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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh





Juliani Aswita Reg. Number. 4113131034

Bilingual Chemistry Education Program


Submitted to Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






Firts of all I would like to devote my greatest gratitude to Allah SWT The Almighty, The most Gracious and The Most Merciful for the blessing, guidance, strength, health, and favor which have been being given to me so that I could go with this life and finally finishthis thesis especially.

I would like to extend thanks to the many people, in many countries, who so generously contributed to the work presented in this thesis.

Special mention goes to my enthusiastic supervisor, Drs. Rahmat Nauli, M.Si. This degree has been an amazing experience and I thank Mr. Rahmat wholeheartedly, not only for his tremendous academic support, but also for giving me so many wonderful opportunities, guidance, and motivations.

Similar, profound gratitude goes to Prof. Ramlan Silaban, M. Si., Prof. Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., and Drs. Jasmidi, M.Si., who have been truly dedicated examiner. I am particularly indebted to them for their constant faith, advices, suggestions, guidance, and constructive critics in perfecting this thesis. I am also hugely appreciative to Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si., who has been truly dedicated validators for this thesis instruments. I’m so thankful to her for her times, advices, and suggestions in developing my research instruments. Huge gratitude is also delivered to the Prof. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc.,Ph.D., who had been my academic supervisor. I’m so glad walking under his supervisions in acheiving all achevements in university.

Special mention also goes to Prof. Syawal Gultom,M.Si., as the head of Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed), Prof. Drs. Motlan, Ph.D as the dean of

Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, Prof. Dr. Rer. nat Binari Manurung, M.Si and Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as the coordinator and secretary of Bilingual and



Special mention goes to Wijayawati, Spd as my home teacher of my research school SMA Negeri 13 Medan, the school at which I had graduated from

as well.

Special mention goes to all my colleagues who have been involved in supporting me to complete my education and color my college life. A great thanks to Yuni, Lisa, Intan who have been helped me in my research and finish the reasearch, and also for Dessy, Fatma, Cholida and all CESP students of 2011 for all moments. Special mention also goes to M. Rozi Nasution as my crazy brother for unforgottable moment always giving supporting me to finish this study.

Finally, but by no least, thanks go to my super mom Hotna Sari Harahap and my best ever dad Ivon Cassanova Piliang, my brothers Deni, Rizky, Sya’ban for my sister Imel and all my families for almost unbelievable supports. They ere the most important people in my world and I dedicated this to them.

Medan, June, 2015

The writer

Juliani Aswita




Approval Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

List of Contents vi

List of Tables ix

List of Appendix x


1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 6

1.3. Problem Limitation 6

1.4. Problem Statement 7

1.5. Research Objectives 7

1.6. Research Benefits 8

1.7. Operational Framework 9


2.1. Definition of Learning 10

2.2. Constructivism Theory of Learning 11

2.3. Learning Style In Learning Process 11

2.4. Inquiry Based Learning In Teaching Chemistry 12 2.5. The Implementation and Process of Inquiry Learning 14

2.6. Guided Inquiry Learning 15


2.8. The Usefullness of Concept Mapping 17

2.9. Student’s Achievement 18

2.10. Definition of Metacognition 19

2.11. Solubility and Solubility Product 20

2.12. Applicapability in The Learning Model to The Topic 26

2.13. Conceptual Framework 27

2.14. Hypothesis 29


3.1. Research Location and Objects 30

3.2. Population and Sample 30

3.3. Research Varibales 30

3.3.1 Independent Variable 30

3.3.2 Dependent Variable 30

3.3.3 Control variable 31

3.4. Research Design 31

3.4.1 Research Procedure 32

3.4.2 Research Procesdure Flowchart 33

3.5. Research Instrument 34

3.5.1 Test Instrumentation 34

3.5.2 Questionnaire Sheet 34

3.5.3 Validity Test 35

3.5.4 Reliability Test 36

3.5.5 Difficulty Level Test 37

3.5.6 Difference Index Test 38


3.6.1 Normality Test 39

3.6.2 Homogeneneity Test 39

3.6.3 Normalized Test 39

3.6.4 Hypothesis Testing 40

3.6.5 Correlation Analysis 42


4.1 Research Result Description 43

4.2 Result Instrument Preparation Result 43

4.2.1 Validity Test Result 44

4.2.2 Difficulty Test Result 44

4.2.3 Difference Index Test Result 44

4.2.4 Reliability Test Result 44

4.3 Data of Research Result 45

4.4 Data Analysis of Research Result 46

4.4.1 Normality Test Result 46

4.4.2 Homogeneity Test Result 47

4.4.3 Hypothesis Test Result 48

4.4.4 Correlation Analysis Test 49

4.5 Discussion 51


5.1 Conclusion 54

5.2 Suggestion 54




Table 2.1 Solubility product constant for several insoluble salts 23

and bases at the temperature of 25 Table 2.2 Applicapability of guided inquiry with concept mapping 27

and direct instruction with concept mapping to solubility and solubility product Table 3.1 Research design 31

Table 4.1. Student’s cognitive scores 46

Table 4.2. Normality test research data 47

Table 4.3. Homogeneity test of research data 48





Appendix 1 C hemistry Subject Syllabus 59

Appendix 2 Invalidated Test Categorized of Solubility and Solubility 61


Appendix 3 The Tabulation of Invalidated Question Distribution 68

Appendix 4 Validated Test Categorized if Solubility and Solubility 69


Appendix 5 The Tabulation of Validated Question Distribution 73

Appendix 6 Research Instrument In Bahasa of Invalidated Multiple 74

Choices Questions

Appendix 7 Research Instrument In Bahasa of Validated Multiple 80

Choices Questions

Appendix 8 Lesson Plan of Guided Inquiry with Concept Mapping 84

Appendix 9 Lesson Plan of Direct Instruction with Concept Mapping 107

Appendix 10 Questionnaire Sheet of Student’s Metacognition 135

Appendix 11 Validity Test Result 139

Appendix 12 Difficulty Level Test Result 142

Appendix 13 Difference Index Test Result 144

Appendix 14 Final Result of Multiple Choice Question Selection 147

Appendix 15 Reliability Test Result 148

Appendix 16 Pretest and Posttest Scores of Experiment and Control 150




Appendix 18 Tabulation of Metacognition Score of Student in 154

Experimental Class

Appendix 19 Student’s Metacognition Total Scores 157

Appendix 20 Normality Test Result of Pretest, Posttest and Gain Scores 158

of Experimental and Control Class

Appendix 21 Homogeneity Test Result of Pretest, Posttest, and Gain 170

Scores of Experimental and Control Class

Appendix 22 Hypothesis Test Result 175



1.1. Research Background

Education plays an important role in creating human quality. The central purposed of education is learning to think . As part of education, teachers need to develop and learn effectively their skills to make the learning process being successful and how to stimulate the critical thinking of students (Shofiyah,2013). The success of the learning process is the main thing that is expected to carry out education in school. The teacher must have the ability to develop and exploiting methods of learning to prevent the material bocomes more attractive so that the objective of learning can be achieved correctly.

The development in the education sector is one of key roles for the development of the nation. The data obtained from the national examination showed that the level of graduation rate in senior high school (SHS) in 2013 is decreased compared to 2012. It can be seen from the decline in the percentage passing of national examination for senior high school about 0,02 percent from the previous year (http://nasional.sindonews.com/read/htm). Furthemore, the average student’s achievement in Chemistry from the Indonesian national examination (UN) were obtained successfully in 2005 was 4.25, in 2006 was 4.50, in 2007 was 5.00, in 2008 until now in 2014 was 5.50

(http://bsnpindonesia.org/id). These achievement is categorized as in medium achievement.



on experiments seek answers to the questions of what, why, and how the natural phenomena, especially relating to the composition, structure, properties,

transformation, dynamics and energetics substance so the study required a high level thinking skills (Pohan, 2013). It is expected that the proffesional Chemistry teacher has to be able to make chemistry more relevant, enjoyable, easy and meaningful to students (Sola, 2007).

Based on experience of researcher at PPLT Unimed at SMAN 1 Perbaungan 2014, particularly in class X and XI Science, student learning outcomes in chemistry subject were still relatively low. One of the problems that lower student’s achievement in learning chemistry is that many students’ assumption about chemistry subject is one of a difficult subject to learned and it is possibly caused by the difficulties in learning process faced by the students, and the lack of the teacher in communicating the subject by using interactive methods in teaching learning process. There was no willingness of the students to learn and understand the lesson so they ignored this subject. Consequently, the teaching learning process was not running optimally due to the students could not achieve the standard score. The low student achievement in learning chemistry subject can be interpreted as a lack of effective and innovative teaching learning process.

Learning is related to the success of the learning process that outcome will determine the student’s achievement will be achieved. Therefore, in choosing learning methods, a teacher mus pay attention to several things; conformity with

the purpose of learning methods and teaching materials, teaching methods and conformance with environmental education(Siahaan, 2014).



chemistry is a difficult subject. Besides, the use of there is no variation method in teaching learning process so that the students are bored with that teaching learning

process (Fajri, et all 2012).

According to (Win, 2008) the difficulties of learning that students experienced have been rising because they can’t develop their selves according to their capacities. Generally, school purposed to the student who has middle ability so student who has less ability are ignored. Actually, every student has different intelectual activities, physics, background, habit and teaching approach between one student and the other. The difficulties of learning that student experience consists of internal and external factors. Internal factors involve cognitive, affective and psychomotoric domain. Where eternal factors involve the family, society, and school and the environmental.

Based on the observation at SMAN 13 Medan, information obtained by interview with some students in class X and XI Science, most of student feel interesting with chemistry subject, but the activity of students in learning this subject was very low. Most of them said that in chemistry subject teaching learning process the teacher still using direct instruction where the teacher explaining and writing on the white board and the students generally only listened, read, and memorized the obtained information, so the concept of chemistry subject was not embedded deeply in students caused the center learning was the teacher. On this issue, teachers are required to be able to choose the interesting model and also use variation media that can increase student’s motivation to developed student achievement better.



students actually need and wants, this makes the students get bored and sleepy easily. But actually the case is that a teacher is expected to be able to present the

subject matter as interesting as possible, so that the students are going to be interested in being creative and active in learning acitivities (Roestiyah, 2001).

In fact we consider that chemistry is subject matter which is have application in daily life, so the students must be mastered it not only in theory but also their capability of discovering concept or doing experiment and also in calculation data. One of chemistry topics which need understanding in concept, experiment, and calculation is Solubility and Solubility Product. The scope of this topics includes (1) The definition of solubility, (2) Solubility product (Ksp), (3) The relationship of solubility (s) and solubility product (Ksp), (4) The effect of a common ion and pH on solubility, and (5) The relationship of solubility product (Ksp) to precipitation (Simaremare, 2012). Solubility and solubility product is aconcept that adequately represent the abstract of chemistry lesson so that the subject is difficult to understand. So to fulfill the competences need to be achieved there must be understanding obtained from discovering the concept. Here, students are obligated to have analysis ability of observing, classifying, suspecting, explaining, measuring, and making conclusion. If the students have low quality of analysis, there will be a big possibily of getting misunderstanding about the concept (Prayogi, 2013). As an alternative model in learning to

improving student activity in learning, researcher choose one of the Inquiry Learning type which focus on student’s analysis ability but still under the guidance of teacher as facilitator, motivator, and role model. This type is Guided Inquiry Learning. In this model the problem is given to students, but they are self-directed in terms of designing procedure and explorring the answer (Smitheny,2010).



inquiry method). There is statistically significant difference between two sample (Vlassi and Karaliota,2013).

The using of concept mapping as learning media also can increase student more active in learning. A concept mapp stimulates this process by requireing the learner to pay attention to the relationship between concepts. Concept mapping techniquies are iterpreted as representative of students knowledge structures. A concept mapping includes nodes (terms or concepts), linking lines (usually with a unidirectional arrow from one concpet to another), and linking phrases that describe the relationship between nodes. Two nodes connected with a labelled line are called a proporsition. Moreover, concept arrangement and linking line orientation determine the map’s structure (Yin at al., 2001; Erdem, Yilmaz, and Oskay, 2009). There is a common view that using the concept maps as teaching materials by the teacher enables students to get the contents and have confidence in themselves in the teaching process. However, there are views that it could lower the participation in learning process as it practice students (Beydogan and Bayindir, 2010).

In her research depending on concept mapping, Pohan (2013) observes the student’s achievement that be taught with concept mapp strategy is higher than conventional method with Fcount = 52.73 > Ftable = 3.92. Also some researchers use

the concept maps as material synthesizing the information and the effect of using concept mapping can increase participation of students in learning. The results

revealed that concept maps were informative for teacher educators and have the potential to improve student teacher’s learning and contributed to their awareness of learning process (Buldu and Buldu, 2010).



(Hrbackova, Hladik and Vavrova, 2012) described theory of “thinking about thinking” as metacognition. It means knowledge of one’s own cognitive proces, as an example knowledge of how one learns and acts as weel as control of these process by the person who learns in various situation. High ability in student’s metacognition given chance to achieved success in learning, because from that student’s metacognition can observed how far student’s effort in improving their learning (Purwaningsih, 2011).

It is absolutely efeective to use this kind of learning model on the teaching and learning activities. Therefore, due to the condition described above, the researcher was interested intently the research entitled The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry with Concept Mapping Toward Student’s Metacognition and

Student’s Achievement In the Teaching of Solubility and Solubility Product.

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background describe above, problems can identified as follows:

1. Student’s achievement is low

2. The chemistry subject is a difficult/ abstract with calculation concept 3. The lack of student’s activity in learning chemistry subject

4. Teaching and learning process are generally running by conventional way where the process tend to dominated by teacher centered learning

5. The lack of theoritical and practical understanding about science especially chemistry

1.3. Problem Limitation



1. The research will be conducted in Senior High School in Medan, North Sumatera and limited to the grade XI even semester of academic year


2. The topic was limited to the unit of chemistry of solubility and solubility product

3. Teaching method used in this research was limited to the learning of model of Guided Inquiry with concept mapping as experiment class and direct instruction with concept mapping as control class

4. In this research, the study was limited to the investigation the correlation of student’s metacognition to the student’s achievement obtained by Guided Inquiry with concept mapping

1.4. Problem Statement

To give the direction of this research, the problem statement in this research more formulated as follows

1. Is the student achievement that be taught by guided inquiry with concept mapping significant higher than the student achievement that be taught by direct instruction with concept mapping?

2. Is there any significant correlation between student’s metacognition to the student’s achievement obtained by Guided Inquiry with concept mapping? 3. What is descriptive explanation of the Student’s Metacognition obtained

by Guided-Inquiry with concept mapping?

1.5. Research Objective



1. Whether or not the students achievement that be taught by Guided Inquiry with concept mapping is significant higher than the students achievement

that be taught by Direct instruction with concept mapping

2. Whether or not there is significant correlation between student’s metacognition to the student’s achievement obtained by Guided Inquiry with concept mapping

3. Knowing the percentage of student’s metacognition including knowledge

of cognition (KC), monitoring of cognition (MC) and regulation of cognition (RC) obtained by Guided-Inquiry with concept mapping

1.6. Research Benefit

This research was expected to:

1. Provide guidelines for science teacher especially chemistry teacher to implement Guided Inquiry with Concept Mapping on the teaching of chemistry topics

2. Give reference of best teaching model (Guided Inquiry with Concept Mapping) which can improve the student’s achievement on the teaching of solubility and solubility product

3. Establish both basic and advanced knowledge of students about interesting

model and media in learning

4. Give motivation to teachers to conduct similar and better research

examining learning model to chemistry topics

5. Provide inputs for next researchers to do similar research in the future

1.7. Operational Framework



as in the case of the child’s reaction to the needle. All sorts of learning are going on all the time.

Guided Inquiry is planned, targeted, supervised intervention throughout the inquiry process. The principles and foundation of Guided Inquiry are based on solid research grounded in a constructivist approach to learning. in Guided Inquiry the teacher provides the problem for investigation as weel as tghe necessary materials. Students are expected to devise their own procedures to solve the problem. Guided Inquiry is carefully planned, closely supervised targeted intevention of an instructional team of teachers to guide students through curriculum based inquiry units that build deep knowledge and deep understanding of a curriculum topic, and gradually lead towards independent learning.

Concept mapping is a graphic illustration of concrete that indicate how a single concept linked to other concepts in the same category. According to Martin (in Trianto, 2009) Concept mapping is an important new innovations to help children generated meaningful learning in the classroom. Concept mapping provides a concrete visual aid to help organizing information before that information learned by students.

Metacognition may then be understood as a set of abilities and skills to recognize one’s own cognitive (learning) activities, to plan, to monitor and to evaluate procedures that he has applied in his learning. Metacognition does not




The objectives of this research had been transformed to be problem statements which were then hypothesized. The supporting data were found and analyzed by Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) version 15.0 to reveal all the hypotheses. The data analysis and the result of this study have provided a basis for the following conclusions:

1. The student achievement that be taught by guided-inquiry with concept mapping significant is higher than the student achievement that be taught by direct instruction with concept mapping

2. There is significant correlation between student’s metacognition to the

student’s achievement obtained by guided-inquiry with concept mapping

3. The percentage of student’s metacognition that be taught by guided

-inquiry with concept mapping including 53 % of students had ability to know their knowledge of cognition (KC), 56 % of students had ability to know their monitoring of cognition (MC) and 60 % of students had ability to know their regulation of cognition (RC)

4.2. Suggestions

The outcomes of this research recommended chemistry teachers to

implement this kind of learning model due to its effectiveness and significances compared to direct instruction one on the teaching of solubility and solubility product. The overall results of this study offer implications for future researchers who may be intersted in studying the effectiveness of Guided Inquiry on theaching of chemistry topics or other subjects. This study could be replicated among a larger population in North Sumatera, Indonesia and even across to the nation. Because this study limited the scope of research to senior high school



researchers could enlarge the scope of this research by examining this kind of learning model to may be elementary, junior high school, or even in university

students. For perfect of this research, future researhers could include additional

variables which may give contribution to student’s cognitive and affective aspects

such as examining the effectiveness of guided inquiry with concept mapping in

improving the student’s achievement and knowing the ability of student’s




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Table 2.1 Solubility product constant for several insoluble salts               23


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