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Academic year: 2017



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Students’ Motivation in Learning English

at Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A Skripsi

Submitted to the Faculty of Language Education in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



English Education Department

Faculty of Language Education

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta



 Allah is the great King to be asked everything that we need.

 Family is the most precious wealth in this life.

 Friend is like the light that always acompany you in up and down.

 Beliefs , effort, and prayer are the way to reach the aim.



I would like to dedicate my skripsi to my beloved mother, my father, my lovely sisters and brothers, my nephews, my nieces, my friends, my lectures,


Table of Content

Cover ... i

Approval Page ... ii

Statement of Authenticity ... iii

Motto... ... iv

Dedication.... ... v

Table of Content ... vi

Abstract ... ix

Acknowledgement... x

Chapter One Introduction ... 1

Background of the Study ... 1

Statement and Limitation of the Problem ... 2

Research Question ... 4

Purpose of the Study ... 4

The Significance of the Problem ... 4

Outline of the Study ... 5


Student Motivation in Learning English ... 7

Instrumental Motivation ... 9

Integrative Motivation ... 10

Intrinsic Motivation ... 10

Extrinsic Motivation ... 11

Factors Influencing Motivation ... 12

Factors Influencing the Development of Student Motivation ... 13

The Importance of Motivation in Second Language Learning ... 13

Review of Related Study ... 14

Conceptual Framework ... 15

Chapter Three Methodology ... 18

Research Design ... 18

Research Setting ... 18

Population and Sample ... 19

Data Collection Method ... 20

Data Analysis ... 21


Chapter Four Result and Discussion ... 24

Result ... 24

Discussion ... 30

Chapter Five ... 32

Conclusion ... 32

Recommendation ... 32

References ... 34

Appendix ... 43

Appendix 1: Quesionnaires ... 43

Appendix 2: Revisi Questionnaire ... 46

Appendix 3: Mean of Questionnaire... 48



Firstly, I would like to thank to Allah SWT for all the mercy and blessings given to me so that I can accomplish this research. Secondly, I would like to thank to our prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought the lighteness to our life. Then, my beloved mother and my father for all their love, their prayer and their support, so I have motivation to finish this research. Next, my big gratitude goes to my sisters, Purwanti, Suwasmi, Sri Prihatin, and Suryani for all their love and support during up and down time until the researcher accomplished this study.

Next, my sincerely gratitude to Ms. Maryam Sorohiti who has guided, support, and advice me patiently until the researcher can finish this research. Additionaly, my gratitude to Ms. Arifah and Mr Puthut as my examiners who have given me the useful feedback. Moreover, the researcher would like to thank to all the lecturers in English Education Department of Universitas

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta that have taught me sincerely.

Furthermore, I would like to thank to my friend, Atika Salma who has helped me and motivated me in conducting this research, my friends Rohaeni Apriliani, Retna Rumayanti, Andreas Corsini Giri Sinta, Alfiyani Rukmana, Aprilia Dwi Fitriani, Guntur Triantaka, for all my friends in class A, and also all my friends batch 2011.


XI at Madrasah Mua’llimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. For Mr. Setya and Ms.

Titin, thank you so much for giving the permition, support, and your advise.



Motivation plays an important role in learning English. By having motivation, the students will determine a clear goal in learning English. This research aimed to find out the students’ motivation in learning English at Madrasah Mu’allimaat

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. The researcher used quesionnaire as the instrument in gathering the data. The quesionnaire were given to 132 students grade XI batch 2015. The data of this research were analyzed by using descriptive statistics in SPSS program to reveal students’ motivation in learning English at Madrasah

Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. From all the data that had been analyzed, it was found out that the students’ motivations in learning English was

high, shown by the total means of 22.69 which was in the category of high. The three highest motivation scores were from the items showing they want to know anything about English, they will learn English seriously, and they learn English because of their own willingness. These things belong to intrinsic motivation.


Chapter One


Chapter One presents background of study, statement and limitation of the problem, research question, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study and outline of the study.

Background of Study

The researcher believes that every student has motivation when they decide to learn something. The motivation can come from their own desire or from other factors like their parents, their friends, or their environment. In learning English, motivation is really needed to drive the students to be more serious in doing all learning activities. Motivation will determine the next step or the strategy that they have to do. They will make a planning to reach their goal, and also the way to realize it. When there are many obstacles in learning English, they will be able to face it. They know what they do because they have

motivation. They have a goal in learning English. Therefore, they become serious in studying it to reach their aim.

When a learner has a clear motivation, it can guide them to find the way in

learning knowledge. Ellis (1998) argued that the students will have the

responsibility toward themselves or their parents who had trusted them in learning English. If they have motivation, they do not want to make their parents


skills whether in speaking or writing, they can get a bright future. Besides, they get the benefit for themselves; they also can share it to other people.

Realizing the benefits of mastering English, all schools in Indonesia have English subject as compulsory. The headmasters and teachers often discuss and make English programs to attract the students in learning English. The programs like English club, English debate, storytelling, and also speech. By participating those programs, the students are expected to get the progress in studying English. The students will be given the chance to join in the championship that correlates with English. If they win the championship, they will get the reward. Therefore, it can increase their motivation in learning English.

Several schools in Indonesia have implemented English to be used in

conversation in the school circumstance. The schools provide at least one day or an English day in a week to practice English. By practicing speaking English the students will be familiar and motivated to learn English. One of the schools that implements an English day to motivate the students to learn English is Madrasah

Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (for further mention in this research,

Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is abreviated into MMMY).


vision and mission of MMMY is to create students who have competence in English skills. They are expected to become a great leader in the future who will have good attitude and also good English.

To enhance the students’ motivation in learning English, MMMY provided

English extracurricular program. On the 7th semester, the researcher did the teaching practicum by teaching English in the extracurricular program. Based on the researcher’s experience there were some problems. Some students felt

unconfident to speak English. They were afraid if their friends would laugh at them because their English was not good. They also said that they lacked of motivation in learning English. All those things have become the problems in learning English at MMMY. Since motivation plays an important role in learning English, the researcher is interested in conducting the research about students’

motivation. The researcher wants to know the students motivation in learning English at MMMY.

Statement and Limitation of the Problem

Motivation is essential for the students when they want to learn English. By having motivation, they can determine their goal in learning English and how to reach it. Students who have strong motivation will be easier in understanding English. When students have strong motivation, it will be easier for them to manage the difficulties in learning English. However, not all students have strong motivation. They feel unconfident having low English skills, and also get pressure


The motivation does not come from students’ desire. These things also happen in

MMMY. Based on the researcher’s experience, not all students showed strong

motivation in learning English. If special attention is not paid to this condition, the low student motivation might affect the students’ English proficiency. Therefore, it is important to know the student motivation in learning English at MMMY. In this research, the researcher focused on the students’ motivation of grade XI in learning English. It only covered intrinsic and integrative motivation.

Research Question

To identify the students’ motivation of Madrasah Mu’allimaat

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta in learning English, a research question is

formulated. The research question is “How is the students’ motivation in learning

English at Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the research is to reveal the students’ motivation in

learning English at Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

The Significance of the Study

The researcher hopes that this research will give benefits to the researcher, the teachers and the next researchers.


The researcher. By doing this research, the researcher expects to get

knowledge about students’ motivation in learning English at MMMY, so this

knowledge can support her in her teaching career.

The teachers. The researcher hopes this research will give information about

students’ motivation in learning English at MMMY. By knowing the students’

motivation the teacher might apply their knowledge to understand their students better.

The next researchers. This research can be a reference for the next

researchers if they want to do the same study. This research provides the students’

motivation in learning English; it can be used as a reference in conducting a research with a similar topic.

Outline of the Study

The structure of this research is arranged in five chapters. In the first chapter, the researcher explains introduction of the research which conveys background of the study, statement and limitation of the problem, research

question, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study, and outline of the research. The second chapter presents a review of literature on student motivation in learning English. The literature review explains instrumental motivation, integrative motivation, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation.

Additionally, Chapter Two explains about factors influencing motivation, factors

influencing the development of students’ motivation, and the importance of


Chapter Two

Literature Review

In this second chapter, the researcher will explain about students’

motivation in learning English, factors influencing motivation, factors influencing the development of students’ motivation, the importance of motivation in second

language learning, review of related study, and conceptual framework. The explanation will be supported by some theories.

Students’ Motivation in Learning English

Every student has different goal in learning English in school, but there is one thing similar, it is motivation (Brown, 1994). The researcher believes that almost all students in MMMY have motivation in learning English. Ellis (1997) argued that motivation is the essential thing in getting knowledge, including in learning English. There are many researchers who conducted research about motivation and got the evidence that motivation is the crucial factor in learning language. Brown (1994) stated that motivation is the key to understand English as the second or foreign language.


learning English. The problem might include grammar, pronunciation, and also vocabulary.

Motivation is a power of the student to learn knowledge until she or he masters it well (Dornyei and Ushioda 2011). Motivation will determine the next step or the strategy that they have to do. They will make a planning to reach their goal, and also the way to realize it. By having motivation, the students can be motivated in learning English. Although there are many obstacles in learning this language, they will be able to face it. Motivation is a reason of a student in learning something (Brown, 2000). It can be from their own willingness or from the other.

In learning English, students know what they will do if they have motivation. When they have a goal in learning English they become serious in studying it to reach their aim. Brown (2000) also said that when a learner has a clear motivation, it can guide them to find the way in learning knowledge. Moreover, Ellis (1997) argued that the students will have the responsibility toward themselves or their parents who have trusted them in learning English. If they have motivation, they do not want to make their parents disappointed.


According to Brown (2000) by mastering English somebody will receive a lot of benefits because there are many jobs which need this language such as teacher, translator, interpreter, and still many more. In this century, most of the big

companies or education institutions apply the rule for the registrants’ to be able

this language.

By having motivation, the learner will be motivated in learning because she or he has a clear goal to be reached (Maslow, 1970). On the other hand, if they lack of motivation or even have no motivation, it will hamper them in getting successful in learning English. Harmer (1991) stated that motivation is like a machine which encourages someone to do something. Every individual or student has different perspective toward the definition of motivation. Spolsky (1989) divided motivation into two kinds:

Instrumental Motivation. This type of motivation in learning English is owned by the students who learn English because they want to get something or specific goal in his or her future (Spolsky, 1989). For example, students learn English because they want to get a good job after they graduate. Another example is mastering English as the requirement to get a scholarship to study abroad. They are pushed themselves in learning English to reach their aims. This kind of


Integrative Motivation. According to Spolsky (1989) integrative motivation refers to students’ willingness in learning English because they want to be

regarded into certain community who speak English. The same opinion comes from Saville-Troike (2006) who stated that students learn English as the target language in order to understand and get to know the people who speak English. In the real life or in learning activities, they can mix it with their mother language.

Moreover, Gardner and Margoret (2003, p.126) argued that integrative motivation refers to identify at least in part with another language community. The similar argument comes from Ellis (1997) who explained that learners study the target language in order to fulfill the desire to mix up in the society or people and culture of the target language. For instance, a student who wants to study abroad where most of the people speak in English should master English in order to be easier to communicate with the people over there. When the learners join certain communities that use English as the main language, they should prepare and study the language. The integrative motivation encourages the students to master their language target. Dornyei (2002) divided motivation into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.


overcome the difficulties in learning English. So, they will be easier to master it well.

Deci and Ryan (1985) also argued that intrinsic motivation comes from the learners who have the desire or self motivation. There is no reward or punishment in their action toward their learning. There is no demand from anybody in their decision. The students are ready to receive the possibilities towards all the consequence in learning activity. They will never blame the other if something wrong happens in their learning. The learners will try to look for the best way to solve their problems. They know that when they had started to do something, they have to finish it well.


Furthermore, Dornyei (2002) also added that students learn English because they want to avoid punishment. The students learn English because of feeling afraid of their teacher or their parents. When they get bad score, they feel that their teacher or their parents will be angry to them or give them the punishment. So, they try to learn as good as they can to avoid it. In this case, learning under pressure is not good for the students’ mental. To get the best achievement and

satisfaction in learning process, students should learn in effective situation and condition. They should learn from their inner factors than outside elements. The same argument comes from Brown (2000) who said that by having curiosity and strong desire; the students will be motivated in learning English.

Deci (1975) viewed 3 conditions necessary for learning second or foreign language. The first is the need of motivated students to learn target language. The second is native speakers support to learn foreign language, and the third is contact between native speaker of target language and learners.

Factors Influencing Motivation


Factors Influencing the Development of Student Motivation

According to Brophy (1987) and Stipec (1988) cited in Hashwani (2008) there are several factors influence the development of students’ motivation can be

outlined as home environment, school-related success and failure, teachers, beliefs about teaching and learning, school wide goals, policies and procedure, and classroom climates

The similar opinion comes from Gardner (1982) who reflected 4 basic features of second or foreign language learning. They are social and cultural environment, learners’ individual differences, the setting in which learning takes place, and

linguistics outcome. In the light of this model, it can be seen that motivation works on 3 levels. The levels cover efforts that refer to the drive of learner, desire that refers to the want of the learners, and affect that refers to learner’s emotional


On the contrary, Brophy (1987) also mentioned the factors that cause of poor motivation among students in learning English. They are lack of interest in learning, poor academic aptitude, dissatisfaction of basic needs, psychological strain, and parental expectation.

The importance of motivation in second language learning (SLL)


attention more, be good in attitude and behavior, and also discipline in learning activity. They are also more active, comfortable and feel confident in appreciating their skill in the classroom or outside. Therefore, having motivation is really necessary for all the learners who want to be successful in studying English.

Review of Related Study

To support this research, the researcher provides two similar researches relating to the students’ motivation in learning English. The first research was conducted by Johansson (2010). The study investigated about what influenced students’ motivation for learning English grammar. In gathering the data, the researcher used the questionnaire that was given to 54 students of two classes at a Swedish upper secondary school. The revealed that generally students were positive towards grammar and thought that teacher-students relationship was important in learning grammar. By having motivation and positive attitude in learning English, they hope to be easier in getting a good score.

The second review conducted by Hashwani (2008) Journal of Research and Reflection in Education. This research explains about motivational factors and experiences have the potential to influence students’ attitude and anxiety

levels towards English language learning. The study was done to investigate the

gender perspective students’ attitudes, motivation, and anxiety toward the learning

English as a second language in the multilingual context of Karachi, Pakistan.


There are 77 students that consist of 40 males and 37 females. The result of the research showed that students had high motivation in learning English activities. The other finding showed that most of the female students were more motivated and have more positive attitude in learning English compared to male students.

From both of the related studies, the researcher got references about motivation in learning English, so, this research can be supported by the

researcher that done the same study before. Besides, the researcher got the point of view and knowledge about students’ motivation.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework explains the related theories that are summarized

and wanted to reveal students’ motivation in learning English at MMMY.

There are four kinds of motivation in learning English. The first is

instrumental motivation. Instrumental motivation is owned by students for certain goal or to get something. For example, the student has a goal to get a scholarship abroad. The second is integrative motivation. This motivation is defined as

learning language because the learners want to identify themselves integrated into the society of the target language.

The third is intrinsic motivation. It comes from the students’ desire


because getting support and influence from external elements like their parents, their teacher, or their friends. They want to get the reward or want to avoid the punishment in learning English. The conceptual framework is presented in the following figure:

Figure 2.1.Student motivation in learning English





-Extrinsic According to

Spolsky (1989)


Chapter Three


In this chapter the researcher discusses the methodology in conducting this research. The data were gathered to find out the answer of the research question, namely How is the students’ motivation in learning English at Madrasah

Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta? The methodology contains research

design, research setting, population and sample, data collection, instrument, data collection procedure and data analysis.

Research Design

The researcher used quantitative design in gathering the data. It is because the data of this research was in the form of numbers and used statistical analysis (Sugiyono, 2011). In this research, the researcher used descriptive statistic to

describe students’ motivation in learning English at MMMY. The researcher

chose this quantitative research design because the researcher wanted to measure

the level of students’ motivation in learning English at MMMY, whether the level

was in the category of low, medium, high, or very high. The measurement was conducted statistically to describe the level of motivation. Creswell (2012) stated that descriptive research explores a statistical test to measure the tendency of one or more variables of data to vary consistently. Therefore, descriptive quantitative was appropriate to be employed in this research.


Research Setting

The researcher conducted this study in MMMY. There were two reasons why the researcher chose MMMY. The first, it is easy to be accessibility. This school implements English for conversation in the first day of every first and second week every month. Secondly, the researcher did the teaching practicum in this school. Therefore, the researcher was familiar with the learning circumstance and the students’ characters in MMMY. The researcher wanted to know the student motivation in learning English at MMMY. Collecting the data was done in September 2016.

Population and Sample

Population. Population is the entire research subject (Arikunto, 2013). Besides, Sugiyono (2011) said that population is the generalization that consists of object or subject that has quality and particular characteristic determined by the researcher to be studied. In this research, the population was all of the active students in MMMY grade XI. In this class there were 193 active students, so the total population of this research was 193. The researcher chose the students from grade XI because the students have got enough experince in learning English. They have English subject for three years on yunior high school and one year in senior high school. Therefore, the students would be able to answer the


Sample. According to Arikunto (2013) sample is a representative of the total population. Cohen, Manion, and Marion (2011) also said that sample is a smaller number or subset of the total population which the information can be representative from the total population. To get the number of population, the researcher did the calculation based on Cohen, Manion, and Marion teory (2011, p. 147) about the sample size, confidence level, and confidence intervals for random sample. The population of my data is 193. It means close to 200. So, the sample of 193 with the confidence level 95% and confidence interval 5% is 132.

In conducting this research, the researcher used convenience sampling because it is easy to connect the respondents. The consideration was easy in time and place. It means that the researcher could determine the nearest individual and available during the data gathering time to get 132 respondents. The same

statement comes from Sugiyono (2011) that convenience sampling can be used for accidental or opportunity sampling where a researcher can choose the nearest individuals to prepare as respondent from the beginning until the end of the research.

Data Collection Method


items that were not suitable for the respondents. After revision and distribution, there were 12 qusionnaire items that were reliable to the respondents and only 7 items that valid. The 7 items covered the indicators of intrinsic and integrative motivation.

The questionnaires were distributed to answer the research question. The ratings scales were strongly agree (4), agree (3), disagree (2), strongly disagree (1). The questionnaires used Indonesian language, so the respondents found it easy in understanding the questionnaire, and they knew how to answer it based on their experience. The questionnaires were distributed to 132 students of grade XI of MMMY. The researcher stayed in the class during the completion of the questionnaires. All of the students filled the questionnaires in the classroom. The students were not allowed to bring questionnaire outside the classroom to avoid the invalid data. The researcher allocated 15 minutes to the respondents to answer the questionnaires items.

Validity of the Quesionairre


valid if the r value is higher than r table (Arikunto, 2006). The criteria of item validity are provided in table 3.1

Table 3.1

The criteria of item validity

r value > r table = Valid

r value < r table = Not valid

Source: Arikunto (2006)

After the data were processed, the researcher found that only 7 questionnaires were valid and 5 statements were not valid. The result of item validity test can be seen in table 3.2 below:

Table 3.2

Test Item Validity

No Question Item r value r table Description

1 Q1 0,235 0,165 Valid

2 Q2 0,127 0,165 Not valid

3 Q3 0,258 0,165 Valid

4 Q4 0,124 0,165 Not valid

5 Q5 0,185 0,165 Valid

6 Q6 0,226 0,165 Valid

7 Q7 0,111 0,165 Not valid

8 Q8 0,207 0,165 Valid

9 Q9 0,136 0,165 Not valid

10 Q10 0,146 0,165 Not valid

11 Q11 0, 257 0,165 Valid


Therefore, the researcher eliminated the items that were not valid, namely Q2, Q4, Q7, Q9, and Q10 from the data. The researcher only used the valid items namely Q1, Q3, Q5, Q6, Q8, Q11, and Q12 for the next analysis. As the result, the instrument has limitation as a weakness. This instrument only could be used to measure the intrinsic and integrative motivation as the indicators of motivation. The extrinsic and instrumental motivations were not covered in this research because when conducting piloting the result of item validity test on extrinsic and instrumental motivation was not valid. Consequently the item related to extrinsic and instrumental motivation should be deleted from the quesionnaire. Therefore,

the researcher did not measure the students’ motivation using extrinsic and

instrumental indicators of motivation.

Reliability of Instruments.

According to Field (2009) an instrument can be said reliable if the Cronbach’s Alpha or reliability coefficient (a) is higher than 0.70 or > 0.70. The

result of the research showed the cronbach’s alpha was 0.8. This means that the


level of reliability was high. The reliability score is shown in the table below:

Table 3.1 Reliability score

Because the result of reliability test was 0.785 showing high reliability of the items, the instrument was reliable to be used for the research.

Cronbach's Alpha

N of Items


Data Analysis


Chapter Four

Results and Discussion

In this fourth chapter, the researcher explains the result and discussion of this research. The result revealed the research question proposed in this research. Next, in the discussion, the researcher presents the detail information and

correlated the result to the theory provided in Chapter Two.


The result of the descriptive statistics of the items (Q1, Q3, Q5, Q6, Q8, Q11 and Q12) in this research is showed in table 4.1 below:

Table 4.1 Statistics mean score

Q1 Q3 Q5 Q6 Q8 Q11 Q12


Valid 139 139 139 139 139 139 139

Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mean 3,3 3,4 3,33 2,87 3,14 3,4 2,85

Median 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Skewness 0,35 -0,516 0,122 -0,257 -0,245 -0,38 0,01

9 Std. Error of

Skewness 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,20


Range 2 2 2 3 2 2 3

Minimum 2 2 2 1 2 2 1


The mean of Q1=3.3, Q3=3.4, Q5=3.3, Q6=2.87, Q8=3.14, Q11=3.4, and Q12=2.85. The total of means of Q1, Q3, Q5, Q6, Q8, Q11, and Q12 was 22.69. The category of motivation was divided into four intervals namely very high, high, medium and low based on Mardapi (2015). In the quesionnaire, the scales were strongly agree scoring 4, agree scoring 3, disagree scoring 2, and strongly disagree scoring 1. Because there were 7 items in the quesionnaire, the maximum score was 28 and the minimum score was 7. Therefore, the four interval of


motivation starts from score 7 to 28, meaning the distance for each interval is 5,5. The detail of the interval and category can be seen in table below:

Table 4.2 Category of four interval

Interval Category

22.75 – 28 Very high

17.50 – 22.74 High

12.50 – 17.4 Medium

7 – 12.49 Low

Because the total of students’ motivation was 22.69, the students’


Q5 showing the students will learn English seriously (mean: 3.33), and Q3

showing the students want to know about anything in learning English (mean 3.4).


The details of the result of each item in data analysis can be seen in the following table:

Table 4.3 Item 1(Q1)

Learning English is interesting Validity


Rating Scale

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


2 3 2,2 2,2 2,2

3 91 65,5 65,5 67,6

4 45 32,4 32,4 100

Total 139 100 100


Table 4.4 Item 3(Q 3)

I want to know about anything in learning English Validity


Rating Scale

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


2 10 7,2 7,2 7,2

3 64 46,0 46,0 53,2

4 65 46,8 46,8 100,0

Total 139 100,0 100,0

For item Q 3 showed that 10 respondents or 7.2% answered disagree. Then 64 respondents or 46.0% answered agree and 65 respondents or 46.8% answered strongly agree. This showed that 82.8% respondents at MMMY want to know about anything in learning English.

Table 4.5 Item 5 (Q 5)

I will learn English seriously Validity


Rating Scale

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


2 4 2,9 2,9 2,9

3 85 61,2 61,2 64,0

4 50 36,0 36,0 100,0


The result of computation of item Q5 showed that 4 respondents or 2.9% answered disagree, 85 respondents or 61.2% answered agree and 50 respondents or 36% answered strongly agree. It means that 97.2% respondents at MMMY will learn English seriously.

Table 4.6 Item 6 (Q6)

I like to speak English to foreigners. Validity


Rating Scale

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


1 3 2,2 2,2 2,2

2 27 19,4 19,4 21,6

3 80 57,6 57,6 79,1

4 29 20,9 20,9 100,0

Total 139 100,0 100,0


Table 4.7 Item 8 (Q8)

I want to study in USA or UK ( countries that use English) Validity


Rating Scale

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


2 34 24,5 24,5 24,5

3 52 37,4 37,4 61,9

4 53 38,1 38,1 100,0

Total 139 100,0 100,0

The result of computation of item Q8 showed that 34 respondents or 24.5% answered disagree and 52 respondents or 37.4% answered agrees. In addition 53 respondents or 38.1% answered strongly agree. This means that 75.5% respondents at MMMY want to study in USA or UK (countries that use English).

Table 4.8 Item 11 (Q11)

I learn English because of my own willingness Validity


Rating Scale

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


2 7 5,0 5,0 5,0

3 69 49,6 49,6 54,7

4 63 45,3 45,3 100,0


From the data analysis of item 11 there were 7 respondents or 5% who answered disagree, 69 respondents or 49.6% who answered agree, and 63 respondents or 45.3% who answered strongly agree. It means that 94.9% respondents at MMMY learn English because of their own willingness.

Table 4.9 Item 12 (Q12)

I was interested to learn English since in Junior High School Validity


Rating Scale

Frequency Percent Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent


1 3 2,2 2,2 2,2

2 47 33,8 33,8 36,0

3 57 41,0 41,0 77,0

4 32 23,0 23,0 100,0

Total 139 100,0 100,0

The Q 12 showed that 3 respondents or 2.2% answered strongly disagree, 47 respondents or 33.8% answered disagree. Then 57 student respondents

answered agree, and 32 respondents or 23% answered strongly disagree. It means that 64.0% respondents at MMMY have been interested in learning English since they were in Junior High School.



their own willingness, and they want to know anything about English. These things include in intrinsic motivation.

This means that the students of MMMY has the strong key to understand English as the second or foreign language as stated by Brown (1994). The high motivation of the students’ that showed intrinsic motivation will make the


Chapter five

Conclusion and Recommendation

In this last chapter, the researcher conveys the conclusion and

recommendation. The conclusion is a brief explanation of this research. Next, there are some recommendation for teacher, students, and another researcher.


The research question of this research is “How is students’ motivation in

learning English at Madrasah Mu’allimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta?” To find

out the answer of the research question, the researcher distributed the

questionnaire and analyzed it by using descriptive statistic in SPSS program. The result showed that most of the students’ grade XI at MMMY has high motivation. The three highest motivations came from the statements that they really want to know anything about English, they will learn English seriously, and they will learn English because of their own willingness. These three highest scores were included in intrinsic motivation.


From the result of this research, the researcher gives several


motivation in learning English through their teaching activities eventhough the students already have high motivation. Thirdly, the researcher recommends the other researcher that they conduct wider focuses. Because this research has

limitation in measuring students’ motivation by only using intrinsic motivation,



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Appendic one :The first quesionnaire

No References Statement/question A SA D SD

Students Motivation

1. Instrinsic motivation ( Deci,1975)

I think that learning English is interesting

2. Instrumental motivation(Sp olsky, 1989)

Learning English make me


3. Instrinsic motivation (Deci, 1975)

I have a strong desire to know all aspect of English

4. Instrumental motivation (Spolsky, 1989)

Learning English is to pass exams

5. Instrumental motivation(Sp


olsky,1989) get a good job.

6. Instrinsic motivation(De ci, 1975)

I often imagine speaking good English

7. Instrinsic motivation(de ci, 1975)

I will try my best to learn English

8. Integrative motivation(Sa ville-troike, 2006)

I can travel around the world if I learn English well.

9. Integrative motivation(

I like to talk with foreigners in English

10. Integrative motivation(Sa ville-Troike, 2006)

Studying English is important because it will allow me to be more at ease with people who speak English


motivation(Sp olsky, 1989)

university requirement

12 Integrative motivation(sa ville-Troike, 2006)

If I planned to stay in another country, I would try to learn their language

13 Instrumental motivation(Sp olsky, 1989)

I hope to further my education

14 Integrative motivation(Sa ville-Troike, 2006)

I want to continue my study in USA or UK

15 Extrinsic motivation(D ornyei,2000)

It will be easier to get the scholarship if I have English skill

16 Integrative motivation(Sa ville-Troike, 2006)


17 Extrinsic motivation(D ornyei, 2000)

My parents urge me to ask to my teacher if I get the difficulties in learning English

18 Extrinsic motivation(D ornyei, 2000)

My parents feel that English is important for my future

19 Instrumental motivation(Sp olsky, 1989)

English is very important part of the school program

20 Instrinsic motivation(De ci, 1975)

I usually learning English because of my own willingness

21 Instrinsic motivation(de ci, 1975)

I interested tolearn English since yunior high school

22 Extrinsic motivation(D ornyei, 2000)


23 Extrinsic motivatio(Dor nyei, 2000)

I study English because I want to get a good mark

24 Extrinsic motivation(D ornyei, 2000)

I learn English only for fullfil my obligation in the school

25 Extrinsic motivation(D ornyei, 2000)


Appendics Two: Final Quesionnaire



Assalamu’alaikum, saya Fitriah mahasiswa jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) angkatan 2011 hendak meminta bantuan adik adik Madrasah Mua’llimaat Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta kelas 11 untuk mengisi kuesioner. Kuesioner ini akan saya gunakan untuk mengumpulkan data skripsi saya. Mohon diisi sesuai dengan pendapat adik adik. Atas kerjasamanya saya ucapkan terimakasih.


Kelas :


SS : Sangat Setuju TS : Tidak Setuju

S : Setuju STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

No Pertanyaan SS S TS STS

1. Belajar Bahasa Inggris itu menarik.

2. Belajar Bahasa Inggris menambah pengetahuan saya.

3. Saya sangat ingin mengetahui semua hal dalam Bahasa Inggris

4. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris agar lulus ujian.

5. Jika saya dapat menguasai Bahasa Inggris, saya akan mudah mendapat pekerjaan.

6. Saya sering membayangkan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggis yang bagus.



8. Saya bisa pergi ke luar negeri jika Bahasa Inggris saya bagus.

9. Saya suka berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan orang asing.


Belajar Bahasa Inggris itu penting karena akan memudahkan saya bekomunikasi dengan orang yang berbahasa Inggris.

11 Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena diwajibkan di sekolah

12 Jika saya ingin tinggal di luarnegeri, saya akan mempelajari bahasanya

13 Saya belajar bahasa Inggris agar dapat melanjutkan sekolah.

14 Saya ingin kuliah di Amerika atau Inggris (Negara yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris)

15 Saya akan lebih mudah mendapatkan beasiswa jika Bahasa Inggris saya bagus.

16 Saya ingin punya banyak teman orang asing.


Orang tua saya mendorong saya untuk bertanya kepada guru jika saya mendapat kesulitan dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris.

18 Orang tua saya berpendapat bahwa Bahasa Inggris itu penting untuk masa depan saya.

19 Bahasa Inggris merupakan program yang penting di sekolah

20 Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena kemauan saya sendiri.


22 Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena didukung oleh orang tua.

23 Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena ingin mendapat nilai yang bagus.

24 Saya belajar Bahasa inggris hanya untuk memenuhi kewajiban di sekolah

25 Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris agar saya terhindar dari teguran/hukuman guru

The questionnaire is modified from the questionnaire developed by Lixian Jin, Changseng Jiang, jie Zhang, Yuan Yuan, Xiaohua Liang and Qun Xie: the

title of the research is “Motivation and expectation of English language learning


Appendics Three: Reliability Quesionnaire

No Statement/question SS S TS STD

1. Belajar Bahasa Inggris itu menarik

2. Belajar Bahasa Inggris menambah pengetahuan saya.

3. Saya sangat ingin mengetahui semua hal dalam Bahasa Inggris 4. Saya belajar Bahasa

Inggris agar lulus ujian. 5. Saya akan belajar

Bahasa Inggris dengan maksimal.

6. Saya suka berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan orang asing. 7. Saya belajar bahasa


Amerika atau Inggris (Negara yang

menggunakan bahasa Inggris)

9. Saya akan lebih mudah mendapatkan beasiswa jika Bahasa Inggris saya bagus.

10. Saya ingin punya banyak teman orang asing.

11. Saya belajar Bahasa Inggris karena kemauan saya sendiri.


Appendics Four: Table Descriptive Statistic

Q1 Q3 Q5 Q6 Q8 Q11 Q12


Valid 139 139 139 139 139 139 139

Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mean 3,3 3,4 3,33 2,87 3,14 3,4 2,85

Median 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Skewness 0,35 -0,516 0,122 -0,257 -0,245 -0,38 0,01

9 Std. Error of

Skewness 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,206 0,20


Range 2 2 2 3 2 2 3

Minimum 2 2 2 1 2 2 1


Figure 2.1.Student motivation in learning English
Table 3.1 The criteria of item validity
Table 3.1 Reliability score
Table 4.2 Category of four interval


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