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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh



(A Script)











This research was conducted to describe how movie script wass used in reading text class and to find out the students’ and teacher’s problems in using movie script in reading texts. The subject of the reseach was the second grade students of SMP Wiyatama Bandar Lampung. The qualitative descriptive research was applied to describe the process of using movie script in teaching reading text.

The data were collected by using two instruments: classroom observation note and questionnaire for the students. From the result of the research, the researcher found that there were some active and interesting activities in the teaching reading process by using movie script as a media. While the researcher found some problems for the students and the teacher by using movie script in the process of teaching learning reading text.





A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty





Endah Savitri Kusuma was born in Bandar lampung on December 12th, 1989. She is the youngest daughter of a happy moslem couple Wardani and Irawani. She has one brother and one sister, they are Hari Nurrohman, S.E. and Rini Puspita Sari, S.E.



By offering my praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for the abundant blessing to me, I would proudly dedicate this piece of work to:

 My beloved parents, my heroes, Papa and Mama.

 My only brother, sister, brother in law, and my lovely nephews.  My future husband.



“ O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer.

Indeed, Allah is with the patient.”

(Q.S Al

Baqarah: 153)



Praise be merely to Allah SWT, the Almighty and Merciful God, for blessing the writer with faith, health, and opportunity to finish this research entitled “ The Use of Movie Script in Teaching Reading Text at The Second Grade of SMP Wiyatama Bandar Lampung.” This research is submitted as a compulsory fulfillment of the requirements for S-1 Degree of English Education Study program in Language and Arts Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at Lampung University.

The writer would like to acknowledge her respect and sincere gratitude to Dr. Ari Nurweni, M.A., her first advisor, for her kindness, criticism, high motivation, and encouragement to the writer to think more scientifically and critically. Her thankfulness is also addressed to Mr. Budi Kadaryanto, S.Pd., M.A. her second advisor for his assistance, ideas, guidance, and facilitation in improving this script. Her gratitude is also extended to Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. as her examiner, for his encouragement, ideas, suggestion, and great motivation in supporting the writer to finish this study as soon as possible.

The writer also wants to extend her appreciation to Mr. Widianto U.S., S.Pd., the English teacher of SMAN 10 Bandar Lampung and also as the writer’s PPL advisor, for his high support and chance to be his partner at work. The writer would like to addressed her deep and sincere gratitude to the headmaster of SMP Wiyatama Bandar Lampung, Hj. Kusmijati,S.Pd. for giving the writer permit to conduct the research.


in finishing this script. Moreover, she must extend her gratitude for love and support to her beloved friends in Wiyatama Junior High School, The kepompong teachers: Mbak Idha Mys, Resti, PGA, and Mas Marthen.

The greatest honor and thankfulness would finally be dedicated to her beloved parents, her heroes in life, Ir. Wardani and Irawani imron, S.Pd. it is truly undoubted that loves, cares, and timeless prayers during days and nights, patience, and willingness to wait a long time for the writer’s graduation are very precious for her. Thank you so much to her brother, Hari Nurrohman, S.E., her sister, Rini Puspita Sari S.E., her brother in law, Harris Surahya, S.E., her lovely nephews, M. Farrel Surahya and Ayers Myron Surahya. Appreciation is also extended to her future husband for his loves, cares, and supports to keep her spirit alive.

The writer hopes this research would give a positive contribution to the educational development and to the reader.

Bandar Lampung, December 2014 The writer



2.7. Movie Script and Reading Comprehension ... 14

2.8. Procedure of Teaching Reading Comprehension Using Movie Script.. 16

2.9. Advantages of Using Movie Script……… 21

2.10. Disadvantages of Using Movie Script………. 22

2.11. Theoretical Assumption………... 22

III.RESEARCH METHODS 3.1. Design ... 23

3.2.Subject ... 23

3.3.Data Collecting Technique ... 24

3.4.Researh Procedure ... 25

3.5.Data Analysis ... 26



4.1.Results………. 30

4.1.1 The Process of Reading Comprehension by Implementing Movie script ... 31 Procedures. ... 31’ Response ... 33’ Work Result ... 34

4.1.2 Students’ and Teacher’s problem... 35 Students’ Problem... 35 Teacher’s Problem... 38

4.2.Discussions ... 39

V. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1. Conclusions ... 43

5.2. Suggestions ... 44




Appendices Page

1. Research Instrument ... 49

2. Lesson Plan ... 68

3. Example of Material ... 71

4. Examples of Students’ Work ... 74

5. Surat Izin Penelitian ... 77




This chapter presents background of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and definition of term, the details are as follows.

1.1Background of the problem

Reading is very essential in learning English in order to get information from the written text. In relation to this, Cristian and Marry (1976) mention that reading is the most important skill of all for the most students of English through the world.



meaning to understand it. Reading can also be described as a mental or cognitive process which involves a reader in trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer, who is in distant space and time (Davies, 1995: 1). It means that reading activity connects the reader and the writer although they are in different time and place; for example reading a movie script as a narrative text.

Concerning reading, based on the researcher’s teaching experience she found that the ability of the second grade students of SMP Wiyatama Bandar Lampung was still far from the objective stated in the curriculum. The students face difficulties in reading narrative text, as a matter of fact their average score in reading was only under the KKM, 65. Whereas, SMP students’ KKM in this year (2012) is 70.The media which was used by their English teacher was monotonous, he just followed the textbook. Moreover, based on her Teaching Training Program (PPL) in SMAN 10 Bandar lampung, she also found the same average score. KKM in 2011 for SMA students is 75, therefore it is necessary for English teachers to motivate the students in reading by using different media, for example movie script. Stevens in Baldwin (1985) says that children have better ability when they read materials in topics which are highly interesting to them. It means that to promote positive attitudes toward reading, the teacher must provide students with reading texts that match the students’ reading

level and interest.



chosen to teach reading text because it is an interesting way in teaching learning process. In line with this, Carrick(2000) states that the element of movie script enables students to realize that reading is an activity that permits experimentation. Haag and Cole (1980) state the major components of movie are action and dialogue. The "action" is written in the present tense. The "dialogue" is the lines the characters speak. Gregory (1999) also says that reading plays have potential to help children with more than fluency.Harris and Sipay (1990) describe script reading as one of the most interesting oral reading activities for children. These children are usually willing to read a part in a play, because the spotlight was on them. Because scripts are usually based on familiar stories, reluctant readers may become interested in reading more. Although movie script is very interesting, it must be well considered if it will be used for students in the rural areas. It is because not all of them are familiar to movie. In addition, the type of movie script must be suitable for the grade of the students. Bearing this in mind the application of movie technique is expected to make the teaching of reading more effective and enjoyable.

Considering the background above, the writer focuses her research in reading by using movie script in order to find out whether movie script can improve students’



enough experience in reading when they were in junior high school but still their reading achievement does not reach the KKM. Hopefully, by doing the movie script in teaching reading text, the students’ reading ability in SMP Wiyatama Bandar lampung increased. Therefore the title proposed for this research is “The use of movie script in teaching reading text at the second grade of SMP Wiyatama Bandar lampung”.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher formulates the problems as follow:

1.2.1 How is movie script used in reading text class?

1.2.2 What are the students’ and teacher’s problems in the process of teaching learning reading comprehension by using movie script?

1.3Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the researcher proposes the research objectives as follow:

1.3.1 To describe how movie script is used in reading text class

1.3.2 To find out the students’ and teacher’s problems in using of movie script in



1.4Uses of the Research

In relation to the problem and objective, the uses of this research are:

1.4.1 Theoretically, to give contribution to EFL teachers, Junior High School English teachers, and curriculum developers about the quality of using movie script as a media in reading comprehension. The problems that they faced and the strategies that the high and low proficiency readers used to cope with the problems in reading comprehension.

1.4.2 Practically, to give information to Junior High School English teacher that the media in this research was more effective in improving the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

1.5Scope of the Research



1.6 Definition of terms

1. Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of constructing or deriving meaning (reading comprehension). It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas.




This chapter presents concept of reading skill, concept of narrative text, kinds of reading skills, concept of movie script, types of movie script, relationship between movie script and reading comprehension, procedure of teaching English reading through movie script, advantages and disadvantages of using movie script, theoretical assumptions, and hypothesis as follows.

2.1Concept of Reading Skill

Nuttal (1987) defines reading as meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. It means that reading is a result of the interaction between the perception of graphic symbols that represent a language, and knowledge of the world. In this process the reader tries to recreate the meaning intended by the writer. Mackay (1979) gives the definition that reading is an active process. It means that the reader brings to the task formidable information and ideas, attitudes, and beliefs.

2.2 Reading Ability



1986:45).Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of constructing or deriving meaning (reading comprehension). It is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. Some aspects of reading based on normal reading situation consist of three kinds. They are word recognition, comprehension and reflections.

a. Word recognition

The degree of excellence in reading is determined, to a large extent, by the ability to recognize and pronounce words. The core of view that reading is chiefly skill in recognizing words can be accurated by the form of the word itself. Decoding the printed page is one of examples of recognizing the oral equivalent of the written symbol.

b. Comprehension

Comprehension is one of competence that must be had by the readers. Reading just is not transferring the symbol printed from page to the brain but the readers have to comprehend the content of the reader’s read. Comprehension in reading becomes important because it makes the readers have meaningful in their reading. In other word, their reading is not useless.

There are three levels of reading comprehension. First: literal reading, second: aesthetic reading, and third is Critical reading.



valid interpretation and analysis. It means that the readers able to analyze what the reader’s read after.

c. Reflection

Reading more advantages for the readers when they apply what they read after. Globally, this aspect involves comprehension and word recognition. The process of reading necessary to be able to hold ideas they occur and to conceptualize meaningful interpretation through reflection. This process compares the written stimuli with the reader’s experiences.

From three aspects of reading above, the writer divides them into five aspects, main idea, specific information, vocabulary, generic structure, and inference, the more practical view of reading classroom procedures can be carried along three points. They are: proper orientation, effective material, and realistic goal. First, the students must be told that reading is a very important skill, unless they understand the need for reading. Second, exercises must be somewhat challenging but never too difficult. The materials must be on the level of students’ reading skill. Third, the goal that is



2.3 Types of Text

1. Fiction

This type can have improbable characters like animals with human characteristics and can have more realistic characters beside imaginative one. Examples include traditional tales, legends, myth, and contemporary creation such as the Cinderella story.

2. Non-fiction

Topic of this type is something that is true and real. The order of events is clear, even though the information may not be presented in a direct chronological manner. Examples include news, essays, and biographies.

2.4 Kinds of Reading Skills

According to Milan (1988) there are three essential skills in reading, they are: 1. Comprehension and Retention



2. Inferences and Conclusion

In relation to make inferences, Mc Whorter (1989:254) states that an inference is an educational guess or prediction about something unknown based on available facts and information. It is the logical connection that you draw between what you observe or know and what you do not know. In reading activity the readers should make inferences on what they are reading and also make conclusion about the text they have read.

3. Critical Thinking and Analysis

In this term the readers should distinguish the text they are reading, whether it is text of fact or opinion. In relation to fact, Askew (2005) states that fact is knowledge or information based on occurrences. From this statement it can be concluded that text of fact is reading text which is written based on real occurrences, something happened. While Chapel (2005) believes that reading text which is written based on someone’s point of view. So in reading, the reader should analyze whether the text

they are reading is a text of fact or opinion, then they also should think critically whether the information or message in that reading text is important for them or not. Concerning reading comprehension, Simanjutak (1988) states that there are two sub major process of reading which determine the comprehension of the readers toward reading material, they are: identification and interpretation. The process of identification is the way of determining rapidly and accurately just what the text says. In this research, the researcher will measure the students’ reading comprehension



words related to their reading text, and also identifying some explicit and implicit information related to the text they were reading. Simanjuntak (1998) while interpretation is the process of relating to what one already knows about the fact create new structures of meaning. In this research, the researcher will measure the students’ interpretation of the text based on the situation happened in their reading


2.5 What is a Movie script?

A movie script is a written work that is made especially for a film or television program. Movie script can be original works or adaptations from existing pieces of writing. Here, the movement, actions, expression, and dialogues of the characters are also narrated Trottier (1998).

Collins (2005) states movie script is the written text that provides the basis for a film production. It usually includes not only the dialogue spoken by the characters but also a shot-by-shot outline of the film's action. It may be adapted from novels or stage plays or developed from original ideas suggested by the screenwriters or their collaborators.



components are action and dialogue. The action is written in the present tense. The dialogue is the line the characters speak.

The format consists of two aspects:

1. The interplay between typeface/font, line spacing and type area, from which the standard of one page of text per one minute of screen time is derived. Unlike in the United States where letter size and Courier 12 point are mandatory, Europe uniformly uses A4 as the standard paper size format (but without a uniform font requirement).

2. The tab settings of the scene elements (dialogue, scenes headings, transitions, parenthetical, etc.), which constitute the movie script's layout.

The style consists of a grammar that is specific to movie script. This grammar also consists of two aspects:

1. A prose that is manifestation-oriented i.e. focuses largely on what is audible and what is visible on screen. This prose may only supply interpretations and explanation (deviate from the manifestation-oriented prose) if clarity would otherwise be adversely affected.



Movie script can be used as an instructional method across the curriculum. It relates to concepts that teachers introduce in the classroom, providing academic as well as fluency benefits. Meanwhile, teachers should consider the reading ability of their students when choosing movie scripts.

2.6 Types of movie script

Screenplays can generally be divided into two kinds:

1. A speculative is a script written with no upfront payment, or a promise of payment. The content is usually invented solely by the screenwriter, though spec screenplays can also be based on established works, or real people and events.

2. A commissioned is written by a hired writer. The concept is usually developed long before the screenwriter is brought on, and usually has many writers work on it before the script is given a green-light (Riley, C, 2005). Movie scripts usually include not only the dialogue spoken by the characters but also a shot-by-shot outline of the film's action. It can make the students easier to read and comprehend the movie script.

2.7 Movie script and Reading Comprehension



therefore be exploited for language learning purpose. In comprehending the literature, the readers give response toward the material they are reading by relating it to their own experiences or to other information that they have. The relationship between reading comprehension and literature response is well described by Barret in Koesnoseobroto (1988) as follows:

Reading Comprehension Skills and Literary Response

Reading Comprehension Literary Response

Literal recall Narration

Recall of details, main idea, sequence, Squire’s term for factual Comparison, cause, and character Retelling of the news

Traits. Relating to the work to what

the reader know about life

Inference Interpretation

Inferring supporting details, main idea Making sense of the news Sequence, comparison cause and effect, and Relating to the work to what Character traits. Predicting; inferring; the reader knows about life. Literal meanings, from figurative

Language life.

Evaluation Evaluation

Judgments of reality/ fantasy; fact Literary judgment-judgment Opinion; adequacy/ appropriateness; worth of the worth of a news or of



Desirability or acceptability. Of writing, depth of characterization/

Effectiveness of a character’s


Appreciation Emotional involvement

Emotional response to content, main idea; Comments showing

Reaction to author’s use of language interaction with a news or idea which

May reflect joy, excitement,

dislike, Or range of other emotions.

Movie script may be used as a highly motivational strategy that connects oral reading, literature, and drama in the classroom. In this research it is particularly used as reading material to increase students’ reading comprehension ability of narrative text. The movie script itself brings satisfaction. During the discussion, the students will find there are a lot of ideas and feelings that they got from the movie script. When they express their own opinion and try to convince somebody, they will have absorption of other people’s viewpoints, which they didn't realize.

2.8 Procedure of Teaching English Reading Comprehension by Using Movie




interested in reading. In this case, the researcher presents application of movie script in teaching reading comprehension. The researcher’s purpose is to make it easier for

the students to improve their English reading comprehension.

Here are some pre-activity and while-activity preparation techniques that can be used in combination with one another: (Sebesta, 1997)

Day 1

 Distribute a copy of the script to each student.

 Read the title of the script and its author together with the students.  Encourage students to make predictions about the story, characters, etc.  Read the script aloud to the students as they follow along.

 Ask for feedback: How did you like the story? Did this story remind you of another story? What about our predictions?

 With student input, generate a list of vocabulary words from the script. Write the words on the board or on large sheets of paper, and keep the list posted for the duration of the project. Refer to the list daily, focusing on the words’ pronunciation and meaning.

Day 2



that they will all have the same amount of material to read. Pairs can reread the pages again if they finish before the end of the assigned reading time.  While the students are reading the script, circulate among them to offer

assistance in the correct pronunciation of words, reading with feeling and emotion, and reading at an appropriate rate and volume.

 Close the session by doing a group read-around of the script or by assigning roles and having students perform a segment of the script.

Days 3 and 4

 Continue the paired reading and circulating and modeling, until the entire script has been read by all students.

 Once the students become familiar with the script, they can begin working in groups of three or four, with each group member reading an assigned role or roles.

Day 5

 Option 1: Assign parts and let the students perform informally for their class or for other classes. A reader can read more than one part, especially if there are several smaller parts. Everyone should be given an equal opportunity to read as much of the text as possible or students with smaller parts may see themselves as poorer readers or may lose interest or enthusiasm.



into a theater, and inviting other classes or parents to a special presentation. Such a production may feature two or three groups, with each group reading a different script.

Based on Sebesta’s step, the researcher has modified the steps in teaching through movie script as follows:

 Pre-reading activity

1. Greeting the students and check their attendance. 2. Ask some question about “Cinderella” movie 3. Write the students answer on the white board.

4. Distribute a copy of the “Cinderella” movie script to each student. 5. Read the title of the script together with the students.

6. Encourage students to make predictions about the story, characters, etc.

 While reading activity

1. Ask for feedback: How did you like the story? Did this story remind you of another story? What about our predictions?



3. Divide the class into pairs. Assign a number of lines to be read -- longer scripts can be divided into several parts -- and a time limit for paired reading. 4. Ask students to make a group which each group consist of three students

based on the character in the “Cinderella” movie script

5. Ask students to make some opinions for their friends’ demonstration.

6. Ask the students to find the difficult words in script and take a note of those. 7. Try to find the meaning of the difficult word together.

8. Ask the students to find the main idea of the movie script.

9. Ask the students to make a summary of the “Cinderella” movie script.

 Post reading activity

1. Teacher gives some test of reading comprehension to the students based on the article in movie script they read.

2. Students are asked to summarize of today’s lesson and the teacher gives reinforcement.

3. As homework students have to write the difficult words in their free sentences.

From the explanation about the procedure of the use of movie script above, it can be arranged that the teacher activities are:

1. Gives the information to the students to do the task. 2. Clarifies the information.



5. Explains about inferential and referential question.

6. Find out the main idea and the part of speech related to the topic.

2.9 Advantages of Using Movie script

Reading movie script has potential to help children with more than fluency. When students participate in Reader's movie script, they gain confidence in their ability to read aloud. The structure of a movie script is advantageous to struggling or shy children who do not like to be called on in class. These children usually wants to read a part in a play, because the spotlight was not on just them. Because scripts are usually based on familiar stories, reluctant readers may become interested in reading more. Movie scripts are simple to use and do not require much preparation. No props or costumes are needed. When plays are used to improve reading fluency, the emphasis is on the script and its wording rather than the performance. Reader's movie script is not meant just to be entertainment; it is a strategy for improving reading skills in a student-friendly way. The simplicity of the setup leaves more time for kids to practice fluency.



2.10 Disadvantages of using movie script

Teaching the students by using movie script can make them confuse if the teacher choose the wrong movie script. Using movie script in teaching learning activity can take a long time. It is because the teacher must explain first about the movie to explore the students’ background knowledge.

2.11 Theoretical Assumptions

It is known that movie script is a narrative work which is written at least in 1000 words. Movie script has its own organizational features to built its body, they are; theme and scope, settings, main idea, characters, and meaning. As a narrative work, movie script is simple because there is only a single central theme, limited of scope, and numbers of characters on the movie script.




This chapter presents research design, subject of the research, data collecting technique, research procedure, data analysis, and validity of data as follows.

3.1 Research Design

This research is a descriptive qualitative. It means this study is used to describe and analyze the process of using movie script in teaching reading texts. Leedy (1974: 79) suggests that a descriptive method simply looks with intense accuracy at the phenomena of the moment and then describes precisely what the writer has seen. Clearly, it was analyzed the process of using movie script in teaching reading texts based on two aspects of reading, main idea and specific information. In this way the writer collected the data from the students and analyzed them in order to get the data in 4 meetings and draw it as the conclusion. This research applies predicting event test. The criteria whether the movie script can improve students’ reading ability of

narrative text will be determined by the scores.

3.2 Subject of the Research



by using lottery. All involvements in the process of teaching learning are taken by the researcher as the source of data. Based on the researcher’s teaching experience, the

students still have difficulties in reading comprehension of narrative text but they have background knowledge of some movies because they have studied in first grade.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher taught reading narrative text by using movie script. Then the researcher did some activities such as observation and questionnaire.

1. Observation

In getting the data, observations are used by the researcher. According to Burns (1990:80), observation is one of important part in qualitative research. By doing observation, researcher can document and reflect systematic through activities and interaction the subject of the research. The observations were used by the researcher to answer the research problem number one.

In this research, the students’ activities were observed and a note was taken during



teacher who helps the researcher in observing the teaching-learning process while teaching.

During the observation, the researcher was in the classroom to observe and took notes overall condition and situation that happens during teaching learning process. Through this technique, some benefits are obtained like; the researcher can have the real and the clear context and the information from the subject, can have the data accurately, and can choose certain data no limit on the detail activities considering the time limitation (Setiyadi, 2006).

2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire was distributed by the researcher to the students after the teaching learning process by using movie script in reading comprehension class. More sources of the data had been got by researcher from the subject. Open-ended questionnaire was used by the researcher so that the students have to choose the available answer in the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 15 items that aim to find out the students’ responses toward the instruction in using movie script.

3.4 Research Procedure

The procedures of the research was carried out some process that are: 1. Planning



b. Arranging the materials that will be taught. Here the researcher explained about movie script to the student in order to make sure that the students used the materials modified by the researcher.

2. Application

a. Presenting the material to the students.

b. Doing observation during the instruction and taking some notes to all important events and the problems may be occurred during the teaching learning process.

c. Before ending the method, the researcher discussed and concluded the whole topics with the students.

d. After observing the method, the researcher distributed questionnaire to the students in order to know about their opinions and responses toward the process of reading comprehension classroom by using movie script.

3. Reporting

a. Analyzing the data that consists of the note of the observation and the result of questionnaire.

b. Making report about the findings.

3.5 Data analysis



done to create understanding of data and after following the certain procedure final result of the study can be presented by the researcher to the readers.

This research employed all data in qualitative analysis. Descriptive research was used to analyze all data from the observation and the questionnaire. The researcher analyzed the data by using the steps of qualitative data analysis adapted from Miles and Huberman in Rohidi ( 1992: 18) as follows:

1. Data Collection

The data will be collected from observation note, questionnaire, and interview. In this research, the researcher observed the students activities and made a note about the classroom activity during the teaching learning process. The researcher also got the data from the questionnaire that has been given to the second grade students of SMP Wiyatama Bandar lampung and the interview transcript from the teacher.

2. Data Reduction

Data reduction is the process of choosing, centralization of the attention, abstracting and transform the coarse data from the place of research. This process took places during the research until the end of the research. In data reduction the researcher searched the truly valid data. The collected data would be organized as well as possible in order to make conclusion.

3. Data Display



display as a group of information arranged. The displayed data in this research were in the form of matrix or graphic followed by explanation. The purpose of data display is to make the researcher and the reader easy to make the conclusion from the data.

4. Data Conclusion

Data conclusion is the part of the activity from whole configuration. The conclusion also will be verified during the research. The meaning that come from the correctness and congruity of data must be tested so the data can be more valid. Here, the researcher made early conclusion, explained the implementation of the independent task and determined the process and problems will be faced by students and teacher. Finally the writer tried to give solution and suggestion to the problem.

3.6 Validity of the Data

The researcher used triangulation in order to make sure that the data is valid. Triangulation is the manner of collecting the data by combining two or more method. The use of triangulation is to enrich the data to have more accurate conclusion (Setiyadi, 2006). Furthermore, Bogdan and Biklen (1982: 74) said that the successful outcome of a participant observation study in particular, but other forms of qualitative research as well, retell on detailed, accurate and extensive field notes.






5.1 Conclusions

After conducting the research and analyzing the data gained, some conclusions can be drawn as follows:

1. The researcher taught and observed the process of teaching learning by using movie script and the meeting lasted 90 minutes. The researcher used observation note and quetionnaire to record the process of teaching learning by using movie script as a media. According to the observation note and the questionnaire to the students, there are some benefits for the students and the teacher in the implementation of movie script in reading comprehension. For around 80% of the students (32 students) stated they were interested in learning English by using movie script involving the discussion, grouping, and other components from movie script because it makes them feel comfortable with the process in concluding and understanding the texts. For the teacher, movie script is good way in

exploring their creativity in exploring, inviting and noticing the students’

ability, performance and development.

2. The students’ problems in reading comprehension by implementing movie



making conclusion about the story, exploring the opinions about the story in the text, and understanding the benefits of the movie script. This is supported by the result of observation note and interview that the problem faced by the students are the difficulties have been mention above.

3. The teacher’s problems in the implementation of movie script in reading

comprehension are the students’ reading abilities (class level) and class

situation. It was difficult to control and manage the crowded class. The teacher also found difficulties in choosing the appropriate materials that

can invite students’ interest to involve in the process of reading

comprehension. The students’ motivation and background knowledge also

influence their abilities in understanding the text so it was difficult to find appropriate materials for the students which attract them to be involved. It was also quite difficult to manage the time because the teacher lacked the time for teaching.

5.2 Suggestions

According to the findings of the research and the problem previously stated, the researcher would like to propose some suggestions as follows:

1. Looking at the process of thinking in the implementation of movie script in reading comprehension and the benefits, the English teacher should try to apply this media to teach reading comprehension. Besides that, it become more effective in combining with other task.

2. The teachers are suggested to manage the class as well as possible in order



The teacher also should help the students to improve their vocabulary that can help them in understanding the texts, guessing the meaning of the sentences or paragraph. The teacher should make the students to understand the idea in comprehending the text by practicing all the roles of implentation of movie script, the students will be able to comprehend the text easily. Besides that, the teacher should prepare all the materials about the movie related to the topic and the lesson plan well inside or outside the classroom.




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