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Speaking materials using task-based learning for the seventh grade students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta.


Academic year: 2017

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Tyas Intani, Ika. (2014). Speaking Materials Using Task-Based Learning for the Seventh Grade Students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English is one of the compulsory lessons in the junior high school. As the one of the compulsory lessons, there are four skills that should be developed by the learners. One of those four skills is speaking skill, speaking skill is one of the important things to do in life. Therefore, there is an activity which helps the students to develop the speaking skill in the school. English extracurricular activity is one of the additional activities which are often offered to students. English Extracurricular is an activity that supports the regular time school.

Pangudi Luhur was one of the schools which offers their students to join the English extracurricular activity. Therefore, SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta started to cooperate with Sanata Dharma University in holding the English Extracurricular for their students. Sanata Dharma prepared some of their students to be the English extracurricular activity’s teachers at SMP Pangudi Luhur


This research belonged to an Educational Research and Development research because it produced an educational product in the form of module. It had five steps of R&D namely, Information Collecting; Planning; Material Development; Material Validation; and Material Revision. Questionnaire, class observation and interview as the instruments employed in this research. Task-based learning is used to develop the section in each unit. There were 5 sections in the module. The first section was “Do You Remember?”, this section belonged to the pre-task phase in task-based learning. “Let’s Prepare” and “It’s Your Turn”

were the second and third section which belonged to whilst phase. “Let’s Learn” and “What Did You Learn?” were the fourth and fifth section which belonged to language focus phase.

There was only one research problem of this study “what do speaking materials using task-based learning for the seventh grade students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta look like?” The module consisted of four units, namely Good Morning, Mega; My Name is Aldo; What Time is It?; Is He Tall?. The module was divided into two namely Teacher’s

Book and Student’s Book.



Tyas Intani, Ika. (2014). Speaking Materials Using Task-Based Learning for the Seventh Grade Students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu pelajaran wajib di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Sebagai salah satu pelajaran wajib, keempat ketrampilan berbahasa haruslah ditingkatkan oleh para siswa. Salah satunya adalah ketrampilan berbicara. Ketrampilan berbicara adalah salah satu hal penting yang harus ditingkatkan di dalam hidup. Oleh karena itu, ada aktivitas yang membantu para siswa untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan berbicara di sekolah. Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu aktifitas tambahan yang ditawarkan kepada para siswa. Aktifitas ini mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah.

SMP Pangudi Luhur adalah salah satu sekolah yang mewajibkan adanya keikutsertaan siswanya dalam kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta memulai kerja sama dengan Sanata Dharma dalam pengajaran Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris. Universitas Sanata Dharma menyiapkan beberapa mahasiswanya untuk menjadi guru Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris di SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini termasuk dalam Penelitian dan Pengembangan karena menghasilkan produk pendidikan berupa modul. Ada lima tahap dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, pengembangan materi, pengujian materi dan revisi materi. Kuesioner, observasi kelas dan wawancara adalah alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Task-based learning digunakan untuk menyusun bagian pembelajaran dalam setiap unit. Bagian pertama adalah “Do You Remember?” yang termasuk dalam the pre-task phase di task-based learning.

“Let’s Prepare” dan “It’s Your Turn” adalah bagian kedua dan ketiga yang termasuk dalam the whilst phase. “Let’s Learn” dan “What Did You Learn?” adalah bagian keempat dan kelima yang termasuk dalam the language focus phase.

Modul dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari rumusan masalah yang ada di penelitian ini “Seperti apakah materi berbicara menggunakan metode penugasan untuk siswa kelas tujuh pada aktifitas Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris di SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta?” Di dalam modul ini terdapat empat unit yaitu “Good Morning, Mega”, “My Name is Aldo”, “What Time is It?”, dan “Is He Tall?”. Ada dua bagian di dalam modul ini yaitu Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Ika Tyas Intani Student Number: 101214110








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education

By Ika Tyas Intani Student Number: 101214110






“If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but, whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”

Martin Luther King Jr.

“Then give the world the best you have. And the best will come back to you.”

Madeline Bridges

I dedicate this thesis to:




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, March 12th, 2015 The writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswi Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Ika Tyas Intani

Nomor Mahasiswa : 101214110

Demi kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 17 Februari 2015

Yang menyatakan




Tyas Intani, Ika. (2014). Speaking Materials Using Task-Based Learning for the Seventh Grade Students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English is one of the compulsory lessons in the junior high school. As the one of the compulsory lessons, there are four skills that should be developed by the learners. One of those four skills is speaking skill, speaking skill is one of the important things to do in life. Therefore, there is an activity which helps the students to develop the speaking skill in the school. English extracurricular activity is one of the additional activities which are often offered to students. English Extracurricular is an activity that supports the regular time school.

Pangudi Luhur was one of the schools which offers their students to join the English extracurricular activity. Therefore, SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta started to cooperate with Sanata Dharma University in holding the English Extracurricular for their students. Sanata Dharma prepared some of their students to be the English extracurricular activity’s teachers at SMP Pangudi Luhur


This research belonged to an Educational Research and Development research because it produced an educational product in the form of module. It had five steps of R&D namely, Information Collecting; Planning; Material Development; Material Validation; and Material Revision. Questionnaire, class observation and interview as the instruments employed in this research. Task-based learning is used to develop the section in each unit. There were 5 sections in

the module. The first section was “Do You Remember?”, this section belonged to the pre-task phase in task-based learning. “Let’s Prepare” and “It’s Your Turn”

were the second and third section which belonged to whilst phase. “Let’s Learn” and “What Did You Learn?” were the fourth and fifth section which belonged to language focus phase.

There was only one research problem of this study “what do speaking materials using task-based learning for the seventh grade students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta look like?” The module consisted of four units, namely Good Morning, Mega; My Name is Aldo; What Time is It?; Is He Tall?. The module was divided into two namely Teacher’s

Book and Student’s Book.



Tyas Intani, Ika. (2014). Speaking Materials Using Task-Based Learning for the Seventh Grade Students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu pelajaran wajib di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Sebagai salah satu pelajaran wajib, keempat ketrampilan berbahasa haruslah ditingkatkan oleh para siswa. Salah satunya adalah ketrampilan berbicara. Ketrampilan berbicara adalah salah satu hal penting yang harus ditingkatkan di dalam hidup. Oleh karena itu, ada aktivitas yang membantu para siswa untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan berbicara di sekolah. Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu aktifitas tambahan yang ditawarkan kepada para siswa. Aktifitas ini mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah.

SMP Pangudi Luhur adalah salah satu sekolah yang mewajibkan adanya keikutsertaan siswanya dalam kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta memulai kerja sama dengan Sanata Dharma dalam pengajaran Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris. Universitas Sanata Dharma menyiapkan beberapa mahasiswanya untuk menjadi guru Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris di SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini termasuk dalam Penelitian dan Pengembangan karena menghasilkan produk pendidikan berupa modul. Ada lima tahap dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, pengembangan materi, pengujian materi dan revisi materi. Kuesioner, observasi kelas dan wawancara adalah alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Task-based learning digunakan untuk menyusun bagian pembelajaran dalam setiap unit. Bagian pertama adalah “Do You Remember?” yang termasuk dalam the pre-task phase di task-based learning.

“Let’s Prepare” dan “It’s Your Turn” adalah bagian kedua dan ketiga yang termasuk dalam the whilst phase. “Let’s Learn” dan “What Did You Learn?” adalah bagian keempat dan kelima yang termasuk dalam the language focus phase.

Modul dalam penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari rumusan masalah yang

ada di penelitian ini “Seperti apakah materi berbicara menggunakan metode

penugasan untuk siswa kelas tujuh pada aktifitas Ekstrakurikuler Bahasa Inggris di SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta?” Di dalam modul ini terdapat empat unit yaitu “Good Morning, Mega”, “My Name is Aldo”, “What Time is It?”, dan “Is He Tall?”. Ada dua bagian di dalam modul ini yaitu Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa.




First, I would like to express my gratefulness to God. He always finds a

way to bring me back to finish this thesis. God is good. With God all things are

possible. He becomes the most beautiful one in my life.

My greatest gratitude is addressed to my thesis advisor, Christina Kristiyani S.Pd., M.Pd., for her patience, support, encouragement, guidance, and contribution of ideas in guiding me to accomplish this thesis. My greatest

gratitude also goes to all of my lecturers in the ELESP of Sanata Dharma

University for many precious chances to learn English and life values together in

these four years, especially Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D., Truly Almendo Pasaribu S.S., M.A., Made Frida Yulia S.Pd., M.Pd., and Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, M.Ed., Ed,D., for willingly spending their time evaluating the designed materials and this thesis. I also thank Mbak Danik and Mas Yudo for always

helping me with the administrative matters.

My deep gratitude goes to Pangudi Luhur Junior High School Yogyakarta for giving me the opportunity and permission to conduct my research, especially



I am also grateful to my beloved parents, my father Nugroho Tyas Utomo

and my mother Sunarni. Without their love, care, support and guidance I never have an opportunity to study. My gratitude is also addressed to my beloved

brother Satya Dwi Nugroho. He teaches me how to stay strong even when I was down. My sincere thanks go to my grandmother Eyang Ti, my aunts Anik, Ita, Nining and Denny, my uncles Aik, Anto and Sapto and my cousins Lintang, Bagus, Citra, Kendra, Mbak Heni, Mas Danang and Wiwin for always supporting and motivating me during my thesis writing.

I warmly thank my best friends: Chika, Epi, Pritha, Ayu, Diah, Badra, Eka, Clara and Mbak Icha for their precious friendship. I thank them for willingly sharing the joy and spirit through the good and bad times. My

gratefulness is also addressed to all of my friends: Gistha, Ratih, Vina, Narima, Ria, Tere, Heni, Gaby, Sandra, Nisa, Asti, Evi, Tory, Abi, Marino, Anus, Jason, Thomas, Satya, Ega and those who are always there for me.

I would like to give my deepest love and special thank to my beloved man,

Reinardus Aldo Agassi. I thank him for his love, care, patience and guidance during my thesis writing.










ABSTRACT ………. vii

ABSTRAK ………. viii






A. Research Background ……… 1

B. Research Problem ……… 3

C. Problem Limitation ……… 3

D. Research Objective ……… 4

E. Research Benefits ……… 4




A. Theoretical Description ……… 7

1. Speaking ……… 7

2. Task-based Learning ……… 9

3. 2013 Curriculum ……… 16

4. Material Adaptation ……… 18

B. Theoretical Framework ……… 20


A. Research Method ……… 23

B. Research Setting ……… 26

C. Research Participants ………... 26

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique …………... 27

E. Data Analysis Technique ……… 29

F. Research Procedure ……… 31


A. The Description of Instructional Goal ………. 43

B. The Description of Instructional Analysis ……….. 44

C. Learners’ Characteristics ………. 45

D. Performance Objectives and the Instructional Materials …… 47




A. Conclusions ………. 58

B. Recommendations ………. 59





Table Page

2.1. Nunan’s Task Classification (Nunan, 2004:59) ……… 13

3.1. The Description of Materials Validation Subjects ……… 27

3.2. The Researcher’s Data Collection ……… 28

3.3. The Basic Competence of Grade Seventh ……… 35

3.4. The Learning Topics of the Materials ………... 36

3.5. The General Purposes ………... 36

3.6. The Learning Indicators of the Materials ……… 36

3.7 The Organization of Subject Contents ……… 37

4.1. The Core Competence and Basic Competence ……… 44

4.2. The Learning Topics and Materials ……… 47

4.3. The General Purposes ……… 49

4.4. The Organization of Subject Contents ………. 49

4.5. The Description of Learning Indicators and Selected Materials.. 50




Figure Page

2.1. Willis Task-based Learning Framework (Willis, 1996:38) ……. 15

2.2. The Researcher’s Theoretical Framework ………. 22

4.1. The Example of “Do You Remember?” Section ………. 53

4.2. The Example of “Let’s Prepare” Section ………. 54

4.3. The Example of “It’s Your Turn” Section .………. 55

4.4. The Example of “Let’s Learn” Section ………. 56




Appendix Page

A. Letter for Permission ………. 63

B. Questionnaire for Need Analysis ………. 65

C. The Result of the Questionnaire for Need Analysis ………. 67

D. Interview Protocol for the English Teacher ………. 70

E. Questionnaire for Material Evaluation ………. 72

F. The Result of the Questionnaire for Material Evaluation ……. 75

G. The Example of Questionnaire for Need Analysis ……… 78

H. The Example of Questionnaire for Material Evaluation …… 80

I. Teacher’s Book ………. 83





This study is intended to design speaking materials using task-based

learning for the seventh grade students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. This chapter consists of six parts. The first part discusses the background of the study and why this study is conducted. The

second part shows the problem which is going to be discussed in this research.

The third part will give the clear boundary for the researcher in discussing the

problem. The fourth part points out the objective of the study. The fifth part

reveals the research benefits. The sixth part of this chapter will give clarification

of terms used in this study. The details of the discussion would be presented


A. Research Background

One of the compulsory lessons for the junior high school students is

English. English contains of four skills which should be learnt, those are listening;

speaking; reading and writing. In this research, the researcher focuses on the

speaking skill. It is because of speaking is one of the important things to do in

everyday life. Hughes (2002, p.7.) states that the objectives in the speaking

classroom may well change quite radically over the next ten years as insights


help us understand what speaking is actually. Based on that reason, it will be good

for the junior high school students if they are given English lesson which focuses

on speaking.

In the teaching and learning process at the school, SMP students get more activities in reading, writing and listening rather than speaking. It occurs in almost

of SMP. Because of that reason, the researcher will focus on the activity outside the regular-school time. It means that the activity after the regular-school time will

be in a form English Extracurricular Activity.

Learning English in the Extracurricular Activity is not the same as the

learning English in the regular school time. English in the Extracurricular Activity

should facilitate the students to be able to speak English. Based on that reason, the

learning process in the Extracurricular Activity should contain the interesting

materials which will develop the speaking skill of the students. Without any

interesting materials, the students will get bored in learning English.

Considering the need analysis from the observation of the 36 students in

the seventh grade of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta on May 16th, 2014, it can be concluded that the students need the materials during the teaching-learning

process of English Extracurricular Activity especially in speaking. Based on the

interview result obtained from the teacher who teaches English Extracurricular

Activity, the researcher found that the speaking materials should be encouraged

by the teachers to help the students in mastering the speaking skill.

The researcher wants to facilitate the teacher of English Extracurricular


have good facilities in learning process, the motivation of the students to learn

something is high, and the important thing that there were no permanent materials

for the students. As the compulsory Extracurricular Activity, English

Extracurricular Activity is held to help the students develop the speaking skill.

B. Research Problem

The problem of this study is stated in the following question:

What do speaking materials using task-based learning for the seventh grade

students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta look like?

C. Problem Limitation

As what has been mentioned in the research background, this research is

aimed at designing speaking materials using task-based learning for the seventh

grade students of English Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur

Yogyakarta. The researcher chooses SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta as the subject of this study because SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta is one of the well-known schools in Yogyakarta which has a purpose to prepare the students to have

the skill in speaking English. The researcher selects the seventh grade students

because they need to have basic English speaking skill to support their next level

of education.

This research only focuses on the design of speaking materials based on


Extracurricular Activity supports the regular-school time activity, thus, the

researcher needs to consider the use of the 2013 Curriculum. The 2013

Curriculum itself is used to support the topic selection of the designed materials.

This research is also only used for the seventh grade students of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta in their English Extracurricular Activity.

D. Research Objective

As this research is intended to find out the answer of the problem, the

researcher has an objective. The researcher expects that there would be speaking

materials using task-based learning for the seventh grade students of English

Extracurricular Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta at the end of the research.

E. Research Benefits

This research is expected to bring the benefits that can reflect on the

students, the teacher, and future researchers who conduct the same research.

1. For the students

The students are facilitated with comprehensible materials which can

improve their speaking skill. The designed materials provide well-developed and

competent English speaking materials for the students, which are based on the


2. For the teacher

The teacher is given a set of English speaking materials that is expected to

be a solution in facilitating the students’ need in learning English. This material provides references for the teacher to give new ways of learning speaking skill.

3. For the school

The school will obtain the speaking materials for the English

Extracurricular Activity which supports the learning process in the regular-school

time. The designed materials will help the school to increase the students’ competence in speaking through learning other skills of English.

4. For future researchers

This research can be used by the other researchers to be the basic of

evaluating, programming and reconstructing the same study. The researcher tries

to share the idea and knowledge in designing a new educational product which

provides a new concept for the other researchers who have the same concern.

F. Definition of Terms 1. Speaking

According to Clark and Clark (1977), speaking is an instrumental in which

speakers talk in order to have some effects on their listeners. In speaking activity,

a message is transferred from the speaker to the listener. The speaker produces the

message and the listener will receive the message. In this research, speaking is a

productive skill which is used to help the listener understands the message from


2. English Extracurricular Activity

English extracurricular is an activity in the school which supports the

learning process in the school. There are so many kinds of extracurricular

activities. One of those kinds is English Extracurricular Activity. This activity

accommodates the learners to develop the language skill. In this research, English

Extracurricular Activity will be the process in which the students use the speaking


3. Task-based Learning

According to Nunan (2004), task-based learning represents a realization of

this philosophy at the levels of syllabus design and methodology. In this research,

task-based learning is a method that uses tasks for learning.

4. SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta

SMP Pangudi Luhur is located at Jalan Timoho II/29, Yogyakarta. This school has 21 classes, 7 classes for each grade. This school uses the 2013

Curriculum as their basic in teaching-learning process. There are so many

extracurricular activities in this school such as basketball, football, dancing,

cheerleader, badminton, swimming, band, karate, and English Extracurricular

Activity. English Extracurricular Activity at this school is held since 1999. As the

compulsory Extracurricular Activity at the school, it has 18 meetings in each





This chapter discusses the theories which support this research. It consists

of two sections: theoretical description and theoretical framework. The first part

focuses on the related theories used in this research. While in the second part, the

discussion focuses on a synthesis of related theories and research procedure which

become a theoretical framework of this research.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, there will be four related theories which are discussed as

guidelines for the researcher to design the speaking materials using task-based

learning. The presented theories in this section are (1) Theory of Speaking, (2)

Task-Based Learning, (3) the 2013 Curriculum and (4) Material Adaptation.

1. Speaking

Speaking is the main skill that will be learned in this research. It is

important for the researcher to know about speaking in depth.

a. Nature of Speaking

Speaking is one of four skills that the learners have, along with listening,

writing, and reading. Speaking and writing are categories as active skill because

the learners produce something. Then, reading and listening are categories as


the classroom, speaking can over a wide range of oral activities, from genuine

interaction to repetition drills (p.12). The learners do an activity which is included

as an active skill and they will try to give an interaction of each other. If it

happens continually, the learners will repeat the activity and they are doing oral


According to Nunan (2003), in learning language, “speaking is the hardest

skill among the other skills for two reasons.” There are two reasons which explain

why speaking is the hardest skill: first, the person whom we are talking to is

waiting for our response right then and the second, we cannot edit and cannot

revise what we wish to say. By looking at those two reasons, the researcher should

be aware in looking at the characteristics of speaking in designing the materials.

The researcher chooses the appropriate activities to help the learners enhance their

ability of speaking in their activity at the school.

b. Principles of Teaching Speaking

Hughes (2002) states that teaching speaking, is not easily separated from

other objectives (p.32). A further complicating factor is that when the spoken

language is the focus of classroom activity, there are another aims which the

teacher might have. Those aims are to practice some aspects of linguistic

knowledge, to develop production skills and to raise awareness of some

socio-linguistic or pragmatic point.

Nunan (2003) states that there are five principles of teaching speaking:

1) Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign


2) Give learners practice with both fluency and accuracy.

3) Provide opportunities for learners to talk by using group or pair work, and

limiting the teacher talk.

4) Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning.

5) Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both

transactional and interactional speaking.

The researcher considers those five principles as the basic in designing the

materials for the learners.

2. Task-Based Learning

Task-based learning is selected by the researcher as an approach in

applying the designed materials. This research is aimed at designing English

speaking materials to provide the students with a lot of exposure in learning

English and task-based learning approach can give the students some tasks that

facilitate the students in learning English naturally through English

Extracurricular Activity. This section will explain the definition of task-based

learning, types of task and the procedure of task-based learning.

a. Definition of Task-Based Learning

This approach is one of Communicative Language Teaching Approach.

Task-based learning is an approach which uses tasks as the core unit of planning

and instruction in language teaching (Richards & Rodgers, 2001).

Larsen-Freeman (2000: 144) says that task-based approach aims to provide the learners

with a natural context for language use. The learners will work on some tasks and


Nunan (2004) also supports the statement by saying intellectual growth

occurs when learners engage in and reflect on sequence of tasks. Tasks which are

given to the learners are aimed at facilitating them in learning language. Thus, the

learners are free to choose whatever language forms they wish to express what

they mean in order to achieve the task goal (Willis, 2003). The task goals are the

vague and general intentions behind any learning task. They provide a link

between the task and the broader curriculum (Nunan, 2004).

According to Willis (2003: 77) in task-based learning, “communication

tasks (where language forms are not controlled) involve learners in an entirely

different mental process as they compose what they want to say, expressing what

they think or feel.” It means that the teachers give the freedom for the students to

express anything they want. Still focus on giving the task to accommodate the

learners want, the teacher should recognize the needs of the learners.

Willis (2003) delineates seven characteristics of the task-based learning

framework that are different from other approaches:

1) In task-based learning framework, the learners use the target language

naturally and frequently, so that the target language is already familiar when

the learners get the language focus phase. The designed tasks in task-based

learning have established the context.

2) In learning language, the learners do not repeat, manipulate or apply the

target language but the language focus activities encourages them to think


3) Listening and reading have more varied exposure to natural language. The

tasks allow the learners to read and listen naturally during the teaching

learning process. The learners do not only listen to and read some examples

made-up to illustrate a single language term.

4) In learning language using task-based learning framework, the learners will

understand that language is more than verb tenses and new vocabularies.

Task-based learning framework includes all the language elements as the


5) The learning activities are flexible. The learners may ask about any aspect of

language at the analysis stage.

6) Fluency that may be the most important thing in learning the target language

is expected to establish the learners’ accuracy.

7) In task-based learning, the activities integrate all from skills – listen, speak,

write and read – in natural way.

Then, the explanation of what task-based learning is has explained and it

continues with the type of tasks in task-based learning.

b. Types of Task

Task is important in task-based learning approach. According to Willis

(2003:23), the task will stimulate the learners to always use the target language for

a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome. There are several types

of tasks based on the many authors. They are Richards and Rodgers (2001), Willis


Willis (2003) defines six types of task as follow:

1) Listing

Listing tasks tend to generate a lot of opportunities for language use, as

learners explain their ideas. The processes involved in this type are brainstorming

and fact-finding. The outcome would be the completed list, or possibly a draft

mind map.

2) Ordering and Sorting

These tasks involve four main processes. They are sequencing items,

actions or events in logical or chronological order, ranking items based on the

personal values or specified criteria, categorizing items in given groups or

grouping them under given headings, and classifying items in different ways,

which its categories are not given.

3) Comparing

These tasks involve comparing information from two or more sources to

identify common points. The processes involved are: matching to identify specific

points and relate them to each other, finding the similarities and things in

common, and finding differences.

4) Problem Solving

Problem solving tasks allow the learners to show their intellectuality and

ability to think and analyze. These activities are quite challenging and engaging.

The learners will never stop to solve the selected problems if it is interesting. The


5) Sharing Personal Experiences

This type of task is goal-oriented as in other tasks. The learners are free to

talk everything about themselves or their experiences. The sharing personal

experiences activity can be used as the simulation for the learners. Thus, they are

more familiar with the similar kind of conversation in a real life.

6) Creative Tasks

Creative task are often the combination of the other task types: listing,

ordering and sorting, comparing and problem solving. Creative works are usually

done in pairs or groups because the learners must do several task types in one

activity. Sometimes, they also need an out-of-class research. Creative tasks also

need organizational skills and teamwork.

According to the strategies behind the tasks, Nunan (2004: 59) classifies

tasks into five categories: cognitive, interpersonal, linguistic, affective, and

creative. Each of those categories is divided into several kinds of tasks. The


classification proposed by Nunan can be seen in table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Nunan’s Task Classification (Nunan, 2004:59)

Cognitive Tasks

 Classifying Putting the things that are similar together in groups

 Predicting Predicting what is to come in the learning process

 Inducing Looking for patterns and regularities

 Taking Notes

Writing down the important information in a text in your own words

 Concept Mapping Showing the main ideas in a text in the form of a map

 Inferencing Using what you know to learn something new

 Discriminating

Distinguishing between the main idea and supporting information

Cognitive Tasks


Interpersonal Tasks

 Co-operating Sharing ideas and learning with other students

 Role Playing

Pretending to be somebody else and using the language for the situation you are in

Linguistic Tasks

 Conversational Patterns Using expressions to start conversations and keep them going

 Practicing Doing controlled exercises to improve knowledge and skills

 Using Context

Using the surrounding context to guess the meaning of an unknown word, phrase, or concept

 Summarizing

Picking out and presenting the major points in a text in summary form

 Selective Listening

Listening for key information without trying to understand every word.

 Skimming Reading quickly to get a general idea of a text Affective Tasks

 Personalizing

Learners share their own opinions, feelings, and ideas about a subject

 Self-evaluating

Thinking about how well you did on a learning task, and rating yourself on a scale

 Reflecting Thinking about ways you learn beat Creative Tasks

 Brainstorming Thinking of as many new words and ideas as one can.

Richards and Rodgers (2001) classify tasks into the following categories:

1) Jigsaw task: in this task, the learners combine different pieces of information to form a whole, such as arranging the some parts of parts of a story into a

good order.

2) Information-gap task: this task requires the learners to have a negotiation to find out what the task should be. In this task, there must be at least two

students who have a set of information.

3) Problem-solving task: the learners are given a problem and a set of information then they must find out the way out of that problem.


5) Opinion-exchange task: in this task, the learners engage in discussion and exchange of ideas. They do not need to reach an agreement.

c. The Procedure of Task-based Learning

In applying task-based learning, we need to see the procedure in order to

make the implementation easier. Willis (2003) states that “task-based learning

consists of three phases, namely the pre-task phases, the task cycle phases and the

language focus phases.” During the pre-task phases, the teacher introduces the

topic and tasks to the learners. While in the task cycle phases, the learners do the

exercises or task with the language they have already known before. The function

of the teacher here is to guide the learners improving their language. Then, the

learners will be ready to plan the report of the tasks. For the last phases, in the

language phases the learners will discuss some specific features of the language

that come naturally during the task cycle phase.


Figure 2.1: Willis Task-based Learning Framework (Willis, 1996:38) Pre-task

Introduction the topic and tasks

Language Focus

Analysis Practice Task

Task Cycle


3. The 2013 Curriculum

SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta used the 2013 Curriculum which is the newest Curriculum in Indonesia. The 2013 Curriculum according to landasan yuridis kurikulum 2013 Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan is a design of education which gives enough space for the students to develop themselves based

on their competences and potency. The 2013 Curriculum focuses on the character

building of the students besides the construction of the students’ competences

through several subjects in every level of education. The expectation of the 2013

Curriculum is to develop not only the students’ competences but also the

development of the students’ personality.

a. Background of the 2013 Curriculum

Richards (2001) states that curriculum is the process of a learning cycle

that is started from determining the needs of the learner and then deciding the

objectives then conducting the process of learning and finally it is evaluated to see

whether the objective is achieved already. Furthermore, curriculum becomes the

source as well as the destination for education. The process of teaching learning as

an education field will be developed based on the curriculum and the result of the

learning process will be evaluated based on the curriculum which is designed to

develop the education.

The curriculum being discussed is the one that has been implemented in

Indonesia since 1994. Since 1994, there were three curriculums. They were 1994

Curriculum, Competence-Based Curriculum (KBK) 2004, School-Based


has different paradigm and also different objectives regarding both the students

and the teachers.

The development of each curriculum based on the evaluation and need

analysis of the latest curriculum implemented. According to Permendikbud No. 70

(2013) in this new curriculum there are factors that become the background why

this Curriculum should be developed. The factors are internal challenges, external

challenges, development of the perspectives, development of the Curriculum

management, and the development of the materials.

The development is also related with the existence of World Trade

Organization (WTO), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN),

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA).

Those four associations influence the development of the economy in Indonesia.

Based on the importance of those associations in Indonesia, the Curriculum in

Indonesia could not be separated from the economical perspective.

b. The 2013 Curriculum Characteristic

The characteristic of the 2013 Curriculum is leading the students to

produce meaning of the lesson rather than focusing on the materials given. The

students have to deal with the meaning of the lesson in the teaching-learning

process. Activities in the teaching-learning process will lead the students in the

speaking time to be more active. Therefore, speaking process meant a process to

relate the social purpose and produce it into speaking.

There was a change from the view of English as the language subject to be


were expected to concern the correctness of the language’s rule. The

Communicative Learning Approach renewed the view of language approach. The

change makes the different perspective of the language. By this change, the

students were expected to produce meaning rather than focusing on the grammar.

c. Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum

The 2013 Curriculum has been constructed from several basic

competences as same as the previous curriculum. The difference between the

2006 Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum is the new standard that has been

becoming the basic standard. This new standard is called Core Competences

(Kompetensi Inti). In the 2013 Curriculum there are four core competences that have been served to become the main sources of the basic competence and also

the objective as well as the indicators. The Core Competences are specified into

Basic Competences (Kompetensi Dasar) and also the Indicators.

4. Material Adaptation

The researcher conducted material adaptation in designing the materials.

Adapting the materials is aimed in applying the existing materials, yet still

considering the learners’ characteristics. According to Tomlinson and Masuhara

(2004, p. 10) define “materials adaptation is adjusting and/ or changing the

existing materials into suitable one which depends on the need of the learners,

students, and the situation”.

The material adaptation can be shorten or lengthen an activity, skip an


Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004, p. 11) recommend “teachers may decide to use

only part of a unit, add or delete texts or activities, and replace or supplement texts

or activities with ones from other sources”.

According to Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004, p. 13) there are two

principles of material adaptation. The first principle, “deep processing of language

is required for effective and durable learning” means that the learners’ focus

should normally be on the meaning. The second principle, “the learners’ attention

should be drawn to linguistic features of the input” means that the teacher in the

teaching-learning process can use kind of activities like listen to or read a text

such as story and joke in order to obtain the attention from the learners before

deriving the materials given.

In material adaptation, there are three main techniques according to

Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004, p. 16), those are namely “Plus (+), Minus (-) and

Zero (0) Category. Plus Category consists of two techniques, namely addition and

expansion. The addition technique means that teachers may add different texts

and/ or activities, meanwhile in the expansion technique, the teachers may expand

the texts and activities by increasing the length, difficulty, and depth.

In Minus Category, there are three techniques for materials adaptation,

namely, deletion, subtraction, and reduction. In the deletion technique, teachers

may delete some texts and/ or activities. In subtraction, teachers may decrease the

number of sentences in a text or part of an activity, while in the reduction

technique teachers may reduce texts and activities by decreasing the length,


Zero Category consists of five techniques, namely, modification,

replacement, reorganization, resequencing, and conversation. In the modification

technique the teachers made the changes to instructions. In the replacement

technique the teachers swapped one activity with another. In the reorganization

technique the teachers changed the positions of texts and illustrations. In the

resequencing technique the teachers changed the sequence of the activities. In the

conversion technique the teachers changed the genre of a text or move the content

from one medium to another.

B. Theoretical Framework

Referring to the theoretical descriptions that have been discussed in the

previous section, the researcher discussed the synthesis of those theoretical

descriptions. Designing materials for language teaching required a lot of

considerations. Starting from the designing the curriculum, then designing the

syllabus, and the lesson plan, then designing the content of the materials.

Therefore, the researcher start the design from understanding the 2013 Curriculum

to make an appropriate materials design for the students.

The 2013 Curriculum was used by the researcher as the basic of the

material designed beside the need analysis. As we know that the 2013 Curriculum

was the latest Curriculum in Indonesia. Based on Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (2013) states that this curriculum leads the students to have chance to learn the lesson based on their competence and potency. The students had more


to accommodate the students’ needs. The 2013 Curriculum supported the active

skill such as speaking skill. Since this research was conducted to develop

speaking materials, the researcher also explained the use of speaking in this


Speaking as the main activity in this research would be designed by the

researcher in a form of module. The researcher used the speaking theory of Nunan

(2003). In order to obtain the material design, the researcher should design

classroom activities that provide the chance for the students to speak. The

researcher also wanted to limit the teacher talk in the activity. It meant that the

activities would lead the students to use their opportunities to speak. The goal was

the students would be able to speak as fluently as possible. The speaking skill

could be learnt by doing some tasks. In this research, the researcher used

task-based learning as the basic in developing the tasks in the material designed.

The theory of task-based learning by Richards and Rodgers (2001) and

Willis (2003) were used by the researcher to choose the kinds of task in the

designed materials. Task-based learning had its framework which consists of three

components: pre-task phases, task-cycle phases and language focus phases. Each

component had their functions. The researcher proposed to develop the design by

referring to the components of task-based learning framework. The use of journal

also as the form of task-based learning which would help the students more aware

on their learning goals, learning strategies, learning difficulties, achievements, and


in developing the designed materials, the researcher also used material adaptation

to support the development of the designed materials.

The material adaptation theory of Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004) is used

to adapt the materials from several kinds of book which have the same learning

goals with the designed materials of the researcher. The researcher adapted some

materials which have been in speaking books. The adaptation would be on the

third categories of the material adaptation theory. There would be Plus Category,

Minus Category and also Zero Category. Each Category would be used in


adapting the materials of this research.

Figure 2.2: the Researcher’s Theoretical Framework

Research Problem

Task-based Learning Theory Speaking Theory

Materials Adaptation Theory The 2013 Curriculum





This chapter discusses the research method used in this research. This

chapter consists of six important points in conducting the research. They are

research method, research setting, research participants, research instruments and

data gathering technique, data analysis technique, research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was conducted to obtain the relevant data needed in order to

reach the research objective of this research. The researcher gathered and

analyzed the data to answer the question in the research problem of this research.

There was one question to be answered, that was „what do speaking materials using task-based learning for the seventh grade students of English Extracurricular

Activity at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta look like?‟.

The researcher employed Educational Research and Development (R&D)

to achieve the research objective. According to Borg, Gall and Gall (2007),

Educational Research and Development (R&D) is “an industry-based development model in which the findings of research are used to design new

products and procedures, which then are systematically field-tested, evaluated,


standards.” The goal of R&D is to take this research knowledge and incorporate it into a product that can be used in the schools (Borg & Gall, 1983, p. 771)

In Educational Research and Development, there are several steps which

are usually referred to R&D cycle. According to Borg, Gall and Gall (2007), there

are ten major steps in the R&D cycle, namely:

1. Identification of the goal for the instructional activities or product which can

be done by having need analysis.

2. Analysis of the instruction which is undertaken to specify the specific skills,

procedure, learning task that are involved in reaching the goals of instruction.

3. Identification of the learner‟s entry level and instructional setting.

4. Translating the needs and goals of instructions into specific performance


5. Developing the instructional assessments which are related directly to the

knowledge of the students and the specific skills performed in the objectives.

6. Developing a specific instructional strategy for assisting learners with their

efforts to achieve each performance objective.

7. Developing the instructional materials.

8. Designing and conducting formative validation of instruction.

9. Revising the instruction.

10.Designing and conducting summative validation.

Based on the ten steps, the researcher would not use all of the ten steps but

only used the five steps which were adopted from those ten steps. The reasons of


limitation of money. Moreover this research would be conducted in undergraduate

level so the difficulty of conducting the ten steps would be very high. Therefore

this research would be adopted from the research and development cycle into five


Therefore, the steps which would be used in this research could be

explained as follows:

1. Information Collecting: the first step will be the combination of the first three

steps in the R&D cycle. This step consisted of the goals of the material design

and the learners‟ level.

2. Planning: this step is the adoption of fourth step of the original R&D cycle.

The researcher will translate the needs and goals of instructions into specific

performance objectives. The objectives will be the basic of the design


3. Material development: the researcher adopted the fifth, sixth, and seventh step

in the R&D cycle as the third step in this research. This step will be the main

step in developing the materials. After developing the materials, the next step

will be explained below.

4. Material validation: the ninth and the tenth step in the R&D cycle will be

summarized as the fourth step in this research. The step will is material

validation. The validation will be conducted by the experts.

5. Revision: some revision is conducted in order to improve the design materials.

The revision is also conducted by distributing questionnaire to the experts. In


of the new product in meeting its objectives and also to collect information

that can be used to improve the product.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in 2014. It was started from May 2014, it was

started by distributing the questionnaire to the learners and also conducting the

interview to the teacher. After that the researcher developing the designed

materials by analyzing the result of the questionnaire for need analysis and also

the interview result. In finishing the material design, the researcher also

distributed the questionnaire to the experts in order to obtain the validation of the

material design. The researcher conducted the research at SMP Pangudi Luhur

Yogyakarta. This school is located at Jalan Timoho II/ 29, Yogyakarta.

C. Research Participants

In this research, there were two groups of research participants. The first

group was the participants of the information collecting, and the second was the

participants of the material validation.

1. Participants of the Information Collecting

The participants of information collecting were the seventh grade students

of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. There were 36 students of Class A. The reason why the researcher chose Class A was the researcher has been teaching


information collecting of this research. The researcher distributed questionnaire to

the students in order to understand the students‟ lacks, needs, and wants.

2. Participants of the Material Validation

The participants of the material validation were two lecturers of English

Language Educational Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. They were chosen to contribute in the materials validation. The other one was the English

teacher of SMP Pangudi Luhur, the English teacher was chosen also to contribute in the material validation. All of three people were chosen because of their


experience and expertise in English language teaching.

Table 3.1: The Description of Materials Validation Participants

Subjects Female/Male


Background Teaching Experience Female Male S1 S2 S3 0-5 6-10 21-25

Subject 1 √ √ √

Subject 2 √ √ √

Subject 3 √ √ √

D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

To obtain the data for this research, the researcher conducted instrument to

collect the data of information collecting and material validation. The instruments

were questionnaire and interview.

1. Questionnaire

Brown and Rodger (2002) stated that “a questionnaire is a list of questions asking about the opinion of people”. There are two kinds of questionnaire, namely closed form and open form (Lohen, 2003, p. 248) Closed form do not allow the


allowed the respondents to give free responses on what were asked in the


There were two kinds of questionnaires which were distributed in this

research. The first one was the questionnaire for the students to collect the

information of the students‟ lacks, needs and also wants. It helped the researcher in designing the materials because it was the basic information. The second

questionnaire was the material validation for the experts in order to obtain the

appropriate design. The first questionnaire was given to the students in the

beginning of May 2014. The second questionnaire was given to the experts in the

beginning of December 2014.

In order to gather the data needed in this research, some techniques were

applied in information collecting and material validation. In information

collecting, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the 36 students at SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta in order to obtain the students‟ lacks, needs and

wants. In material validation, the researcher distributed the questionnaire and the

designed materials to the experts in order to obtain the feedback to revise the


designed materials.

Table 3.2 the Researcher’s Data Collection

Instruments Participants Times Data Obtained

Questionnaire for Needs Analysis

The students of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta May 2014, before designing the materials Learners‟ characteristics, learners‟ educational background, learners‟

difficulties in learning English,

available facilities, learners‟

needs and interests. Questionnaire

for Expert Validation

Two English Lectures of English Education Research Activity of

Sanata Dharma University December 2014, after designing the materials.


Instruments Participants Times Data Obtained

Questionnaire for Expert Users

One English

Extracurricular Teacher of SMP Pangudi Luhur


December 2014, after designing the materials

Review, comments, and suggestions to the design materials.

2. Interview

The interview conducted in this research was for supporting the need

analysis to develop the designed materials. Through interview, the participant

could give actual information that individual probably would not reveal by any

other data-collection method (Borg, Gall & Gall 2007). In the interview, there was

a list of questions related to the data and information expected for the research.

The researcher did the interview to the English teacher once.

E. Data Analysis Technique

In this research, the researcher analyzed the data after gathering the data

from the questionnaire and the interview in the research instruments and gathering

technique. The researcher adopted qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The

questionnaire analysis utilized a quantitative approach, whereas the interview

analysis utilized a qualitative approach through the rich description given.

1. Data for Questionnaire Analysis

The data obtained through the first questionnaire were calculated to find

out the percentage of participants‟ opinion and other factual data needed for the

need analysis. The percentage was calculated by the amount of the students who

chose the options divided by amount of all students who participated. The



x 100 %


Note :

n : the number of participants who choose certain statements

∑n : the total number of participants

The second questionnaire was distributed in the material validation. The

questionnaire was distributed to the two lectures of English Language Education

Study Program of Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta and one teacher of English Extracurricular Activity of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. In order to measure the opinion of the experts, the researcher delivered the questionnaire

using open-ended questions.

The analysis of the second questionnaire would be in a form of descriptive

analysis. Considering the open-ended questions, the researcher analyzed the result

in order to get the appropriateness of the designed materials. The researcher

analyzed the result based on the answers of the provided questions. After finishing

the analysis, the researcher revised the designed materials.

2. Data for Interview Analysis

The researcher analyzed the interview result by utilizing qualitative

approach. The analysis of the interview was stated in the descriptive form. The

researcher recorded the discussion from the English teacher of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. The analysis will be in the form of coding analysis. Patton


coding data, finding patterns, labeling themes, and developing category systems”


In this research, coding was conducted in order to get coding scheme and

coding categorization. The researcher read the interview scripts many times to

find the clues. Bogdan and Biklen (2003) stated that “as you read through your

data, certain words, phrases, patterns of behavior, subjects‟ ways of thinking, and

events repeat and stand out” (p. 161). The results of the analysis would be used to the basis in designing the materials

F. Research Procedure

The researcher used five steps as the procedures of conducting this

research. Those steps were:

1. Information Collecting

Information collecting was the step of collecting the data background and

information for the researcher in designing the materials. The researcher collected

the data by distributing the questionnaire to the students in SMP Pangudi Luhur

on May 16th, 2014 and interviewing the English teacher of SMP Pangudi Luhur

Yogyakarta on September 12th, 2014. By having the data information, the

researcher decided and started to determine the objectives of the designed


In this step, the researcher gathered information of the questionnaire and

the result of the interview to the teacher. The information consisted of the


students‟ perception of the importance of English, the students‟ opinion of the English Extracurricular Activity, the variation activity in English Extracurricular

Activity, the students‟ perception of the learning media and the class activity, the learning method for the material development and the learning materials. The

result of the questionnaire would be shown in Appendix C.

The researcher conducted the interview with the English teacher of SMP Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta. After conducting the interview, the researcher transcribed the interview results. After reading transcri


Table 2.1 Nunan’s Task Classification (Nunan, 2004:59)
Figure 2.1: Willis Task-based Learning Framework (Willis, 1996:38)
Figure 2.2: the Researcher’s Theoretical Framework
Table 3.1: The Description of Materials Validation Participants


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