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Speculum - Digitised Collections


Academic year: 2023

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Because of his limited options, he could not do this before another lay public claim to the honor of discovery. To Morton, however, must be credited the improvements in the manufacture of ether, as well as the discovery of the fact that the drug exhibited its properties satisfactorily only when perfectly pure.

Cooper, fID,32D

Ube Injuries of sport

On the other hand, certain movements are often painful, such as rotation of the humerus. The support of the fleshy belly of the muscles gives relief to the torn origin.

Motes on Ipbpsical Viagnosis

It is interesting to note their disappearance as the condition of the heart muscle improves. In the previous issue appeared the opening article of a series, "Notes on Physical Diagnosis"—The Examination of the Lungs.


As it is on the route between the university and here, it seems very likely that you spent some time in that neighborhood—". He was seen entering the university grounds a short time later, but he and the specimen have not been seen since. .". Rest assured, Professor, I will do my utmost to catch the evil one and return the lost lipoma."

34;Well, Botson, I want you to visit Melbourne's leading pathologists and find out their particular taste in tumors." As the hour is getting late, I think it is time you went to bed."

I will do nothing of the kind; it is an insult to have a stranger come up to me and make such insolent suggestions—". In the process of doing this, his glasses apparently fell off, and part of the ear piece broke—the part I had last night found that the annulus fibrosus and the nucleus pulposus are not absolutely distinguishable, especially in the elderly, where it is extremely difficult to demonstrate the boundaries of the nucleus.

The surfaces of the vertebrae underlying the hyaline cartilage lack this compact bone. The cartilage plates perform the important function of preventing invasion of the spongiosa by the expanding nucleus pulposus.

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Aqua NIP

I talked about sewer rage, typhus and about 'ow. The microbes even live in the cow. Has the eye brightened, and "with an angry mirth," I spoke of things rising up to poison me. Van Strickneen, Arsnick and 'of gentian root, one' of the dangers of the 'Emlock fruit.

He spoke of wits named George and Frank, Of Wilf, an' Ern, Johnny, Rome, or Rank. A boy named Tuppy 'oo would curse To think of a nurse.

J.C.: Yes ! No, on looking closer I see Scottie has not shaved his mo off

Such an obstruction might be expected to cause atelectasis, but it does not because the aeration of the alveoli arising from obstructed bronchioles is maintained by collateral respiration from alveoli from which the bronchioles are clear. Van Allen and Jung therefore set out "to determine and evaluate the factors that interfere with collateral respiration" and thus provide the missing link in our explanation of the etiology of obstructive pulmonary atelectasis. To such an extent it occurs that even if the bronchi of nine-tenths of the lobe are obstructed, collateral respiration from the remaining tenth is still capable of keeping the whole lobe permanently inflated.

By itself, it was sufficient to completely stop, probably because it caused the blockage of the interlobular pores described above. Thus, all the factors essential for the formation of bronchiolar obstruction and the prevention of collateral breathing are present, and the occurrence of atelectasis is adequately explained.


In the light of these experiments, postoperative atelectasis is now easily explained, for it is known that in this condition—. a) The patient's breathing is shallow due to specific depression in diaphragm function. Maggots cause wounds to become alkaline and reduce the growth of pathogens in the wound. The wound is then rinsed with normal saline and packed with maggots, which are transferred with tweezers from special containers.

It is then covered with a wire gauze mask, which prevents the maggots from migrating out of the wound. After open reduction, the limb is placed in a plaster cast with a window in it so that the maggots can be placed in the wound.



Debro Vasseb

In addition to his respected name, he bequeathed to posterity a set of writings known as the Hippocratic Collection of the School of Cos. Among their translations of the Hippocratic Collection appears "The Text of the Covenant as Defined by Hippocrates." The influence of the Hippocratic Oath can also be traced to the "Oath of the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier" in the Middle Ages and to the oath taken in modern times by Glasgow medical students.

Also, state law doesn't seem to be much concerned with doctors. And the whole spirit of the oath is certainly embodied in these words: "In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art".


Three Clinical Meetings have been held since the publication of the last issue of The Speculum. Lawson, our popular Secretary (of Clinical Meetings) has been the life and soul of these gatherings. Lawson (Secretary) has personally analyzed the students and, but for his unfailing enthusiasm, the meetings of the Clinical Branch of the M.S.S., of which he is secretary, i. of the Clinical Branch, would not have been gathered. with such popularity, unusual in the past with meetings of the Clinical Branch of the M.S.S. Mr. Lawson was not Secretary before).

Secretary C.B.M.S.S.) has personally written a verbatim account of these meetings (i.e. of C.B.M.S.S.) in a brilliant, sparkling and intellectual style, and we are sure it will be read with interest by our many readers. Lawson, who is secretary and organizer of these meetings, which are held under the auspices of the Clinical Section of the Melbourne Medical Students' Society, for his kindness in reporting these meetings in the C.B.M.M.S.S.


It may be mentioned here that in the case of many tumors diagnosed as "round cell" sarcomas, careful examination shows that the cells are not really round. Sarcoma of the mediastinum is almost invariably a carcinoma of the bronchus with secondary growth in the bronchus. Retroperitoneal tissue sarcoma has been shown to be a neural tumor that usually arises in the adrenal gland.

Our own idea is that the patch sticks to the skin on the neck for the benefit of those people with big ears. SPECULUM 121 in forensic medicine, and at the end of the six-month period further clinical.

Fig. 1.—Photomicrograph of a section  of a Seminoma of the Testis. This was  previously called "Round Cell Sarcoma"
Fig. 1.—Photomicrograph of a section of a Seminoma of the Testis. This was previously called "Round Cell Sarcoma"


At this stage he lived on whale pituitary extract, monkey gonads, dog parathyroid, cow thyroid, halibut liver, insulin and Schlinnenbffiner's extract of the reticulo-endothelial system. However, his sexual excess still persisted, so, judging the cerebellum to be the seat of libido, I removed it with local anesthetic. He immediately improved and, I am sure, would have been a perfect example of my new technique, had it not been for the fact that my assistant accidentally gave him a triple dose of the extracts.

The conclusions reached from a study of this series is that excessive desire can be cured by removing the entire endocrine system, including the cerebellum. Owing to the extreme length of the almesthesia required, I recommended a preliminary operation for the removal of the thalamus, which is the seat of pain consciousness, and the second stage could then be continued at leisure.









Next, the law intervenes, in the case of the garden faucet, and a homeowner is forced to hire a plumber for repairs. This, in the eyes of the law, is less important than any component part of our metropolitan water system. He is skilled in many forms of the art of deception and understands the appeal of strange procedures and strange surroundings.

It is the use of the term "weed" that is to some extent responsible for keeping weed in the public imagination. 4.-The mental state of victims of incurable diseases and the spread of neurasthenia.


THE SPECULUM 135 I will conclude my remarks with a little further education on the matter of patent medicines. Careful analyzes by expert pharmacists have been made on most patent medicines on the market, and they show that the claims and exuberant boasting of the sellers are not justified, and that the prices charged represent an outrageous form of profiteering. The dangers of patent medicines arise not so much from the consumption of more or less inert substances, but from the fact that a section of the public believes the ridiculous claims on billboards and bottle wraps and accepts their statements as medical facts.

On the grounds of accuracy, I would suggest that the maker of a particular brand of kidney pills that is being widely advertised change the name to "Blank's Front-ache Kidney Pills." Uric acid is a normal component of the human body and is not the cause of most of the ailments that man is heir to. The result of the acceptance as fact of the ludicrous descriptions of diseases, their symptoms and cures by patent drug manufacturers is that members of the public diagnose their own complaints and become their own physicians, or, more precisely, their own quacks. .


In the recent election campaign in N.S.W. a lady, a Lang supporter, who may have had pseudocyesis, was seen with a banner marked: "You can't trust Stevens".


Jack, Gab., and Hugh received a check, in fact, they got it in the neck. 34;Life is one damn thing after another", and by this time of year we are beginning to agree with the sentiment. It seems the powers that be are watching our course with hardened eyes, and have decided to drop the ax .on the neck of the students regarding the modified curriculum.

Many of us have nursed more or less painful hands from "harmless" injections of Streps., Dip., and Tuberculin. Not only do we congratulate him, but we certainly congratulate ourselves for choosing the class.

Will report his clinical findings to the God of things as they are. However, being no weakling, he quickly recovered and came to the aid of the unfortunate ex-editor and sub-editor. Haydon, the Treasurer; and other members of the committee, including the editor, the sub-editor and the former editor of The Speculum.

Lawson (the ever popular secretary of the C.B.M.M.S.S.) was absent as he was busy writing an account of the clinical meetings for The Speculum (see page 114). The editors, who knew medical students, decided that such drugs were hardly necessary for Speculum readers.










Fig. 1.—Diagrammatic sketch of inter-  vertebral disc. (White  =  nucleus pul-  posus; shaded red = annulus fibrosus;
Fig. 1.—Photomicrograph of a section  of a Seminoma of the Testis. This was  previously called "Round Cell Sarcoma"


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