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IMPROVING STUDENTSÂ’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH WORD CLAP GAME (An Experimental Research of the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Muhamadiyah 06 DAU)


Academic year: 2017

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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH WORD CLAP GAME (An Experimental Research of the Seventh Grade Students of

SMP Muhamadiyah 06 DAU)


This thesis is submitted to meet one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in English Language Education


NENENG AGUSTIN 201210100311283





“Keep on running by saying bismillahirohmanirohim”

“Verily, with every difficulty there is



(Al- Insyirah: 6)

This thesis is dedicated to:

Allah SWT, who always helps me everywhere and every time

My beloved Father and Mother

My beloved sister and brother



First and foremost, I would like to praise Allah the Almighty, the Most

Gracious, and the Most Merciful for the blessing given to me during my study and in

completing this final project. I would like to express my greatest gratitude and

appreciation to Mr. Dr. Hartono M.Pd., as the first advisor who has given his

valuable guidance, advice and encouragement so I could complete this final project. I

also show my deepest gratitude to the second advisor, Mr. Riski Lestiono, S.Pd.,

M.A., who has given criticisms, corrections, comments, and suggestions. My great

honor is also bestowed upon all lecturers and staffs of English Department for the

priceless knowledge, lesson, and helps they have given to me.

Furthermore, my special thanks also go to the principal of SMP

Muhammadiyah 06 DAU, Mr. Junari, S.Ag., who has given an opportunity and

permission to conduct the study in his school, Mr. Alfan Ajizan, S. Pd., M.Pd., as the

English teacher who has guided and helped me during the study, and also the

VII B-C students for their participation in completing my final project.

Finally, I have a great expectation that my study will be beneficial

and useful for anyone who is interested in reading this final project.

Malang, 9th August 2016




COVER ... i





1.2Statement of the Problem ... 5

1.3Hypothesis ... 5

1.4Objective of the Study ... 6

1.5Significance of the Study ... 6

1.6Scope and Limitation of the Study ... 6

1.7Definition of the Key Terms ... 7


2.1Teaching Vocabulary at Junior High School ... 8

2.2Vocabulary ... 11

2.3Principles of Teaching Vocabulary ... 12

2.4Sources of Teaching Vocabulary ... 14

2.5Methods in Teaching ... 15

2.6Words Clap game ... 17


2.8Advantages and disadvantages of Words Clap game ... 20


3.1Research Design ... 21

3.2Population and Sample ... 23

3.3Treatment ... 24

3.3.1 Treatment of the Experimental group ... 24

3.3.2 Treatment of the Control group ... 24

3.4Data Collecting and Research Instrument ... 25

3.5Procedure of Data Collection ... 26

1. Pre-test ... 26

2. Treatment ... 26

3. Post-test ... 27

3.6Data Analysis ... 27


1.1Research Findings ... 29

4.1.1 Pre-test of the Experimental and Control group ... 29

4.1.2 The Treatment ... 30

4.1.3 Post-test of the Experimental and Control group ... 35

4.1.4 The Result of the Hypothesis Testing ... 36

4.1.5 Discussion ... 38


1.1 Conclusion ... 41

1.2 Suggestions ... 41

1. For English Teachers ... 42

2. For the Students ... 42

3. For other researchers ... 43





Table 1 : The Result of the Pre-test ... 29

Table 2 : The Result of the Post-test ... 35

Table 3 : The Result of Hypothesis Testing ... 37

LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 : Letter of Agreement ... 49

Appendix 2 : Letter of the Conducted Research ... 50

Appendix 3 : T-test Calculation ... 51

Appendix 4 : Pre-test Instrument ... 58

Appendix 5 : Answer Key of Pre-test ... 61

Appendix 6 : Post-test Instrument ... 62

Appendix 7 : Answer Key of Post-test ... 65

Appendix 8 : Lesson Plan ... 66

Appendix 9 : Result of Pre-test and Post-test ... 79

Appendix 10 : Example of Students’ work (pre-test) ... 85

Appendix 11 : Example of Students’ work (post-test) ... 87



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Regarding to the following inquiry of this present study, this chapter

presents the introduction of this study. The discussion begins with background of

the study, statement of the problems, hypothesis, purpose of the study,

significance of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of the key terms.

1.1Background of the Study

In the learning process, one of the important parts in creating and

understanding the language is vocabulary mastery. People cannot express their

opinions and ideas in English without knowing their vocabulary. Poor mastery of

vocabulary also makes them unable to express their opinions properly.

Vocabulary is one of the essential language components in studying

English. It is necessary in the sense that words are the basic building blocks of

language, the unit of meaning from which larger structures such as sentences,

paragraphs and whole texts are formed. If people have less vocabulary, they

cannot only understand others’ saying but also cannot make sentences to transfer

their messages to them either, thus they will understand English expressions if

they have enough vocabulary. Cameron (2001:72) said, “Building up a useful

vocabulary is central to the learning of a foreign language at primary level”. Some

students only think of vocabulary learning as knowing the primary meaning of


that they already “know the word”, but they may not be able to use the word

properly in different contexts.

There are some reasons why vocabulary is necessary to learn. Allen

(1997: 149 in Aeni, 2010) says that vocabulary is very important in a language,

when we learn a language like English, we learn the words of language. In

addition, the vocabulary is needed to master the four skills in English. According

to Aleidine (2009), vocabulary is central to the learning and teaching of a second

language as it affords learners’ access to all forms of oral and written

communication that includes literature, music, and content knowledge. It will

help students master the basic skills in English when they improve their

vocabulary. In other words, they will be more confident in speaking by using the

vocabulary they have mastered.

Vocabulary is a fundamental requirement that influences students’

achievement in studying English. Without vocabulary, there is no written or oral

communication which can be conveyed due to the fact that it is important to know

what the vocabulary is. The objective of learning vocabulary is to make the

students have a good language proficiency in the language skills. It depends on

the quality and quantity of the vocabulary that they have mastered. The more the

students master a lot of vocabulary, the more they will get better skill that can be

reached in using language.

Vocabulary is needed to improve the four language skills, namely

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Without grammar very little can be



When we just learn about grammar without learning vocabulary, we cannot

express anything. The linguist Wilkins (1972 in Jun Lin et. al, 2013) sums up the

importance of vocabulary learning; he advised to students from a recent course

book as follows:

If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement, if you learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you can say almost anything with words! (Thornbury; 2002: 13).

The problems were found when the writer did Internship in SMP

Muhammadiyah 06 Dau. Students had poor knowledge of vocabulary mastery.

For example, when they found word “bold” and “underline” in a test question,

they still asked the teacher about the meaning of the words. On the other hand,

when the teacher asked them to transfer the word into Indonesian language, they

also could not answer it. Almost all of the students in that class got low scores,

under the Minimum Achievement Criterion. It always made the teacher conduct a

remedial testing.

There are several problems faced by the seventh grade students of SMP

Muhammadiyah 06 Dau. The problems are various. Firstly, the students’

enthusiasm and active learning are still not visible. Furthermore, they rarely ask

questions although the teacher often requested them to ask if they have problems,

and the explanations are not clear or less understood. Moreover, due to the lack of

courage to work on and present it in front of the class and being positioned as

listeners, they felt bored and not interested in learning vocabulary. Another


the learning processes and strategies used by the teacher were still monotonous

and less interesting and they had limited facilities to improve their English


This research is conducted in seventh grade. The reason is because

teachers still use the same technique and the same strategy in teaching

vocabulary. It makes the students uninterested in learning English, because they

have limited vocabulary. Moreover, vocabulary lesson should be applied early as

a basis for studying other skills.

As a result, most students face difficulties in understanding the meaning

of words. It is because students may not know them when they are learning. It is

hard for them to understand the lesson well, and they are unmotivated to learn

English. Besides, when they try to translate English words into Indonesian

language, they attempt to look up the words in the dictionary.

Commonly, the problems are faced by the students because the teacher

mostly teaches vocabulary through traditional method. It seems to be a

monotonous method because vocabulary is usually taught by memorizing words

and drilling pattern so that it might make students bored in learning English. That

is why the teaching and learning process in the classroom becomes boring. If this

problem comes, the teacher should be creative to teach this subject in

various ways and to stimulate learners in order to feel comfortable in the

teaching and learning process, especially in understanding the material.

Based upon the previous explanations, one of the problems is that the



medium for teaching English since there are several benefits of using words clap

game. For instance, students can improve their vocabulary mastery and try to

remember the vocabularies as soon as possible by clapping their hands. The

students also can learn vocabularies enjoyably without any boredom. Moreover,

this game can build students’ self-confidence because this game is played in

groups. The writer expects that by using words clap game, students can memorize

new vocabularies easily. Finally, based on the background above, the writer is

interested in conducting a research entitled: “Improving Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery through Word Clap game at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP 06


1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background above, the research problem is formulated as

follows: “Does “word clap” game improve vocabulary mastery of the seventh

grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 06 Dau?

1.3 Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this study is stated as follows:

HO: “Word Clap game does not improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.”


1.4 Objective of the Study

In accordance with the statement of the problem mentioned previously,

the objective of the study is stated as follows: “To investigate whether the use of

word clap’ game improves the vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade

students of SMP Muhammadiyah 06 Dau.”

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research is aimed for English teachers and students. The result of the

research is expected to give contribution to the teachers in term of creating a

variation of teaching vocabulary mastery, especially by using word clap game.

The result of this research is also expected to give significance to the

students. Through the implementation of word clap game, the students are

expected to improve their vocabulary mastery within exciting and motivating

situation in order that they will perform their speaking by using much vocabulary.

The result of this research is hoped to give input for teachers who use

word clap games as a strategy in teaching new vocabulary.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the scope of this research is

focused on improving students’ vocabulary mastery through Word Clap game.

This research is limited on the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 06



1.7 Definition of the Key Terms

Vocabulary is collection of words or phrases and a list of words in

language textbooks, usually alphabetically defined. It is a part of language

components (Hornby, 2000: 495).

Words clap is a game that uses claps and collaboration with other

students. They have to mention a word from a pre-selected lexical set (for

example, fruit and vegetable) or every fourth beat. This game is like the

champion in the class, someone who can mention more words than the other

is the winner (Thornbury; 2002: 102).


Table 3 : The Result of Hypothesis Testing ..............................................................


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