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Academic year: 2017



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• After analyzing the data, the main challenge seems to be the uncertainty in demand (each hour & each day) • 2 of the discrete factor variables and 4 continuous variables that can have an impact on demand and their

relationship has been depicted in the following graphs and table (Blue Boxes):

Total users in a day

Bike demand per hour can be segregated as:

High : 7-9 and 17-19 hours

Average : 10-16 hours

Low : 0-6 and 20-24 hours

Correlation factor of continuousvariables on all three


2 types of data were available, analysis of file with hourly

data has been presented.

The independentvariables identified are: -instant: record index -dteday: date

-season: season (1:springer, 2:summer, 3:fall, 4:winter) -yr: year (0: 2011, 1:2012)

-mnth: month ( 1 to 12) -hr: hour (0 to 23) -holiday: weather day is holiday or not

-weekday: day of the week

-workingday: if day is not weekend/holiday its 1 else 0. -weathersit: weather(1: Clear, 2: Mist, 3: Light Snow, Light Rain, 4: Heavy Rain + Ice Pallets

-temp: Normalized temperature in Celsius.

-atemp: Normalized feeling temperature in Celsius. -hum: Normalized humidity

-windspeed: Normalized wind speed.

Dependentvariables are: - casual: count of casual users

- registered: count of registered users

- cnt: count of total rental bikes including both casual and registered

• The plot shows impactof Rainon the demand as it felldrastically

• Demand is highest during clear weather as well as the numbers are steady

• Variables and their individualeffects have been presented as examples.

• However, it will be interesting to measure their impacts

altogetherand prepare a model to predict the hourly demand

• A samplemodel was prepared with numeric type variables after factorizingthe discretevariables.

• The correlation factorbetween fitted and original values

of “cnt” obtained is 0.7921and the plot is as shown in the


• Thus, it needs to be determined if this model can be


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