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A course of three lectures a week throughout the year.

SYLLABUS. (i) A study of Old and Middle English, with prescribed texts and unprescribed translation.

Booкs. (a) Prescribed texts:

Wyatt, A. J. An Anglo-Saxon Reader. (C.U.P.)

Dickins, B., and Wilson, R. M. Early Middle English Texts. (Bowes



Sisam, K. Fourteenth Century Verse and Prose. (O.U.P.) Chaucer—Works.

Langland (ed. Skeat, W. W.)—Piers Plowman. (O.U.P.) (b) Recommended for reference:

Kennedy, C. W.—The Earliest English Poetry. (O.U.P.) Kane, G. Middle English Literature. (Methuen.)



S.—Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century. (O.U.P.)

Chambers, R. W.—On the Continuity of English Prose. (E.E.T.S.) Wilson, R. M. Early Middle English Literature. (Methuen.)

Wilson, R. M.—The Lost Literature of Medieval England. (Methuen.) Salzman, L. F. English Life in the Middle Ages. (O.U.P.)

Davis, H. W. Medieval England. (О.U.P.)

Coulton, G. G.—Social Life in Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation.


of English Literature.

Butterworth.) (Kegan Paul.) (Pelican.)


Stentors, D.


Society in the Early Middle Ages. (Pelican.) Myers, A.

R. England

in the Late Middle Ages. (Pelican.)

Jusserand, J. J. English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages. (Fisher Unwin.)

(ii) Elementary Old Norse. An introduction to the language with study of easy texts.

Booxs. (a) Prescribed texts:

Gordon, E.

V. Introduction

to Old Norse. (O.U.P.) Snorri Sturluson— Hńhonar Saga GAa. (English Dept.)

(b) Recommended for reference:



Icelandic Grammar. (Methuen.)

EXAMINATION. (i) One 3-hour paper in Section (i) of the Syllabus.

(ii) A test, to be arranged, in Section (ii) of the Syllabus.


A course of one lecture per week, with seminar and tutorial work throughout the year.

Sn.LAВUS. (i) Literary Theory and Criticism. Part of the work for this course is done in conjunction with the .lass in Aesthetics in the School of Philosophy.

(ii) Further study of seventeenth and eighteenth century literature. (Seminar class.)

Booxs. For section (i) of the Syllabus:

(a) Prescribed texts :

Plato—Symposium; Republic, Sections 376-403, 595-608. (Everyman, No. 64.) Aristotle—Poetics (trs. Bywater or Butcher).

Jones, E.


Critical Essays (Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth


(World's Classics.)

Dryden—Dramatic Essays. (Everyman, No. 568.) Wordsworth—Preface to Lyrical Ballads.

Coleridge—Biograpbia Literaria. (Everyman, No. 11.)

Shelley—Defence of Poetry, in English Critical Essays. (World's Classics, No. 206.)

Richards, I. A. Principles of Literary Criticism. (Kegan Paul.) (b) Recommended for reference:

Longinus—Longinus on Elevation of Style, (trs. T. G. Tucker). (Melb. U.P.) Needham, H. A.


and Criticism in the Eighteenth Century.

(Наггaр. )

ENGLISH LANGUAGE PART IV A course of four to five lectures a week throughout the year.

SYLLpвus. (i) Beowulf and Old English Civilization and unprescribed trans- lation. (ii) Old Norse Texts and Civilization. (iii) History of the English Language. (iv) The Middle English Romance.

Candidates will take section (i) and any two other sections.

Booxs. (i) For section (i) of the Syllabus.

(a) Recommended for preliminary reading:



Beginnings of English Society. (Pelican.) (b) Prescribed texts:

Кlæbег, Fr. (ed.)—Beowulf. (Heath.) Wyatt, A.

J. Anglo-Saxon

Reader. (C.U.P.)


(c) Recommended for reference:

Anderson, G. K. —The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons. (О.U.P.) Kennedy, C. W.—The Earliest English Poetry. (О.U.P.)

Chambers, R. W.—Beowulf—au Introduction. (C.U.P.) Lawrence, W. W.—Beowulf and Epic Tradition. (Harvard U.P.) Chadwick, H. 1.—The Heroic Age. (C.U.P.)

Tolkien, J. R.—Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics. (Proc. Brit. Acad.

Vol. XXII, 1936.)

Hodgkin, R. H.—History of the Anglo-Saxons, 2 vols. (Clarendon.) Stentors, F. М.Anglo-Saxon England. (О.U.P.)

Earle, J., and Plummer, C.—Two of the Saxon Chronicles Parallel, 2 vols.


Garmonsway, G. N. (tr.)—The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. (Everyman.) Bede—Ecclesiastical History of the English People. (Everyman or Loeb


(ii) For Sectioп (ii) of the Syllabus.

As for section (ii) of English Language Part III together with:

(a) Prescribed text-book:

Foote, P. G., and Quirk, R. (eds.)—Gunnlaugssaga Ornnstungu. (Viking Society for Northern Research.)

(b) Recommended for reference:

Kendrick, T. D. History of the Vikings. (Methuen.) Du Chaillu, P. B.—The Viking Age, 2 vols, (Murray.)

Shetelig, H., and Falk, H. (tr. Gordon, E. V.)—Scandinavian Archaeology.


Turville-Petre, G.—The Heroic Age of Scandinaцia. (Hutchinson.) Turville-Petre, G,—Origins of Icelandic Literature. (О.U.P.)

Vigfusson, G., and Powell, F.—Origines Islandicæ, 2 vols. (О.U.P.) (iii) For Section (iii) of the Syllabus.

(a) Prescribed text:

Wyld, H.

C. —A

Short History of English. (Murray.) (b) Recommended for reference:

Jespersen, 0.—Language: Its Nature, Development and Origin. (Allen and Unwin.)

Serjeantson, 1.—A History of Foreign. Words in English. (Kegan Paul.) Wyld, H. C. Historical Study of the Mother Tongue. (Murray.) Wyld, H.

C. —A

History of Modern Colloquial English. (BlackwelL) Robertson, S.—The Development of Modern English. (Harrap.) Sapir, E.—Language. (Harcourt.)

Baugh, A. C. History of the English Language. (Appleton-Century and Crofts.)

Ullmann, S.—Principles of Semantics. (Glasgow Univ. Pub. No. 84.) Jones, D.—The Pronunciation of English. (C.U.P.)

(iv) For Section (iv) of the Syllabus.

(a) Prescribed text:

Tolkien, J. R., and Gordon, E. V. (eds.)—Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.


Further reading as selected in class.

EXAMINATION. Three 3-hour papers on section (i) and any two of the remain, ing sections.



1. The course for the Degree with Honours in the School of French Language and Literature comprises the following subjects:

French Parts I, II, III, IV, and

French Language and Literature Parts I, II, III,

in accordance with the details set out below and as set out for the Ordinary Degree.

Candidates for the Degree with Honours must also take three additional subjects at Pass or Honour standard (preferably Philosophy I or a first or second year History subject, and the two parts of a sub-major from Group I). It will be assumed, especially in the philological sections of the course, that students have a fair working knowledge of Latin, which is an almost indispensable back- ground to the study of French.

2. In their First Year, candidates in the Honour School will take the Honour Course in French Part I, and two additional subjects (one of which will normally form part of a sub-major) approved by the Professor of French. The first year is regarded as a preliminary year of general study, during which students will be expected to build a solid linguistic foundation for the Honour work of the later years and to acquire reasonable correctness and fluency in spoken and written French.

Admission to the higher years of the course is conditional upon satisfactory performance in this First Year, and students must be approved by the Faculty of Arts as candidates for the Degree with Honours before entering the Second Year of the Honour School. The Professor of French will normally recommend such approval for candidates who have gained at least Second Class Honours in French Part I. Other candidates who wish to continue in the Honour School must interview the Professor of French, who will be guided in his recommendation by the merits of the case.

A student who has completed the First Year of the course for the Ordinary Degree, and has passed in French Part I may, with the permission of the Faculty, enter the Honour School. Such a student must make special application to the Faculty, through the Sub-Dean, and, if permission is granted, the Faculty will prescribe what further work must be completed before the student is allowed to proceed to the Final Examination.

3. In their Second Year, candidates will take the Honour course in French Part II, French Language and Literature Part I, and the second part of their sub-major or the remaining additional subject. In order to proceed to the Third Year, they will require to be "recommended to proceed" at the end of the Second Year.

4. In their Third Year, candidates will take the Honour courses in French Part III, and French Language and Literature Part II or Part III, according to the year in which the lectures in this subject are delivered. In their Fourth Year, candidates will take the Honour courses in French Part IV, and the remaining part of French Language and Literature. During both the Third and the Fourth Years they will attend such short lecture courses on background studies as may from time to time be prescribed. The Third and Fourth Years have been planned as a continuous course of study, but candidates will sit for a preliminary Final Examina- tion, both written and oral, at the end of the Third Year.

5. The Final Examination in the School of French Language and Literature will be based on recorded class work of the Third and Fourth Years and on the following series of tests :

(a) At the end of the Third Year:

A. Formal Examination Papers :

(1) French Literature of the XVIIth or XVIIIth century (General Study).

(2) Medieval French Literature or Renaissance French Literature.

(3) Modern or Renaissance French Language and Texts.

B. Class Tests :

(1) Advanced Unseen Translation into French.

(2) Advanced Unseen Translation from French into English.

(3) Special French Literary Studies, tested by essays during the Third Year.


(4) French Literature of 17th or 18th Century (Special Study).

(5) Oral test in French.

(b) At the end of the Fourth Year:

A. Formal Examination Papers:

(1) Modern French Literature, First Paper.

(2) Modern French Literature, Second Paper.

(3) Medieval or Renaissance French Literature.

(4) Modern or Renaissance French Language and Texts.

B. Class Test :

(1) Advanced Oral Test in French.