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Implementation of Role Play in Speaking at The First Year of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung


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Implementation of Role Play in Speaking at The First Year of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung

By Diah Ripratiwi

The research was conducted based on the problem faced by the first year students of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. Most students in SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung at first year still do not master one of the components in the speaking skill, especially in pronunciation, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar. This problem occured due to the inappropriateness of teaching technique used by the teacher. Since Role Play is a good technique where students act as other characters or themselves involved in certain situation which make them free to express their idea to improve their speaking ability in terms of the five components of speaking that simultaneously improve teacher’s performance. The research was conducted at SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. The subject was the students of class X.4 in the academic year of 2011/2012.


data of the learning product and learning process, the researcher used speaking test and observation sheets for students’ involvement and teacher teaching performance, in addition the researcher used interview and questionnaires as the instruments.

The result of the learning product shows that role play technique improves the students’ speaking achievement in each component. In meeting 1, there is some students who score below 60. But in meeting 2, no students gain score below 60. And the average score in meeting 1 is 72,6 and in meeting 2 the average score is 75,3. The score of each speaking component, pronunciation, fluency, and comprehensibility have increased from meeting 1 to meeting 2.




A Script

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty




The writer’s name is Diah Ripratiwi. She was born in Bandar Lampung, March

1st, 1989. She is the sixth child of a harmonious couple Urip Dahlan and Sri Muinah. She has four sisters and two brothers Yani Marliana, Iis Irmawati,

S.Sos., Indri Sulistiowati, S.I.Kom., Meis Dina Santika, Deni Kuntoro, and Septiardi.

She entered SD Negeri 6 Gedong Air and graduated from elementary school in

2000. Then she continued her study to SMP Negeri 10 Bandarr Lampung and graduated in 2004. She finished her High school at SMA Negeri 3 Bandar

Lampung in 2007.

In 2007, she was registered as an S-1 of English Education Program of Teacher





APPROVAL ... iii



MOTTO ... vi






1.1 Background of the Problem ... 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problems ... 4

1.3 Objective of the Research ... 5


1.5 Scope of the Research ... 6

1.6 Definition of Terms ... 6


2.1 Concept of Speaking ... 7

2.2 Component in Speaking ... 8

2.3 Types of Speaking ... 10

2.4 Concept of Role Play ... 14

2.5 Concept of Teacher’s Performance ... 16

2.6 Procedure of Teaching Speaking Through Role Play ... 19


3.1 Research Design ... 22

3.2 Step of Qualitative Research ... 23

3.3 Indicators of the Research ... 25

3.4 Instrument of the Research ... 29

3.5 Data Analysis ... 31

3.5.1 Learning Product ... 32

3.5.2 Learning Process ... 33


4.1 Result of the Research ... 35


4.1.2 Meeting 2 ... 64

4.2 Discussion ... 82


5.1 Conclusions ... 91

5.2 Suggestions ... 92




Appendices Page

1. Lesson Plan 1 ... 97

2. Lesson Plan 2 ... 101

3. Students’ speaking score in meeting 1 (Rater1) ... 105

4. Students’ speaking score in meeting 1 (Rater2) ... 106

5. Students’ speaking score in meeting 2 (Rater1) ... 107

6. Students’ speaking score in meeting 2 (Rater2) ... 108

7. Students’ speaking score in meeting 1 (Rater1&2)... 109

8. Students’ speaking score in meeting 2 (Rater1&2)... 110

9. Observation sheet of students’ activities in meeting 1 ... 111

10.Observation sheet of students’ activities in meeting 2 ... 113

11.Observation sheet for teacher’s teaching performance in meeting 1 ... 115

12.Observation sheet for teacher’s teaching performance in meeting 2 .. 117

13.Transcribe teacher’s interview ... 119

14.Voice transcribe in meeting 1 ... 121

15.Voice transcribe in meeting 2 ... 123



Table Page



No gain without misery That misery is often valuable

if you are patient to face it.



1. Examination Commitee

Chairperson : Prof. Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, M.A., Ph.D. ...

Examiner : Dr. Muhamad Sukirlan, M.A. ...

Secretary : Dra. Rosita Simbolon, M.A. ...

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. Bujang Rahman, M.Si. NIP 49600315 198503 1003



This script is dedicated to:

My beloved parents, Urip Dahlan and Sri Muinah;

My beloved brothers and sisters, Deni Kuntoro, Yani Marlina, Iis Irmawati, S.Sos., Septiardi, Indri Sulistiowati, S.I.Kom., Meis Dina Saantika.



Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, praise be to Allah SWT, the almighty and Merciful

God for blessing the writer with faith, health, and oportunity to finish this script.

This script is entitled “Implementation of Role Play in Speaking at the First Year

of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung”. This script is presented to fulfill one of the

requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree at the Department of Language and

Arts of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in the University of Lampung.

The writer would like to express her gratitude to many people who have suggested

and helped in writing this script. First she delivers her gratitude and respect to

Prof. Ag. Bambang Setiyadi, M.A., Ph.D., her first advisor, and Dra. Rosita

Simbolon, M.A., her second advisor who have given their best criticisms,

suggestions, and revisions during the accomplishment of this script. Then, she

wants to deliver her gratitude to her examiner, Dr. Muhammad Sukirlan, M.A.,

for his input and contribution.

She also wants to extend my great appreciation to the Headmaster of SMAN 9

Bandar Lampung Drs. Hendro Suyono and Sempurna Ginting, S.Pd., the


expressed to the X.4 students SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung for their good


The greatest honor and appreciation would finally be dedicated to her beloved

parents , Urip Dahlan and Sri Muinah for their patience and willingness to wait

for graduation. It is truly undoubted that loves, cares, and timeless prayers during

days and nights, are everything for her.To her beloved brothers and sisters, Deni

Kuntoro, Yani Marliana, Iis Irmawati, S.Sos., Septiardi, Indri Sulistiowati,

S.I.Kom., Meis Dina Santika, thanks for supports given to keep her spirit alive.

Last but not least, she would also adress her appreciation to all of her beloved

comrades of English ’07 English Department, especially Mba Lilis, Nurul, Sisil,

Ike, Ganis, Tiwi, Sih and Asty. To her best friends, Nanda and Herlina, thanks for

your support and encouragement when she was down.

She hopes that this script will be useful for the readers, especially those who are

involved in English teaching profession.

Bandar Lampung, April 2012 The Writer




This chapter discusses several ponts i.e., background of the problem, research

problem, objective of the research, uses of the research, scope of the research, and

definition of term, as follow:

1.1 Background of the Problem

As we know that the goal of English teaching in senior high school is to enable

the students to use the language in real communication according to their level

both in written and oral form. One of the goals of English Language Teaching

(ELT) is to make the teaching learning process meaningful to achieve

communicative functions. But, nowadays the teacher rarely involve the students in

communicative situation. Teacher tends to use the text and explains the material in

front of the class without giving many chances to students to communicate in the


The 2004 English Curriculum also stimulates that the students are able to

communicate either in written or spoken in English fluently and accurately. It

emphasizes the interpersonal skill of the students. During the field practice at

SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung, it was found that most students have low ability



speaking. In addition, it was revealed that most students have difficulty to answer

the teacher’s question in English and, most of them used Indonesian when they

ask question to the teacher.

There aremany factors influencing students’ achievement in speaking skill.One

of them is the way or technique that is used by the teacher. Alexander (1998)

states that the teaching qualities, particularly the techniques used in teaching

process are important. Therefore, it is the teacher’s responsibilitiesto apply

interesting technique in teaching learning process in order to interact with the

student in the class.

The type of classroom activities proposed in CLT focus on cooperative roles in

the classroom for teacher and learner. Students have to participate in classroom

activities that are based on cooperative rather than individualistic approach to

learning. This concept of CLT emphasize that the aim of communicative teaching

is not only the ability to compose correct sentences but also the ability to

communicate (Setiyadi, 2006:142). The teacher is responsible to assume the role

of facilitator and monitor.

One of the techniques in CLT is “Role Play”.Role play as a teaching technique is

the conscious acting out and discussion of the role in a group. In the classroom a

problem situation is briefly acted out, so that the individual student can identify

with the characters. Tomkins (1982:76) states that, role play encourages thinking



skills in relatively nonthreatening setting and can create the motivation and

involvement necessary for learning to occur.

Role play is an enjoyable task which can keep the students to speak because in

role play the students have a role which is suitable with their character in real

situation. It creates a more effective interaction among students. They can feel and

imagine that they speak such as in real environment. Harmer (1983:86) states that

role play activities are those where students are asked to imagine that they are in

different situations and act accordingly. Moreover Welty and Welty (1976;54) say

that role play is a type of drama in which the players take on the characteristics

and problem of members of group other than themselves.

Role play is a kind of task that can make the students free to express their idea in

playing role suitable with their character. It involves the students in the real

situation in their environment. It provides the chance for them to develop their

understanding by exploring thoughts and feelings. Role play is an enjoyable

activity which can reducestudents’anxiety when speaking in the target language.

In the her study Sumarni (1998) claims that role play motivates students to speak

or express their ideas because it trains them to use the language in a real

situation.In her script, she used quantitative method. It foccused only in students’

speaking chievement, however in this research the writer uses qualitative research

focuses on learning process and learning product to support the finding. The

learningprocess are students’ involvement and the teacher performance and the



By those reasons, the writer views that role play is a technique which involves

imagination to be someone else or to be ourselves in a specific situation for a

while, improvising dialogue and creating a real world in scenario. It aims at

encouraging thinking and creativity of the students and let them to develop and

practice new language and behavioral skills in a relatively non-threatening setting,

and can create motivation and involvement necessary for learning to occur in the

first grade of senior high school. By applying this method, hopefully role play can

improve the students’ involvementthat can increase the students achievement and

the teacher’s performance.

Based on the background above, the writer is interested to accomplish her

qualitative research entitled“Implementation Of Role Play In Speaking At The

First Year Of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung, because when she conducted her

field practice at this school, there was a class X.4 where most of its students more

reluctant to speak and had low motivation in speaking.In addition, research using

role play has never been conducted in this school.

1.2 Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background above, the writer formulates the research problems, as


1. How can Role-play be implemented toincrease the students’achievement in


2. How can role play be implemented to improve students’ involvement?



1.3 Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research is

1.To find out whether the implementation of role play can increase thestudents’

speaking achievement in the first grade of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung

2. To find out the improvement of the students’ involvement in the first grade of

SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung.

3. Tofind out the improvement of the teacher’s performancein the

implementation of Role Play in speaking in the first grade of SMA Negeri 9

Bandar Lampung.

1.4 Uses of The Research

The writer expected that the research result can be used as:

1. Theoretical Use

a. It will be one of references for other researchers who will conduct the

same object with different perspectives

b. This research will enlarge the scope of knowledge about the implementation

of Role Play in speaking.

2. Practical Use

The result of this research can give contribution for the teacher of how to apply

role play in speaking.Moreover, hopefully this finding will be useful to the readers



1.5 Scope Of The Research

This qualitative research conducts at SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung. The subject of

this research is the first year students in 2011/2012 academic years, exactly class X.4

which consist of 32 students. It focuses on the implementation of Role Play in


1.6 Definition of Terms


It refers to the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal

and non-verbal, in a variety of contexts (Chaney:1998,13)

Teaching speaking through role play

It means the way the teacher teaches the student to involve in mini drama to act

suitable with the character they will be played.

Role play

It refers to exercises where the students are assigned fictious roles from which

they have to improvise some kinds of behaviour toward the other roles in the

exercises (Paulston and Buder: 1976,70)

Qualitative research

It means a multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach



Teacher’s performance

It refers to the way in which a teacher carries out the teaching process and behaves



This chapter discusses literature review and it deals with concept of speaking,

component of speaking, types of speaking, concept of role play, types of role play,

procedure of teaching speaking through role play, classified like the following:

2.1 Concept of Speaking

Speaking is the productive skill in English. It is one of the skills that is used for

communication between at least two people. It is a way to express someone’s

ideas, feeling to his or her interlocutor. Lado (1977:240) explains that speaking is

described as an ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. It

means that we deliver spoken language for someone to tell what we need and try

to fulfill what other people ask. People can express themselves to other people to

get a comfort situation in understanding each other.

Chaney (1998;13) states that speaking is the process of building and sharing

meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal, in a variety of contexts.This

statement also similar to Tarigan (1928:28) who says that speaking is the

instrument of language and the primary aim of speaking is for communication. It

means that speaking is the instrument which is fundamental in communication,

speaker says something in order to get the effect for the listener, speaker express


answer, and response from others, naturally speaking is important role in

communication process. So it can be said it is important for us to communicate

with other people to share our ideas and feeling.

Byrne (1948:8) clarifies that speaking or oral communication is a two way process

between speaker and listener and involves productive and receptive skill or

understanding. It means that between speaker and listener have a feedback. The

speaker transfers her/his idea and produces utterances for listener so that he/she

receives the message from what he/she listens. Therefore, speaking process needs

at least two people because it cannot be done individually. One as a speaker who

produces information and the other functions as a listener who receives


2.2 Component in Speaking

In this research, the researcher find that, there are five components in speaking,

there are:

a) Pronunciation

Pronunciation which consist of vocal, consonant, and intonation.Kenworthy

(1987) defines that pronunciation is native speaker’sutterance, how to say a

word- that is how to pronounce it


Structure is the way in which a word is constructed, the elements of which it is


which are not constructed well, will give wrong understanding for the listener and

miscommunication among each other.

b) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a range or system of symbols, qualities, or techniques constituting a

means of communication or expression. One cannot communicate effectively or

express ideas in oral form if they do not have sufficient vocabulary.

c) Fluency

Hedge (2000) defines fluency as the ability to link units of speech together with

facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness, or undue hesitation. Fluency

is the smoothness or flow with which sounds, syllables, words, phrases, are joined

together when speaking. It means when a speaker makes a dialogues with another

speaker, the other speaker can respond well to the other speaker.

d) Comprehensibility

Comprehensibility denotes the ability of understanding the speaker’s intension

and general meaning (Heaton,1991:135).It means that comprehensibility focused

on the students’ understanding of the conversation. Comprehensibility measures

how much interpretation is required to understand students’ responses.In other

words, it means that if a person can answer or express well and correctly, it shos

that she/he comprehends well. Comprehensible input is provided in role play

because students engage in genuine communication in playing their roles.

In brief, these aspects of speaking are important for the learners to master English


emotions to other person. It means that people try to communicate with each other

and use the language to make the listener understand; therefore the people can

interact with others.

2.3 Types of Speaking

Brown (2001:250) says that much of our language teaching is devoted to

instruction in mastering English conversation. He classifies the types of oral

language as the figure below:


Monologue Dialogue

Planned Unplanned Interpersonal Transactional

In monologues, when one speaker uses spoken language, as in speeches, lectures,

readings, news broadcast, and the like, the hearer must process long stretches of

speech without interruption, the stream of speech will go on whether or not the

hearer comprehends. In planned, as it opposed to unplanned, monologue differs

considerably in their discourse structures. Role play is categorized as a dialogue.

While dialogues involve two or more speakers and can be subdivided into those

exchanges that promote social relationship (interpersonal) and those for which the

purpose is to convey proportional or factual information (transactional).


1. Imitative

A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legimately be spent

generating “human tape-recorder” speech, where for example, learner practice an

intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain a vowel sound. Imitation of this kind

is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful interaction, but for focusing on

some particular element of language form.

2. Intensive

Intensive speaking goes one-step beyond imitative to include any speaking

performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect

of language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated or it can even form part of

some pair work activitywhere learners are “going over” certain forms of


3. Responsive

A good deal of student speech in the classroom is short responsive applies to

teacher or students initiated questions or comments. These replies are usually

sufficient and do not extend into dialogues. Such speech can be meaningful and


T : How are you today?

S : Pretty good, thanks, and you?

T : What is the main idea of this essay?

S : The United Nations should have more authority.

T : So, what didi you write for question number one?


4. Transactional (dialogue)

Transactional dialogue, which is carried out for the purpose of conveying or

exchanging specific information, is an extended form of responsive language.

Conversation, for example, may have more of a negotiate nature to them than does

responsive speech, e.g.

T : What is the main idea of this essay?

S : The United Nations should have more authority.

T : More authority than what?

S : Than it does right now.

T : What do you mean?

S : Well, for example, the UN should have the power to force a country like Iraq

to destroy its nuclear weapons.

T : You don’t think the UN has the power now?

S : Obviously not. Iraq is still manufacturing nuclear bombs.

5.Interpersonal (dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue carried out more for maintaining social relationships than

the transmission of facts and information. The conversations are a little trickier for


For example:

Dira : Hi, Vie, how’s it going?

Yovie : Oh, so-so.

Dira : Not a great weekend, huh?


Dira : What are talking about?

Yovie : I think you know perfectly well what I am talking about.

Dira ; Oh, that… how come you get so bent out of shape over something like


Yovie : Well, whose fault was it, huh?

Dira : Oh,wow, this is great, wonderful. Back to square one. For crying out

loud,Vie, I thought we’d settled this before. Well, What more I can say?

6. Extensive (monologue)

Finally, students at intermediate to advance level are called on to give extended

monologues in the forms of oral reports, summaries, or perhaps short speeches. In

this, the register is more formal and deliberative. This monologue can be planned

or impromptu from the explanation above, there are many types of speaking

mentioned above. In this case, the teacher uses dialogues as one of types of

speaking because in dialogue, there are two speakers who can share their feeling

and experience in order to get information and it is related to the topic given and

appropriate for two persons.

In conclusion of the type of speaking, the researcher chooses an interpersonal

(dialogue) in the process of teaching speaking through role play. In interpersonal

speaking the component that can be reached because it is informal situation where

the students can maintain the communication easily between their friends in the

class. So that if the students are able to deliver their mind with accurately and


2.4 Concept of Role Play

Role is defined as the person whom an actor represents in a film or play, while

role play is a method of acting out particular ways of behaving or pretending to be

other people who deal with new situations. In this case, Ladousse (1998)

illustratesthat when students assume, “Role” they play a part either their own or

somebody else in specific situation.“Play”means that is taken on in a safe

environment in which students are as an inventive and playful as possible.

Role play is a type of drama activities. Murcia and Hilles (1988) clarify that role

play is dramatization of real life situation in which the students assume roles. Here

the student’s ability willbe exposed by playing the role likes in real situation. He

feels the real communication among his friends when communicating without

anxiety or feels shy. Students attempts to think, act, speak, and react as they think

that person would.

Owen (1981:434) says that role play in classroom consists of the acting out by the

students of situation and the ideas. It is clear that this activity invites the student to

play the roles based on the situation given. He will consider what action he will be

done in playing his roles by speaking and doing improvisation in front of the

class. So that, in designing role play, teachers let students practice in pairs or in a

small group, every student can be involved in role play exercises.

According to Welty and Welty (1976) role play is a type of creative drama in

which the players take on the characteristics and problem of members of group


exercises where the students are assigned fictious roles from which they have to

improvise some kinds of behavior toward the other roles in the exercises. From

those explanation, it can be concluded that in role play the member of group

involve in fictious roles must do improvisation and cooperation to consider what

character and behavior they will be impersonate in order to be successfull in

playing the roles by using the target language.

Ladousse(1995) illustrates that when students assume a “Role”, they play a part

(either their own or somebody else’s) in specific situation. Play ideally should be

carried in a safe environment in which students are as inventive and playful as

possible. It involves two or more students like in real situation while the first

person initiates conversation and the second person responds to the first person.

Role play is interesting, memorable, engaging, and makes students retain the

material they have learned. In their assumed role, students drop their shyness and

other personality and cultural inhibitions, making them one of the best tools

available for teaching a second language (Stocker,2005). For students who are

shy, they usually need friend beside her/him in order to reduce their shyness

because they will feel safe if there is a friend beside her/him. Communication can

be natural in playing the role.

The use of role play has added a tremendous number of possibilities for

communication practice. They can be mother, father, teacher, police, etc. They


In role play, it is better for students to comprehend the situation before present the

role play in order to improve their performance emotionally rather than read the

dialogue without understanding what he impersonates.The important thing that

should be considered for the teacher is to make the students understand about the

general procedure and specific procedure of role play in class. So that the students

understand when the role playing is applied in the class.

2.5Concept of Teacher’s Performance

Teacher’s teaching performance is the way in which a teacher carries out the

teaching process and behaves in the process of teaching. So, teacher’s

performance is any behavior done by the teacher when she/he teaches the


Therefore, we understand that in Qualitative Research the performance of the

teacher is closely related to her/his students’achievement. A teacher must be able

to master teaching theories and learning strategies, because students have their

own characteristics and different interests. Besides, teacher must have good

teaching skills. Based on the observation sheet of Teacher’s Performance of PLPG

(Pendidikan dan Latihan Profesi Guru) there are aspects of looking at teacher’s

performance or teaching skills during teaching and learning process on

Pre-activity, while-Pre-activity, and post-activity:

1. Pre-activities

Doing an apperception. Doing apperception means teacher can correlate the


Informing the competence that will be achieved to the students

2. While activities

a. Mastery of Learning Material

In these activities, teacher must be ale to master the learning material which

covers showing the mastery of learning material, correlating material with real

life, achieving communicative competence, transferrring and explaining the

material clearly.

b. Learning Strategy

Besides learning material, teacher is also able to master learning strategies which

involve ddoing teaching and learning process which is suitable with the

competence, doing a teaching and learning process which is suitable with

students’ needs, mastering the class during teaching learning process, doing a

teaching learning processn which can build positive attitudes, doing a teaching

and learning process which is suitablr w2ith time allocation, emphasizing on

teaching the language skills integratedly.

c.Use of Learning Media

Teacher also must be able to use learning media, because media can stimulate

idea, feeling, and students’ ability, so that students can get the materialeasily. In

using learning media, teacher must be able to show the skills in using learning

media, producing an interesting message from media, and involving the stidents


d.Students’ Involvement

In students’ involvement, teacher must be able to build active participation of the

students in teaching and learning process, give positive responses to the students’

opinion, facilitate interaction between teacher-students and student-student, show

an interpersonal relationship, andgrow students’s enthusiasm in learning.

e. Doing an Evaluation

Evaluation is also the aspect that covers monitoring students’ improvement after

teacher explains the lesson, doing a final evaluation which is relevant to the

competence so that the teacher knows whether the competence that will be

achieved is accomplished or not.

3. Post-activities

These activities covers the aspects of reflection or making summary of the lesson

by involving the students’ participation, and doing a follow-up by giving direction

or tasks as a remedy to the students.

It is important to observe the teacher’s performance during teaching learning

process because according to Foster (1976:37), a teacheer is a central force that

shapes the behaviour of the individual child as well as those of children in groups.

The teacher’s performance covers the teacher’s behaviour that can be described

according to specific roles that stem from the expectation of society, school, peers,


2.6 Procedure of Teaching Speaking through Role Play

The writer divided the procedure of teaching speaking through role play into two

parts, they are:

a. General Procedure

The writer will use role play in teaching speaking according to Allan (1971), there

are some general procedure in teaching speaking through role play:

1. Language input. This will often mean the presentation and practice stages

in the teaching of language item, which is now to be practiced within a

freer framework. It may also mean the pre teaching of the vocabulary and/

or other language considered useful for the context or the role has been set.

2. Setting of context. This should be done to help the students to appreciate

fully the situation, in which they will be role playing. Visual can help to

make this play provide vital contextual information.

3. Allocation of roles. The teacher should decide this, otherwise, if the vice is

thrown open to volunteers, the extrovert students will always get the roles.

4. Statement of aim(s). This is vital because it gives the students a concrete

result to aim for , in the role to play and those provides motivation and

presents the activity frizzing out. It also provides a clean-cut result to

discuss in the report back phase.

5. Familiarization with roles. This can take the form of reading role cards or

students discussion.

6. Demonstration. This optimal phase is generally not applicable to a role


advisable to choose the best students for this, as they can provide a good


7. Role play and achievement aim(s). One point to note here is that if some

groups finish significantly earlier than other, the teacher should have

ready one or two ideas for an activity, which can keep them occupied,

while they wait. This should ideally be in the form of an extension of role

play, example, writing up final decision.

8. Report work. This will concern how the different group made, etc. This is

an important phase because the students are usually interested in

comparing their decision with these of other groups. It also gives the

students opportunity to talk about the problem they had and it round of the

activity beware however of making the stage unduly long to listen to

fifteen pairs ofstudents ‘reportingback in turn would clearly be tedious.

9. Follow up. This can take two forms, firstly, written work based on the role

play, perhaps set for homework, and secondly, remedial work based on

mistakes noted by the teacher while monitoring the students’ performance.

b. Procedure of Applying Role Play in the Class

Based on Klippel (1984) the procedure of role play in the class is divide into three

terms: pre-activity, while activity, and post activity.


1. Students give greeting to the teacher.


While- Activity

1. Students are asked to make group in pairs

2. Students are asked to choose the topic

3. Students are asked to create a dialogue based on the situation by using

some expression have explained

4. Students are asked to practice dialogue

5. Students are asked to present the dialogue through role-play in front of

the class

6. Students are asked about the role play performed by other group


7. Students are asked to summarize the material learned

8. Teacher gives feedback and gives homework task related to the topic




This chapter discusses certain points; research design, steps of qualitative

research, indicator of the research, instrument of the research, and data analysis,

as follow:

3.1 Research Design

In this research the writer used qualitative research. Qualitative research is

multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic approach to its

subject matter. Based on the problem identified, the researcher will examine the

problem causes and try to find the problem solution. In doing the research, the

researcher does collaboration with the English teacher to know the process of the

implementation of role play in speaking. After that, the researcher and the

collaborator analyze the result of the observataion, and also the speaking test. The

researcher and the collaborator also carried out reflection after knowing the result

of the analysis. The function of the collaborator in this qualitative research is as a

resource to find the problem in order that the researcher can see the improvement

when applying this technique and also, as the second observer to get the data.

Based on the analysis, it is decided whether the next meeting will be hold or not,

and the next meeting focused on eradicting the weaknesses in the previous



students of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung in the process of learning speaking

through Role Play techniqueand the teacher’s performance in teaching process.

the reseacher has chosen one class as the subject. The subject of this qualitative

research is X.4 class consisting of 32 students. From the pre observation and the

teacher’s explanation this class is chosen because most of students in that class

have the lowest ability in speaking among the other classes. Besides, the

researcherfound that most of the students had difficulty to answer the teacher’s

question, they still asked the teacher by using Indonesia and they also could not

answer it in English. It is known after the researcher’s pre-observation and also

from the English teacher’s information.Having observed the problem the

researcher will try to find the solution for that problem. In this research, students’

problem is related to speaking achievement.

3.2 Steps of Qualitative Research

In conducting the research, the researcher uses the procedure of qualitative

research designed by Creswell. According to him, the research procedure in a

action research consist of planning, implementing, observing and analysis

(Creswell 1998: 24). Therefore, this research is designed as follows:

1. Planning

Based on the problem of the research, the researcher prepares the lesson plan and

selects the material. In designing the lesson plan, the researcher uses the school

syllabus as the basis of the lesson plan. The lesson plan aims to teach speaking



also contains the procedure of presenting lesson activities, and assignment in each

meeting. The material is about dailly activity. The researcher prepares observation

sheet. It aims to analyze the process of teaching learning.

The researcher makes the indicator of success which is aimed to assess the

students’ ability in speakingcorrectly. The indicator of success is made to

determine whether the action throughout the first meeting has been successfull or


2. Implementation

The second step of qualitative research is implementing the role play. The

researcher as an observer,observes the implementation of role play. In this step,

the researcher observes the teacher and the students based on the observation

sheet. In teaching, the researcher involvesthe students’ participation, so that the

students became more active in teaching learning process. The material is being

chosen to teach speaking to the students. In teaching, the teacher involves the

students’ participation, so that the students get accustomed to the way of

identifying the text. It is also done to familiarize the students familiar with the

new words.In conducting speaking test, the researcher uses a tape recorder to

record the students’ voice. Meanwhile the observer observes the situation in the

class and makes some necessary notes. There is two meetings in the



3. Observing

The researcher and the teacher observe the activities happen in the classroom in

every meeting and write the result of the observation in the observation sheets.

The researcher and the collaborator also interpret the result of observation. This

step is started when teaching learning learning process is accuring.

4. Analysis

Here, the researcher together with the teacher analyze the result ofstudents’

speaking of the students as the learning product. The researcher also analyzes

everything occur in the teaching learning process based on the observation sheets.

The researcher and the teacher discuss about the strength and the weaknesses of a

meeting to determine what to do in the next meeting and to determine whether or

not the result of the meeting is satisfactory.

3.3 Indicator of the Research

Two indicators will be used in this research, they are learning product and

learning process. Learning product isin the form of students’ speaking test score

while learning process is in the form of students’ activityand teacher’s

performance . Then the detailed indicators are explained as follows:

3.3.1 Learning Product

Learning product focused on the production of sound orstudents’ speaking for

certain aspectthat students mostly have difficulty in speaking. Here, the teacher



There are some aspects that would be observed in the scoring system, promoted

by Heaton (1991). The aspects as follows:

Table 1. Rubric of Grading System

Range Pronounciation Fluency Comprehensibility

effort with a fairly wide

range of expression.

Has to make an effort at

times to serach for

words. Nevertheless

smooth very delivery on

the whole and only a few

unnatural pauses.

The speaker’s intentionand

general meaning are fairly

clear. A few interruptions

by listener for the sake of

clarification are necessary.

Most of the speaker say is

easy to follow. His intention

is always asre clear but

several interruptions are

necessary to help him to

convey the massage or to



Has to make an effort for

much of the time. Often

has to search for the

desired meaning. Rather

gives up for making the

effort at times

Only small bits (usually

short and sentences and

phrases) can be understood

and then with considerable

effort by someone used to

listening the speaker.

The interpretation of grading system is as follows :

81-89 : Excellent

71-80 : Very Good

61-70 : Good

51-60 : Fair

41-50 : Moderate

The scores of a student will be taken by two observers, namely the researcher and

teacher, and the scores are totalled and divided by the number of the teacher and



The standard of the score is based of Heaton. It refers to the ability of students in

producing English speaking, in better way, hearable, understandable.

3.3.2 Learning Process

In learning process, there are two aspects which become the focus of this research,

that were the students’ achievement and the teacher’s performancebased on

speaking test and observation sheet.

The target determined by the researcher concerning the students’s achievement

,the teacher performance, and the students’ involvement. The target for students’

achievement based on the speaking test, if there is increase after implementation

of role play it can be said that role play can increasestudents’ achievement in


The researcher decides there is increase of students are actively involved in

teaching and learning activities. In other words,if there is an increase in each

meetings it can be said that the role play can solve the problem in speaking.

Students’ activity are measured through written report of the collaborator and

researcher in obsevation sheet. To set the target of the success of this action

research, the researcher will also discuss with the English teacher of that school.

While the researcher observes the teaching learning process in that classroom and

not only focus on the participation and the involvement of students in the activity

but also the students’s achievemnet in speaking.The criteria of students’



play is applied in the class.Then, the students’ achievement can be seen in the

increase ofstudents’ score frommeeting 1 and meeting 2.

Besides observing the students’ achievement and students’ involvement, the

second rater also observes the teacher’s teaching performance during the teaching

learning process. The criteria ofteaching performance can be seen in teacher’s

activity, Diknas criteria is applied to see whether teacher’s performance is good

or not in implementation of role play are traced through pre-activity,

while-activity, and post activity.

3.4. Instrument of the Research

To gather the data, the researcher uses triangulation as the instrument of

reliability. Triangulation is a manner of collecting the data by combining two or

more method in order to enrich the data by combining them to have accurate

conclusion (Setiyadi,2006:246).The researcher uses four kinds of instruments as

the source of data. The instruments are speaking test, observation sheet,

interview, and questionnaire. The instrument will be described as follow:

1. Speaking Test

The test is conducted by asking students to speak about one topic and it is

recorded to get the data to be more valid . The two observers, the researcher and

the teacher, analyze the result based on Heaton’ Rating scalethe test is

administrated at the end of every meeting in the learning process. The speaking

test conducted in front of the class, the students with his partner is called in turn,



analyze their speaking ability based on Heaton’ rating scale.The test is valid and

reliable, if it is good reflection of what have been taught and of the knowledge

which the teacher has wanted the students to know. If the test represented the

material that has been taught, then it is considered to be a valid test. For reliability

of the test, the researcher uses two raters or inter-rater reliability.

2. Observation Sheet

Observation is conducted in every meeting during the teaching learning process.

When the process occured, the researcher observes activities happened in the

classroom. There are two kinds of observation sheets for the students’s activities

and for teacher’s performance. The aspect of the students’ activities that are

observed cover their activities in teaching learning process .The aspects of

teacher’s performance cover the teacher’s activities in the teachinglearning

process in pre-activity, while-activity, and post-activity.

3. Interview

The interview is addressed to the English teacher to know the ordinary method of

learning speaking dealt with and also the students’ knowledge.

And after implementing the method, the writer will interview the English teacher

to get the complimentary data by preparing some questions . Interview is done as

a basis research question related with the implementation of role play.The

purpose of interviewing the teacher is to find out, what she thinks or how she



4. Questionnaire

The questionnaires is used to support the data gain from observation about the

students’ opinion. Questionnaire is made suitable with everything related with the

answer. It is needed by the observer as additional data to support the research. In

this qualitative research, the researcher will use close-ended questions Close

ended questionnaire can be used to help the researcher in selecting data because

the respondents have limitation to answer the questions based on theresearcher’s

needs (Setiyadi,2006).

3.5. Data Analysis

According to Setiyadi (2006:254), data analysis is a process of organizing the data

in order to gain regularly of the pattern or form of the research. In this research,

the teacher validates the data by using speaking test and observation. After

getting the data from the test and observation, the teacher will analyze the data

based on the limitation of the problems and objectives of the research.

In analyzing and interpreting the data, the first step is that the teacher made

description of all data. Then the teacher selects the data related to the research

question. The next step, the teacher arranges all collected data by classifying the

data. The data of the learning process and learning product, are gathered by

means speaking test, observation sheet, interview, and questionnaire. The last step



and described them into conclusion. And based on the analysis and reflection, it

will be decided whether to conduct two meetings.

The data analysis that is done for the learning product and learning process is as


1. Learning Product

To know the improvement on the learning product, the researcher used a speaking

test to collect the data. There are several steps will use to analyze the data get

from the test:

a.Transcribing the students’ voice

The teacher recorded the student’s voices, and then the researcher trnascribed the

record into the written form. This record is used to give scores to the students, and

two raters are able to check back and make an assessment at leisure from the


b. Scoring the students’ speaking ability

Based on the transcription, the researcher and the teacher decided the scores for

the students’ speaking test. The researcher uses the oral ability scale proposed by

Harris (1976). In scoring the students’ speaking ability, the researcher and the

teacher scored per component of speaking. It is done to know what component of

speaking that must be solve in the next meeting.

c.Calculating students’ total score



Calculating the scores from 1st and 2nd rater.

a. Calculating the scofes from 1st rater and 2nd



X : Total score

X1 : Score from 1strater

X2 : Score from 2ndrater

P : Pronounciation

F : Fluency

C : Comprehensibility

Calculating the total score




2. Learning Process

In getting the data from the learning process, the researcher uses observation

sheets. The observation that is done is to observe the students’involvement and

also teacher’s performance. The researcher analyzes the result of the observation

separately. And the result of the observation sheets are analyzed after meeting is



In analyzing the data derived from observing the teacher’s performance, the

researcher do these following steps:

1.Counting the total score

In this step, the researcher counts the sum of scores from three aspects. The

aspects which are scored cover the teacher’s activities in pre-activity,

while-activity, and post-activity.

2.Making description from the data that have analyzed

It is similar to analyze the students’involvement, to analyze the teacher’s

performance the researcher also makes a description from the collected data which




5.1 Conclusions

Based on all data collected from this qualitative research, some conclusion can be

drawn as follow:

1.The implementation of Role Play improves students’ speaking achievement in

terms of pronunciation, fluency, comprehensibility, vocabulary, and grammar, and

also students’ involvement well from meeting 1 to meting 2. In meeting 1, there

is 3 students who gain score 51-59 and in meeting 2 no students score below 61.

There is increase score for speaking achievement 9,2% . The increase also

happens in each component of speaking. The average increase is 3,5 points in

fluency, 2,8 points in pronunciation, and 3,1 points in comprehensibility.

2.The implementation of Role Play improves students’ learning activities from

meeting 1 to meeting 2. In meeting 1 some of the students were not involved in

the learning process, some could not focus in learning process, and some of

them did not respond to the teacher’s question.However, there is improvement in


✂ ✄

3.The use of Role Play improves teacher’s teaching performance. It can be seen

from the improvement from meeting 1 to meeting 2. Asteacher’s teaching

performance raised from 78 in meeting 1 into 85 in meeting 2. This means she is

able to teach the students well by implementing role play technique for speaking

class, especially in conducting teaching and learning process which is suitable

with the competence.

5.2 Suggestions

In reference to the conclusion above, the researcher recommends some

suggestions as follow:

1. Since the students have the lowest score in pronunciation and there are still two

students who gain below average score, it is necessary for the teachers to improve

their students’ pronunciation by doing pronunciation drillsby using tape recorder

particularly language laboratory where they can listen to their pronunciation and

repeats the words over and over or remedial exercises especially for words

containing sounds /θ/, /ð/, /tʃ/,/dʒ/.

2. Teachers who want to teach speaking by using role play should create and

develop an interesting material in order to attract and trigger the students to

participate and practice in the classroom. The teacher can use English video as a

model to attract and make students active in learning speaking skill.

3. Teachers who want to teach speaking by using role play should create various


☎ ✆

In addition the teacher should use the media like tape recorder or video to teach

the students because it will make the students easier in cathing the message from

the material they learn.

4. In this research, the researcher and the teacher only score three components of

speaking. It is better for the other researcher to score five components of speaking




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Table 1. Rubric of Grading System


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