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Trisna, Ayu. 2121121012. Developing Macromedia Flash for Teaching Speaking Materials for Students of Business Management Program at Vocational School. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2017.

The aim of this study is to develop macromedia flash as a learning media for teaching speaking materials for students of business management program at vocational school. Research and Development is used as the research method. Research Procedures are modified into four steps, they are: evaluation and needs analysis, media design, validation and revision, and final production. The product has been validated by experts (material and media). The media expert is an English lecturer of English literature Department, State University of Medan. The instrument for collecting data is by using questionnaire. The data are analyzed by descriptive technique. The result is the advisability to use macromedia flash with the total assessment by experts is 91 which is categorized good and eligible to be used for teaching speaking for students of business management program at vocational school.

Keywords: Macromedia Flash, Teaching Speaking Materials.



In the name of Allah SWT, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. All praise be to Allah, the Almighty, for the strength, health and His favor which have been given so that the writer could finally finished the Thesis entitled

“Developing of Macromedia Flash for Teaching Speaking Materials for Students of Business Management Program at Vocational School.”

This Thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,

State University of Medan. In this occasion, the writer would like to acknowledge her profound gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which have been given to her by many people in the process of completing this Thesis. Therefore, the writer expresses her gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts,

State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr.Hj.Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department.

• Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

• Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd.,S.S.,M.Hum., the Head of English Education

Study Program.

Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa, M.Hum., her First Thesis Advisor and Academic consultant.

Isli Iriani Indiah Br. Pane, S.Pd., M.Hum., her Second Thesis Advisor.

Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd and Drs. Lidiman S.M.Sinaga,

M.Hum., her Reviewers.

Prof. Dr. Amrin Saragih, MA., her Media Expert.

Ali Hamsar Harahap, S.S., her Material Expert.


Table of Contents


Abstract ...i

Acknowledgement ...ii

Table of Contents ...iv

List of Tables ...vi

List of Figures ...vii

List of Appendix ...ix

Chapter I. INTRODUCTION ...1

A. The Background of the Study ...1

B. Research Problem ...3

C. Objective of the study ...4

D. Scope of the study ...4

E. Significant of the study ...4


A. Theoretical Framework ...5

1. Media ...5

a. Definition of Media ...5

b. Functions of Media ...6

c. Kinds of Media ...9

2. Macromedia Flash ...10

a. Definition of Macromedia Flash ...10

b. Macromedia flash development ...11


c. Kinds of macromedia flash...13

d. The strengths of using macromedia flash ...13

e. The weaknesses of using macromedia flash...15

3. Speaking ...16

4. Teaching Speaking ...17

5. Macromedia flash media for teaching speaking ...18

6. Asking for and Giving Directions ... 18

B. Relevant Study ...19

C. Conceptual Framework ...22

Chapter III. THE RESEARCH METHOD A. Research Design ...24

B. Data Source ...24

C. Research Procedures ...25


A. Research Results ...31

B. Discussion of Research Result ...48


A. Conclusion ...50

B. Suggestion ...51





List of Tables


Table 3.1. Table of the Relevance C ategorization Criteria from


List of Figures


Figure 2.1 Edgar Dale’s Experience cone ... 12

Figure 3.1. Research Procedure ... 26

Figure 4.1. Images of the draft design of the opening view ... 34

Figure 4.2.Images of the draft design of the introduction view ... 35

Figure 4.3.Images of the draft design of the main menu ... 35

Figure 4.4.Images of the draft design of The Standard Competence Menu ... 36

Figure 4.5.Images of the draft design of Materials Asking Direction ... 37

Figure 4.6.Images of the draft design of Materials Giving Direction ... 37

Figure 4.7.Images of the draft design of Evaluation Menu ... 38

Figure 4.8.Implementation of the opening view ... 39

Figure 4.9.Implementation of the introduction view ... 40

Figure 4.10.Implementation of the main menu ... 41

Figure 4.11.Implementation of standard competence ... 42

Figure 4.12.Implementation of Materials Asking Direction ... 42

Figure 4.13.Implementation of Materials Giving Direction ... 43

Figure 4.14.Implementation of Materials Giving Direction ... 43

Figure 4.15. Implementation of Evaluation Menu ... 44


Figure 4.16. Implementation of Exercise 1 ... 45

Figure 4.17.Implementation of Exercise 2 ... 46

Figure 4.18.Implementation of Materials Giving Direction (before revision)... 47

Figure 4.19.Implementation of Materials Giving Direction (after revision) ... 47

Figure 4.20.Implementation of Exercise 2 (before revision) ... 48

Figure 4.21.Implementation of Exercise 2 (after revision) ... 48





A. The Background of the Study

Rapid technological developments affect the learning process and the material learning in the process of teaching and learning activities. Realizing how important English and technology has become, teacher can use technology as a media in teaching English subject to improve speaking ability and also to face the competition of receiving access from outside. But in SMK 2 YP Panca Jaya Galang, textbook is the only one media which is used by the teachers. Ahour (2014) defined that Textbook is crucial in English learning process which consists of activities related to four skills, grammatical and lexical information, and various language functions. Because of this, teachers only focus in the using of textbook than the other media in teaching learning process.

In English curriculum, there are four skills should be achieved in learning process namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is one of four skills that must be mastered.

In mastering the speaking skills, English becomes one of the subjects included in the curriculum, but the process of learning English still cannot achieve the expected results. This is proven by the many students who still have not been able to communicate in English. This statement is supported by the data taken from the experience of Training Program period (PPLT) in SMK 2 YP Panca Jaya Galang in 2015. It is found that the students still get difficulties in producing utterances, the



difficulty in constructing the sentences because of the lacks of vocabularies, especially in asking for and giving directions.

Meanwhile, English as a foreign language has become the major International language which is used by most of people who lived along in the advanced technology. Beside that we also need to be able to use technology as one aspect of visible in learning by developing technology as a learning media.

Slameto (2003) stated that there are three factors affecting the learning

outcomes; teaching method, media, and students’ motivation. Because the teachers only use textbook as the media, students have low motivation and interest in learning English, so they feel bored and their vocabulary is still poor. Their examination result is also poor. It can be seen from the data which is taken from SMK 2 YP Panca Jaya Galang. The score average is 65, where the score should be more than the standard of completeness criteria (KKM), which are 75. For example in learning asking for and giving directions topics, they did not reach the KKM.



The fundamental principle behind multimedia learning is best described by

Richard Mayer (2005), one of the leading researchers in this area: “People learn

better from words and pictures than from words alone.”

Based on the above condition, teacher who has more responsibility towards her students must take a solution to increase the result of the study. One of the efforts is should be more creative in choosing media in order students more enjoy with their study and will bring the effectiveness of learning English. Then build their interest and confidence in using English, especially in asking for and giving directions topic.

According to Firmansah (2013) Macromedia Flash is one of multimedia learning that used to present a material by using words and pictures computerized. There are two goals of macromedia flash as multimedia learning, namely to remember and to understand.

Based on the description above, Media is one of the important factors affecting in teaching learning process especially speaking. Therefore, the study of developing of macromedia flash in teaching speaking materials for students of business management program at vocational school should be carried on. It is considered can help the English teachers to teach effectively and learners to be more interested and motivated in learning English.

B. Research problem



C. Objective of the study

The objective of this study is to develop macromedia flash for teaching speaking materials for students of business management program at vocational school.

D. Scope of the study

This study deals with the development of macromedia flash for teaching speaking materials for students of business management program at vocational school. It is focused on asking for and giving direction material for the tenth grade students at SMK BM Sinar Husni Medan.

E. Significant of the study

Findings of this study are expected to be relevant and useful theoretically and practically. Theoretically, the findings of the study are expected to be useful for teaching speaking materials in asking for giving direction and can be reference for further studies.

Practically, the findings of this study will be useful for:

1. To the students – this study provides the macromedia flash which can be used to increase the student’s motivation and interest in learning English. Their vocabulary also increases. So, they can speak English especially in asking for and giving direction.

2. To the teachers – this study provides the macromedia flash which can be used as learning media in teaching speaking.





This chapter discusses about conclusion and suggestion on the basic of the result of research and discussion presented in the previous chapter.

A. Conclusion

Based on the research result, it concluded that:

1. Developing macromedia flash for teaching speaking materials for students of business management follows Research and Development (R & D) model by Gall, Borg and Gall’s (2003) which consist of a set of steps to develop new educational product. Then, the steps of macromedia flash development are modified in to four steps, they are: 1) evaluation and need analysis; 2) media design; 3) validation and revision; 4) final production.

2. The product of developing macromedia flash for teaching speaking with English material about asking for and giving direction for students of business management has validated by expert validation (material and media). For thetotal assessment by material expert is 89 (Good), and the total assessment by the media expert is 93 (Good). With the result that macromedia flash is good and eligible to use for teaching speaking for students of business management program at vocational school.



B. Suggestion

From the conclusion above, there are some suggestions that are proposed that probably can help for English teachers and further researchers:

1. Location of research. The location of research should have good facility such as computer laboratory; it would help the researcher in finishing the research. Then, in the computer has to have macromedia flash, it has function to make sure that the program is running well. In addition, this macromedia flash as a speaking learning media has validated by expert validation, English teacher is hoped used the media into teaching learning process.

2. Another researcher. The media consist of one material; asking for




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Table 3.2. Parameter of Validating Macromedia Flash ............................................
Figure 4.21.Implementation of Exercise 2 (after revision) .......................................


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