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B. Analysis

1. Kinds of Language Style

Formal style is a language style used greet people in a large scope but is structured, logically ordered and coherent for important or serious situation. It can be seen I the text below:

Datum 01

Trump : How are you doing? How are you?30

At the beginning of the debate carried out by Trump and Biden in the final of the 2020 American presidential debate, the sentence "How Are You?" Being the first sentence passed by Trump. The selection of this sentence was to greet the moderator and also the audience present at the 2020 presidential election debate. This sentence is included in the formal style category, because Trump shows the attitude and protection as an authoritative and also friendly president. The next example is below:

Datum 02

Biden : 220,000 Americans dead. You hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this. Anyone who is responsible for not taking control. In fact, not saying I take no responsibility initially. Anyone is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America. We’re in a situation where there are a thousand deaths a day now. A

30 Duration 00: 09: 37 – 00: 09: 58

thousand deaths a day. And there are over 70,000 new cases per day. Compared to what’s going on in Europe as the New England Medical Journal said, they’re starting from a very low rate. We’re starting from a very high rate.31

With the expression of the Biden, he illustrates that he knows more about the case being faced by gathering more accurate data both from death data and increasing cases every day. He did this so that the people glanced more as a better person than Trump regarding the handling of this case. The sentence is a discussion of the debate with the theme "Combating Covid-19" how to submit formal to be a choice to be more authoritative when he expressed his opinion. The next example is below:

Datum 03

Biden : What I would do is make sure we have everyone encouraged to wear a mask all the time. I would make sure we move into the direction of rapid testing, investing in rapid testing. I would make sure that we set up national standards as to how to open up schools and open up businesses so they can be safe and give them the wherewithal, the financial resources to be able to do that.32

In the sentence above, Biden invited the American people to wear a time mask. Biden chose to use the formal style so that the community could accept the solution provided by it, the use of this formal style aimed for the American people to see more of its seriousness in responding to the case being faced. The next example is below :

Datum 04

Trump : Thank you, and I appreciate that. Look, all he does is talk about shut downs. But forget about him. His Democrat Governors, Cuomo in New York,

31 Duration 00: 14: 25

32 Duration 00: 15: 29

you look at what’s going on in California, you look at Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Democrats, Democrats all, they’re shut down so tight and they’re dying. They’re dying. And he supports all these people. All he talks about is shut downs. No, we’re not going to shut down. And we have to open our schools. And it’s like, as an example, I have a young son, he also tested positive. By the time I spoke to the doctor the second time, he was fine. It just went away. Young people, I guess, it’s their immune system.33

In the sentence dialogue above, Trump said that he appreciated the suggestions given by Biden before about the closure of schools and public places such as bars, gymnasium. And all these new places may be opened during the pandemic provided that they meet the main health standards as specified. In the sentence, Trump used a formal style because he wanted to deny the statement of Biden who said that Trump wanted to close the country's activities. But Trump actually wants to keep opening a public place to save the economy in his country.

b. Consultative Style

The typical occurrence of a consultative speech is between two people. While one speaks at intervals the other gives a brief response which is largely drawn from a small supply of standard signals. There are basic parts of the system that are essential to its operation. The consultative label is: yes, no, right, mmm, great, I think so and very few others. As in the example dialog text below:

Datum 05

Biden : My response is he is xenophobic, but not because he shutdown access from China. And he did it late after 40 countries had already done that. In addition to that, what he did, he made sure that we had 44 people that were in there in China trying to

33 Duration 00: 25: 20

get the Wuhan to determine what exactly the source was. What did the president say in January? He said, ” No.” He said, “He’s being transparent. The president of China is being transparent. We owe him a debt of gratitude. We have to thank him.”34 In the sentence above, Biden uses a consultative style that is seen in his words that say "My Response is ..." Which sentence indicates that he was discussing or discussing his opinion. He used the style because he wanted to convince listeners that Trump really did not really make movements regarding the handling of this disease solely for the sake of American people, but only to get praise from his people. The next example is below:

Datum : 06

Trump : No, I think my timeline is going to be more accurate. I don’t know that they’re counting on the military the way I do, but we have our generals lined up, one in particular that’s the head of logistics and this is a very easy distribution for him.

He’s ready to go. As soon as we have the vaccine and we expect to have a 100 million vials. As soon as we have the vaccine, he’s ready to go.35

In the sentence above, Trump uses the consultative style which he asserts that the time line is more accurate because he relies on the military and has a marching general which one is the head of logistics and this is a very easy distribution for him. He also said that they hope to have 100 million bottles of vaccines and will soon be sent after he gets the vaccine. Trump chose consultative style because he wanted to show his performance and power in and the effort he did to this case. By relying on the military he hopes it can be caused by the hearts of America. The next example is below:

34 Duration 00: 19: 22

35 Duration 00: 17: 03

Datum 07

Biden : The expectation is we’ll have another 200,000 Americans dead between now and the end of the year. If we just wore these masks, the president’s own advisors have told him, we can save a 100,000 lives. And we’re in a circumstance where the president thus far and still has no plan, no comprehensive plan.36

On the delivery of his opinion Biden used the Consultative language style, because he wanted to discuss with the American people that using a mask was the first step of the prevention of the priced increase in the Corona virus. It aims to make the American people prefer it as president than Trump who does not have a comprehensive plan. The next example is can see below:

Datum 08

Trump : When you say spike, take a look at what’s happening in Pennsylvania where they’ve had it closed. Take a look at what’s happening with your friend in Michigan, where her husband’s the only one allowed to do anything. It’s been like a prison.

Now, it was just ruled unconstitutional. Take a look at North Carolina, they’re having spikes and they’ve been closed, and they’re getting killed financially. We can’t let that happen, Joe. You can’t let that happen. We have to open up. And we understand the disease. We have to protect our seniors. We have to protect our elderly. We have to protect especially our seniors with heart problems and diabetes problems. And we will protect. We have the best testing in the world by far. That’s why we have so many cases.37

In the Trump statement above, he explained about the impact of the closing of the city where there was a lot of surge and could disturb the residents who lived in the city. In the sentence

36 Duration 00: 15: 07

37 Duration 00: 29: 14

Trump used the consultative style, because he would want to say that he did not want the impact of the closed city experienced by its citizens, especially parents who had heart problems and other serious illnesses. If the city is closed, the citizens will feel stress like in prison.

c. Casual Style

Casual style is also simply defined as a style that used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that appropriate to the conversation with our friends, the background information so freely inserted into casual conversation. Pronunciation is rapid and often slurred, besides that the use of slang. This is a prime indication of in-group relationship. It can be seen below:

Datum : 09

Trump : Uh Johnson & Johnson is doing very well.

Moderna is doing very well. Pfizer is doing very well and we have numerous others. Then we also have others that we’re working on very closely with other countries, in particular Europe.38

In the sentence above, Trump mentioned several company names that handle this Corona case with very good special in Europe. He mentioned it using a casual style, because he wanted to show that he still had a good way in responding to this case. Not only that, he also mentions casually the names of several companies that have a very close relationship with him, especially in Europe. The next example is below:

Datum 10

Trump : Also, everything that he said about the way every single move that he said we should make, that’s

38 Duration 00: 16: 34

what we’ve done. We’ve done all of it. But he was way behind us39.

In the sentence above, Trump uses a casual style with the ends context, it is seen from the way of delivery that uses intonation which tends to slowly and also has a little emphasis on the sentence. Submission by using this casual style was carried out by Trump for aiming to persuade the masses by showing that he had tried to resolve cases that were faced by him and other countries. The next example is below :

Datum 11

Biden : We had a good relationship with Hitler before he, in fact, invaded Europe, the rest of Europe. Come on. The reason he would not meet with President Obama is because President Obama said, “We’re going to talk about denuclearization. We’re not going to legitimize you and we’re going to continue to push stronger and stronger sanctions on you.”

That’s why he wouldn’t meet with us.

In the above sentence, in the dialogue themed "National Security" Biden gave a response to Trump about the meeting between the President of South Korea and President Obama a few years ago which was considered by Trump as an ordinary meeting and there was no relationship that could have an impact on each Country. In the scene, Biden used a casual force to give a rebuttal to Trump, he did because he wanted to explain that at the meeting between the South Korea with America in his position as vice president. And at the meeting between the American President and South Korea had established good relations after they held talks about denuclirization, after that time the South Korean president would no longer meet Obama. The next example is below :

39 Duration 00: 19: 11

Datum 12

Biden : I do. I do. My daughter is a social worker and she’s written a lot about this. She has her graduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania in social work. And one of the reasons why I ended up working on the East Side of Wilmington, Delaware, which is 90% African-American, was to learn more about what was going on. I never had to tell my daughter if she’s pulled over, make sure she puts…

For a traffic stop. “Put both hands on top of the wheel and don’t reach for the glove box because someone may shoot you.” But a Black parent, no matter how wealthy or how poor they are, has to teach their child, “When you’re walking down the street, don’t have a hoodie on when you go across the street.40

In the sentence above, Biden gave his response to the way Americans black and chocolate experienced races in America. He said that he was looking for knowing what really happened by working in East Side of Wilmington, Delaware, which was 90% of African-America. In the sentence with the theme "Race In America" Biden used a casual style, because he wanted to explain his efforts in overcoming races in America, which was assisted by his daughter who had a job at the Social Service. So from that Biden believes that he can overcome this truth quickly.

2. The Function of Language Style a. Increase the audience‟s taste

Language style enhances what the speaker wants to follow and what the speaker is saying. This will increase the audience's opinion about what the speaker is saying that is expressed in his words and also what purpose the speaker will communicate. It can be seen below:

Datum 13

40 Duration 01: 14: 57

Trump : Well, you have to understand the first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter, they were chanting,

“Pigs in a blanket,” talking about police, pigs, pigs, talking about our police. “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.” I said, “That’s a horrible thing.”

And they were marching down the street. And that was my first glimpse of Black Lives Matter, I thought it was a terrible thing. As far as my relationships with all people, I think I have great relationships with all people. I am the least racist person in this room.41

In that statement, Trump tried to bring the audience's opinion about Black Lives Matter when he shared a video of a man chanting white power to Barack Obama. Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hatred. Where the American population gave a racial demonstration and shouted "Pigs in a blanket", "Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon", and argued that the residents who shouted the sentence aimed at the American police were his first view of Black Lives Matter. The next example is below:

Datum 14

Biden : My response is, look, there’s a reason why he’s bringing up all this malarkey. There’s a reason for it. He doesn’t want to talk about the substantive issues. It’s not about his family and my family. It’s about your family, and your family’s hurting badly.

If you’re a middle-class family, you’re getting hurt badly right now. You’re sitting at the kitchen table this morning deciding, “Well, we can’t get new tires. They’re bald, because we have to wait another month or so.” Or, “Are we going to be able to pay the mortgage?” Or, “Who’s going to tell her she can’t go back to community college?” They’re the decisions you’re making, and the middle-class families like I grew up in Scranton and Claymont, they’re in trouble. We should be talking about your families, but that’s the last thing he wants to talk about.42

41 Duration 01: 23: 06

42 Duration 00: 47: 54 – 00: 48: 38

In the sentence above, Biden denied Trump's opinion that questioned the accompanying way with a way to roll back opinions into opinions about his family. Biden described that Trump and his family is currently in a state of worrying both in economic aspects and other things. This was done by Biden because he wanted to lead the people opinion and restore his family's image. The next example is below:

Datum 15

Biden : I don’t understand why this President is unwilling to take on Putin when he’s actually paying bounties to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, when he’s engaged in activities that are trying to destabilize all of NATO. I don’t know why he doesn’t do it, but it’s worth asking the question. Why isn’t that being done? Any country that interferes with us will, in fact, pay a price, because they’re affecting our sovereignty.43

In the sentence at page 35, Biden asked about the actions of the president of rum who did not take any action against the Afghan army who had been involved in the shock of all NATO. It made the audience wonder about the reasons for President Trump's actions, while President Trump is famous for his crackdown on people who have interfered with his sovereignty and they have to pay. The next example is below:

Datum 16

Trump : But let me just tell you. Let me just tell you. They built cages. They used to say I built the cages, and then they had a picture in a certain newspaper, and it was the picture of these horrible cages and they said, “Look at these cages. President Trump built them.” And then it was determined they were built in 2014. That was him. They built cages.44

In the sentence above, Trump said that he was explaining about the wall he had built on the American border. And in that

43 Duration 00: 34: 31 – 00: 35: 06

44 Duration 01: 09: 47 – 01: 10: 00

sentence Trump said that the people said the wall he made was a cage for children of illegal immigration and separated them from their parents. While Trump detained the children of illegal immigrants and separated them from their parents because he wanted them immigrants enter America legally.

b. Persuade the audiences

Language style makes the audience fell sure and trustful toward what is being said by the writer. The writer or speaker asks the reader or listener attractively by using rhetoric language. It can be seen inn dialogue below:

Datum 17

Biden : ….. if I get elected, I’m not going to… I’m running as a proud Democrat, but I’m going to be an American president. I don’t see red states and blue states. What I see is American United States.

And folks, every single state out there finds themself in trouble. They’re going to start laying off, whether they’re red or blue, cops, firefighters, first responders, teachers, because they have to balance their budget. And the founders were smart. They allowed the federal government to deficit spend to compensate for the United States of America.45

The text dialogue at 29:40 minute is an example of the purpose of language style, namely persuade the audience in which Biden said that if he was elected president of the United States, he would not differentiate between the red camp and the blue camp.

And he also said that What I see is American United States. And folks, every single state out there finds themself in trouble. They're going to start laying off, whether they're red or blue, cops, firefighters, first responders, teachers, because they have to balance their budget. The next example, it can be seen below:

Datum 18

45 Duration 01: 05: 27 – 01: 06: 37

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