2 showed significant improvement where 33 students passed the KKM with 75 as the mean score. It means that 84.6% of the students can reach scores more than seventy (70) and has achieved the minimum mastery criterion (KKM). Furthermore, the results of observations showed that the students more motivated and enthusiastic in learning English, especially for English vocabulary mastery. In addition, the outcome of post- interview from students and English teacher showed that they agreed by using word clap game could improve students’ vocabulary mastery because the game made the students could easier to memorize the vocabulary. Based on the result above, it can be concluded that using word clap game at the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Purwasari can improve students’ vocabulary mastery.



NURINA AYUNINGTYAS, 2016, Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through

Word Clap Game (A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 1 Purwasari). Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Tarbiya dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Keywords : Word Clap Game, Vocabulary Mastery

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bukti empiris tentang meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata siswa dengan menggunakan word clap game kelas 8 SMPN 1 Purwasari. Peserta penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII F SMPN 1 Purwasari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang mengikuti desain dari Kurt Lewin dan dikembangkan oleh peneliti. Penelitian ini dilakukan 2 (dua) siklus. Lalu, setiap siklusnya diadakan 3 (tiga) pertemuan (tes tidak termasuk dalam pertemuan mengajar). Penelitian ini dilakukan selama satu bulan. Teknik pengumpulan data terdiri dari wawancara, pengamatan dan tes (terdiri dari pre-test dan post-test). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kosakata siswa melalui word clap game. Hasil dari pre-test menunjukkan bahwa hanya ada tiga siswa yang berhasil melampaui nilai dari KKM dengan rata-rata nilai 52.7, lalu pada post-test 2 hanya ada 16 siswa yang berhasil melewati batas KKM dengan rata-rata nilai 66.7. Selanjutnya, pada post-test 2 ada kenaikan yang signifikan dengan jumlah total 33 siswa berhasil melampaui nilai KKM dengan rata-rata nilai 75. Yang artinya sekitar 84.6% siswa bisa meraih nilai lebih dari 70 dan telah mencapai kriteria minimal dalam KKM. Selanjtunya, hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa siswa bisa lebih termotivasi dan terlihat antusias ketika belajar kosakata bahasa Inggris. Lalu, hasil data dari wawancara beberapa murid dan guru setelah penelitian berlangsung menunjukkan bahwa mereka sepakat menyetujui bahwa penggunaan word clap game dapat membantu meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata karena permainan ini membuat murid- murid dapat mengingat kosakata yang baru lebih mudah.Berdasarkan data diatas, bisa disimpulkan bahwa menggunakan word clap game untuk siswa kelas 8 SMPN 1 Purwasari dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kosakata siswa.



COVER ... i





ABSTRACT ... vii





CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. The Background of Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problems ... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 5

D. The Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. The Objective of the Study ... 5

F. The Significance of the Study ... 5


1. The Nature of Vocabulary and Mastery ... 6

2. Kinds of Vocabulary... 8

3. The Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary ... 10

4. Techniques in Presenting Vocabulary ... 12

B. Game 1. The Nature of Game... 13

2. Principles of Game Selection ... 15


C. Word Clap Game

1. The Nature of Word Clap Game ... 16

2. The Benefit of Word Clasp Game... 17

3. Procedures Teaching Vocabulary by Using Word Clap Game 17 D. Previous Related Studies... 18

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Time and Place of the Research ... 21

B. Research Method and Design ... 21

C. Subject of the Research ... 25

D. Writer’s Role in the Research ... 26

E. Technique of Collecting Data ... 26

F. Technique of Data Analysis ... 27

G. The Trustworthiness of Test... 29

H. The Criterion of the Action Success ... 32


1. The Result of Pre-Interview ... 33

2. The Result of Pre-Observation... 34

3. The result of Pre-Test ... 35

B. The Implementation of the Action ... 37

a. Cycle 1 ... 37

a. Planning Phase ... 37

b. Acting Phase ... 37

c. Observing Phase... 42

d. Reflecting Phase... 43

b. Cycle 2 ... 44

a. Planning Phase ... 44

b. Acting Phase ... 45

c. Observing Phase... 48


d. Reflecting Phase... 49

C. Post-Implementing the Action ... 50

1. The Result of Post-Interview ... 50

a. The Description of Data from Post-Interview with English Teacher... 50

b. The Description of Data from Post-Interview with Students of VIII F ... 51

2. The Result of Post-Test ... 52

a. The Result of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Post-Test 1 (Cycle 1) ... 52

b. The Result of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Post-Test 2 (Cycle 2)... 53

D. The Interpretation of the Data ... 57


B. Suggestion ... 65





Table 3.1 The Criterion of “Koefisien Korelasi” ... 30

Table 3.2 Discriminating Scale ... 31

Table 3.3 Criterion Scale... 32


Table 4.1 Students’ Vocabulary Score in Pre-Test ... 36

Table 4.2 The Comparison Scores of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and Post-Test 2... 54



Figure 3.1 Kurt Lewin’s Classroom Action Research design ... 22

Figure 3.2 The Study’s Design ... 24

Figure 4.1 The Percentage of Students’ Passing the KKM ... 55

Figure 4.2 The Students’ Scores Improvement ... 56



Appendix 1 Interview Guidelines for the Classroom Action Research

(Before CAR) ... 70

Appendix 2 Silabus Pembelajaran ... 72

Appendix 3 Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ... 92

Appendix 4 Interview Guidelines for the Classroom Action Research (After CAR) ... 127

Appendix 5 Interview Transcript (Students)... 129

Appendix 6 Classroom Observation Checklist ... 131

Appendix 7 Transcription of Classroom Observation ... 133

Appendix 8 Kisi – Kisi Soal Pre-test dan Post-Test 1 CAR ... 139

Appendix 9 Kisi – Kisi Post-Test 2 CAR ... 141

Appendix 10 Soal Pre-Test ... 143

Appendix 11 Soal Post-Test 1 ... 147

Appendix 12 Soal Post-Test 2 ... 151

Appendix 13 Item Facility Analysis ... 156

Appendix 14 Discrimination Power Analysis ... 159

Appendix 15 Students’ Score ... 162

Appendix 16 Anatest Result of Pre-test and Post-test 2 ... 164

Appendix 17 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ... 167

Appendix 18 Surat Keterangan Pelaksanaan Penelitian ... 168




A. The Background of Study

People live in a world of language, they play, fight, share idea or opinion with

language. Fromkin mentioned that someone has to understand the language to prove

that he or she is the human being.1 The language itself contains vocabulary, that’s why vocabulary is one of the essential language components in studying language.

It is necessary because the words are the basic building blocks of the language, the

unit of meaning from which larger structures such as sentences or paragraphs.2 Therefore, having good vocabulary can make easier to understand the meaning of

the words and mastering vocabulary is the key to language learning, the students

who have good vocabulary will be easier to master the language skills well. On the

other hand, the students who have less vocabulary will get difficulty to understand

the text, to speak English, and to write their idea. Furthermore, they neither

understand what others’ saying nor make sentences to transfer their messages to

other people. In other words, this could also be the most difficult factor of failing

in language acquisition. Clearly, vocabulary is needed for expressing meaning and

conveying thought through both receptive and productive skills.

The importance of vocabulary is larger than other aspects because when a

person learns about a new language, usually she or he thinks about mastering

vocabulary. It means that whenever people use a language, automatically they have

to use the words of the language. Therefore, it is crucial for them to have range of

vocabulary. By having large vocabulary, they can precisely open some ideas both

in oral and written communication. Learning vocabulary is important because it

helps students develop their speaking, reading, writing and listening. Cameron

stated that a person is said to know the word if they can recognize the meaning of

1 Victoria Fromkin et al. Introduction to Language Seventh Edition, (Thomson Wadsworth, 2002), p. 3.

2 John Read, Assessing Vocabulary, (Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 1.



the word.3 Thornburry also adds that without grammar very little can be conveyed, but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.4 It means that mastering grammar is needed by the students because they will hard to say something and without

mastering vocabulary there is nothing to say. Those are shown that the more words

are known, the more information is able to be transferred in the language. otherwise,

the lack of vocabulary results difficulties in delivering the messages. Therefore,

mastering vocabulary is needed in order to master a language and to use it as a tool

in communication.

Furthermore, School based Curriculum in Indonesia states similar idea that

learning vocabulary is requiring serious attention for Indonesian students, because

the objective of English teaching in Indonesia is the students are expected to

develop English language skills by using 1000 words for Junior High School.5 The next curriculum, Competency-Based Curriculum - Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi

(KBK) and the School Based Curriculum - Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

(KTSP) which was established in 2004 and 2006 does not mention explicitly the

total of words which should be mastered by the students in Junior High School.

However, based on Standard Competence- Standar Kompetensi (SK) and Basic

Competence- Kompetensi Dasar (KD) mentioned in KTSP, the eighth grade

students are expected to be able to express meaningful ideas in term of functional

text and simple short essay in the form of recount and narrative text to interact with

people in their nearest environment.6 Hence, vocabulary is very important and should be taught to students. Also, they should increase their vocabulary acquisition

right now.

Even though the students realize the importance of vocabulary acquisition when

learning a new language, most of students learned vocabulary passively due to

3 Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learner, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 75.

4 Scott Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary. (Pearson Education Limited, 2002), p. 13. 5 Depdikbud, Kurik ulum Sekolah Menengah Tingk at Atas: Garis-garis Besar Progra m Pengajaran Bidang Studi Bahasa Inggris, (Jaka rta: Departe men Pendid ikan dan Kebudayaan) in B. Y. Cahyono and Uta mi W , The Teaching of EFL Vocabulary in the Indonesian Context, TEFL in Journal, Vol. 19, 2008, p. 7.



several factors based on the preliminary study at SMP 1 Purwasari. First, the

teacher’s explanation for meaning or definition, pronunciation, spelling and

grammatical functions is monotonous. In this case, the students have nothing to do

in vocabulary learning but to listen to their teacher almost during the class. Second,

most of the students do not want to take risks in applying what they have learned.

The learners may recognize a word in a written or spoken form that they have

already known, but they did not have any courage to speak up or write it when the

teacher asked them to make a sentence. Furthermore, the students find it difficult to

remember so many vocabularies and also they were lack of interest in learning and

it was difficult for them to memorize the new vocabulary. In order to make the

students interested in learning vocabulary, attractive media or different strategy are

needed to support the teaching and learning activities. Hatch and Brown said that

teaching strategies refer to everything teachers do or should do in order to help their

learners learn.7 So, the teacher should do various technique to make the teaching and learning process in class become attractive, for example, visual based media

become one of the interesting techniques that can be applied in the class.

For those conditions, it is generally suggested by using visual aids as media in

teaching language, such as songs, games, films, pictures, and so on. In this study,

the writer only focuses on using the game in language learning process, especially,

world clap game. Thornburry mentioned that the game can encourage the learners

to recall words easily and the fun factor may help them to make the words more

memorable and a competitive element often make the learners enthusiasm.8

Word clap game is one of the visual aids than can be used in the teaching and

learning process. The writer chooses word clap game as a medium for teaching

English vocabulary since there are several benefits such as; students can improve

their vocabulary mastery and try to remember the vocabularies as soon as they clap

their hands. The students can also enjoy learning vocabularies without any

boredom. In addition, it can also build students’ self-confidence because this game

7 Hatch and Brown in Visnja Takac, Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Foreign Language Acquisition. (Multi Lingual Matters Ltd, 2007), p. 19



is played in groups. Besides, students can study vocabulary not only in the class but

also in their house. They can study vocabulary by themselves whenever and

wherever they are. The writer expects that by using word clap game, the students

can memorize new vocabularies easily. There are no difficulties and reasons for the

students not to learn vocabularies because of the lack of facilities, because this game

does not need expensive equipment or complicated preparation to practice, just clap

their hands and say the word. Based on the explanation above, word clap game is

one of techniques in teaching vocabulary because this technique will be easier for

the students to figure out the meaning of the target word, and to memorize it. It is

also fun so that the students will find that learning language is enjoyable. Thus, this

technique can effective be used in teaching vocabulary.

In reference to the explanation above and strong desire of finding the solution

of these problems, the writer has motivation to do the research in improving

students’ vocabulary mastery through word clap game. The writer wants to make a

classroom action research to know the process of the implementation through word

clap game and also the improvements of students’ vocabulary mastery. In this case,

the writer will do an action research entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery Through Word Clap Game (A Classroom Action Research at the Eight

Grade Students’ of SMP 1 Purwasari)”.

B. Identification of the Problems

From explanation above, the writer can identify some conditions that

promote the problem of this study to occur as follows:

1. The delivery from the teacher does not make the students attracted

to the material

2. Most of the students do not want to take risks in applying what they

have learned



C. Limitation of the Problem

To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the study, the making of limitation

of the study should be made. The writer limits the study on improving students’

vocabulary mastery through word clap game.

D. Formulation of the Problem

In the Background of the Study, the author specified the research in

improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using word clap game in SMP 1

Purwasari, then the formulation of the problems is: “How was students’

vocabulary mastery improved through word clap game at the eighth grade

students of SMPN 1 Purwasari?”

E. The Objective of the Study

The study intends to know whether word clap game can improve students’

vocabulary mastery at the eighth grade students of SMP 1 Purwasari.

F. The Significance of the Study

This paper hopefully can give contribution to the groups of people, they are:

for English teacher, students, and other researchers. They are described as


1. It is useful for the teachers; to give further information about the

word clap game to enhance students’ vocabulary mastery and

teachers can change their method that is more interesting.

2. It is useful for the students; to be a substantial point for the students

to improve their vocabulary mastery by using word clap game and

also to make the students enjoy and fun in following teaching

learning process.

3. It is also useful for the other researchers; it is expected to be useful

information in leading them to further research on different aspects




A. Vocabulary Mastery

1. The Nature of Vocabulary and Mastery

Vocabulary refers to all of words in the whole language or the

words or phrases used in particular variety. Linse mentioned that

vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual knows.1 Vocabulary is also one of the components of language which supports

the speaker in communication. In other words, vocabulary plays a very

important role in developing the four language skills (listening,

speaking, reading, and writing). As mentioned by Cameron, in

language teaching, a major resource between the development of

words, the meaning and the links will be covered under vocabulary.2 In addition, Richards and Renandya stated that vocabulary is a core

component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for

how well learners speak, listen, and write.3 In learning English, students in junior school should learn a new vocabulary. They have to

master a language component in order to comprehend the information,

and able to speak and write in English. Vocabulary is also important to

express idea or to ask for certain important. If the learners have a lack

of vocabulary, they will find some difficulties in expressing ideas in

oral or written. In addition, if the learners have less vocabulary, they

also cannot access the information or knowledge. Moreover, without

the words the learners cannot really understand facts or ideas that the

learners have met. Students at least must understand the meaning of

the words, so they will get what is conveyed by the text or what is

1 Caroline T. Linse. Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners. (McGraw-Hill, 2007) p. 121.

2 Lynne Cameron, op. cit., p. 94.

3 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya. Methodology in Language Teaching, An Anthology of Current Practice. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 225.



spoken by someone. The more students have sufficient vocabulary; the

better sentences they could create. One should be able to master

adequate vocabulary to convey their message. In line with Schmitt that

someone must consider the meant by vocabulary,4 it means that the capacity of vocabulary plays an important part for language.

Therefore, it can be concluded that vocabulary not only contains list of

words but also contains all information about using word and it also

contains meaning of words so that it will be used b y people to

communicate to express their ideas.

From the definition above, the writer concluded that vocabulary is

one of the most important language components that are used to

communicate between someone to another. No language exists without

vocabularies and words are signs or symbols for idea. The more words

we learn; the more ideas we should have. It means that without

vocabulary we will be unable to use the language communicatively.

Mastery means natural or acquired facility in specific activity;

ability, art, command, craft, proficiency, skill, and technique.5 It can be said that mastery is possession of skill, ability, and technique in

conducting a certain activity. It can be concluded that vocabulary

mastery means an ability of students to use all the words of language

in conducting communication. It means that mastery is regarded as the

ability of a students to implant the essence of the lesson given in a

whole. Meanwhile, vocabulary is all the words of language. In other

words, vocabulary mastery means an ability to use a number of words

as means for making communication with others.

4 Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 1.



2. Kinds of Vocabulary

Read in Assessing Vocabulary consists of two, namely, function

and content words, those are:6

a. Function words. These words can be seen in grammatical

aspects, such as articles, prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions,

auxiliaries, etc.

b. Content words. These words modify the meaning and

provide links to the sentences. The kinds of these words are noun,

verb, adjective, and adverb.

The other important aspect in vocabulary is the meaning of the

words. One word has relation to other words. Thornburry categorizes

such as follows:7 a. Synonym

Synonyms are words that share a similar meaning. For


Smart = Intelligent

Beautiful = Pretty

Novel = New

b. Antonym

Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning. For example:

Young X Old

Big X Small

Black X White

c. Homonym

Homonyms are words with the same spelling (called

homographs) or pronunciation (called homophones) but with a

different meaning. For example:

Hoarse (sound) X Horse (animal)

Can (be able to) X Can (container)

6 John Read, op. cit., p. 18.



Thornburry also added on his book, the classification of words

based on their functional categories called part of speech; noun,

adjective, verb, and adverb. They may substitute for words in one of

largest serve as signals for various patterns or relate one group of words

to another. The explanation such as follows:8 a. Word Classes

The word plays different roles in a text. It is divided into

eight different word classes:

1) Nouns

Nouns are words which are used to denote a person,

thing, or place. These are all common nouns. There are

also proper nouns which are the names of a specific

person, place, event etc. For example: Raymond,

Ahmad, Jakarta, so on

2) Pronouns

Pronoun are words that are used to replace a person or

thing. For example: he, she, it, they, we, I, you.

3) Verbs

Verbs are words that ae used to tell the reader or

listener what is happening in the sentences. For

example: hit, read, think, run, and so on.

4) Adjectives

The words that used to explain or modify a person,

place, or thing. An adjective gives the reader or speaker

extra information about a noun or delimits in some way.

For example: beautiful, small, handsome, tall, etc.

5) Adverbs

Adverbs are words that used to describe verb adjectives

or adverbs. For example: carefully, slowly, now, ago,

and so on.


10 10

6) Preposition

The words that used with a noun or pronoun that are

placed in front of them to show a relation between these

words with another part of the sentence. For example:

at, on, in, under, behind, opposite, beside

7) Conjunction

The words that used to connect word on a group of

words or sentences. Conjunctions are usually used in

the adverbial clause. For example: for, but, or, and,

when, because if, although

8) Determiner

The determiners-words like ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘some’, ‘an’. To

make easier in learning.

3. The Difficulties in Teaching Vocabulary

According to Thornburry, there are several factors causing second

or foreign language learners feel some words more difficult, those are:

pronunciation, spelling, length and complexity, meaning, and


a. Pronunciation

It is occurred when some words are unfamiliar to the learners, so

that, the learners think the sounds more difficult to pronounce and

also difficult to learn by them. For example, Sundanese speakers

who are hard to distinguish between ‘p’ and ‘f’, such as the word

paper, some of them pronounce it ‘faper’, ‘fafer’, ‘pafer’, the

difficult pronunciation can be caused some the letters do not exist in

the learners first language, so, it makes the habitual action and

continue when they learn a new language.


11 11

b. Spelling

Spelling usually becomes the problem for second or foreign

language learners. In Indonesia, the spelling of English letters

definitely opposite with Bahasa, it is also supported when the writer

interviewed the English teacher. Most of students especially in rural

area had difficult to spell the letters because of the effect of their

mother tongue. Also sound-spelling mismatches commonly caused

of errors, either pronunciation or spelling.

c. Length and Complexity

The longer words seem to be more difficult for learners, also

variable of stress, such as in the word families like: present,

represent, representative, and representatively, can add their


d. Meaning

Some of words in English have multiple meaning so the learners

may confuse on how to apply in a certain context or the meaning

itself, the learners actually know the meaning but they did not know

another meaning of that word. For example, the words ‘make’ and

‘do’ in some sentences. ‘you make a dinner’ and ‘you make an appointment’, but ‘you do the homework’ and ‘do an interview’.

e. Grammar

Indonesian speakers know that noun is following adjective, such as

in the phrase ‘mobil baru’ that influences when the speakers are

translating the English phrase, such as ‘blue clothes’ most of them

translate it becomes ‘biru baju’.

Another problem in grammar is the usage of verb + ing, to +

infinitive, bare infinitive, or irregular and regular verbs. Then, they

also may confuse to decide which one followed by usage of verb +


12 12

4. Techniques in Presenting Vocabulary

In the classroom, some techniques can be used by teachers to teach

vocabulary. There are many ways of teaching vocabulary and

presenting the meaning of the new words such as:

a. Concise definition (as in dictionary, often superordinate

with some qualifications, for example, a bird is an animal


b. Description (of appearance, qualities, etc)

c. Examples (hyponyms)

d. Illustration (picture, object)

e. Demonstration (acting, mime)

f. Context (story of sentences in which item occurs)

g. Synonyms

h. Opposites (antonyms)

i. Translation 10

The other expert gave some ways for teacher who has spontaneous

reaction in the classroom when some students ask about vocabulary, it

can be called unplanned teaching strategies. According to Seal in

Visnja, there are three procedures for teacher or called the three C’s,

those are:

a. Conveys the meaning

b. Checks the meaning by asking questions

c. Consolidates the meaning in learners’ memory by relating it to

context or personal experience.11

10 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 63.


13 13

B. Game

1. The Nature of Game

Game is an activity which is entertaining and engaging, often

challenging, and an activity in which the learners play and usually interact

with others.12 Also, game is an activity with rues, a goal and an element of fun.13 In classroom activity, learners have some types of learning such as visual, audiovisual, kinesthetic, and audio. Therefore, in teaching

vocabulary, teachers can use some techniques to facilitate students’ need

in presenting vocabulary. These techniques are visual technique, verbal

techniques, and translation.

a. Visual

The technique includes pictures, realia, drawing, mime, gesture,

flash card. In classroom, teachers can use power point in order to

make their vocabulary presentation more interesting. This

technique is useful for teaching concrete items of vocabulary such

as description, place, actions, etc.

b. Verbal

The technique includes the use of illustrative situation of synonym

and definition, contrast and opposite, and scale and example. This

technique involves the use of spoken or written language.

c. Translation

The technique commonly used by teacher to present a new

vocabulary. Teachers can use the dictionary, and e-translate in the

classroom activity.14 d. Kinesthetic

The teacher will show a preference for demonstrations and

physical activity involving bodily movement.15 The teacher

12 Andrew Wright et al, Games for Language Learning, (United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2006), p. 1.

13 Jill Hadfield, Intermediate Grammar Games, (Pearson Education, 2003), p. 4.


14 14

usually use game like word clap game, this game can also be

included in visual technique.

As the writer experience and observation through several schools,

game is really useful when teaching in the classroom. It can be helpful for

both teacher and students. Students usually would be accepted the material

with game easily and also the teacher could make the effective teaching

through game. Furthermore, students usually more relaxed and enjoyed

when they have to play with others students in the classroom. They play

together without bad feeling because the activity that they do make they

feel free. In classroom activity, it was generally found some teachers uses

games for their teaching process not only in the school but also in course.

So, the term of game concluded by the writer is an activity that have rules

and can make people do with having fun and entertaining also sometimes

makes the game became challenging because the students have to compete

each other.

In addition, games also have benefits for teaching and learning activity

as follows:

a. Games help and encourage many students to build their interest

and work.

b. Games help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is

useful and meaningful.

c. Games provide one way of helping the learners to experience

language rather than merely study it.16

In teaching and learning activity, game can be used for teacher to

facilitate their students in order to make the learning process easier.

However, in choosing the game, the teacher must be careful because

teachers should consider students’ level of learning. Some games may be

difficult or boring for students so that for teaching vocabulary at eighth

grade students, teacher may use creative games such as Board Game,

15 H. Douglas Brown. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. (Longman, 2002), p. 129.


15 15

Jeopardy, Bingo, Scrabble, Word Claps, Snake Words, etc. In this study,

the writer used Word Claps game as a technique in teaching vocabulary.

2. Principles of Game Selection

In determining the role of games in developing student’s

vocabulary, the teacher needs to have their purpose clearly in mind if

the major purpose is to make learning English vocabulary effective and

successful. According to Wright, it is important to make sure that the

game which is want to play is familiar with the students to reduce the

difficulties in conducting the games.17 It means that in using game in the class, the English teacher not only responsible in selecting game

that want to use in the class but also in creating conditions in the class,

in term conditioning students and the material.

According to Houston, there are some principles of using games in

the class:18

a. Specify the purpose

The teacher should know what the purpose of the games that he

or she plays in the class.

b. Explain the rules clearly before begin

It is important to make sure the students understand how to play

the games. The purpose of the game cannot be reached if the

students do not understand how to play the game. It is fine if the

teacher explains the rule in native’s language.

c. Be prepared for the “extra student”

The teacher has to make sure all of the students join to the


d. Avoid drifting off during the game

17 Ibid., p. 4.


16 16

When the game is playing, watch for potential problems that can

be remained. If there is a student who is not understands the

rules, stop the game and go for the rules again.

e. Look for signs that students are getting tired

If the students look tired, the teacher should stop the game

before the students lost their attention.

f. Choose games carefully to save money and time.

Try to use a game that can be prepared easily.

g. Find new sources

Try to use a new game that never be used before.

h. Recycle.

If there is an old game that success applied in the class before. It

is fine to use it again in another class.

i. Make a file

Make a file that consists of games. It can make the teacher easy

if she/he wants to use games in another time.

j. Don’t do overdo it

Game is joyful and interesting play in the class, but if it is too

much, it can waste the time and make another important thing

do not have time to teach in the class.

C. Word Clap Game

1. The Nature of Word Clap Game

Word clap game is a game that uses claps and collaboration with other

students. Brown stated that most students learn better by working with a

classmate.19 Students stand or sit in a circle, and, following the teacher’s lead, maintain a four beat rhythm, clapping their hands on their thighs

three times (one-two-three...) and then both hands together (four!)20 They have to mention a word from a pre-selected lexical set (for example, fruit

19 H. Douglas Brown. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. (Longman, 2002), p. 129.


17 17

and vegetable) or every fourth beat. The student who can mention words

more than the other, he or she is the winner.21 The teacher has to prepare the theme that will be applied in that game. The teacher’s role is that just

monitor and resource center, moving from group to group, listening,

supplying any necessary language, noting errors, but not interrupting or

correcting as this impedes fluency and spoils the atmosphere. In addition,

the teacher should carry paper and pen to note any persistent errors or area

of difficulty. These can be dealt with in a feedback session after the game.

2. Benefits of using Word Clap Game

In teaching vocabulary by using word clap game, there were several

benefits that students’ can get, such as: the game can be used at any stage

of lesson once the target language has been introduced and explained.22 So, the teacher can apply it in each level of school, whether they are formal

education or non- formal education. This game can help and encourage

many learners to sustain their interest and work.23 It means that it is interesting for the students to develop their vocabulary acquisition.

Furthermore, this game is simple, easy to play and also cheap, because the

teacher does not have to prepare anything or buy some equipment related to

the game. Just clap the hands and mention the word.

3. Procedures Teaching Vocabulary by Using Word Claps Game

Generally, at the first the teacher and students have to know the role

and the way how to use this game. To prepare this game, teacher does not

need to prepare such thing, just prepare the students and the theme.

According to Thornburry there are several steps of the game, there are:24 1) Teacher prepares the theme.

2) Teacher lead the game.

21 Ibid.,


18 18

3) Teacher explains the rule of playing this game.

4) Students stand or sit in a circle and follow teacher’s lead, maintain a

four-beat rhythm, clapping their hands on their thighs three times (one-

two-three...) and then both hands together (four!).

5) Students have to mention a word from a pre-selected lexical set (for

example, fruit and vegetable) or every fourth beat.

6) Students who either repeat the word already mentioned, or break the

rhythm or say nothing are out.

7) The game ends when there is only one student left as the winner.

D. Previous Related Studies

Based on the research entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Games to

Improve Students’ Vocabulary” (2014) by Riyana Muntika Saraswati, she

wanted to find out whether the use of games is effective to improve students’

understanding of noun. She used a quasi-experimental research consisting

three classes of research. The subject of the research was the tenth grade

students of SMA Nusantara 1 Tangerang. The writer only used test in order to

collect the data and used cluster random sampling to get the samples. The

result of this research showed that there was an empirical evidence that the use

of the game as the teaching technique is effective and improve the student’s

vocabulary of noun. It can be seen from the scores of both experimental

classes was higher than the controlled class. The average post-test score for

both experimental classes were 72,1 and 72,4 while the controlled class was

68,2. So, the writer was successful in doing the research because there was

significant improvement scores for both experimental classes than controlled


Wiji Lestari (2013) through her research entitled “Improving Students

Vocabulary Mastery Through Words Clap Game” (A Classroom Action

Research of the eighth grade Students of MTs SUNAN KALIJAGA, Kendal,


19 19

Sampetan, Ampel, Boyolali in the Academic Year of 2012/2013). This research

aimed to describe the procedure of words clap game on teaching vocabulary

and to know the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery after teaching-

learning vocabulary through words clap game. She used the classroom action

research as the design method and used observation, test, and documentation

as the instruments of the research. The subject of the research was the eighth

grade students of MTs Sunan Kalijaga which consist of 36 pupils. There was

an improvement significantly shown from the students’ pre-test and post-test.

The mean score of pre-test in cycle I was 52,91 and cycle II was 57,08. In

addition, score of post-test in cycle I was 65 and cycle II was 70,97. Also the

writer found that there was an improvement from the students’ activity or

interest in learning process in the class because the writer used field note as an

observation to add more information besides test that was given. 26

Aqidatul Husnah, through her research entitled “Enriching Students’

Vocabulary by Using Word Cards” (A Classroom Action Research at Second

Grade of Marketing Program Class XI.2 SMK Nusantara, Ciputat, South

Tangerang). The subject of the research was the XI.2 students of Marketing

Program SMK Nusantara. She used classroom action research as design

method and it consisted of two cycles. She conducted interview, observation,

and tests to collect the data. From this research, the students could enrich their

vocabulary by using word cards. It was proved by the scores of pre-test and

post-test. O nly one student who passed the KKM in the pre-test while the

mean of students’ score was 54,4. Then in the post-test I (cycle I), 15 students

were passed while the mean increased into 74. In the post-test II (cycle II),

there were 25 students passed the KKM with mean percentage 84. It was

successful since the criteria of action success was 75%.27

26 Wiji Lestari, Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Words Clap Game (A Classroom Action Research of the eighth grade Students of MTs S UNAN KALIJAGA, Kendal, Sampetan, Ampel, Boyolali in the Academic Year of 2012/2013), (Salatiga: State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga, 2013)


20 20

On the contrary, the study conducted by the writer has several similarity

and differences from the research which was carried out by the previous

researchers. The similarity was they were using game to improve vocabulary

mastery. Furthermore, the research also uses the similar idea with instruments,

most of all gave a test to measure the students’ improvement before doing the

research and after doing the research. Then, the objective of the research, both

of the writer and previous researchers have the same idea that is to improve

the students understanding in vocabulary or to know whether or not the effect

of word clap game on vocabulary mastery.

On the other hand, the differences were the research design, only two

researchers used classroom action research while one of them use experiment

study. In here, the writer also uses the classroom action research as the

research design. Then, the sample of the research, the writer applies the

research at the eighth grade students of junior high school but another




A. Time and Place of the Research

This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Purwasari which is located at Jl.

K.H Moch. Sodiq, Desa Sukasari, Kecamatan Purwasari, 41373. The research

was carried out on January 25th up to March 1st. The selection of the school as the research setting was based on the reason that the school was relatively

accessible, both administratively and in term of distance.

B. Research Method and Design

This study was guided by a qualitative approach with Classroom Action

Research (CAR) in particular. It was done by researcher to gather information

about, and improve the ways teachers’ teaching and students learning.1 This study is aimed to improve the practice of education by studying issues or

problem the teacher’s face in the class and then reflect about these problems,

collect and analyze the data and implement changes based on their findings.2 Arikunto stated that CAR is viewed as a device to improve the quality of

teaching and learning ability in the physical classroom. CAR also helps the

teacher through any methods, skills, and strategies through pair-teaching

between the writer and the teacher as collaborative study.3 In here, the teacher encouraged the writer by giving some advice, opinion or suggestion to make

the action in the class run well. Meanwhile, Johnson explained that CAR is the

process of studying a real school or classroom situation to understand and

improve the quality of actions or instructions.4 It means that to begin CAR, the writer needs to identify any real problems which is found in the classroom

concerning students’ condition in teaching- learning process.



1 John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, (USA: Pearson Education, 2012), p. 2 Ibid.,

3 Suharsimi Arikunto, Penelitian Tindak an Kelas, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2009), pp. 106 – 4 Andrew Johnson, A Short Guide to Action Research, (Pearson Education: 2008), p. 34.


22 22

The Classroom Action Research (CAR) procedure used in this research

was Kurt Lewin’s Design. It was used because Lewin’s design was more

comprehensible and understandable for the writer. However, later the writer

would be developed the design from Lewin. There are four phases in each

cycle; planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The figure below represents

the cycles of Kurt Lewin’s design.






Figure 3.1

Kurt Lewin’s Classroom Action Research Design5

Here is the following explanation about each phases:

1. Planning Phase

In this phase, after identifying and diagnosing students’ problems

in vocabulary mastery proven by interviewing the teacher,

observing the class, and conducting the test, some plans related to

how solve the problems in the classroom were made. The writer as

English teacher makes lesson plan based on the issue in the

classroom and to improve students’ vocabulary mastery by using


23 23

word clap game in order to make the students memorize some

vocabulary and the meaning more interesting.

Then the form of lesson plan implemented to the students in the

class. Post-tests were also prepared in order to know whether there

were some improvements on the students’ score achievement from

each test.

2. Acting Phase

The writer gave the material to the students based on the lesson

plan that has been made. Besides, the writer and the teacher

collaborate their ideas and opinions each other to carry out the

planned action. The writer used word clap game as the strategy in

teaching vocabulary, and the teacher observed the condition of

class during teaching and learning process. here, it began the

process of research problems that the writer found it, and also there

were two cycles in which each cycle consisted of three meetings in


3. Observing Phase

Observation toward implementation of the action was carried out

by using observation sheets. In this case, the writer asked for help

from the English teacher to be an observer in the class. The

observer observes the students’ response, participation,

achievement and everything which is found during the teaching

and learning process and also observes the teacher’s activity in the

class. In order to know the changes made by the implementation of

the action toward the subject of the research.

4. Reflecting Phase

Both of the teacher and the observer has the evaluation aspect

during the process of teaching and learning students’ vocabulary

mastery through word clap game. In this step, the teacher has to


24 24

the class that has been taught. After the data have been collecting

by observer and teacher, both of them will discuss the next step,

which is they have to analyze data first then identify the problems

that still happened in the class and how to improve it at the

classroom. Moreover, if one cycle had not yet met the requirements

of what to achieve, then, the writer should make the next plan to

solve the students’ problem of their vocabulary mastery.

The application of the design in the writers’ study could be seen in the


following figure.

Figure 3.2

The Study’s Design

Pre-Intervie w and Pre-Observation:

 Interviewing the English teacher for knowing mo re about the subject of the study, teachers’ teaching technique and what problems the teacher faces in class.

 Observing the teaching and learning process in the class to clarify the problem.


 Choosing the materials for applying the technique

 Design a lesson plan

 Develop an evaluation form of students (Pre-test)


Performing the lesson plan by providing the materials using Word Clap Game


Reflec ting

 Evaluate the teaching and learning process

 Analyze the students’ achievement  Identify the problem of the first


 Discuss with English Teacher

Observin g

 Observe the acting process

 Note all the observation process through observation classroom checklist


25 25

Planning (Revised Plan)

 Revise the lesson plan

 Re-select the material and topic  Develop the evaluation form for the

cycle 2


 Performing the revised lesson plan  Teaching and learning by word clap

game to improve students’ vocabulary mastery


Reflec ting

 Evaluate and analyze students’ progress

 Discuss with English Teacher

Observin g

 Observe student’ during the learning process

 Note all the observation process through observation classroom checklist

 Post-test 2

Post-Intervie w:

 Interviewing the English teacher for knowing his opinion regarding word c lap game and vocabulary understanding for the students.

 Interviewing several students for knowing their feeling and whether any improve ment of vocabulary mastery or not after imple menting word clap ga me in the class

C. Subject of the Research

The subject of the research was the students at the eighth grade of SMPN 1

Purwasari in academic year 2015/2016. There were nine classes from A

class to I class. In this case, the writer chose VIII F class as the subject of

the research. There were 39 students which is consists of 17 female

students and 22 male students in the classroom. The class was chosen

based on the English teacher selection, among others classes, VIII F

students had the lowest score in English and the writer agreed to applying

the strategy in that class. Also, it was to help them to improve and gain


26 26

D. Writer’s Role in the Research

In this research, the role of the research was not only as the writer but also

as a lesson planner, a teacher in the class, and a test maker collecting,

analyzing, and reporting the results of the study.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

In collecting data, the instrument that the writer used are observation, test,

and interview. In addition, through observation, the teacher could observe

implicit understanding and how theory in use. Then, the interview is used

as an additional way in gaining deeper information about something. Then,

the test is to measure the students’ vocabulary score. Each technique of

data collection is described below:

1. Observation

The writer exchanged a role in the class became a teacher and the

observer was the English teacher. The writer was arranged the

rubric list for observation sheets about the process of teaching and

learning vocabulary through word clap game. The first aspect was

class structure, what the teacher does to prepare the students in

learning new material, then the method used in the class by the

teacher and how is the way she/he deliver well-designed materials

to the students. Furthermore, teacher-student interaction was quite

important, it involves the students’ participation in the class,

students’ attention during learning process and teacher’s ways to

quick-witted the awareness of individual student learning needs.

The last was the content, does the teacher appears knowledgeable

or explains the concept clearly to the students.

2. Interview

The unstructured interview was done before and after


27 27

by the teachers and related the class situation, students’

achievement, and also students’ and teachers’ attitude toward the

teaching and learning process of vocabulary mastery. Ritchie and

Lewis stated that the features of unstructured interview are the

flexible and interactive nature.6 So, it makes the writer will deeply ask about the condition in the class. Moreover, the writer is going

to interview some students about teaching- learning vocabulary

after using games. After the interviewed established, it was

transcribed and then was given back to the respondents to make the

member-checking. It is a process in which the writer asked one or

more participants in the study to check the accuracy of the account.

This was done to avoid misinterpretation between the writer and

respondents. The questions in the interview were delivered in

Bahasa Indonesia to make it easier to understand and to answer

those questions for the participants. The interview was recorded by

using a voice recorder.

3. Test

Kinds of test is multiple choice. The test is used to know the

students’ vocabulary mastery before conducting the research and

after conducting the result. There are two kinds of test in this

research, namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is a test before the

implementation of this research. Meanwhile, post-test is a test

which given after the implementation of this research.

F. Technique of the Data Analysis

Bogdan as cited by Sugiyono stated that data analysis is a process of

systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, notes, and

other materials that this research accumulate to increase the understanding of


28 28

− −

them.7 The analysis qualitative data used in this study is the observation of students’ activities during teaching- learning process, and the interview before

and after CAR. Then, in analysis the quantitative data which is test, the writer

took the average of students’ vocabulary score in one cycle. It is used to

measure how well students’ ability on vocabulary. It used the formula:8

To know the class percentage, the writer used the formula:

P : the class percentage

F : total percentage

N : number of students

After getting mean of students’ score per actions, the writer analyzed whether

there is any improvement of students’ vocabulary score from pre-test up to

students’ average score in each cycle or not. In analyzing that, the writer used

the formula:

P = x 100%

P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : pre-test result

y1 : post-test 1

P= x 100%

7 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R & D, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008), p. 334.


29 29

P : percentage of students’ improvement

y : post-test 1

y2 : post-test 2

G. The Trustworthiness of Test

To analyze the examined test items, the writer uses the trustworthiness of

test. There are some ways including:

1. Test Validity

Validity is the component criteria for evaluating the test or as a

measure of the test. It could be about the representation of test toward the

material that is being given for the students. Milton added that validity

addresses whether a test measures what it is supposed to measure and not

something else.9 Before administering the pre-test, the writer analyzes the validity and the reliability of pre-test instrument in order to find out

whether the test is valid or good to be used. According to Arikunto,

information will be valid if appropriate with the fact and the test will be

valid if it can be measure what it should be measure10

Before administering the test, the writer used auditing by asking the

advisor to review and evaluate the study to ensure the validity of the

instruments.11 Then, after the students did the pre-test, she used the Anates software developed by Drs. KARNO To, M.Pd and Yudi Wibisono, ST to


calculate the instruments’ validity and reliability scores.

Table 3.1

The criterion of “koefisien korelasi”12

Scale Remark

0.80 – 1.0 Very high

9 James Milton, Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, (British Library, 2009), p. 18.

10 Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto, Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidik an,(Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2010), pp. 58 – 59.

11 Creswell, op.cit., p. 259.


30 30

0.60 – 0.80 High

0.40 – 0.60 Enough

0.20 – 0.40 Low

0.0 – 0.20 Very low

After the calculation using “ANATEST”, the validity value or XY

correlation of the pre-test instrument used in this study was 0.69. It means

the test is valid and categorized into high quality. It was gotten the data

from 40 (forty) questions multiple choices that was examined before and

got 25 (twenty- five) questions that was valid through ANATES software.

Instrument that was valid are number 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20,

21, 22, 23 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, and 40. Meanwhile, the

reliability of the instrument was 0.81 which means the test is valid and

categorized into very high reliability. Then, the validity value of post-test

2 used in this study w


Table 4.2        The Comparison Scores of Pre-Test, Post-Test 1, and
Figure 4.2      The Students’ Scores Improvement ........................................
  Figure  3.1’
Figure 3.2The Stud y’s Design


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