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B. Relevant Research

Relevant research on students‟ personality types and speaking achievement has been done in different levels and context of education.This section will provide a detailed summary based on the previous studies:

There is a relevant research conducted in English course and carried out by Intan Nur Ahmar and Sugiyanta (2021) entitled “A Comparative Research between Extrovert and Introvert Personality on Speaking Achievement”. This study was done to investigate whether there is a significant difference between introvert and extrovert students on their

speaking achievement at Cambridge School of English. The research used quantitative approach. The researcher chooses all the students in Cambridge School of English as a population. 23 students were selected using simple random technique as the sample. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire is used to classify who has extrovert and introvert personalities.To measure speaking achievement, the researcher used test. In collecting numerical data, the researcher analyzed using SPSS 22. The result of this study revealed that the independent sample t-test shows that the t-table is higher than t-count (-1.360). From this finding, it can be drawn the conclusion that there is no significant difference between students who were extroverts and introverts at Cambridge School of English.

Then, there is also some research conducted on the Indonesian context that carried out in high school. The first research entitled “Personality Traits, Motivational Orientations and Speaking Achievement in The EFL Context” was conducted by Sefvirda Arniatika (2019). This research aimed to find out what differences were truly existed between extrovert and introvert personality regarding to their motivational orientations and speaking achievement, and how extrovert and introvert personality were inter-correlated with EFL motivational orientations and speaking achievement. This research used quantitative research. Purposive sampling was used by the researcher to choose the sample from XII grade in East Lampung, Indonesia which consists of 40 students. In gathering the data, the researcher used The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and

Self-Report questionnaire. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) was employed to investigate the students‟ personality types into extrovert and introvert personality which consist of 10 items. Whereas, Self-Report questionnaire was used to identify the motivational orientations of the students consist of 12 items. In further analysis, the data was analyzed by using Independent samples T-test and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient. Based on the finding of the research, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between extrovert and introvert personality in both their motivational orientations and speaking achievement. Moreover, this is also found that there is a combination of motivational orientations that co-exists in the extrovert personality.

The second, Deviana Sari Sinurat (2018) investigated the correlation between students‟ extrovertintrovert personality in eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Berampu in the academic year 2018/2019. The population in this study was 192 people, and the sample is 48 people like respondents with a sampling technique that is proportional random sampling technique.

The researcher used correlational research design. Data collection techniques used in this study were questionnaire, test, and documentation.

The results showed that there is a significant correlation between the students‟ extrovert-introvert personality and their achievement in speaking of the eighth grade in SMPN 1 Berampu. The correlation coefficient was 0.4313 and it was categorized in enough/fair correlation.

The third research conducted in Indonesia was carried out by Yuspar Uzer (2017) entitled “The Influence of Students‟ Personality Types to their Speaking Achievement on the Tenth Grade Students of the State Senior High School 6 Palembang”. This research used experimental design. The objective of this research was to discuss whether there was the influence of students‟ personality types to their speaking achievement. The population of this research was the tenth grade students of the State Senior High School 6 Palembang in Academic Year of 2016/2017. Since the researcher used using one-stage cluster random sampling, the sample was taken from was taken from the students of Class H. Instruments of the research are questionnaires and monologue tests. In analyzing the data, the researcher used coefficient regressionto predict the effect of independent variables toward the dependent variable. The study revealed that personality did not influence the English speaking achievement on the tenth grade students of the state Senior High School 6 Palembang in Academic year 2016/2017.

Furthermore, research in university level was conducted by Siti Lailatul Khoiriyah (2016) entitled “The Correlation among Attitude, Motivation and Speaking Achievement at College Students across Personality Factors.” The objective of the study was to investigate whether the motivation, attitude and proficiency level that influence the students‟

achievement in this university or not, especially in their speaking skill. The research design in the study was correlational research. The research was employed in non-English department students of UIN Malang. The

population of the study was approximately 2000 students, so the researcher used stratified random sampling. 60 students were chosen as the participants in the study. This study used oral test and questionnaire that consist of Attitude and Motivation Test Battery (AMTB)questionnaire and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) questionnaire as well as interview as the research instrument. The data analysis used multiple regressions. Finding of this study found that the level of significant is lower than 0.05; that is 0.012 (extrovert) and 0.024 (introvert). It means that there was significant correlation among attitude, motivation and speaking achievement of extrovert and Introvert students.

Based on all the previous studies above, the variable in each research are almost the same.The variable of the studies above consisted extrovert and introvert personality and speaking achievement. On the other hands, the researcher will conduct this research differently from the previous studies above. The differences are the problem of the research, technique of collectingdata, formulation of the problem, variable of the research, and location of the research. Most of the research above was conducted at high school level and examined personality types. While, the researcher in this research conducted this research at the university level and examined the extent of students‟ personality types correlate in speaking achievement.

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