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Improving the students'vocabulary mastery with newspaper articles : a case study at SMA 87 Jakarta Selatan


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A "Skripsi"

Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiya' and Teachers Training In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of S.Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education











Submitted lo the English Dcparlmenl ol the Faculty ofTarbiya' and Teachers Training

in Partial l'ulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (SI J




Approved By Advisor

Prof. fl . ·!atl'id Harnawida •da M E\!, NIP. 150 011 332






Training certifies that the "skripsi" (scientific Paper) <mtitled, "Improving Students Vocabulary Mastery with Newspaper Arti<Cle3", written by Westi Amaliyall, student's registration: 103014027025, 2008, and was declared to have passed and, therefore, fulfilled one of the requirements for the academic title of S. Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education of the Department of English Education.




Jakarla, Juni 2008

Examination Committee

: Drs. Syauki, M. Pd NIP. 150 246 209 : Neneng Sunengsih, S.Pd

NIP. 15 D .2.g.3 23fo

: 1. Drs. Syauki, M. Pd NIP. 150 246 209 2. Mas'ud Mada, MA

NIP. 150 012 951

Acknowledged by:

Dean ofTarbiya and Teachers Training Faculty



research paper will not complete. Peace and blessing be upon our Prophet Muhammaq


his families, his companion, and his followers.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her great honor anq acknowledgme11t to all people, who have helped h('lr in passing the process pf


finishing <jlld can-ying out this skripsi. Particularly, she gives her grateful to the beloved parents, Abdun-ahman and Fatimah, who always give her support, motivation, and moral encouragement to finish this skripsi.

The great gratitude is dedicated to this amazing p<;ople. Particularly to:


Prof. DR. Hadjicl Harnawidagcla, lvfA, the writer advisor who alw;i.ys gives her occasion, times, guidance, contribution, advices, kindness and patience in helping and giving solutions, opinion from the beginning to the encl of this skripsi.

2. Many thanks are also given to all the lecturer of the Department of English of the Faculty ofTarbiya and Teacher's Training.



Nasrun Mahmud, M. Pel, the Head of the English Department. 4. Prof. DR. Dede Rosyacla, MA, Dean of Faculty Tarbiya and Teacher's Training.

5. For all my beloved brothers and sister, Mas Urned, Mba Leni (Alm), Mba Lecha, Mas Ali, Mba Ema, and Aziz.


guide them always and give the all happiness throughout a life. Amen. In the end, the writer hopes any correction, suggestions, and developing critics for this skripsi better as she realizes that this paper many mistakes and so far from the perfection. Thanks.

Jakarta, 21 Juni 2008




Chapter I : INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study ... I B. The Problem Statement. ... .4

C. Objective of Study ... , ... .4

D. Significant ofStudy ... .4

E. Method of Research ... , .4

Chapter II :A.VOCABULARY 1. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery ... 5

2. Kinds ofVocabulary ... 6

3. The Vocabulary Use ... 8

-B. NEWSPAPER ARTICLE 1. The Definition of Newspaper Article ... 15

2. The Advantages ofNewspaper Article in Vocabulary Improvement ... 16

3. How to Choose Suitable Article ... .17

4. Procedures ッヲt・。」セゥョァ@ English through Nt:wspaper A1iicles .. l8 5. Some Problems in Improvement Students' Vocabulary through Newspaper Articles ... 19


Chapter III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS A. Research Methodology 1. Place and Time ... 22

2. Technique of Sample Taking ... 22


2. Description of the Data ... 33 3. Data Interpretation ... 33 Chapter IV : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

A. Conclusion ... .34 B. Suggestion ... 35


that use the dictionary in every meeting ... 29 Table 2 Recapitulation of students' vocabulary mastery with newspaper


Language is means of communication. People use the language to express their emotions, feelings, and ideas. No one will be able to communicate internationally without using English since almost of scientist books are written in English. There are various languages in the world, such as Indonesian, English, Arabic, Spanish, and others. English as one of international languages is an important subject to be learnt. For that reason in Indonesia, English is the foreign language taught at the formal schools. Furthennore, the teaching of the language starts from the kindergarten especially in Jakarta.

In English learning, a learner has to master the fow· basic language skills, namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition to the four language components to teach: such as grammar, pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary. As Long and Richard state that "vocabulary like grammar, is essential component of all aspects of language."1 Based on this statement, the writer Infers that vocabulary as developing learner's competency in language, vocabulary is crucial components in requiring and understanding language.

Large vocabulary helps us express our ideas precisely in communication. We often believe that we need a large numbers of words to master English


Michel H. Long and Jack. C. Richard, Methodology in TESOL; A Book of Reading


language well. It is not always wrong because we are hoped to realize that without a certain amount of vocabulary, it seems it is quite impossible to use the language precisely and vividly. We sometimes have difficulties; in understanding the meaning of words, in differentiating the word fonns, and in applying the words in sentences.

As Kufaishi said that a large number of vocabulary items is necessary to succeed in social, professional, and intellectual life, that vocabulary is vehicle thought, self-expression, interpretational, and communication. 2 It means that vocabulary teaching cannot be delayed until university level.

The schools in Indonesia, vocabulary is one of the language component that undirected teaching learning. It includes in four of skill of language; listening, speaking, reading and writing. As stated in the GBPP of 2004: "the English learning in senior high school composed of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in English which is given integrated". 3• セNエッ@ get more, the teacher

has to be creative· for looking for. the new techniques. to impr.ove student's vocabulary so they get more interesting in receiving the materiaJ._. English newspaper is one alternative that is offered by the teacher. Jakarta Post is one of the newspapers published in Indonesia.

A teacher sometimes finds difficult.Jes, in selecting choosing appropriate materials to improve students' vocabulary. According to the writer, it concerns to discuss of the use English newspaper article towards vocabulary improvement. The material is often intended to master some concrete and abstract vocabulary points. This could be one the reasons why students feel bored and unenthnsiastic when they have to learn or memorized the words. So in contrast, senior high schools who are adult learners are not satisfied with any giving vocabulary with games, puzzle, scrabble, flashcards, and picture. Newspaper article is one tool or

2 Adil Al Kufaishi, Vocabulary Building Program is Necessary not a Luxury, English

Forum, Vol. XXVI; No. 2. April 1998, P. 45


media in teaching English. It is not only can help to communicate each other but also to improve their vocabularies. Probably they do not enjoy when they learn vocabulary, which are created in the English textbook. Sometimes, they are not interesting, not relevant and make them bored that they get especially about education, economics, culture, because in teaching English, the material that will be taught is very limited. They want it to be more internsting. more realistic. and lager than before. So they get more large vocabularies. It will make them interested in when they are provided by newspaper articles with economic reports. business news. healthy. or they discuss and look for the events', parties or te1ms in Indonesia language vocabulary occurring recently in Indonesia. By using news for teaching materials. teachers can provide students with oppminnities to learn something about world issues. cultures and other things. in addition to lcarninr1 the language itself. As a candidate of language teacher, the writer always try to integrate language skills with learner autonomy. foster ianguai:rn awareness. activate learners' intuitive heuristics, and stimulate learners to have insight into social phenomena. News is the best material for this ptiroosc.

When we read something, it willf be good if we understand the words or vocabularies in our reading. because it will help and 1rnide us in monouncin!l. reading and RTasping in the idea from our reading, so WE: will understand what



Based on the discussion above, the writer would like to formulate this problem in the following question:

Can the students improve the vocabulary mastery with newspaper articles?


The objective of the study is to know the students can improve their vocabulary with newspaper articles by looking the dictionary up to find out the vocabularies whether they look it up in the students' task. By knowing they look it up whether or not they look it up, hopefully it can lead the English teacher for improving teaching techniques of vocabulary and encourage the students to be more interested in finding out the difficult vocabularies in newspaper articles by using dictionary for improving their vocabulary mastery.


The writer hopes that readers can take the benefit from this paper. The paper can be a source for English teacher or whoever they need as alternative materials in teaching vocabulary with newspaper articles.


This writing is based on what writer discovers through library and field research. Book and other materials, which have topic related to this study, are used to support the discussion. In the library research the writer tried to observe some theories related to the topic and to conduct the library research through reading books reference, also the report of this paper.


1. The Definition of Vocabulary Mastery

There are definitions of vocabulary given by experts. Vocabulary is one of the most important elements in a language. We carmot speak the language well if we do not master it. No matter how well we learn grammar, how successfully the sound of a foreign language is mastered, without words to express a wider range of meanings, communication in the foreign language just cru.mot happen in any meaningful way. 1 Penny Ur defines that vocabulary is the words that teach in the foreign language. 2 Hatch and Brown define vocabulary 。セ@ a list or set of words for a particular lru.1guage or set of words that individual speakers of language might use.3

1 Norbert Schmitt and Michael, Mc. Chartey, Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and

Pedagogy (United Kingdom:Cambridge University Press, I 997), P .140

2 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory (New York: Cambridge

University Press, I 996), P.60



While Harimurti Kridalaksana ways that vocabulary is a component of language that maintains all infonnation about meaning and using words in a language.4 According to Webster ninth collegiate Dictionary is:

a. A list of words and phrases, abbreviation inflectional from usually arranged in alphabetical order defined or otherwise identified as in a dictionary of glossary. b. An interrelated group of non-verbal symbols, signs, gestures, etc, used for communication or expression in particular art, skill, etc. 5

According to AS Homby, vocabulary is:

a. Total number of words which (with rules for combining them) make up a language.

b. (Range of) words known to, or used by, a person, in trade, profession, etc. c. Book containing a list of words; list of words used in a book, etc, usually with definition or translation. 6

While according to Roget vocabulary is:

a. An alphabetical list of words often defined or translated; the vocabulary includes idioms ifd two word verbs.

b. All the words of language

c. specialized expressions indigemus to a particular field, subject, trade or suBCulture. 7

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

S.H. Burton and J.A Humphries in A.M. Zaenuri classify vocabulary in two kinds: general and special vocabulary. General vocabulary is of words used in general without limitation of the fields or users. The second is special vocabulary,

4 Harimurti Kridalaksana, Kamus Linguistik, Third Edition (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia

Utama, 1993), P. 127


Merriam Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (America: Merriam Webster, inc, 1983), P. 1494


AS. Homby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictiona1y (Oxford:---, 1987). P. 1959



used in certain fields, job, profession, or special science. This same statement that Djalinus Syah and Azimar Enong also divided vocabulary into two, namely: general vocabulary and special vocabulary. General vocabulary is the words that are used in general. There is no limited of field and user, whereas special vocabulary is that the words that are used in the certain field or job, profession or special science and technology. 8 While Jo Ann Aeborsold classifies vocabulary into active and passive vocabulary;

a. Active vocabulary; is also called as productive vocabulary. Students must know how to pronounce it well, they must know and be able to use grammar of the target language, and they also must be familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the word. This type is often used in speaking and writing skills. Meanwhile, Fries as quoted by A.M. Zaenuri says that vocabulary is two namely: function and content words. The function words are a closed class, we cannot add the preposition or auxiliaries or modals or any strncture words of the language. The content words can be added to at any times as new scientific advances make new words and communication about new invention necessary.9 b. Passive vocabulary; refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening, and it is also called as receptive vocabulary. 10

A native speaker of any language has a much larger passive vocabulary than active vocabulary. As a result, he or she can read difficult material without stopping to use a dictionary all the time. In contrast, a person who studies a foreign language, even at the advanced level, quite often has a passive vocabulary.

8 Djalinus Syah and Azimar Enong, Tata Bahasa lnggris Modern dalam Tanya Jawab

(Jakarta: CV. Miswar, 1980). P.I

9 A. M. Zaenuri, Vocabulary J,(Jakarrta: English Department, 2003), p. 2

10 Jo Ann Aebersold and Many Lee Field, From Reader to Reading Teacher(New York:


Therefore oee biggest single problem for the advanced studENt when reading es poor passive vocabulary.11

Meanwhile, according to Nelson Brooks, vocabulary is divided into three, namely:

a. Little or empty words that have little meaning m themselves but serves particulate items in an utterance and relate them to each others as well as change and guide the direction of taught, such word are: an, these, but, although, and the like.

b. Content words that tell their own stay, such as: salt, ugly, holiday, etc.

c. Clusters of words, such as verbs that convey special concept when used with given pronouns or prepositions (for example; call it off and go without).12

From the explanation above, we know that every expert in every book is different in classifying the kinds of vocabulary, because every person has different way in showing and telling their opinions and ideas. Some of them who emphasize vocabulary to the item which the learners can use appropriately in speaking and writing and to the language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening and some who classify vocabulary from little or empty words, context words, and dusters of words and some of them classify vocabulary into general and special. Even the classifications of the kinds of vocabulary that they have made are different, but the point is the same, because their classifications are based on the different sides and aspects.

3. Vocabulary Use

Before discussing vocabulary use, first of all we should know the meaning of it. Vocabulary is total number of words which (with mies for combining them)

11 John T. Crow, Vocabulary for Advanced Reading Comprehension the Key Word

Approach (New York: Prentice Hall Regents, 1986), P.9

12 Nelson Brooks,


make up a language, or (range of) words known to, or used by, a person, in trade, profession, etc. 13

The word "use" has a meaning as the function or the advantage. So we can say that from the definition-above the vocabulary use is the function or the use of words which are used in language. It means that when we use words, we should know the functigf or the use of our words our vocabularies because it can guide us in understaiaing the language which we leam.

Moreover, vocabulary is central to both the system and the use of language. The words that we pronounce write and organize into sentences and other grammatical combinations. Words are also, what ordinary users think of as language. For, they are accessible and reflected more fully the whole culture and respond more quickly to changes in society than do other aspects of language.14

Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get or and to receive lots of words. By having and mastering vocabulary, we will know the meaning of vocabulary in the context. It can also help to avoid making the mistakes in identifying a language with the dictionary and guide us in making the equivalence of the second language to the native language.

Here is some of the vocabulary use:

a. Helping us master kinds or levels of meaning

In mastering the kinds or levels of meaning such as the words with their lexical meaning are, they are by no means the only essential meanings in the symbols and devices of a language and also the lexical content of the various words- the words as listed and defined in a dictionary .15 In the sentence "The old man killed the little bear", the dictionary does tell us the kind of beings to which the words man and bear refer it will explain the particular type of action for which

13 Homby, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary.,p. 1959

14 Suzanne Romaine, The Cambridge HislDIJ' of the English Language, Vol. IV (Cambridge: UK, 1998), P. 57

15 Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Language (Michigan:


the word will is a symbol. And it will give us some notion of the qualities included in the meanings of such words as old and little. This is however practically all the help the dictionary can give. It does not tell us whether old is to be taken as a characteristic of the man or of the bear; or whether the bear or the man or both are little. The dictionary cannot tell us whether, in this particular sentence, the man bear perfonned the action. So the syntactical, the positions in which old and little stand in relation to man and bear give us the essential meaning that it is the man that is old and bear that is little. The fact that the old man precedes the word killed and that the little bear follows that word. Killed conveys the meaning that the manO Rather than the aear performed the action. Here, syntactical meaning absolutely essential to any understanding of the utterance expressed by the word order.

Morphological meaning or the fmms of the words. The form of the word man (in contrast with men) and the form of the word bear (in contrast with bears) signals the feet that there was bnt one man and but one bear. In similar fashion the form of the word killed indicates the fact that the action has already occurred. It is not now in process nor projected for the future.16

b. Developing Reading Skill

The reading action of each book contains materials on techniques of reading and studying, as well as on such skills as test taking and reasoning. Major emphasis is placed on the vocabulary development. Use of the dictionary, use of context as a clue the meaning, and the analysis of words through the study of prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining forms are treated thoroughly at each level. Vocabulary enriclunent is based on words found in the text and the activities. These exercises appear frequently throughout the texts. The second, the art



program, illustrates and discusses interesting words related to a specific thematic idea in each book of the series.17

To master a language is not necessary to read it,. but it is extremely doubtful whether one can really read the language without first mastering it orally. Unless one has mastered the fundamentals of the new language, that is, as a set of habits for oral production and reception the process of reading is a process of seeking word equivalents to his own native language, such a reader never enters into the precise particular way the foreign language grasps experience he is still using as means of grasping meaning or understanding only the processes and vocabulary of his own language with the added difficulty of seeing a different set of symbols on the printed page which must act as clues from which he must guess the correct words of his own language to be substituted in order to make some kind of sense. He never really entails into the tough (the full meaning) expressed by the foreign language. It means that having a lot of vocabulary stocks will help us not only grasp the meaning or understand the language we learn, but also get the exact meaning of our reading.

c. Distributing the Use According to Grammatical Matters

If we examine vocabulary use, there are so many useful things, especially its distribution to grammar matters. Such the words, although some of them may have also full-word meaning content, primarily or largely operate as means of expressing relation of grammatical strncture. This includes the so-called auxiliaries, prepositions, conjunctions, interrogative particles, and miscellaneous group consisting of the words for degree, for generalizing, the articles, etc.18 All these words are called as function words or the words which have special function and meanings.


Millie John and Paulene M. Yates, Basic Language, Harper and Row Publishing, Inc. (Now York, USA, 1982), P.iii


Auxiliaries or helping or supporting words include not only the words which can help in making various form and inflection of the: verb, such as, have, shall, will, may, can, must, might, could, would, and should.

Preposition-adverbs, the function words used with substantives, not only include the nine already indicated as being most frequently used, "at, by, for, from, in, into, of, on, to, and with" but also some twenty others that express

grammatical relationships in situation such as; place (behind, in front of, over, under, above, below, beside, between, beyond, and around), direction (through, into, out of, toward, away from, up, down, and across), time (before, after, during, since and until). Cause (jar, because, since). Purpose (in order that, so that). Comparison (although). Condition (unless, ·whether). Conclusion (therefore).

The function words are the inten-ogative particles (who, whose, which, what, where, why, and how). The articles (the, a, an). Degree words(more, most). The generalizing particle (Ever). Special uses (there, it, and one).19

After we examine and discuss it, we know that vocabulary is really useful and important to improve our grammar, because by knowing the function word and various kinds of word we will get the suitable meaning of the native language.

d. Improving Speaking Ability

Learning a foreign language is not only about its learning reading, writing, grammar, etc, but also how to produce the separate sounds or words from the vocabulary we have, or in other words we should practice our vocabularies through our speech. Because as a foreign speaker, producing the words and vocabulary that we have, will show us whether we understand the language we learn. It is not only producing the words but an-anging them into the sentences, in order to make the listeners understand the language when it is spoken.


Charles C. Fries said that in the use of foreign language the difference between the ability to recognize or understand and the ability to produce or speak stands out even more noticeably.20 It is true that the two interact and condition one another and in the actual practice of the language can hardly be separated. We can see one advances in the ability to produce or use the language he increases the range and depth of his understanding, and an increase in understanding shows it self in a greater ability to produce, so, the use of vocabulary here, really important and really needs, especially in improving speaking ability.

Ralph A. Micken said that the extemporaneous speaker must have a vocabulary sufficient for needs of repletion with variety. If he is an ordinary individual, he will find that he does not have this vocabulary unless he deliberately sets out to build it up. The vocabulary of the average person, even the experienced speaker, is somewhat funnel-shaped.21

It means that vocabulary is really useful for the speakers while they are speaking because it will help their fluency in brain storm. their ideas, and also by having lot of words or stock of words can choose the right and suitable words when they are speaking.

e. Improving Writing Skill

Writing as a language skill that needs many words in it. It is right, because "no words no writing". There are some writing tools, such as grammar, vocabulaiy, spelling, and usage. You have used these all your life and have learnt to use some of them effectively.22



Charles C. Fries, Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Languag, P. 8

21 Ralph A. Micken, Speaking for Result: A Guide for Business and Professional

Speakers (Boston, 1958), P. 41


So vocabulary as one of the writing tools has significant role in writing, because the number of words we use is a reasonable measure of our "intelligence" and our writing quality. As William D. Baker said: " ... the number of words you use is reasonable measure of your intelligence", so tiue that many colleges use vocabulary test as the primary predictor of a student's academic success.23

Hans P. Guth said: " ... a writer has to be able to use formal language in formal situation."24 In particular, he has to guard against sudden shift from the tone of the lecture hall to that of the snack bar around the comer. And when writing formal English; we have to know and careful which words are should be used and which are not.

The language you choose to express your thoughts is an extremely important element of the writing process because only through the words, you choose and the ways you arrange them can your reader understand your thoughts about the topic. Your words on a page convey more than the meanings dictionaries report; they also convey your attitudes toward your subject and toward your reader. 25

From the explanation above, we know that there are so many useful thing of vocabulary in improving our language skills, such as developing our reading skill, explaining and describing the classes of the content words, distributing in use according to grammatical matters, improving our speaking ability, improving writing skill and helping us in mastering kinds or levels of meaning.

23 Baker,

Reading and Writing Skills, P. 27

24 Hans P. Guth, Words and Ideas: A Handbook for College Writing, Third Edition

(California, USA, 1969), P. 425

25 Charles W. Bridges and Ronald F. Lunsford, Writing Discoveringfi·om and Meaning



1. Definition of Newspaper Article

As a human being we need to communicate and interact with other people. We need them because they have something that we do not own or they know something that we do not know. Sometimes we are curious about what is happening in the other world. To fill our curiosity, we need media. One of the media is newspaper besides television, radio, magazine, and books.

Newspapers are one of printed media besides magazines. According to Webster's dictionary, "newspapers are one of printed mass media published daily or weekly. They contain local, regional or international news, opinion, job, vacancy, small advertisement, and other general interest such as: music, art, sport, etc."26

According to encyclopedia Americana, "a newspaper is unbound publication issued at regular intervals that seek to inform, explain and interpret, influence and entertain. It also serves readers and its own financial viability by publishing advertising."27

According to Brooks, "newspaper readers generally are people with homes to maintain, children to educate, taxes to pay. They usually have roots in their community and obligations and interests that reflect those roots."28

In this skripsi, the writer chooses one of part in the newspaper that is article. It is the simple text in the newspaper that can be read by student.

26 Noah Webster, Webster's New Twentieth Century Dictionary Unabridged, (Ohio, Gulf

and Western Corporation, 1979), p. 1209

27 Opium Navajo, Encyclopedia Americana, (USA: Grolier Incorporated, 1995), Vol. 20 28


2. The Advantage Using Newspaper Article in Vocabnlary Improvement

When teacher selects materials for teaching, she has to decide whether the material is appropriate for her students or not. It can be judged appropriate if the material is meaningful for students or not. The material is more meaningful if it is related with students' need, experience, interest, morality principle and their and their future.

Newspapers have fulfilled this requirement. First, it can be used as cross cultural medium, because newspapers probably the best single source of information about the host culture and about the most important people in the host society.29 It can be taught for something about psychology, habits and values of people in the foreign culture. Second, the realistic character and actions may motivate students for reading. Third, newspapers can be used to teach other language skills: listening, speaking and writing.

Good teaching material can be used teach many aspect of language. Again, newspapers have this qualification. As stated by Joe Pemagbi:

" .... Newspaper can be used to teach many aspects of language and communication skills. Editorials and gossip columns can be used to teach formal and informal varieties of English; editorials and feature articles can provide passage for summary and comprehension; letters to editor can demonstrate good features of letter writing. A newspaper may contain material for teaching various types of writing: description, analysis, and synthesis, comparison and contrast, process description; and they provide


models of good written form: paragraphing, topic sentence, introduction, conclusion, etc."30

3. How to choose the suitable Article

In choosing suitable newspaper materials to use with students, it is helpful that the teacher asks themselves a number of important questions. The way Sanderson puts it:31

-Will my students find the materials interesting?

When the teacher gave a text, the students enjoy reading the text, they read and effort to look for the difficult vocabularies seriously and this is the first experience they have not got before. That text presents the realistic characters and action. It makes them interested in reading and curiously in finding the difficulty vocabularies. So, choosing material is an important step in using newspaper, because the students' motivation is crucial to the success of the lesson. It will make them frustrated if they are frustrated if they are faced with faced with materials, which they do not like.

- Are the materials appropriate for my students in term of their existing knowledge?

The teacher selects the materials, which match to students' existing knowledge. It means that the material will be real in the mind of the students.

-Are the materials appropriate for my students in terms of language level? The teacher chooses the easy materials for the students. It can help them to understand the text (aiiicle). The article must be appropriate for students' language. In other words the teacher may say that the language level have been suited to the level of the students.

-Should I use only materials from today's newspaper?


Joe Pemagbi, Using Newspaper and Radio in English Language Teaching :The Sierra Leone Experience, Forum, Vol.33, no.3 (July, 1995). P. 53



The teacher not only uses materials from today's newspapers but also the teacher uses the old newspapers. Even though today's newspapers are more preferable but it is not a big problem if teacher uses the old newspapers, considering teacher as a busy person, news are out quickly, and lessons take time to prepare.

- Can I use newspaper materials that are not from English-language newspapers?

The teacher presents the materials from English-language newspapers, even though using the newspapers from our country is not rejected as long as the lesson objectives are achieved.

4. Procedures of Teaching English through Newspaper articfos 1. Greeting

- Teacher enters the class and greets the students

- Teacher checks the attendance list by calling the students' name one by one. 2. Lead in

- Teacher elicits students' predictions, arouses students' interest and familiarizes students' with the topic of the passages by asking pre·-reading questions to students that have relationship with education news.

- Teacher tells the students the objective of the lesson. 3. Teacher direct comprehension task


- Teacher explains how to do exercise. Teacher tells students to do the exercise as quickly as possible to see how quickly they can understand the gist of each aiticle. - Teacher checks students' understanding of the instruction. Teacher makes sure that students know what they are going to do on this exercise.

- Teacher may discuss the vocabularies that students do not understand. 4. Students read the text and do the task.

Students read those news articles silently and match the vocabularies with the synonym of them.

5. Teacher direct feedback

- Teacher asks students to stop working. Teacher can say: "'I think time is over. Stop working please. Let's check our job.

- Teacher checks students' working by asking some of them to read out their answers. Now, Stella what is your answer for number one? Are you sure? Okay class, do you agree with Stella's answer? And let's check our vocabularies with their synonym. Etc.

6. Closure

- Teacher concludes the lesson. Teacher may say, "so, what do you get from our lesson today? Do you enjoy your activities today? Etc.

- Teacher closes the lesson. Teacher may say, "I think time is up, see you next meeting, bye".


Here are some problems in improvement students' vocabulary through newspaper aiticles

a. Some problems faced by students

Newspaper articles may be a distraction to learners that like to spend a lot of time planning, focus on only one task at a time, or that has low proficiency in the target language. These learners may feel it is in-elevant at their present stage of learning, unimportant to their reasons for learning the language, or that the lesson could be better learnt by simple presentation, explanation, or rote-learning. Also, learners are expected to make generalizations for them. Learners those are unwilling to take risks or feel uncomfortable with ambiguity may become uneasy when presented with the text without teacher direction and hence, become resentful of the teacher's methodology.

b. The Need for Guidance: Grammar

"By the time a student completes secondary school he or she has been exposed to thousands of hours of teaching from a variety of different teachers. As a result the learner may have formed very different views about what constitutes effective or ineffective teaching. "32

Another problem for learners may occur when students learn languages for attaining success on an exarnination. In these situations, teachers have the responsibility to ensure that learners maximize their chances of success. If

students are presented with newspaper texts they may not be given the necessaiy exposure to rules, patterns, or structures which they will need to achieve success on the exarnination.

c. The Need for Guidance: Vocabulary



"It has not been convincingly demonstrated that the information learners obtain form meeting words in a variety of contexts is more beneficial, either in terms of lmowledge of forn1s or meanings of lexical items, than either translation or simply looking up the word in a dictionary."33

So, learners may successfully process dictionary meanings without having to struggle through vast text to gain knowledge of words.


Authentic texts have been defined as " ... real--life texts, not written for pedagogic purposes" they are therefore written for native speakers and contain "real" language.34 They are " ... materials that have been produced to fulfill some social purpose in the language community." In contrast to non-authentic texts those are especially designed for language learning purposes. The language in non-authentic texts is artificial and unvaried, concentrating on something that has to be taught and often containing a series of "false-text indicators" that include:

- Perfectly formed sentences (all the time);

- A question using a grall1ffiatical structure gets a full answer; - Repetition of structures;

- Very often does not "read" well.

The sources of authentic materials that can be used. in the classroom are infinite, but the most common are newspapers, magazines, TV programs, movies, songs and literature. Newspapers and any other printed material date very quickly.

33 Carter,

(I 987), P. 169



Authentic materials enable learners to interact with the real language and content rather than the form. Learners feel that they are learning a target language as it is used outside the classroom. When choosing materials from the various sources, it is therefore worth taking into consideration that the aim should be to understand meaning and not form, especially when using literary texts with the emphasis being on what is being said and not necessarily on the literary form or stylistics. Nuttall gives three main criteria when choosing texts to be used in the classroom suitability of content, exploitability and readability.35

35 Nuttall,


-1. Place and Time

The research of this study was held at SMA 87, which is located on JI. Mawar Rempoa Pesanggrahan Jakarta Selatan.

It took about fifteen days, from April 24 to May 21 2007. In teaching English focuses on vocabulary mastery with newspaper articles.

2. The Technique of Sample Taking

The population is the first grade students of SMA 87 Pesanggrahan Jakarta Selatan. In this research, the writer took 1 class from two classes as the sample. The class is the XI and X2 class ウエオ、ᄋセョエウ@ of SMA 87. The writer just took 40 students as sample. In collecting the students, the English teacher of the XI and X2 class recommended the students as the sample.

3. The Technique of Data Collecting


a. Observation, the writer who are taught English by herself and giving some tasks to first grade students of SMA 87 pQセウ。ョァァイ。ィ。ョ@ Jakarta Selatan it focuses on improving vocabulary maste1y.

b. Interview, the writer did some interviews with the some the teachers and the students. She asked some questions related to the expressions to be analyzed. Directly, the writer did some note taking while interviewing the teachers and the students.

4. Method of Study

The writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. The method is purposed to analyze problem or case happened at present. It involves accumulating, analyzing and classifying, interpreting data also. The final step, the writer has to conclude the result of research. The study is also based on both library and field research. In the library research, the writer finds out materials that is needed and related to her topic in some libraries. In the field research, the writer gives the tasks to the students and interviewed with English teacher of the first grade SMA 87.

5. Technique of Data Analysis

The technique that the writer uses is descriptive analysis technique (percentage), with the percentage from the information and divided with total of tasks.

The formula is:

P= !L,x 100 °/o


Notes : P: percentage


B. Research Findings 1. Data Analysis

The writer finds much of the students that can be improved the vocabulary mastery by newspaper articles that using the dictionary during the eight meetings in English subject. They did the task given by the teacher to find out the vocabulary that they consider are difficult in the dictionary but it must contextually with the text. She only focuses on difficult vocabularies that are: Text I: Education minister defends exams

The writer asked to them to find the meaning of difficult words that they find contextually by looking up the dictionary.

The difficulty vocabularies: Defend

Exam Cheat Guard Evidence

Vocational school Attempt

Handout Fetch up Maintain Imbalance Demand

Text 2: National exams better this year, minister says


Allegation Involvement Acknowledged Evidence Leaver Betray Recmit Accusation Pressure Revive Cardiac Ventricle

Text 3: principal accused of stealing exams

The writer asked to them to find the synonym and the meaning of difficult words that they find contextually by looking up the dictionary or not.

Accuse Allegedly

Steal-stole-stolen Ensure

Safekeeping Custody


Text 4: Students angered by teache1·-supported cheating

The writer asked to them to find the synonym and the meaning of difficult words that they find contextually by looking up the dictionary or not.

Anger Approach Struggle Attach Widespread Eff01t Colleague Prevent Witnessed Jot down Chairman Supervision

Text 5: W. Sumatra tries to get exam repeats for students

The writer asked to them to find the synonym of difficult words that they find contextually do not look dictionary up.


Prevent Tarnishes

Text 6: Education a basic right, says group

The writer asked to them to find the synonym of below difficult words that they find contextually do not look dictionary up and make them into complete sentences.


Walk out; leave Deny

Regulation Attend Treat Unsatisfied Common Boost Instead Tarnishes

Text 7: Yogya students protest national exams

The writer asked to them to find the synonym of below difficult words that they find contextually do not look dictionary up and make them into complete sentences.


Workbook Enrollment Illiteracy Lawmaker Barrier Remote Simply


Text 8: Library offers e-book collection



The writer asked to them to find of below difficult words that they find contextually do not look dictionary up and make them into complete sentences. Blind

Nationwide Impaired


No I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

Here are the data of improving stndents' vocabulary mastery with newspaper articles that use the dictionary in every meeting


Text 1 Text2 Text 3 Text4 Text 5 Text 6 Text 7


Andika Darmawan L 5133 D D WD WO WD WO WO

AnoPit Damas\vara L 5144 D D D WD WD WD WD

Aniar Gumilar L 5146 D D D WD WD WD WD

Asep Mukhlis H L 5153 D D WD WD WD WO WD

A vn Sail a Sari p 5156 D D WD WD WD D WD

Aziz.'l Purwani p 5157 D D WO WD WD WD WD

Dani Suyana Putra L 5165 D ID



Desivanti Ika Nanda p 5172 D D D WD WO WD WD

Eric Fernando L 5186 D D D D '/ID WD WD

Fibrian Chrisna L 5196 D D ]) WO WD WD WD

Firdha Novialita p 5197 D D ]) WD WD WD \VD

George Ari L 5205 D D D WD WD WD WD

H. M. Ridwan L 5209 D ]) D WD WD WD WD

Hadi Cahvadi L 5210 D D \VD WD WD \VD WD

Havn PrabaS L 52ll D D D WD WD WD WD

Mawami Utarni p 5250 D D D WD WD WD WD

Maya Maulina p 5251 D D D WD WD WD \VD

Mush 'ab Latief L 5269 D ]) D WD WD WD WD

Neyla Salsabila p 5272 D D ]) WO WD WD WO

Nuraini p 5279 D D D WD ·--WD WD WD

Nurhakim L 5281 D ]) D D WD WD WD

N urina A vuningtias p 5282 D D \VD WD WD WD WO


24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Pridita Anuerah I p 5291 D D D WD \VD \VD \VD

PusoaA vutaminingsi p 5293 D D \VD \VD \VD \VD \VD

J{esti Asa Alfiani p 5306 D D D WD \VD WD \VD

Rinaldv L 5310 D D D \VD WD \VD \VD

Roro Pashi p 5316 D D D \VD WD \VD \VD

Sekar Stuti R p 5325 D D D WD WD \VD \VD


Shelvi Marliyawati p 5328 D D D \VD I \VD

' \VD \VD

Sieit L. Hadmadi L 5329 D D D D \VD \VD \VD

Silatorno Panii N L 5331 D D D WD \VD \VD \VD

Sharil Rmndhani L 5337 D D D D \VD \VD \VD

Silvia Nurnita Sari p 5338 D D D \VD \VD \VD \VD

Tommy Seoadinata L 5342 D D \VD WD \VD \VD \VD Triadi S. Nugraha L 5344 D D D D \VD \VD \VD

Usman Eka Susanto L 5345 D D D D \VD \VD \VD

Ae:us Supriadi L 5367 D D D \VD \VD \VD \VD

Riko L 5341 D D D D \VD \VD \VD

Ratu Ayu Diab p 5333 D D \VD \VD \VD \VD WD


D: Dictionary; it means she/he still use it to find the difficult vocabularies

WD: Without Dictionary; it means she/he does not use it to find the difficult vocabularies

There eight boxes above; it means the writer took the dght meeting in her research. The sample is 40 students at the first grade of SMA 87 Jakarta Selatan.

From the table of data's improvement students' vocabulary mastery with newspaper articles above, the writer knows that much of students of the first grade


by using the dictionary as the measurement, they can improve the vocabulary. Research findings analysis above can be on the table of recapitulation of students' tasks in improving their vocabulary mastery that use the dictionaiy in every meeting. Table of Recapitulation of the Students' Improvement the Vocabulary with Newspaper Articles


Andika Darmawan



Anggit Damaswara



Al1iar Gumilai·



Asep Mukhlis H



A yu Saila Sari



Aziza Purwani



Dani Suyana Putra



Desiyanti Ika Nanda



Eric Fernando



Fib1ian Chrisna



Firdha Novialita



George Ari



H. M. Ridwan



Hadi Cahyadi






Mawarni Utami



Neyla Salsabila









Nurina Ayuningtias



Oky Krisnawati



Pridita Anugrah I




Sekar Stnti R 3x 5x

Shelvi Marliyawati 3x 5x

Sigit L. Hadmadi 4x 4x

Silatomo Panji N 3x 5x

Shari! Ramdhani 4x 4x

Silvia Nurpita Sari 3x 5x

Tommy Sepadinata 2x 6x

Triadi S. Nngraha 4x 4x

Usman Eka Susanto 4x 4x

Agus Supriadi 3x 5x

Riko 4x 4x

Ratu Ayu Diah 2x 6x

From the table of recapitulation above, the all tasks given by the writer are 8. The improvement that she pays attention on the task begins at the third text article. Those students can look up the dictionary six times are 11, five times are 21, and four times are 7 students.

The percentage of students' improving vocabulary: 1. 6x X 100 %=75%


2. 5 x


100 % = 62.5 % 8

3. 4xX 100%=50% 8

Based on the table of recapitulation of students' improving vocabulary, it can be stated that:

1. Students that carmot look up the dictionary six times tasks to find the difficult vocabularies are 7 5 % from eight


3. Students that cannot look up the dictionary four times tasks to find the difficult vocabularies are 50 % from eight

Recapitulation of students' improving vocabulary BO°lo

70o/o 60o/o




20°/o 10°/o



2. Description of Data

From the table of recapitulation above, the all tasks given by the writer are 8. The improvement that she pays attention on the task begins at the third text article. Students that did not look up the dictionary to find difficult vocabulary are 7 5 % that from 8 tasks, they only six times looked up it. There are Students that did not look up the dictionary to find difficult vocabulary are 62.5 % that from 8 tasks, they only five times looked up it. And they are only four times did not look up the dictionary, its 50 % in percentage.

3. Data Interpretation


From the explanation and some data above, it can be conclude that the students at the first grade of SMA 87 Jakarta can improve the vocabulary with newspaper articles as the tool in teaching English. It can be known from the task that the writer gave. From the first and second task, the writer asked them to find the difficult vocabularies with their meaning contextually and they still look up the dictionary, the third and fourth task they are asked to find the synonym and the meaning of difficult words that they find contextually by looldng up the dictionary or not. And then the fifth, the writer asked to find the synonym of difficult words that they find contextually but they do not look dictionary up. The sixth and the seventh task, she had to them to find the synonym of difficult words that they find contextually and they do not look dictionary up and make that words into complete sentences, the last task, she asked to find of difficult words that they find contextually and do not look dictionary up and to make them into complete sentences. Fourty students can be averaged about 75 percents that be improved by newspaper articles as tool or media.


I •



to recogmze the value of using authentic text for teaching and learning purposes, by newspaper articles.

B. Suggestion

At the end of this paper, the writer would like to say that many students that have to pay attention in improving vocabulary mastery. So, the teacher and the students themselves should pay more attention to vocabulary improvement.

The writer thinks that her suggestion may help the teacher to have the students' vocabulary as frequently as possible and more effective in teaching learning process. Hopefully, they can improve their skills in teaching and learning activity in the classroom. The following suggestions are:

I. Try newspapers articles is the one media in teaching English. 2. The teacher can give many tasks from newspaper articles.

3. The teacher should also pay attention to the other areas of which students committed.

4. Not only the teacher, but also the students' parents of SMA 87, Jakarta Selatan must be involved in students' learning process. 5. It can be alternatives materials for whoever English teacher

everywhere and whenever.


Teacher(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), P. 139

Al Kufaishi, Adil, Vocabulmy Building Program is Necessary not a Luxury, English Forum, Vol. XXVI; No. 2. April 1998, P. 45

Azar, Betty Shcrampter, Understanding using English and grammar,(New York: Oxford University Press, 1984), p. 64

Baker, William D., Reading and Writing Skills (USA, 1971), P. 21

Bridges, Charles W. and Ronald F. Lunsford, Writing Discovering from and Meaning (California, 1984), P. 31

Brooks, Brian S., News Reporting and Writing, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985)

Carter, (1987: p. 169) Chalker, (1994: p. 36)

Crow, John T., Vocabulary for Advanced Reading Comprehension the Key Word Approach (New York: Prentice Hall Regents, 1986). P.9

Fries, Charles C., Teaching and Learning English as Foreign Language (Michigan: 1970), P. 18

GBPP, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2004

Guth, Hans P., Words and Ideas: A Handbook for College Writing, Third Edition (California, USA, 1969), P. 425

Grundy, Peter, Newspapers, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), P. 9 Hatch, Evelyn and Cerryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), P. 1


Long, Michel H. and Jack. C. Richard, Methodology in TESOL; A Book of Reading (New York: New Barry House Publisher, 1987), P. 305

Mary, Finocchhiaro and Bonomo Michael, The Foreign Language Learner: A Guide for Teacher (New York: Regent Publishing Company inc,

1973), P. 86

Micken, Ralph A., Speaking for Result: A Guide for Business and Professional Speakers (Boston, 1958), P. 41

Navajo, Opium, Encyclopedia Americana, (USA: Grolier Incorporated, 1995), Vol. 20

Pemagbi, Joe, Using Newspapers and Radio in English Language Teaching: The Sierra Leone Experience", Fornm, Vol.33, no. 3 (July, 1995), p. 53

Richards and Lockhart,(1994: p. 59-60)

Roget's II, The New Thesaurus: The American Heritage Dictionary (Boston: 1980), P. I 036

Romaine, Suzanne, The Cambridge History of the English Language, Vol. IV (Cambridge: UK, 1998), P. 57

Schmitt, Norbert and Michael, Mc. Chartey, Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy (United Kingdom:Cambridge University Press, 1997),

セャセ@ .

Tarigan, Prof. Dr. Henry Guntur, Pengajaran Gaya Bahasa (Bandung: Angkasa, 1986), P. 2

Ur, Penny, A Course in Language Teaching Practice and Theory (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996), P.60

Wallace, Authentic Texts, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), p. 145


T: Teacher

W: Writer

T: Teachers (Miss. Erwati and Miss Eko)

W: Writer

The interview took on 281h of April 2007 in the teacher room.

W: How are you Miss. Erwati and Miss Eko?

T: Fine, thanks you. (Both of them answered together)

W: first, I'll ask Miss. Erwati, how is the development of English subject in your class?

T: it is not too good, because at the first grade was often feel bored with the material. So many the students choose to chat with his/her friends, sleep in the class when I teach them.

W: have you ever asked to them, why aren't you interested in English?


T: (Miss Eko) I think it is very good for us, in general our school, we can know your teaching because I know the university students usually have idealism to teach in the class, I will see your action.

W: I have opinion about teaching English, I will observe directly for my research, ifI use newspaper articles to improve their vocabulary?

T: it is very excellent idea. Please try to improve vocabulary mastery.

W: May I invite them to study at library or audiovisual so they do not feel bored in the class?

T: please ...

The first step done by the writer in browsing about improving students vocabulary mastery wath newspaper articles is observing the teaching class activities in teaching English conducted by the wpiter and the guided teacher of PPKT. HerDName is Mrs. Erwati. From her, the writer has observed the class activities begun from first coming into the classroom, warm activities, presentation, and exercises until closing.

To make sure the implementation of using newspaper articles in improvement students' vocabulary, the writer did not just take this information but also some appendix that were taught in teaching English by using newspaper aiiicles in the classroom. She obligated the students to bring dictionary in English subject.


After that, the writer asks the students to see an article. In this stage, the writer usually read the articles by themselves first. Then, he or she asks the two students or more to read aloud and asks to look for the difficulty vocabularies. After reading and looking for them, they take note and lookii:ig for their English synonym. And then the teacher writes the difficult considered vocabularies by the students and discussing it.

The next stage is sometimes the teacher plays the puzzle, games etc.

Then, the writer gives suggestion the group of student homework; are the vocabularies that have been noted in the special book.

These are the writer's practice in teaching English, she focuses on the vocabulary.

The interview took on 201h of May 2007 in the classroom ..

S: Student

W: Writer

S: Students (consists of 10 students)

W: Writer

W: how are you all?

S: good ... good, miss.

W: have you been happy with my material just now?


S3: because we think it is very varieties of media in teaching English, so we do not feel bored.

S4: this is going to be interesting, if we study at audiovisual room.

W: Ok. I' II invite you to go there then.

S5: by the way, where do you get that Jakaiia Post, Miss?

W: I buy in the shop near UIN University.

S6: can we buy for ourselves?

S7: of Course, friend.


"I ducation Minister Wednesqay.· · ··. . ᄋヲ。ォ・NZ」セセウウ・ウ[ゥョ@ RPqXQセウQ」エヲャ・|@

セ@ LセᆪセLセセセヲAセセセ[セ[aセゥ@





out the credibility.of the Ngawi; ap h ti1e c . . y]t ent test 2t risk. . . . loca},etliic '•"hnd ;.'chance; . . . a re•

·- .-·.--",i'd/'F



1n1b<1ng confirmed


the' GLーイセセYQァ⦅セM - -,_,_. -'/ - ゥZセエウスs[ZNエ_セセセMMセセョZL|セZセMァゥLZ@ ,·>

ay that cheating took vccatiimal"?.Cflq,.1:., . empted werei't,tnab)e• to sit•· e< es

セ@ jn lhe fornl of 、ィ[エイゥ「セ@ to hand out' ex8h)::materials · for urgent reasons/1

he said.

1 of L·::;un 1naterials, before the ッヲヲゥ」ゥセ|セMセZエ。イエ@ time. 'fh:C7. rninistry <lispi1tch(!d

h sl\Ould have been New0 イ・ーッイHウ[GNィセカ・@ sai.d msr? .. エィ。ャQNセVLP_P@ ーセjZIャッョ@

.ly guarded. , エィ。セ@ イョセエセ[イャセjMMセゥZセセeゥセセセL⦅MカZエヲAZセMGNG@ ZZLZMエアaサセYjセャbセセQ[[セャエMセ[[セセセM YO>·--·

re received reports on ョ。エQッョ。セM exa__ .:.- · ・⦅HZャ⦅[⦅TQZイMエッL⦅ZNjZケZセ。MセLQZ|cjゥセwャGNャZZ⦅エヲゥᄋッイョLᄋセヲセエ@

ing, in, among others, ,


. ··.·.·.J.,t''·



·.F·.i·t··· .•









and Ngawi, East Java; .. ' ·.,. n-ウアュjセM "' , セョ@ s· MッースNZヲᄋセセMQァᄋセZM[オョ@ セ^MM[エオセNᄋ[@ "_1 __

'Ve haven't found evi- were repo __ _e--Ui::ed ー・⦅ョ、・ョイᄋjセッョゥエッイゥイゥァ@ Te

セ@ that it COUld jeqpar- jィ・セャGM .. ウセQゥZ@ MセL⦅MLaGャ@ ·:• _ jLoヲZゥゥ|jセヲ[⦅ZMエセセェ\G|@ ' the credibility of the frade

ans '

'tl;;k•.• .. Zセj[QQゥAj_・。」ョ@

The fnkarta Post/Afedan/Semarang


espite allegations of

cheating, this year's

national final. exams \Vere a significant improve- · ment on last year's, Education l\1inister Bambang Sudibyo said Wednesday.

Senior high students sat

their exams last \veek, \Vhile junior high students \vill finish their tests on Thursday.

He said the improvement came \Vith the involvement of the University Independent

police person.i"lcl in distribut-ing the exam papers.

tie acknowledged that there had been reports of

cheating during this year's exams, ho\vever.

The allegations \Vere being examined by the ministry's officials, he said, and if there \Vas sufficient evidence, some cases might be taken to court.

He sai<l that a principal of a school in Ngawi, East Java, i.vho \Vas alleged to have stolen exam papers, had been named a suspect by police.

"Cheating cases during the

(ifga\vi) case (has been inves-tigated), but the other cases are still being processed," Bambang said while inspect-ing the national exams in Medan, North Sumatra, on Wednesday.

Activists, teachers and par-ents, ho\vever1 have criticized

the government for continuing to maintain central control of the final exa1r. for school leavers, saying that the prac-tice betrays the national edu-cation system's spirit and demanding the process be retumed to individual schools' authority.

When asked why cheating had occurred in several regions this year, Bambang said cheating \vas also found in other exams, including the test used to recruit

school students who \Valked out of the tests in Padang, West Sumatra had to face the consequence, saying that "if they didn't want to .take the exams, it's OK but the consequence is they· will not graduate".

The vocational school stu-dents walked out of the test in protest after they claimed to have seen teachers help students of another school cheat. The accusation has not been proven.

The passing grade has qeen lifted to 5.00 this year, from last year's 4.251 putting more

pressure on students.

Last year, many students failed the exams, forcing the government hold repeat ses-sions, something it says it \vill not do this year. ·

sitting his math exam Semarang, Central Java,· ( Wednesday ..

Imam Rizki Yuliantoro SMPN 29 state junior hi! school collapsed near tl school's gate minutes after fiz

ishing his test. He \vas rushe to a nearby hospital but coul not be revived.

His father, Rinto Yulianton told journalists tliat his so. had had a cardiac problem fo three years.

"Examinations sho\ved ffi'

son had separate right and !e:i ventricles. The doctors woulc not let him exercise or concen-t:rate to hard," he said.

The exam might have beec too much for his, Rinto said.


in Ngtnvi regency, East

セj。カ。L@ is being accused

ealing national exan1

s and passing them on to


! 40-year-old principal,.

:ficcl only as ME, dly stok• the exa1n for

a Indonesia, \Vhich \Vas

'fuesdu.v, to ensure his

ltS ーZエssエセ、N@

セ@ asked !iiin nnd he



Table 1 Data of improving students' vocabulary mastery with newspaper articles


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