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The Equivalence For Technical Hydrology Terms And Their Use


Academic year: 2017

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and Their Use”. There are six leaflets as the source of data in this analysis which the job during the job training. The terms from the source of data are mostly related to technical hydrology term.

In translating text containing many hydrology terms, there are found some difficulties in looking for lexical equivalent to target language. This is caused by some factors, for example, there are some words which have its own terms hydrology field, or perhaps some words do not have lexical adequate on the target language.

To solve the problems above, translator chooses the methods developed by Midred L. Larson. There are two concepts, namely concept that is already shared, and concept that is still unknown on the target language. Hence, in translating, translator uses the methods above to find lexical adequate. In order to get detailed analysis, the writer compares each hydrology term with general term used widely.

The result of this report indicates the hydrology texts have its own terms that cannot be translated without seeing the rules. This is related with generic and specific terms in translating a text. Specifically, a word may have the same function, but different form or vice versa. It can help in translating technical hydrology terms.



analisis ini yang merupakan hasil tugas selama mengikuti kerja lapangan. Istilah-istilah teknik yang didapat selama menerjemahkan leaflet dapat dikategorikan sebagai istilah pengairan.

Dalam menerjemahkan teks yang mempunyai banyak istilah-istilah pengairan, banyak ditemukan kesulitan mencari padanan kata ke bahasa target. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, misalnya ada beberapa kata yang mempunyai istilahnya tersendiri dalam bidang pengairan, atau adanya kata yang tidak mempunyai padanan katanya dalam bahasa target.

Untuk menyeleseikan masalah diatas, penerjemah bisa mengikuti metode yang pada Mildred L. Larson. Ada 2 macam konsep yang ada, yaitu konsep yang semua orang sudah mengetahuinya, atau konsep yang masih belum diketahui di bahasa target. Oleh sebab itu, dalam menerjemahkan, pernerjemah mengacu ke dalam 2 hal diatas dalam mencari padanan kata yang sesuai. Untuk analisis lebih rinci, penulis membandingkan tiap istilah perairan dengan istilah umum yang sering digunakan.

Dari hasil laporan ini, teks yang berkaitan dengan perairan, mempunyai istilah-istilah tersendiri yang tidak bisa seenaknya dalam menerjemahkannya. Hal ini berkaitan dengan istilah umum dan istilah khusus dalam menerjemahkan suatu teks. Lebih rinci, suatu kata akan memiliki fungsi yang sama tetapi berbeda bentuk atau kebalikannya. Hal-hal diatas akan sangat membantu dalam menerjemahkan istilah pengairan.



The writer would like to thank to Allah SWT for the mercy and blessing, and with his permission, writing of this paper has been finished as well as possible. The writer also would like to fully thank to people and friends who had helped during finishing this paper and special thanks to the following people for their help and support:

1. Retno Purwani Sari, S.S., M.Hum. as the Head of English Department. Thanks for your support.

2. Tatan Tawami, S.S. as my Advisor and the Coordinator of Job Training. Thanks for your advice and attention.

3. Thank to my beloved parents, for your prayer and love. My older and younger sister for your support and attention. I am just nothing without you all.

4. All lecturers in English Department UNIKOM who gives me the support and motivation.

5. All staff in PUSAIR (Research Centre for Water Resources).Thanks for a chance to improve my ability in translating.

6. Mrs. Rita Hendrawaty Eddy, thanks for giving me a chance to do the job training in his division.



Bandung, November 27th, 2010



1936 Dutch Department of Traffic, Buildings and roads established the Hydrodynamic Laboratory

1447 Dutch Institute for Road and Hydraulic Research 1950 Institute for soil Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering 1966 Institute for Hydraulic Engineering

1974 Directorate of Hydraulic engineering

1987 Research Institute for Water Resources Development, affiliated to the Agency for Research and Development, Ministry of Public Works

1999 Research Institute for Water Resources Technology, affiliated to the agency for Research and Development, Ministry of Human Settlement and Regional Development

2001 Research Institute for Water Resources, affiliated to the Agency for

Research and Development, Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructures 2004 Research Centre for Water Resources, affiliated to the Agency for Research and Development, Ministry of Public Works


To be prominent in providing expertise to support the availability of reliable water resources infrastructures.


 R & D appropriate, competitive, and environment friendly water resources


 Compilation of norms, standards, guidelines and manuals for the

construction and water resources structure.


Artificial Aquifer

As community untreated water supply facility and watershed conservation infrastructure in dry land.

A Case example in Banjaran Wetan Kabupaten

What is an artificial aquifer?

An artificial aquifer is a medium or soil layer that was made or reorganized to store and channel underground water to maintain a sustainable water resource.

Why do we need to build artificial aquifers?

To fulfill our water necessities, types of water resource can be used. First surface water, usually of sufficient quantity but sometimes of poor quality, making it not fit for human consumption (High sedimen concentration, microorganism content). Second, groundwater of good quality but limited quantity. Over exploitation of groundwater causes negative impact such as pollution from nearest aquifer, Land subsidence, etc.

The combination of both surface and groundwater combination results a raw water resource of sufficient quality and quantity through artificial aquifers.

Artificial Aquifer as a sustainable raw water supply facility

Surface water that was recarged into an artificial aquifer will flow (at low speed) into the soil stone layer (aquifer material).

Water quality will always renew throughtout the process (the longer the better) untill end of the process. Artificial aquifers can become sustainable groundwater resources of proper quality.

Artificial aquifer as a conservation facility of watershed

Watershed in mountainous area may show water scarcity or droughtness on surface soil layer, meanwhile, water features in the valley shows that there is a

Sampling of Artificial Aquifers at Banjaran Wetan


Irrigation canal Cikadu

Desa: Kiarapayung


2. Intake channel

3. Artificial aquifer structure

4.Distribution pipes and pond

5.Irrigation channel


Raw water resource for domestic use

An aquifer can fullfill domestic needs of 3(three) Rukun Warga/comunity groups (415 households) divided into :

1.RW 16 Kampung Kiara Payung 104 households

2.RW 13 Kampung Kiara Payung 145 households

3.RW 12 Kampung Cikamadong 166 households

The used of coffe plant for reboitation by WPL raw water resource for the population

Operation, Management And Maintenance

1.Management and maintenance of artificial aquifer has been passed on to the local authorities by LITBANG . Implementation is done by Paguyuban Petani Penghijauan (Papepeng) under supervision of the Banjaran village chief and WPA (Warga Peduli Lingkungan).

2.Local authorities are expected to organize the use of aquifer water.


Flood forecasting and warning system


 Disaster management within the Indonesian policy framework emphasizes on preventive efforts, mitigation, and preparedness before disaster happens. Emergency actions in disaster and recovery is done by mobilizing all the potential resources effectively inline with Law of the Republic of iIndonesia No 24, 2007 on disaster prevention, and related legislation rules.

 Flood disaster causes not only loss of life but also property. It can be reduced by using a flood warning telemetry system.

 The decree of the Minister of Public works No. 238A/KPTS/M2006, 31 May, 2006 on the formation of flood early warning system development of working consisting group consisted of: Puslitbang SDA, Pt. INTI, UNDIP and ITS; care-taker: Dirjen SDA PU, director Sudawa, Ditjen SDA, Dirjen Postel Dep. Kominfo and Director of water and irrigation Bappenas.

 Equipment criteria: flood early warning system technology to be developed must suit conditions in Indonesia.

Telemetry equipment design must be a pure national product, without defending on foreign assistance.

Measuring sensor of river surface, rainfall, temperature, and humidity called the transducer. The data recorded from analogue quantity is converted to digital by agent and sent to the Flood Management Center (FMC) through DCN.

Generated power uses solar cell and dry battery as back up.

Sub-System and Function

Medium for agent and FMC in the data exchange is theData Communication Network (DCN), whereas the communication medium used the SMS and will be developed using cellular technology of GSM/CDMA.

Flood Management Center (FMC)is a data processor center and a controlling center on whole scale. FMC will collect process and, count data to gain a prediction for the future, and save it. FMC has to give a notification to certain unit. Data from observation is stored in basic data for long period of time for the necessity of further tabulation.

Display & Alerting Systemis an output unit for public and give the warning. The form can be adapted with the requirement and characteristic of local area.  This system can be integrated to the national early warning system.


SaRASS Prototype (Sarana Resapan Air Sangat Sederhana)

Conservation and Treatment of Polluted Groundwater


The “Saras” or “Laras” means ideal condition and is taken from the ancient Javanese language. This term is also applied in the water conservation sector including groundwater, suggesting the expectation that quantity will not decrease, and quality remain safe. Therefore, use of well in order to recharge groundwater is important, and it is made an obligation to build recharge wells as has part of IMB (Building Permit) by several local governments. However, the impact of surface runoff caused by the draining of overtopping rainwater through recharge wells will dissolve contaminating substances that has the potential to contaminate groundwater. The Groundwater recharge technology shall not only preserve the groundwater but is also relatively safe from contamination.

Meaning and Purpose

The purpose of this research is to determine the material that can absorb contaminating substances dissolved by overtopping rainwater .This material available and affordable on the market will be used in well construction in order to obtain a simple recharge well functioning not only to recharge ground water but also preserving water quality.

analysis result of zeolite fitration

No Parameter Unit Examination Results


13 Cadmium (Cd)

Use of zeolite as absorbent of pollutants in laboratory test


1. Laboratory test result shows that zeolite can reduce contaminating substance in the runoff flowing through gutter or in rain water.

2. SaRASS prototype is not only to preserve groundwater but also to reduce the risk of water pollution caused by overtopping rainwater.


Shaped Concrete Blocks as Beach Protection

Beach structures are used to protect beach area, and it can be applied with cliff structure protector typed rubble (rubble mound). Layered units which directly resist wave attack are known as armor. This structure may consist of stones or concrete blocks. Concrete blocks widely used on are cubic, tetrapod, dolos, akmond and quatripod. One of the factor affecting the weight of armor is the coefficient value of armor stability known as Kd.for same wave altitude; the higher Kdvalue, the less weight of armor. Another factor that needs consideration is the structure height affected by creep coefficient value r. Low r value will decide elevation of structure and cost of structure.

Tetrapod, dolos, akmond, andquatripodare concrete blocks that have a relatively higher Kdvalue than stone or cubic blocks. These blocks, however, are not commonly applied because moulding of the concrete block is hard to make.

Shoreline abration caused by sea current and wave

Considering the limited budget made available by the government, it is expected that the community shall take part in overcoming shoreline abrasion.

Technical specification

Used as barely protection, block I is divided into 2 types; type 1 and type 2. Difference between these types is the plank width. Type 1 plank width is notated bfq(1)and type 2 bf(2). These 2 types are to be installed intermittently in order to form a shape for the water to enter when waves hit the structure. Water will flow through the stone layer that with diameter between 0.2-0.3 m, and thickness between 1-2 m.

For implementation, following measurements are advised:

 Thickness of body and flank min 10 cm.  Block thickness (b) and height (t) 1 - 2.

 Difference between flank width type-1 (bf(1)) and t block height 1 – 1.5.

 Difference between flank width type-1 (bf(1)) and flank width type-2 (bf(2)) 4 - 6 cm.

In order to prevent abrasion by flap wave, quality of concrete is to be made according to K.300. Concrete blocks are molded by molding tools. Block measurements are adjusted by planning the wave height, whereas block dimensions are adjusted to height of block type 2.

In deciding the armor dimension, HUDSON formula is used.


F = Block flank B = Block body tf= Flank thickness

tb= body thickness tib= body height b = block thickness t = block height

bf(1)= Flank width type-1 bf(2)= Flank width type-2


Installation is made after the concrete blocks are formed needing an iron framework to support and protect the base of structure. The iron framework consists of elbow and circle steel, forming prism made in the units with length of 1 m. stone peg are used to interlock concrete block to framework.

To stabilize the structure, neap is applied.

Installation of concrete blocks can be done without heavy tools. Research results show a K value between 36 and 44, and creeping coefficient value r=0.37.

On site installation is done according to following procedure:


The Installation of Simple Waste Water Treatment for Traditional Dairy Cattle Farming


Traditional dairy cattle farming can increase people prosperity,but it also can cause water contamination especially waste water cannot be treated.

Waste water from the cattle farming is directly flown into the river through the canal system until it arrives the river. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, cow farming or agro-industry is estimated to produce liquid waste volume around 20.2 m3/head/year, 250 kg BOD/head/year, total suspended solid (TSS) 1.716 kg/head/year, nitrogen total (n) 80 kg/head/year. Hence, it needs an effort to control liquid waste water in by making a waste water treatment installation.

One of the technologies that can be applied to cope with waste water is the combination of biological and physical waste water treatment, namely Anaerob Upflow Filter system (biological treatment) and multi filter (physical treatment).

Technological function

To reduce pollutants in the waste water from cattle farming such as parametric BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen demand), Total Suspended Solid, and Total Nitrogen.


 Gravition drifting system  Non electrical

 Easy to operate

 No needing specific expertise

 Low cost compared to the physical and chemical process

Technical Specification

 Conveyance channel and collecting pond - Conveyance channel (5,00 x 0,30 x 0,30m) - collecting pond (1,00 x 1,00 x 1,00m) - Soft filter(0,35 x 0,34)

 Anaerob Upflow Filter pond (3,50 x 1,20 x 1,80m)  Horizontal multi filter pond (2,88 x 0,50 x 0,60m)


 Work preparations (measurment, supplying materials, and building structure)  Civil work (Conveyance channel and collecting pond, anaerob upflow filter pond,

and horizontal multi filter pond)

- Soil works (excavation, filling, soil compaction)

- Foundation works, concrete floor, apron, column ring beam - Fitting concrete, plastering, white mortar works

 Piping works (excavation, filling, soil compaction) and also the installation of pipes.

Location of Prototype Application

As prototype location was selected the traditional dairy cattle farming at Desa Caikandang Lebak Desa Cikandung, Kecamatan Cikajang, Kabupaten Garut , west java.

Operation and conservation

1. Installation operational guide.

The operational system of the treatment installation for the traditional dairy cattle farming consists of two systems, i.e. parallel and series system. Prototype

operational guide is explained as the following:

a. Parallel system

 Checking the mechanical system including the fine screen by cleaning it from waste and piping system with the requirements (ballvalve “BV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6”) by closing/opening “BV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6” for good functioning.

 Setting the processing debt as much of 250m3/hour by opening “BV 1, 2, and 4”.

 Flowing water waste by gravitation by opening “BV 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6” and closing “BV 5”

b. Series system

The treatment of waste water by series system is done in order to increase the quality of waste water if quality from parallel system is not satisfying.

 Checking the mechanical system including the fine screen by cleaning it from waste and piping system with the requirements (ballvalve “BV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6”) by closing/opening “BV 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6”) for good functioning.

 Setting the processing debt as much of ,25 m3/hour by opening “BV 1, 2, and 4)


1 1.1 Background

Knowledge that we earn from learning in the college will be fruitless without resulting anything in our life. To make it simple, we require something to measure and polish our English skills. I, as student who is still learning, have a responsibility to make this skill never goes waste, and in order to apply that, I do the Job Training. With the implementation of job training, it is expected that the students can apply all the skills they get in the class, considering how much their skills needed. In addition, in the job training, the student will experience how to work responsibly and full of discipline that may not be obtained in the class. Finally, through the Job Training, we afford to handle work load, and can adapt in the working area.

This paper, entitled “The Equivalence for Technical Hydrology Terms and Their Use”, will be focused in how the generic and specific terms used in a context. The topic is related with the job in the Litbang Pusair, translating leaflets and posters, and the analysis will be focused around the technical hydrology terms that the writer found during the job training, especially the lexical equivalence in each term.


department. Here, the writer works as the translator, translating leaflets and posters for the exhibition. Hence, the ability of the translator in translating technical terms is needed.

1.2 Objectives

As the proof of the job training, the writer writes the report in order to affirm that the job training was done responsibly in which the activity will be described in detail in this paper. The job training itself is an implementation of the obtained skills from the class. In here, the student is encouraged to work in order to obtain the experience that may not be found in college. In addition to this, I would also like to share a little information regarding generic and specific terms in hydrology area.

1.3 Method

To describe all the data, the writer uses descriptive method. This method involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study. First, the writer collects data from the leaflets, which are the hydrology terms. These data are then compared with the generic terms regarding how they are used. This uses will be described in chapter III.

1.4 Place and time


4 2.1 General Description

Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air or Litbang Pusair (Research Centre for Water Resources) is public agency, affiliated to the Agency for Research and Development, Ministry of Public Works. Main job of Litbang Pusair is to provide and support the availability of reliable water resources infrastructures as well as to study on the application of water resources technology. Litbang Pusair is already known well as research center that deals with a series of measures on water quality management, water pollution control, water quality monitoring development system as well as technical guidance in Indonesia.

Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air consists of 4 divisions, and each division has some sub division. These divisions have its own duty to organize and manage all the matters concerning with its job in Litbang Pusair. One division will be supported by one to three sub divisions to facilitate their jobs. These divisions, next, are Standard and Product Dissemination Division, Development of Expertised and Infrastructure R&D Division, Administration Division, and Programming and Cooperation Division. All these divisions are foundation supporting Libang Pusair, and here will be briefly explain about their task in Litbang Pusair.

 The main duty of Standard and Product Dissemination Division is to


products. This division has 2 sub divisions, and there are Standard Sub Division and Product of Dissemination Sub Division.

 Development of Expertised and Infrastructure R&D Division has the duty

to develop corporation and public services in water resources R&D. This division has 2 sub divisions, and there are Development of Expertise Sub Division and Development of Infrastructure Sub Division.

 Administration Division has responsibility to manage the finances and

internal affairs of Litbang Pusair. This division has 2 sub divisions, and there are Finance Sub Division and Internal Affairs Sub Division.

 The last one is Programming and Cooperation Division, and it has own

duty to particularly organize agenda of Litbang Pusair and cooperate with other divisions. This, then, division related to work system with other division, and it is led by Mr. Rahmat Suria Lubis. Furthermore, the division is divided into 2 sub divisions, that are programming and evaluation sub division and development and cooperation sub division. On January 2011, this division is going to organize an exhibition in Bekasi. The main purpose of the exhibition is to exhibit the technology developed by Litbang, helping people who have difficulties in getting clean water. Due the exhibition aims for foreigner visitors from abroad, there are some booklet, Leaflet, and poster that must be translated into English.


exhibition; one of them is to translate leaflets and posters in order the foreigner is able to read in own language.

Considering the expertise of the writer, this division gives the responsibility to translate leaflets and posters, and many of them are related with technical terms. Together with Andreas Basar, we completely work as a team, and learn how to deal with particular job responsibly and pleasantly at the same time.

Programming and Cooperation Division is divided into 2 sub division in which this division has its own main job. Both sub division are explained below.

2.1.1 Development and Cooperation Sub Division

Because we are assigned in Development and Cooperation Sub Division, the writer was guided by Ms. Rita, the chief of development and cooperation sub division. In addition, this sub division has main duty, which is to cooperate with other division or even with other private or public corporation. Many regional cooperation has been dealt, resulting many benefits for Litbang Pusair.


2.1.2 Programming and Evaluation Sub Division



This chapter focused on describing on lexical equivalent on technical hydrology terms at Litbang Pusair. Writing this chapter, thus, approved that the writer completely did the job training well.

3.1 Job Position and Coordination

In this job training, the Libang Pusair mostly needed translator that can directly helped them in translating leaflets and posters that are going to be used in the exhibition held in January. Here, the certain job that was given was guided by person who is expert in managing members of job training. Afterwards, in this section, job position and coordination will be described in more detail.

3.3.1 Job Position

The given job position, of course, was as translator of leaflet and poster. Specifically, the writer must translate poster with lot of technical hydrology terms accurately.


3.3.2 Coordination

Coordination was organized by 1 person in Programming and Cooporation Division and 1 person in Development and Cooperation Sub Division who have the specification of responsibilities as follows:

1. Mr. Rahmat Suria Lubis

a. Job Position : Head of Programming and Cooporation Division

b. Job Authority : Allowing the students to conduct the Job Training in Litbang Pusair. a. Job Responsibilities : To guide the members of Job

Training conducting theirs given jobs in translating leaflet and poster. 2. Dra. Rita Hendrawaty Eddy

b. Job Position : Head of Development and Cooperation Sub Division c. Job Authority : To guide the students in

Development and Cooperation Sub Division


Development and Cooperation Sub Division needed translator for translating poster, I was worked for them. Here, I was guided by Ms. Rita, and she is particularly full of discipline, and taught us how to work responsibly.

3.2 Responsibilities

When the writer was accepted in Litbang Pusair, the Development and Cooperation Sub Division will be held an exhibition. In that exhibition, there will be needed leaflets and posters that must be translated into English. Due this circumstance, the writer was given a responsibility to translate the leaflets and posters in certain time. To make it easy in collecting the data, the write focused on the leaflets in finding the terms that the writer will be described in this chapter.

3.3 Translating Leaflets and Poster in Litbang Pusair

3.3.1 Lexical Equivalent on Technical Terms


meanwhileephemeral stream is the specific terms that its use is limited in certain field. There is no word by word translation in finding lexical equivalent because a translator must consider not only two languages but also two cultures or contexts. The writer must search the equivalence translate in that word or phrase that already is registered in target language in which the target language is concerned technical hydrology field. Hence, finding equivalent expressions in the technical hydrology terms needs carefulness of the usage of every terms, knowing the form and function of the terms, and finding the key word of every terms.

According to Beekman and Callow, there are three problems in translation related to generic-specific words:

 The source language text may use a generic term, but the receptor

language may only have a more specific term in that semantic area;

 The source language uses a specific term, but the receptor language has a

generic word available in that semantic area; or

 The receptor language word used in the translation is intended to be

understood in a generic sense, but is interpreted by the receptor language speakers in a specific sense.


Below is the table consisting of the terms of hydrology that the writer had found so far on booklets during his job training as translator. Those terms are widely used in hydrology field, and each term can be categorized to sub hydrology terms.

Table 1.1 Lists of Technical Hydrology Terms

No. Meaning in Indonesia Idiomatic expressions (target language)

1 sumur resapan absorbing well

2 limpasan air hujan overtopping rainwater

3 senyawa active active compounds

4 akuifer buatan Artificial aquifer

5 kandungan sedimen sediment concentration

6 kandungan mikroorganisme microorganism content

7 peramalan banjir Flood forecasting

8 tanaman hias Ornamental plant

To translate every phrase above, it is not advised if I translate it with word by word translation without seeing the context because it will lead to inaccurate translation. Each phrase has its own translation equivalence, and it is already registered on the target language. The problem is sometimes occured in which there is no specific and generic sense in the target language, or vice versa.


in the leaflet, and in finding the generic term, the writer looks for the synonym related to specific terms. Later, the generic is attached in the sentence that found in the American corpus.

1. GT : There is no water in thewellbecause of dry season.

ST: However, the impact of surface runoff caused by the draining of overtopping rainwater through absorbing well will dissolve contaminating substances that has potential to contaminate ground water.

In both cases, either well or absorbing well has the same form but the fuction is different. Absorbing well is usually built for technical activity. Next, well on the first context is a concept that is already known generally, meanwhile absorbing well on the receptor language is the concept that cannot be shared, and it means there only few people that know its meaning of that term. In the other words, well is usually in every context, but it does not apply with absorbing well because it is a term that can be usually used in technical hydrology field. In the context above, I may conclude well is generic terms of absorbing well, and absorbing well is specific term ofwell itself. In detailed meaning,absorbing well can be only used in surface-water hydrology term or context. Semantically, absorbing well, used in the technical context, has a meaning a well that made intentionally to absorb water from overtopping rainwater and storage it inside. In Indonesia,absorbing wellmeanssumur resapan.


ST : This SaRASS prototype is not only to preserve the ground water but also able to reduce the risk of water pollution caused by overtopping rainwater.

From the text above, eitherpuddle orovertopping rainwaterhas defferent form; hence, I may not simply put word puddle to replaceovertopping rainwater becauseovertopping rainwateris specific term ofpuddle, and the second sentence represents about hydrology terms. Because the two terms have same forms, I may conclude that overtopping rainwateris modified with features of form in other to find adequate equivalents. Overtopping rainwater itself is a term derived from hydroinformatics branch. Overtopping rainwater means the water emerged from the rain flooding on the top of soil layer, and in Indonesia, it is translated into limpasanorgenangan air hujan.

3. GT :Aquifer, a soil layer that was made intentionally to store underground water, is going to be build to stop the flood.

ST : The surface water that was recarge into artificial aquifer will flow (slowly) inside the ground stone layer (aquifer material).


as hydrogeology or geohydrology term. Artificial aquifer itself, however, means soil layer that is made or reorganized to store and channel underground water in order to be sustainable water resource. Although this term may be translated word by word, which means aquifer buatan, but this phrase is already registered as a phrase that cannot be divided each word.

4. GT : The beach is givenflood predictionbefore the disaster happened. ST : This system uses DSS method (decision support system), black box, in givingflood forecastingon the drainage basin.

First, from the context above, I may mention that the source language text uses generic term; the receptor language is more specific terms. Wordprediction applies generally in almost every context because the concept is grouped together under a generic label in different ways in different language; hence, flood prediction can be classified as generic term.Flood prediction, however, cannot be put in hydrology context since there is a specific term for it, flood forecasting. Forecasting itself is specific terms, and is particularly used defending on the context. Next, this term is categorized asHydrometeorology, which is the study of the transfer of water and energy between land and water body surfaces and the lower atmosphere.Flood forecastingmeansperamalan banjirin Indonesia.

5. GT : The data show that microorganism contents in treated wastewater may be reduced substantially through long-term aeration.


Concentrations in the first sentence and contents in the second sentence have the same lexical expressions. Both have the same functions in which they mention the quantity of microorganism and sediment. It uses contents in microorganism, considering that countable things; it is different with sediment that is not pure quantity. Both concentrations and contents are defended on the context and the precede word, and then both have different form. Furthermore, microorganism contents and sediment concentrations may be categorized as Chemical hydrology, and it means kandungan mikroorganisme and kandungan sedimen.

6. GT: Theornamental plantmakes panoramic sight in this room.

ST : This Building planted waterornamental plantto treat waste water for conservation of water environment.

ST : In a research,disposal plantuse for disposing of sewage quickly.


namely the study of ecological processes in the hydrologic cycle. Ornamental plantitself meanstanaman hiasin Indonesia.

7. GT : Reduce mixer speed to low and beat the flourmixtureinto the butter-eggmixture, adding it in thirds and alternating with the milk.

ST : If an extract showed promise, substantially larger samples were needed for activity-directed fractionation, isolation, structure elucidation ofactive compounds, and further biological testing.

Considering from the dictionary, compounds and mixture have similarity; combinations made of different things, but both have different on their use. Mixturecan be applied in almost context, and most of things that can be combines are limitless. Compounds, however, is usually used in technical terms such as chemical or hydrology especially combinations of active solution.

From the explanation above,mixtureis the generic term ofcompound, and compound is the specific term of mixture. I may not simply change the word compoundin the noun phraseactive compoundon the sentence above bymixture; it is resulting something that cannot be accepted, considering active compoundis already registered. On the context above, active compounds is categorized as Chemical hydrology.In Indonesia, it is translated intocampuran aktif.


8. GT: The previous night,freezing raincut a swath across Minnesota, knocking down trees and power fines.

ST: Theglazewas caused by cold weather in the last few months.

Considering from the context above, I conclude freezing rain is a generic term, andglazeis specific terms. Both have the same function but according to the form, both are difference. Accordingly, freezing rain is known and used widely, but glaze cannot be used in general context, but particularly it is used in technical hydrology terms. In structural level, freezing rain is constituted of noun phrase, and then glaze is constituted of a word; it is proven they are different in form. Both are rain that is freezing to small pieces of the ice falling from the sky because of cold weather. This term is categorized into Hydrometeorology, and in Indonesia, it meanshujan es.

9. GT: Here therivermarked the traditional boundary between the End of Connec and Ormienden, a hodgepodge of counties and minuscule principalities of mixed and varied allegiance, some to the Grail Empire, some to the Patriarchy, some to kingdoms in nearby Firaldia.

ST: Head gates are devices at the junction ofperennial streamchannels and irrigation canals that regulate the passage of water into a canal.


stream cannot do, and stream may exist annually, resulting perennial fairly combines with stream not river. In addition, river and stream have a different form, and both can be classified into hydrology terms defends on the context. More specifically, it is classified into Hydromorphologywhich is the study of the physical characteristics of bodies of water on the Earth's surface, including river basins, channels, streams, and lakes. Perennial streamin Indonesia meanssungai tahunan.

10. GT : Themoistzone occupies the boundary between two styles of science, and occupying it requires some degree of balance and finesse.

ST : They require tropical,humidconditions with plenty of light and will perform best in a greenhouse.

According to oxford dictionary,moistis something that slightly wet, and is generally used in almost context and then humid means warm and damp. Both have the same condition, but there is no way both used in the same context. Humid is mostly apply in technical field such as chemical, physics, and hydrology, and then moist can be used in almost context. Here, from the analysis above, I conclude moist is the general terms and humid is the specific terms. Humid and moist, both, have the same function but different form; in the other words, the function ofhumid andmoist is always be the same, but what do differ them is theirs use in certain context. Humid may be categorized as Isotope hydrology,and bothhumidandmoistcan be translated intolembabin Indonesia.


ST : According to the meteorology, point rainfall will help to prevent the dryness of river.

Local rainfall and point rainfall have the same meaning and function, which is rain that is fall in certain location or place. Structurally, the first sentence use local as preceded word to rainfall, and point in the second sentence. Local rainfall attaches in the context that is used generally, but it is different in the second sentence; the sentence is related to hydrology field in whichpoint rainfall attaches. What makes more different is word local can be preceded by certain word, in instance, local product, local woman, etc. Point, next, cannot be a preceded word as the word local does. From the context, local rainfall can be applied in nearly all contexts, concluding local rainfall as a generic term. Inversely, point rainfallbecomes the specific term of local rainfall. Furthermore, the specific term, point rainfall, may be categorized into Hydrometeorology, and it is translated into Indonesia ashujan setempat.

12. GT : There had been widespread fear that the west end had been obliterated in the storm, because it is beyond the thick concrete seawall that protects much of the city of Galveston.

ST : They were not to know the speed limit or the shallowness of the bar. Sandbank them to the north of the city, by theGroyne.


groyne is, though there is no such different with seawall except the form. In fact, they resemble each other, and what makes them different is about generic and specific term. When I know the concept of seawall and groyne, I may fully determine the generic and specific sense. Considering the explanation above, it results that seawall is the generic terms of groyne. Seawall and groyne itself is technology that humans created to facilitate water resources applications; hence, it is categorized asHydroinformaticsand in Indonesia, it meansdinding pantai.

13. GT :Mole, a massive, usually stone wall constructed in the sea, used as a breakwater and built to enclose or protect an anchorage or a harbor.

ST : Theclosing moleare going to built in order to prevent the erosion. Most of the terms have no lexical equivalent in the target or receptor language, andmoleis one of them; hence, the writer needs an explanation of what mole is by modifying a loan word. Mole itself is a stone wall built for some purposes.

Then, closing mole is the specific term of mole. Furthermore, mole is one of Hydroinformatics branch, Indonesia, most people translate mole according to description ofmole, which is dindingpembatas.

14. GT : The study team was able to address these challenges by incorporating state-of-the-artdamtechnology.


above, I assume that damis a generic term, and weir is the specific term.Weiris kind of dam, and compare to dam, weiris apparently smaller. Both are similar in function and use, then, what makes different is weir is small version of damand has another use than dam. In hydrology field, weir gets much more type such as timber weir, slope weir, and so on, and as usual, weir is categorized as Surface-water hydrologyas well as dam. Dam and weir meanbendunganin Indonesia.

15. GT : Training wall, a wall used for technical purposes, is going to be established.

ST :Training wall, a wall built along the bank of a river or estuary parallel to the direction of flow to direct and confine the flow, is going to be established.


3.3.2 Problems and Solution Problems

In describing and translating technical hydrology terms, the writer gets the difficulties in translating and finding lexical equivalent in some terms. The problems are related with technical hydrology terms in which the terms have generic and specific sense in the target language. Not only that, if the target language has no generic and specific sense, but the target language has, we must decide what we are going to use wisely, according to certain rules. Some techincal hydrology terms also posses the lexical compenent. Solution



This chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion of this paper. The aim of this paper is to report our activities during job training in Litbang Pusair where the writer translate the leaflets and posters, and almost of them are related in hydrology terms. In writing this chapter, the writer refers to whole chapter in this paper.

4.1. Conclusion

1. The writer is assigned in Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air or Litbang Pusair (Research Centre for Water Resources), public agency locating in Bandung, as a translator to translate leaflets and posters that are going to use in the exhibition in January 2011.

2. The writer finds the difficulties in translating hydrology terms, and because of that, the writer chooses to take hydrology terms as a focus on this paper. Most of these terms particularly need special treatments to translate, considering there are no lexical adequate in the target language. 3. The technical hydrology terms are directly collected from the leaflets, and


4. The writer earns lots of experience from the job training reported in this paper, starting from finding data until solving the problems. It is not easy to translate such leaflets and posters with lots of hydrology terms.

5. In the chapter III, the writer compares between the specific terms of technical hydrology and the generic terms. The specific terms was particularly taken from the leaflets and then compared it with the generic terms. After the comparison, we conclude most of the specific terms cannot be translated word by word.

4.2 Suggestions

1. First, for Programming and Cooperation Division, the writer finds out difficulties in getting guidance, considering much of this staff division must go out of town, entering the field in order to check the water resources infrastructures there. It is not well-organized, and the structure must be fixed in order to make a fine conditions for the students as well as the staff in Litbang Pusair.

2. Searching the company for implanting our skill as job training is not easy. Even though we have already found one, it does not assure that company will accept you in theirs. It is advised that you search a company 3 to 4 months before the job training is held.



Table 1.1 Lists of Technical Hydrology Terms


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Berdasarkan Surat Perintah Tugas Kepala Bagian Layanan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Sekretariat Daerah Kota Makassar Nomor 027.05/063.5/SPT-BLP/V/2017 tanggal 16 Mei 2017,

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