• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan




c. Komitmen pengeluaran barang modal c. Capital expenditure commitments

Grup memiliki komitmen pengeluaran barang modal dalam menjalankan usaha normalnya. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2016 dan 2015, total komitmen pengeluaran barang modal Grup yang belum terealisasi masing-masing sebesar Rp17.699 dan Rp180.486.

The Group has capital expenditure commitments in the normal course of business. As of December 31, 2016 and 2015, the Group’s total outstanding capital expenditure commitments

amounted to Rp17,699 and Rp180,486,


d. Fasilitas penjaminan bank d. Bank guarantee facilities

Grup memiliki beberapa fasilitas penjaminan bank yang batas maksimumnya tergabung dengan fasilitas pinjaman dari BNI, BRI, ICBC, Mizuho, UOB dan SMBC (Catatan 16). Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2016 dan 2015, total fasilitas penjaminan bank yang belum digunakan masing-masing sebesar $AS44.832.552 dan $AS48.231.601.

The Group has several bank guarantee facilities of which the maximum limits are combined with the loan facilities from BNI, BRI, ICBC, Mizuho, UOB and SMBC (Note 16). As of December 31, 2016 and 2015, the total unused bank guarantee

facilities amounted to US$44,832,552 and

US$48,231,601, respectively.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2016, Perusahaan tidak memiliki fasilitas bank garansi yang dijamin dengan kas. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2015, Perusahaan memiliki fasilitas bank garansi dari ANZ dan UOB masing-masing sebesar $AS25.000 dan AS100.000. Bank garansi tersebut dijamin dengan kas sebesar nilai bank garansi yang diterbitkan.

As of December 31, 2016, the Company has no bank guarantee facilities secured by cash collateral. As of December 31, 2015, the Company has bank guarantee facilities from ANZ and UOB amounting to US$25,000 and US$100,000, respectively. Such bank guarantee are secured by cash collateral equal to the bank guarantee amount.


Ringkasan berikut ini menggambarkan bisnis utama dari setiap segmen yang dilaporkan Grup:

The following summary describes the core

businesses of each of the Group’s reportable segments:

a) Jasa hulu migas terintegrasi menyediakan jasa pengukuran data geofisika/seismik, jasa pemboran migas dan jasa oilfield.

a) Integrated upstream oil and gas services provide geophysical/seismic data services, oil and gas drilling service and oilfield services.

b) Jasa penunjang migas menyediakan jasa penguliran, perdagangan pipa OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine) dan fabrikasi, pembuatan ulir (threading) untuk pemboran migas, jasa pengelolaan data dan informasi energi dan sumber daya mineral (khususnya eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak dan gas bumi), jasa pengelolaan data migas, jasa pembangunan sistem teknologi informasi terpadu, jasa telekomunikasi, jasa penyediaan jaringan, telekomunikasi satelit dan sistem komunikasi VSAT (Very-Small-Aperture Terminal).

b) Oil and gas support services provide threading services, OCGT (Open Cycle Gas Turbine) pipe trading and manufacturing, threading for oil and gas drilling, data and information on energy and

mineral resources management services

(particularly oil and gas exploration and exploitation), oil and gas data management services, integrated information technology

development services, telecommunication

services, network services provider, satellite

communications, and Very-Small-Aperture

Terminal-based communication systems.

c) Jasa distribusi dan logistik energi menyediakan jasa penyimpanan, perdagangan, pendistribusian dan pemasaran produk minyak dan gas di Indonesia.

c) Energy distribution and logistics services provide storage services, trading, distribution and marketing of oil and gas products in Indonesia.

Informasi mengenai segmen yang dilaporkan dan rekonsiliasi antara ukuran segmen dengan jumlah yang diakui dalam laporan keuangan konsolidasian adalah sebagai berikut:

Information about reportable segments and

reconciliation between segment measures and the amounts recognized in the consolidated financial statements are as follows:

31 Desember 2016 dan tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut/

December 31, 2016 and the year then ended


Jasa distribusi

hulu migas Jasa dan logistik

terintegrasi/ penunjang energi/ Jumlah

Integrated migas/ Energy sebelum

upstream Oil and gas distribution rekonsiliasi/

oil and gas support and logistics Total before Rekonsiliasi/ Konsolidasian/

services services services reconciliation Reconciliation Consolidated

Pendapatan eksternal 1.849.244 185.409 1.585.917 3.620.570 - 3.620.570 External revenues

Pendapatan antarsegmen 933 145.099 52.961 198.993 (198.993) - Inter-segment revenues

Total pendapatan 1.850.177 330.508 1.638.878 3.819.563 (198.993) 3.620.570 Total revenues

Beban pokok pendapatan (1.529.610) (229.340) (1.447.116) (3.206.066) 200.081 (3.005.985) Total cost of revenues

Laba bruto 320.567 101.168 191.762 613.497 1.088 614.585 Gross profit

Beban penjualan (2.919) (776) (421) (4.116) - (4.116) Selling expenses

General and administrative

Beban umum dan administrasi (103.215) (46.973) (41.883) (192.071) 479 (191.592) expenses

Penghasilan bunga 8.074 5.046 7.115 20.235 - 20.235 Interest income

Beban keuangan (21.246) (1.727) (1.293) (24.266) - (24.266) Finance costs

Lain-lain - neto 23.768 (9.386) (4.855) 9.527 1.100 10.627 Others - net

Laba sebelum pajak final dan 225.029 47.352 150.425 422.806 2.667 425.473 Profit before final tax and

pajak penghasilan income tax

Beban pajak final (4.006) (1.587) (1.562) (7.155) - (7.155) Final tax expense

Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan 221.023 45.765 148.863 415.651 2.667 418.318 Profit before income tax

Beban pajak penghasilan (50.027) (17.739) (34.486) (102.252) - (102.252) Income tax expense

Laba tahun berjalan 170.996 28.026 114.377 313.399 2.667 316.066 Profit for the year

Penghasilan komprehensif lain 4.557 76 (1.901) 2.732 - 2.732 Other comprehensive income

Total laba komprehensif Total comprehensive income

tahun berjalan 175.553 28.102 112.476 316.131 2.667 318.798 for the year

Informasi-informasi lain Other information

Total aset 3.437.560 738.523 635.169 4.811.252 (620.296) 4.190.956 Total assets

Total liabilitas 990.450 166.558 257.412 1.414.420 (101.207) 1.313.213 Total liabilities

Ekuitas - neto 2.447.110 571.965 377.757 3.396.832 (519.089) 2.877.743 Equity - net

Penyusutan dan amortisasi 253.299 44.853 10.131 308.283 (4.062) 304.221 Depreciation and amortization

Penambahan aset tetap 236.234 116.734 36.904 389.872 (25.139) 364.733 Additions of fixed assets

31 Desember 2015 dan tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal tersebut/

December 31, 2015 and the year then ended


Jasa distribusi

hulu migas Jasa dan logistik

terintegrasi/ penunjang energi/ Jumlah

Integrated migas/ Energy sebelum

upstream Oil and gas distribution rekonsiliasi/

oil and gas support and logistics Total before Rekonsiliasi/ Konsolidasian/

services services services reconciliation Reconciliation Consolidated

Pendapatan eksternal 2.333.185 189.772 1.252.366 3.775.323 - 3.775.323 External revenues

Pendapatan antarsegmen 8.900 162.560 55.115 226.575 (226.575) - Inter-segment revenues

Total pendapatan 2.342.085 352.332 1.307.481 4.001.898 (226.575) 3.775.323 Total revenues

Beban pokok pendapatan (1.837.007) (251.894) (1.175.738) (3.264.639) 208.126 (3.056.513) Total cost of revenues

Laba bruto 505.078 100.438 131.743 737.259 (18.449) 718.810 Gross profit

Beban penjualan (2.536) (318) (865) (3.719) - (3.719) Selling expenses

General and administrative

Beban umum dan administrasi (158.651) (56.738) (34.528) (249.917) 5.020 (244.897) expenses

Penghasilan bunga 12.920 3.088 7.661 23.669 - 23.669 Interest income

Beban keuangan (34.082) (721) (1.462) (36.265) - (36.265) Finance costs

Lain-lain - neto 39.813 18.354 (1.374) 56.793 (1.370) 55.423 Others - net