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Academic year: 2017



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Presented As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Attainment of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan In English Education Department



REG. NUMBER 2122121009






Lumbannahor, Berman. Registration Number: 2122121009. Developing English Speaking Material for Students of Business and Management Program at Vocational School. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University Of Medan, 2016.

The objective of this study was to develop English speaking material based on students’ needs. This study followed the steps of research and development proposed by Borg and Gall which are 1) evaluation and need analysis; 2) material development; 3) validation; 4) revision and final production. It was found that 83% students agreed that the existing materials currently used by the students were irrelevant with business and management program. The irrelevance materials were then developed through CTL approach and relevant with their study program and work life situation. The learning materials were developed into 6 units of speaking material. The learning materials were then validated by two experts. The average score of the validation was 88, It showed that learning materials were very good, relevant and feasible.




A. The Data……… 43

1. STEP 1: The Evaluation and Need Analysis…………... 43

2. STEP 2: Material Development………... 49

3. STEP 3: Material validation………. 67




A. Conclusion……….. 69

B. Suggestion……….. 70

REFERRENCES……… ... .. 71





Table 2.2 Types of Speaking ... 13

Table 3.1 The Categorization Criteria of Evaluation ... 38

Table 3.2 The Categorization Criteria of Need Analysis ... 40

Table 3.3 The Improvement Categorization Criteria ... 41

Table 3.4 Parameter of Validating the Speaking Material ... 42

Table 4.1 Analysis of Teaching and learning Evaluarion ... 44

Table 4.1 Analysis of Students’ Needs ... 47

Table 4.1 Indicators for the New Basic Competence on the New Syllabus ... 51

Table 4.2 Topics Used in New Basic Competence on New Syllabus ... 52

Table 4.3 Learning Method of the New Topic in Basic Competence ... 53








Appendix A: Teaching and Learning Evaluation... 74

Appendix B: Need Analysis ... 75

Appendix C: Topics of Speaking Material ... 76

Appendix D: Peer Review for Material Condition ... 77



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Tomlinson, Brian. 2013. Developing Materials for Language Teaching. Bloomsbury. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press





Based on the results and analysis of the research, some conclusion and

suggestions are described as follows:

A. Conclusion

1. Generally, the existing English speaking material was less relevant with the

needs of the students in business and management program. In term of

topics, they are not relevant with the business and management program, it

makes the students are less motivated in learning English. In term of

practices, they are not well designed, the practices do not help and ease the

students to promote their speaking skill, and as a result their speaking skill

is low.

2. The speaking materials needed by the students should be relevant and be

related to the real life situation namely business context. The topics needed

in the work situation are: handling customer, job interview, handling

complaints, handling reservation, business greetings, and sympathy.

3. The design of the speaking material is contextual teaching and learning, the

structure of the material in each units follow the principle of CTL; they were

relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating and transferring. The contents

encourage students to practice by doing role-playing and creating so that the

students can foster their speaking skill easier and faster.



B. Suggestion

In line with the conclusion above, some suggestions are recommended as


1. It is suggested that the English teacher of vocational school should be more

responsive with the needs of the students. The teacher should be able and

creative to provide the relevant materials to the students’ needs or in other

words the students of business and management program should be given

Business English Conversation.

2. It is suggested that the English teacher should be perceptive with the

practices and materials given whether they are useful in helping the students

to increase their speaking skill or not. The teacher should realize whether

the material given new horizon and knowledge about the students major, in

this case business and management program. If they are not, the teacher

should use contextual teaching and learning approach in their material.

3. The new materials in this study has validated in terms of relevancy,

contents, layout and linguistic feature by an ESP expert, and the result

shows that it is good, relevant and feasible, so it is suggested for the English

teacher to use this material to increase the students’ speaking skill easier and

faster, and for the other researchers who do the same study to develop the





A. The Background of the Study

Speaking skill is crucial for vocational students, especially for Business

and Management students (BM students). Related to their major, BM students

need to have good public speaking because public speaking will be crucial role to

help them in doing presentation, promoting, ordering, meeting and selling. Reason

to choose speaking skill in this study was generally that it will be very useful to

students’ achievement in learning English.

One of the ways to assist the BM students in fostering their speaking skill

is through providing learning materials, as Moore (2001) says that the success of

teaching and learning process is determined by a good preparation which contains

six components, namely: topic, objective of learning, learning materials, activity,

instrument / media and evaluation. In short, learning materials are one of the

elements that determine the success in teaching and learning process. So, by

providing learning materials for the speaking activity, it can help the students to

increase their speaking skill

Learning material is a form of systematically-organized media to help

students in learning. It is used as a source that facilitates students to get

information, knowledge, and skills out of schools’ teaching and learning process

(Tomlinson, 2008: 114). This statement was also supported by O'Neill (1990)

Materials must be suitable for students' needs, even if they are not designed



specifically for them, the textbooks make it possible for students to review and

prepare their lessons, the textbooks are efficient in terms of time and money, and

that textbooks can and should allow for adaptation and improvisation. It is true

that in many cases teachers and students rely heavily on textbooks, and textbooks

determine the components and methods of learning, that is, they control the

content, methods, and procedures of learning. Students learn what is presented in

the textbook, and the way the textbook presents material is the way students learn

it. The educational philosophy of the textbook will influence the class and the

learning process. Therefore, in many cases, materials are the center of instruction

and one of the most important influences on what goes on in the classroom.

Furthermore, to support the public speaking achievement of BM students

in order to foster their speaking skill easier and faster, Developing English for

Specific Purpose (ESP) was intended to improve the students’ skill especially for

students at SMK. This statement was supported by Hutchinson and Waters (1987)

who stated that ESP materials focus on the learner, so the clear relevance of the

English course to their needs would improve the learners’ motivation and thereby

make learning better and faster.

Mellouki (2012) also argues that ESP had become an important area in

English Language Teaching (ELT) since there were a large variety of majors in

vocational school Education for which courses tailored to the needs of

students were of paramount importance to achieve effective learning.

Esteban (2002) also argues that ESP learning materials is as means to



students’ field of specialization can provide a bridge between English teaching

and other subject of the students are engaged in, expands the students’ knowledge

of their major and present vocabulary in authentic way.

It is briefly stated that the competencies standard in KTSP (School Based

Curriculum) of English for SMK are; 1) students are expected to be able to

express the meaning of transactional conversation, 2) students are able to express

the meaning of text in oral. Speaking skill must be taught to the students because

it is one of language skill besides reading, listening and writing. Moreover,

students are expected to be able to communicate English well (Depdiknas, 2006:


But the fact, based on the observation done toward the BM students at

SMK BM PANCA BUDI Medan, it was found that their speaking didn’t reach the

competency; the students still get difficulties in doing conversation and

presentation. It was also difficult for them to express and even to understand the

transactional conversation and text in the book.

However, the success of teaching and learning process is not only coming

from the effort of the students themselves, but it simply determine by a good

preparation which contains six components; topic, objective of learning materials,

activity, instruments, media and evaluation. Learning material is the crucial one

because it will support the teaching and learning process.

In fact, based on the previous observation done on the student’s English

textbook, the textbook didn’t provide the relevant speaking learning material. The



be proven by learning material provided in this book; “English in Progress” by

Yudhistira. The conversations used in this textbook were not suitable to the

program of business and management. In chapter 17, the topic is about “Regrets &

Apalogies”, the conversation used in this chapter was about “pain of relationship”

instead of “occupation, firing or lose”. Next in chapter 18, it’s about “symphaty”,

the conversation was about “accident and hospital” instead of “showing sympathy

for economic society or business problem”.

Here is an example of the irrelevance conversations in textbook:

Activity 5: role-play the dialogue Bruce : has Allan shown up yet?

Robin : nope. I guess something might have come up. Bruce : I wonder what happened.

Robin : I don’t know. I hope it’s nothing serious.

Bruce : last week his sister was admitted to the hospital. Robin : Oh? What happened?

Bruce : his sister had a car accident last week. Robin : is she fine now?

Bruce : she’s still a coma.

Robin : oh poor Allan. His sister is the only he has left since his parents died last year

It is not in line with the concept of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

which believes that students will be able to learn better if they connect the content

which they are currently studying to the life context in which the content can also

be applied. This approach is the most appropriate to be used as the basic of

designing the speaking materials because of its foundation, and constructivism. It

will make the students understand and solve the problems, express and develop



This study aimed to design supplementary speaking materials based

on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL). The supplementary materials

would be business conversations based on topics that are needed by the students.

The supplementary materials were developed to help the students in improving

their speaking skill by providing such a guide book which contains English

supplementary speaking material. This guide book can be used by the students as

additional and compliment material for their inappropriate book with their major.

CTL is an approach of teaching and learning that helps the teacher to relate

subject materials to the real world situations and motivates the student to make

connection between knowledge and its application to their daily life. According to

Johnson (2005:25):

“CTL is an educational process that aims to help student see meaning in the academic material they are studying by connecting academic subject with the context of their daily lives, that is with the context of their personal, social and cultural circumstances. To achieve this aim, system encompasses the following eight components: making meaningful connection, doing significant work, self-regulating learning, collaborating, critical and creative thinking, nurturing the individual, reaching high standards, and using authentic assessment.”

Contextual Teaching and Learning also encourages the material

developer to design the material contextually based on the students’ real

life, students’ needs, students’ previous knowledge and students’ meaningful

learning experience. By looking at the importance of the concept, Contextual

Teaching and Learning was considered as the aspect in designing a set of

instructional English speaking materials in this study. As stated by Tomlinson



which they are using languages to achieve intended outcomes is essential to

the development of their communicative competence.

Dini (2015) found the benefits of Contextual Teaching and Learning on

her study, namelyteachers could teach some expressions in English used in daily

life. The teachers could gain students’ interest and attention by giving good

examples in the learning process by using attractive media and exciting learning


Irmayanti (2012) also conducted the study about English speaking material

development. The objective of this study was to develop suitable English

speaking learning materials for the personnel of small-scale craft industries

and Department of Industry, Trade, and Cooperatives of Kebumen district.

The English speaking learning materials were developed to fulfill the needs of the

personnel for suitable English speaking learning materials. The English speaking

learning materials were used to develop the personnel’s English speaking skill.

They needed to improve their English speaking competence in order to be able

to communicate with foreign buyers when they conduct craft exhibition in

international craft trade fairs.

Based on the explanation above, English supplementary speaking material

development was intended to support the success of the teaching and learning

process at BM students. It was considered can help the students to learn



B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems of the study were

formulated in form of questions:

1. How were the existing English speaking materials of the students of

Business and Management program at SMK BM PANCA BUDI Medan?

2. What were the relevant English speaking materials needed by students of

Business and Management program at SMK BM PANCA BUDI Medan?

3. How were the English speaking materials developed for students of

Business and Management program at SMK BM PANCA BUDI Medan?

C.The Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems of the study, the objectives of the study were:

1. To know the existing English speaking material used currently by the

Students of Business and Management program at SMK BM PANCA

BUDI Medan?

2. To find out the relevant English speaking materials needed by students of

Business and Management program at SMK BM PANCA BUDI Medan?

3. To develop relevant English speaking materials through contextual

teaching and learning approach for students of Business and Management



D. The Scope of the Study

This study was limited only on analyzing the students’ needs in learning

English especially speaking skill. This study also deal with the development of

English supplementary speaking materials through contextual teaching and

learning which focused on the relevant transactional conversations for the students

because people who work in this field need to communicate well and have

qualified public speaking.

E. The Significances of the Study

The significances of the study were classified into two – theoretically and

practically. Theoretically, this study enriched information how to develop English

speaking material for the business and management students.

Meanwhile, the practical significances of the study were expected to

contribute; 1) BM Students, as a source of information and references to widen

their horizon about the topics discussed in the research. 2) English teacher, as a

source of information and references in order to enrich their knowledge and

horizon about topics discussed. 3) Other researchers, as references to conduct


Table 2.2 Types of Speaking ..............................................................................
Figure 2.1 Materials evaluation process.............................................................


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