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Materialism Viewed From Phillipa Gregory’s Novel The Other Boleyn Girl


Academic year: 2016

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ANGGI BAHRY DAULAY Reg. No. 060705039







1.1. The Background of Analysis

1.2. The Problem of Analysis

1.3. The Objective of Analysis

1.4. The Scope of Analysis

1.5. The Significance of Analysis

1.6. The Method of Analysis

1.7. Review of Related Literature

CHAPTER II CLARIFICATION OF TERMS 2.1. The Description of Materialism

2.1.1. Marxism Materialism

2.2. Literature and Idea

2.2.1 Literature and Materialism


3.1 Theme

3.2 Character

3.3 Plot



4.1 The impact of materialism to Anne Boleyn’s personal


a. Family Pressure

b. Ambition

4.2 The impact of Anne Boleyn’s materialism to the other

major characters (George Boleyn)

a. Incest


5.2. Suggestion



Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

First of all, I would like to give my huge gratitude to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for

blessings and bequest in my whole life, especially during the process of analyzing and

finishing this thesis. Keep on trying and do not give up yet then God will let the way.

Second of all, I am grateful to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of Sumatera

Utara, Prof. Drs. Syaifuddin, M.A, Ph.D. My gratitude is also expressed to the lovely

kindly the Head and the Secretary of English Department for the easiness and

supports given to me during my study, I am really proud from the bottom of my heart

to be a student of this department.

Third of all, I would like to express my biggest gratitude to Dra. Swesana Mardia

Lubis, M. Hum and Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.S as my supervisor and

Co-Supervisor Respectively, I am so thankful for helps, countless guidance, easiness, and

contribution to my thesis.

Forth of all but seems like this is the hardest part to say thank you, for my parents

Alm. Syamsul Bahry Daulay and Ny. Sarmiati. Pa, I know you always watching me

there. Thank you for being a very great father in my life. You are the greatest father

that a son would have in this cruel world. Rest In Peace, I will be there someday and

we will be together again. Wait for me…(Ps: Mama misses you a lot). Ma, I’m sorry

for every single tear from your eyes, I am sorry for what I’ve done and haven’t done,

I’m sorry for I hate when I hear you say “sorry” to me (Ma, you never make a mistake

to me). I do hope you will recovery soon from your illness, and I hope my graduation

can be one of things that you can proud of from me. This is I dedicated for you Ma. I

love you more than I love myself and more than the life itself.

Fifth of all I would like to give my huge thankful to all my best fellows I have ever


Ozy, Deene Nasution, Adisty Aulia Maryam, Nayla Nurul Azmi, Dewi Syahputri,

Beibi Gie Enji, Big family of PCMI 2010 (maybe we are the worse part of the

scenario but we are the spotlight of the show) Go Fm 102,6 crews, Starnews Fm 102,6

crews and Hot 90 Fm crews. And for others I can not mention your name one by one

but you know who you are and you that I love you. Thank you for coloring my life

with so many colors.

Last but not least I would like to say thank you for haters and people who

underestimated me. You make me stronger and motivate me to increase my quality of

life. You make me stand on my own feet, you make me accept me as I am, you make

me dare to accept any kind of challenge and you make me as I am now, Gie Daulay.

Thank you very much!

August 2010

The Writer



Skripsi ini berjudul Materialism Viewed from Phillipa Gregory’s Novel The

Other Boleyn Girl. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai paham materialisme yang

dijumpai dalam novel The Other Boleyn Girl yang bersetting di awal abad ke enam belas.

Materialisme berawal dari ide yang dicetuskan oleh Karl Marx mengenai kapitalisme dan perbudakan. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu konsep materialisme ini berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan pemahaman manusia akan materi. Materialisme berkembang menjadi paham yang mengatas namakan kebahagaian yang hanya dapat diperoleh melalui materi. Baik oleh barang- barang mewah maupun status sosial. Dimana akhirnya paham ini seringkali membawa kesengsaraan bagi penganutnya. Skripsi ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) bab; bab I pendahuluan (introduction) membahas tentang latar belakang, batasan masalah, permasalahan, tujuan penulisan, metode penulisan, manfaat penulisan dan beberapa tinjauan pustaka. Bab II membahas tentang tinjauan pustaka dan teori-teori tentang literature, literature and

sociology, Marxism dan materialism. . Bab III membahas mengenai beberapa unsur

intrinsik dari novel The Other Boleyn Girl seperti theme, character, plot, dan setting. Bab IV berisikan hasil analisis mengenai materialisme yang ditemukan dalam novel

The Other Boleyn Girl. Bab V berisikan kesimpulan dan saran . Dari hasil analisis

yang dilakukan oleh penulis, penyebab materialisme ada 2 yaitu, Family Pressure dan

Ambition. Akibat dari materialisme yang dijumpai penulis adalah kematian dan Incest

yang juga berujung dengan kematian. Sementara hal lain yang juga ditemukan adalah

sense of human degradation seperti self centered, selfish, shameless, high temper dan

juga mendapatkan social judgement.

Skripsi ini menggunakan Metode Induktif. Dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan metode penilitian tinjauan pustaka (library research) dengan cara mengambil data-data didalam novel yang mendukung teori yang digunakan dalam skrispi ini. Sample yang diteliti adalah data-data yang ditemukan dalam novel The



Skripsi ini berjudul Materialism Viewed from Phillipa Gregory’s Novel The

Other Boleyn Girl. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai paham materialisme yang

dijumpai dalam novel The Other Boleyn Girl yang bersetting di awal abad ke enam belas.

Materialisme berawal dari ide yang dicetuskan oleh Karl Marx mengenai kapitalisme dan perbudakan. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu konsep materialisme ini berkembang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan pemahaman manusia akan materi. Materialisme berkembang menjadi paham yang mengatas namakan kebahagaian yang hanya dapat diperoleh melalui materi. Baik oleh barang- barang mewah maupun status sosial. Dimana akhirnya paham ini seringkali membawa kesengsaraan bagi penganutnya. Skripsi ini terdiri dari 5 (lima) bab; bab I pendahuluan (introduction) membahas tentang latar belakang, batasan masalah, permasalahan, tujuan penulisan, metode penulisan, manfaat penulisan dan beberapa tinjauan pustaka. Bab II membahas tentang tinjauan pustaka dan teori-teori tentang literature, literature and

sociology, Marxism dan materialism. . Bab III membahas mengenai beberapa unsur

intrinsik dari novel The Other Boleyn Girl seperti theme, character, plot, dan setting. Bab IV berisikan hasil analisis mengenai materialisme yang ditemukan dalam novel

The Other Boleyn Girl. Bab V berisikan kesimpulan dan saran . Dari hasil analisis

yang dilakukan oleh penulis, penyebab materialisme ada 2 yaitu, Family Pressure dan

Ambition. Akibat dari materialisme yang dijumpai penulis adalah kematian dan Incest

yang juga berujung dengan kematian. Sementara hal lain yang juga ditemukan adalah

sense of human degradation seperti self centered, selfish, shameless, high temper dan

juga mendapatkan social judgement.

Skripsi ini menggunakan Metode Induktif. Dalam mengumpulkan data penulis menggunakan metode penilitian tinjauan pustaka (library research) dengan cara mengambil data-data didalam novel yang mendukung teori yang digunakan dalam skrispi ini. Sample yang diteliti adalah data-data yang ditemukan dalam novel The




1.1 Background of the Analysis

Literature derives from the Latin “littera” (‘letter’) which primarily refers to

the written or printed words (Kasim, 2005:1). By this statement it can be stated that

whatever in printed belongs to literature, such as journal, application letter, medical

report, and etc. But actually this informative writing does not belongs to literature

because different kind of language use. It is said that, literature is the art of written

works. It can be stated that literature consist of beautiful words that written in a text.

For example Bear his mild yoke (John Milton). The word “yoke” has different

meaning. It’s not telling about tool which on cow shoulder but it symbolized sin.

Moreover Wellek and Warren (1964: 94) states “literature is said to be creative, an

art”. So it is clear that literature is more that words printed in paper, but it also has

beautiful art of writing.

Indeed that language and literature has a very close relationship between each

other. No language means any literature. As Capman (1982:2) state “If language is the

most advanced form of communication, literature may seen as special use of

language, and perhaps as the highest use to which language can be put”. It can be

concluded that language is the essence of literature, or in the other hand it can say that

language that builds literature

There are three genres of literary works; there are play, poetry, and prose.

Prose is a fictitious narrative kind of writing. In general, this is called novel. Poetry is


There have been three genres known up to the present time drama, poetry, and prose

(Kasim, 2005:11). They have much in common but different in expressing idea, style

and others.

Novel as a literary works gives information to readers about reflection reality

that existed in human’s life. As Taylor (1981:46) state, “a novel is a normally a quite

length of complexity which attempt to reflect and express something of the quality of

value of human experience”, it can be concluded that a novel is made by the author to

express their idea about something based on their experience or people’s experience

around them. Human experience in life may influence the whole life of human

including the way of life.

In this thesis the writer focuses on the novel The Other Boleyn Girl by

Philippa Gregory (at the analysis of this thesis will be shorted as TOBG to make an

easier understanding). This Novel is taken place in palace in Tudor England and tells

about how ambitious Anne Boleyn to have a higher social status by willing to be a

Queen of England. She pushes herself to get a higher class in society because of her

family. Her family is really eager to become one of the most powerful families in

England and they use Anne to fulfill their ambition. Even Anne tried to have a scandal

with her own brother George in order to have an heir to not losing her position as a

queen of England. This ambition brings sorrow not just for Anne which she had a

dead punishment, but also to England as a country because in order to get Anne king

Henry did everything includes political reconstruction which ended with political


The main idea that appears in this novel is materialism. According to

Dictionary of social science (2002:299) defines “materialism is the philosophical


everything is counted in term of material. In addition Damono (2003:27) said that

money is a magic power which control human and creates the essential social status. It

means that money is a creature of human which controls them and also their society.

The most well known person who is talking about materialism is Karl Marx

(1818-1883). He presented his approached as "the materialist conception of history".

Historical materialism looks for the causes of developments and changes in human

society in the means by which humans collectively produce the necessities of life.

Here are Karl Max’s historical materialism principles:

1. There is a division of labor into social classes (relations of production) based

on property ownership where some people live from the labor of others.

2. The system of class division is dependent on the mode of production.


By the principles above, Marx makes a classification in human life based on

economy. By this fact it can be concluded that to make a classification in human life,

material is used as measurable things. Although social class is an abstract things but

still how to measure someone’s social class is by looking up material things. In

addition, Miller (1984:144) state “More generally, what this means is that everything

in the universe –from subatomic particles, to tables, chairs, dogs, and cats, to

thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and ideas-everything is reducible to matter which it’s

motions and qualities , to physical states, to a position in space and time, to what can

be quantified “.

Because it is very interesting topic and people face this reality in daily life,

the writer feels that he should make further analysis about this idea, materialism.


parts in this novel that talks or slightly talks about materialism. Besides it successful

in novel, as an English department student, the writer can say that it is a must novel to

read because it will enrich the knowledge of English department student about the

History of United Kingdom. That’s why the writer interested in analyzing The Other

Boleyn Girl novel and entitled his thesis with “Materialism Viewed in The Phillipa

Gregory’s Novel The Other Boleyn Girl

1.2 Problems of the Analysis

According to the title of this analysis about materialism, there are two questions

appeared, they are:

1. What is the impact of materialism to Anne Boleyn’s personal life?

2. What is the impact of Anne Boleyn’s materialism to the other major character

(George Boleyn)?

1.3 The Objective of the Analysis

Dealing with the analysis of materialism in the Phillipa Gregory’s novel The

Other Boleyn Girl, the objectives of this analysis are:

1. To find out the impact of materialism to Anne Boleyn’s personal life.

2. To find out the impact of Anne Boleyn’s materialism to the other major

character (George Boleyn)

1.4 The Scope of the Analysis

This thesis should limit the field which going to be analyzed in order to focus


of the study and which can not. Therefore, this thesis focused on term materialism

found in novel The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory. There are major

characters in the novel that has strong relationship between each other due to

materialism. These major characters show to reader materialistic very clear especially

causes and impacts such as family pressure, ambition, and incest. The major

characters are Anne Boleyn and Anne’s brother George Boleyn

1.5 Significant of the Analysis

The analysis of this thesis expects some significant, they are:

1. Academically, the writer hopes that this analysis can be very useful for anyone

who interested in literature, so this analysis can enrich their knowledge about

literature especially historical literature.

2. Practically, the writer hopes that this analysis can be very useful for anyone

who interested in analyzing philosophy in the literary works especially

materialism. They may make this analysis as their review of related literature.

1.6 Method of The Analysis

Inductive method is used in the analysis of the thesis. Inductive method is

taking some specific data that found in the novel and relate it to the theory. As quoted

from Djajasudarma (1993: 13), inductive method is:

“Pengunaan kajian secara induktif, yakni data dikaji melalui proses yang

berlangsung dari fakta (data) ke toeri, dan tidak sebaliknya dari teori ke


To make it happened; the writer uses some steps in doing inductive method.

Firstly, the writer reads the entire novel which consists of 3__ pages to make the

writer has a clear understanding about the novel. Secondly, the writer tries to find out

some data that exist in the novel which considered as a specific data to support the

title of this thesis about materialism. Thirdly, the writer analyzed the collected data in

order to make a deeper understanding about materialism that found in the novel The

Other Boleyn Girl. Fourthly, the writer makes conclusions from the data that already


1.7 Review of related Literature

In doing this Analysis, the writer read some books which have a relation to the

analysis itself, such as:

Sociology by Papenoe (1986:229). This book tells about human sociology

from different period and the writer founds one chapter that talking about social class.

Papenoe noted that the term class typically refers to a group determined by the role it

plays in economic production in society. Occupation is a basic indicator of the

production group to which one belongs, income is a principal determinant of ones

consumption group.

Sociology by Papenoe (1986:444) also has a clear statement about Karl Marx

opinion about materialism which has a relationship to social class. Throughout

history, Marx says, fundamental class differences have been based on economic

position. In the middle age, for instance, the economy revolved around the feudal

manor, co the main classes were the lords, or landowners, and the serfs, or the


Social Stratification and Inequality: Class Conflict in Historical, Comparative,

and Global Perspective by Mc-Graw-Hill (1983:90) states that Marx believed that to

understand human societies the theorist must begin with the material conditions of

human subsistence, or the economics of producing the necessities of life.

Marx and Engels in Mc-Graw-Hill (1983:95) stated that the history of all

hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle. Free man and slave, patrician

and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor or

oppressed, stood in one constant opposition to one another, carried on an

uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in

revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the




2.1 Literature

Roberts and Jacobs (1993: 1) states that literature refers to compositions that

tell stories, dramatize situations, express emotions, analyze and advocate ideas. In the

other words, in a literary work contains many human’s experience which made in the

beautiful arrangement of words. Base on that, literature is not only entertaining

people but also leads human to learn some new ideas, situation, or emotional

expression as their knowledge and unconsciously reflected in daily life.

As general fact, literary works contain various aspects in human life such as

culture, social and moral lesson that readers may get and being knowledge from them.

In the other words, it may say that literature can make human be more human because

it is not rarely that after read a literary work, people could change their point of view

upon something.

Roberts and Jacobs (1995:3) distinguish the kinds of literature by stating that

literature may be classified into four categories: (1) prose fiction, (2) poetry, (3)

drama and (4) nonfiction prose. Usually the first three are classified as an imaginative

literature. The genres of imaginative literature have much in common, but they also

have their different characteristic. For instance, the distinguishing characteristics of

prose fiction or narrative fiction are depicted by myths, parables, romances, novels

and short stories.

Moreover, Peck and Coyle (1984:38) basically divide literature into three genres,


drama is the combination of dialogue and stage; and novel is a narrative kind of

fictitious writing.

Originally, fiction means anything crafted, made up, shaped up but recently

‘fiction’ refers to prose stories based on the author’s imagination. The element of

fiction is narration relating or recounting of well order arrangement of events or

actions. Works of fictions usually focus on one or a few major characters that undergo

a change of attitude of character as they interrelate with other characters and deal with

problems. In the other words, fiction, like all imaginative literatures may introduce

true historical details but not the real history. For instance, John Boyne’s The Boy in

The Striped Pajamas which describes holocaust in Nazi’s era when Jews distraction

occurred but the character ‘The Boy in The Striped Pajamas’ or in the novel he called

Shmuel did not exist. Its main purpose is to interest, to stimulate, to instruct and to

divert, not to create precise historical records.

Non fiction prose is one of literary genre that contains scientific data such as news

reports, feature articles, essays, editorials, textbooks, historical and biographical

works. This kind of works have many function, one of the function is as document of

events happened in a time. As Wellek and Warren (1997:1) stated, literature can be

treated as a document in the history of ideas and philosophy for literary history

parallels and reflects intellectual history. So it is clear that if someone wants to know

further about the history or the real condition in certain era, it is better to look at the

literary works in the period itself because a literary work is a directly reflection of

social structure, class struggle and others.

Moreover, major goals of nonfiction prose and imaginative are different. The aim


imaginative literature the aim is the truth to life and human nature, in nonfiction prose

the goal is truth to the factual world of news, science and history.

2.2 Literature and Sociology

Sociology derives from the Greek ‘Socius’ (society) and ‘logos’ (science)

which means the study of all aspects of human and their relation in community

(Ratha, 2003:1). Basically sociology is a field of knowledge which concern about

human act, human interaction to their social and to other human. Moreover, as stated

in Dictionary of Social Sciences (2002: 453), the term of society was first used by

Auguste Comte in 1830s to propose a synthetic science that would unite all

knowledge about human activity. So it can be concluded that through sociology we

can get a deeper understanding about human because we may figure out the way of

human adaptation to the nature, the sociological mechanism of human and other


In general, the object of Sociology is society. A society is a group of humans

or other organisms of a single species that is delineated by the bounds of cultural

identity, social solidarity, functional and others (http/www.wikipedia.com, accessed

on 13 July 2010). Members of society are may not come from one ethnic group or

races. A society may be a particular ethnic group, such as the Bataknese or Javanese;

a nation state, such an Indonesia; a broader cultural group, such as a Eastern society;

or even a social organism such as an ant colony. It can be concluded that there can be

a classification in society because it’s a human being to find out the most convenient

to them where they might think they belongs to. The sense of belonging, the feeling of

one big family based on tribes, nationality, and other things leads a classification in

society. Then the classification in the society is naturally arranged by the society


It is always happened where people try to find out the connection between

literature and society. A lot of scientists try to explain this connection through

researches and their own thinking idea. Karl Marx and Fredrick Engel’s in 1848

published their theory about critical analysis of capitalism and a theory of social of

change called Marxism. In one of the theory called “Historical Materialism”, a

fundamental underlying reality of human existence: that in order for human beings to

survive and continue existence from generation to generation, it is necessary for them

to produce and reproduce the material requirements of life

(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marxism, accessed on 4 April, 2010). It is a

methodological approach to the study of society, economics, and history. . It seems

obvious it was Marx’s view as the foundation to the understanding of human society

and historical development.

2.3 Marxism

Definition of Marxism is an economic and social idea based on the theory of

political economic and economic by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. In the other

word, it is a socialism by which the most dominant element is public possession on

the subject of production, distribution and also exchange. In this theory explained

about the real position of proletariat in general system of capitalism.

According to the idea, capitalism is an idea that exploitation of the working

class (proletariat) by the owners of capital (such as factories, machinery, and working

capital) whose profits come from the distinction among the income of labor and the

value of the product. In the time, the classical economic before Marx, prevailed in

England as the most capitalist country. As the matter of fact, Adam Smith and David

Ricardo, by their investigation their investigations of the economic system, laid the


provided a proof of the theory and developed it over and over again. He found that the

value of every commodity is determined by the quantity of socially essential labor

time spent on its production.

According to Marx in www.Marxist.com, a class is defined by the relations of

its members to the means of production. He clearly proclaimed that history is the chronology of class struggles, wars, and uprisings. Under capitalism, the workers,

have to support their families are paid a bare minimum wage or salary. In the process of it, the worker are alienated because they have no control over the labor or product which they produces. The capitalists sell the products produced by the workers at a

proportional value as related to the labor involved. Surplus value is the difference between what the worker is paid and the price for which the product is sold.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, break up the idealist dialectics of George

Hegelupside down, appear with the new theory called dialectical materialism and a

materialist account of the course of history known as historical materialism. For

Marx, the base material of the world is social relations (and mainly class relations,

e.g., between serfs and lord, or today, between employees and employer). As an

expression of these basic social relations, all other ideologies form, includes those of

science, economics, law, morality, etc.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels brought the term refers to a theoretical

perspective that holds the satisfaction of everyday economic needs is the primary

reality in every period of history. Contrasted to the German idealist philosophy,

materialism takes the position that society and reality originate from a set of simple

economic acts which human beings carry out in order to provide the material


that before anything else, human beings must produce their everyday economic needs

through their physical labor and practical productive activity. This single economic

act, Marx believed, gives rise to a system of social relations which include political,

legal and religious structures of society.

In his period, Karl Marx was not popular in his lifetime and his writings

remained practically unfamiliar to the greater part of his contemporaries. Much of his

previous works were deeply affected by Hegel, who believed that a man existence

was centered in his capacity for certain reason and then the ideas are the moving force

of behind cultural evolution, spurring us on to build our reality.

Nevertheless, after 1844, Marx turned away from such notions and towards

ideas similar to Fuhrboch, who said that man made his own reality and that the way

they are shapes their reason. Marx said that thinking follows behavior and brought a

materialist view. Marx sought to produce an overview of human history in these terms

and to explain why history took the course it did. History is marked by the growth of

human productive capacity and the forms that history produced for each separate

society is a function of what was needed to maximize productive capacity.

2.4 Materialism

As it stated in Dictionary of social science (2002: 299), materialism is a

philosophical position that states everything is material, or a state of matter. It means

that it is a philosophy of that holds the only thing exists is matter of material; that all

things are composed of material and all phenomena (including consciousness) are the


Some philosophers tried to explain materialism through science since 19th

century since philosophical materialism was developed. A German philosopher,

George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, found a new scientific philosophy called dialectical

materialism. The reality of Hegel’ belief was about spirituality and nature as the

product consumption. In the other words, Hegel required spiritual happiness as the

most important in life.

At the time, the young Karl Marx adored this idea of Hegel and believed that

Hegel had discovered something essential. He especially admires Hegel’s dialectical

account of human history into materialism by adapted Hegel’s idea by arguing that

economic forces were basic to all social phenomena. According to Marx, production

and distribution of life’s necessity should be equal to people, so there is no gap among

society. He proclaimed equality is the most important thing in society to live better

side by side. When Hegel focused on spiritual happiness and Karl Marx developed the

idea of materialism more into economic purpose.

Every individual has to work really hard to fulfill their needs and get better

living within life. It is nature of human being to do it, which is why human often

called as an economic creature. The goal of economic efforts is the pleasure of human

needs. Everyone requires at minimum of food, clothing and housing as the basic needs

of human to survive. Those life’s necessities should be had by all people. The

production of life’s necessities should be enough to all people and the distribution of

it should be spread averagely in order to get better living and equality. That is the

most important thing that Karl Marx tried to emphasize.

By the time is changing and so the human’s needs. In the beginning, they just

need food, clothes and shelter from the weathers to survive. But by the growth of


variation of food, brand new vehicles to ride, or most fashionable clothes to wear.

And to have those things, human need to have a lot of money to buy that. Based on

those matters, many people try to get better life to fulfill their needs.

The position of material in the first place as the life’s essential needs to

survive of human change into prestige of the human himself. Material is no longer

interpreted as the life’s necessities but it changes into money as the exchange devices

nowadays. But as the matter of face, recently becomes the symbol of success and

happiness. This changing process certainly brings a lot of alteration to the human

nature. Material which at the beginning is considered as the life necessities turns into

human obsession to reach the happiness.

Modern people started to think money has such a powerful function. With

money people do not only get anything they want but also they can also do everything

they want to do. Even money involves a human status. Money is a magic power

which control human and creates the essential social status (Ratha, 2003:27). It means




3.1 Theme

Theme is the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary

work. Theme commonly discussed by the reader since it is the most confusing and

famous term between the other literary elements and can be interpreted differently by

each reader. Apparently, The Other Boleyn Girl is a story about family devotion. In

the matter of fact, the main theme of the novel develops a much larger by including

love story and family ambition. There are some major themes of the novel but the

most interesting themes of it are materialism and pursuit of higher social classes as the

symbols of success and happiness.

Gregory portrays the life of 16th-century in England where social classes still

lead the role of human classification. This era decayed social and moral values,

evidenced in its overarching greed, arrogant, empty pursuit of pleasure and even

ignore to other human. This fact makes human turns into beast which can do anything

in order to pursuit their needs, their greediness and their irrational ambition of higher

social classes. Not only in low class society but it is also happened in court in

England. Where Anne Boleyn tried to win King Henry’ heart in case to fulfill her

ambition, becoming queen of England.

When the Tudor period began in 16th-century, about a third of the population

lived in poverty with the wealthy expected to give alms to assist the impotent poor.

Tudor law was harsh on the able bodied poor i.e, those unable to find work. The tables


would stand while they ate. Those who left their parishes in order to locate work were

termed vagabonds and could be subjected to punishments including whipping.

Various inflationary pressures, perhaps due to influx of New World gold and rising

population, set the stage for social upheaval with the gap between the rich and poor

widening. This was a period of significant change for the majority of the rural

population, with manorial lords beginning the process of enclosure.

Gregory positions the characters of The Other Boleyn Girl as reflection of true

events on these social trends. Anne Boleyn and Mary Boleyn, sisters who their family

works in court tried to get a higher position in order to make their family’s material

condition better than before. The gap of rich people and poor people motivated them

to get their ambition. By seeing that they are not come from a very poor family,

greediness of having higher social classes absolutely in charge.

As Gregory saw it, although the Tudor court was glamorous there was deep

poverty and that was a normal way of life. In the 16th-century depicted in the novel,

however, fancy clothes and well mannered people do not guarantee that they are

satisfied with what they have. Still there is an ambition to have more than what they

already have in their life. It is a human being to gain more and more, materialism and

greediness do take a role.

3.2 Character

According to Roberts and Jacobs (1995:51), character is a reasonable facsimile

of human being, with all the good and bad traits of being human. Generally, a story is

concerned as a major problem that a character must be face. It may influence with


force action. The characters of Fitzgerald novel The Other Boleyn Girl are really

interesting, they are:

 Mary Boleyn: The novel narrator, Mary an innocent young girl who wants the

best for her family. In her early age of thirteen after married, she asked to take

care of King Henry after the accident that Anne caused. Honest and keep telling

what he like and dislike, especially when the first time she rejected an offered to

become King’s Mistress. This lovable and faithful wife has no choice after her

family pushed her to do what they want. At the end of the time she no longer

pretend to love the King, but she already fell in love with him. Although she

loves her family especially Anne and George, she can be very powerful to say

no when Anne asked George to have sex. Mary is also portrayed as a loving and

devoted mother to her and Anne’s children. The Other Boleyn Girl is told

entirely through Mary’s eyes; her thoughts and perceptions shape and color the


 Anne Boleyn: Howard-Boleyn eldest child. This ambitious girl already shown it

when the fir time King Henry came to their house. Anne being more intelligent

is a statement that often comes from Anne's own mouth or that of the girls'

Uncle Howard. Anne is more aware of worldly affairs. She reads intellectual

discourses that are popular for her time, and so she appears to be more

intelligent. She is also more cunning than Mary. Anne is always scheming for

her own benefit. Once she is trained on a specific goal, she will do anything to

attain it. She is a materialistic girl especially due to social status. Mary and Anne

both described as beautiful and sensual, but Anne is often described as more


 George Boleyn: the most heartbreaking character of the family. He is tragically

out of place in the world. He is a fantastic courtier, knowing how to manipulate

the king without appearing to do so. He quickly and elegantly gets his sisters out

of trouble when they say or do the wrong things that might displease the king.

George is his sisters' champion. For his part, George is married to one of the

least attractive women in this story, Jane Parker. George is more attracted to

men than to woman, which is a very serious crime in the sixteenth century. He

falls in love with Francis Weston, knowing full well that should this be found

out he will be imprisoned or executed. In the end, it is suggested that George

gave in to Anne's request that he father a child with her in order to save her

crown. Anne hoped that George would give her a son to claim as the king's.

George is thus beheaded, with Anne, at the climax of the novel.

 King Henry: In the beginning, though Henry flirts and takes to bed other women

in the court, he appears to be devoted to his wife, Queen Katherine. This instills

a sense of loyalty (though it is tainted) and a deep capacity to love. However, as

the novel progresses, Henry's weaknesses begin to develop. He is "besot" by

Anne, as she tantalizes him, then refuses to have sex with him, and continually

teases him until he declares he has nearly gone crazy over her. She leads him,

like a small puppy, to where she wants him to go. Anne manipulates Henry so

successfully that most of England turns against the court. But through Anne's

advice, Henry learns how much power he has. He can defy the pope. He can

make laws to his liking. He can get rid of his wife—any wife he no longer

wants. Henry becomes more tyrannical as he ages. As he physically declines


matured into his manhood. He is childlike in his wants, and his needs must be

constantly catered to.

 Sir Thomas Boleyn: Anne, Mary, and George's father. This old man actually a

very responsible father. As a leader of his family, he tries to do anything to

fulfill their needs. Until he makes a wrong decision by following his brother in

law’s suggestion to make Anne as King Henry’s mistress. Later on this novel he

becomes very eager to make his “Boleyn” family as King Henry relatives. And

that lead him to see the destruction of his own family.

 Elizabeth Howard Boleyn: Sir Thomas's wife, mother of Anne, Mary and

George Boleyn. She basically never agrees with his brother idea about Anne and

King Henry. Her feeling as a mother knows that it will end with tragedy. But

because in this period women are powerless and so does she.

 Thomas Howard: Head of Howard-Boleyn family, one of the more important

men in England. He is the actor behind everything. He arranged Anne and

Henry, Marry and Henry relationship. Even at the end of the story he tries to

arranged relationship between King Henry and Jane Seymour in order to have

his position in court. This man is very greedy and selfish.

 Queen Katherine of Aragon—Henry's first wife of Spanish origins. Daughter of

Queen Isabella of Spain. This woman loves King Henry very much. She tries

and tries to having a heir to the court. She never suspicious about other people, it

shown when she welcoming the Boleyn sisters very well at the court. Until at

the end of the story, she still treat herself as truly Queen of England although


 Jane Parker: George Boleyn's wife through arranged marriage. She is forever

spying on the Boleyns and has the most obnoxious sense of sociability. She is

the one who tells King about Anne and George scandal in incest.

 William Stafford: An independent man who teaches Mary to think for herself.

William's love has no other motivation than to find and to give happiness.

 Henry Percy: Friend of Anne and George. He is accused and beheaded for

adultery with Anne.

 Jane Seymour: Young girl of the Seymour family who wins the king's fancy

after Anne cannot conceive a son.

 Francis Weston—courtier with whom George Boleyn has a homosexual affair.

3.3 Plot

Plot is often defined as a narrative of motivated actions, involve some conflicts

which are finally solved in the end of the story. It is based on the interactions of

causes and effects as the author put sequentially or chronologically. In the novel The

Other Boleyn Girl, Sir Thomas and Lady Elizabeth Boleyn arrange for the marriage of

their sweet-natured daughter Mary to local merchant William Carey. Finding a

husband for Mary's elder sister Anne will be more problematic. Lady Elizabeth's

brother Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, aware that King Henry VIII is tiring of his

wife Katherine of Aragon who has failed to give him an heir, plans to make Anne the

king's mistress.

Henry is invited to the Boleyn estate. Anne is really happy because as the

eldest sister she should marry first than her sister. Actually Anne has other willing

beside love and found a husband, she just as greedy as her family in order to raise


Mary nurses him back to health. While being taking care, King Henry and Mary have

some conversation which ended with sympathy from King Henry to Marry. Smitten

with her, he orders her and her family to attend him at court, although he already

knew that Marry is somebody’s wife.

Mary tries to say no for million of times but her family insist her to do what

King orders. King Henry offers a high position in court for her family and also high

position for her husband. While Mary turns back and asked a support from her

husband, he can not do anything because it’ a King order and the position which

offered is very demanding.

Henry makes Mary his mistress, pacifying her husband and her brother George

with titles. Anne secretly marries Henry Percy, heir to the Duke of Northumberland,

upsetting his father's dynastic plans. Anne thoughts that nobody knew her marriage

then she tell it to Mary. Shockingly Marry become so angry with this secret marriage.

Without Anne permission she tells everything to her father and uncle. Knowing that

her secret already revealed, Anne becomes so furious to Mary. She fell backstabbed

and betrayed. The marriage is annulled and Anne banished in disgrace to France.

Before leaving to France her mother asked Anne to teach herself at the French court

and come back by becoming someone new.

Mary becomes pregnant; fearful of injuring the unborn child, the king shuns

her bed. Norfolk, worried that the king's affections may stray, summons Anne back

from France to beguile him. Anne keeps her promise to her mom, she come back with

the whole new personality. She becomes more mature, wise and the most important

thing is mysterious and sexy. She knows how to attract men even that man is a king.


She succeeds, alienating King Henry from Mary. Even when Mary birthing a

son for him, he no longer cares. Mary is so upset with Anne, but for Anne it’s all

worth it. She still can not forgive Marry for what she did about her marriage to Henry

Percy. Not only Mary, Anne’s father and uncle also worried about what Anne’s did o

Mary. They are too scared that Anne will ruin their plan.

Anne really knows how to handle Henry, she shrewdly withholds sex until he

will divorce Katherine and marry her. All that Anne did just make Henry crazier about

her. That’s why it not a surprise when Henry agrees, prompting a schism with the

Church of Rome. Mary gives birth to a boy, but Henry drops her at Anne's insistence.

Now queen, Anne bears Henry a daughter, Elizabeth. Still obsessed with

fathering a legitimate male heir, Henry begins paying attention to Jane Seymour.

Anne becomes pregnant again but miscarries. In desperation, she asks her brother

George to have sex with her. George's wife lane Parker finds out about this demand

and reports it to the king. George and Anne are executed. Mary takes Anne's daughter

Elizabeth and brings her up far from court.

3.4 Setting

The setting of Gregory's novel, The Other Boleyn Girl, is sixteenth-century

England, beginning in 1521, with the reunion of the Boleyn sisters in King Henry the

VIII's court and ending in 1536 with the beheading of Anne Boleyn.

This was a tumultuous time in British history. Henry VIII came to power at the

beginning of this century in 1509. Four years later, Earl of Surrey, Thomas Howard

(of the powerful Howard-Boleyn family in this novel) defeated the Scots who

attempted to invade Britain. In 1517, Martin Luther launched the Protestant


move to claim that he, not the pope, was the head of the church in England. In 1533,

when Henry marries Anne Boleyn, he is excommunicated from the Catholic Church.

On other political fronts, Queen Katherine, Henry's first wife, lost favor not

only because she did not bear a son for Henry but also because her nephew, Charles,

who became Emperor Charles V of Spain, turned against King Henry by not

supporting British forces in Henry's bid to take over France. Henry wanted to be king

of both England and France and was led to believe that Charles would help him in this

move. However, as it turned out, Charles was interested in expanding his own power.

He captured the northern portion of France and Italy instead and claimed himself


There had never been a female monarch at this time in England, for instance.

Women were taught they were inferior to men and in some cases, women were

considered the instruments of the devil. From an early age, women were taught to

obey their parents without question. This belief was carried into marriage, where

women would do the same with their husbands. It was rare that a woman received an

education. Jane Seymour, whom King Henry married after Anne Boleyn, could barely

read, though Anne Boleyn was highly educated. In terms of marriage, it was rare that

a woman of noble birth would choose her own husband. Marriages in the nobility

were based on political or economic gain for the woman's family. Royal marriages

were largely arranged for political and military power. Often kings and queens did not

see one another until their wedding day. Because of the lower ranking of women, a

male heir was the only assurance of passing titles and family wealth from one




4.1 The Impact of Materialism to Anne Boleyn Personal Life a. Family Pressure

Family is a smallest part of the society. In a family there is a social connection

between father, mother, children and other family’s member. This is the very first

place where human grow and having a character development. This is why, family

taking a very big role and very important part in human’s life. People’s behavior and

attitude is shaped in his family such as they way they talk, think, act and react.

Children often imitate their family’s member behaviors, even there is a terms which

says that someone’s behavior is a reflection of his family.

As a part of society, the goal of family is making its member as a good

member of society. To make it real, family usually teach their children how to be a

good member of society by choosing the best school, the best environment, and the

best method of growing children due to character shaping. This responsibility and

society pressure sometimes brings devastation to a family. Parents always afraid that

their children could not be as what they hope and get a bad label from society. Social

judgment that one family is failed in raising their children is always become a

nightmare to a parents. And the achievement of having good children is getting a

respect from a society which parents always dream of. This condition leads parents

start to give a pressure to their children.

Family pressure could happen for reasons but mostly it leads by social

judgment. Parents always care with social label to their family. Instead of increasing


they want. Family starts being selfish by not concerning what their children want, but

turn into what family wants. Family often uses their children devotion as a weapon to

press their children and to fulfill their own goals.

In Gregory’s The Other Boleyn Gil, it portrays the life of England in the

beginning of the 16th century. In this period happened the classification of human

based on economical thing or material thing. Such as slave and landowner, ordinary

people and duke with his duchess etc. This is why so many people struggle to increase

their family status or their social status by such things. For example is by arranging a

marriage with someone who has a higher social class. In this terms mostly family or

parents do take a role to make it happened. They are considering their children as tolls

to fulfill their ego, having a higher social class without being alarmed what their

children exactly want. While as children, they can not do anything, they are too afraid

to rebel and get such punishment from their family. Bu the main reason is because of

their devotion to their family.

Family devotion is demonstrated in the way that the three Boleyn siblings do

whatever their parents ask of them. They sacrifice their personal desires for the good

of the family. They are siblings who are tied together through a combination of social

and familial pressures and expectations. While they can no do anything, their family

becomes crazy in making their own obsession come true.

In the very beginning, family pressure is not straightly happened to Anne, for

the very first time they push it to Mary because the King desires her

“if the king has her, and she conceives his bastard, then we

have much to play for” (TOBG p, 28)

This is where anything started. Their uncle Howard already gave a command


have much to play for” shows clearly that he represents his Boleyn-Howard family

wants to have more power if they have the King. In this very beginning part

Howard-Boleyn family already shows who they really are, material chaser. They can do

anything to fulfill their goals even though its sacrifice their own child desire. But still

it is hard for Mary to do it because she already married with William Carey.

“I can’t do it,” I said out loud

“Sir, I am sorry, but I love the queen. She is a great lady and I can’t betray her. I promise before God o cleave only to my husband, and surely I shouldn’t betray him? I know the king is the king; but you can’t want me to?Surely?Sir, I can’t do it.” (TOBG p,29)

From the statement above, although Mary tries to rebel but we can see that she

shout it up with very polite words. It really clears that children have no rights to rebel

their family even Mary is too afraid to rebel her family’s big plan. Gregory keeps

showing what really happened in 16th century where children have no rights to say

what they want. Children are just member of a family. Family’s point of view to their

children is they just a kid and they don’t know what they are saying. Although Mary

tries to express her objection to what her family plan but sure it is useless.

“What am I supposed to do with this delicate conscience?”

he asked the air above the table. (TOBG p,29)

Her uncle Howard makes it straight that any kind of rebel is not acceptable.

Even he thinks that this is just a “delicate” rebel, means that it has no power to rebel

him. Because the one who rebelling him is as a children in family and as an uncle he

is the one who have more power than them who control everything and can not be


Uncle Howard is very appropriate character which shows family pressure

really clear. He thinks that his thought is the best for the rest of the family. He is a

type of a man that can easily press someone who hasn’t much power as he has in

order to get what he wants. I this case, children is the one who hasn’t power as much

as he has. Children have no rights to say what they want let alone rebel what their

family asked them to do.

Everything seems like made each other. The family pressure is always win not

just because the pressure it self, but also the devotion from children to their family.

Gregory tries to emphasize the devotion of the children through the conversation

between Mary and Anne.

“D’you know better than you mother?” Anne asked bluntly “Of course not!”

“Better than you father?Your uncle?” I shook my head

“They are planning a good future for you,” Anne said solemnly. (TOBG p,32)

These sisters have the same mindset that the family knows what’s better for

them. As a good sister, Anne tries to warn her sister what a child should do. And as a

good child Marry agrees with her. Marry too afraid to rebel her family although she

knew that it is all wrong. Moreover there is a faith in her mind that parents or family

knows what best for her. It is not her who decided her future but her family does. Her

family uses this kind of faith and trustiness to more press her. Even they don’t want to

see any kind of failure during the process of making their own obsession comes true.

In the process of getting the king Mary did something wrong and make her

family becomes angry with her. Again in this position Mary as a children already

turns into tools to make their obsession comes true. They do not assume that Mary is a

human who can make mistakes. They assume that Marry is a tool to fulfilling their


“You had him in your hand and you lost him. What did you do wrong?” (TOBG p, 57)

“You must have done something. At the jousting he had your kerchief under his breastplate. You must have done something to upset him after that.” (TOBG p, 57)

“For God’s sake.” Uncle Howard glared at my mother. “You assured me that she had been properly brought up. Half her life spent in the French court and she whines at him as if she were a shepherd girl behind a haystack?” (TOBG p, 57)

Uncle Howard becomes very angry with Mary when she did something wrong.

It is all because he is too afraid that his obsession of getting material and power would

be failed. His obsession and family obsession already control him. So every single

mistake is not acceptable. He can not think more clear to solve the problem; moreover

there is a chance that his plan would be failed.

“Don’t you think there are Seymour girls dancing for him at

this very moment?” (TOBG p,58)

This is why he becomes very furious and out of control. Once he saw a chance

to become a very powerful and have a lot of material because the king desires Mary.

Now it’s like that chance will come to an end and he is not ready yet to give up on

everything while the process of getting his ambition already begin. That is the source

of family pressure, obsession about something that leads with using other family

member as tools to fulfill it.

Actually at this time Anne already shows that she is actually can do what her

family asked Mary to do. She thinks that she can do it better than Mary. And as an

eldest sister it is supposed to be her that given a task which very challenging and have

a great impact toward her family. Anne already jealous with her sister and starts to


Anne gleamed her spiteful little smile “---All she has to do when she returns is to behave so well that she enchants the most educated, the most witty, the most handsome prince in Christendom. D’you think she can do it?” (TOBG p,58)

From the quotation above Anne tries to give a solution how to win king’s

heart. At the beginning of the quotation she act like a good sister who giving advice

for the sake of the family. But she ended her statement with a question which shows

that she hesitates on Mary’s ability. By asking “D’you think she can do it?” Anne tries

to emphasize that Mary is no longer the right person to do that task. In addition, Anne

already give the solution in the beginning of the quotation, it shows that Anne tries to

say that she is the right one to do that ask. She is the one who give solution for the

problem to be solved, so why other person should in charge, why not her?

Anne’s effort to ensure her family works. She really knows how to behave and

ensure other people about her ability. Furthermore, it is her family that needs to

believe on her. She already knew how her family is look a like, and she knows how to

handle it in case to make them believe on her.

Uncle Howard’s attention had moved from me and my future as the brood mare for the family. Instead he was looking at Anne as if he had seen her for he first time. “Not many maids on your age think as clearly as you.”

She smiled at him. “I am a Howard like you” (TOBG p, 59)

From the quotation above it is very clear that her uncle already impressed

with Anne’s suggestion. Once a gain, this is her family who needs to be ensure and

she knows how to do it. By saying “I am a Howard like you” Anne tries to win her

uncle’s heart and tries to make her uncle count on her. If she is a Howard just like

him, she may have the same thought with her uncle. Moreover it would not too hard


“Uncle likes her best,” I said resentfully

“He likes nobody. But he wonders how far she might go.”

(TOBG p, 234)

It is very clear that family obsession can turn someone into stone hearted beast

which presses other member of family in order to fulfill his needs. He is no longer

assuming that the other member of a family is a human, he assuming that they are a

tool to fulfill his obsession. We can see that very clear when Uncle Howard turns into

Anne to get the king. It is all because he saw Anne as more useful tool than Mary. He

saw Anne as a very bright way to lead him to get his obsession. And he would not let

it go; he is too smart and too blind to not use Anne in this big challenging task of the

family. This is where family obsession turns into her and Anne is more than ready to

do it.

b. Ambition

Human needs have functioned to help the human survive and live. This is the

very basic understanding of human needs. But by the time is changing and so are the

human needs. In the beginning, they just need food, clothes and shelter from the

weathers but by the development of human civilization, they need a lot of needs for

their life such as variety flavor of food, lavish house, sophisticated vehicles to ride, or

most fashionable clothes to wear. These needs also can give them prestige as a person,

and hoping to get more respect from the society. And to get those things human need

to have a lot of money to buy them. Based on those matters, many people try hard to

get better life to fulfill their needs.

Human thinks that material can give them a lot of satisfaction. They can get

popularity, achievement, prosperity and respect from other human with material


get the happiness and success, some people choose the wrong way against the moral

values. It becomes no matter right or wrong as long as they get their purpose, in this

occasion, material success. And this is why human turns into a very ambition creature.

Ambition is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation

and determination necessary to help give direction to life. Ambitious people seek to

be the best at what they choose to do for attainment, power, or superiority

(http/www.wikipedia.com, accessed on 1 August 2010). It can be concluded that

people who have ambition on their mind or who already controlled by their own

ambition can do anything to make their ambition become real. They become

self-centered person who doesn’t care about other people’s life. As long as they get what

they really want to get, although it brings devastation to other people, they are

blinding themselves. The goal of this ambition is a very pure of pride and self


In The Other Boleyn Girl, Gregory depicts what can bring satisfaction in

human’s life. In the early life of 16th century in England, human classification is truly

happened. There was a kind of stratification based on material which appeared social

classes to distinguish a person from high social class to low social class person. These

differences off course brings unbalance is that period of social life. As a human being

that always tries to find out the best way of living, material is a really a matter of a

measures. People try so hard to gain more and more material in order to taking part in

being a high social class people. This kind of desire mostly leads them into a very

deep ambition to make it comes true.

Anne Boleyn is the very perfect example of self ambition. She is really eager

to have the king as her husband in order to become the queen of England.


Anne Boleyn already blind with her own ambition to become the queen of

England. She is just like a selfish self centered fox, which will do anything to get what

on her mind. She doesn’t care about other feeling, even though it is her own sister

feeling. Although for the first time the King already desires Mary, Anne tries to pull it

back to her. Her ambition leads her to cruelty.

“I was born to be your rival,” she said simply (TOBG p, 196)

The quotation above is just like a very out loud speaks which stated that Anne

is ready to bit her own sister. She is not ready to be defeated by her own sister Mary.

This is one of the symptoms that someone already mastered by ambition. A person

would not let anyone bit him in processes to get what he wants; even it is his own

family. Anne already shouts an open invitation with her sister to fight to win king’s

heart. And surely this championship brings Anne to become more eager to get her

ambition. It is natural where people get more exited when there is a competitor. Anne

positioned Mary as her competitor and the goal is Anne should be the winner.

And Anne is not stupid, she armed herself with such good things to increase

her quality as a women. Here Gregory tries to say that there are some good things

from being ambitious. In Anne’s case for example, to get what she wants she

completed herself with good things to make it easier to her to fulfill her ambition.

People tend to armed themselves when they are going to go to a battle field. It

is all about preparation. Mostly losers become a loser because they are lack of

preparation. Skill is taking a part, but without a preparation it will just taken apart.

When people are full of preparation, then they are ready to compete. And Anne

Boleyn is more than ready to compete with her sister Mary.


Anne is smart girl though. She knows what is she doing, and she knows how

to get what she wants. She knows how to make her family believe on her, and she

really knows how to make other people attracted on her. This is all because Anne is

really confidence with herself. Moreover her ambition pushes her to be very

confidence which in some people point of view this is called pride.

“Why should I not do that?” I demanded passionately.” What makes you think that you could hold him and I could not?”

Anne looked at me with her perfectly beautiful face as lovely as if it carved from ice. “Because the woman who manages him will be one who never stops fro a moment remembering that she is there for strategy. You are all ready for pleasures for bed and board. But the woman who manages Henry will know that her pleasure must be in managing his thoughts, every minutes of the day. It would not marriage of sensual lust at all, though Henry would think that was what he was getting. It would be affair of unending skill.” (TOBG p, 53-54)

From the quotation above it can get a clear understanding that Anne purpose to

marry with Henry is not because she loves her. It is all because Henry is a king, and

Anne thinks that if she marries with Henry she might control his thoughts as well as

the future of England. Although she knows that it is so hard to winning the king and

becoming the queen of England. Moreover because her aim is just for power and no

love, she already prepared herself for no joy during the marriage with the. It is all just

about obsession, power and how to make it comes true.

Anne paused before opening he door. “You don’t marry a

king for joy.” (TOBG p, 199)

Anne already desires Henry since the beginning of The Other Boleyn Girl


more interesting. But still it shown and still from the very beginning Anne’s purpose

is not love, but power to control and manage the king. In this very beginning of the

novel Anne still tries to represents her family to get her ambition. It means that she

tried to say that it is not hers but family’s ambition.

“I’m surprised you don’t try for him yourself.”

“I thought of it,” she said honestly.” Any woman in England today would be bound to think of it.”

“What matters is that one of us catching the king. It hardly matters which one. If his taste is for Mary and she has his acknowledgement son then my family becomes the first in the kingdom. Without rival. And we can do it. We can manage the king.” (TOBG p, 59)

For some people being labeled with ambitious person is not a good thing. But for

Anne, she no longer cares. She already deaf, blind, and stone hearted because of her

ambition. Ambition brings such a sense of human degradation in Anne’s life. It is

slowly corrupted a human side of Anne such as shame.

She turned her head away. “If he’d been a proper man he’d have gone on loving me,” she said, her voice harsh. “If I had been the other way round I’d never have married while my lover was free. He gave in, he let me go. I’ll never forgive him. He’s dead for me. I can be dead for him. All I want o do is to get out of his grave and get back to the court. All that there is left for me is ambition.” (TOBG p, 168)

The first person who feels Anne’s ambition is Mary. She is the one who Anne tries to

defeat. Her ambition raises a feeling of hate in Mary’s heart. Mary already in love

with the king, and then Anne come along with her ambition to get the king away from

Mary’s hand. There is no doubt why this all of ambitious things ended with a hate in

Mary’s heart.

“I hate her.” I said simply. “I could happily watch her die of


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terima oleh konsumen Dengan pendapat itu, maka penilaian terhadap suatu bentuk keistimewaan dan kelebihan pada Bussines Center Sophie Paris di Kota Parigi

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Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah, apakah kemampuan membaca dan menulis permulaan di kelas I SDN 2 Wombo dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggunakan kartu huruf siswa

Ini berarti bahwa ada perbedaan tingkat religiusitas antara remaja dari orangtua beda agama dengan remaja dari orang tua seagama”, dimana remaja dari orangtua seagama

Dari hasil analisis ditemukan 2 tipe dari alih kode dalam program Gaul Bareng Bule” yaitu alih kode situasional sebanyak 10 data dan diikuti oleh alih kode

Kesalahan yang muncul akibat i++ dihapus, maka program akan mencetak angka 1 terus-menerus sampai batas maksimal nilai variabel integer, karena proses looping tidak bisa mencapai
