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An Analysis Of Phrasal Verbs In Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol And Its Translation Into Bahasa Indonesia By Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno


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MARINA W P SIHOMBING Reg. No. 070705023






MARINA W P SIHOMBING Reg. No. 070705023

Supervisor, Co.Supervisor,

Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M. Hum Dr. Drs. Eddy Setia, Med TESP NIP. 19540528 198303 2 001 NIP. 19570412 198403 1 001

Submitted to the Faculty of Humanity University of Sumatera Utara in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Humaniora in English Department.




Aprroved by the English Department of Faculty of Humanity

University of North Sumatera (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana

Humaniora Examination.




Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the

degree of Sarjana Humaniora from the English Department, Faculty of Humanity,

University of North Sumatera, Medan.

The examination is held on the Faculty of Humanity, University of North

Sumatera on .

The Dean of Faculty of Humanity

University of North Sumatera

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners






First and the foremost, I would honored God Almighty ho has, is and will

always giving His Blessings to His Creation.

The overall discussion in this thesis deals with the procedures of

translation used in translating phrasal verbs found in Dan Brown’s The Lost

Symbol and its translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno.

Let me take this opportunity to express my gratitude to: Dr. Drs. Syahron

Lubis, M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Humanity, USU. Next, my gratitude to the

Head of English Department, Dr. H.Muhizar Muchtar, MS and Dr. Hj. Nurlela,

M.Hum as the Secretary, for their assistance and guidance and, most of all, their

advises during my academic years in English Department.

Next, I would like to thank my Supervisor, Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip.

TESOL, M. Hum, and my Co-Superisor Dr. Drs. Eddy Setia, Med TESP for their

countless contributions and assistances by providing constructive comments to

this thesis. Moreover, for all their motivations and advises for my personal

improvements, I can pay them all nothing in return.

I also would like to dedicate my gratitude to Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis,

M. Hum for the encouragement during my study in English Department.

I will never forget to thank my big family of Sihombing, I dedicate this


very-only-best father, S.Sihombing and my irreplaceable mother in the world,

S.Hutapea for all the lecturers, life-lesson and countless love affection. It would

never happen without your struggles and prays. And to be on this stage of life, I

know you have sacrificed many things for our family. This new lines can never

describe how my love to you both, but all I know, I love you, my extraordinary

parents. Nothing, ever, in this world, can pay your love.

I also thank all my sisters, Jessica Sihombing and Triani Sylvana

Sihombing, and to my only brother, Agung Kurniawan Sihombing, for the endless

love, care, and kindness that encourage me to finih this thesis.

My gratitude is also adressed to Tulang Yosua and his family who always

support me to accomplish this thesis.

Many thanks to all my colleagues in English Department, for sharing me

their best friendhip, and the unforgetable moments I have spent in campus. I

would regret not meeting you, people. All the best for you.

Great thanks must also go to all my brother and sisters in “Gracefull”, to

Bang Yayang, Kak Marline, Mariana, Nelly, Ida and Dorta who has always

supportive during these years. Thanks for all the love, care, sharing. May God

bless yu all!!

Special thanks go to Haryono Simangunsong, SE who is always being so


Last but not least, the writer would like to say thank to all my friends

whose name cannot put in this thesis. You all will be in my heart. Thanks a lot for

everything that you have done for me. Finally, I hope this thesis will always be

beneficial for all the readers.

Medan, July 2011



I, MARINA W P SIHOMBING, declare that I am the sole author of this

thesis. Except where reference is made in the text of this thesis. This thesis

contains no material published else where or extracted in whole or in part from a

thesis by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgments in the

main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for the award of

another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :




TITLE : An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol

and Its Translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani


Qualification : S1/ Sarjana Humaniora

Departement : English

I am willing that my thesis should be available for reproduction at the disertation

of the librarian of English Department, Faculty of Humanity, University of

Sumatera Utara, on the understanding that the users made aware of their

obligation under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :



Skripsi ini berjudul “An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol and Its Translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno”, yang merupakan suatu analisis mengenai prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan dalam penerjemahan phrasal verbs pada novel Dan Brown berjudul The Lost Symbol ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan prosedur tersebut ialah teori prosedur terjemahan Vinay dan Dalbernet yang terdapat dalam buku berjudul The Translation Studies Reader (Venuti, 2000:84-93), yang menyatakan ada dua metode dalam penerjemahan yaitu: metode langsung dan metode tidak langsung. Metode langsung mencakup 3 prosedur terjemahan, yaitu: peminjaman (borrowing), calque, terjemahan kata-per-kata (literal translation). Metode tidak langsung mencakup 4 prosedur terjemahan, yaitu: transposisi (transposition), modulasi (modulation), ekuivalens (equivalence), dan adaptasi (adaptation). Dari analisis yang dilakukan ditemukan 140 phrasal verbs yang diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan Vinay dan Dalbernet; antara lain: 11 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan kata-per-kata 7.86 %, 18 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan transposisi of 12.86 %, 43 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan modulasi 30.71 %, 63 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan ekuivalens 45 %, dan 5 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan adaptasi 3.57 %. Namun, tidak ditemukan phrasal verbs yang diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur peminjaman dan Calque. Dari analisis, diketahui bahwa prosedur terjemahan ekuivalens yang paling dominan digunakan dalam penerjemahan phrasal verbs.



Adj Adjective

Adv Adverb

N Noun

N.O Noun Object

O Object

Prep Preposition

P.O Pronoun Object

SL Source Language









CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Scope of the Study ... 4

1.3 Problems of the Study ... 4

1.4 Objectives of the Study ... 4

1.5 Significances of the Study ... 5

1.6 Review of Related Literature ... 6

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Translation 2.1.1 Definitions of Translation……….7

2.1.2 Function of Translation……….8

2.1.3 Types of Translation………..9

2.1.4 Process of Translation………10

2.1.5 Methods of Translation…………...11


2.2.2 The Importance of Phrasal Verbs………15

2.2.3 Kinds of Phrasal Verbs………16

2.2.4 Word Order in Phrasal Verbs…………..17


3.2 Population and Sample ... 22

3.3 Methods of Data Observation ... 23

3.4 Methods of Data Analysis ... 24


4.3 Data Findings ... 45


5.2 Suggestions………...47



Skripsi ini berjudul “An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol and Its Translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno”, yang merupakan suatu analisis mengenai prosedur terjemahan yang digunakan dalam penerjemahan phrasal verbs pada novel Dan Brown berjudul The Lost Symbol ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasikan prosedur tersebut ialah teori prosedur terjemahan Vinay dan Dalbernet yang terdapat dalam buku berjudul The Translation Studies Reader (Venuti, 2000:84-93), yang menyatakan ada dua metode dalam penerjemahan yaitu: metode langsung dan metode tidak langsung. Metode langsung mencakup 3 prosedur terjemahan, yaitu: peminjaman (borrowing), calque, terjemahan kata-per-kata (literal translation). Metode tidak langsung mencakup 4 prosedur terjemahan, yaitu: transposisi (transposition), modulasi (modulation), ekuivalens (equivalence), dan adaptasi (adaptation). Dari analisis yang dilakukan ditemukan 140 phrasal verbs yang diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan Vinay dan Dalbernet; antara lain: 11 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan kata-per-kata 7.86 %, 18 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan transposisi of 12.86 %, 43 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan modulasi 30.71 %, 63 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan ekuivalens 45 %, dan 5 phrasal verbs diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur terjemahan adaptasi 3.57 %. Namun, tidak ditemukan phrasal verbs yang diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan prosedur peminjaman dan Calque. Dari analisis, diketahui bahwa prosedur terjemahan ekuivalens yang paling dominan digunakan dalam penerjemahan phrasal verbs.




1.1Background of the Study

There are thousands of languages in this world, for instance Bahasa

Indonesia, English, Spanish, Deutsch, etc. Every language is unique which means

that one language is different to another language whether it is in sounds, words,

and the structure of the sentences. The function of language as a tool of

communication finds obstacle when it is related to the diversity of language itself.

It is hard to use unknown language as a tool of communication especially in the

international communication. In order to overcome the obstacle, there should be a

solution which is called as “translation”.

Basically, translation is studying the lexicon, grammatical structure,

communication situation, and cultural context of the source language text,

analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same

meaning using lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the

receptor language and its cultural context (Larson, 1984:3). Translation functions

as a means to transfer equivalent message from one language to another, so that

communication of human keeps going on.

Hoener (1962:15-16) explains that every language has its own structure

which may be consisted of many units such as morphemes, words, phrases,

clauses and sentences. Those units can still be classified into the most specific


expressions, phrasal verbs, etc. Phrasal verb is one of the aspects of language that

will be discussed further in this thesis.

As defined in English Vocabulary in Use (McCarthy, 2001:170) phrasal

verbs are basic verbs which can be combined with different prepositions (or

particles) to make verbs completely new – and often unguessable – meanings. Its

meaning is not predictable from the usual grammatical rules of a language or from

the usual meanings of its constituent elements. The sense of meaning of phrasal

verbs can mean something different from what the words literary imply.

Based on its characteristics, people find difficulties to translate the phrasal

verbs. It is usually not translated well; in some cases, when it is translated into

another language, either its meaning is changed or it is meaningless. This case

may occur in the literary translated, such as in the translated novel. In this thesis,

the writer will analyze the phrasal verbs found in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol

and its translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno.

This novel tells about the story of a lecturer named Professor Robert

Langdon who is asked to complete the puzzle code in a small ancient pyramid by

Mal’akh in order to find the hidden treasure which is assumed under the Capitol


In the translation of Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol, the writer finds

phrasal verbs, such as:

Source Language (English):


Target Language (Bahasa Indonesia):

Lift Otis yang naik merayapi pilar selatan Menara Eiffel itu dipenuhi turis. (page 25)

The translator translates overflowing with into dipenuhi. The active sentence is

changed into the passive sentence, but it does not change the sense of meaning

totally. In this case, the translator uses “equivalence” which refers to the

methodology of translation where language describes the same situation by

different stylistic or cultural means.

Considering the uniqueness of the phrasal verbs causing the problem in

translating it into another language, the writer eager to get deeper understanding

about the most appropriate way to translate it. Finally, the writer will identify

procedures of translation, based on Vinay and Dalbernet in Venuti (2000:84-93),

implemented by the translator in translating the phrasal verbs. Thus, the title of

this thesis is “An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol

and Its Translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno”

1.2 Scope of the Study

In order to avoid excessively large discussions, the study is focused on

phrasal verbs. The data that are going to be analyzed are found in Dan Brown’s

The Lost Symbol and its translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid Dwijani


1.3 Problems of the Study

The problems of analysis in the thesis are:

1. What are the procedures of translation found in the translation of phrasal

verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol into Bahasa Indonesia?

2. What is the most dominant procedure of translation occurred in the

translation of phrasal verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol into Bahasa


1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of analysis in the thesis are:

1. To figure out the procedures of translation found in the translation of

phrasal verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol into Bahasa Indonesia.

2. To figure out the most dominant procedure of translation occurred in the

translation of phrasal verbs in Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol into Bahasa


1.5 Significances of the Study

A study is done due to certain significances it has. The significances of the

study can be both theoretical and practical. It means, the result of a study could be

beneficial for developing knowledge and insight, and also can be applied for daily

living (Silalahi, 2010:2-3).

Based on the statement above, this study has two major significances.


translation and phrasal verbs. Second, it is expected to be helpful for people

especially the students who wants to be a translator or currently work as a

translator, to learn how to conduct translating especially in the case of phrasal


1.6 Review of Related Literature

I use several major references in doing this analysis

Harahap (1994) in The Study of English Idioms and Their Uses explains about the difficulties of phrasal verbs that there is no rule that will take us in advance what verbs will govern what prepositions. Because of this special feature, phrasal verbs must be studied as a whole. We cannot change any part of it because it will cause the change of its meanings.

Hasna (2001) in An Analysis of Phrasal Verbs in Bill Manhoff’s play The Owl and The Pussy Cat explains phrasal verb as an expression that does not follow the normal pattern of the language or that has a total meaning not suggested by its separate words.

Machali (2000) in Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah explains that each language has its own rules which might be different from other language. The translator may use some methodology in order to transfer the meaning from SL to TL and result the best translation.




2.3 Translation

2.3.1 Definitions of Translation

Basically, the term translation itself has several meanings: it can refer to

the general subject field, the product (the text that has been translated) or the

process (the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating)

(Munday, 2001:5). Nevertheless, the definition of translation is not that simple.

Further elaboration is needed to make it obvious. Many experts in translation

theory define translation in different ways.

Etymologically, “translation is carrying across or bringing across”: the

Latin translatio derives from transfere (trans = across + fere = to carry or to bring)

(Translation 2005:1)

Catford (1965:20) states that translation is the replacement of textual

material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language


Levy as cited in Venuti (2000:148) explains two definitions of translation

based on the teleological and pragmatic point of view. From the teleological point

of view, translation is a process of communication: the objective of translating is

to impart the knowledge of the original to the foreign reader. From the point of

view of the working situation of the translator at any moment of his work (that is

form the pragmatic point of view), translation is a decision process: a series of a


of choosing among a certain (and very often exactly definable) number of


Moreover, translation also deals with semantic and culture aspects. Hatim

and Mason (1997:1) say, “Translating … as an act of communication which

attempts to relay, across cultural and linguistic boundaries, another act of

communication (which may have been intended for different purpose and

different readers/ listeners)”

2.3.2 Function of Translation

Translation is attempted to be used to overcome barriers in international

communication (Haugen 2001:17). It means that translation is expected to

overcome the obstacle faced in the international communication caused by the

variety of language.

Translation is studying the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication

situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to

determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using lexicon

and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its

cultural context. (Larson 1984:3). It means that the translation functions as the

bridge of human’s communication in order to keep the communication going on,

especially in the international communication


2.3.3 Types of Translation

Jakobson (1959/2000: 114) formulates categories of translation into three

parts, namely intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic translation.

a. Intralingual translation (or ‘rewording’) is an interpretation of verbal signs

by means of other signs of the same language. It would occur, for

example, when we rephrase an expression or text in the same language to

explain or clarify something we might have said or written.

b. Interlingual translation (or ‘translation proper’) is an interpretation of

verbal signs by means of some other language. It would occur if written

text were translated, for example, into music, film or painting.

c. Intersemiotic translation (or ‘transmutation’) is an interpretation of verbal

signs by means of a sign of non – verbal sign systems. It would occur if

we translate a text from one language to another language, such as English

into Bahasa Indonesia.

2.3.4 Process of Translation

The process of translation involves the translator changing an original text

(the source text or ST) in the original verbal language (the source language or SL)

into a target text (TT) in a different verbal language (the target language or TL).

Nida and Taber (1969:33) cited in Munday (2001:6) divide the process of

translation into three stages: analysis of the source language, transferring the

message of the source language, and restructuring of the transferred message in


Figure 1: Nida’s three – stage system of translation (Munday, 2001:6)

a. The analysis stage is the process in which grammatical relationship and

the meaning of words or its combination are analyzed.

b. The transfer stage is the process in which the analyzed material in stage 1

are transferred in the translator’s mind from source language into target


c. The restructuring stage is the process in which the writer rewrite or

re-express the material in such a way that the translation product is readable

and acceptable in terms of rules and style in the target language.

2.3.5 Method of Translation

There are two general translation methods identified by Vinay and

Dalbernet (2000:84-93): direct and oblique translation. The two methods

comprise seven procedures of translation, of which direct translation covers three:

borrowing, calque and literal translation. Oblique translation covers four:

transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation.

A (source language) B (receptor language)

(analysis) (restructuring)


a. Borrowing

The SL word is transferred directly to the TL. Sometimes it is employed to add local color.


SL : durian ; orangutan (Bahasa Indonesia)

TL : durian ; orangutan (English)

b. Calque

This is ‘a special kind of borrowing’ where the SL expression or structure is transferred in a literal translation.


SL : ambition ; cell (English)

TL : ambisi ; sel (Bahasa Indonesia)

c. Literal translation

This is ‘word – for – word’ translation, which is described as being most common between languages of the same family and culture.


SL : I go to school every day (English)

TL : Saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari (Bahasa Indonesia)

d. Transposition

This is a change of one part of speech for another without changing the sense.


SL : My hobby is reading. (English) N


e. Modulation

The changes the semantics and point of view of the SL.


SL : I left my purse in the bus. (English)

TL : Dompet saya tertinggal di bus. (Bahasa Indonesia)

f. Equivalence

It refers to cases where language describes the same situation by different stylistic or structural means. It is particularly useful in translating idioms and proverbs.


SL : She looks for her purse. (English)

TL : Dia mencari dompetnya. (Bahasa Indonesia)

g. Adaptation

It involves the changing the cultural reference when a situation in the source culture does not exist in the target culture.


SL : Elisabeth will marry with John (English)

TL : John akan menikahi Elisabeth. (Bahasa Indonesia)

2.1 Phrasal Verbs

2.1.1 Definitions of Phrasal


In spoken language, most speakers of English use phrasal verbs.

Consequently, phrasal verbs form a very important part of English. They are used

to give life and richness to the language by enabling it to absorb new concepts

which need to be expressed linguistically in a new way. Phrasal verbs take the


The question is what the phrasal verb is? To give the exact understanding

of Phrasal Verbs, the writer would like to give some definitions of phrasal verb

given by some linguists.

Basically, the term phrasal verb refers to a verb and preposition which

together have a special meaning (Azar, 1989:A26).

Phrasal verbs are lexical verbs which consist of more than just the verb

word itself (Halliday, 1994:207).

Phrasal verb is a verb consisting of a simple verb plus one or more

particles, the meaning is no generally predictable from the meaning of the

component part (Warriner, 1982:88)

Phrasal verbs are combination of verbs plus particle that regularly occur

together (Biber, 1999:407)

Phrasal verb is combination of a verb and a particle which together have a

meaning different from the costumary meaning of the two words (Crowell,


Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman (1974:121) in An Introduction to

Language explain that knowing a language obviously means knowing the

morphemes, simple words, compound words, and their meanings. But in addition,

there are fixed phrases, consisting of more than one word, which have meaning

which cannot be inferred by knowing meaning of individual word. Such phrases

are called phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs are traditional rather than logical. The meaning of a verb


notice that phrasal verbs are mostly made up of popular words. They are used by

all classes of people and are common to both standard and non standard speech.

Often a particular phrasal verb may be categorized in various ways according to

similarities or structure, image and content.

Since the general tendencies of present-day English are toward more

idiomatic usage, phrasal verbs are not a spare part of language which one can

choose either to use or to omit, but they form an essential part of the general

vocabulary of the English. A description of how the vocabulary of the language is

growing and changing will help to place phrasal verbs in perspective. We shall

also consider some changing attitudes towards language, several different aspects

of Phrasal verbs.

In simple way, it can be concluded that a phrasal verb is an expression that

does not follow the normal pattern of the language or that has a total meaning not

suggested by its separate words.

2.1.2 The Importance of Phrasal


a. Phrasal verbs are very common and widely used by English –

speaking people, both in everyday speech and in writing. They are

particularly common in the media – newspapers, magazines, etc.

b. Phrasal verbs are often a single verb, usually of classical origin,

corresponding to a phrasal verb,


do without = economize on

give up = abandon

break in = interrupt

cut out = delete

leave out = omit

but the single word can often sound odd or much too formal in

everyday speech.


A: I am endeavouring to determine whether it would be

more advisable to reduce my consumption or to abandon

the habit altogether.

B: You mean you are trying to decide whether you should

cut down or give up.

c. Phrasal verbs are dynamic, that is, we are constantly inventing

(making up) new ones and giving new meanings to old ones –

slang and the conversation of young people are full of such things


It turns me on (excite me)

He’s into meditation (deeply interested in)

He keeps plugging away at the same old arguments


2.1.3 Kinds of Phrasal Verbs There are two kinds of phrasal verbs: separable and nonseparable phrasal


- Separable phrasal verbs

A noun or pronoun may come either between the verb and the

preposition or after the preposition


SL: I handed my paper in yesterday. Noun/ Pronoun

I handed in my paper yesterday. Noun/ Pronoun

TL: Saya menyerahkan tugas saya kemarin.

- Nonseparable phrasal verbs

A noun or pronoun must follow the preposition.


SL: I ran into an old friend yesterday Noun/ Pronoun

TL: Saya tidak sengaja bertemu teman saya semalam.

2.1.4 Word Order in Phrasal


There are three word orders in phrasal verbs: verb + preposition, verb +

adverb + preposition, verb + adverb.


If the particle is a preposition, the phrasal verb will always have an object,

which follows the preposition in the usual way:

Verb + Preposition + Object


Noun object : look after the dog V Prep O

Pronoun object : look after it V Prep O

b. Verb + Adverb + Preposition

If the phrasal verb has two particles (adverb + preposition) the pattern is

the same:

Verb + Adverb + Preposition + Object


Noun object : look down on your enemies V Adv Prep O

Pronoun object : look down on them V Adv Prep O

The commonest two-particle combinations are:

up to

up for

up with

down on

down to

in for


in with

out for

c. Verb + Adverb

If the particle is an adverb, the word order depends on:

(a) whether there is an object, and

(b) if there is an object, whether the object is a personal pronoun or a noun


a. without an object:

Verb + Adverb


go away V Adv

set off V Adv

b. with a personal pronoun as object:

Verb + Pronoun Object + Adverb


put them away V P.O Adv

bring it up V P.O Adv

The pronoun must always come between the verb and the adverb.


When the object is a noun or an indefinite pronoun, there are two possible


1. When the object is a personal pronoun

Verb + Noun Object + Adverb


put your toys away

V N.O Adv

bring the matter up

V N.O Adv

2. When the object follows

Verb + Adverb + Noun Object


put away your toys V Adv N.O

Bring up the matter V Adv N.O

Unfortunately there are no simple rules to say which pattern is ‘correct’ in

any particular situation – the choice may depend on a slight change of meaning,

on the rhythm of the sentence, or sometimes on the personal preference of the


In general, the phrasal verb is more likely to have the literal meaning of its

parts when the verb and adverb are kept together: and a transferred or changed

meaning when they are separated.

The first pattern is commonly used



ST: pay the money back TL: kembalikan uang itu

ST: put your toys away TL: singkirkan mainanmu ii) With indefinite pronoun


SL: hand everything over

TL: menangani semuanya sampai selesai SL: leave nothing out

TL: tidak meninggalkan apapun iii) With the names of people


SL: pick John up TL: menjemput John iv) With idiomatic expressions

That is, where the meaning is in the whole expression rather than in

the individual words.


SL: Don’t give the game away.

TL: Jangan menyerah.

SL: His speech brought the house down.

TL: Perkataannya sangat mengesankan.

The second pattern are commonly used

i) When the object is a long one



TL: Dia mencoba menemukan cara bagaimana 2+2 menjadi 5.

ii) When the object is followed by a contrast or a second object





3.1 Research Method

In writing the thesis, the research method of the analysis is the library

research by consulting some books and dictionaries to collect the theories. In

additional, some information is also found form the website to support or

complete the collected theories.

In describing and explaining the findings, the method used is descriptive

qualitative method. It refers to a research explaining the analysis or a hypothesis

of a research (Strauss, 2003:7). The formula dealing with calculating data is

merely used to support the data analysis. The formula is not intended to be the

main focus on the research.

3.2 Population and Sample

The data that are going to be analyzed are gathered from Dan Brown’s

novel entitled The Lost Symbol and its translation into Bahasa Indonesia by Ingrid

Dwijani Nimpoeno.

3.3 Method of Data Observation

There are some pages chosen as the sample of the data analysis by using

systematic sampling presented by Coheran (Silalahi, 2010:264-265). In the


that might be evident when comparing polar opposites. It also allows the

maintenance of the greater consistency in data gathering (Strauss 1990:184).

Using the Coheran’s systematic sampling, the samples can be selected by

using a certain formula. The formula is:

N : Total number of population

n : Number of samples

k : Interval

The source of data consists of 133 chapters and 523 pages, however 23

pages are including the inside cover, acknowledgement, prolog and epilog. In

total, there are 500 pages for the content of chapters.

Thus, with N = 500 and n = 50, numbers of interval are:

N = n . k

500 = 50 . k

k = 10

Therefore, the sample taken is 50 pages with interval 10, started from page 6, 16,

26, 36, 46, 56, 66,76, 86, 96, 106, 116, 126, 136, 146, 156, 166, 176, 186, 196,

206, 216, 226, 236, 246, 256, 266, 276, 286, 296, 306, 316, 326, 336, 346, 356,

366, 376, 386, 396, 406, 416, 426, 436, 446, 456, 466, 476, 486, 496.

3.4 Methods of Data Analysis


1. Reading the novel in English as the source text (ST) and its translation into

Bahasa Indonesia as the target text (TT).

2. Identifying words and phrases that are included as phrasal verbs.

3. Selecting some data which strongly related to the phrasal verbs.

4. Listing the words occurred as the data findings.

5. Identifying the equivalence between ST and TT.

6. Contrasting the words in ST and TT in order to figure out the procedures

of translation used.

7. Identifying the procedures of translation occurred.

8. Classifying the procedures of translation occurred.

9. Finding out the most dominant procedures of translation occurred in the


In order to figure out the most dominant procedures of translation occurred

in the translation, this thesis is going to apply a formula referring to

Malo’s method of social research (1986:200).

Following is the formula of calculating the percentage of the procedures used:

X : Number of the subcategory of the procedures of translation

y : Number of all data





Tabel 1: Table of Data Analysis



METHODS would have gotten over this.” (page 6, line 7)

“Seharusnya saat ini kau sudah bisa mengatasinya.” (page 25, line 10) streets of Paris stretched out in all directions. (page 6, line 13)

Jauh di bawah mereka, jalan-jalan

Kota Paris membentang ke

segala arah. (page 25, line 17)


5. Just hold on. (page 6, line 15)

Bertahanlah. (page 25, line 21)


6. The boy reached out for his father. (page 6, line 21)

Bocah itu menjangkau ayahnya.

(page 26, line 1-2 )


7. Then the bottom dropped out. (page 6, line 24)

Lalu, lift terhujam ke bawah. (page 26, line 5)


8. Robert Langdon jolted upright in his soft leather seat, startling out of the semiconscious daydream. (page 6, line 25)

Robert Langdon tersentak di kursi kulit

empuk, terbangun

dari lamunan setengah sadarnya. (page 26, conference call. (page 16, line 3)

Maaf, Mr. Solomon sedang berusaha mengakhiri telepon-konferensi. (page 39, line 2)



fill you in on his reason for contacting you, if you don’t mind?” (page 16, line 6)

beliau meminta saya memberi tahu Anda

alasan beliau menghubungi Anda. Jika anda tidak keberatan.” (page 39, line 5)

11. And Mr. Salomon is hoping you would consider filling in.” (page 16, line 27)

Dan Mr. Salomon

berharap Anda Masonic history of the building than ---” (page 16, line 36)

“Seingat saya, ceramah itu lebih berhubungan dengan latar belakang Masonik bangunan itu daripada ---” (page 40, line 17)


13. Many conspiracy theorists claimed the Masonic forefathers had concealed

powerful secrets throughout Washington

along with symbolic messages hidden in the city’s layout of streets. (page 26, line 24)

Banyak penganut kospirasi yang menyatakan bahwa para pendiri AS penganuut Mason

dengan pesan-pesan

simbolis yang tersembunyi dalam tata letak jalan-jalan kota. (page 53, line 23)


14. The keypad lit up, and Katherine typed her PIN. (page 46, line 5)

Papan-kuncinya menyala, dan Katherine

mengetikkan PIN. (page 80, line 32)


15. The director’s dark from drew closer, phone held to ear, black eyes locked like two lasers on Langdon’s back. (page 66, line 5)

Sosok gelap Direktur itu semakin mendekat, dengan telepon di telinga dan mata hitam yang terpaku pada punggung


Langdon seperti dua sinar laser. (page 105, line 28)

16. He turned and his eyes were drown down … directly into the face of a tiny Japanese woman. (page 66, line 14)

Dia berbalik dan matanya langsung terpaku … pada wajah seorang perempuan Jepang mungil. (page 106, line 9) kembali hari ini. (page 148, line 5)


18. Katherine strode over, eyes riveted to the plasma wall. (page 106, line 9)


mendekat,matanya terpusat pada layar plasma. (page 162, line 20)

Equivalence, Transposition

19. Anderson looked over at the bag Landon had been carrying all evening. (page 116, line 14)

Anderson memandang tas yang dibawa Langdon sepanjang malam. (page 175, line 22)


20. Anderson pulled out his radio again and called in her request. (page 116, line 17)

Anderson mengeluarkan

radionya lagi dan meneruskan by a tiny Japanese steamroller. (page 116, line 23)

Dia merasa seolah baru saja dilindas oleh sebuah mesin penggiling Jepang mungil. (page 175, line 34)


22. “And I want that ring,” Sato called over to Forensics. (page 116, line 25)

“Dan aku menginginkan cin-cin

itu,” teriak Sato

kepada tim forensik. (page 176, line 1)


23. Mal’akh put the Taser back in his pocket and calmly finished his tea. (page 126, line 12)

Mal’akh menyimpan kembali pistol-pengejut itu

keras-keras ke dada

Solomoan. (page 189, line 4)


24. Mal’akh got down close and whispered in the man’s ear. (page 126, line 16) monogrammed napkin and stuffed it into Solomon’s mouth. (page 126, line 18)

Tanpa sepatah katapun lagi, Mal’akh

menggulung serbet bermonogram itu dan memasukkannya ke mulut solomoan. (page 189, line 13)


26. On his way out, he picked up Solomon’s iPhone and keys from the hall table. (page 126, line 21)

Dalam perjalanan keluar, dia memungut iPhone Solomoan dan kunci-kunci dari meja lorong. (page 189, line 16)


27. Langdon noticed the numbers on the doors were now descending and, after a while, seemed to be running out. (page 136, line 10)

Langdon mengamati bahwa nomor-nomor pada pintu kini semakin kecil door, which Langdon now realized was located at the hallway’s central point – the meridian that divided the Senate Basement (SB) and the House Basement (HB). (page 136, line 16)

Kelompok itu mundur

beberapa meter menuju sebuah pintu logam tua,yang kini disadari Langdon terletak di titik tengah loronf—garis

membujur yang membagi Ruang Bawah Tanah Senat (Senate Basement,SB) dan Ruang Bawah Tanah House of Representatives(House Basement, HB). (page 203, line 21)


29. As it turned out, the door was indeed marked, but its engraving was so faded, it was almost imperceptible. (page 136, line 19)

Ternyata pintunya memang ditandai, tapi tulisannya memang pudar sehingga hampir tidak terlihat.


(page 203, line 25) 30. Langdon wanted nothing

more than to get out of the place. (page 156, line 22)

Langdon ingin sekali keluar dari tempat itu. (page 231, line 3)


31. “Sometimes Masons set aside rooms like this in their offices or private homes as meditation spaces. (page 156, line 28)

“Terkadang kaum

Mason membuat

ruangan seperti ini dikantor atau rumah mereka sebagai ruang meditasi.” (page 231, line 11)


32. Langdon knew a heart surgeon in Langdon who had converted a closet in his office into a Masonic Chamber of Reflection so he could ponder mortality before going into surgery. (page 156, line 31)

Langdon mengenal seorang ahli bedah jantungdi Boston yang mengubah sebuah lemari di kantornya menjadi sebuah bilik Perenungan Mason, sehingga dia bisa merenungkan

kefanaan hidup

sebelum melakukan

pembedahan. (page

231, line 16)


33. Anderson listened a moment longer and then shook it off. (page 166, line 4)

Anderson mendengarkan

beberapa saat lagi, lalu menggelengkan kepala. (page 243, line 23) looked to Anderson for help, but the chief was now standing guard at the door, his expression unsympathetic. (page 166, line 15)

Dengan terkejut Langdon memandang Anderson, meminta bantuan, tetapi kepala keamanan itu kini berdiri menjaga pintu dengan raut wajah tidak simpatik. (page 244, line 2)


36. “Okay, hold on … I got it.” (page 176, line 3)

“Oke, tunggu

kutemukan.” (page

257, line 15)


37. She heard him lunge, and the smell of ethanol washed over her as a powerful hand grabbed at her shoulder. (page 186, line 3)

Katherine mendengar lelaki itu menerjang, dan bau etanol menyapunya ketika sebuah tangan kuat meraih bahunya. (page 270, line 19)


38. She twisted away, raw terror gripping her. (page 186, line 4)

Dia menggeliat membebaskan diri, dicengkram kengerian yang amat sangat. (page 270, line 20)


39. Mathematical probability went out the window, and Katherine broke into a blind spirit. (page 186, line 5-6)


matematis terlupakan dan Katherine mulai berlari membabi buta. (page 270, line 21-22)

Modulation, Transposition

40. Katherine backed up several steps. (page 186, line 27)

Katherine mundur

beberapa langkah. (page 271, line 14)


41. The smell of ethanol on his sleeves had proven a liability, and so he had transformed it into an asset, stripping off his shirt and jacket and using them to help corner his prey. (page 186, line 36)

Bau etanol di lengan bajunya telah terbukti menghalangi, jadi dia harus mengubahnya jadi asset. Dia melepas kemeja dan

jaketnya, dan enlightened man can reach down and touch it. (page 196, line 16)

Cukup tinggi, sehingga manusia yang tercerahkan bisa menjangkau dan menyentuhnya. (page 285, line 24)


43. The key consisted of four grids – two plain and two dotted – with the alphabet running through them in order. (page 196, line 34)

Kuncinya terdiri atas empat kisi-dua sisi kosong dan dua kisi bertitik-titik – disertai huruf yang ditulis sesuai urutan di dalam masing-masing bagian kisi. (page 286, line


15) 44. Then suddenly her mother

pulled away. (page 206, line 10)

Lalu mendadak ibunya melepaskan diri. terenyak, seakan rasa sakit itu baru saja

dirasakannya. (page

298, line 11)


46. When she got back to the conservatory, she found her mother lying motionless in a pool of blood. (page 206, line 24)

Ketika kembali ke

rumah kaca, dia mendapati ibunya difficult task with respect to this pyramid.” (page 216, line1)

“Robert, kau memberiku tugas yang

sulit sehubungan

dengan piramida ini.” (page 311, line 14)


48. Langdon stopped short and wheeled around. (page 216, line 13)

Langdon berhenti dan memutar tubuh. (page 311, line 31)


49. Whether or not I believe this lost wisdom has the potential than history suggests, I have taken a vow to keep it out of the hands of the unworthy. (page 216, line 24)

Tak peduli aku percaya atau tidak bahwa kebijakan yang hilang ini memiliki potensi seperti yang dikatakan dalam sejarah, aku telah bersumpah untuk menjauhkannya dari tangan mereka yang tidak layak. (page 312, line 12)


50. And I would not give it over to anyone … even in exchange for Peter Solomon’s life. (page 216, line 25)

Dan aku tidak akan menyerahkannya kepada seseorang … sekalipun ditukar dengan nyawa Peter Solomon. (page 312, line 13)

Literal Translation

51. Panicking now, Andros turned to flee back up the path, but he found himself

Andros, yang kini panik, berbalik untuk


facing Peter Solomon, who stood breathless before him, pistol in hand. (page 226, line 3)

menyusuri jalan setapak, tapi dia mendapati dirinya berhadapan dengan Peter Solomon yang berdiri kehabisan napas di depannya dengan pistol di tangan. (page 325, line 13)

52. “Zach’s bridge rotted out long ago,” Solomon said, painting. (page 226, line 8)

“Jembatan Zach sudah lama melapuk,”

ujar Salomon terengah-engah. (page

325, line 20)


53. “He was the only one who ever came down this far.” (page 226, line 9)

“Dia satu-satunya yang pernah pergi sejauh ini.” (page 325, line 21)


54. “Men do the unthinkable when pushed to the brink.” (page 226, line 15)

“Manusia melakukan hal yang tak terpikirkan jika terpojok.” (page 325, line 31)

Lelaki macam apa yang meninggalkan putranya di penjara, padahal dia punya

pilihan untuk membebaskannya!

(page 326, line 4)


56. The warmth ran down over his stomach. (page 226, line 24)

Kehangatan itu mengalir keperut.

(page 326, line 11)


57. He looked over his shoulder at the drop. (page 226, line 24)

Dia menengok kebelakang, melihat jurang itu. (page 326, line 12)


58. He turned back to Solomon. (page 226, line 25)

Dia menoleh kembali kepada Solomon. (page 326, line 13)

Literal translation

59. As he raced his black limousine back toward Kalorama Height, the one who now called himself Mal’akh reflected on the

Ketika memacu limusin hitamnya kembali ke kalorama height, orang yang kini menyebut dirinya


miraculous events that had delivered him from certain death atop that icy ravine. (page 226, line 33)

dari kematian yang pasti di atas jurang sedingin es. (page 326, line 22)

60. The guard put her radio back on her belt and began retracting her steps, eager to get back to the warmth of her vehicle. (page 236, line 4-5)

Petugas itu menyimpan kembali

radionya di ikat pinggang dan mulai berjalan balik, ingin segera kembali pada kehangatan

kendaraannya. (page 338, line 14-15) window, apparently to the home’s basement. (page 236, line 8)

Dengan bingung, dia berjalan mendekat, dan kini melihat sumbernya – sebuah benda kecil rendah, tampaknya menuju ruang bawah tanah. (page 338, line 19)

Literal translation

62. The glass of the window had been blacked out, coated on the inside with an opaque paint. (page 236, line 10)

Kaca jendelanya dihitamkan, bagian dalamnya dilapisi cat buram. (page 338, line 21)


63. There was no answer, but as she knocked on the window, the paint chip suddenly detached and fell off, affording her a more complete view. (page 236, line 18)

Tidak ada jawaban. Tapi ketika dia mengetuk jendela, serpihan cat mendadak terlepas dan jatuh, memberinya

pandangan yang lebih

menyeluruh. (page

338, line 31)


64. A. D. stands for Albrecth Durer? (page 256, line 3)

A. D. singkatan dari Albrecth Durer? (page 367, line 4)



door, and Langdon used Bellamy’s key card to get through. (page 256, line 17)

pintu terkunci, dan Langdon

menggunakan kartu-kunci Bellamy untuk masuk. (page 367, line 20)

66. She plunged her hand into her pocket and eagerly snatched it out. (page 276, line 27)

Dia memasukkan tangan ke dalam saku,

lalu mengeluarkan

ponsel dengan

bersemangat. (page

392, line 12)


67. Sato hung up and turned back to Bellamy with a smug smile. (page 276, line 31)

Sato menutup telepon,

dan kembali memandang Bellamy

dengan senyum pyramid within Andros’s reach, and he knew that ignoring it was like holding a winning lottery ticket and never cashing it in. (page 286, line 7) memegang tiket lotre

kemenangan dan tak pernah

menguangkannya. (page 405, line 16)


69. He had stopped working out, and he stopped admiring himself naked in the mirror. (page 286, line 11)

Dia berhenti berolahraga dan

berhenti mengagumi ketelanjangan

tubuhnya sendiri di cermin. (page 405, line 21)


70. He still relied on the painkillers that had nursed him through his recovery, and felt himself slipping back to the lifestyle that had put him in Soganlik Prison. (page 286, line 15)

Dia masih mengandalkan

tablet-tablet penghilang

nyeri yang diminumnya di sepanjang masa pemulihannya, dan dia merasa dirinya telah menyelinap kembali ke


dalam gaya hidup yang menjebloskannya ke Penjara Soganlik. (page 405, line 26) new stash of drugs, Andros staggered into a local tattoo parlor and took off his shirt. (page 286, line 25)

Malam itu, ketika sedang teller akibat narkoba barunya, Andros berjalan terhuyung-huyung

memasuki kios tato local dan melepas kemeja. (page 406, line 5)


73. “Come back when you’re ready.” (page 286, line 33)

“Kembalilah ketika

kau sudah siap.” (page 406, line 16)


74. They reached the grand staircase to the main entrance, which was set back in an eighty-foot archway beneath a breathtaking rose window. (page 296, line 3)

Mereka mencapai tangga besar menuju pintu masuk utama yang berada di dalam lengkungan setinggi dua puluh empat meter di bawah jendela bulat

kaca-patri yang

menakjubkan. (page

420, line 2)


75. Langdon’s shoulder ached from carrying the heavy stone pyramid, and he was looking forward to setting it down. (page 296, line 8)

Bahu Langdon terasa sakit karena membawa piramida batu yang berat itu, dan dia ingin sekali meletakkannya. (page 420, line 8)


76. As they approached the top of the stairs, they were met with an imposing pair of wooden doors. (page 296, line 10)

Ketika mendekati puncak tangga,

mereka disambut

sepasang pintu kayu yang mengesankan. (page 420, line 10)


77. The dean held out his hands. (page 306, line 11)

Kepala katedral menjulurkan kedua

tangannya. (page 433, line 5)


78. Langdon unzipped his bag and pulled out the pyramid, which he carefully hoisted up on the desk, setting it directly in front of the reverend. (page 306, line 12-13)

Langdon menarik ritsleting tas dan mengeluarkan piramida, yang

diletakkannya dengan hati-hati ke atas meja persis di depan pendeta. (page 433, line 6-7)

Modulation, Transposition

79. When he was finished, he held out his hands again. (page 306, line 15)

Ketika sudah selesai,

dia kembali menjulurkan tangan.

(page 433, line 12)


80. Then he reached out and located the cube-shaped box, taking it in his hands, feeling carefully, his fingers probing inside and out. (page 306, line 27)

Lalu dia menjulurkan tangan dan meraih kotak berbentuk kubus itu, menggenggamnya dengan kedua tangan, meraba-rabanya dengan cermat, jari-jarinya memeriksa bagian dalam dan bagian luarnya. (page 433, line 26)


81. The question took Langdon off guard. (page 306, line 33) had promised, they burst out of the cathedral into a massive, walled-in courtyard. (page 326, line 6)

Kini, persis seperti yang dijanjikan oleh kepala katedral, mereka keluar dari

katedral dan memasuki pekarangan

luas berdinding. (page 458, line 8)


83. Bad eyes make for great ears. (page 326, line 20)

Mata yang buruk menjadikan telinga tajam. (page 458, line 25)


84. “We can’t get across,” Katherine said. (page 326, line 28)


86. As the letters shone brighter, Katherine turned off the gas, and the water slowly stopped churning. (page 336, line 3)

Ketika huruf-huruf itu bersinar lebih terang, Katherine mematikan gas, dan airnya perlahan-lahan

berhenti bergolak. (page 472, line 5)


87. The capstone now came into focus beneath the water’s calm surface. (page 336, line 4)

Batu puncak itu kini tampak jelas di bawah permukaan air tenang. (page 472, line 6)


88. Then he reached down and pressed the speakerphone button to connect the call. (page 346, line 4)

Lalu dia menjulurkan tangan dan menekan tombol pengeras-suara untuk menerima telepon itu. (Page 485, line 17)


89. “Or I will pull over and Peter Solomon dies this instant!” (page 346, line 23)

“Atau aku akan berhenti dan Peter Solomon mati saat ini juga!” (Page 486, line 5)


90. “When you turn over Peter, I’ll give you everything you need.” (page 346, line 35)

“Ketika kau menyerahkan Peter,

akan ku serahkan segala yang kau perlukan.” (Page 486, line 22)


91. When Katherine followed the capstone’s directions and boiled the pyramid, the wax melted away, revealing the writing on the base. (page 356, line 9)

Ketika Katherine mengikuti petunjuk-petunjuk batu-puncak dan merebus piramida itu di ruang duduk,

lilinnya meleleh


tulisan di bagian dasarnya. (page 498, line 18)


92. Painfully, he swept an arm to one side, pushing the leather bag out of the way to clear his sight line into the dining room. (page 356, line 20)

Dengan penuh rasa sakit dia menyapukan tangan ke samping, menyingkirkan tas kulit agar pandangannya ke ruang makan tidak terhalang. (page 498,


line 34) 93. Langdon rolled, kicking

with his legs, trying to back away, but the huge tattooed man grabbed him, flipping him onto his back and straddling his chest. (page 356, line 28)

Langdon berguling, menendang-nendang,

mencoba mundur

tetapi lelaki bertato bertubuh besar itu meraih tubuhnya, process anything more, the huge man clasped Langdon’s ear between his palms, lifted his head up off the floor, and, with incredible force, smashed it back down onto the hardwood. (page 356, line 36-37)

Sebelum Langdon bisa mencerna lebih jauh lagi, lelaki bertubuh

besar itu

kepalanya dari lantai, dan dengan kekuatan yang luar biasa, membenturkannya

kembali ke kayu-keras. (page 499, line 19-20)

Literal Translation, much larger buildings, the Moorish façade was made of gleaming terra-cotta tile laid in intricate multicolored designs. (page 366, line 13)

Diapit dua gedung yang jauh lebih besar,

bagian depan bangunan bergaya Moor itu terbuat dari ubin terakota berkilau

yang dipasang membentuk desain

multiwarna rumit. (page 512, line 18)


97. Nonetheless, when he threw his full force into the underside of his crate, nothing budged at all. (page 376, line 3)

Walaupun demikian,

ketika dia mengerahkan seluruh

kekuatan ke sisi bawah peti, sama sekali tidak ada yang bergerak. (page 524, line 3)



from Kalorama Heights. (page 386, line 9)

pernah menelepon

dari Kalorama Heights. (page 536,

100. Soto clicked off her phone and gazed out at the majestic skyline of her nation’s capital. (page 386, line 15)

Sato mengakhiri

hubungan telepon dan memandang garis-langit megah ibu kota Negara. (page 536, line 25)


101. Her brother’s pain-laden eyes reached out to hers, filled with regret and sorrow. (page 396, line 9)

Mata sarat-kesakitan kakaknya

memandangnya, penuh penyesalan dan

penderitaan. (page

549, line 18)


102. The tattooed man reached down and gently stroked Peter’s shaved scalp. (page 396, line 15)

Lelaki bertato itu menjulurkan tangan ke bawah dan dengan lembut mengelus-elus kulit kepala plontos Peter. (page 549, line 24)


103. The tattooed man came over and placed his mouth right next to her ear. (page 396, line 33)

Lelaki bertato itu mendekat dan meletakkan mulutnya persis di samping telinga Katherine. (page 550, line 14)


104. The students broke into with wild applause. (page 406, line 16)

Para mahasiswa bertepuk tangan meriah. (page 562, line 31)


105. It is a living, breathing, working tribute to our forefathers’ dream for America – a country founded on the principles of knowledge, wisdom, and science.” (page 406, line 30)

Itu penghormatan yang hidup, bernapas,

dan bekerja mewujudkan mimpi

bapak bangsa kita untuk Amerika – negara yang didirikan berdasarkan prinsip pemahaman,

kebajikan, dan ilmu pengetahuan.” (page


563,line 16) 106. Solomon clicked off the

slides to an energetic round of applause. (page 406, line 32)

Solomon mematikan proyektor diiringi tepuk tangan riuh

bersemangat. (page

563, line 18)


107. The houselights came up, along with dozens of eager hands with questions. (page 406, line 33)

Lampu-lampu ruangan menyala, bersama-sama dengan lusinan tangan yang teracung bertanya. (page 563, line 19)

Equivalence, Modulation

108. Solomon called on a small red-haired boy in the middle. (page 406, line 34)

Solomon menyilakan seorang anak laki-laki berambut merah di bagian tengah. (page 563, line 21)


109. Sato had just explained the sensory-deprivation tank … adding that if she had not pulled him out, he would have died of starvation, or worse. (page 416, line 6)

Sato baru saja menjelaskan mengenai tangki deprivasi-indra … menimbulkan bahwa seandainya dia

tidak menarik

Langdon keluar, Langdon akan mati kelaparan, atau bahkan lebih buruk lagi. (page 577, line 7)

Literal translation

110. Langdon reached the table, and Katherine reached out, wrapping her arms around his

blanket-clad body, holding him close. (page

416, line 27)

Langdon tiba di meja,

dan Katherine mengulurkan tangan,

melingkarkan kedua lengannya pada tubuh

Langdon yang

112. Langdon fired back. (page 426, line 26)

Bentak Langdon. (page 591, line 1)


113. … and then, abruptly, pulling away to reveal a similar shape in the distance … (page 436, line 3)

… lalu, mendadak, beralih untuk mengungkapkan

bentuk yang serupa di kejauhan … (page


Figure 1: Nida’s three – stage system of translation (Munday, 2001:6)
tablet mengandalkannyeri
table, and Katherine reached out, wrapping her arms around his
Tabel 1: Table of Findings


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