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102-112 Russell Street

Dalam dokumen Speculum - Digitised Collections (Halaman 110-119)

especially for the :al Faculty.

July, 1915. THE SPECULUM. 231

Anesthetist (after examining patient's heart) : " Do You ever get swelling in your legs ? "

Patient (rather deaf) : " Do I ever get swallowing my legs ? No, never, doctor."

* *

" The German vessel sent a distress signal up, saying that " her udder was damaged."

That confirms our worst suspicions! The Germans are cows !!!

* * * * *

A Scot and an Englishman were sitting in a 'bus, when a pretty girl got in and smiled at the Scot. He raised his hat.

" Do you know her? " the Englishman asked.

" Oh, yes, very well," the Scot replied.

" Well, shall we go and sit over beside her? " asked his companion.

" Wait a bit," returned the Scotchman, " she hasn't paid her fare yet ! "

* * *

" The fat from the brother can be used on bread, in the Place of butter."

" Everyday Cookery."

And an aunt of ours makes excellent soup.

* * * * *

" J— R , formerly a temporary postman, was at Hampton yesterday fined 15 and costs for leaving postal packets on his rounds at a house for the best part of a day while he had his dinner."—" Age."

Walking creates an appetite, but dining for the best Part of a day—!

* * * * *

From a novel :—

" There was no mistaking that broad-shouldered, clean cut face."

Our blue-eyed moustache and curly legs are also unmistakable.

* * * * *

" A Paris journal states that General French never reads newspapers."

What a lot of strategy he has missed !

(The manner in which Old Boys responded to the M.S.S. appeal gladdened the hearts of the Committee. We sincerely hope to keep up the circulation, but this can only be done if the Old Boys keep religiously in touch with us. It will be for our benefit and their own. Several men who are probably willing to subscribe, but have not yet communicated with the business manager, are asked to do so as soon as possible, to avoid disappointment, as the business manager can only tell by the receipt of sub- scriptions whether the Graduates wish to subscribe.

Also, all news about Old Boys will be welcome, SCANDAL preferred !!)

232 THE SPECULUM. July, 1915.

If I might hold that hand again, Clasped lovingly in mine, I'd litle care what others sought—

That hand I held lang syne !

That hand ! So, warm it was and soft ! Soft ? Ne'er so soft a thing!

Ah, me! I'll hold it ne'er again—

Ace, ten, knave, queen, and king.

" Tommy," said his mother, suspiciously, as her small son came downstairs, " did you take a bath? "

" No, ma, I didn't," was the innocent answer ; " is one missing? "

July, 1915. THE SPECULUM. 233 S. V. Sewell—Of a daughter, Evelina Mott Sewell. One

observes a marked bilateral Bobinski.

Percy Brett—Gyno. and obstetrical honorary, W.H.

J. E. Piper—Doing a lot of pathology in Geelong Patho- logist, Geelong Infirmary.

W. W. S. Johnstone—A.A.M.C., late resident X-ray, M.H.

G. T. Robinson—A.A.M.C., late senior R.M.O., C.H.

Vera Scantlebury—Resident, C.H: Doing intubations for practice at night.

W. B. Ryan—Bacchus Marsh. Doing well—of a son.

Later leaving for war. Congrats. on both accounts.

Puckle—In camp, Salisbury Plain, England. Leaving shortly for France. (Reuter reports with Middle- sex Regiment.)

Ben Richards—Of a son.

Reg. Clarke—Heard of at Torquay Base Hospital in France.

Colville, Clive Stephen—Base hospital, Boulogne.

A. O'Hara Wood—Aviation in England. Rumoured may lose a dinner.

Whitford—Wounded in arm at Dardanelles.

Chambers—Sick at Dardanelles. Doing well.

J. J. Black—Covered in mud, blood, and glory at Dar- danelles. Wounded, but happy.

Maplestone—Cl. Hardy's Field Ambulance.

Shenton Garnet—Clinical assistant, Sewell's O.P., M.H.

Tom Noonan—O.P. physician, M.H., of a daughter.

J. Griffiths—Stawell's O.P. clinical assistant, M.H.

Tom Brennan—In the thick of it at Dardanelles.

Bennie Lewers—Wounded at Gallipoli.

C. W. B. Littlejohn—Wounded second time in France while entrenching. Returned to Scotland to his wife.

Paul Rowan—O.P. surgeon, St. Vincent's. Anaesthetics, etc. Private, Fitzroy. Going to follow the King!!!

Also misses Andy Brenan—who doesn't?

Dunc. Buchanan—Still at Coolamon. Would be pleased to hear from him.

Fay M'Clure—Gone with Third Australian General Hos- pital. Missed in the O.P. surgical department at the Alfred.

" Chuck " Dane—At the front. Looked ,well on the

" Block" before he sailed. Major.

234 THE SPECULUM. July, 1915•

M'Cucheon—Left Brunswick. Bought a practice at Tar- nagulla.

Andy Brenan—Gone to France ( ?), via England, with Australian Hospital. A loss to St. Vincent's. " Full many a barmaid now will weep unseen." Looked perfectly charming in his uniform!

Ted Cordner—R.M.O. at Egypt.

Jack Kennedy--Collins-street. O.P. surgeon at Alfred.

Thinking seriously of matrimony. Also develop- ing a paunch.

Len. Wright—Anatomy School and Base Hospital, St. Kilda- road.

C. M`Gillicuddy—O.P. physician at St. Vincent's, and pri- vate with the " Senior " at Richmond. Both doing well.

Aberdeen--Third L.H. Field Ambul Ray Champion—Fairfield.

Joe Davis—C/o Dr. Peter Reid, Rich Dave Rosenberg—Doing famously at Mick Read—Resident, W.H.

Syd. Newing—Private, Ascot Vale.

" boys." O.P. surgeon, S.V.H.

thetics, and engaged. Driving George Atkinson—O. P. physician, at


Dick O'Sullivan-0.P. gynxcology, anxsthetics, etc., S.V.H. Martially inclined.

" Broncho " Forrest.—Assistant to Dr. Crivelli, South Melbourne, and on the O.P. surgical staff, Alfred.

Looking ahead.

J. M. Baxter—Collins-street. Eye, ear, nose and throat at S.V.H., and Camberwell. President Old Gee long Colegians. Takes a kindly interest in " Spe culum." They're all coming into line! Hip! hip G. W. Foster—

M. C. Davies—Violet Town. Sent us a decent Spicula Wish he could tell us how " to pass exams." easily.

Mary Glowrey—Collins-street and S.V.H.

Fairley—Back from England.

Dug. Pigdon—In the thick of it in Egypt, etc. Reckons he had good fun at former place—although enjoy- ment there is mostly " Gram-stairied !"

Billy M'Cristal—reported officially at Burrinjuck, N.S.W Bill Godby—R.A.M.C.

ance. Wounded.



Amongst the racing Instructor in anws- a car.

S.V.H. Private at


July, 19 15. THE SPECULUM. 235 Leo. Doyle—Registrar, pathologist, etc., at S.V.H. M.S.

in the offing.

Crookston—Camden. Not yet taken his own advice!

Roy Cook—At the front with Australian Hospital. Won- der if he's still taking his Sanatogen regularly?

Blaubaum—Making a very favourable impression at the W.H. Brother Ivan graduated in N.Z., and off to front.

C. H. Leedman—Left Broad Arrow, W.A. Allan taking his place. District medical officer and public vac- cinator, Westonia.

Arthur Joyce—Resident, Sydney Hospital.

Hernia Jackson—Brisbane ( ?) Reported wounded at Dar- danelles.

F. V. Scholes—Fairfield. Recovered from his recent ill- ness.

13illy Renwick—Late of W.H., where he created a most decidedly favourable impression on the interns.

(Also on Mrs. Mathers.) Believes in students put- ting on forceps. (Good old Billy!) Still engaged.

Going to the war. Later.—On the Australian Hos- pital ship.

John Ross-Soden—Leaving the W.H. Will make his way to the war sooner or later. Cherchez la femme?

Margaret Robertson—Left W.H. Private, Fitzroy. Nearly as good to the Interns as Billy was ! " Ne'er shall their like again be seen."

Pussy Cave—R.M.O., at Egypt.

Cedric Hordern—Died of pneumonia at Perth, Scotland.

Leaves a little orphan.

Ernie Spargo—Benalla. Pleased to see the old " Spec."

once more. Now see that you pay your sub. regu- larly, and you'll see the " Spec." regularly.

Bertha Donaldson—W.H.

Nattrass—A GOOD FRIEND of the students ?It

C. C. Marshall—Alfred. Line of communication with W.H.


A. V. R. Hansen—Senior R.M.O. at Royal Alexandra Hos- pital for Children, Camperdown, Sydney, having left Mater Misericordiw Public Hospital, Brisbane.

Sent us useful Old Boys' notes.

Jacob jona--Left Footscray. Now at 34 Tennyson-street, St. Kilda. (Later.—Returned.) Writes that he is pleased to get the " Speculum."

236 THE SPECULUM. July, 1915.

" Moke " Jacobs—Pyramid Hill. Doing well, judging by his stationery.

J. Horgan—In private at Yarrawonga.

Val. Crowe—Left Ardlethan, N.S.W. Now Senior R.M.O.

at Mater Misericordiae, Brisbane.

W. F. Bownell—Euroa. Doing well.

Percy Shelton—Glenhuntly-road, Elsternwick. In private, and also O.P. surgeon at Alfred. Still as rubicund as ever.

H. Grover—Training Depot, Broadmeadows.

C. W. B. Littlejohn—Was wounded, married a cousin, and is back in France again at front.

F. S. Bond—Gone to war, has two sons in Egypt, and one on H.M.S. " Australia."

A. M. Wilson—Captain, R.A.M.C. Left by " Mooltan," in May. Married just previously. Medical tutor in Ormond and at University, Path.

Ivan Connor—Late resident junior pathologist at M.H.

Now taken Arthur Wilson's job in path. lab. and at


T. A. McLean—Traralgon. Sec. of racing club.

Tom Oliphant—C/o Camp Hill, Bendigo. Engaged. The usual—our hearty congrats. Good old Ward 8.

" Chuk " Shaw—Dardanelles. Recovered from measles and pneumonia without an ileosigmoidostomy. One can't understand it ! Now on transports with the


A. F. Bell—Left for England, R.A.M.C. Took his newly married doctor wife with him, also his vaccines.

G. A. Hagenauer—The Gippsland surgeon.

H. A. Hagenauer—Traralgon. Got a new motor.

C. McShane—At the war.

Miss Balaam—Resident, M.H. Had appendeotomy done by Mr. Newton. Now convalescent, and receiving a

visitor t.d.s.p.c. Later—Back at M.H.

G. R. Felstead—Married—at Horsham. Had a week in the snow at Buffalo in May. " Oh, when we two, went Maying." Joined the swelling list of " Spec.


F. P. Halkyard—Probably in France by this. Letters to

" Bloomsbury Club," Cartwright Gardens, London , W.C.

E. W. Sutcliffe—Private, at Morwell, Gippsland. Says the son we credited him with in last " Spec." was a

July, igis. THE SPECULUM. 237 daughter. However, has great faith in himself, and there's still some corn in Egypt.

L. 0. Sleeman—Wonthaggi. Writes telling us that his brother Garnet had just gone into camp in England, preparatory to going to front. The " doyen " of Wonthaggi. Thanks for letter.

J. Leon Jona—Just recovered from Whitehead's opera- tion. Was convalescing at Healesville when he last wrote to us.

Cochrane—Married. We won our bet. Locuming at Won- thaggi.

" Tut " Looney—Left Wonthaggi for R.A.M.C. Also left some sore hearts in the neighbouring watering places.

Brendon O'Sullivan—Leaving W.H. to talk to the Turks.

Fulton Craig—Resident, Ballarat Hospital (late of Ade- laide).

Langley—Eye and ear specialist, Ballarat.

Gerrard—Ballarat Hospital. Working hard for a decent operating theatre and autoclave.

Utber, Senr.—Private, Cooma, N.S.W. Going to marry a nurse. We have no further faith in human nature F. E. Cox—Quarantine service, Brisbane.

C. L. Park—Best of luck for D.P.H. At North Head, Sydney. ,

" Ernetht "—Locum for Webb, at Footscray.

Garnet—Clinical assistant, O.P. physician, M.H. and Kids'.

Still a charming, pink little boy.

W. G. D. Upjohn—Major with Third Australian General Hospital.

L. R. Cook—Left W.H., and gone with A.A.M.C. to Egypt.

Bull SherwinOf a son. Took wife and heir with him to Egypt or England. Congrats. Gave us a rattling article on A.P.H., and going to write to us. For-

ward One Halo!

C. A. Stewart—Superintendent at Alfred. Taking Antipon.

A. E. V. Hartkopf—Resident, Perth Kids', with Billy Collins.

H. B. Lee—Harrie has left Mortlake. Now in camp.



H. Crawford—Doing well in Miles, Queensland.

R. Webster—Pathologist at Kids'.

N. Bullen—Senior R.M.O. at Kids'.

G. S. Robinson—R.M.O. at Kids'. We believe he has war- like intentions, however. (Later—Hospital Ship.)

238 THE SPECULUM. July, 1913.


W. B. Ryan—Bacchus Marsh. Of an L.O.A.—a son. Con- grats.

Roy Watson—A.A.M.C., Egypt. Engaged.

Wiiburwright—Senior R.M.O., M.H. This is the life. Martial.

Eric Kerr—Now recovered from his measles.

A. Morris—O.P. surgeon, M.H. A wily clapologist.

R. Lister—Clinical assistant O.P. surgeon, M.H.

Kids'. Anatomy School ; and engaged. (Climax.) King Scott—O.P. honorary, at Kids'.

Bill Silberberg—Stewart Scholar in Medicine.

Melbourne and Kids'.

George Merz—Has left for India to British Government. General Flying Corps, Bombay.

Bill Collins—Perth Kids'.

L. L. M`Mahon—" Taking Ah-h-h-h !

From Lance Sleeman, Wonthaggi :—Had a cable from my brother Garnet two days ago, intimating safe arri- val by " Orontes " at home. Says he's in camp, but did not state the place. He had a good time going over. The " Bight " was a litle rough. Enough for Lieut. Petre, of Aviation School, who would rather have been in an aeroplane in a blizzard. Dr. Coch- rane, whom you mentioned as locuming in your last issue, is here with his wife, doing a locum for Tarle- ton, an elderly Queenslander who bought Looney's practice, the latter having gone home as one of the number for duty there. Dr. Tarleton's anounce- ment in the press is that he is conducting his prac- tice " at the late Dr. Looney's surgery." I wonder how Tut. would appreciate that. For the informa- tion of any of you who may be attending a "middy,"

and dubious as to your fee, there is a claim before birth by which you might get the fruits of your own as well as her labour.

Hugo Ward—Writes 20th May, 1915: Have been in this city for five days, and still get lost about three times a day. We go into camp next Saturday at Crook- ham, near Aldershot. It is a big R.A.M.C. training camp, and all our batch go there, while the Sydney fellows that came by the " Malwa " are divided be- tween Eastbourne and Torquay. London is a very

small place, as since we came here we have seen a and Also O.P.

do some aviation for Staff Office, Aust.

charge " Perth General.

Dalam dokumen Speculum - Digitised Collections (Halaman 110-119)

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