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Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas


Academic year: 2017

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A. Choese a, b, c, or d for the correct answer ! The following text is for question 1 to 3.

My name is lina. L – I - N - A.

I am a stundent at SMP Al-Ikhlas Taliwang I was born in Alas on December 30, 2002 I live at Jl. Ahmad Yani No.15

I like cooking, singing and dancing My blood type is O

You can e-mail me at pidia2002@yahoo.co.id I am in Class VII A.

1. Where is lina born? a. Palangkaraya b. Alas

c. Palembang d. Taliwang

2. Which activity does she like? a. Climbing

b. Jogging c. Dancing d. Gardening

3. Which statement is TRUE ? a. Lina is in Class seven A b. Her favorite food is fried rice c. She goes to SMP 1 in Alas d. She was Born in Alas

Read the dialog for questions 4 and 5

Alex : What are your hobbies? Jane : Shopping.

Alex : Just shopping?

Jane : Hmmmm well, I like reading comics and dancing but my favorite thing is shopping.

4. What is jane favorite thing? a. Rading comics

b. Dancing c. Singing d. Shopping

5. How many people are in dialog? a. Four

b. Three c. Two d. One


1. Please make sentences based on the fictures bellow!.

2. Please! Make your family tree 3. Please! Describe you Mother

4. Please write a letter to your father

Created by. Sopan Hidayat-Mahasiswa Bhs.Inggris Universitas Cordova Indonesia - KSB



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