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A. Theoretical Framework 1. Erorr and Error Analysis

2. The Nature of Writing

a. Defination of writing

Writing is a communication activity in the form of delivering messages (The information) in writing to other people using written language as a tool or media. Writing activities involve several elements, namely: the writer as the delivery message, the content of the writing, the channel or media and the speaker (Dalman, 2015, p.3). Writing is a creative process of exprressing ideas in the form of written language for the purpose of telling, convincing, or entertain. The results of this creative process are commonly referred to as essay. In writing activities, the process of delivering information in writing in the form of the writer‟s creativity by using creative thinking, not monotonous and not centered on one solution only proplem. Thus the writer can produce various forms and creative writing colors in accordance with the goalss and objectives their writing skills.

b. Types of Writing

The students need to learn five kinds of writing texts. They are Narrative, Recount, Procedure, Descriptive and Report Text. In order to understand each of the type of writing texts easily, the explanation is drawn up into a table as follows:

Table II. 1 Types of the Texts Types of the


Explanation Srtucture of the Text Narrative text Narrative text is text type

that tells a story. Its purpose is to present a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or listener.

1. Orientation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Coda Recount text Recount text is a piece of

text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The purpose is to give the audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred.

1. Orientation 2. Sequence of


3. Reorientation

Procedure text Procedure text is a piece of text that gives instruction for doing something. The purpose is to explain how something can be done.

1. Goals 2. Materials 3. Steps

Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a piece of text that describes living things or non-living things. Its purpose is to describe to audience the characteristics of people, things, animals, or places.

1. Identification 2. Descrption

Report text An information report text is a piece of text that presents information about a subject.

The text usually contains facts about the subject, a description and information on its parts, behavior qualities. Its purpose is to classify, describe or to present information about a subject.

1. General clasification 2. Description

(Adapted From Mark, 2003)

c. Process of Writing

According to Syafi‟i (2016), there are 4 foremost tiers in the method of writing they may be prewriting, planning, actual writing, revising the draft, and writing the very last darft because the fabricated from writing work.

1) Prewriting

In this step, the learner must put together for what they may be going to write. According to Syafi‟i (2016), to attain a certified writing product, of direction you want an ok preparation. There are important component of prewriting that writers must do. First, writers are required to deciding on and slim a subject. Choosing and slim a subject to be advanced for each kind of writing may be very crucial.

Second, after deciding on and slim a subject the writers must acquire the content material in their writing it is known as brainstorming. Brainstorming sports achieved with the aim of using the writerr is meant to accumulate or generate thoughts and information in a method of writing. According to Oshima and Hogue in Syafi‟i (2016), there are 3 beneficial brainstorming approach that may be implemented with the aid of using each creator in growing their material (unique subject). They are listing, unfastened writing, and clustering.

2) Planning

Planning is to arrange the thoughts generated through brainstorming. The techniques of a way to do making plans there are fashions they're list and grouping, writing the subject sentence, and easy outline.

3) Writing and Revising Draft

After brainstorming and outlining, you may begin to write and revise numerous draft “frequently” till you've got got product a very last copy (writing product). There a few steps of writing which you ought to take during growing each draft of writing they're first, writing step one rough draft. Second, revising content material and organization. Third, proofreading the 2d draft for grammatical and mechanical error. The last, writing the very last copy (product).

d. Component of Writing

According to Jacob et al (1981, p.90) there are five components of writing. They are:

1) Content

Content refers to substance of writing, the experience of the main idea (unity), i.e., groups of related statements that a researcher presents as unit in developing a subject. Content paragraph do the work of conveying ideas rather than fulfilling special function of transition, restatement, and emphasis.

2) Organization

It refers to the logical organization of the content (coherence). It is scarcely more than an attempt to piece together all collection of facts and jumble ideas. Even in early drafts it may still be searching for order, trying to make out patterns in its material and working to bring the particulars of his subject in line with what is still only a half-formed notion of purpose.

3) Vocabulary

Rivers as cited in Nunan (1992, p.11), vocabulary is essential for successful study on the second language. In writing, a researcher should use the appropriate vocabulary to expresswhat they want to write. It refers to the selection of words those are suitable with the content. It begins with the assumption that the researcher want to express the ideas as clearly and directly as he can. As a general rule, clarity should be his prime objective. Choosing words that express his meaning is precisely rather than skew it or blur it.

4) Language use

It refers to the use of the correct grammatical and syntactic pattern on separating, combining, and grouping ideas in words, phrases, clauses, and sentences to bring out logical relationships in paragraph writing.

5) Mechanic

Paragraph is a combination of some sentences which needs good spelling and punctuation. If the use of punctuation is not appropriate, the paragraph was be unreadable. So the students should be mastered in writing good paragraph. It refers to the use graphic conventional of the language, i.e., the steps of arranging letters, words sentences, paragraphs by using knowledge of structure and some others related to one another.

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