A MOTION WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR COLLINS OAM AND SECONDED BY COUNCILOR THOMAS THAT the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 23 June 2020 be ratified. Councilor Thomas was concerned about the closure of the road for the installation of the traffic lights. An overview of the steps in the planning proposal assessment process and the key milestones where decisions are made in relation to an application;.
Policy 2/2017-2020
OBJECTIVE: To articulate the Council's expectations regarding new planning proposals and to create a clear, transparent and equitable framework within which planning proposal proposers can address council members during the review process.
A planning proposal must be referred to the panel in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. The Council will be provided with a report on the planning proposal Application prepared by Councilors and proponents will have the opportunity to address the Council during the meeting in accordance with the Council's adopted rules for meeting practice. The Council will be provided with a report on the planning proposal and the results of the consultation period prepared by Council members and proponents will have the opportunity to address the Council during the meeting in accordance with the Council's adopted rules for meeting practice.
Grant Agreement
Parties to this Agreement
Grant Details
Purpose of the Grant
REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28 A project for which the Grantee has substituted the Grant money. The portion of the project paid for by the Commonwealth may be approved as an eligible project. This includes any key changes in the Grantee's organisation, particularly if it affects their ability to complete an Eligible Project, continue their business and pay debts.
Duration of the Grant
Payment of the Grant
REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28, 2020 15 Payments will be made in accordance with Table 1: Grant Payments. If, according to the calculation method above, the grantee's second installment would be less than zero, the grantee will not receive any money in the second installment.
Actual expenses for the period beginning July 1, 2020 and ending on the last day of the quarter to which the quarterly report relates. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 28 Total amount (if any) of grant funds not used and either returned or. Note: The figures in the CEO's accounts must be calculated on an accrual basis.
Party representatives and address for notices
The Grantee agrees to ensure that staff carrying out work in relation to the Activity: and. a) is suitably qualified to perform the duties specified;. The grantee must ensure that its staff and subcontractors do not engage in fraud in connection with the activity. The grantee agrees to inform the Commonwealth within five business days if the grantee becomes aware of an activity as described in CB15.3 in relation to the performance of the activity.
Commonwealth Standard Grant Conditions
The Grantee agrees to perform the Activity for the benefit of the Grant in accordance with this Agreement. The Commonwealth agrees to pay the Grant to the Grantee in accordance with the Grant Details. The Beneficiary agrees to provide the Reporting Materials specified in the Grant Details to the Commonwealth.
Work Schedule
A further report to the Council is prepared after the end of the exhibition period and the evaluation of the contributions. The conversion of the Main Street Precinct to either a pedestrian mall or a shared 10km/h zone could potentially improve the amenity of Castle Hill town center and increase the level of pedestrian activation in the area. The Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) does not support the concept of a pedestrian mall as their development plans for the former Castle Hill Public School site at their site on the west side of Precinct High Street require vehicular access to be maintained.
It is understandable that both the pedestrianized and 10km/h Shared Zone options will also impact traffic movements in and around the Castle Hill Town Center and changes will be required to the operation of the traffic lights at the 'Five Ways' intersection. ' for access to and from the city center and the station area. In December 2007, the Council appointed Environmental Partnership to review the Master Plan and prepare a draft design for the southern end of Arthur Whitling Park, the transportation hub and Main Street Precinct. At the time of the development of the master plan, the section of Old Northern Road between Showground Road and the 'Five Ways' junction was used by a number of bus routes.
Traffic movements at major intersections at both ends of the Main Road Area are identified in Figures 5 and 6. However in the case of the 'Five Roads' intersection, the considerable delays resulting from such an LOS would help reduce speeding of traffic through the Main Street Area and discouraging through traffic thus creating a more pedestrian friendly environment. It will also need to include an assessment of the impact of these changes on the entire road network around Castle Hill town centre, as well as any proposed measures to ameliorate such impacts.
As indicated in Figure 6, the closure of the Main Street area to both northbound and southbound traffic will have a significant impact on traffic movements and access within the Castle Hill Town Center once Castle Street is closed to through traffic as part of any formalized agreement with QIC. The most logical solution to solving the Old Castle Hill Road access restrictions resulting from the establishment of a pedestrian center would be changes to the configuration of the. It was these concepts that were used in the development of the Main Street Precinct in 2011.
Based on the renovation of the Crown Street Pedestrian Mall, the cost of converting Main Street Precinct into a pedestrian mall could be in the range of at least $14.0 million. This does not include costs associated with the traffic light changes at the "Five Ways" intersection or the upgrade of other intersections along the Eastern or Western Bypasses that may be required by TfNSW to accommodate the additional traffic transferred from the Main Street Precinct. moved. . Under NSW speed zoning guidelines, a shared 10 km/h zone is a road area where pedestrians and motor vehicles share road space.
Drivers may not exceed 10 km/h, must give way to pedestrians at all times and must only park in marked bays. The most common use of a 10 km/h Shared Zones is in commercial, tourist and heritage areas where it is desirable that pedestrian priority and convenience take precedence over ease of vehicular movement. As they are considered a Speed Zone, the approval of a 10 km/h Shared Zone cannot be delegated to the Council.
Shared Zone is provided on a road which includes footpath parking and has substandard footpath widths, retains kerbs and has traffic calming devices and
However, this will still require the preparation of a detailed TMP and will involve changes to the operation of the traffic signals at the. If approved by TfNSW, the redevelopment of the High Street area will be considered a Category 1 Shared Zone. The approval would be subject to a further review of the operation of the Work Zone in 12 months.
It is recommended that the operation of the Work Zone be approved for a further 12 month period subject to a review at the end of that period. Toplace is seeking approval from Council for the operation of the Work Zone to continue as construction activities progress on the site. The aim of the treatments was to improve road safety at the intersection which recorded two injury-related accidents in the period from.
It is recommended that Council not proceed with the construction of the two median island STOP treatments in Charles Street, Baulkham Hills at the intersection of Edgar Street due to the concerns raised by the community regarding the loss of on-street parking, the layers. There are currently 'Give Way' controls on Charles Street on the east and west sides of the intersection with Edgar Street (Figures 1 and 2). This will involve the construction of the two median island STOP treatments as originally proposed and endorsed by the Local Traffic Committee.
If Council decides to proceed with the construction of the mid-island STOP treatments (Option 1), funding for the project would need to be provided from reserves.
Charles & Edgar St, Baulkham Hills- Median Island STOP treatment design
Charles & Edgar St, Baulkham Hills- Median Island STOP treatment turning paths
Charles & Edgar St, Baulkham Hills- Median Island STOP treatment turning paths
Charles & Edgar St, Baulkham Hills- Median Island STOP treatment turning paths
Charles & Edgar St, Baulkham Hills- Median Island STOP treatment turning paths
The minutes from the audit committee's meeting on 18 June 2020 are attached to this report for approval by the Council. The Audit Committee is an important governance mechanism that ensures that the Council is accountable to society.
Thursday, 18 June 2020
MINUTES of the duly convened Audit Committee meeting of Hills Shire Council held in Council Chambers Norwest on 21 November 2019. A MOTION WAS CONSIDERED BY MR. MICHAEL BLAIR OAM AND PROVIDED BY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR JIM TAGGART OAM THAT the meetings of the Audit Committee met. on 20 August 2019 is confirmed. The minutes from the above meeting were confirmed at the audit committee meeting held at TBA.
Due to the declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, the Audit Committee meeting originally scheduled for April 2, 2020 was postponed. This report outlines the results of audit review of Council's higher risk activities as identified in the internal audit plan adopted by Council. For the committee's information, the following management actions have taken place in the period since the latest internal audit report.
Conclusion The assessment of the controls on which the Board has relied to mitigate its IT risks appears reasonable. Satisfactory The assessment of the controls on which the Board has relied to mitigate its IT risks appears reasonable. As previously reported to the Audit Committee, Internal Audit monitored the use and completion of the STAS system through December 2019;.
Representative(s) of the external auditor will be at the audit committee meeting to discuss this plan.