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NOVI RAHAYU SIN. 11910421270







NOVI RAHAYU SIN. 11910421270


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements For Bachelor Degree of English Education









In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, praises belong to Allah almighty, the king of universe. Through His guidance and blessing, the researcher has completed the final research paper as an academic requirement for the award of bachelor degree at the Department of English Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Then, May shalawat and salam always be presented to the last messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around the world.

The deepest gratitude goes to the researcher‟s parents, Mr. Sumanto and Mrs. Yatirah, who has devoted all love and affection as well as moral and material attentionin accomplishing this thesis by always be there for the researcher during the struggle. May Allah SWT always bestow grace, health, and blessings in the world and in the hereafter for the kindness that has given to the researcher. Thank you so much especially to researcher‟s Mom, who has given an endless love, sacrifice her life to give all for the researcher‟s life, to make the researcher capable to finished this research and always be the biggest motivation and inspiration for the researcher whole life. The researcher realizes that the final project paper is far from being perfect and without defect. Constructive criticisms and suggestions are needed in order to improve the paper. The researcher would like to show his gratitude to all beloved people that have encouraged, motivated even helped the researcher in finishing the paper. They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., the Rector of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Dr. Hj. Helmiati, M.Ag., as Vice Rector I, Dr. H.

Mas‟udZein, M.Pd., as the Vice-Rector II of State Islamic Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Edi Erwan, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph., D., as the Vice-Rector III of



State Islamic Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, and all staff. Thanks for the kindness and the encouragement.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H.

Zarkasih, M.Ag., as the Vice Dean I, Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M.Pd., as the Vice Dean II, Dr. Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd. Kons., as the Vice Dean IIIof Education and Teacher Training Faculty and all staffs. Thanks for the kindness and encouragement.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, SS., M.Hum., the Head of the English Education Department, has given the researcher correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing the thesis.

4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M.Pd the Secretary of Department of English Education, for her guidance to the researcher.

5. Mainar Fitri, M.Pd. the researcher‟s supervisor who has given guidance, critics, advice, encouragement, and motivation to the writer from the beginning of writing the thesis until the completion of it. The writer apologizes for her weaknesses because of bothering her time and asking many questions.

6. Rizki Amelia, M.Pd the researcher‟s academic advisor who has given instruction, guidance, advice,motivation, and kindness to complete this thesis.

7. All lecturers of the English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, who have given knowledge and information of this project paper and thanks for their contributions and support during the courses.

8. The researcher‟s belovedsisters, Febiola and Geisha Alvira who always beside me, always pray, support and help me anytime by being a good listener. I do love you all.

9. All the extended families that cannot researcher mention one by one for the passion that you have always given to the researcher so that the researcher can finish the thesis.



10. My dear self “Novi Rahayu” because she had fought the depression, stress, anxiety, laziness, crying, overthingking, happiness and had finished the entire obligation in university.

11. Researcher‟s team of KKN Kota Baru 2022 thanks for the love, friendship, support and togetherness.

12. Researcher‟s beloved friend Regita Cahayani Ardianti. Thank you for never ending support and motivation.

13. The researcher‟s friends of B class, for all the love, support, help, motivation, and memories during our togetherness. For the students of the English Education Department in the academic year 2019, nice to know guys.

14. All of the people who can not the researcher mention one by one who has the role on finishing this thesis, Thank you.

Finally, the perfection only belongs to Allah. Criticisms, comments, and suggestions are appreciated to improve the thesis. May Allah Almighty, the lord of the universe blesses us, aamiin.

Pekanbaru, December 24th, 2022


SIN. 11910421270



Novi Rahayu (2023): Correlation between Personality Types and Speaking Achievement of Fourth Semester Students at English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

The purpose of the research is to examine whether there is any significant correlation between personality types and speaking achievement offourth semester students of English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. There were 86 students as samples taken by using the simple random sampling technique. This research approach was a quantitative method and correlational research with explanatory design. In collecting the data, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the respondents to measure the students‟ personality types, which consist of 24 items statement and used documentation of the students‟ speaking score to determine the speaking achievement. The researcher used Pearson Product Moment correlation through SPSS 26.0 version to analyze the data. The result of this research showed that sig.

(2-tailed) was 0.166 (0.166> 0.05) which means that statistically insignificant correlation. It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected while null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. In conclusion, there is no significant correlation between students‟ personality types and speaking achievement of fourth semester students at English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.



Novi Rahayu (2023): Korelasi antara Jenis-Jenis Kepribadian dan Prestasi Berbicara Mahasiswa Semester Empat di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tipe-tipe kepribadian dan prestasi berbicara mahasiswa semester empat Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 86 siswa yang diperoleh melalui teknik simple random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif danjenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian korelasional dengan desain explanatory.Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti membagikan kuesioner kepada responden untuk mengidentifikasi tipe kepribadian siswa, yang terdiri dari 24 butir pernyataan dan menggunakan dokumentasi dari skor berbicara siswa untuk menentukan pencapaian berbicara.Peneliti menggunakan korelasi Pearsonyang dianalisa menggunakan SPSS versi 26.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sig. (2-tailed) adalah 0.166 (0.166> 0,05) artinya tidak terdapat korelasi yang signifikan secara statistik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis alternatif (Ha) ditolak sedangkan hipotesis nol (Ho) diterima.Sebagai kesimpulan, ada hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara tipe kepribadian mahasiswa dan prestasi berbicara mahasiswa semester empat di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.




( ،وياهار يفون 2023

يف عبارلا فصلاذيملات ىدل ةثداحملا يف زاجنلإاو ةيصخشلا عاونأ نيب ةقلاعلا :) ناطلسلا ةعماجب ةيزيلجنلإا ةغللا ميلعت مسق

ةيملاسلإا مساق فيرشلا

واير ةيموكحلا

في زانجلإاو ةيصخشلا عاونأ ينب ةماه ةقلاع كانه تناك اذإ ام رابتخا وه ثحبلا اذه نم ضرغلا

ةيموكلحا ةيملاسلإا مساق فيرشلا ناطلسلا ةعمابج ةيزيلنجلإا ةغللا ميلعت مسق في عبارلا فصلاذيملات ىدل ةثدالمحا اذه في ةنيعلا تنوكت .واير نم ثحبلا

68 ةيئاوشعلا تانيعلا ذخأ بولسأ للاخ نم مهيلع لوصلحا تم اذيملت

عجم دنع .يحيضوت ميمصت عم يطابترا ثبح ثحبلا نم عونلا اذهو ،اًيمك ًلاخدمثحبلا اذه مدختسي .ةطيسبلا وكت تيلاو ،ذيملاتلا ةيصخش عاونأ ىلع فرعتلل ينثوحبلدا ىلع تانايبتسا ةثحابلا تعزو ،تانايبلا نم تن


ةثحابلا تمدختسا .ةثدالمحا فيزانجلإا ديدحتل ةثدالمحا في ذيملاتلا تاجرد قيثوت ةثحابلا تمدختساو نايب رصنع ةيعامتجلاا مولعلل ةيئاصحلإا ةمزلحا جمانرب مادختساب هليلتح تم يذلا نوسيربل موزعلا بض طابترا 48

ترهظأو .

يه )ليذلا ةيئانث ( ةيهملأا نأ جئاتنلا 6..88

( 6..88 >

6.60 نكيم .ةماه ةقلاع دجوت لا هنأ نيعي امم )

عاونأ ينب ةماه يرغ ةقلاع كانه ،ماتلخا في .ةلوبقم ةيرفصلا ةيضرفلاو ةضوفرم ةليدبلا ةيضرفلا نأ جاتنتسا لا ةعمابج ةيزيلنجلإا ةغللا ميلعت مسق في ةثدالمحا نم عبارلا فصلاذيملات ىدل ةثدالمحا في زانجلإاو ةيصخشلا ناطلس

.واير ةيموكلحا ةيملاسلإا مساق فيرشلا








ABSTRAK ... vii

صخلم... viii





A.Background of the Problem ... 1

B.Problem ... 7

1. Identification of the Problem ... 7

2. Limitation of the Problem ... 7

3. Formulation of the Problem ... 8

C.Objective and Significances of the Research ... 8

1. Objective of the Research ... 8

2. Significances of the Research ... 9

D.Definition of the Terms ... 10

1. Correlation ... 10

2. Personality Types... 10

3. Speaking Achievement ... 11




A.Theoretical Framework ... 12

1. Speaking Achievement ... 12

2. Personality Types... 21

3. The Relationship between Personality Types and Speaking Achievement ... 37

B.Relevant Research ... 39

C.Operational Concept ... 43

D.Assumption and Hypothesis of the Research ... 45

1. Assumption ... 45

2. Hypothesis ... 45


A.Research Design ... 46

B.Time and Location of the Research ... 47

C.Subject and Object of the Research ... 47

1. Subject of the Research ... 47

2. Object of the Research ... 47

D.Population and Sample of the Research ... 48

1. Population ... 48

2. Sample ... 48

E.Technique of Collecting the Data ... 50

1. Questionnaire ... 50

2. Documentation ... 52

3. Validity of the Questionnaire ... 52

4. Reliability of the Questionnaire ... 55

F. Techniques of the Data Analysis ... 56




A.Results ... 60

1. What are the Students‟ Personality Types in Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau? .... 61

2. What is the Students‟ Speaking Achievement in Fourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau? ... 64

3. Is there any Significant Correlation between Students‟ Personality Types and their Speaking Achievement in Fourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau? . 66 B.Discussion ... 68


A.Conlusion ... 72

B.Suggestion ... 73






Tabel II. 1 Characteristics of the I/E Students ... 37

Tabel III. 1 The Population of the Research ... 48

Tabel III. 2 The Blue Print of the Questionnaire ... 51

Tabel III. 3 The Indicators of Extrovert and Introvert ... 51

Tabel III. 4 Range of the Score ... 52

Tabel III. 5 The Validity Questionnaire of Extrovert and Introvert ... 54

Tabel III. 6 The level of Acceptable Reliability ... 55

Tabel III. 7 Reliability Statistics of Extrovert and Introvert Questionnaire ... 56

Tabel III. 8 The Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient ... 58

Tabel IV. 1 Recapitulation of Students‟ Personality Types (Extrovert and Introvert)... 62

Tabel IV. 2 The Percentages of Students‟ Personality Types (Extrovert and Introvert)... 63

Tabel IV. 3 The Categories of Students Score ... 64

Tabel IV. 4 Speaking Achievement Scores of Students Personality Types (Extrovert and Introvert) ... 65

Tabel IV. 5 The Test of Normality of Personality Types and Speaking Achievement... 66

Tabel IV. 6 Analysis of Significant Correlation between Personality Types and Speaking Achievement Using Pearson Product Moment ... 67



LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Instructional Plan

Appendix 2 Students‟ Questionnaire

Appendix 3 Recapitulation of Students‟ Questionnaire

Appendix 4 Recapitulation of Students‟ Speaking Achievement Scores Appendix 5 Recommendation Letters

Appendix 6 Documentation



A. Background of the Problem

Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching which involves producing, receiving and processing information (Cora and Knight cited in Farabi et al, 2017). It means that speaking is a crucial element that can be used by someone to communicate with others.

Mastering speaking English seems to be the priority for many ESL or EFL learners and consequently, they often evaluate their success in language learning as well as the effectiveness of their English subject on the fundamental of how much they feel they have improved in their spoken language proficiency.

However, not all language learners can interact and communicate fluently and accurately as they lack the necessary knowledge even though they have learned English for years. In addition, there are English students have difficulty in speaking that causes by their different performance levels.

Students also have different ability in a class since they receive and obtain information differently. Some students are successful than others. As speaking skill is pretty difficult, the teachers should work hard in forcing the students to speak. Furthermore, the teachers should be aware that there are some factors that may influence in enhancing the students‟ ability in speaking.


There are several factors that influence success in speaking. Some of them are: attitude, motivation, self-efficacy, interest, self-esteem, anxiety, learning style, age, and personality. Among those factors which have much influence to the students is personality (Samand, 2019). It is undeniable that essential individual differences exist among second language learners.According to Allport as cited in Sukmadinata (2007), personality is the individual characteristic reactions to social stimuli and the quality of his adaptation to the social features of his environment.Jung via Medina (2014, p.1) states that there are two types of personalities based on dimensions of attitude, they are Extrovert and Introvert personality.Those two terms are in contradiction. Jung (1971) as cited in Sri et al (2019) says that extrovert is type of people whose attention is directed outside himself. Whereas introvert type belongs to people whose attention are focused on themselves that is toward his ego.

Moreover, Lightbown and Spada (2006) as cited in Andriyani (2016) mentions in her research that many classroom teachers believe that in second or foreign language learning, extrovert students are more successful than introvert students, especially in their communicative ability.

Furthermore, Crow (1958) as it cited by Andriyani states that extrovert students are usually fluent in speaking, not too feeling worry and not easily get ashamed and awkward, prefer to work together or work in group, and good in adapting with their surrounding. Moreover, Matthews also added


that extroverts' performance superiority is most evident on verbal tasks.

Therefore, extroverts may have more capacity specifically for processing verbal stimuli, but not for other types of task. Extroverts are more talkative and use fewer pauses that introverts (Dorney, 2005). It means by its superiority in verbal task and its sociability, extroverts are more skilled in speaking than introvert. Vogel (1986) also mentioned that extrovert students are more fluent in doing oral tasks than introvert students.This is caused by the assumption that because of extroverts‟ preferences for social activities, they are more willing to speak out and demonstrate a greater desire to communicate, which may enable them to achieve a higher level of speaking fluency (Swain, 1993 in Yolla, 2020).

Furthermore, in spoken language, extrovert students are perceived to talk louder and more fluently, but sometimes less accurately (Myers cited in Usmiyati, 2012).Extrovert students more active in the learning process since they are used to speak to each other so that it influence their ability in learning process. It is clear the differences personality of students can also influence the speaking achievement of students in the class.

There were some previous studies who analyzed the extrovert and introvert personality in speaking skill. Most of the research studies focus on the correlation between students‟ personality and speaking performance (e.g. Paradila et al, 2020; Hardiyanti et al, 2021; Sri et al, 2019; Lestari et al, 2015), correlation between introversion/extroversion and oral English learning outcome (Chen et al, 2015), correlation between students‟


personality traits and speaking ability (Yolanda, 2018), correlation among attitude, motivation and speaking achievement (Khoiriyah, 2016), In the other hand, some research focus on the comparative research between extrovert and introvert personality on speaking achievement (Ahmar &

Sugiyanta, 2021), speaking ability (e.g Nurmayasari & Eva, 2016;

Istighfaroh, 2021).

Moreover, other studies concern on the analysis the students personality and speaking performance (Taiyeb, 2019), the role of extroversion and introversion (Borna, 2017), the role of students personality in learning English (Panggua, 2019), the effect of extraversion and introversion on fluent speaking (Hasirchin, 2014), personality type tendency toward speaking anxiety (Husain et al, 2020), the influence of students personality types and speaking achievement (Uzer, 2017), personality traits, motivational orientations and speaking achievement (Arniatika, 2019).

However, just few studies that examined between personality types and their speaking achievement. There are only five studies that examined about personality types toward speaking achievement (e.g Ahmar &

Sugiyanta, 2021; Arniatika, 2019; Sinurat, 2018; Uzer, 2017; Khoiriyah, 2016). It is clear that just few studies that concern about personality types toward speaking achievement. Most of those studies used comparative and correlation research design as the research method. Then three studies were conducted at the high school level, one study conducted in English course and only one study that conducted in the university level. In the other hand,


there are only two studies that focused on extrovert and introvert personality in speaking achievement without other variables.

This research is also different from other research above, since it is focused on the students of university. It is because English is not only necessary to be taught in senior high school but also in the university level in which the students are demanded to actively participate in teaching and learning environment.Those are several factors why the researcher conducted this research on this university level is because Comenius (as cited in Prasettiyo, 2015) spotlights the range ages of maturity level is on 18-24 years old. In this range of ages, students were getting much intelligences from their formal and informal education. Students also had passed their puberty. So, even they had a bad score on both personality and speaking ability, it still can be changed (Okeefe, 2015).

In line with the problems above, practical problems related to the correlation between students' personality types and their speaking achievement were also found at the English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. As a formal institution, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau provides speaking activity as a major subject of English students. Additionally, based on the preliminary interview with few of fourth semester students at English Education Department, the researcher found that they already follow the speaking course in the second semester until thefourth semester, but most of the students still had problems in speaking. Some of the students wereactive


in speaking class while other students were just silent. Some students felt enough for only listen to their teacher rather than had to speak, discuss, and perform in front of the classroom.For the students who were considered as extrovert, they talked a lot and got on easily with each other, but made mistakes in speaking. While for the students who were considered as introvert, even they had low speaking activities, but when they performed in front of the classroom, they had a well performance. It might be because of their preparation that structured in detail.

The researcher also found some phenomena where some of introvert students were shy to speak in front of the classroom but had a good speaking ability with the right structure and proper pronunciation when speaking. Some of extrovert students were confident to speak in front of the classroom but had a bad speaking ability and they did not speak in correct structures as well asmade much mistakes when speaking.

The researcher found that there was a contrast between theory and phenomena researcher found in the field. So the researcher is interested in testing the theories and hypothesis about how and why a phenomenon operates as it does. Based on the reason above, the researcher needs to carry out the research entitled “Correlation between Personality Types and Speaking Achievement of Fourth Semester Students at English Education Department of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau”


B. Problem

1. Identification of the Problem

a. What were the causes that some of the students were active and some were silent in the classroom?

b. What were the causes that some of the students felt enough for only listen to their teacher rather than had to speak, discuss and perform in front of the class?

c. What were the causes that some of the extrovert students who were confident to speak in front of the classroom but had bad speaking ability?

d. What were the causes that some of the introvert students were shy to speak in front of classroom although they had good speaking ability?

2. Limitation of the Problem

Related to the problems that had been identified above, it is clear that there are some problems that occur in this research. To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher needs to limit the problems to pay more attention to the specific problems. In this case, the researcher focuses on the correlation between students‟ personality types (extrovert and introvert) as variable X and their speaking achievement as variable Y in fourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.The researcher limits the research on personality types (extrovert and introvert characters) and its correlation with speaking achievement.


3. Formulation of the Problem

In accordance with the limitation of the problems above, the researcher formulates the research problems as follows:

a. What are the students‟ personality types in fourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau?

b. Whatis the students‟ speaking achievement infourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau?

c. Is there any significant correlation between students‟ personality types and their speaking achievement infourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau?

C. Objective and Significances of the Research 1. Objective of the Research

a. To find out the students personality types infourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

b. To find out the students speaking achievement in fourth semester students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

c. To examine whether or not there is a significant correlation between students‟ personality types and speaking


achievementinfourth semester studentsof English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

2. Significances of the Research

The research finding is expected to give some benefits theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this research hopefully will provide more theories for further research about the correlation between personality types and speaking achievement.

Practically, it is expected that this research will provide useful input for educators, students also other researcher. This result will be beneficial for educators since the results of this research will give information to the English teachers or lecturers in order to pay attention to the students‟ personality (extrovert and introvert) and that effect toward speaking achievement in teaching and learning process.The English teachers and lecturers can find good strategies to teach speaking in English, so that all of the students can be comfortable in the classroom and achieve good result. For students, this research hopefully can make the students better understand themselves either the advantages or disadvantages of each and be able to encourage speaking based on their characteristic or personality in order to get a good achievement in speaking. In addition, the result of this research will be useful for other researchers as a referential contribution on how the


difference between extrovert and introvert personality toward speaking achievement and increase the experience of the researcher.

D. Definition of the Terms

In order to explain and avoid misinterpretation about the title and the content of this research, the researcher defines specific key terms as follow:

1. Correlation

Creswell (2012), states that correlation is a statistical test to determine the tendency or pattern for two (or more) variables or two sets of data to vary consistently.However, in this research the term of correlation refers to the design of this research to find out the correlation between two different variables that is independent and dependent variable.

2. Personality Types

Richards and Schmidt (2002) define personality as “the aspects of an individual's behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that appear to be typical and distinct of an individual and perceived as such by that individual and others.”Personality typeis the psychological classification of different types of people, which are distinguished from personality traits of different levels or degrees (Sadegi, 2012).


3. Speaking Achievement

According to Yuen Chee Keon (2015) as cited in Paradila et al (2020), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving information that consist of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning.Hornby (1989 cited in Wiyono, 2008) states that achievement can be defined as an action or something which is achieved or done successfully with efforts and skill.

Furthermore, speaking achievement is students‟ outcome after teaching and learning process as a result of students‟ effort in class activities and exercises in duration of time (Mayleni, 2018).




A. Theoretical Framework 1. Speaking Achievement

a. The Nature of Speaking

The main goal of learning English is to enable the students to communicate with other people.In this respect, speakinggives personal satisfaction to communicate in the target language. Therefore, speaking becomes the most important aspect in communication.Communication itself can be in form of exchanging knowledge, inviting someone, asking for help, describing things or someone, complaining about people‟s behavior, and so forth.

Many linguists have defined the speaking itself. Harmer (2001) states that speaking is the ability to speak fluently means not only a knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language 'on the spot.' Brown and Yule (1999) in Nur (2018)define that speaking is a way to express, communicate, or show opinions, feelings, ideas by talking and transferring the information to what the speaker wants. It means that speaking is the ability to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings orally in order to communicate with others.Its form and meaning are depended on the context that occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for


speaking. It is often spontaneous, evolving and open-ended. By speaking, someone can interact to other people and be able to make good relationship in social life.

Speaking becomes one of the macro skills of English language teaching and learning as speaking requires that learners not only know how to produce specific points of language such as grammar, pronunciation, or vocabulary (linguistic competence), butalso understand when, why, and in what ways to produce language (sociolinguistic competence).In addition, according to Nunan (2003), speaking is productive aural or oral skill that consists of producing systematic verbal utterance to convey meaning. It means that speaking is oral communication which producing systematic word in order to make easy the speaker in delivering the meaning and the listener can understand what speaker means. Having good speaking skill will make someone easy to communicate effectively.

Speaking is very complex as it includes many aspects both linguistic and sociolinguictic aspects. The object of speaking are vary, such as: discussion, speech, debate, dialog, and conversation. Thus, it can be conclude that speaking is the most important of human tool for social control.Furthermore, speaking is reproducing words or to use words in ordinary voice, utter words by using conversations. The best way to be able to speak English is to speak on regular basis that is like like acquiring a new skill or task that is completely now. The learning


process actually is a repetitive course of actions. So, we need to be constantly doing it in order to master it and it takes time, patience and a lot of practice.

Mastering the art of speaking for most people is the single of most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. In addition, speaking is considered as ability to be practiced and mastered in language teaching and learning. It has been taught since the elementary school, however it is not easy for the students to communicate in English. Besides, to develop speaking skill, it is very useful to carry out an analysis of the materials and classroom task to the basis of learners‟ speaking programs, and then compare it with the target task.

Based on the concept of speaking above, it is very clear that speaking is crucialfor the students that want to communicate with others in English well, since it is extent to students or speakers achieve instructional students speak.Students have to be able to express their thought in popular forms of expression. Finally, based on definition given by experts above, it can be implied that speakingis a productive skill and the ability to express the ideas in the spoken language with others.


b. The Nature of Achievement

The level of mastery in speaking is called as speaking achievement. Achievement is defined as measurable behavior in a standardized series of tests (Simpson and Weiner as quoted by Yusuf).Mifflin (2000) states that achievement refers to something accomplished successfully, especially by means of exertion, skill, practice, or perseverance. It can be said that achievement is a measurement of students‟ comprehension a language that they have learnt with reference to a particular course of study or programmed instruction which is known by giving test or assessment to the students. It can be the skill, score, knowledge, comprehension, etc.

According to Hornby (1989) cited in Wiyono(2008) achievement can be defined as an action or something which is achieved or done successfully with efforts and skill. Achievement test intends to measure systematic education and training at school occupation towards a conventionally accepted pattern of skills or knowledge.It means that achievement can be seen by the students‟

effort to improve their ability so that they understand and get the knowledge from the lesson. If students do much effort in gaining knowledge, it will affect students‟ achievement score.

In addition, the foreign language students are considered successful if they can communicate effectively in the target language (Nunan, 2004). By having the speaking achievement, the students can


express and share their ideas, participating in social interaction and having analytical and imaginative ability. Furthermore, speaking achievement is students‟ outcome after teaching and learning process as a result of students‟ effort in class activities and exercises in duration of time (Mayleni, 2018).

Regarding to the explanation above, the achievement can be used to describe the status or level of person„s learning and his ability to apply what he has learnt. Moreover, in educational view, achievement is seen as the tool to measure how much has been learned in a subject and what the specific abilities or skills have been developed.So, speaking achievement can be defined as how much the ability of students to apply about speaking English after teaching and learning process.

c. Types of Speaking

According to Brown (2004) there are 5 basic types of classroom speaking, they are:

1) Imitative

In this type of speaking assessment, the ability to imitate a word, phrase, and sentence pronunciation is being the main criteria to be tested and assessed. It includes the ability to practicing an intonation and focusing on some particular elements of language form. In this kind, it is just imitating a word, phrase or sentence by focusing on pronunciation. In the teaching and learning context,


the teacher uses drilling. Drilling is used to make students get opportunity to listen and to orally repeat some words.

2) Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one step further imitative includes any speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language.Example of intensive assessment task are: dialogue and sentence completion, reading aloud, directed response tasks, and picture-cued task.

3) Responsive

Responsive assessment contains several interaction and test comprehension but slightly limited level of very short conversations, standards greeting and small talk, simple requests and comments, and so forth.Those replies are usually adequate and meaningful.The example of responsive speaking assessment include: paraphrasing, giving directions and instruction, and question and answer.

4) Interactive

Interactive speaking is similar to responsive, the differences between them is in the length and complexity of the interaction which sometimes includes multiple exchanges and/or participants.The interaction can take two forms of transactional language which carried out for the purpose of expressing or exchanging specific information and interpersonal exchanges


thatcarried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationship rather than for transmission of facts and information.

For example: interviews, role plays, games, discussions.

5) Extensive (Monologue)

Extensive oral production assessment include speeches, oral presentations, and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited (possibly to nonverbal responses) or ruled out altogether.Language style is often more deliberative and" formal for extensive assessments, but we cannot ignore certain informal monologues" such as casually delivered speech (for instance, my vacation in the beach, and recounting the plot of a novel or film).

In conclusion, the teacher can apply several relevant activities to stimulate and improve the motivation of the students to speak English well.The activities given are expected to give more opportunities to students to practice using the language more frequently. In addition, another essential thing is how the activities in classroom can achieve the objective of the lesson. In the other hand, the students have to know at least the pronunciation, vocabularies, and language functions that they are going to use. After training and preparing for the activity, the students can use the language appropriately.


d. Assessment Criteria of Speaking

In mastering speaking achievement, there are some components that should be considers by the learners in assessing speaking. Hughes (2003) mentioned that speaking is assessed through several components, such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

1) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is one of the components of speaking related to how sound is produced. According to Paulston & Burder in Gilakjani (2016), pronunciation is the production of a sound system which doesn't interfere with communication either from the speakers‟ or the listeners‟ viewpoint. Besides, Otlowski in Gilakjani (2016) states that pronunciation is the way of uttering a word in an accepted manner. It means that, pronunciation is the way how to pronounce the word correctly.

2) Grammar

According to Brown (1985) in Usmiaty (2012), grammar is the rule by which we put together meaningful and parts of words of a language to communicate message that are comprehensible.

This is connected to the system use in speaking. Grammar concerns with how to arrangecorrect sentences in conversation and it can develop the ability to understand and respond quickly, and the ability to articulate. Warriner in Usmiaty (2012) believes that


communication in speaking is good if its grammar can be understood. In addition, the utility of grammar is to learn the correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form. Grammar therefore is very important in speaking because if the speakers do not mastering grammar structure, they cannot speak English well. So, speakers must be aware of the grammar used in speaking.

3) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the basic element in language and is also one of the important aspects in speaking. Vocabulary is a essential component of language skills and provides a great deal of basic knowledge about how well learners speak, listen, read, and write.

This means that learners can express their ideas and understand the meaning of the word they pronounce by knowing the vocabulary.

4) Fluency

In simple terms, fluency is the ability to speak freely and accurately without too much pausing and hesitating. According to Nunan in Husnawati (2017), fluency is the extent to which the learner can speak at an acceptable speed with few false starts and hesitations. Fluency in speaking is the aim of many language learners (Sanborn and Nation, 2001 in Sari, 2007).The signs of fluency are a reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses and “ums” and “ers”. These signs indicate that


the speakers do not need to spend a lot of time finding the language items needed to express the ideas. So, being fluent means able to keep the language keep coming and it is important to have fluency as having the capability of other speaking components.

5) Comprehension

Comprehension is a complex process that has been in a number of ways. According to Hornby, comprehension is the power of understanding. Besides, in Longman dictionary, comprehension refers to the identification of the intended meaning of written and spoken communication. Comprehension also takes part in some situations for example discussing work or problems, making arrangements chatting at social gathering, watching a film, and being interviewed. So comprehension can be defined as the ability to understand something by a reasonable comprehension of the subject or as the knowledge of what a situation is really like.

2. Personality Types

a. The Nature of Personality

In this world, personality becomes very important and famous in psychological concept. Personality refers to prominent and relatively stable aspects of behavior (Ewen, 2003). For instance a young girl whose personality includes the trait of “painfully shy.” She will behave shyly in many different situations, and over a significant period of time. There are probably to be exemptions: She may be


more outgoing with her family or a close friend. But she will frequently have difficulty dealing with other people, which will continue for months or even years and will have a significant effect on her general well-being.

On the other hand, we often have heard the term of personality in our life such as “He‟s very possessive”, “She is so shy- such an introvert!”, or “My father is really sweet”. In contrast to psychologists‟ use of that term, when the average person uses that term, “personality” has a variety of meanings, each unique to the situation in which it appears. There are a lot of descriptions about personality are possible, but when most people use the term

“personality”, sometimes they are using it for one or two purposes.In some examples, personality is labeling an obvious feature. Someone is sweet, or introverted, or shy, or aggressive.

Personality actually is one specific part of individual differences, the internal factors that influence one‟s foreign language learningprocess. In regard, personality means a description of the way one behaves towards his surrounding, that can be seen from his habitual thinking, attitudes, and interests as well as his unique outlook on life. Pervin and John (as cited in Dörnyei,2005), define personality as he part in the field of psychology that most considers people in their entirety as individuals and complex beings. Moreover, There are various experts defined the term personality.


The term personality itself originally comes from Latin persona which means an actor‟s role or character in a performance (Crozier, 1997).Personality theory believes that everyone is not same. Sharp (2008) mentioned that everyone is characterized uniquely based on particular pattern of traits.Similarity George (2010), personality is usually discussed in terms of what makes a person different from others and what makes it unique compared to the others.This aspects of personality are known as “individual differences”. In the psychology scope, according to Allport as cited in Crozier (1997), personality refers to “the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment. Every child is born with h a unique personality. A good deal is learned through circumstances and other people, but most people believed it was inherent in us by the time we are born.

Personality is made up the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique from another.

Furthermore, Pervin and John (2001 in Dornyei, 2005), state

“personality represents those characteristics of the person that account for consistent patterns of feeling, thinking, and behaving.Personality comes up from within the individual and remains pretty consistent throughout life. The meaning of “personality” may be somewhat cryptically associated with the idea of social attractiveness. Saying


one has personality is generally considered to be a compliment, implying a high degree of acceptability by some group. The exact meaning of that word is rarely clear to those who use it, but if urged to explain further what they mean by personality, they may describe it as charm, good manners, and physical attractiveness.

Supporting the statement of personality definition of Allport, Eysenck (1947) mentioned that personality is the sum-total of actual or potential behavior patterns of the organism as determined by heredity and environment, it originates and develops through the functional interaction of the main sectors into which these behavior patterns are cognitive sector (character), the affective sector (temperament), and somatic sector (constitution). From the statement we can know that an individual has behaviors developed from his way of life in surroundings in the meaning of interaction to others.

Notwithstanding, he also has had a basic patterned behavior since he was born. It cannot be changed by the kind of interaction, but it is only affected.

In brief, personality and the other parts of individual differences are interlocked with each other. They all play important roles in language learning. It therefore is crucial for language teachers to pay attention on learners‟ individual differences to be able to provide the appropriate learning environment and learning method for every single learner to participate in the learning process to improve their


language proficiency.From several theories above, the researcher concluded that personality is set of characteristics possessed by every person as a whole of the way an individual reacts and interacts with other individuals described in terms of traits that can be measured by someone that distinctively and uniquely influences his or her behaviors, motivations, and cognition in various situations.

b. Kinds of Personality Types

Many researchers have developed a few theories of personality widely. Personality types are interpreted as constellations of features that uniquely define disparate groups of individuals (Costa, JR. et.al, 2002). Nevertheless, personality type is presently the general umbrella term for measurement orientated interpretations of Jungʼs typology.

“Personality” itself is a term that has a wide range of meanings.The usual means of quantification are through observable behaviors, often identified as characteristics, and lead to statistical and social norms and averages. The idea of individual differences is meant to be viewed in this context, not in different categories or types of individuals.

Types of people are said to possess characteristics of essentialism, that is, something unique to that group and not to others.

In the description of personality, two further terms are often invoked which may require brief definition. These are type and trait.

Many authors argue that a theory invoking "traits" must inevitably be opposed to a theory invoking "types", on the basis that trait theory


assumes a normal distribution of the characteristic measured, while type theory assumes a bimodal distribution.“Type theory tends to classify people into clearly divided groups, while trait theory assumes a continuous hierarchy with most people close to the average”

(Stagner, 1937).Thus, type theory would call everyone either introverted or extroverted, while trait theory would find that most people tend to be extroverted.

The theory of personality types aims to classify people into distinct types, i.e. one type or the other. Personality types are synonymous with "personality style". Type refers to distinct and discontinuous categories. For example, a person can be funny or dull.

That is the person is either this type or that type. This is important to understand, because here it is either or of a type. There is a discontinuity between the types. Is that person funny or not? On the other hand, in trait theory, traits are continuum which means that the related trait can be placed in a continuum and can also coexist with other traits. It is important to note the distinction between type theory and trait theory.

Eysenck (1970) defined personality as "a more or less stable and permanent organization of a person's character, temperament, intelligence, and physique, which determine his unique adjustment to the environment”. He views personality as a hierarchy. At the bottom of the hierarchy are specific responses, behaviors that we can actually


observe, such as one answering a phone.The next level is habitual responses, specific clusters of behavior that are often repeated under similar circumstances, such as grocery shopping or throwing a party.

The above are more general characteristics, related groups of habitual responses such as the origin trait identified by Cattell. At the top of the hierarchy, groups of related traits form broadly common dimensions or basic patterns, such as extroversion or introversion.

Eysenck's research focuses on identifying these superfactors. Not only did he seek to describe behavior in terms of basic patterns, but he also sought to understand the causal factors behind the behavior.

When Eysenck began examining theories of temperament, he observed that there were distinct patterns among the different types that have been used throughout history to describe personality. He sought to test the hypothesis that the behavior included in Hippocrates‟ ancient typology could be accounted for by two fundamental personality dimensions, or superfactors: extroversion versus introversion and emotionality versus stability. The extroversion versus introversion dimension reflects the degree to which a person is outgoing and participate in relating to other people. Extroversion- introversion is a continuous dimension that varies among individuals.

Some people tend to be friendly, impulsive, and talkative while others tend to be reserved, quiet, and shy. These dimensions are similar to Jung's two basic attitudes.


Personality can be studied from the perspective of temperament or perception, or both. Individual differences in personality or temperament are analyzed in terms of traits, which can be defined as theoretical constructs based on “the covariance of some behavior”

(Eysenck & Eysenck, 1985). However, Eysenck (1991) continues to assume that the traits themselves are correlated with each other and draw up higher-order factors or superfactors, which Eysenck calls


Eysenck proposed three such superfactors: extroversion (E), neuroticism (N), and psychoticism (P). These three superfactors or dimensions of personality are orthogonal to each other, that is meant as they do not correlate with each other (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1985).

In the PEN model, these dimensions or superfactors are based on

"constitutional, genetic, or congenital factors found in an individual's physiological, neurological, and biochemical structures" (Eysenck &

Eysenck, 1985).

In this continuum, people with high extroversion are sociable, popular, optimistic, unreliable, and people with low extroversion are quiet, introspective, discreet, and reliable. People with a high neuroticism are anxious, worried, moody, and unstable, while those with a low neuroticism are calm, temperamental, carefree, and emotionally stable. People with high psychology are problematic, uncooperative, hostile, and socially withdrawn, while those with low


psychology are altruistic, social, empathetic, and customary (Eysenck

& Eysenck, 1985).

This study is based on Eysenck's characteristic type theorybased on factor analysis. A hierarchical model of his personality structure includes dimensions of types, traits, habitual reactions, and specific reactions. The type represents the dimension of supertrait in which people can be at different points between the two extremes.Eysenck argues that personality types are dimensional and that most people do not fall into separate categories. Eysenck sees only two major types or traits as underlying personality structure: introversion-extraversion and stability-neuroticism. In this research, the focus of the research in personality types is an introversion-extraversion.

1) Extrovert Personality

According to Eysenck, extroversion is partly identified with

“fast accumulation” and “slow dissipation” of reactive inhibition.

In other words, extroversion is dimension of behavior formed by ancestry factors and every human being has that dimension. It means that extroversion have existed since someone was born and continue to exist along with the human growth.

In addition, Chen (2015) as cited in Paradilah, et.al (2020) states that extroverts are more influenced by their surroundings than by their inner world. Suryabrata (2008) also adds that typical extroverts are generally depicted as sociable, like parties, have


some friends, need a person to talk to, and do not like studying by himself. It means that extroverted person enjoys talking to other people, tend to be enthusiastic, assertive, and excited, and do not like reading a lot. As extrovert talk a lot, they do not think much beforethey say something, but rather think while talking.Extroverted person more enjoys large social gatherings, such as parties and any kind of group activity. They are likely to enjoy spending time with people and find themselves energized by social interaction. They have an objective and not personalized view of the world. Extrovert person has the main characteristics, namely the ability to socialize and impulsive nature, sense of humor, passionate, quick thinking, optimistic, and other characteristics that indicate a people who appreciate their relationships with others. They crave for excitements and usually react rapidly.

Eysenck and Barrett state “the extroverted type as those having characteristics such as sociability, liveliness, and excitability” (Marashi & Dibah, 2013, p.545).” Moreover, Richards and Schmidt (2002, p.195) define an extrovert as one whose “conscious interaction is frequently directed towards other people and events than towards the person themselves.”

McRorie et al. (2009) proposes that during conversation, extroverts tend to position themselves closer to others, direct


facial posture and eye contact is more likely to be maintained. It can be said that extrovert show a greater desire to communicate.They love cooperating with other people, group activities and have highly developed interpersonal intelligence.

Based on the explanation above, it can be interpreted that extrovert students actually need the other friends to make them feel better. They will feel loss of their energy when they are alone for too long. They prefer to be active, energetic and try to seek excitement in around their environment. They also have a lot friend since they are easygoing, friendly and not too carefully selected friends. Someone who extroverted usually adapt to their environment quite shortly and are recognized by the extraordinary attention they give to objects. They ordinarily move around with confidence as they become familiar with the unknown.

Extroverts are comparatively gregarious, sociable, enjoys group work, enjoys being at the center of attention and plainly expressive. They love to see new places, meet new people, in order to they can express their feelings and minds through interacting.The extrovert personality can be more characterized by a friendly, truthful, and accommodating, easy-going nature, adapted in new situations and new environments. Extroverts like to travel, meet new people, see new things, are friendly, carefree


and like to travel in crowded places and others that are associated with crowds.

Hogan (2013) also expresses that “the dimension of extrovert as sociability, likability, adjustment, prudence, and intellect.” Mainly, an extrovert is a person who is energized by being around other people. It is the opposite term of an introvert who is energized by being alone. Extroverts can easily get bored without other people around.

It can be said that extrovert tends to enjoy more interaction with others, enthusiastic, talkative, assertive and gregarious.

Extroverts are also energized of being around other people. They also like to take pleasure in activities that involve large social interaction such as party, community activities, public demonstration, political group and business.

2) Introvert Personality

Introvert refers to a person who is more interested in her or his own thoughts and feelings than in things outside herself or himself, and is often shy and unwilling to take part in activities with others (Hornby et.al, 1995). In addition, Tieger & Barron – Tieger in Prakash, et.al (2016) state that introverts are often characterized by their capacity for inward reflection and a need to understand the world before they experience it. Introvert fundamentally has subjective and individualized view in seeing


things in this world. Introverts can be described as uncommunicative, passive, not very sociable, carefully, closed, do not like being the center of attention, attentive, pessimistic, peace, calm, and controlled. Introverted people have exceptionally developed intrapersonal intelligence. They also prefer activities they can do alone or with one other close friend, activities such as reading, writing, thinking, and inventing. Introverts find social gatherings draining.Extroverted people are reserved towards everyone, except their closest friends. They love to plan things ahead and do not seek excitement.

Furthermore, introvert can be categorized as close-minded personality. Close minded students tend to be calm and keep independently working rather than working together in a group.

However, believe that well-organized and serious introvert is seen better learner as far as the systematic study is concerned. In brief, introverted person is a person who has the focus on their own activity.Contrary to extrovert, the introverted personality does not feel energized by being with a lot of people, but rather by their inner world. Sometimes, introvert can also be nervous, passive and feel inferior in society. Introvert is not the same as shyness since introverted people do not necessarily feel nervous, uncomfortable or inhibited when being with other people; they do not avoid social interactions out of fear, but they simply feel


energized by solitary activities. Moreover, people who are introverted, but not shy may have developed their social skills, but they still need their inner peace, so that they can focus more on themselves, their personal problems, feelings, and habits.

According to Jung as cited in Panth et.al (2015), introverts as "a category of attitudes characterized by orientation in life through subjective physical content.” That is, introverts focus on individual's inner activities. Furthermore, introverts are individuals who hold all events from the outside, and do not like too broad associations. They feel lonely and not their own person although they join large gatherings. They usually will do everything to do with themselves and limit themselves to be out of effect. Jung believed that even though introverts prefer to spend time alone, they do not mean social loss. He expressed that an introvert retreat is not the final rejection of the world, but a search for tranquility, where alone it is likely for him to make his contribution to the society life.” (Sharp, 1987).Whenever an introvert is alone it is likely that he/she could make a contribution to the life of the community. Indeed, where the extrovert usually avoids introspection, it is a pleasure for the introvert and a process in which he/she is slightly comfortable. The introvert's best work is done by his/her own resources and on his/her own initiative and it is ordinarily successful (Sharp, 1987). Moreover, Rauch (2006)


cited in Hakim (2015) expresses that “a quarter people in the world are introvert.” He also mentioned that the introverts' people need to turn off and recharge themselves after doing social contact with other people.

Moreover, Richard and Schmidt (2002) revealed that the characteristic of introverts are people who tend to avoid social contact with others and are often eager with their feelings, thoughts, and experience. But, it does not mean anti-social, to be alone with their thoughts is a restorative as sleeping or as nourishing as eating. By the explanation above it can be seen that introvert' students are considered as close learners. They generally do not like work with other or they prefer to do something by their own, difficult to convey their idea, feeling lost if they stand in around people and they do not like to show up themselves in public. They generally do not take an action unless they ready to think and prepare. But these characteristics of introvert are not meaning that they are social loss.

In the broadly speaking, Helgoe (2008) as cited by Jalili &

Amiri (2015) emphasizes that introverts are people who look at life from the inside out; they get their energy and power through inner reflection; during conversation they will be good listener and expect other to listen well to them; they think what they want to talk first then talk after; they like writing because they can


express themselves in this way; they may have a lot of people in their surrounding but they take their own way. Solitude is the source power of introvert people to spent time alone.

c. Characteristic of Extrovert and Introvert

In an strive to arrive at an understanding personality, Brown (2000) forward the definitions of extroversion-introversion:

Extroversion is the extent to which a person has a deep-seated need to receive ego enhancement, self-esteem, and a sense of wholeness from other people as opposed to receiving that affirmation within oneself. Extroverts need other people to feel

“good”. Introversion, on the other hand, is the extent to which a person derives a sense of wholeness and fulfillment apart from a reflection of this self from other people.

Moreover, Dornyei (2005) stated the Introvert are sociable, gregarious, active, assertive, passionate, and talkative while introverts are passive, quiet, reserved, withdrawn, sober, aloof, and restained.

Besides, Furnharm in Donyei (2005) pointed out that extroverts are more talkative and use fewer pauses than introverts, while the latter tend to use more formal speech with more careful grammatical constructions.

The definitions can also be used to define extrovert and introvert students. The following table displays characteristics of extroverts and introverts:


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