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Essay WORD. Each candidate will be required to prepare and present, not later than the end of Second Term, a critical opus in French on an approved 20th century literary topic of his choice.

ORAL WORK. Candidates will be expected to achieve considerable fluency and correctness in spoken French, and will present themselves for a viva voce examination of Honours scope at the end of the year.

Booкs. (a) Recommended for preliminary reading:

Billy, A.—La Littérature française contemporaine. (Colin.) Wilson, E.—Axеl's Cпstle. (Scribnern.)

(b) Prescribed text-books:

No books are prescribed, but the major authors to be studied are: Barrès, Clau- dl, Péguy, Gide, G'пléry and Proust. Other authors will include: Giraudoux, ilarrel, Anouilh, Laforgtaž. Verl:acrcn, Jammes, Aроllinaîrе, Supervielle, Aragon, Eluard, Alain-Fournier, J'Iauriaс, Berпanоs, лlairаux, Vag der Meersch, Sartre, Cantus, Saint-Е.ruјéry.

(c) Recommended for reference:

Lalou, R. Histoire de la littérature française cоntempoгaiпe. (2 v., P.U.F.) Clouard, H. Histoire de la littérature frmnçaise, 1885-1914. (2 v., Albin


Picon, G. Panorama de la nоuгelle littérature fraпçaise. (N.R.F.) Thibaudet, A. Histoire de la littérature françafse de 1789 d nos jours.


Montfort, E.—Viпgt-sing ans de littérature française. (2 v., Libr. de France.) Boisdeffre, P. de— Métaпіorрhose de la littérature. (Alsatia.)

Raymond, M. De Baudelaire au nvrréaHsnne.

Michaud, R.—Modemu Thought and Literature in France. (Funk and Wagnall.)

Lemaitre, G. Four French Novelists—Proust, Gide, Giraudoux, Morand.


Fournier, A., and Rivière, J.—Correspondance. (4 v., Gallimard.) Turnell, 1.—The Novel in France.

Benda, J.—La France byzantine. (Gallimard.) De Rougemont, D.—L'A»ionr et L'Occident. (Plon.)

Brodin, P.—Les écrivains français dc l'entre-deux-guerres. (Valiquette, Montreal.)

EXAMINATTON. Two 3-hour papers, one on drama and poetry (to be done in French), the second on the novel and criticism; the critical opus (above men- tioned) on a selected topic; oral examination of one half hour on the year's work


A course of two or more lectures weekly throughout the year. Lectures will be given in 1956 and thereafter in alternate years.

SYna.aus. (i) Studies in Medieval French Literature. Evolution of the Arthurian Legend. The chief British-Latin sources, with special reference to Geoffrey of Monmouth. Special study of the work of Chrétien de Troyes and of the poetic versions of Tristan. Outline of the "Vulgate" prose cycle.

Boons. (a) Recommended for preliminary reading:

Bruce, J. D. Evolution of the Arthurian Romances. (Vandenhoek and Ruf recht.)

(b) Prescribed text-books:

*Typed extracts from Chrétien de Troyes, to be provided by the Department of French.


(c) Recommended for reference:

Faral, E.—La légende artlыьrienne. (Champion.) Chrétien de Troyes—Siimtlicée Werke. (Niemeyer.)

(ii) From Philology to Linguistics. Alphabetic and ideographic systems of writing, and their consequences, with special reference to Chinese. Homonymic conflicts, ailments of language and remedies. Linguistic geography. Dialects, patois, and regional varieties of French. Onomasiology. Detailed study of dialectical texts.

Вoокs. (a) Recommended for preliminary reading:

Sturtevant, E. An Introduction to Linguistic Science. (New Haven.) Dauzat, A,—Les Patois. (Delagrave.)

Dauzat, A.—La géographie linguistique. (Flammarion.) Oгг, J.—Words and Sounds in English and French.

(b) Prescribed text-books:

Dialectical texts, to be provided by the Department.

(c) Recommended for reference:

Wartburg, W. von—Problémгs et méthоdes de la linguistique. (Presses Universitaires de France.)

Pop, S.—La dialectologie, 2 Vols. (Univ. de Louvain.)

Gilliéron, J. and Edmont, E.—Atlas Linguistique dc la France. (Champion.) Haust, J. and Remade, L.—Atlas Linguistique dc la Wallonie. (Vaillant-

Carmanne, Liége.)

Remade, L.—Le probl'nnе de l'ancien ?cation. (Université de Liége.) Buck, C. D —A Dictioаβ ary of Selected Synonyms in the Principal Indo-,

European Languages. (Univ. of Chicago Press.) Karigren, В.—Sound and Symbol in Chinese. (O.U.P.) Grammont, M.—Traité dc phonétique. (Delagrave.)

Damourette, J. and Pichon, E.—Essai de grammaire de la langue française, 7 vols. (D'Artrey.)


This course is intended for honours students in other Arts Departments who require a reading knowledge of French for their respective courses.

SYLLАВUS. First year: As for French IA. Students should attend all the French IA lectures, but will be examined only on unseen translation and pre- scribed texts.

ЕxАmТNATIoN. Inc 3-hour paper (unseen translation and prescribed texts).

Second year: Students will attend tutorials weekly in first term, and will translate texts relating to their subject. Copies of these texts will be supplied at the tutorials. In second and third terms, students will be required to read French texts, and consult their tutor about their reading.

EXAMINATION. A class exercise will be set at the end of the first term.

There will be no formal examination at the end of the year.

Third year: Students will be required to read French texts relating to their subject, and should consult the tutor to receive guidance in their reading.

EXAMINATION. Inc 1 -hour paper (comprehension test).




1. The course for the Degree with Honours in the School of Germanic Languages comprises the following subjects :

either Course A or Course В

German Yarts I, II, III and IV Dutch Parts I, II, III and IV Dutch Parts I and I1 German Parts I and II

in accordance with the details set out below. A candidate in the School of Germanic Languages must take either of those courses, and two approved addi- tional subjects taken from the Course for the Ordinary Degree or the Degree Willi Honours.

2. In the First Year, candidates in the Honour School should take the Honour Courses in German Part I and Dutch Part I, together with one additional subject.

Admission to the higher years of the course is conditional upon satisfactory per- formance in this First Year, and students must be approved by the Faculty of Arts as candidates for the Degree with Honours before entering the Second Year of the Honour School. The head of the Department of Germanic Languages will normally reconiniend such approval for candidates who have gained at least Second Class Honours in German Part I and Dutch Part I. Other candidates who wish to continue in the Honour School should interview the head of the Depart- ment of Germanic Languages, who will be guided in bis recommendations by the merits of the case.

A student who has completed the First Year of the course for the Ordinary Degree, and has passed in German Part I and Dutch Part I, may, with the permission of the Faculty, enter the Honour SclгΡool. Such a student must make special application to the Faculty through the Sub-Dean, and if permission is granted, the Faculty will prescribe what further work must be completed before the student is allowed to proceed to the Final Examination.

In the Second Year, candidates will take the Honour courses in German Part II and Dutch Part II, together with the remaining additional subject.

Students taking Course A will be examined at the Annual Examination at the end of the Second Year in Dutch Part II only, and those taking Course Bin German Part II only. Other subjects will be tested in class.

The Final Examination for the Degree with Honours in the School of Germanic Languages will be held in two parts and will comprise the following papers:

Final Honours Part I at the end of Third Year—

Course A Course B

(1) (2) (3) (4) Unseen German Translation.

German Essay.

History of Modern German Literature.

Advanced Middle High German Language and Literature.

Unseen Dutch Translation.

Dutch Essay.

Modern Dutch Literature.

Middle Dutch.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(1) (2) (3)

Final Honours Part II at the end of Fourth Year—

Special German subject, to be (1) Special Dutch subject, to be defined each year; examina- defined each year; examina- tion by essay and viva voce. tinn by essay and viva voce.

German Texts for Critical (2) Dutch Texts for Critical Study.


Germanic Philology. (3) Germanic Philology.

A thesis in German or Dutch of not less than 5,000 words will be submitted before the end of the third term on a special literary study undertaken during the preceding twelve months.

Viva voce examinations will be held at the end of each year.