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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 209121018





Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work,

has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for assessment.

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Medan, September 2016



Ginting, Hana Julianty. 209121018. The Effect of Questioning Strategies on Students’ Reading Comprehension. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2016.

This study aims at investigating the effect of Questioning Strategies on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text. This study was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of the study was the students of grade VIII of SMP Negeri 5 Tebing Tinggi in the academic year 2015/2016, which consisted of 9 parallel classes. Two classes were taken as the sample by applying lottery technique and each groups consisted of 30 students. The sample was divided into two groups. The class VIII-5 was experimental group and class VIII-7 was control group. The Experimental group was taught by applying questioning strategies; otherwise the control group was taught by using conventional strategy. The data of the study were obtained by objectives test. To determine the reliability of the test, KR-20 formula was used. The data calculation showed that the coefficient of reliability of the test was 0.62. It showed that the test was reliable and the reliability was substantial. The data were analyzed by applying t-test formula. After the data were analyzed, the result of the study showed that t-observed (4.29) was higher than t-table (2.00) (t-observed > t-table) at the level of significance of α = 0.05 and at the degree of freedom (df) = 58. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted. It means that there is significant effect of questioning strategies on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.



Praise the Lord, the greatest and deepest countless thanks to most merciful, Jesus Christ for His amazing love, blessing and strength are given to the writer during her study and in completing this thesis. This thesis is submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan.

In the process of completing this thesis, the writer faced some difficulties and problems. The writer also has worked with a greater number of people who give guidance, suggestions, advices, comments and moral supports. Therefore, the writer would like to express her thanks and sincere gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department and her Academic Advisor and also as her Reviewer and Examiner, who has given her suggestions and comments to review and revise this thesis.

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., her Thesis Advisor, who has guide, support, advises, and give his precious time in the process of completing this thesis.

Drs. Lidiman Sinaga, M.Hum., as her Reviewer and Examiner, who has given her guidance, support, and comments.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as her Reviewer and Examiner, who has given her guidance, support, and comments.

Dr. Anni H. Pulungan, M.Hum., as her Reviewer and Examiner, who has given her guidance and, support, and comments.

All the Lecturers of English Department, who have taught, guided, and advised her throughout the academic years.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, S.Pd.,M.Pd., the administration staff of English Department, for her attention, assistance, and information in completing this thesis.

Maswar Syahril, S.Pd, the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 5 Tebing Tinggi, for his permission in allowing the writer to do the observation and to collect the data needed for the thesis.


the process of completing this thesis. And all the teachers and students at the school for the good cooperation.

Sadarih Ginting and Nince Elisabet Manalu, S.Th, her beloved parents, Helen Yunita Ginting, SE and Hilda Maretha Ginting, S.Pd., her sisters, for their everlasting love, prayer, great motivation, courage and everything that they have given to the writer during the study and in completing the thesis. This thesis is dedicated to you. • The KaBe Family, her bestfriends, for their pray, care and support

during the completing this thesis. Love you guys.

Last but not least, the writer realizes that this thesis still has the paucity and mistakes, she conveniently to accept suggestions, comments, critics and advices for the better writing. She hopes that this thesis would be useful for those who read and feel interested in the field if this study.

Medan, August 2016 The Writer,





ABSTRACT ………. ii



LIST OF TABLES ……….. vii




A. The Background of the Study ……… 1

B. The Problem of the Study ……….. 4

C. The Scope of the Study ……….. 4

D. The Objective of the Study ……….... 4

E. The Significance of the Study ……… 4


A. Theoretical Framework ……… 6

1. Reading Comprehension ……… 6

2. The Factors of Reading Comprehension ……… 8

3. Level of Comprehension ……… 8

a. Literal Comprehension ……… 8

b. Interpretation Comprehension ………. 9

c. Critical Comprehension ……… 9

d. Creative Comprehension ……….. 9

4. Measuring Reading Comprehension ……….. 10

5. Genre of the Text ……… 11

6. Narrative Text ……… 16

7. Questioning Strategies ……… 20

8. The Effectiveness of Questioning Strategies on Reading Comprehension ……… 23

B. Relevant Studies ……….. 24

C. Conceptual Framework ……….. 26

D. Hypothesis ………. 27


A. Research Design ………. 29

CHAPTER IV. DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS 37 A. Data Description ……… 37


B. Suggestion ……….. 49









Appendix A. Reading Comprehension Test ... 54

Appendix B. Answer Key of Reading Comprehension Test ... 63

Appendix C. The Scores of Pre-test and Post-test ... 64

Appendix D. The Calculation of Reliability ... 66

Appendix E. The Calculation of Reliability ... 67

Appendix F. The Calculation of t-Test ... 69

Appendix G. The Calculation of t-Test ... 71

Appendix H. Percentage Points of T Distribution ... 73

Appendix I. Test for Homogeneity of Variance of Pre-test in Experimental and Control Group... 74

Appendix J. Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group ... 76

Appendix K. Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ... 79

Appendix L. Testing Normality in Experimental Group ... 81

Appendix M. Testing Normality in Control Group ... 85

Appendix N. Table of Normality from 0 to Z... 89

Appendix O. List of Testing Liliefors ... 90

Appendix P. F-Distribution (α = 0,05 in the Right Tail) ... 91





A. Background of the Study

English is an important language in the world. English has four basic

language skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills are required to comprehend (listening and reading) the language and to produce (speaking and writing) the language. As a skill that needs to be required to

comprehend the language, reading is important. For Indonesian students, reading is still difficult to be mastered.

Reading is not easy as some people think. In reading activities, students still finds it difficult to understand information while reading a text. They do not know how to comprehend the text and get information in the text. They feel bored

with their reading text. Most people read from a text without understanding some information. As the consequence, for them, reading is a task of little

concentration. So, it is a problem for the teacher in teaching in the classroom.

Based on the writer’s experience in PPL (Practical Teaching Practice) in SMA Swasta Masehi Berastagi, the students were difficult to comprehend English

text. Most of them were passive in the class. Process of teaching reading comprehension mostly were stated with teacher asked students to read the text, the



read and answer the questions given based on their text book without bothering to comprehend the information in the text. The problem of teaching is not only the

teaching material, but also the strategy of teaching. Monotonous technique makes students bored learn how to comprehend text.

Not much different from the first school, in SMP Negeri 5 Tebing Tinggi, the writer observed that the process of comprehending a reading text was still a major problem for students. Most of them had difficulties in searching for the

meaning of the words used in the text. They could not grasp the main idea and answer the question correctly. Considering the condition above, they need a

strategy that can motivate students in comprehending a text.

In addition for the observation in the latter school, the writer found that students got low scores in English, especially in reading skill.

Table 1.1 The Score of the Students in Reading Skill

Semester The Score KKM

I 70 75

II 73 75

III 70 75

IV 75 75

Source: Students’ Accumulated Score of Grade VIII-5 of SMP N 5 Tebing Tinggi academic year 2015/2016



one of the ways to get more knowledge is by reading. Because without knowledge they cannot even compete with other students in modern ages like nowadays.

According to Westwood (2008:31) reading comprehension is an active thinking process which a reader intentionally constructs meaning to form a deeper

understanding of information that presented in a text. Reading comprehension involves thinking process. An active thinking process involves the activity of linking of new information to the students’ experience or background knowledge.

Students need to comprehend their text to get the further understanding in other skill.

The text students used prepares spare time for students to comprehend. There are many factors that influence the failure of comprehending, namely lack of interest or concentration, lack of understanding words and sentence, how

sentences relate to one another, how the information fits together in meaningful ways and then the way of teaching reading still monotonous. Teaching strategy

will make the teaching learning process run well.

The writer recommends Questioning Strategies as strategy that helps students to get better in reading comprehension. According to Lapp (2004: 311)

content area teachers can plan lessons with questioning practices and strategies that increase students’ conceptual knowledge, develop knowledge of text

structures, and enhance use of text-processing strategies.

From the explanation above, this study is designed to conduct out the research to prove whether Questioning Strategies improves students’ reading



B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background given, the problem was formulated as following:

“Is there any effect of Using Questioning Strategies on students’ reading


C. The Scope of the Study

In this study, the forms of text are limited and deals only with narrative text. The level of reading comprehension focused on literal and inferential

comprehension. So this study was focused on using Questioning Strategies on students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

D. The Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem of the study, the objective of this study was to discover whether students’ reading comprehension is affected when they are

taught by using Questioning Strategies.

E. The Significance of the Study

There are two benefits of this research, namely theoretically and practical benefits. The expected result of this study both theoretically and practically are:

Theoretically: 1.This research theoretically expected to be significant for the students improving their ability in reading



2. The result of this research can be used as the reference for those who want to conduct a research in English

teaching-learning process.

Practically: 1.This research will be useful for teachers of readers, in

order to help them in teaching learning process, to make students more interested in learning English.

2. To help the writer to encourage and prepare herself to

be a qualified and competent English teacher in the future.





A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that applying questioning

strategies significantly affects the students’ reading comprehension in reading narrative text. It is seen from the data which had obtained in the post-test of experimental group were: the total score was 2236 and the mean score was 74.53,

while the data in control group were: the total score was 1984 and the mean score was 66.13. Therefore, alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis

(Ho) is rejected. This is supported by the data analysis results in which the t-observed 4.29 is higher than the t-table (2.00) at the significant level of 0.05.

B. Suggestions

This study showed that reading comprehension by using Questioning strategies could improve students’ reading comprehension in narrative text. In

relation above, some suggestions are offered as the following:

1. Questioning strategies is significantly effective, it is suggested that the

teacher should apply this strategy in teaching process in order to improve

students’ reading comprehension in narrative text.

2. It is suggested that the students by teacher’s help should apply questioning



3. It is suggested that the further researcher in apply this strategy to other

skill or text genre and to identify the weakness of the current research and



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Figure 2.1 the Example of Narrative Text and the Rhetorical Structure .............. 19  Figure 4.1 Students’ achievement score in Pre-test .............................................
Table 1.1 The Score of the Students in Reading Skill


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