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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Magister Humaniora

By :


Registration Number: 8146112003




i fulness for the generous guidance and assistance which has been rendered to his by many people. It would be impossible to list all names but on this very special opportunity the writer would like to express him gratitude to the following people.

First of all, the writer deepest appreciation and gratitude is dedicated to Dr. Didik Santoso, M.Pd his first adviser for the guidance, comments, criticisms, suggestions and special notes for the improvement of the thesis from the very beginning up to the end of this thesis.

Next, him deepest appreciation is addressed to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed, his second adviser for him available time spent for consultation, guidance, administrative assistance and administrative requirements during the process of conducting this study and completing this thesis.

Sincere gratitude also to him reviewers and examiners, Prof. Dr. Busmin gurning M.Pd, Prof. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.Pd and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum , for their valuable inputs to be included in this thesis. He would like to express his gratitude to all lecturers who have given the valuable knowledge and the excellent performance in delivering the lectures during his study at the English Applied Linguistics Study.

Next, his greatest and sincere gratitude should also go to him beloved parents Drs. H.Sunaryo and Hj. Arnilis Tanjung, her lovely sisters and brother Rizka Novita, Amalia Husna all who have patiently given moral support, their never ending love and pray. Special and sincerest gratitude are addressed to his inspiration, Suhailah Arief, S.E for her amazing support, love and motivation for the writer to finish this thesis soon.



support and help to finish this thesis. She offers his regards and thanks to Brother Farid, who has helped his in providing the academic administration.

Medan, April 2017 The writer,

Arief Hidayat



Hidayat, Arief. Figurative Meaning In Surah Yusuf. A Thesis: English Applied Linguistics Study Program. Postgraduate School, State University Of Medan.


This study deals with Figurative meaning in English version text of Surah Yusuf by applying Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The objectives of the study are to describe the types of figurative meaning used in English version text of Surah yusuf how are the figurative meaning used in Surah Yusuf and the reason for the use of figurative meaning in Surah Yusuf. This study was conducted by using descriptive research. The sources of data were Surah Yusuf. The findings indicated that firstly, there are three concepts of figurative meaning in Sura’ Yusuf such as 32: The Power 3 verses 9.37% , Immagination 2 verses 6.25% , The Creator/ Pledge 3 verses 9.37%, Group 4 verses 12.5%, Common Noun/Slave 2 verses 6.25%, Behaviour 5 verses 15.6% , Persuade 4 verses 12.5%, Inanimate Objects/ Sculpture pay obeisance 2 verses 6.25%, Showing Achieving Justice 4 verses 12.5%, and Firmness/ Establishment 3 verses 9.37%.The use of figurative meaning in the verses of Holy QS.Yusuf highly depends on the context of situation, here is the tenor. Yusuf tends to use Group, Behaviour, Persuade, and Showing Achieving Justice. The types contexts used figurative meaning in Surah Yusuf can be classified into four findings. In conclusion, there are four contextual reasons using Figurative meaning Sura’ Yusuf. They are: They are : 1). The Prophet Joseph was very young and was at the peak of the grandeur of a young man. 2). The second reason, the Prophet Yusuf peace be upon him, when it is a foreigner (gharib). This is because if a steal in his hometown of himself later found out he would be embarrass his family and his brothers. 3). The third reason is women who flirt Joseph peace be upon him was a beautiful woman waiting. Zulaikha is the Queen Consort of King.



Hidayat, Aeief . Bahasa Kiasan dalam Surah Yusuf. Tesis: Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan 2016.


Penelitian ini berkaitan dengan makna bahasa kiasan dalam bahasa Inggris versi teks dari Surah Yusuf dengan menerapkan Linguistik Fungsional Sistemik (SFL). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan jenis – jenis bahasa kiasan yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris versi teks dari Surah Yusuf, bagaimana metafora yang digunakan dalam Surah Yusuf dan alasan penggunaan bahasa kiasan dalam Surah Yusuf. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian deskriptif. Sumber data yang Surah Yusuf. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pertama, ada 10 konsep bahasa kiasan dalam Surah yusuf seperti 32ayat: Kekuasaan 3 (10%), Berangan - angan 2 (6,7%), Sang Pencipta / janji suci 3 (13%), Kelompok 4 (13%), barang –barang/ kata benda 2 (6.7 %), Perilaku 3 (10%), Membujuk 4 (13%), benda mati / Patung membayar penghormatan 2 (6,7%), Menampilkan Mencapai Keadilan 4 (13%), Keteguhan / Pendirian 3 (6,7%). Penggunaan makna kiasan dalam ayat-ayat QS.Yusuf Kudus sangat tergantung pada konteks situasi, di sini adalah tenor. Yusuf cenderung menggunakan Group, Perilaku, Membujuk, dan Menampilkan Mencapai Keadilan. Jenis konteks digunakan makna kiasan dalam Surah Yusuf dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi empat temuan. Kesimpulannya, ada empat alasan kontekstual menggunakan makna bahasa kiasanyang terdapat dalam Sura’Yusuf. Mereka adalah: mereka adalah: 1). Nabi Yusuf adalah sangat muda dan berada di puncak kemegahan seorang pemuda. 2). Alasan kedua, perdamaian Nabi Yusuf saw, saat itu adalah orang asing (gharib). Hal ini karena jika mencuri di kampung halamannya sendiri kemudian menemukan dia akan mempermalukan keluarga dan saudara-saudaranya. 3). Alasan ketiga adalah wanita yang menggoda Yusuf saw adalah seorang wanita menunggu indah. Zulaikha adalah Ratu Raja.






Figure 3.1 Components of Data Analysis : Interactive Model taken from Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014)   .....................................................................


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