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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number : 2113220013







Januardi, Fajri, 2113220013. Taboo Words in “Crank 2 : High Voltage”. A Thesis, English, Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, 2016.

The study deals with the Taboo words uttered by the character in Crank 2: High voltage movie . the objective on this study are to identify the types and the functions of taboo words uttered by the character in the movie. The source of the data were the video of Crank 2: High Voltage movie and its transcript and subtitle. The data were collected by selecting dialogues containing taboo words after watching the video and matching the transcript with the video carefully. The result of this study are state as follows : Firstly, Four types of taboo words occur in the movie. They are obcsenity,profaniy, vulgarity and ephitets. and the most dominant types of taboo word appeared was obcsenity taboo words. Secondly, four function of taboo words are found in the movie. To mock authority, to draw attention, to show contempt, and to be provocative. To show contempt was the most dominant appeared.




Great thanks and praise to the Almighty Allah SWT who has blessed and

given the ability to the write to complete her thesis as the partial fulfillment of the

requirements for degree of Sarjana Sastra at the English Department, Faculty of

Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

This thesis would not have been possible without the guidance and the

help of several individuals who always contributed and extended their valuable

assistances in the preparation and completion of this thesis. The writer’s special

appreciation goes to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean Faculty of Language and Arts,

State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Department and as his Thesis Examiners, Dra. Meisuri, MA., the

Secretary of English Department, Syamsul Bahri, S.S, M.Hum., the

Head of English Non-Educational Program, Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

Drs. Lidiman Sinaga, M.Hum. his Thesis Supervisor.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Pd. and Juli Rachmadani Hasibuan,

S.S, M.Hum. his Thesis Examiners.

All the lecturers in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of



Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd., the Administration Staff of English

Department for helping the writer in preparing all the fulfillment in

conducting this thesis.

His beloved parents, (Alm) M. Nazir Koto and Yasnibar for the deepest

gratitude for their everlasting love, the patience, affection, prayer,

greatest supports, caring, and prayers to the writer. Thanks also given to

hisbrother and sister: Muhammad Fadli Hafiz, and Dewi Marlina.

 All his beloved friends in English Literature A and B 2011, especially for

Riska Juli R, Nezayana Febriani, Swidanty Annisa, Eka Prastya, Sri Handayani Putri, Chairunnisa Lubis and others that cannot be

mentioned all. Thanks for their support, kindness, great love and care to

the writer, also warm hearted encouragement friendship in finishing this

thesis to the writer.

 The people who direct or indirectly contributed in this study, your

kindness means a lot to me.

Medan, Maret 2016

The writer,




A. Research Design ... 25

B. The Source of Data... 25

C. The technique for Collecting Data... 25

D. The Technique for Analyzing Data ... 26


A. Conclusion ... 41

B. Suggestion ... 41




Table 4.1 Table of Ephitets ... 28

Table 4.2 Table of Profanity ... 30

Table 4.3 Table of Vulgarity ... 31

Table 4.4 Table of Obsenity ... 33




Appendix A Type of Taboo Word in The Dialogue ... 45





A.The Background of The Study

People in every part of the world watch movies as a type of entertainment,

a way to have fun. It can be one of favorite entertainment in our life.Movies can

be fictional (made up), or true, or a mix of the two. Although hundreds of movies

are made every year, there are very few that do not follow a small number of set

plots, or stories. By watching to the movie, it can make as feel happy, sad, even

fear. An also by the movie we can know more about cultural or histories in

another countries. Movies can also influence our emotion base on what the genre

was watched.

Nowadays, so many equipments to watch movie, we can download it in

internet and we enjoy it in another equipment, such as mobile phone. It is also

avaible in video CD. Some movies have subtitle, the purpose of the subtitle itself

to make the viewers become easier to get the massage or to know what the movie

talking about.

There are many genres in the movie. Such as : Action movies have a lot of

exciting effects like car chases and gun fights, involving stuntmen, Comedies are

funny movies about people being silly or doing unusual things that make the

audience laugh, Science fiction movies are set in the future or in outer

space,Thrillers are usually about a mystery, strange event, or crime that needs to

be solved, Dramas are serious, and often about people falling in love or needing to



Voltage movie, there are dialogue “Who's gots my fucking strawberry tart?” which contain taboo word.

For teenagers they know taboo word from the movie and considered as bad

word. But nowadays, supringly those words are used arbitrarily and considered as

the style in conversation for them.We will shock when we hear a teenager or even

a primary school student talking that contain taboo words. They do not know the

meaning, even some of them know the meaning but they do not care. Many taboo

word or dirty word are used freely and become trend not only in the movies. They

don’t know what types of taboo words that they used. This condition will cause a

problem in our society, and influence our culture. That also can impact our formal

language, which has its own standart rules.

This study, the researcher chooses a movie as medium of investigation

because it is very popular medium in showing the social interaction in real life.

The researcher uses “Crank 2 : High Voltage“ movie as the subject of the study because the researcher finds some language taboo which is so rude or offensive in

using taboo word to express an anger, annoyance, insult someone directly. The

reseacher also finds some language phenomena in the society that many people



B.The Problem of Study

Related to the background, the problem of study were:

1. What types of taboo words are used in Crank 2 : High Voltage movie?

2. What is the dominant type of taboo words are used in Crank 2 : High

Voltage movie?

3. What are functions of taboo words used in Crank 2 : High Voltage movie?

C.The Scope of Study

The study is aimed and purposed to find out the types of taboo words in

Crank 2 : High Voltage movie. It is helpful for the readers to understand the

meaning of taboo words base on the fact.

D.The Objective of The Study

Based on the relation problems of the study, the objectives of study are:

1. To find out the types of taboo words in Crank 2 : High Voltage movie.

2. To find out the dominant type of taboo words in Crank 2 : High Voltage


3. To find out the functions of taboo words used in Crank 2 : High Voltage


E.The Significance of The Study

The reseacher expects that the research will contribute a great significance



additional information to the other linguistic research. Practically, This study is

useful for readers and viewers movies especially in common because through this

study, the readers will have new knowledge about taboo words especially about

the types of taboo word and function of taboo words in conversation. Moreover,

the readers will be able to understand that taboo words are bad forms of language

that cannot be spoken in any situation. To other researchers this research can be





Based on the data and the data analysis in chapter IV, some conclusion can

be formulated as follow:

1. All of taboo words that consist of obscenity, profanity, vulgarity, and ephitet

appeared in the movie. Obscenity were 175 (62.3%), ephitet were 49

(17.4%), profanity were 30 (10.7%), and Vulgarity were 27 (9.6%).

2. The highest frequency of the types of taboo words was obscenity appeared

175 times out of 281 total data (62.3%). And the lowest was obtained by

Vulgarity appeared 27 times out of 281 total data (9.6%).

3. There are four function appeared in the movie: to show contempt, to draw

attention to oneself, to be provocative, to mock authority. To show contempt

gets the highest percentage with 63,7% and appeared 179. The lowest

function was to mock authority with 1,8% and appeared 5 times.


Based on the conclusion above, some suggestion can be stated as follows:

1. To readers and students of linguistics, A movie which is the representation

of human real life can be a good and interesting medium to learnt. But we

have to know that sometimes a lot of movie contain some kinds of taboo

words. We should know the meaning of each words. And we have to know

the function of taboo words itself because the fuction of taboo word is not



always that the speaker wants to hurt other people’s feeling. They can be

functioned to show a good relationship by calling one’s name with the

certain types of taboo word.

2. To other researchers, this research focused on identifying the types of taboo

words and also the fuctions of taboo words in movie “Crank 2: High

Voltage” movie. There are other problem such as taboo words in gender or

taboo words in social status which were not analyzed in this research.

Similar research that will be conduct in the futue are better to discuss those




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Table 4.1  Table of Ephitets ............................................................................


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