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Academic year: 2023



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1444 H/ 2023 M






Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Requirements of Bachelor Degree of English Education

(S. Pd)




1444 H/ 2023 M







In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and Merciful, praise belongs to Allah Almighty. By his guidance and blessing, the writer has accomplished the final research paper entitled “An Analysis of Students Error in Using Past Tense in Writing Recount Text at The Eleventh Grade Students of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning”. It is a scientific writing to fulfill one of the academic requirements to finish the bachelor degree (S. Pd) at Department of English Education Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Then, shalawat and salam always be presented to the last mesengger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around the world.

Appreciation and sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Mr. Razali and Mrs. Kamariah, who has devoted all love and affection as well as moral and material attention. May Allah SWT always bestow grace, health, and blessings in the world and in the hereafter for the kindness that has given to the researcher.

Thank you so much Dad, Mom. Please keep becoming my inspiration.

The writer would like to show her gratitude to all beloved people that have encouraged. Motivated even helped the researcher in finishing the paper. They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., the Rector of State of Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Hj. Helmiati, M.Ag., the vice-rector I of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr. H. Mas‟ud Zein, M.Pd., the vice-rector II of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Prof. Edi Erwan, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., the vice-rector III of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.



of Dean II. Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd. Kons., the vice Dean III, and all staff.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S., M. Hum., the Head of Department of English Education, who has given me correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing the thesis.

4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M. Pd., the Secretary of Department of English Education, for her guidance to the students.

5. Dedy Wahyudi, M.Pd., the Academic Supervisor for his guidance to the students.

6. Riri Fauzana, S.Pd, M.Sc., my beloved supervisor who has given me correction, suggestions, support, advice, and guidance in accomplishing this thesis.

7. Norman, M.Pd., the Headmaster of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning, and his staff and teachers have given me their kindness as long as the researcher took the data.

8. Wima Sartika, S.Pd., as English Teacher of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning who has given the writer guidance and advice in conducting the research.

9. The writer‟s beloved sister and brother, Werdani, S.Pd and Suprianto, S.Pd, thanks for the support, motivation, and patience when helping the writer in completing this research.

10. The writer‟s beloved friends, Nintri Junia, S.Pd, Muhammad Rizki, S.Pd, Khoiri Aqilla Arifi, S.Pd, Graselly, S.Pd, Dina Nafsirul Rahmah, S.Pd, Kiki Andriani, S.Pd and Khairunnisa Fazira, S.Pd who has always given support, advice and thank you so much for always being there for me whatever the condition is.

11. The writer‟s C-Classmates, thank you for being my first family in English Education Department.



Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from perfections.

Therefore, conscructive comments, critiques and suggessions are appreciated very much.

Pekanbaru, October 31st 2022 The Researcher



vi Tuah Kemuning.

The purpose of this research to explain the eleventh grade students‟ errors in using simple past tense in writing recount text at SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning.

This study was a descriptive research. The subject of the research is the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Tuah kemuning, while the objectives of this research is students‟errors in using past tense in writing recount text. The research used cluster sampling technique to take the sample, there were 33 students as sample from 209 students. To collect the data, the writer used document. The documentation was conducted to know what types of errors were made by the students when they use simple past tense in writing recount text. The result of the error analysis process show that students committed error into three types: reguler and irreguler verbs error, use of to be error, and negative senteneces. From the calculation of the data, error of negative the most frequent errors that done by the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning with percentage 43.8%.

Moreover, it is followed by error of to be with percentage 40.4%, and error of reguler and irreguler verbs by percentage 15.7%.



Sebelas di SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan kesalahan siswa kelas sebelas dalam menggunakan past tense dalam menulis recount text pada SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah kelas sebelas SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning, sedangkan objek dari penelitian ini adalah kesalahan siswa dalam menggunakan past tense dalam menulis teks.

Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik cluster sampling untuk mengambil sample.

Ada 33 siswa sebagai sampel dari 209 siswa. Untuk pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan dokumentasi. dokumentasi digunakan untuk mengetahui apa jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh siswa ketika menggunakan past tense dalam menuliskan teks recount. Hasil dari proses analisa kesalahan menunjukkan bahwa siswa melakukan kesalahan dalam tiga jenis: kesalahan kata kerja beraturan dan tidak beraturan, kesalhan pengunaan to be, dan kesalahan kalimat negatif. Hasil dari perhitungan data error of negative sentences adalah kesalahan yang paling sering dilakukan oleh siswa kelas sebelas SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning dengan persentasi 43.8%. Selain itu diikuti oleh error of to be dengan persentasi 40.4%, dan error of reguler and irreguler verbs dengan persentasi 15.7%.



( ،يتريفاس اتيفون ٢٢٢٢

دنع يضالما لعفلا مادختسا في ذيملاتلا ءاطخأ ليلتح :) ذيملات ىدل يدرسلا صنلا ةباتك رشع يدالحا لصفلا

ةيموكلحا ةينهلما ةيوناثلا ةسردلمبا ١

جنينوميك هاوت

لعفلا مادختسا في رشع يدالحا لصفلا ذيملات ءاطخأ ليلتح ثحبلا اذى نم فدلذاو ةيموكلحا ةينهلدا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدبا يدرسلا صنلا ةباتك دنع يضالدا ١

.جنينوميك هاوت

ةيوناثلا ةسردلدبا رشع يدالحا لصفلا ذيملات هدارفأو .يفصو ثبح وى ثحبلا اذى عونو ةيموكلحا ةينهلدا ١

هاوت يضالدا لعفلا مادختسا في ذيملاتلا ءاطخأ وعوضومو ،جنينوميك

ةطيسبلا ةيئاوشعلا تانيعلا ذخأ ةينقت مدختسي ثحبلا اذىو .يدرسلا صنلا ةباتك دنع تانيعلا ددعف .تانيعلا ذخلأ ٣٣

نم اذيملت ٢٠٢

تماق ،تناايبلا عملجو .ذيملات

نأ ةفرعلد رابتخلابا مايقلا تمو .رابتخلابا ةثحابلا في ذيملاتلا اهبكترا تيلا ءاطخلأا عاو

نأ ىلع تلد تناايبلا ليلتح ةجيتنو .يدرسلا صنلا ةباتك دنع يضالدا لعفلا مادختسا اوبكترا ذيملاتلا ٤

:ءاطخلأا نم عاونأ لافغلإا

و ةفاضلإا و

تامولعلما ةئطالخا

و بيتترلا

ئطالخا كأ وى ئطالخا بيتترلا نبأ فرع ،باسلحا ةجيتن ىلع ءانبو . اهبكترا ءاطخأ رث

ةيموكلحا ةينهلدا ةيوناثلا ةسردلدبا رشع يدالحا لصفلا ذيملات ١

ةبسنب جنينوميك هاوت

٤٤ ةبسنب ةئطالخا تامولعلدا اهيليو .٪

٢٢ ةبسنب لافغلإا اهيليو .٪

١٤ اهيليو ،٪

ا ةبسنب ةفاضلإ ١١






ABSTRAK ... vii


... viii





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Problem ... 1

B. Problem ... 4

1. Identification of Problem ... 4

2. Limitation of Problem ... 5

3. Formulation of Problem ... 5

C. Objective And Significance Of The Research ... 5

1. Objective of Research ... 5

2. Significant of Research ... 5

D. Definition of Terms ... 6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Theoritical Framework ... 8

1. Erorr and Error Analysis ... 8

2. The nature of Writing ... 14

3. Recount Text ... 19

4. Simple Past Tense ... 22

B. Relevant Research... 26

C. Oprational Concept ... 29



C. Subject and Object of Research ... 31

D. Population and Sample of Research ... 31

E. Technique of Collecting Data ... 33

F. Techniqeu of Analyzing Data ... 33


B. Discussion ... 47


B. Suggestion ... 50 REFERENCES





Table II.2 The List of Subject Pronoun and Verb Be ... 24 Table III.1 The Total Population of Elevent Grade Student of SMKN 1

Tuah Kemuning ... 31 Table III.2 Sample ... 33 Table VI.1 The total of Students‟ Errors ... 36



Writing Recount Text ... 47


xiii Appendix 2 : Lesson Plan

Appendix 3 : The Recapitulation of Student‟s Error f rom Two Raters Appendix 4 : Recomendation Letters

Appendix 5 : Documentation



INTRODUCTION A. Background of Problem

Writing is one basic skills students have to pay attention to as it is undeniably inseparable from students‟ world and integrated with other English skills. Among the four language skills, writing is the most difficult to master.

According to phuket (2015), the student of English as a foreign language (EFL) is very difficult in mastering writing skill. This is because writing skills require mastery of various linguistic elements and outside the language itself which was be the contents of the essay. Writing skills are usually associated with learning to write. Writing and composing exercises in teaching English can familiarize students with applying linguistic knowledge, such as grammar, vocabulary, style, spelling, and so on. However, for students in Indonesia, writing is an challenging issue. Many students make errors in their writing including recount text. According Cholipah (2014) recount text is the text that tell about events or the experiences in the past in which this kind of text is used to entertain the audiences.

In writing Recount text, learners must master the grammar. Grammar is one of the English components of language. Grammar is a word that puts together to make a correct sentence. It is in line with Cowan (2008) said that grammar is the set of rules how words and groups of words can be arranged to be a good sentences in a particular language. The grammar is really needed to


be learned, because the mistakes made in writing seem so clear when someone writes it and was be read by the reader. Having knowledge of grammar was help people to comprehend what other people say or write. On the other hand, it is difficult for Indonesian students to use correct structure in English. One of the grammar aspects is tense. According to Ratnah (2013), in making a sentence in English both of written or spoken, tense is a very important role. In English, each sentence always contains a tense. There are many kinds of tenses such as simple present tense, simple past tense, present perfect tense, present progressive tense, etc. in writing recount text there are some tenses that needs to be used such as simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect tense.

In relation to using simple past, grammatical errors are commonly done by foreign language learners.

Meanwhile, Fajar (2019) did the research about Analysis of Students‟

Errors on Using Simple Past Tense in Writing Recount Text at The Second Grade Semester of Second Year Students at SMK Yadika Natar South Lampung. The result showed that there were three kinds of errors that appear in student‟s writing based on surface strategy taxonomy, namely omission, addition and mis-formation. Furthermore, it is known that the highest frequency of errors based on surface strategy taxonomy is misformation errors with 43.78. The next research was An Analysis of Students‟ Errors in Using Simple Past Tense in Writing Recount Text of The First Semester of The Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Adiluwih Pringsewu by Zulida Sa‟diah (2017). The result from her research is the subject committed four types of error made by


the students in using simple past tense in writing recount text based on surface strategy taxonomy, they were omission, addition, mis-formation, and mis- ordering. The total number of errors committed by students was 303 items. The third previous research was an Analysis of Student Errors in Using Simple Past Tense in Writing Recount Text at The Tenth Grade Students of SMK Kesehatan Pro-Skill Indonesia Pekanbaru by Gusnina Fitri (2020). The result of the error analysis process showed that students committed error into four types: omission, addition, mis-formation, and mis-ordering. The last previous study was Grametical Errors Commited by Eight Grade Students In Writing Recount Text by Fridayanthi (2017). From the result, there were 3 errors found which were caused by context of learning and the percentage was 1.8%. This finding is similar with the previous researchers in which the most frequent source of errors was intralingual transfer.

This sort of thing happened to the students at SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning. SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning is one of the vacation School in Indragiri Hilir. The school is located on Selensen Kemuning. Based on curriculum 13 (K13) that used at the eleventh grade of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning, students are expected to apply and understand the generic structure of 3 recount text both in oral and written form about retells events or experiences in the past. The components of generic structure consist of three. There are orientation sequence of events, and reorientation.

In SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning, there are two people of the English teachers. The writer interviewed one of the teacher because the writer


researched the eleventh students level. Based on the interview with her , she said that the students were not able to use reguler verb and irreguler in writing recount text, they were not able to use in using auxiliary in past tense when writing a recount text, and got difficulties to use “to be” in writing nominal sentences of using past tense in recount text. The main problem faced by the students in writing activity was using tenses, especially in using simple past tense correctly . In writing recount text, they were still confused to differenciate between verbal sentence and nominal sentences in simple past tense.

Based on the description above, the writer is interested in conducting a research entitled "An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Using Past Tense in Writing Recount Text at the Eleventh Grade of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning."

B. Problem

1. Identification of the Problem

a. Why were the students not able to use reguler verb and irreguler of using past tense in writing recount text?

b. Why were the students not able to use auxiliary in past tense when writing a recount text?

c. Why did the students get difficulties to use “to be” in writing nominal sentences of using past tense in writing recount text?

d. Why were the student not able to use simple past tense correctly in writing recount text?


2. Limitation of the Problem

After identifying the problem as above. Many problems students appear when writing recount texts. Then, writer needed to limit and analyze the eleventh grade errors writing a recount text, it focused on past tense errors analysis. They are omissions, misformation , and missordering.

3. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the problem limited to the above, the problem is formulated as follows: What types of errors made by the students in usng simple past tense in writing recount text at eleventh grade of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning?

C. Objective and Significance of the Research 1. Objective of the Research

To explain about the types of errors have made by using simple past tense in writing recount text at the eleventh grade of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning

2. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to have some uses, they are as follows:

a. Theoretically

This research is to give explanation about students‟ errors in using simple past tense in writing recount text at the eleventh grade SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning


b. Practically

For the English teachers, this research will be given contribution to English teacher to find out their student‟s error in using simple past tense in writing especially in recount text to make any evaluation to the student‟s errors related to their weakneeses in simple past tense. For the students, this research helps the students to minimize their weaknesses in simple past tense and to make their English get better. For the other researchers, to make the learning more effective and creative, the writer are expected to find new approach, method or strategy in learning English to reduce errors especially in writing.

D. Definition of Terms

This study contains many terms but should be avoided misunderstandings about the terms used in this study, these next terms it is inevitably defined as:

1. Error analysis

According to Brown (2000), error analysis is the following fact:

Learners make mistakes and those mistakes can be observed, analyzed and analyzed. Classified to show the part of the system that is working in the learner, the effect of proving the study of learning errors. The writer focused on student mistakes when using the past tense rephrase how to write the text. After that, the writer analyzed students‟


sentences to give some correction of their writing at the first grade of SMKN Tuah Kemuning.

2. Simple Past Tense

Azar (2002, p. 27) states that the simple past tense indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.

Moreover, the simple past tense also used to show past activities, and 8 habitual actions in the past time (Widjaja, 2013, p.129). Almost all English sentences contain a subject (S) and a verb (V). The verb may or may not be followed by an object (O) (Azar, 2002, p.A1).

3. Writing

Writing is a skill that not easy to be done. The students have to think about the ideas and the details to connect them correctly.

According to Dalman (2016), writing is a communication activity such as send information that used written as the media communication.

4. Recount Text

According to Anderson (1997) a recount is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in order to occured. Its purpose is to provide the audience with a descriptive occured and when it‟s occured.

Recount text means the form of the text telling about someone experience in the pas used in curriculum 2004, its usually tells about the experience of the readers themselves, such as their adventure and their last day‟s activities.



A. Theoretical Framework 1. Erorr and Error Analysis

a. Defenition of Error

According to Selinker and Gas (2008, p.102) Errors can be taken as red flags because they provide the evidence of the state of a learner‟s knowledge of the L2. An error is a deviation of target language‟s use. It is different with a mistake. As Brown (2007, p.263-264) states that students‟ errors are usually caused by the intralingual transfer of the native language and intralingual transfer. Therefore, it is difficult for students to write correctly, since the systems of the target language are different from their native language systems. In other words, it seems reasonable that students who find difficulties in learning English as target language was make errors.

Meanwhile, according to Pensius et al (2016) error is part of learning. Making error is natural in learning process. People cannot learn language without first systematically committing error. Moreover, Corder (1981: 23) proposed that error analysis is the study analysis of the errors made by the second of foreign language learners to predict the errors or the difficulties in learning foreign language.


Based on the definition and statements that have been presented by the experts, the writer concludes that error is an error that occurs repeatdly due to a lack of understanding of language rules what is being studied and the learner is not aware of what it is doing a mistake.

b. Types of Error

Corder (1973) classified errors based on the main processes which lead to erroneous utterances: omission, addition, substitution and permutation (misordering). Dulay et al. (1982) classified errors according to the ways the surface structure is altered in erroneous utterances:

omission, addition, misformation (substitution) and misordering.

The two taxonomies proposed by Corder (1973) i.e. processing errors, and Dulay et al. (1982) i.e. surface errors, are compatible and their subcategories can be equated. Omission errors refer to the absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance. Addition errors refer to the presence of an item that must not appear in a well-formed utterance.

Misformation or substitution errors are due to the use of the wrong form, morpheme or structure. Misordering errors are due to the incorrect placement of a morpheme or a group of morphemes in an utterance.

In this research, according to Ellis (1997, p.15-19) theory about Error analysis that explains there some mistakes made by students in studying the simple past tense, including the mistake of omission (omission), wrong use of form (Misformatoin) and placement errors (misordering), as in the following:


1) Omission (OM)

Omission errors are characterized by the absence of an item that must appear in a well – formed phrases or sentences. Any morpheme or word in a sentence is a potential candidate for omission. However, between content words and function words, the letters are more frequently omitted by language learners.

Example: He sitting *)

This sentence is classified into error of omission because students omit to be (is). The correct sentence should be; He is sitting.

2) Mis-formation (MF)

This error is made by the learner where the learner chooses the wrong items in the right place. Different from omission where the items are not supplied at all, in errors of selection, the learner supplies something even though that is incorrect.

For example: They comed to my office

A past tense marker is put by the learner, but it is incorrect.

3) Mis-ordering (MO)

It is characterized by the incorrect placement of one or more elements in a phrase or sentence. The errors may be made byforeign language and second language learners when they haveacquired certain simple patterns


Elephant has a nose long*)


This sentence is classified into error of misformation because students‟ wrong to arrange the sentence, students‟ do not know the rule of using adjective before noun. The correct sentence should be;

a. Differences between Error and Mistake

The terms of error and mistake have identical meaning in teaching and learning process. However, those have different meaning and function. Brown (2000) defines Error as a noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of a native speaker that reflects the competence of the learner. Meanwhile, Mistake refers to a performance error that is either a random guess or a slip in that it is a failure to use a known system correctly. All people make mistakes, in both native and second language situations. Native speakers are normally capable of recognizing and correcting such "lapses" or mistakes, which are not the result of a deficiency in competence but the result of some temporary breakdown or imperfection in the process of producing speech. Error can be self- corrected while mistake cannot be self-corrected if the deviation is pointed out to the speaker.

It can be concluded that errors are caused by lack of understanding and knowledge in target language while mistakes are caused by temporary lapses of memory, confusion, and carelessness in expressing target language either in spoken or written form.

There are different frameworks and classifications of errors according to various linguistic levels of description and systematic, and


researchers in their attempts to analyze learners' errors have developed their own categories. Halliday, McIntosh, and Strevens (1964) claimed that it is extremely useful to construct a purely descriptive framework for the analysis of errors, taking into account the level of language and the various categories involved. Catalán (1997) tried to systematize error terms and definitions to make teachers and researchers aware of relativity of errors and the great degree of overlapping. She stated that in error studies the most appropriate terms and definitions must be chosen to serve the researchers' purposes best.

Based on the defenitions and the statements that have been presented by the experts, then the writer concludesd the error is an error that occur repeatedly due to a lack of understanding of language rules what is being studied and the learner is not aware of what it is doing a mistake. While a mistake is a temporary error or the error only occurs once and the learner can correct it by itself.

b. Definition of Error Analysis

The term error in this study is the word of error in the use of the simple past tense in writing recount text. The word erorr comes from the word wrong which means is not true word. Error is deviation that are systematic, consistent and describe the ability students ar certain stages (baradja, 1981).

According to Corder in Saad and Haji, (2014) knowledge of error generated by student can help provide an overview development of


student knowledge. This can lead to the creation of and planning learning materials by using more effective language. Therefore, analysis error made by student has become an important aspect in the learning process.

Based on the description, it can be concluded that error analysis is a examination of the deviation from the thing considered deviate from the procedure to find out the root of the proplem occur. In the other side, according James (1998), error analysis is the process of determining the incidence, nature, causes, and the sequencees of the unseccessful the language.

c. Technique of Analyzing the Error

After collecting the students writing to determine the errors, the writer did the following steps as a part of data analysis. The procedures of data analysis consist of three steps to do error analysis (Ellis &

Barkhuizen, 2005), they are:

1. Identifying Errors

In this step, the writer have to compare the error sentences with the correct one. But it is, infact, easier said than done. Sometimes, it is difficult to make the reconstruction when the writer collide with the leaner means to say.

2. Describing Errors

This next step is the step where the errors are described and classified into kinds.


3. Explaining Errors

This is the last step of error analysis. In this step, a researcher tries to explain howand why a sentence called to be erroneous.

2. The Nature of Writing

a. Defination of writing

Writing is a communication activity in the form of delivering messages (The information) in writing to other people using written language as a tool or media. Writing activities involve several elements, namely: the writer as the delivery message, the content of the writing, the channel or media and the speaker (Dalman, 2015, p.3). Writing is a creative process of exprressing ideas in the form of written language for the purpose of telling, convincing, or entertain. The results of this creative process are commonly referred to as essay. In writing activities, the process of delivering information in writing in the form of the writer‟s creativity by using creative thinking, not monotonous and not centered on one solution only proplem. Thus the writer can produce various forms and creative writing colors in accordance with the goalss and objectives their writing skills.

b. Types of Writing

The students need to learn five kinds of writing texts. They are Narrative, Recount, Procedure, Descriptive and Report Text. In order to understand each of the type of writing texts easily, the explanation is drawn up into a table as follows:


Table II. 1 Types of the Texts Types of the


Explanation Srtucture of the Text Narrative text Narrative text is text type

that tells a story. Its purpose is to present a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or listener.

1. Orientation 2. Complication 3. Resolution 4. Coda Recount text Recount text is a piece of

text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they happened. The purpose is to give the audience a description of what occurred and when it occurred.

1. Orientation 2. Sequence of


3. Reorientation

Procedure text Procedure text is a piece of text that gives instruction for doing something. The purpose is to explain how something can be done.

1. Goals 2. Materials 3. Steps

Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a piece of text that describes living things or non-living things. Its purpose is to describe to audience the characteristics of people, things, animals, or places.

1. Identification 2. Descrption

Report text An information report text is a piece of text that presents information about a subject.

The text usually contains facts about the subject, a description and information on its parts, behavior qualities. Its purpose is to classify, describe or to present information about a subject.

1. General clasification 2. Description

(Adapted From Mark, 2003)


c. Process of Writing

According to Syafi‟i (2016), there are 4 foremost tiers in the method of writing they may be prewriting, planning, actual writing, revising the draft, and writing the very last darft because the fabricated from writing work.

1) Prewriting

In this step, the learner must put together for what they may be going to write. According to Syafi‟i (2016), to attain a certified writing product, of direction you want an ok preparation. There are important component of prewriting that writers must do. First, writers are required to deciding on and slim a subject. Choosing and slim a subject to be advanced for each kind of writing may be very crucial.

Second, after deciding on and slim a subject the writers must acquire the content material in their writing it is known as brainstorming. Brainstorming sports achieved with the aim of using the writerr is meant to accumulate or generate thoughts and information in a method of writing. According to Oshima and Hogue in Syafi‟i (2016), there are 3 beneficial brainstorming approach that may be implemented with the aid of using each creator in growing their material (unique subject). They are listing, unfastened writing, and clustering.


2) Planning

Planning is to arrange the thoughts generated through brainstorming. The techniques of a way to do making plans there are fashions they're list and grouping, writing the subject sentence, and easy outline.

3) Writing and Revising Draft

After brainstorming and outlining, you may begin to write and revise numerous draft “frequently” till you've got got product a very last copy (writing product). There a few steps of writing which you ought to take during growing each draft of writing they're first, writing step one rough draft. Second, revising content material and organization. Third, proofreading the 2d draft for grammatical and mechanical error. The last, writing the very last copy (product).

d. Component of Writing

According to Jacob et al (1981, p.90) there are five components of writing. They are:

1) Content

Content refers to substance of writing, the experience of the main idea (unity), i.e., groups of related statements that a researcher presents as unit in developing a subject. Content paragraph do the work of conveying ideas rather than fulfilling special function of transition, restatement, and emphasis.


2) Organization

It refers to the logical organization of the content (coherence). It is scarcely more than an attempt to piece together all collection of facts and jumble ideas. Even in early drafts it may still be searching for order, trying to make out patterns in its material and working to bring the particulars of his subject in line with what is still only a half-formed notion of purpose.

3) Vocabulary

Rivers as cited in Nunan (1992, p.11), vocabulary is essential for successful study on the second language. In writing, a researcher should use the appropriate vocabulary to expresswhat they want to write. It refers to the selection of words those are suitable with the content. It begins with the assumption that the researcher want to express the ideas as clearly and directly as he can. As a general rule, clarity should be his prime objective. Choosing words that express his meaning is precisely rather than skew it or blur it.

4) Language use

It refers to the use of the correct grammatical and syntactic pattern on separating, combining, and grouping ideas in words, phrases, clauses, and sentences to bring out logical relationships in paragraph writing.


5) Mechanic

Paragraph is a combination of some sentences which needs good spelling and punctuation. If the use of punctuation is not appropriate, the paragraph was be unreadable. So the students should be mastered in writing good paragraph. It refers to the use graphic conventional of the language, i.e., the steps of arranging letters, words sentences, paragraphs by using knowledge of structure and some others related to one another.

3. Recount Text

a. Definition of Recount Text

One of the text taht students have to master is recount text.

Recount text is a kind of genre which retells events or experience in the past. This text describes abaout the writer‟s experience which truly happens in his or her life. In the other side, A recount text is a text that retells something happen in past events; usually, the writer retells their experiences or events that happen in the past. A recount text is similar to a narrative text. It has not any complication part, whereas narrative text. This is in line with what was assumed by Wisdhawan and Kumalarini (2014) that recount text is a text which retells everything happens in the past events. It can be conducted with experiences and activities that happened in the past.

In addition, Recount text is a text which lists and describes past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened


in the chronological order (Knapp & Watskin, 2005). Formally, recounts are sequential texts that do little greater than series a collection of events. Recount is one in every of textual content that features to inform what show up in the beyond to their audience.

So, from the many explanation above, recount text is the one text that retell the everything that happen in the past.

b. Types of Recount Text

Derewianka explains that there are 5 forms of recount text, namely:

1) Personal recount is retelling an occasion that the writer turned into personally concerned in for example: non-public enjoy, non- public letter, diary, entries, journal, anecdotes, and postcard.

Personal recount is normally written in the first person (I and We) and regularly to entertain and to inform.

2) Factual recount is involved with recalling activities accurately. It can range from the regular project together with accidents, dependent research, science, news recording and police report.

The emphasis is on the usage of language this is precise, factual, and detailed, in order that the reader profits a entire photo of an occasion, enjoy or achievement.

3) Imaginative or literary recounts entertain the reader via way of means of recreating the activities of an imaginary global as aleven though they may be actual together with fiction.


4) A procedural recount records the steps taken in completing a task or procedures. Example: include a flow chart of the actions required for making bread and the steps to solve a mathematical problem.

5) A biographical recount tells the story of a person„s life using a third person narrator (He, She, and They). In this case, of autobiography, first person narration (I, We) is used.

c. Language Features of Recount Text

According to Gerrot and Wignel in Erpa (2017, p. 24) language capabilities of recount textual content are cognizance on particular participant, use of material processes (motion verb), occasions place, and time, use beyond tense, and cognizance on temporal sequence.

Moreover, Hardy and klarwein as said in Erpa (2017, p. 24) upload that language capabilities of recount textual content are use non- public recount, use emotive to explain the events, use motion verb and intellectual verb and use beyond tense. It may be stated that writers was use motion verb in beyond shape in writing recount textual content. Based on the explanation above, recount text has language features that are generally found in recount text to clarify the function of the recount text, there are language features in recount text:

a. Using personal participants such as I, my, me and so on.

b. Using chronological relationships such as first, then and so on.


c. Using connecting verbs such as was, was, seen, saw and so on.

d. Using action verbs such as go, look, change, run and so on.

e. Using the simple past tense.

d. Generic Structure of Recount Text

Recount text has three main structures or generic structure as follows.

1) Orientation, the first structure that contains information about the character, the place of the incident, when the incident took place and so on. The information provided by the author is expected to provide the knowledge or information needed by the reader in order to understand the storyline.

2) Events, the second structure is the content of the text or in the form of stories about events or experiences that the author wants to convey to the reader.

3) Reorientation, the third structure contains conclusions and summaries or repetitions of information in the orientation structure.

4. Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is a form of the verb used to express activities or events that do or occured in the past. The past can be a long time ago, a few year ago, a few months ago, a couple of weeks, days, or even a few hour ago. According to Betty Schrampfer Azar (1989, p.24) gives expkanation that “The simple past tense indicates


that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past”. Jayanthi Dakshina Murthy in her book Contemporary English Grammar said that “when a verb is used to show that an action was completed, it is known as the Past Tense”. Oshima (2002, p.132 ) said

“ The Simple past tense is the verb form used for an action that began in the past and was completed in the past”.

According to Uchiyama (2006, p.56) the simple past tense means that the action ended in the past. Simple past tense can be used for most past actions; we can use it for actions happened quickly, actions that happened over time, actions that were habits in the past, moreover, Cowan (2008, p.359) state that the simple past tense is used for activities or situation that began and ended in the past. Generally, the simple past tense is a tense that expresses the event is ended in the past and has nothing to do in the present.

Almost all english sentences contain a subject (S) and a verb (V). The verb may or may not be followed by an object (O) (Azar, 2002, p.A1). In simple past tense, the verb used is in the past form or commonly known as V2. Therefore, in a past form sentence must have S + V2 + O. For example :

1) I Opened: (I = S) (Opened = V2)

2) My brother enjoyed the movie: my brother = S) (enjoyed = V2) (the movie = O)


1. Verb Be

Here are some common patterns of simple past tense : Table II. 2

Verb Be

Subject Subject Pronoun Verb Be

First person singular I Was

Second person singular

You Were

Third person

singular (male)

He/ name of person Was

Third person

singular (female)

She/ name of person Was

Third person

singular (neutral)

It/ thing or animal Was

First person plural We Were

Second person pluyral

You Were

Third person plural They Were

A sentence with be as the main verb has three basic pattern : 1) Be + a noun

For example : They were students of state senior high school 1 Keritang.

2) Be + an adjective

For example : I was sick yesterday.

3) Be + prepositional phrase

For example : You were in Jakarta last month.

2. Regular Verb

The simple past tense in regular verbs is formed by adding -ed to the infinitive.

a. Pattern of regular verb:

Verbs ending e add d only (arrive-arrived, point-pointed).


1) Verbs end in consonant „ y‟, change y to I and add –ed (try-tried, carry-carried).

2) Verbs end in one consonant + vowel + consonant (one syllable verbs), double the consonant and add –ed (stop- stopped, rubrubbed).

3) Verb end in x, w ad -ed (mix-mixed, show-showed).

4) Verb end in vowel + consonant and stress is on the first syllable (two syllable verb). Add –ed do not double the consonant (visit, answer).

5) Verbs end in vowel + consonant and stress is on the second syllable (twosyllable verb) double the consonant and add ed (prefer, occur).

3. Irregular Verb

Many common English verbs change form, rather than add ed. There is a little pattern to be found in these changes and verbs of similar spelling in the infinitive may take quite different forms in the past (think-thought, drinkdrank,etc.) Some general patterns emerge:

a. A vowel change in the body of the verb: drive-drove, sing- sang, knowknew. (even take-took, eat-ate, where the spelling may disguise the rule).

b. This may be accompanied or replaced by consonant changes at the end of the verb: buy-bought, think-thought, make-made.


c. Some changes are of spelling rather than sound (pay-paid, laylaid).

d. A few verbs obey none of these: is/was, go/went and put/put are the most common.

e. Some irregular verbs have the same form in all parts: hit – hit – hit, cutcut-cut (Longman, 1990, p.126).

4. Adverb of Time

The adverb of time which are commonly used in simple past tense are yesterday, just now, last month, last week, two days ago, tonight, today,this afternoon, this morning, etc.

B. Relevant Research

According to Syafi‟i (2016), relevant research is required to observe some previous researches conducted by other writer in which their research are relevant with the research we are conducting. To avoid plagiarism from another research, in this research the writer takes some relevant researches that have been investigated by previous writers dealing with the analysis of students‟

ability in writing, they are:

The first previous research was An Analysis of Students‟ Errors in Using Simple Past Tense in Writing Recount Text of The First Semester of The Eighth Grade of SMP N 1 Adiluwih Pringsewu by Zulida Sa‟diah. In her research, she wants to find out and describe the types of errors that are made by the students in making the simple past tense in writing recount text based on


surface strategy taxonomy. Then, to know and describe the proportion (Frequency and percentage) of errors made by the students also. This research was conducted based on descriptive qualitative analysis. The conclusion from her research is the subject committed four types of error made by the students in using simple past tense in writing recount text based on surface strategy taxonomy, they were omission, addition, mis-formation, and mis-ordering. The total number of errors committed by students was 303 items.

So, similarities between the relevant researchwith this research is found the errors made by the student in using simple past in writing recount text.

Meanwhile, the differences of those research with this research are in this used the quantitative descriptive in the research design but in the relevant research conducted based on descriptive qualitative in research design.

The second previous study was Grametical Errors Commited by Eight Grade Students In Writing Recount Text by Fridayanthi. In her research, there are two purpose of conducting the study. First, finding the error commonly made in writing recount text and finding the sources of the error comitted in writing recount text by eighth grades students at SMPN 2 Seririt. From the result, it can be seen that the most frequent source of errors is intralingual transfer, after that interlingual transfer, and the last is context of learning.

Intralngual transfer is the negative transfer of items within the target language itself. In this study, there were 3 errors found which were caused by context of learning and the percentage was 1.8%. This finding is similar with the previous


researchers in which the most frequent source of errors was intralingual transfer.

So, the similarities of relevant research with this research are found the errors in writing recount text and writing ability. On other hand, the relevant research has some differences with this research. One of the differences is many goals of the research. This research was focus to find the errors made by the students in using simple past in writing recount text. Meanwhile, this relevant research focused to find the errors and sources of the errors.

The third previous research Is an Analysis of Student Errors in Using Simple Past Tense in Writing Recount Text at The Tenth Grade Students of SMK Kesehatan Pro-Skill Indonesia Pekanbaru. In her research, she used the total sampling to take the sample, and then the purpose of the research to analyze the tenth grade students‟ error in using simple past tense in writing recount text at SMK Pro-Skill Indonesia. To collect the data, the researcher used document. The result of the error analysis process showed that students committed error into four types: omission, addition, mis-formation, and mis- ordering.

So, the similarities between them are focus to the error made by the student.

Meanwhile, the differences between them are not the same in collecting the data, in this research use the writing test and the relevant research used the document.


C. Operational Concept

The operational concept is the concept used in accordance with literature reviewed. In order to avoid misunderstanding in carrying out this research, it is necessary to clarify briefly the variables used in analyzing the data. All related theoretical frameworks can be operated in the operational concept. According to Comrie (1985, p.36) There are three absolute moments which are formulated, namely present tense, past tense and future tenses”. According to Azar (2000) the simple past tense indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. A side from that, according to Ellis (1997, p.15-19) theory about Error analysis that explains there some mistakes made by students in studying the simple past tense, including the mistake of omission (omission), wrong use of form (Misformatoin) and placement errors (misordering). So, the writer made some point of the indicators above:

1. The students make errors in using regular verb and irreguler verb of simple past tense in writing recount text

2. The students make erorrs in using to be of using simple past tense in writing recount text

3. The students make errors in negative sentences of using simple past tense in writing recount text




The design of this research is a descriptive quantitative research.

According to Creswell (2012), stated that a quantitative research is type of educational research in which the research decides what to study, asks specific, narrow question, collects numeric (numbered) data from participants, analyzes these number using statistics and conducts the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner. Cohen (2000), also stated descriptive means to describe and interrupted the phenomena.

This research is designed to find out describe the students‟ errors in writing narrative texts. Meanwhile, Wasiams (2007), said that descriptive research is research design used to examine the situation involving identification of attributes of a particular phenomenon based on an observational basis. Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that quantitative research is a research that describe about phenomena happened in around life. This research analyzed the errors made by the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning in writing a recount text.

B. Time And Location of the Research

This research was conducted on August to October 2022. The location of the research was conducted at SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning, on Lintas Timur street in Indragiri Hilir.


C. The Subject and Object of the Research

The subject of the research is the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Tuah kemuning in academic year 2022/2023, while the objectives of this research is students‟errors in using past tense in writing recount text.

D. Population and Sample of the Research 1) Population

According to Creswell (2008, p.151), “A population is a group of individuals who have the same characteristic.”. So, the population is the individuals that have the same characteristic in a group. The populations of this research was the students at the eleventh of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning. The population of the research can be seen as follows:

Table III. 1

The Total Population of the Eleventh Grade of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning

No Class The Number of the Students Number of Population Male Female

Eleventh Grade

1 TBSM 1 36 0 36

2 TBSM 2 36 0 36

3 TKJ 1 19 17 36

4 TKJ 2 19 16 33

5 ATP 25 6 31

6 AK 5 30 36

Total 140 69 209


The total population of the eleventh grade students was 209 students which are divided into 6 classes that consisted of 2 classes of TBSM, 2 classes of TKJ, one class of ATP and one class of AK. Then, 209 of total students consisted of 140 students male and 69 students female. The students Male was dominant in TBSM classes while Female students were dominant in AK class because they were suitable for major that students passion.

2) Sample

According to Winarno (1998) if the population is homogenous enough and the population is less than 100 persons, the sample taken was 50%, but if the population is more than 100 persons, the sample taken was only 15% of them. Since the number of population in this research was quite large and homogenous and the students have similar characteristics, the researcher took 15% as the sample.

The sample was assigned by using cluster sampling because according to Fraenkel (2007) cluster sampling is the direct selection of groups rather than individuals. The sample was be XI TKJ 2 which 33 students as a sample. The writer used XI TKJ 2 as the sample because this class gets red paper in a lottery; the class who get red paper in a lottery is the sample in this research. Since the students are homogenous in the level of course taking, the writer can easily choose one of the six classes available.


Table III. 2 Sample of Research

No Class The Number of the Students Number of Sample Male Female

Eleventh Grade

1 TKJ 2 19 16 33

Total 33

E. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data, the writer used document as an documents to collecting the data. The writer used the documnet in the from of students‟

errors in using simple past tense in writing recount text . According to to Ellis (1997, p.15-19) theory about Error analysis that explains there some mistakes made by students in studying the simple past tense, including the error of omission (omission), wrong use of form (Misformatoin) and placement errors (misordering).. The analysis may be of exiting artifact or documentd, for example, to describe person, to draw pictures to express memories, or to explain thinking aloud as it is audio taped.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting the students writing to determine the errors, the writer did the following steps as a part of data analysis. The procedures of data analysis consist of three steps to do error analysis (Ellis &

Barkhuizen, 2005), they are:

1. Identifying Errors


In this step, the writer have to compare the error sentences with the correct one. But it is, infact, easier said than done. Sometimes, it is difficult to make the reconstruction when the writer collide with the leaner means to say.

2. Describing Errors

This next step is the step where the errors are described and classified into kinds.

3. Explaining Errors

This is the last step of error analysis. In this step, a researcher tries to explain howand why a sentence called to be erroneous. To take the percentage of the students‟ error based on the types of grammatical error, it is used the formula as follow:

P = x 100%

In which:

P = percentage

f = frequency of error occurred

n = number of sample whichis observed





A. Conclusion

It can be concluded that the total number of errors of reguler and irreguler verbs are 14 or 15.7%, the total number of errors of to be are 36 or 40.4% and the total number of errors of negative are 39 or 43.8%. From the calculation of the data, negative errors are the most common error made by the eleventh grade students of SMKN 1 Tuah Kemuning in writing recount text with the percentage 39 errors or 43.8%, followed by to be errors with the percentage 36 errorr or 40.4%, and the lowest errors was verbs with the percentage 14 errors or 15.7%.

B. Suggestion

Based on conclusion, there are some suggestions for teachers, the students and the other researchers:

1. For the English teachers, this research will be given contribution to English teacher to find out their student‟s error in using simple past tense in writing especially in recount text to make any evaluation to the student‟s errors related to their weakneeses in simple past tense.

2. For the students, this research can help the students to minimize their weaknesses in simple past tense and to make their English get better.


3. For the other researchers, to make the learning more effective and creative, the writer are expected to find new approach, method or strategy in learning English to reduce errors especially in writing.



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Appendix 1





Bidang Keahlian : Seluruh Bidang Keahlian Program Keahlian : Seluruh Program Keahlian Kompetensi Keahlian : Seluruh Kompetensi Keahlian

(3 Tahun)

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Tujuan kurikulum mencakup empat aspek kompetensi, yaitu (1) aspek kompetensi sikap spiritual, (2) sikap sosial, (3) pengetahuan, dan (4) keterampilan. Aspek-aspek kompetensi tersebut dicapai melalui proses pembelajaran intrakurikuler, kokurikuler, dan ekstrakurikuler.

Rumusan kompetensi sikap spiritual yaitu, “Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya”. Sedangkan rumusan kompetensi sikap sosial yaitu, “Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai), bertanggung-jawab, responsif, dan proaktif melalui keteladanan, pemberian nasihat, penguatan, pembiasaan, dan pengkondisian secara berkesinambungan serta menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia”. Kedua kompetensi tersebut dicapai melalui pembelajaran tidak langsung (indirect teaching) yaitu keteladanan, pembiasaan, dan budaya sekolah, dengan memperhatikan karakteristik mata pelajaran serta kebutuhan dan kondisi peserta didik.

Penumbuhan dan pengembangan kompetensi sikap dilakukan sepanjang proses pembelajaran berlangsung, dan dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan guru dalam mengembangkan karakter peserta didik lebih lanjut.



(KETERAMPILAN) 3. Memahami, menerapkan,

menganalisis, dan mengevaluasitentang pengetahuan faktual,

4. Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur




(KETERAMPILAN) konseptual, operasional dasar,

dan metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan lingkup kajian/kerja _________________________________(

diisi Nama Mapel)pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detil, dan

kompleks, berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam konteks pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja, warga

masyarakat nasional, regional, dan internasional.

kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta

memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang kajian/kerja



___________________(diisi Nama Mapel).

Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan

dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja.


keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif, kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, komunikatif, dan solutif dalam ranah abstrak terkait dengan

pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Menunjukkan keterampilan

mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan, gerak mahir,

menjadikan gerak alami dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan

pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu


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