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H. Previous Studies

There are some researcher which concern they research on language style. Firstly, the student of English Language and Letters Department, Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Named is Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza, the title is

“Language Style In Exclusive Interview of Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV” 2017. The writer used descriptive qualitative, the writer used Chaika (1982: 31) and Keraaf (2002: 17) to identify and investigate about the types of Language Style in that exclusive interview. There are two research problems in this thesis, (1) What types of Language style are used in the Exclusive interview of Jassie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV? (2) How are the Language Style used in the Exclusive interview of Jassie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV?. In this research, the writer finds fifty data which are appropriated with the kind and characteristics of language style.

They can divided four types of Language Style base on the analyzing, namely: informal style, colloquial style, casual style, and consultative style. As the characteristics of this style, in those video have conversation that tool like family member and best friends.

Secondly, the student of English Department, faculty of Art and Humanities State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, named Nur Ika Rahmawati, the title is “Analysis of Language Style In The New York Times Advertisements” 2019. The writer used descriptive qualitative. Then analyzed categorized the data in accordance with the

kind of language style based on the William Well‟s theory. There are two research problems related to the language style of The New York Times advertisement. They were (1) what kinds of language styles are used on the advertisements of The New York Times? (2) How are the language styles used in the advertisements of The New York Times? According to that theory, these are several styles of advertisement to demonstrate the message; these include hard sell, soft sell, lecture, and drama, straightforward, demonstrations, comparison, problem solution, slice of life, and spokesperson. But, kinds of language style are used on the advertisements of The New York Times just ware Hard Sell Style, Soft Sell Style, Straightforward Style and also Comparison Style. For the second, there are some strategies used on language styles in the advertisements of The New York Times. For the first is hard sell style; it usually presents the message with rational information and emphasizes tangible product features, benefits and facilities. The second is soft sell style, it usually uses emotional information intended to create a response based on feeling and attitude. The third is straightforward style, it style performed information or message without using any gimmicks of embellishment. The fourth is Comparison style it contrast two or more products and usually finds the advertisers brand to be superior.

Thirdly, the thesis from Fatin Marshelina, thesis entitled “The Differences between Men and Women Language Styles In Writing Twitter Updates” 2013. This study used qualitative approach. The data were the twitter updates written by men and women users on twitter. In analyzing the data, the writer used theory by Adelaide Haas (1979) and A Mullac (2001). There were eight twitter users consisting of four men and four women. The research problems of the study are (1) what kinds of language styles that are mostly used by men and women in writing twitter updates (2) what are the purposes of using certain language styles in writing twitter updates used by men and women on twitter. In this research, the writer finds the language style and communication purposes between men and

women twitter updates. The present writer suggests the future writers to find men and women differences in language style from literary works such as novel, short story, or next writers can examine other twitter feature such as twitter mention or also analyze the differences between men and women in conversation like in the movie or debate show on television. It is also suggested for the future writers to use another other theories beside Haas theory to analyze the phenomenon in sociolinguistic area especially in language and gender.

Fourthly, the student of English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, named Nofita, thesis entitled “The Analysis of Language Style in Wild Wild Child Film by Nick Moore”. The research discussed about language style in Wild Wild Child movie. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the kinds of language qualitative method, descriptive research, and content analysis to analyze the data. As the result, the writer found five language style, they are: frozen style, consultative style, formal style, casual style, and intimate style. From thirty eight data, the writer finds one data is present in frozen style, four data for formal style, three data for consultative style, fourteen data for casual style, and for intimate style and the writer found the reason the language style found in film. They are the listener of the speaker. Where is conversation taking places, when the conversation happens.

From the previous studies, the writers‟ drawer and conclusion that her research is has similarity and difference from the previous researchers.

The similarity of the researches above with this research is the same field or subject that is the language style. The difference of this research with previous researches above is different object which is Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza used interview in NET TV, Nur Ika Rahmawati used advertisement in New York Times, Fatin Marshelina used writing in twitter updates, and Nofita used dialogue in film. In this research, the writer used the conversation in the debate on the American presidential election in the

final debate 2020 as an object to analyze the language styles used in the debate conversation.

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