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A successful applicant for a studentship at a teachers' college is required to enter into an agreement with the Minister of Education, undertaking to observe certain conditions in return for the allowances, tuition; and any fees expended on his behalf. In addition to signing the agreement, the applicant must obtain the consent of a guarantor who will act as surety for him. He must agree:

to observe the conditions of'tenure of the studentship

not to relinquish the course without the written consent of the Minister to remain in the service of the Education Department for three years to teach where required in Victoria.

A woman student who marries while she is on course should notify the college and the Education Department of her change of name and address.

These points are important

Whoever fails to fulfil the obligations undertaken in the agreement may be required to repay the amount of liability incurred. Sympathetic con- sideration is given to the student who feels he has made the wrong choice and wishes to be released from the agreement. If this release is sought in the first year it may be granted, at the discretion of the Minister, without penalty. It is important that the student act promptly by consulting his tutor and, if necessary, the principal.

A student who is granted an extended course must sign an addendum to the original agreement. This addendum does not affect the terms of the original agreement.


The Education Department issues the appropriate certificate to each student who is recommended by the principal as having completed a satisfactory course. The basis of this recommendation is a scheme of pro- gressive assessment. Half-yearly estimates of the student's merit are made.

These indicate to the student whether his performance is satisfactory, and his standard in comparison with the rest of the group. Failure at the half- year does not mean failure in the course; if the quality of work improves sufficiently, a pass may be gained on the total result for the year.

Assignments and other required work must be submitted by the due date. No late work is accepted unless an extension of time has been sought sufficiently early before the work is due. Permission is granted only when a valid reason for delay has been established.

Examinations are conducted in November to complete progressive assessments for the year. Students with one or two subject failures in any year other than the final year of their course may be admitted to a supple- mentary examination in the first full college week of the following year.


The week preceeding the annual examinations is set aside for study purposes. During this week students are freed from lecture commitments to enable them to prepare for the examinations.

Students must not regard this as a holiday period; they are required to remain in contact with the college throughout the study week.


Students are ranked in each subject and given the appropriate T score.

At the end of the course, overall academic and teaching rankings are obtained; these are combined to give a final college ranking which de- termines classification, and eligibility for an extension course.

A student who does not reach the standard required in a subject is classified as unsatisfactory in that subject. Those who fail to reach a satis- factory standard in any subject may be employed by the Education Depart- ment at a reduced status and salary. To complete their courses while in the field, they must, at the beginning of the year, notify the principal of their intention; they will then be given the required work which must be forwarded to college for consideration. They may also be required to present for an examination.


Students on entering college are deemed to be provisionally classified in Class III. There is no order of precedence at this stage; their surnames are listed in alphabetical order to satisfy the requirements of the Teaching Service Act.

After successful completion of their first two years of the course they are given a place on the classified roll according to merit. Lists are not estab- lished until the results of supplementary examinations are known.

Subsequent promotion depends on assessments made by district inspectors.

But not until the sixth year of service from the date of entry into college will students be eligible for private reports and assessment. Reports are con- cerned with professional competence, assessments with readiness for promotion.


Each year extended studentships are awarded to a number of students who have successfully completed the course for the Diploma of Teaching (Primary) or the Trained Primary Teacher's Certificate. Applications from all teachers' colleges of Victoria are considered by the Education Department and the places available are allotted on a quota system to the most successful students with the necessary pre-requisites. Additional or specialist qualifications may be obtained through the following extensions:

University Courses

Studies towards a degree in arts, sciences, commerce, music, humanities, economics and politics may be undertaken at the universities of Melbourne, Monash, or La Trobe, wherever such courses are available. The diploma of physical education course is available at Melbourne.

Courses are initially for one year, but may be further extended. All awards for university courses are conditional on the gaining of admission to a Victorian university.

Departmental Courses

These are of one year's duration.

Trained Teacher's Certificate for Teachers of the Deaf Trained Special Teacher's Certificate

Trained Teacher-Librarian's Certificate

Trained Art and Crafts Teacher's Certificate (Primary) Trained Homecrafts Teacher's Certificate

*This course is not available to students from the Dip. T. (Prim.) course.


Men Women

Two year Course $2950

Three Year Course 3250

Four Year Course 3450

$2802 3108 3308

T.P.T.C. + Degree (5 year course)..

T.P.T.C. + t year ext.

(3 year course) ..

$3850 3250


Allowances Payable to Students-in-training Year of


Living at home Living away from home Per


Net per fortnight

Per Year

Net per fortnight

I-2 81225 843.80 $1290 $46.29

3 1450 51.02 1515 53.00

4-5 1600 55.76 1665 57.95

The following variation occurs:

With dependent wife or child

Net per fortnight

$1850 862.88

Per Year

Commencing Salaries after Completion of Training

Exit Students: Primary Extensions


Each student pays a composite fee which varies according to the course and the year of the course being taken. The total is made up of college fees, S.R.C. levy, and charges for books and stationery. There are no tuition fees for studentship holders. Private students who may be admitted to the various courses are required to pay tuition fees. The present maximum is $35o per annum.


A branch of the Commerical Bank of Australia operates within the college for the convenience of students. It is located in the lobby of the new block, near the entrance to the gymnasium. Full banking facilities are available to account holders at these times:

Wednesday (each week) .. 9 a.m. until t p.m.

Thursday (pay week) 9.3o a.m. until 5 p.m.


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