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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2111121002





Chairani, Vika. 2111121002. The Effect of Sequence of Picture Media on Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text. A Thesis. English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2015 This study aims to examine the effect of implementing sequence of pictures media on students’ achievement in writing recount text. It was conducted by using experimental research method. This population was the second grade students of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah Desa Pon, Academic Year 2015/2016. The sample of this study was two groups namely experimental and control group. Experimental group which was taught by using sequence of pictures media consists of 38 students. And control group which was taught by using dialogue script media consists of 38 students. The instrument used to collect the data was writing test. Students were asked to write a recount text. Based on the result of the data analysis by using ttest formula, it was concluded that the application of sequence of pictures media significantly affect students’ achievement in writing recount text (tobserved> ttable, α = 0,05). The calculation of ttestis 2,221 > 1,994 with degree of freedom (df) = 74 and level of significance 0,05. It means that the sequence of pictures media has significant effect in writing recount text.



The writer would like to acknowledge her countless thanks to the most gracious and merciful, the almighty God, Allah SWTalso Prophet Muhammad SAWfor the love and blessing so the writer has finally completed this thesis. This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for taking the degree of SarjanaPendidikan.

During the process of completing this thesis the researcher has worked with a great number of people, through their guidance, suggestions, and comments for which the researcher would like to extend her sincere gratitude and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramunoato, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsoh, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Department and her Thesis Examiner.

Dra. Meosuro, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department.Nora Ronota Dewo, S.Pd.,S.S., M.Hum., theHead of English Education

Study Program.

Dr. AnnoHololaPulunSan, M.Hum.,her Thesis Consultant IDr. I Wy. DorSeyasa, M.Hum.,her Thesis Consultant II.

Drs. Zaonuddon, DIP. TEFL.,M.Hum., her Academic Advisor.Prof. Dr. Busmon GurnonS, M.Pd.,her Thesis Examiner.

All Lecturerswho have taught her in English and Literature Department.  Euos Sro WahyunonSsoh, M.Pd., the Administrative Staff of English and



Sofyan Arof SohotanS, S.PdI., the Principal of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah Desa Pon.

Rahmad Syahputra, S.Pd., the English Teacher of SMP Swasta Muhammadiyah Desa Pon.

Rozalo LubosandDarsono,special thanks for her belove parents for giving her everlasting love, praise, affections, supports and hard works. dyrubg the researcher’s whole life, her brothers Ahmado Darma Lubos, Roando Putra Lubos, and Rezko Royanda Lubos, her younger sisters RaraAuloa Lubosand Vorza Maulonda Lubos who supported the writer to finish her study in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

 Her beloved friends, Intan Nolam Saro, S.Pd., Indah Pratama Proda, S.Pd., Soto Khaoron Nashroh, S.Pd., Novoa, S.Pd., Wodya Putro Ameloa, S.Pd., Doah Khoorunnosah Harahap, S.Pd., and alsoReSular C Famoly 2011 and PPLT SMAN 1 Sopospos Famoly for always being there when she needed their supports and motivations and all people who cannot be mentioned one by one, she says thank you.

Last but not least, the researcher realizes that her thesis still has some weaknesses and mistakes. Thus, she would be grateful to accept any suggestion and correction from anyone for the better writing.

Medan, February 2016 The Researcher,



A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 6

C. The Scope of the Study ...7

D. The Objective of the Study ...7

E. The Significance of the Study ...7


A. Theoretical Framework ...9

1. Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text ...9

2. Writing ... 10

3. The Process of Writing ... 12

4. Genre of Writing ...13

a. Characteristics of Genre in Writing... 15

b. Types of Genre in Writing ... 16

5. Recount Text ...18

6. Writing Assessment ... 23

7. Media in Language Teaching ... 24

8. Picture ... 26

9. Sequence of Pictures ...35

a. Advantages and Disadvantages of Sequence of Pictures ...36



a. Advantages and disadvantages of Dialogue Script ... 43

b. Teaching Writing Recount Text through Dialogue Script ...43

B. Relevant Studies ...45

C. Conceptual Framework ... 46

D. Hypothesis ...48


A. Research Method ... 49

B. Research Design ... 49

C. Population and Sample ... 50

1. Population ...50

2. Sample ... 50

D. Technique for Collecting Data ... 51

E. Instrument for Collecting Data ... 51

F. The Procedure of the Study ...51

1. Pre-Test ...51

2. Treatment ...55

3. Post-Test ...55

G. Scoring System ...56

H. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 56

1. The Validity of the Test ...56

2. The Reliability of the Test ...56

I. Technique for Analyzing the Data ... 57

J. Statistical Hypothesis ...58


A. Data...59

B. Data Analysis...61

1. Reliability of the Test... 61

2. Test for Homogeneity of Variance... 62

3. Testing Normality...62


C. Testing Hypothesis... 64

D. Research Findings...65

E. Dicussion...65


A. Conclusion...68

B. Suggestion...68






Table 1.1 The Score of the Students’s Achievement in Writing Personal

Recount Text ... 3

Table 2.1 The Generic Structure and Textual Elements of Recount Text ...19

Table 2.2 Assessment Instrument Rubric ...24

Table 3.1 Research Design ...49

Table 3.2 The Scenario of Treatment Process in Experimental Group ...52

Table 3.3 The Scenario of Treatment Process in Control Group ... 54

Table 3.4 Assessment Intrument Rubric for Recount Text ... 55

Table 4.1 Students’ Score of Pre-test and Post-test...60




Picture 2.1 Single object ... 27

Picture 2.2 One person ... 28

Picture 2.3 Famous people ... 28

Picture 2.4 Several people ...29

Picture 2.5 People in action ...29

Picture 2.6 Picture of places ...30

Picture 2.7 Fantasies ... 30

Picture 2.8 Maps and symbols ... 31

Picture 2.9 Pair of pictures ...31

Picture 2.10 Picture and texts ...32

Picture 2.11 Sequence of pictures ... 33

Picture 2.12 Ambiguou pictures ...33

Picture 2.13 Explanatory pictures ... 34





APPENDIX A. Lesson Plan for Experimental group ... 73

APPENDIX B. Lesson Plan for Control Group ... 80

APPENDIX C. Writing Pre-test for Experimental and Control Group...87

APPENDIX D. Writing Post-test for Experimental and Control Group...88

APPENDIX E. The Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Group...89

APPENDIX F. The Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Control Group... 91

APPENDIX G. The Calculation of Reliability of the Test... 93

APPENDIX H. Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group... 96

APPENDIX I. Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group... 99

APPENDIX J. Testing Normality... 102

APPENDIX K. List of Testing Liliefors... 105

APPENDIX L. Test for Homogeneity of Variance...108

APPENDIX M. F Distribution ... 112

APPENDIX N. The Calculation of ttestfor Experimental Group... 113




A. The Background of the Study

In Indonesia, based on KTSP (Educational Unit Oriented Curriculum) 2006

and Curriculum 2013, writing is one of the language skills that must be learned

and mastered by students. Patel and Jain (2008:33) states that writing is essential

feature of learning a language because it provides a very good means of foxing the

vocabulary, spelling, and sentence pattern. It means so many aspects which

influence writing process.

In writing activity, students will be forced to convey the ideas, thoughts, and

feelings into written form. It will be one way for students for helping them

express their expressions into written form. In producing a written text, students

can engage their experience in daily activities as idea for this process. It means

through keep practicing produce these texts, it can help student to know one more

way about how to express their feelings into appropriate text. And in order to

make the purpose of teaching-learning purpose into reality, teacher as a facilitator

have a big effect to affect students’ progress. In teacher’s act as a facilitator,

teacher can design all the needs appropriately. According to Dirgayasa (2014:3)

there are five components of instructions chronologically in teaching-learning

process such as the learning materials, teaching methods, assessments, students



Among four language skills -listening, speaking, reading, and writing- many

students think that writing is the most difficult skill to be mastered. As a

productive skill, several aspects are needed to produce a written text. This is a

complex and difficult activity to teach and to learn. In this situation, teachers are

needed and have to be creative in creating the enjoyable classroom activity. It can

be from the way how teacher delivers the material through the appropriate

teaching method and media.

Based on KTSP (Educational Unit Oriented Curriculum) 2006 and

Curriculum 2013, which focuses on writing activity, students of grade eight in

Junior High School should be able to master several types of text such as

descriptive, recount, and narrative text. As one type text that should be learned by

students on grade seven, recount text was choose to be one variable in this study.

Dirgayasa (2012:17) states that recount text is a text which retells the past events

chronologically. In simply way, recount text is a text to inform or retells the

readers about past activities in several lists of events.

Furthermore, the observation was done by the researcher at SMP Swasta

(Private Junior High School) Muhammadiyah Desa Pon, the researcher focus on

grade VII in this study. Based on this observation, it was revealed that the students

of grade VII faced difficulties in writing recount text. There are a whole spectrum

reasons for these difficulties such as the classroom management is not appropriate

with method used or the media is not appropriate with the coverage skill approach.



do not know the communicative purpose of each texts well, it makes them cannot

distinguish one kind of text to the others texts. It was also difficult for them to

organize their idea into the appropriate written form.

In addition, based on the observation in that school, the researcher found

that many students did not reach the standard minimum value. The standard

minimum value in target school for English subject is 75. The mean of students’

score in writing personal recount text can be seen in table 1.1 the score of the

students’ achievement in writing personal recount text:

Table 1.1 The Score of the Students’ Achievement in Writing Personal Recount Text

Source: SMP Swasta (Private Junior High School) Muhammadiyah desa Pon class VIII A and VIII Bon Friday March 6th2015.

Based on the observation, English teacher did not use any one single media

during teaching-learning process. The English teacher only divided students into

some groups. It seems like small group discussion method. During

teaching-learning process some students looked not focus on teacher’s explanation. They

made a chat with a friend beside them and tried to disturb the others students by

throwing a paper or something else. It looks like the students did not enjoy and

not interested in learning material during teaching-learning process. So, when the



achievement in writing personal recount text in both class still low or did not pass

the standard minimum value in that school.

Fortunately, Learning Revolution had implemented in teaching-learning

process in school and it has been socialized to the teachers all over Indonesia. It’s

also called as Students Centered Learning (SCL), an approach to education

focusing on the need of the students rather than those of others involved in the

educational process, such as teachers and administrators. This approaches had

many implications for the design of the curriculum, course content and

interactivity of course.

By this, teacher serves only as facilitator and problem solver to students, it

means teacher has been forced to be creative to design the learning situation

especially in teaching writing. Because there are so many advantages that students

can get through writing activity. Besides to produce a written text, writing activity

can be used as one way to learn to read. Many teachers use this way to teach their

students to learn to read. And through writing process, students will be forced to

brainstorm their mind. So students can express their idea into a written form.

As it is explained before, like issue during this time that writing process is a

bored activity in teaching-learning process. It realized that an inappropriate media

is one of source problem in teaching-learning process, because through an

appropriate media it can generate students’ motivation and stimulation in learning

activities. There are many kinds of media that could be used in teaching and



etc. Furthermore it is essential to use a suitable and an effective media to help

students to solve their writing problem. These media are sequence of pictures and

dialogue script media, two different media used in experimental and control group.

Sequence of pictures media is a visual media organized as several pictures which

is relates or connected one to others. Wright (2004:65) states that the uses of

sequence of pictures are:

a. Showing one main event with considerable details.

b. Offering an attractive and stimulating framework for writing practice.

c. Making the students responds favorably.

d. Guiding the students to use certain language.

e. Reminding the students of what to say.

Through sequence of pictures, students expected to be able to convert the

story that exists in this media into a written form especially into a personal

recount text. In this activity, students do not need to find the idea that will be

organized in written form by themselves. Students only have to read the pictures

based on their perspective and organized the idea into appropriate written form.

This media also expected can attrack students’ attention in learning writing

process through these interest pictures. This interest media could be students’

focus during teaching-learning process. Students could get advantage from this

step to produce a good writing of recount text. By read a story that exists in these



Meanwhile, dialogue script media is a full written conversation. Dialogue

script media provides a full dialogue script about an event that help students to

imagine how the situation of the story in reality. This is supported by Chiarella

(2003:9) a dialogue script provide several important things namely character,

setting, the level of tension, and the structure of the story. These things help

students to be easy to write a text because they already imagined the character of

each participant and also about the situation of how is actually the story line in

this media.

Through this media, students expected to be able to convert the conversation

form into a text form. This media really helpful for students because students do

not need to find the idea for make this text and also this media provides full

vocabularies. So, students just need to comprehend about how to change the direct

sentence into indirect sentence.

In line with background above, this study designed and conducted to prove

that sequence of pictures media which is consist of several related pictures

affected students’ achievement in writing recount text than a dialogue script

media. The title for this study is the effect of sequence of pictures on students’

achievement in writing recount text.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study is



“Is students’ achievement in writing recount text taught by using sequence

of pictures higher than taught by using dialogue script media?”

C. The Scope of the Study

There are many types of writing texts namely narrative, descriptive, recount,

procedure, explanation, discussion, spoof, report, news item, anecdote, hortatory

exposition, analytical exposition, and review. But this study limited on the effect

writing recount text and focus on the applying of sequence of pictures media on

students’ achievement in writing recount text, especially personal recount.

D. The Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out the effect of sequence of pictures

on students’ achievement in writing recount text on grade eight in SMP Swasta

(Private Junior High School) Muhammadiyah.

E. The Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is expected to have both theoretical and

practical importance in writing as a process and product especially the framework

of writing. Theoretically, the result of this research is to enhance the knowledge or

information about implementation sequence of pictures media on writing recount




1. For students point of view

To affect students’ achievement in writing recount text through

sequence of pictures media.

2. For teachers point of view

This research provides information for the English teacher about

sequence of pictures in teaching and learning process.

3. For other researchers point of view

This research can be used as initial experience in conducting a similar





A. Conclusion

Based on the research finding, it was discovered that there is a significant

effect of implementing sequence of pictures media on students’ achievement in

writing recount text, since student’ achievement in writing recount text taught by

implementing sequence of pictures is higher than implementing dialogue script

media (tobs> ttable; 2,221 > 1,994 ; α = 0.05).

B. Suggestion

Related to the conclusion, some suggestions are pointed out as the following:

1. English teachers are suggested to implement sequence of pictures media,

because this technique can increase teachers’ professionalism in

teaching writing especially recount text.

2. Students can increase their ability in writing recount text by using

sequence of pictures media, because by implementing this media

students are able to express their ideas, put their ideas into words and

organize them into written form effectively.

3. Other researchers are expected to conduct this study, so they will have a

good understanding to support their study especially in writing recount




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