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B. Saran

Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang :

1. Uji efek hepatoprotektif ekstrak metanol-air daun M. tanarius pada tikus jantan terinduksi galaktosamin.

2. Formulasi sediaan daun M. tanarius sebagai alternatif pengobatan penyakit hati.


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Lampiran 1. Foto daun M. tanarius

Lampiran 2. Foto ekstrak metanol-air daun M. tanarius

Lampiran 5. Surat pengesahan Medical and Health Research Ethics Committee (MHREC)

Lampiran 6. Analisis statistik aktivitas serum ALT pada uji pendahuluan penentuan dosis hepatotoksin karbon tetraklorida dosis 2 ml/kgBB NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

ALT 15 1.4053E2 84.31901 51.00 311.00

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 15

Normal Parametersa Mean 1.4053E2

Std. Deviation 8.43190E1

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .204

Positive .204

Negative -.157

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .790

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .561

a. Test distribution is Normal.

Oneway Descriptives ALT N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 73.2000 28.89983 12.92440 37.3161 109.0839 51.00 123.00 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 2.4640E2 38.02368 17.00471 199.1874 293.6126 219.00 311.00 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 5 1.0200E2 32.71085 14.62874 61.3841 142.6159 68.00 139.00 Total 15 1.4053E2 84.31901 21.77107 93.8390 187.2276 51.00 311.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.296 2 12 .749



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 86131.733 2 43065.867 38.555 .000

Within Groups 13404.000 12 1117.000

Total 99535.733 14

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons

ALT Scheffe

(I) Orientasi_CCl4 (J) Orientasi_CCl4

Mean Difference

(I-J) Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 -173.20000* 21.13764 .000 -232.1228 -114.2772 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 -28.80000 21.13764 .422 -87.7228 30.1228 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 173.20000* 21.13764 .000 114.2772 232.1228 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 144.40000* 21.13764 .000 85.4772 203.3228 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 28.80000 21.13764 .422 -30.1228 87.7228 CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 -144.40000* 21.13764 .000 -203.3228 -85.4772

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Homogeneous Subsets ALT


Orientasi_CCl4 N

Subset for alpha = 0.05

1 2

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 5 102.0000

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 246.4000

Sig. .422 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

ALT * Orientasi_CCl4 15 100.0% 0 .0% 15 100.0%



Orientasi_CCl4 Mean N Std. Deviation

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 73.2000 5 28.89983

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 2.4640E2 5 38.02368

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 1.0200E2 5 32.71085

Total 1.4053E2 15 84.31901


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

ALT * Orientasi_CCl4

Between Groups (Combined) 86131.733 2 43065.867 38.555 .000

Linearity 2073.600 1 2073.600 1.856 .198

Deviation from Linearity 84058.133 1 84058.133 75.253 .000

Within Groups 13404.000 12 1117.000

Total 99535.733 14

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

Lampiran 7. Analisis statistik aktivitas serum AST pada uji pendahuluan penentuan dosis hepatotoksin karbontetraklorida dosis 2 ml/kgBB NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 15 3.1200E2 211.52575 114.00 669.00

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 15

Normal Parametersa Mean 3.1200E2

Std. Deviation 2.11526E2

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .373

Positive .373

Negative -.175

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.446

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .031

a. Test distribution is Normal.

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 15 3.1200E2 211.52575 114.00 669.00

Kruskal-Wallis Test


Orientasi_CCl4 N Mean Rank

AST CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 3.40

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 13.00

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 5 7.60

Total 15

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 11.580

df 2

Asymp. Sig. .003

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Orientasi_CCl4

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 15 3.1200E2 211.52575 114.00 669.00

Orientasi_CCl4 15 2.0000 .84515 1.00 3.00

Mann-Whitney Test


Orientasi_CCl4 N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

AST CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 3.00 15.00

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 8.00 40.00 Total 10 Test Statisticsb AST Mann-Whitney U .000 Wilcoxon W 15.000 Z -2.611

Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .008a

a. Not corrected for ties.

b. Grouping Variable: Orientasi_CCl4 NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 15 3.1200E2 211.52575 114.00 669.00

Orientasi_CCl4 15 2.0000 .84515 1.00 3.00

Mann-Whitney Test


Orientasi_CCl4 N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

AST CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 3.40 17.00

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 5 7.60 38.00 Total 10 Test Statisticsb AST Mann-Whitney U 2.000 Wilcoxon W 17.000 Z -2.193

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .028

Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .032a

a. Not corrected for ties.

b. Grouping Variable: Orientasi_CCl4

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 15 3.1200E2 211.52575 114.00 669.00

Orientasi_CCl4 15 2.0000 .84515 1.00 3.00

Mann-Whitney Test


Orientasi_CCl4 N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 5 3.00 15.00 Total 10 Test Statisticsb AST Mann-Whitney U .000 Wilcoxon W 15.000 Z -2.611

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .009

Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .008a

a. Not corrected for ties.

b. Grouping Variable: Orientasi_CCl4


Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

AST * Orientasi_CCl4 15 100.0% 0 .0% 15 100.0%



Orientasi_CCl4 Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error of Mean

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 1.5120E2 5 31.91708 14.27375

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5.9620E2 5 56.67186 25.34443

CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 48 1.8860E2 5 7.30068 3.26497

Total 3.1200E2 15 211.52575 54.61571


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.



Between Groups (Combined) 609269.200 2 304634.600 213.344 .000

Linearity 3496.900 1 3496.900 2.449 .144

Deviation from Linearity 605772.300 1 605772.300 424.240 .000

Within Groups 17134.800 12 1427.900

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

AST * Orientasi_CCl4 .075 .006 .986 .973

Lampiran 8. Analisis statistik aktivitas serum ALT perlakuan ekstrak metanol air daun M. tanarius setelah induksi karbon tetraklorida dosis 2

ml/kgBB NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

ALT 30 1.3607E2 63.29075 62.00 311.00

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 30

Normal Parametersa Mean 1.3607E2

Std. Deviation 6.32908E1

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .216

Positive .216

Negative -.142

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.181

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .123

Oneway Descriptives ALT N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4

Dosis 2 ml/kgBB 5 2.4640E2 38.02368 17.00471 199.1874 293.6126 219.00 311.00

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis

2 ml/kgBB 5 82.2000 6.09918 2.72764 74.6269 89.7731 77.00 92.00

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB

5 82.4000 12.05404 5.39073 67.4329 97.3671 62.00 91.00

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB 5 1.7380E2 24.32488 10.87842 143.5967 204.0033 153.00 215.00

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 5 1.3900E2 13.13393 5.87367 122.6921 155.3079 128.00 157.00

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 5 92.6000 7.26636 3.24962 83.5776 101.6224 82.00 100.00

Total 30 1.3607E2 63.29075 11.55526 112.4335 159.6998 62.00 311.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

2.367 5 24 .070



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 106384.667 5 21276.933 52.207 .000

Within Groups 9781.200 24 407.550

Total 116165.867 29

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons

ALT Scheffe

Difference (I-J) Lower Bound Upper Bound

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 164.20000

* 12.76793 .000 117.9821 210.4179

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 164.00000


12.76793 .000 117.7821 210.2179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB 72.60000

* 12.76793 .001 26.3821 118.8179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 107.40000


12.76793 .000 61.1821 153.6179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 153.80000

* 12.76793 .000 107.5821 200.0179

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2 ml/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4

Dosis 2 ml/kgBB -164.20000


12.76793 .000 -210.4179 -117.9821

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB -.20000 12.76793 1.000 -46.4179 46.0179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -91.60000


12.76793 .000 -137.8179 -45.3821

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB -56.80000


12.76793 .009 -103.0179 -10.5821

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB -10.40000 12.76793 .983 -56.6179 35.8179

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4

Dosis 2 ml/kgBB -164.00000


12.76793 .000 -210.2179 -117.7821

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB .20000 12.76793 1.000 -46.0179 46.4179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -91.40000


12.76793 .000 -137.6179 -45.1821

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB -56.60000


12.76793 .010 -102.8179 -10.3821

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB -10.20000 12.76793 .985 -56.4179 36.0179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB -72.60000 * 12.76793 .001 -118.8179 -26.3821

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 91.60000


Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 91.40000

* 12.76793 .000 45.1821 137.6179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 34.80000 12.76793 .231 -11.4179 81.0179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 81.20000

* 12.76793 .000 34.9821 127.4179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4

Dosis 2 ml/kgBB -107.40000

* 12.76793 .000 -153.6179 -61.1821

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 56.80000

* 12.76793 .009 10.5821 103.0179

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 56.60000

* 12.76793 .010 10.3821 102.8179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -34.80000 12.76793 .231 -81.0179 11.4179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 46.40000

* 12.76793 .049 .1821 92.6179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4

Dosis 2 ml/kgBB -153.80000

* 12.76793 .000 -200.0179 -107.5821

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 10.40000 12.76793 .983 -35.8179 56.6179

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 10.20000 12.76793 .985 -36.0179 56.4179

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -81.20000

* 12.76793 .000 -127.4179 -34.9821

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB -46.40000

* 12.76793 .049 -92.6179 -.1821

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Homogeneous Subsets



Kelompok_Perlakuan N

Subset for alpha = 0.05

1 2 3

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2 ml/kgBB 5 82.2000

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 5 92.6000

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 5 1.3900E2

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB 5 1.7380E2

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB 5 2.4640E2

Sig. .983 .231 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.


Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

ALT * Kelompok_Perlakuan 30 100.0% 0 .0% 30 100.0%



Kelompok_Perlakuan Mean N Std. Deviation

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB 2.4640E2 5 38.02368

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2 ml/kgBB 82.2000 5 6.09918

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 82.4000 5 12.05404

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB 1.7380E2 5 24.32488

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 1.3900E2 5 13.13393

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 92.6000 5 7.26636

Total 1.3607E2 30 63.29075


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.


Kelompok_Perla kuan

Between Groups (Combined) 106384.667 5 21276.933 52.207 .000

Linearity 18375.131 1 18375.131 45.087 .000

Deviation from Linearity 88009.535 4 22002.384 53.987 .000

Within Groups 9781.200 24 407.550

Total 116165.867 29

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

Lampiran 9. Analisis statistik aktivitas serum AST perlakuan ekstrak metanol air daun M. tanarius setelah induksi karbon tetrakloridadosis 2

ml/kgBB NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 30 3.3557E2 195.75067 106.00 669.00

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 30

Normal Parametersa Mean 3.3557E2

Std. Deviation 1.95751E2

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .248

Positive .248

Negative -.171

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 1.356

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .051

a. Test distribution is Normal.



N Mean

Std. Deviation

Std. Error

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Minimum Maximum Lower Bound Upper Bound

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 5 5.9620E2 56.67186 25.34443 525.8326 666.5674 522.00 669.00

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 5 1.1860E2 11.50217 5.14393 104.3182 132.8818 106.00 133.00

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 5 1.6260E2 14.36315 6.42339 144.7658 180.4342 139.00 175.00

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Rendah

0,426 g/kgBB 5 5.2160E2 24.46017 10.93892 491.2287 551.9713 499.00 560.00

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tengah

1,280 g/kgBB 5 4.4280E2 18.45806 8.25470 419.8813 465.7187 422.00 462.00

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi

3,840 g/kgBB 5 1.7160E2 30.42696 13.60735 133.8199 209.3801 123.00 205.00

Total 30 3.3557E2 195.75067 35.73902 262.4722 408.6612 106.00 669.00

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

3.232 5 24 .023



Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 1089570.967 5 217914.193 241.452 .000

Within Groups 21660.400 24 902.517

Total 1111231.367 29

Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons

AST Tamhane

(I) Kelompok_Perlakuan (J) Kelompok_Perlakuan

Mean Difference

(I-J) Std. Error Sig.

95% Confidence Interval

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 477.60000


Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 433.60000


26.14575 .000 286.6472 580.5528

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB 74.60000 27.60435 .450 -61.8739 211.0739

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 153.40000

* 26.65483 .036 11.1249 295.6751

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 424.60000

* 28.76630 .000 291.6271 557.5729

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2 ml/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis

2 ml/kgBB -477.60000

* 25.86117 .000 -627.7890 -327.4110

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB -44.00000

* 8.22922 .012 -78.3987 -9.6013

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -403.00000

* 12.08801 .000 -461.2204 -344.7796

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB -324.20000

* 9.72625 .000 -367.2227 -281.1773

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB -53.00000 14.54716 .194 -127.7243 21.7243

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis

2 ml/kgBB -433.60000

* 26.14575 .000 -580.5528 -286.6472

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 44.00000

* 8.22922 .012 9.6013 78.3987

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -359.00000

* 12.68542 .000 -416.0758 -301.9242

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB -280.20000

* 10.45945 .000 -324.1320 -236.2680

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB -9.00000 15.04726 1.000 -81.3871 63.3871

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis

2 ml/kgBB -74.60000 27.60435 .450 -211.0739 61.8739

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 403.00000


12.08801 .000 344.7796 461.2204

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 359.00000


Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 78.80000

* 13.70401 .008 20.9114 136.6886

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 350.00000

* 17.45910 .000 277.0638 422.9362

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis

2 ml/kgBB -153.40000

* 26.65483 .036 -295.6751 -11.1249

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 324.20000

* 9.72625 .000 281.1773 367.2227

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 280.20000

* 10.45945 .000 236.2680 324.1320

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -78.80000

* 13.70401 .008 -136.6886 -20.9114

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 271.20000

* 15.91540 .000 200.2645 342.1355

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB

Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis

2 ml/kgBB -424.60000

* 28.76630 .000 -557.5729 -291.6271

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2

ml/kgBB 53.00000 14.54716 .194 -21.7243 127.7243

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius

Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 9.00000 15.04726 1.000 -63.3871 81.3871

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB -350.00000

* 17.45910 .000 -422.9362 -277.0638

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis

Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB -271.20000

* 15.91540 .000 -342.1355 -200.2645

*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Means

Case Processing Summary


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

AST * Kelompok_Perlakuan 30 100.0% 0 .0% 30 100.0%



Kontrol Hepatotoksin CCl4 Dosis 2 ml/kgBB 5.9620E2 5 56.67186

Kontrol Negatif Olive Oil Dosis 2 ml/kgBB 1.1860E2 5 11.50217

Kontrol Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840

g/kgBB 1.6260E2 5 14.36315

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Rendah 0,426 g/kgBB 5.2160E2 5 24.46017

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tengah 1,280 g/kgBB 4.4280E2 5 18.45806

Ekstrak Daun M.tanarius Dosis Tinggi 3,840 g/kgBB 1.7160E2 5 30.42696

Total 3.3557E2 30 195.75067


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

AST * Kelompok_ Perlakuan

Between Groups (Combined) 1089570.967 5 217914.193 241.452 .000

Linearity 44736.711 1 44736.711 49.569 .000

Deviation from Linearity 1044834.255 4 261208.564 289.422 .000

Within Groups 21660.400 24 902.517

Total 1111231.367 29

Measures of Association

R R Squared Eta Eta Squared

Lampiran 10. Analisis statistik aktivitas serum ALT dan serum AST perlakuan kontrol negatif olive oildosis 2 ml/kgBB


NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

ALT 10 86.2000 9.37846 77.00 108.00

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 10

Normal Parametersa Mean 86.2000

Std. Deviation 9.37846

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .193

Positive .193

Negative -.163

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .609

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .851

a. Test distribution is Normal.




Kelompok_Perlakuan Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error of Mean

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 90.2000 5 10.98636 4.91325

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2 ml/kgBB jam ke

24 82.2000 5 6.09918 2.72764

Total 86.2000 10 9.37846 2.96573

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

ALT 10 86.2000 9.37846 77.00 108.00

Kruskal-Wallis Test


Kelompok_Perlakuan N Mean Rank

ALT Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 6.70

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 4.30

Total 10

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 1.580

df 1

Asymp. Sig. .209

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Kelompok_Perlakuan

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

ALT 10 86.2000 9.37846 77.00 108.00

Kelompok_Perlakuan 10 1.50 .527 1 2

Mann-Whitney Test


Kelompok_Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

ALT Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 6.70 33.50

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 4.30 21.50

Total 10

Test Statisticsb


Wilcoxon W 21.500

Z -1.257

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .209

Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .222a

a. Not corrected for ties.

b. Grouping Variable: Kelompok_Perlakuan


NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 10 1.2070E2 11.65285 105.00 137.00

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 10

Normal Parametersa Mean 1.2070E2

Std. Deviation 1.16528E1

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .206

Positive .142

Negative -.206

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .650

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .792




Kelompok_Perlakuan Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error of Mean

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 0 1.2280E2 5 12.73578 5.69561

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2 ml/kgBB jam ke 24 1.1860E2 5 11.50217 5.14393

Total 1.2070E2 10 11.65285 3.68495

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 10 1.2070E2 11.65285 105.00 137.00

Kelompok_Perlakuan 10 1.5000 .52705 1.00 2.00

Kruskal-Wallis Test


Kelompok_Perlakuan N Mean Rank

AST Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 5.90

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 5.10

Total 10

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square .176

df 1

Asymp. Sig. .675

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Kelompok_Perlakuan

NPar Tests

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

Descriptive Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum

AST 10 1.2070E2 11.65285 105.00 137.00

Kelompok_Perlakuan 10 1.5000 .52705 1.00 2.00

Mann-Whitney Test


Kelompok_Perlakuan N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

AST Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 0 5 5.90 29.50

Kontrol negatif olive oil 2

ml/kgBB jam ke 24 5 5.10 25.50 Total 10 Test Statisticsb AST Mann-Whitney U 10.500 Wilcoxon W 25.500 Z -.419

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .675

Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] .690a

a. Not corrected for ties.

Lampiran 11. Perhitungan efek hepatoprotektif

Rumus perhitungan efek hepatoprotektif :

x 100 %

Maka perhitungan efek hepatoprotektif ALT serum sebagai berikut :

 Kelompok perlakuan M. tanarius dosis 0,426 g/kg BB (po) + induksi karbon tetraklorida :


 Kelompok perlakuan M. tanarius dosis 1,280 g/kg BB (po) + induksi karbon tetraklorida :


 Kelompok perlakuan M. tanarius dosis 3,840 g/kg BB (po) + induksi karbon tetraklorida :


Lampiran 12. Perhitungan penetapan peringkat dosis ekstrak metanol-air daun M. tanarius kelompok perlakuan

Dasar penetapan peringkat dosis:

 Bobot tertinggi tikus = 250 g

 Konsentrasi ekstrak metanol daun Macaranga tanarius yang dapat disedot dan dikeluarkan lewat spuit peroral = 38,4 % atau 384 mg/ml

 Pemberian cairan secara per oral maksimal 5 ml, digunakan separuhnya saja menjadi 2,5 ml

Dengan dasar tersebut maka ditetapkan dosis tertinggi V x C = BB x D

Volume Pemberian x Konsentrasi = Berat badan x Dosis 2,5 ml x 384 mg/ml = 250 g BB x Dosis

Dosis = 3,84 mg/gBB

 Untuk dua peringkat dosis di bawahnya, dosis tertinggi ini dibagi 3 kemudian

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