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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number 2121121011






Suchroni Panjaitan. Registration Number: 2121121011. Developing Speaking Materials through Task – Based Learning for Vocational Students of Hospitality Study Program, 2017.

The objectives of this study are: (1) to know the existing English speaking materials for the students of hospitality study program, (2) to investigate the relevant English speaking materials for the students of hospitality study program,

and (3) to develop appropriate English speaking materials through Task – Based

Learning for the students of hospitality study program. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi. The research procedures of this study were Research and Development (R & D) through three phrases: 1) evaluation and need analysis, 2) course design, and 3) materials validation. The instruments used were documentation sheet, interview, and questionnaire. The data from evaluation and need analysis were analyzed in the descriptive analysis and the data from expert judgment results were using quantitative data analysis. The result

of this study was a course book of speaking materials through task – based

learning which consist of title, objective, let’s start, language in use, let’s practice,

grammar in focus, and language reference. The task – based learning materials

consist of three units, they are welcome to Grand Aston Hotel, talking on the

phone, and what do they look like. Based on the experts’ judgment result, the

score was 86.5 which belong to good category based on Dirgeyasa (2011), since the range is (70 – 89).




Praise to Allah SWT, for His blessings, so that the writer can finish the thesis for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the attainment of Sarjana Pendidikan degree in English education entitled Developing Speaking Materials

through Task – Based Learning for Vocational Students of Hospitality Study


I would like to show my sincere gratitude to all people who have supported me to finish my thesis. My appreciation and thanks are due to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd the Rector of State University of Educational Study Program and her validator of speaking materials.  Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa, M.Hum as her first Thesis Supervisors, for his

valuable time, knowledge, and guidance with all patience and wisdom during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

Isli Iriani Indiah Pane, S.Pd., M.Hum as her Academic Advicer and her second Thesis Supervisors, for their valuable time, guidance with all patience during eight semester, and for knowledge and wisdom during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

Rafika Dewi Nasution, S.Pd., M.Hum and Yeni Erlita, S.Pd., M.Hum as her Thesis Examiners and for their valuable input to furnish this thesis.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A., Ph.D as her Validator for his feedback and suggestions which were really useful for her materials revision.

Eis Sriwahyuni, M.Pd, for her patience in helping to complete all letters for the writer.

Dra. Ismawati, the Headmaster of SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi and Donda Hutabarat, S.Pd the English Teacher at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi especially in grade X of hospitality study program for the kindness and help during the observation.

Her father Amrul Panjaitan and her mother Neneng Kiki Suharti, also



 Her friends since senior high school in program acceleration, especially

sisters from another mother Anita Rahayu Lubis, S.E., Fatya Almahdaly, Khansa Salsabila, S.Ked.

Her best mate Robby Imam Syahputra for always supporting and

motivating her in up and down mood.

Her classmates in English Education Regular C 2012, especially for

Diah Ayu Nanda, Plindawati Sinaga, Annisa Damayanti, Nanda Aulia Putri, Metaliana Rivanasari for always supporting her and togetherness more than four years.

 All people who helped the writer to finish her study that she cannot

mention one by one.

May ALLAH, The Almighty bless the all, Aamin.

Medan, April 2017

The writer



E. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

1. English for Specific Purposes ... 6

2. Learning Material ... 7

3. Material Development ... 9

4. Material Evaluation ... 11

5. Speaking ... 12

6. Developing Speaking Materials for Hospitality through TBL ... 15

7. Task – Based Learning ... 17

8. Need Analysis ... 20

9. English for Vocational School ... 21



B. Relevant Study ... 23

C. Conceptual Framework ... 24


A. Research Location ... 27

B. Research Design ... 27

C. Instruments of Data Collection ... 30

D. Techniques of Data Analysis ... 34


A. Evaluation and Need Analysis ... 36

B. Course Design ... 43

C. Materials Validation... 51


A. Conclusions ... 54

B. Suggestions ... 55




Table 3.1. Identification for the topics of speaking materials ... 31

Table 3.2. The need categorization on topics ... 31

Table 3.3. The organization of evaluation instrument ... 32

Table 3.4. The organization of need analysis instrument... 32

Table 3.5. The need organization criteria... 33

Table 3.6. The organization of expert judgment instrument ... 33

Table 3.7. Parameter of validating the speaking materials ... 34

Table 4.1. Existing syllabus of hospitality study program ... 36

Table 4.2. The score of expert jugdments of English speaking materials... 51




Figure 2.1 Materials Evaluation Process ... 12

Figure 3.1 Material Development Procedures ... 27

Figure 4.1 New Syllabus Design ... 44




Appendix A. Syllabus of Hospitality Study Program ... 59

Appendix B. Existing Speaking Materials ... 82

Appendix C. Evaluation of Learning Process Questionnaire ... 91

Appendix D. The Result of Learning Process ... 97

Appendix E. Interview for the Topics of Speaking Materials Needed ... 98

Appendix F. The Result of Interview ... 100

Appendix G. Need Analysis Questionnaire ... 101

Appendix H. The Result of Need Analysis ... 107

Appendix I. New Course Grid ... 109

Appendix J. The Experts’ Judgment Questionnaire ... 114





A. The Background of Study

Indonesia has two kinds of secondary school which are fundamentally

differentiated based on those needs and interests. They are general secondary

school (SMA) and vocational secondary school (SMK). General secondary school

focuses on knowledge expansion and skills improvement of students and

preparing students for further education while vocational secondary school

focuses on the development of skills that apply to a certain specific occupation.

Actually, there are many kinds major in vocational secondary school, one of those

is Hospitality or in Indonesian called as Akomodasi Perhotelan. Considering the

fact, the materials given to general secondary students and vocational secondary

students should be differentiated based on their needs and interests. The act of

giving relevant materials to the vocational high school students is also demanded

by the curriculum implemented now, Curriculum 2013. The rationale of

Curriculum 2013 development Structure of Vocational High School and Islamic

Vocational High School states that:

“Penguatan materi dilakukan dengan cara pendalaman

dan perluasan materi yang relevan bagi peserta didik.”

In learning English focus on four basic skills, they are listening, reading,

speaking and writing. Specifically, speaking skill is very important for vocational

students especially for hospitality students. Related with their major, hospitality



life where they need to interact or communicate with the foreign guests in the

hotel and restaurant service, handle reservation of hotel rooms from tourism by

phone and etc directly must master this skill in order to be able to communicate

English well. One of the ways to assist the hospitality students in fostering their

speaking skill is through providing learning materials, as Moore (2001) says that

the success of teaching and learning process is determined by a good preparation

which contains six components, namely: topic, objective of learning, learning

materials, activity, instrument/media and evaluation.

Based on the researcher’s observation toward the Hospitality students at SMK

Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi, it is found that the students use the English textbook

which is published by the Ministry of Education and Culture, unfortunately the

textbook is also used by the general high school. It can be seen from its cover

which is written “Bahasa Inggris – SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Semester 1”.

Moreover, the English speaking materials which the students learn are still general

English. The contents and topics of the English speaking materials are not specific

with the Hospitality. The speaking materials like: “Guessing Games: Who Am

I?”, “Make up a short dialogue for the following situations (You plan to do the

Biology project at the library after school. You ask your best friend to do it

together with you”, “Let’s play scissors, rock, and paper”, are not related to the

students’ needs and major. Exactly, English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is

intended to improve the students’ skill especially for students at vocational

secondary school absolutely needed. It is supported by Hutchinson and Waters



of the English course to their needs would improve the learners’ motivation and

thereby make learning better and faster. In short, this opinion state that by

providing specific English speaking materials for Hospitality students, it is

expected can increase the students’ motivation in learning English.

In addition, the task provided on speaking material is not a well-designed task

because it uses a single task. The single task designed is also not in line with

Willis and Willis (2007), in Erawati (2016) who said that a good task design is not

a single task; they add that an input is ideally followed by a sequence of tasks and

these tasks relate one to another. All these tasks are designed in a formal

framework or procedure where every stage in the procedure provides a clear

outcome. The sequence of task is also added by Nunan (2004) that task is

therefore assumed to refer to a range of work-plans which have the overall

purpose of facilitating language learning – from the brief and simple exercise type

to more complex and lengthy activities such as group problem-solving or

simulation and decision-making. So, designing the speaking materials based on

Task – Based Learning (TBL) is absolutely needed.

Based on two findings above, speaking materials which are related to

Hospitality students will be developed in order to meet the students’ need in

relation to their major. Speaking materials is chosen to develop by considering the

facts that the materials given to the students are not relevant whereas speaking

skill should be mastered by them as students of Hospitality. English speaking

materials for the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi will be



and learning process of speaking in order to improve and develop the students’

speaking skill for the students’ need in the future.

B. The Problem of Study

Based on the background of the study above, the writer makes the

identifications of study as:

1. How are the existing English speaking materials for students of Hospitality

study program at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi?

2. What are the relevant English speaking materials needed for students of

Hospitality study program at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi?

3. How speaking materials through task-based learning are developed for the

students of Hospitality study program at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi?

C. The Objective of Study

In line with the problem of study, the research objectives as follows:

1. To know the existing English speaking materials for the students of

hospitality study program at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi.

2. To investigate the relevant English speaking materials for the students of

Hospitality study program at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi.

3. To design appropriate English speaking materials through Task – Based

Learning for the students of Hospitality study program at SMK Negeri 3



D. The Scope of Study

This study focuses on developing English speaking materials through Task –

Based Learning which are relevant for the tenth grade students of hospitality study

program at SMK Negeri 3 Tebing Tinggi.

E. The Significance of the Study

The finding of this research can be useful to teachers theoretically and

practically. Theoretically, it provides information and theories about developing

English speaking materials to teachers. Meanwhile, practically it can be reference

to the English teacher especially in vocational high school to develop teaching

material which is suitable for the students and see the importance of having

teacher-developed materials for students in learning process. To other researchers,

the result of the research can be a reference on how to develop the English





After analyzing the data, the conclusions were drawn as the following

1. Generally, the existing English speaking materials are less relevant with

the needs of hospitality students. The topics are not relevant with the

hospitality which is make the students are less motivated in learning

English. In term of tasks, they are not well-designed because the tasks do

not help the students to promote and enrich their speaking skill.

2. The speaking materials needed by the students in the new course book are

relevant and useful in the work situation, hospitality service. The topics

needed in the work situation are: greeting expression, leave taking,

introduction self, thanking, talking on the phone expressions, ethics of

talking on the phone, techniques to sell products, wake-up call service,

room service expressions, and asking for someone characteristic.

3. The design of speaking materials is task – based learning. The task

framework is employed in structuring the elements of the speaking

materials; they consist of pre-task, task cycle and post task or language

focus. This series of tasks are designed in order to facilitate the students to

promote their speaking skill easier and faster.

4. The result of this research is a course book which consists of title,



And also there are three units in the new course book, they are welcome to

Grand Aston Hotel, talking on the phone, and what do they look like.

Then, the developed materials have been validated by two experts’

judgment and the score gotten 86.5. It is categorized “good” means that

the developing speaking materials are suitable for students of hospitality

study program.


In line with the conclusions above, some suggestions are recommended as


1. It is suggested that the English teacher of vocational school should be

more responsive with the need of the students and stake holder, therefore,

the teacher should be able and creative to provides the relevant materials

to students’ need or in other words the hospitality students should be given

English for hospitality and as well the other majors.

2. It is suggested that the English teacher should be perceptive with the tasks

give whether they are useful in helping the students to increase their

speaking skill or not, if they are not, the teacher should be creative and

able to provides the tasks which are useful and have the clear outcome to

help and ease the students to increase their speaking skill. Therefore, it is

suggested to use task – based learning approach in their materials.

3. The new materials in this study has validated in terms of contents, process,



expert. The results show that it is good, relevant and feasible. So, it is

suggested for the English teacher to use these materials to increase the

hospitality students’ speaking skill easier and faster, and for the other

researchers who do the same study to develop the English materials for

hospitality in other skill: reading or writing in order to complete the skill




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Table 3.1. Identification for the topics of speaking materials ...............................
Figure 2.1 Materials Evaluation Process ...............................................................


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