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Academic year: 2017



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Chapter I of this research present such topics as: background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1Background of the Study

In Indonesia, English is known as the most important foreign language. English has been introduced to the students since elementary school level. School is the main way of learning English for the students besides private English courses. The students learn four major skills of English; Writing, reading, listening, and speaking. In writing, the students learn how to write simple sentences up to complex sentences until they finally can explore their idea and write it into a good paragraph or even essay. They also learn how to use formal and informal written English. In reading, the students are expected to comprehend the text they read, find the topic sentence, main idea, infer the message or information and take the conclusion from the text. In listening, the students practice to understand, memorize, and courtesy what they have heard. In speaking, the students learn to apply English orally for communicating, delivering messages or telling information to others.

From those four English skills, definitely, speaking is the most important skill because it is the most commonly used in the communication exchange. It can be seen



in the students’ academic activities, especially for English department students. They have a lot of English presentation in their college career. Moreover, after they have graduated and become English teachers, they will speak English much during the teaching learning process in front of their students to transfer their knowledge. That is why the writer intends to conduct study related to speaking skill.

There are many types of speaking activities which are learned by the students in speaking class at university such as public speaking, conversation, master of ceremony, etc. From those kinds of speaking activities, public speaking is the most

difficult one to do. According to Kearney (1999: 6), “Public speaking is a special

kind of communication event and is generally more formal, planned, and organized

than most communication exchange.” Based on this definition, public speaking is absolutely different from other kinds of speaking activities. To be good public speakers, the students have to plan and organize their speech well so that the audiences can catch the message they deliver.

Several studies related to public speaking have been conducted with interesting result. Utami (2006) which her research about English problem faced by the workers going abroad in learning speaking English at BLK-LN Asri Cipta Tenaga Karya in Singosari Malang found that the workers had problems related to inhibition, mother tongue use, speech act: such as vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and comprehension.



lack of vocabulary, no time for practice, no partner, hesitation; silent, fill pauses, repetition, and mispronunciation.

Based on those results, public speaking is something paranoid for most of the people especially for adults. On the other hand, public speaking is a necessary survival skill to help the students throughout their college career or even in the professional job after they have graduated. Therefore, the writer is eager to investigate the problems faced by the students in public speaking at English department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang who have learned about public speaking in Speaking Four subject when they were in the fourth semester because they seem still unconfident to speak English in public. The writer expects by knowing their problems, the writer can give some ways to solve with their problems so that English public speaking will not be something paranoid for the students.

1.2Statements of the Problem

Based on the background of study above the writer formulates the problem in this study as follows:

1. What are the problems faced by the students in public speaking?

2. What are the ways to solve the problems faced by the students in public speaking?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the study are to find out:

1. What are the problems faced by the students in public speaking.



1.4Significance of the Study

By knowing the problems faced by the students in public speaking, the writer expects to contribute some benefits to the students, lecturers, and English department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

For the students, the result of this study will help them to recognize their weaknesses and the ways to solve with their weaknesses in public speaking to improve their ability of public speaking because mastering public speaking is really beneficial for them in their college career and even in their professional career after they have graduated.

The result of this study will be helpful for the English department lecturers generally and speaking lecturers specially to recognize the weaknesses of their students in public speaking so that they can define the best teaching methods and techniques related to the students weaknesses in order to optimize teaching and learning process especially for the material concerning with speaking skill.



1.5 Scope and Limitation

Because of the limited time, finance, and power, the writer only focuses his study on public speaking problems, that may be happen during the final test of speaking class.

The informants for data collection of the study are the students of English department that must be followers of speaking classes.

1.6 Definition of key terms

Some terms are defined in order to avoid misunderstanding as follows: Problem : Situation in which a person is motivated to reach a goal, but

some obstacle blocks the attainment of the goal (Klein, 2002: 354).

Speaking : The verbal use of language to communicate with others (Fulcher, 2003: 23).















This thesis is submitted to fulfill of the requirements to achieve Sarjana Degree in Education












“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”

Thomas Jefferson quotes



Alhamdulillah to the almighty Allah SWT, for the blessing in protecting loving and hearing all of human pray. Moreover, this thesis can be properly finished, having cross a long distance, which need full of attention and full energy, the help a numerous persons were also very valuable for the finishing this research.

I would like to express my earnest gratitude to:

1. My beloved parents, my father H. Thoyyib Arrozaq and my mother Alm. Siti Abidah for their immortal praying, greatest sacrifice, patience, and their support.

2. Bapak Drs. Sudiran, M.Hum (my first advisor) for his guidance, encouragement, helpful correction, constructive critics, and time. My second advisor, Ibu Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si who is willing to spend much of her time for correction and giving valuable suggestions for development of this thesis. 3. My lectures of English Department of Teacher Training and Education.

4. All of my friends at OGLO COMMUNITY (Fafan and Fauzan Satibi) and in

Suwarno’s Family ( Andy Firmansyah and Decky Nugroho), thank a lot. Then thanks to Jibul at Tirto Utomo street No. 10.

Finally, may this thesis will be useful for the students in learning English, especially to increase speaking skill ability.



2.4.1 Speaking to Inform/Informative Speaking ... 9

2.4.2 Speaking to Persuade/Persuasive Speaking ... 9

2.5 The Speech Communication Process ... 10

2.5.1 Speaker of Source ... 11

2.5.2 Massage ... 10

2.5.3 Listener/Receiver ... 11

2.5.4 Channel ... 12

2.5.5 Feedback ... 13


2.6.1 Selecting Topic ... 14

2.6.2 Anxiety ... 14

2.6.3 Accuracy ... 15

2.6.4 Clarity ... 15

2.7 The way to Solve the problems in Public Speaking ... 15

2.7.1 The way to Solve the problems in Topic Selection15 2.7.2 The Solution of Anxiety 16 2.7.3 The way to Solve the Problem in Accuracy 18 2.7.4 The way to Solve the Problem in Clarity 18 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

4.1.1 Students’ Problems in Public Speaking... 25

4.1.2 Students’ Ways to Solve the problem ... 28

4.2 Discussion ... 30


5.2 Suggestion ... 33

5.2.1 Suggestion for the Students ... 33

5.2.2 Suggestion for English Department ... 33

5.2.3 Suggestion for Next Researcher ... 34 Bibliography



Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2002. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. USA: Wadsworth Group.

Bogdan, Robert C. and Biklen, Sari Knopp. 2007. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to theory and Methods. Fifth Edition. US: Pearson Education, Inc.

Byrns. James H. 1997. Speaking for yourself; An introduction to Public Speaking. (4ℎ ). United Stated America: Thomson Learning, Inc.

Elliot. Stephen N. At All. 2000. Educational Psychology Effective Teaching: effective Learning. USA: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Fulcher. Glenn and Timothy G plax. 2003 Testing Second language Speaking. (1 ed). Britain England.

Gregory, Hamilton. 2002. Public Speaking for Collage and Career (6ℎ ). America New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Jaffe, Clella. 2001. Public Speaking Concepts and Skills for a Diverse Society (3 ) Canada: Wadsworth, a division Thomson Learning, lnc.

Kearney, Patricia and Timothy G Plax. 1996. Public Speaking in Diverse Society (2� ). United Stated of America: Myfield publishing Company.

Lucas, Stephen E. 2004. The Art of Public Speaking. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, lnc.

McMillan. 1992. Research in Education: A Conceptual Introduction, third edition. United States of America: Harper Collins College Publishers.

Rachmawati, Ida. 2004. English Speaking Problems Faced by Students at e- DUTECH Business, Computer and Language Center (a Case Study). Unpublished Thesis, UMM.


Ur, Penny. 1996. A Course in language Teaching Practice and theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Utami, Fenti Yunita. 2006. The Problems Faced by the Workers Going Abroad in Learning Speaking English at BLK-LN Asri Cipta Tenaga Karya in

Singosari Malang. Unpublished Thesis, UMM.





Chapter I of this research present such topics as: background of study, statement of problem, purpose of study, significance of study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms. Each section is presented as follows.

1.1Background of the Study

In Indonesia, English is known as the most important foreign language. English has been introduced to the students since elementary school level. School is the main way of learning English for the students besides private English courses. The students learn four major skills of English; Writing, reading, listening, and speaking. In writing, the students learn how to write simple sentences up to complex sentences until they finally can explore their idea and write it into a good paragraph or even essay. They also learn how to use formal and informal written English. In reading, the students are expected to comprehend the text they read, find the topic sentence, main idea, infer the message or information and take the conclusion from the text. In listening, the students practice to understand, memorize, and courtesy what they have heard. In speaking, the students learn to apply English orally for communicating, delivering messages or telling information to others.

From those four English skills, definitely, speaking is the most important skill because it is the most commonly used in the communication exchange. It can be seen



in the students’ academic activities, especially for English department students. They have a lot of English presentation in their college career. Moreover, after they have graduated and become English teachers, they will speak English much during the teaching learning process in front of their students to transfer their knowledge. That is why the writer intends to conduct study related to speaking skill.

There are many types of speaking activities which are learned by the students in speaking class at university such as public speaking, conversation, master of ceremony, etc. From those kinds of speaking activities, public speaking is the most

difficult one to do. According to Kearney (1999: 6), “Public speaking is a special

kind of communication event and is generally more formal, planned, and organized

than most communication exchange.” Based on this definition, public speaking is absolutely different from other kinds of speaking activities. To be good public speakers, the students have to plan and organize their speech well so that the audiences can catch the message they deliver.

Several studies related to public speaking have been conducted with interesting result. Utami (2006) which her research about English problem faced by the workers going abroad in learning speaking English at BLK-LN Asri Cipta Tenaga Karya in Singosari Malang found that the workers had problems related to inhibition, mother tongue use, speech act: such as vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fluency, and comprehension.



lack of vocabulary, no time for practice, no partner, hesitation; silent, fill pauses, repetition, and mispronunciation.

Based on those results, public speaking is something paranoid for most of the people especially for adults. On the other hand, public speaking is a necessary survival skill to help the students throughout their college career or even in the professional job after they have graduated. Therefore, the writer is eager to investigate the problems faced by the students in public speaking at English department, University of Muhammadiyah Malang who have learned about public speaking in Speaking Four subject when they were in the fourth semester because they seem still unconfident to speak English in public. The writer expects by knowing their problems, the writer can give some ways to solve with their problems so that English public speaking will not be something paranoid for the students.

1.2Statements of the Problem

Based on the background of study above the writer formulates the problem in this study as follows:

1. What are the problems faced by the students in public speaking?

2. What are the ways to solve the problems faced by the students in public speaking?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of the study are to find out:

1. What are the problems faced by the students in public speaking.



1.4Significance of the Study

By knowing the problems faced by the students in public speaking, the writer expects to contribute some benefits to the students, lecturers, and English department of University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

For the students, the result of this study will help them to recognize their weaknesses and the ways to solve with their weaknesses in public speaking to improve their ability of public speaking because mastering public speaking is really beneficial for them in their college career and even in their professional career after they have graduated.

The result of this study will be helpful for the English department lecturers generally and speaking lecturers specially to recognize the weaknesses of their students in public speaking so that they can define the best teaching methods and techniques related to the students weaknesses in order to optimize teaching and learning process especially for the material concerning with speaking skill.



1.5 Scope and Limitation

Because of the limited time, finance, and power, the writer only focuses his study on public speaking problems, that may be happen during the final test of speaking class.

The informants for data collection of the study are the students of English department that must be followers of speaking classes.

1.6 Definition of key terms

Some terms are defined in order to avoid misunderstanding as follows: Problem : Situation in which a person is motivated to reach a goal, but

some obstacle blocks the attainment of the goal (Klein, 2002: 354).

Speaking : The verbal use of language to communicate with others (Fulcher, 2003: 23).


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