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inations for any such positions, and voting thereon, shall be re- stricted to the student groups originally concerned.

(e) Elections laid down in Sections 4(a) and 4(d) shall be conducted by secret ballot, and by preferential voting.

(f) At the beginning of each year one staff representative shall be elected to Council, at a meeting of the staff concerned, for a period of two years. A man and a woman shall be elected on alternate years.

(g) Representatives of College groups shall be elected within one month of the commencement of each group's College year.

(h) The Council, not later than its second full meeting, shall elect from its members the following:

(i) Assistant Secretary (ii) Assistant Treasurer

(iii) Assistant General Clubs Representative (iv) Assistant Social Secretary

(v) Returning Officer

(vi) Australian Student Teaches' Association Representative (vii) Victorian State Council of Student Teachers Representative.

(i) The Council at its first or second full meeting shall elect two Sub- Editors of Trainee and two Sub-Editors of Griffin. In each case one Sub-Editor must be a Grattan Street student, the other a Kay House student.

(j) Nominations for all student elections shall be received not earlier than three weeks prior to the election date, and shall be closed not later than one week before the election date.

(k) If a vacancy occurs on any committee, the Council skill have the power to fill the vacancy at the earliest practicable datr.

Section 5 Procedure

(a) All constitutional amendments, and all matters involving a general levy, other than that stated in section 5(d), shall be passed by a three-fifths majority of the student body, after a meeting convened to discuss the said amendment or levy; and no more than two weeks shall elapse before the vote is taken.

(b) A motion of want of confidence in the Council may be proposed if a petition signed by one-third of the College students seeks a general meeting of the student body. If the motion is carried, the whole Council shall resign. New elections shall be held within two weeks of this resignation.

(c) Voting in the circumstances stated in sections 5(a) and 5(b) shall be by secret ballot.

(d) The Council shall levy an annual subscription on College students, and this subscription shall be paid at the commencement of the academic year.

(e) No decision of the Council shall be valid, unless ratified by the Principal. The Principal may veto any decision of the Council. No matter thus vetoed may be raised again for one month.

(f) There shall be an annual meeting of the whole College in the last full month of the College year, or on the nearest satisfactory date, at which the out-going Council shall present its annual report and audited balance-sheet.

The auditor shall be appointed each year by the Council.

(g) Council regulations shall be examined by the Executive at the be- ginning of each year. Proposed amendments shall be submitted for examination to the first full meeting of the Council.



Section z Meetings

(a) The Council shall meet at least once a month while College is in session. The President may call special meetings of the Council when necessary, or on the receipt of a petition from one-third of the members of the Council. All meetings shall be open to all students but they shall not have voting power.

(b) The President may, at any time, call an assembly of the whole student body to discuss matters of importance.

(c) A member absent without adequate reason from a meeting of the Council or a standing committee on which he (or she) serves, shall thereby render his seat vacant. Any vacancy so arising shall be filled

by an election in the group concerned within fourteen days.

(d) Not less than one-third of the Council members shall constitute a quorum.

(e) The business of each meeting shall be reported to the College groups by their representatives.

Section 2 Committees


(a) The Council shall appoint, from among its members, a standing committee to be called the Finance Committee, which shall be com- posed of:

(i) President, who shall be chairman (ii) Treasurer

(iii) Assistant Secretary (iv) Assistant Treasurer

(y) In addition, two men members and two women members, who are second or third year students

(vi) A staff member in an advisory capacity.

(b) The function of the Finance Committee shall be to advise and make recommendations to the Council on the expenditure of Council funds.


(a) The Council shall appoint a Social Committee which shall be com- posed of:

(i) Social Secretary, who shall be chairman (ii) Assistant Social Secretary

(iii) One man member and one woman member.

kb) The function of the Social Committee shall be to make recommen- dations to the Council on the conduct of the College social activities.


(a) At the beginning of each College year, the Executive shall recom- mend to the Council a committee for determining College awards.

This committee shall be representative of all phases of College activities, and shall be submitted for approval to the Council at its second meeting in the year.

(b) The Committee shall be composed of:

(i) General Clubs Representative, who shall be independent chairman and convener.

(ii) Twelve other members, of whom no more than three shall be staff members.

(c) A quorum for a meeting of the College Awards Committee shall be eight, and the chairman may invite any student or member of staff to attend in an advisory capacity.

(d) The Awards Committee shall consider recommendations received from the officials of each club or organization as set out in section 3(a) of Council Regulations. If it is deemed necessary, the committee may add names to, or delete names from the list, and refer the recom- mendations back to the organization concerned before coming to a decision.

The Executive must finally approve all awards to be made.

The awards shall be:

(t) Colour (2) Club Award.

(f) Awards will be considered under the following terms:

(t) Colour

A colour may be granted to a player or participant who, as a representative of College in any sport, has shown outstanding ability.

(2) Club Award

A member of any club or society affiliated with the Council, who has given outstanding service in organization throughout the year, may be granted a club award. Also, a club award may be granted to a player or participant for outstanding performance as a member of:

(i) a non-sporting club

(ii) a sporting club not engaged in competition.

(g) The holder of a colour shall be ineligible for a club award.

(h) All awards shall be accompanied by certificates and shall be announced at assembly in the last two weeks of the academic year.


(a) The Service Awards Committee shall comprise the following mem- bers:

(i) Pri ncipal or his representative on the Council (ii) Two staff representatives on the Council (iii) The Executive of the Council.

(b) The award shall be called the Service Aw


rd and shall be given for outstanding service to the College in extra-curricular activities.

(c) All awards shall be accompanied by certificates and shall be an- nounced at assembly in the last two weeks of the academic year.



Section 3 College Activities A. CLUBS

(a) Clubs constituted according to the following requirements will be financed from the club funds.

(i) The officers of the club management committee, to be elected not later than one week after the commencement of Wednesday activities or, in the case of clubs operating on a seasonal basis, one week after the commencement of the season, shall be:

President—who shall also be the delegate to the Clubs Committee

Vice-President—who may be a staff member Treasurer—who shall also he Secretary Equipment Steward

(ii) The composition of each management committee shall be determined by the needs of the individual club.

(b) The amount to be allocated to each club will be determined by the following formulas:

(i) Seasonal clubs

Two-thirds of an individual club fee multiplied by the number of activity days per season divided by the total number of activity days in the year multiplied by the number of club members.

(ii) Yearly Clubs

Two-thirds of an individual club fee multiplied by the number of club members.

(c) The responsibility for the care and maintenance of club equipment will be exercised through the Equipment Steward. This equipment shall remain the property of the clubs committee and it is the re- sponsibility of each club to see that its equipment is in good repair and maintenance for handing over to its successor.

An inventory of the club equipment shall be submitted to the Clubs Committee at the end of each season or each year.

(d) At the end of the season or of the academic year each club shall appoint an interim secretary whose function shall be:

To represent his management committee on the Clubs Com- mittee until the new club is constituted.

To prepare equipment for the commencement of club activities.

To organize initial meetings of the club, to recruit membership at the beginning of the year, and to gain staff assistance, where necessary.


(a) The Clubs Committee shall be composed of:

(i) President and chairman—who shall be the student elected by the Council as General Clubs Representative

(ii) Secretary—who shall be the student elected by the Council as Assistant General Clubs Representative

(iii) Treasurer

(iv) President of the Council (ex-officio)

(v) Two staff members (Physical Education Staff) (vi) The representatives of the various clubs.

(b) The first meeting of the Clubs Committee shall be held not later than one week before the commencement of Wednesday club activities.

(c) The duties of the Clubs Committee shall be:

(i) General control of clubs finance purchase of equipment maintenance


carnivals and visits (ii) Equipment supervision

(iii) Co-ordination of weekly arrangements (iv) Organization of College carnivals

(v) Inter-college sports arranging competition team selection and records uniforms

transport (vi) Inter-college visits

competition finance

social (in conjunction with the Social Secretary)

(vii) Establishment of new clubs and the disbanding of old clubs.


(a) Any student representing the College in:

(i) the first team of any sport (ii) the inter-college athletics carnival (iii) the inter-college swimming carnival

shall be entitled to wear the appropriate insignia on the emblem pocket of the official college blazer.


The method of dividing students into competitive groups for the inter- college competitions shall be decided each year by the Council.


(a) Trainee and Griffin are recognized by the Council as the official organs of the College.

(b) The publications staff shall consist of:

(i) Editor and two Sub-Editors of Trainee (ii) Editor and two Sub-Editors of Griffin

who shall be elected as in Section 4(i) of the constitution.

(c) These publications shall be financed from grants approved by the Council.

Section 4 Finance

(a) Each club receiving finance from the Council shall present a balance- sheet to the Finance Committee when required.

(b) The Council must approve the purchase of all equipment not purchased under the jurisdiction of the Clubs Committee. The official order form must be used and no financial responsibility will be taken for any goods not ordered in this manner.


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