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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8106111029








A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora



Registration Number: 8106111029







Raikhapoor. 8106111029. Developing English Materials for STAKPN Students. A Thesis. English Apllied Linguistics Study Program. Post Graduate School. State University of Medan. 2015.

This present study focus on developing English materials for STAKPN students. The aim of this study is to develop English materials which are relevant to theology students needs of STAKPN. This study was conducted by applying the three phases of ADDIE instructional design model. They are including analyze the students needs by doing needs analysis, design the learning objectives and write the syllabus, and develop teaching learning materials. The data of this research are from students questionnaire, and conducted interviews to students, institution, alumni, and user. These questionnaire and interview are constructed based on target and learning needs framework. The result of this study shows that theology students need English materials appropriate to theological context. The new materials are developed to get the authentic materials which taken from The Old Testament and The New Testament. This learning materials consist of 13 chapters. The chapters follow the same format which is consist of three parts namely; a) pre reading, b) during reading, and c) post reading (vocabulary strategy, understanding the text and discussion). The purpose of pre- reading question is to activate the students’ prior knowledge related to text and to help the student in understanding about the reading topic. Students are introduced reading skill strategy such as: previewing article, scanning, understanding topic, previewing first sentences, understanding the main idea, understanding paragraph topics and main ideas, making prediction and skimming before they read the text. These reading skills will assist them to comprehend reading text. Furthermore, after reading each text, students are presented reading comprehension activity. The purpose of this activity is to check students’ reading comprehension. It is in the form of multiple choice, true/false, or sequencing. Then, vocabulary strategy can help students to determine the meaning of new word without using their dictionaries. They also can understand the general idea of a text without understanding every words in the text. In addition, all chapters have discussion activity in small groups or class discussion to help them to share information of text with another students. This activity will encourage students to express their opinions and ideas related to issues in the text.



First of all, the writer is very grateful to Jesus Christ who has given bleesing, strength

and patient so that this thesis could be finished. This is intended to fulfill a part of

requirements to get the degree of Master Humaniora at the English Applied Linguistics

Program, Post Graduate School State University of Medan.

The writer would like to express his special appreciation and thanks to his first adviser

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing, M.Pd and his second adviser Dr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed, TESP for

brilliant comments, suggestions and advice in writing this thesis.

The writer also would like to extend his greatest gratitude to Prof. Dr. Busmin

Gurning and Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S, the Head and Secretary of English Applied

linguistics Program, for their help regarding the administrative procedures. All the lecturers

who have shared their knowledge to him during his academic year. Furthermore, the writer

would also like to acknowledge Drs. R. Anakampun, M.Pd.K who gave the permission in

doing research and all of theology students as respondents of this study.

His thanks go to his family, beloved mother, mother-in law, father-in-law, brothers

and sisters, thank you for your prayer for me. At the end, the writer would like to express his

appreciation to his beloved wife Friska, his beloved son Immanuel and his beloved daughther

Margaret, thank you for your prayer, supports and advices.

Tarutung, January 2015



3.1 Research Design ... 38

3.2 The Source of Data... 40

3.3 Instrument for Collecting Data... 41

3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data ... 42


4.1 Data Analysis ... 43

4.1.1. The Analysis of Target Needs ... 43

4.1.2. The Analysis of Learning Needs ... 48

4.2 Materials Development ... 51

4.2.1. Design ... 51

4.2.2. Develop ... 52


5.1 Conclusions ... 53

5.2 Suggestions ... 53



Figure 1 ESP classification by experience ... 10

Figure 2 Categories of ESL/EFL Teaching and Learning ... 12

Figure 3 A Material Design Model ... 27

Figure 4 The Road Map of Developing English Materials for STAKPN

students... 37



Table 4.1. The Students’ Needs of Language Skill ... 45

Table 4.2. The Students’ Lacks of Language Skill ... 47

Table 4.3. The Students’ Preference of Teaching Materials Resource . 49



Appendix A Questionnaire ... 56

Appendix B Guiding Questions for Interviews ... 61

Appendix C The Tabulation of Respondents’ Answer on Questionnaires ... 63

Appendix D Interviews Transcript on Students ... 69

Appendix E Interviews Transcript on Instution ... 75

Appendix F Interviews Transcript on Alumni ... 77

Appendix G Interviews Transcript on User ... 81

Appendix H New Product of Materials Development ... 83




1.1 The Background of the Study

English is now the most popular language in globalization era. It has rapidly

spread in all sectors of human life, including education. Teaching English at

tertiary level has become a command of education constituting in Indonesia which

is set in government regulation. English is one of cumpolsory subjects should be

learnt by students which set in a curriculum. Not only students of English

department should learn English course, but also the students of non-English

departments including students of seminary college have to learn it.

The very basic reason for seminary students to learn English can be traced

back from the statement found in Holy Bible particularly in Matthew 28:19. It

states “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name

of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (New International Version

Bible). This is the great commission of christianity as the instruction of God to his

disciples that they should spread his teaching to all nations in the world. It has

become a doctrine in Christian theology emphasizing ministry, missionary work,

evangelism, and baptism. So, this mandate due to theology students who want to

spread God’s word all over the world. For instance, someone who wants to be

God’s servant in a country where English is one of official language, s/he should

master English in order to deliver God’s word through her/his ministry. This is

possible happen to graduation students from seminary who want to be God’s

servant abroad. Therefore, students of seminary should master English not only


In addition, students of seminary college who are taking English course are

expected to have English skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing relates

to their field study. They are hoped to be able to communicate in written and

spoken English namely; writing and delivering a preaching, reading reference

books especially theology books which are written in English as the source of

learning in order to develop their knowledge related to their major subjects. So, it

is important for seminary students to have ability in speaking, reading, and writing

since many biblical, theological, and ministry resources are in English.

Unfortunately, this expectation is hardly found on STAKPN students’

mastery of English. STAKPN stands for Sekolah Tinggi Agama Kristen Protestan

Negeri is one of education institution under the auspices of Ministry of Religious

Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. It has four majors including Theology,

Christian Religious Education, Christiant Pastoral Counseling and Church Music.

Based on researcher’s observation it is found that STAKPN students’ achievement

both performance and competence in English are not yet satisfactory even though

they have learned English in two semesters. Thus, the researcher would like to

conduct a study for STAKPN theology students to find out the cause of their


However, there are some aspects which are possibible to contribute to this

poor condition such as: irrelevant materials, teaching strategy and failure in

managing students’ motivation. English lecturer usually teach their students by

using available textbooks which is not suitable with students’ field study due to

learning materials shortage which are suitable with students’ needs and their field


students’ level language mastery. As Harsono (2007) states that there will never

be perfect teaching materials that can be use anywhere, anytime for the same level

of students. Indeed, this condition should not discourage the lecturer because s/he

can develop her/his own teaching learning materials for the students to gain the

learning objectives or to meet the students’ needs. So, developing teaching

learning materials for ESP is more needed because the limitation of ESP materials

in public. Materials selection, adaptation, or writing is an important area in ESP

teaching, representing a practical result of effective course development and

providing studnts with materias that will equip them with the knowledge they will

need in their future carrier. Another important criteria that should be considered

when selecting materials is the level of language knowledge students have already

acquired and the target level they will need to communicate successfully in their

jobs. Thus, the selection of ESP materials should depend on students’ needs in

relation to their future or present jobs. ESP materials should focus on the

appropriate topic including tasks and activities that practice the target skils area.

In other word, a lecturer can play his/her role as a material designer to design

materials as well as posible based on students’ needs.

In addition, there are some consideration that lecturer should considers some

considerations in designing ESP materials, such as: 1) lecturer should involve

students to determine materials, 2) lecturer should select materials based on

students’ need, interest and level of language mastery, 3) students should be

regarded as close partners of lecturer in designing materials. For these reasons, it

is necessary to conduct a study which is intended to design English materials for


1.2 The Problems of the Study

Related to background of study which has been mentioned previously, the

problems are formulated as follows:

1) What English material is suitable for theology students of STAKPN?

2) Why English materials should be developed for theology students of


1.3 The Objectives of the study

In line with the research problems, the objectives of this study are:

1) determining English material that appropriate for theology students of


2) developing English materials for theology students of STAKPN in order

to gain their needs.

1.4The Scope of the Study

STAKPN has four majors including Theology, Christian Religious

Education, Christiant Pastoral Counseling and Church Music. As outlined in the

objectives and research problems, the researcher focused on developing English

materials for theology students of STAKPN based on their needs that relevant to

their field study. More over, due to the limited time and crucial needs this study

was conducted for theology students only.

1.5The Significances of the Study

The findings of the study are expected to contribute significantly both


a. Theoretically these findings are helpful for;

1. English language lecturers who teach in seminary college, to widen

their horizon in case of needs analysis in desigining English materials.

2. Further researchers who are interested in ESP, to be referable in

conducting needs analysis research.

b. Practically these findings will be helpful for;

1. Curriculum designers, to enable them design a syllabus or curriculum

that fit to the needs of seminary students.

2. English language lecturers who teach in seminary college, to enable




5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result of the study a number of conclusions could be stated.

Those are:

1. The English material which is appropriate to STAKPN students is English

reading materials that related to theological context and their field study.

2. STAKPN students needed English reading materials because they wanted

to improve their ability in reading and master reading skill. By mastering

this skill will help them to read theological resources which are written in

English. So, their knowledge in theology field will be increased.

5.2 Suggestions

In order to accomodate the findings, the suggestion are given to the


1. English lecturers are suggested to develop English reading materials based

on students’ needs and their field study in theological context.

2. English lecturers are suggested to create their own materials to use in

teaching English course because it will be easier for students to learn them



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Figure 1
Table 4.1.


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