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Dalam dokumen 20111231 financial statements Audited (Halaman 79-82)


a. Sesuai perjanjian dengan BRI, TH diminta untuk bertindak sebagai penjamin utang Plasma sampai seluruh utang Plasma dilunasi. Setelah pengalihan kebun Plasma kepada petani Plasma dilakukan, maka jaminan utang petani Plasma sehubungan dengan perjanjian utang TH dengan BRI adalah berupa sertifikat tanah yang bersangkutan. Pembayaran pinjaman Plasma tersebut dilakukan dengan cara memotong hasil yang diterima petani atas penjualan TBS yang diproduksi dari lahan petani Plasma. TH akan membeli semua TBS hasil produksi Plasma sampai seluruh utang Plasma terbayar.

a. Under the loan agreement with BRI, TH is required to act as guarantor for the Plasma loans until the Plasma loans are fully repaid. After all Plasma areas are converted and turned over to smallholders, the collateral for the Plasma loan under TH’s loan agreements with BRI shall be the related landright certificates of the Plasma‘s farmers. Repayments are to be made out of a portion of the proceeds from the sale of FFB produced from the farmers’ Plasma areas. TH is required to purchase all Plasma FFB production until all of the Plasma loans have been settled.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011 dan 2010, TH memberikan jaminan deposito kepada BRI masing-masing senilai Rp8.565.000 dan Rp7.465.000 untuk menjamin utang petani Plasma kepada BRI, yang dicatat sebagai “Simpanan Jaminan” pada laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian tahun 2011 dan 2010. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011 dan 2010, sisa utang petani Plasma binaan TH adalah sebesar Rp57.343.300 dan Rp51.863.811.

As of December 31, 2011 and 2010, TH placed deposit to BRI amounted Rp8,565,000 and Rp7,465,000, respectively, to guarantee the outstanding loans of Plasma participants to BRI, which were recorded under “Guarantee Deposits” in the 2011 and 2010 consolidated statements of financial positions. As of December 31, 2011 and 2010, amount of Plasma loan that must be settled by Plasma farmers under guidance of TH amounted Rp57,343,300 and Rp51,863,811, respectively.



b. Sungai Rangit memiliki perjanjian dengan petani setempat untuk mengembangkan Tanaman Kemitraan yang didanai oleh Sungai Rangit (Catatan 9a). Semua biaya yang timbul sampai dengan tanaman telah menghasilkan dikapitalisasi. Selama sebelas (11) tahun sejak tanaman telah menghasilkan, Sungai Rangit berkewajiban untuk mengelola tanaman tersebut dan 15% dari hasil panen dikontribusikan kepada petani. Tanaman Kemitraan akan diserahkan kepada petani setempat setelah tahun kesebelas sejak tanaman dinyatakan sudah menghasilkan.

b. Sungai Rangit has an agreement to develop Partnership Plantation (“Tanaman Kemitraan”) with local farmers whereas financed by Sungai Rangit (Note 9a). All the development cost incurred until the plantation is matured will be capitalized. For eleven (11) years the date the plantation is considered mature, Sungai Rangit has an obligation to manage the plantation, and 15% of harvest are contributed to the farmers. Partnership Plantation will be transferred to the farmers after the eleventh year from the date the plantation is considered mature.

c. Untuk menghindari dampak dari fluktuasi nilai tukar mata uang yang mungkin terjadi dalam operasional, Perusahaan menandatangani beberapa kontrak forward jangka pendek mata uang Dolar AS ke Rupiah dengan Mandiri dan pada tahun 2011, Perusahaan menandatangani kontrak forward jangka pendek dengan J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. adalah sebagai berikut:

c. To manage the adverse effects of the exchange rate fluctuations on the Company’s operation, the Company entered into several short term US Dollar to Rupiah currency forward contracts with Mandiri and in 2011, the

Company entered into

short term forward contracts with J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. as follows:

Tanggal jatuh tempo/ Nilai kontrak/

Maturity date Contract amount

13 Januari 2012/January 13, 2012 US$ 1.875.000

3 Februari 2012/February 3, 2012 US$ 2.858.500

13 Maret 2012/March 13, 2012 US$ 2.335.000

US$ 7.068.500

Laba atau rugi yang belum direalisasi atas nilai wajar terkait dengan transaksi kontrak forward per 31 Desember 2011 sebesar Rp609.484 dan Rp20.345 disajikan sebagai bagian dari “Piutang lain-lain - pihak ketiga” dan “Utang lain-lain - pihak ketiga” dalam laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian tahun 2011.

Unrealized gain or loss of the fair value related to aforementioned forward contract transaction as of December 31, 2011 amounted Rp609,484 and Rp20,345is presented as part of “Other receivables-third parties” and “Other payables-third parties”, respectively in 2011 consolidated statements of financial positions. d. Pada 21 Juli 2011, Sungai Menang (“SM”) dan

Pertiwi Lenggara Agromas (“PLA”), Entitas Anak, menandatangani Perjanjian Pengambilalihan dengan pemegang saham dan pengendali PT Kertas Basuki Rachmat dan PT Hutan Ketapang Industri terkait pengambilalihan saham PT Hutan Ketapang Industri. Berdasarkan Perjanjian Pengambilalihan, SM dan PLA bermaksud untuk mengambilalih saham PT Hutan Ketapang Industri. Pelaksanaan dan penyelesaian transaksi pengambilalihan tergantung terpenuhinya persyaratan yang ditetapkan dalam Perjanjian. Sampai dengan tanggal laporan, para pihak masih dalam proses memenuhi persyaratan.

d. On July 21, 2011, Sungai Menang (“SM”) and Pertiwi Lenggara Agromas (“PLA”), Subsidiaries, signed an Acquisition Agreement with the controlling shareholders of PT Kertas Basuki Rachmat and PT Hutan Ketapang Industri, in relation to the acquisition of shares in PT Hutan Ketapang Industri. Based on the Acquisition Agreement, SM and PLA intended to acquire shares in PT Hutan Ketapang Industri. The implementation and completion of the acquisition transaction is dependent on the fulfillment of the requirements set in the Agreement. As of the date of this report, the parties are in the process of fulfillment of the requirements.


Segmen Operasi Operating Segments

Produk kelapa sawit/

Palm Lain-lain/ Total/ Eliminasi/ Konsolidasian/

2011 products Others Total Elimination Consolidated 2011

Penjualan 3.848.917.412 98.889.724 3.947.807.136 (805.428.286) 3.142.378.850 Sales

Beban pokok penjualan (2.836.180.090) (24.370.141) (2.860.550.231) 778.984.176 (2.081.566.055) Cost of sales

Hasil segmen 1.012.737.322 74.519.583 (26.444.110) 1.060.812.795 Segment result

Beban yang belum dialokasikan: Unallocated expenses:

Beban penjualan dan pemasaran (146.298.074) Selling and marketing expenses

Beban umum dan administrasi (199.512.972) General and administrative expenses

Pendapatan operasi lainnya 46.455.457 Other operating income

Beban operasi lainnya (12.705.276) Other operating expenses

Laba operasi 748.751.930 Income from operations

Pendapatan keuangan 19.797.371 Finance income

Beban keuangan (26.073.858) Finance costs

Beban pajak Corporate income tax

penghasilan badan (192.952.836) expense

Laba tahun berjalan 549.522.607 Income for the year

Aset segmen 4.995.136.996 677.899.453 5.673.036.449 ( 3.411.026.249 Segment assets

Liabilitas segmen 1.269.496.904 443.976.017 1.713.472.921 (801.957.401) 911.515.520 Segment liabilities

Informasi lainnya: Other information:

Pengeluaran modal 612.198.088 146.843.073 759.041.161 (32.021.039) 727.020.122 Capital expenditure

Depresiasi dan amortisasi 111.933.072 5.960.373 117.893.445 10.659.135 128.552.580 Depreciation and amortization

Produk kelapa sawit/

Palm Lain-lain/ Total/ Eliminasi/ Konsolidasian/

2010 products Others Total Elimination Consolidated 2010

Penjualan 2.721.365.327 70.386.602 2.791.751.929 (480.003.138) 2.311.748.791 Sales

Beban pokok penjualan (1.901.349.404) (15.404.566) (1.916.753.970) 447.636.026 (1.469.117.944) Cost of sales

Hasil segmen 820.015.923 54.982.036 874.997.959 (32.367.112) 842.630.847 Segment result

Beban yang belum dialokasikan: Unallocated expenses:

Beban penjualan dan pemasaran ( 31.446.062) Selling and marketing expenses

Beban umum dan administrasi (155.399.683) General and administrative expenses

Pendapatan operasi lainnya 7.598.042 Other operating income Beban operasi lainnya (14.023.242) Other operating expenses

Laba operasi 649.359.902 Income from operations

Pendapatan keuangan 12.539.820 Finance income

Beban keuangan (31.421.655) Finance costs

Beban pajak Corporate income tax

penghasilan badan (173.158.867) expense

Laba tahun berjalan 457.319.200 Income for the year

Aset segmen 341.690.347 4.466.795.702 (1.590.948.596) 2.875.847.106 Segment assets

Liabilitas segmen 924.608.718 122.517.970 (330.545.168) 716.581.520 Segment liabilities

Informasi lainnya: Other information:

Pengeluaran modal 334.323.297 41.788.196 376.111.493 (10.360.174) 365.751.319 Capital expenditure


Informasi geografi Geographic information

Seluruh aset produktif Grup berada di Indonesia. Tabel berikut menyajikan penjualan berdasarkan lokasi pelanggan:

All of the Group’s productive assets are located in Indonesia. The following table presents sales based on the location of the customers:

2011 2010 Negara Countries Indonesia 2.550.505.338 Indonesia Singapura 455.247.091 148.781.105 Singapore Lain-lain 136.626.421 42.821.035 Others

Total penjualan sesuai Total sales

laporan laba rugi komprehensif per consolidated statements of

konsolidasian 3.142.378.850 2.311.748.791 comprehensive income



Dalam dokumen 20111231 financial statements Audited (Halaman 79-82)

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