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The Analysis of Influence Customer Unsatisfaction, Advertising, Price, Word of Mouth (WOM) and Brand Image to Brand Switching


Academic year: 2017

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(Case study on user of Specs futsal Shoes lived at the east ciputat)

Surya Dinata (109081100022)





Personal Identities

Name : Surya Dinata

Gender : Male

Place of Birth : Padang

Date of Birth : May 09th 1991

Address : Jl. Veteran No 70, Padang, Sumatera Barat, Indoensia

Phone/Mobile : 085921856135

E-mail Address : Desurya1991@gmail.com

Formal Education

College : UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta

Senior High School : Al-ZaytunInternationalSchool

Junior High School : Al-ZaytunInternationalSchool

Elementary School : SD BaiturrahmahPadang



Thank and blessed the researcher give for the Allah SWT, because of Him I

can finish the one requirement to get bachelor degree in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, with the title “The Analysis Of Influence Customer Unsatisfaction, Advertising, Price, Word Of Mouth, And Brand Image, To Brand Switching”.

Shalawat and salam the researcher also give to the holy prophet Muhammad SAW,

his family, and his comrades, and his followers that will follow his teaching to the

end of the day. Amin

In this opportunity the researcher want to say thank you to all people that help

me to fulfill this bachelor thesis. Particulary to:

1. My beloved parents, Mrs. Eha Zulaikha and Mr. Rismar Hatta that always

give me support to finish this bachelor thesis.

2. All my brother (M. Hidayat, M. Tri Fajar, M. Riski and My lovely sister

Dara Riskha Oktavira).

3. Mr. Dr. Yahya Hamza, MM as the first thesis supervisor who give me

support, guidance, motivation and spent his time to supervise my thesis.

4. Mrs. Cut Erika Ananda Fatimah, SE.,MBA as the second supervisor who

give me support, guidance, motivation and spent hers time to supervise my



5. Mr. Dr. Arief Mufraini, Lc., M.Si as the Dean of Faculty of Economics and


6. Mrs. Titi Dewi Warninda, SE., M.Sc as the Lead of Department.

7. All the lecturer and staff in faculty of economics and business, particularly

in International Program.

8. All staff of the faculty of economics and business, Bang Bonik and Bang

Alfred, thanks for helping in administration progress.

9. Ashabul Torino, Bianca Plaza and Dzulfiqar Faris Thanks for your little “Magic

10.All Friend from Management International, Regular, Warna-Warni Block and my futsal team MI “PB” Aly Fayruzy, Ari Budiman, Anggana Agusty,

Yaseer Arafat, Ghaarieth diederick, Iqbal Wijaya, Rizki Wahyu, Arfian,

Andre Eko, Chairul Siregar, Sahmi Sitompul, Pakde, Taufik Fatur, Aditya

Prasetya, Oki Ahmadiansyah, Lukman Nul Hakim, Dimas Satya, Eko

Wahyu, Aditya yudha, Fajar Sugiarto, Uji Tholib, Azka and Radit. Thank

you for jokes been laughed, story been told, and history been made. Thanks

for spent many times, thank you for togetherness in talking, joking, singing

and laughing that I will never forget in the rest of my life.

11.All respondents that cooperative and spent their time in order to fill the

data in this research.



May Allah give bountifully rewarded. Suggestions and criticisms will

researcher accept for the sake self of further improvement. In the last word, May

Allah SWT give easiness to the all of us, and this thesis can be useful for all of us,

particulary for the researcher.

Jakarta, November 2015

Surya Dinata





(Case study on user of Specs futsal shoes lived at the east ciputat) ABSTRACT

This research aims to show the influence of customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price, word of mouth and brand image toward brand switching of Specs futsal shoes. This research uses the quantitative method that gathered by distributing the questionnaire directly to the respondents of Specs futsal shoes in east Ciputat areas. The sampling technique is the purposive sampling taken 60 respondents. The data analysis for the hypothesis test uses the multiple regression analysis method. The research result shows partial test that the customer unsatisfaction has significance value 0.006, the advertising has significance value 0.119, the price has significance value is 0.004, the word of mouth has significance value 0.033 and the brand image has significant value 0.000. Meaning all variables have partially significant positive influence to the brand switching except the variable of advertising. The simultaneous test shows that the customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price, word of mouth and brand image have 0,000 significance value. Hence, customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price, word of mouth and brand image have simultaneously significance positive influence to the brand switching. Keyword: Customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price, word of mouth, brand






Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketidakpuasan konsumen, iklan, harga, word of mouth, dan citra merk terhadap perpindahan merk sepatu futsal Specs. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara langsung kepada pengguna sepatu futsal Specs yang tinggal di daerah Ciputat timur. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling yang diambil dari 60 responden. Analisis data untuk uji hipotesis menggunakan metode analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uji parsial ketidakpuasan konsumen memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,006, iklan memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,119, harga memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,004, word of mouth memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,033 dan citra merek memiliki nilai yang signifikan 0.000. Sehingga, secara parsial semua variabel berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perpindahan merk kecuali variabel iklan. Tes simultan menunjukkan bahwa ketidakpuasan konsumen, iklan, harga, word of mouth, dan citra merk memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,000. Oleh karena itu, ketidakpuasan konsumen, iklan, harga, word of mouth, dan citra merk secara simultan memiliki berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perpindahan merk.




Title ... i

Thesis Approval Sheet ... ii

Comprehensive Exam Approval Sheet ... iii

Certification of Thesis……….. .iv

Sheet Statement Authenticity Scientific Works ………..v

Curriculum Vitae ... vi

Foreword ... vii

Abstract ... x

Abstrak ... xi

Table of Contents ... xii

List of Tables ... xvi

List of Figures ... xvii

List of Appendix ... xix


B. Problem Formulation ... 11

C. Objectives Research ... 12

D. Benefits of Research ... 12

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW A. Consumer Behavior ... 13



Customers ... 14

2. Measurement of consumer unsatisfaction ... 15

C. Advertising ... 17

1. Definition of advertising ... 17

2. The purpose of advertising ... 17

3. Hierarchy of advertising ... 19

D. Price... 21

1. Understanding of the Price ... 21

2. Pricing ... 22

3. Purpose of Pricing ... 23

4. Factors Affecting the Price Level ... 24

E. Word of Mouth ... 27

1. Definition Word of Mouth ... 27

2. Create Word of Mouth ... 30

2. Measurement of Brand Image ... 42

G. Brand Switching ... 43

1. Factors Affecting Brand Switching ... 44

2. Models or Type Brand Switching ... 46

3. Reasons Consumers Doing Switching Brands ... 47

H. Previous Research ... 49

I. Research Framework ... 54

J. Hypothesis ... 55


B. Determination Sample Method ... 57

1. Population ... 57

2. Sample ... 58



D. Type and Source of Data ... 61

1. Primary Data ... 61

2. Secondary Data ... 61

E. Data Analysis Methods ... 62

1. Validity Test ... 62

2. Reliability Test ... 62

3. Classical Assumption Test... 63

4. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis ... 64

F. Variable Operational Research ... 68

1. Operational Definition ... 68

2. Independent Variable ... 68

3. Dependent Variable ... 69

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS A. General Description of Research Object ... 74

1. Product Overview ... 74

2. Respondent Characteristic ... 75

B. Instrument Test Result ... 78

1. Validity and Reliability Test Result ... 78

2. Descriptive Statistical Test ... 82

3. Classical Assumption Test... 83

a. Normality Test Result ... 83

b. Multicollinearity Test Result ... 84

c. Heteroscedasticity Test Result... 85

4. T Test Statistical Result ... 86

5. F test Statistical Result ... 89

6. Hypothesis Test Result ... 91

1. Multiple Linear Regression Test ... 91

2. Determination Coefficient Test Result ... 93




A. Conclusion ... 98

B. Implication ... 99





1.1 Top Brand Index Futsal Shoes in 2012-2014……….7

2.1 Summary of Previous Research………50

3.1 Likert Scale Table……….61

3.2 Variable Operational Table………...70

4.1 Validity and Responsibility test result………..79

4.2 Descriptive Statistical Test………...82

4.3 Multicollinearity test result Table……….84

4.4 T Test Result Table………...87

4.5 F Test Result Table………90




2.1 Research Framework……….54

4.1 Respondents Age………...76

4.2 Respondents Expenditure………..76

4.3 Respondents Occupation………...77

4.4 Normality Probability Plot ………83




1. Questionnaire Research………...106

2. Tabulation of Costumer unsatisfaction………112

3. Tabulation of Advertising………114

4. Tabulation of Price………..116

5. Tabulation of Word of Mouth………..118

6. Tabulation of Brand Image………..120

7. Tabulation of Brand Switching………122

8. Costumer unsatisfaction Testing………..124

9. Advertising Testing……….124

10.Price Testing………124

11.Word of Mouth Testing………...124

12.Brand Image Testing………124

13.Brand Switching Testing……….124

14.Multicollinearity Test Result………...125

15.Coefficient Determination, t Test Result……….125

16.F test result………...125

17.Normal Probability Plot………...126

18.Heterosdecasticity test result……….. 126




In the era of globalization many emerging new producers who sell similar

goods. So that the consequences of these changes are the customer will be more

careful and smart in facing every product in the market. The company empowers

all functions, including in the field of marketing. Along with increasing

competition pose new phenomenon that occurs in the consumer, which is the

presence of brand switching behavior that performed by consumers.

Various kinds of products either goods or services offered by the

manufacturer provides an opportunity for consumers to choose what brand will be

consumed. The diversity of brands offered to consumers provides the opportunity

for consumers to switch from one brand to the other brands. Brand switching

behavior of the customer is a complex phenomenon which is influenced by

factors behavioral, competition and time (Srinivasan in Shellyana and Dharmesta,

2002: 92).

Along with the increasing competition, the marketers are required to conduct

marketing research and determine strategy to achieve the purpose of marketing

itself to a product. So marketing is very important for many leading company.

The whole company or organization carry out marketing activities, whether small,


2 competitors, even market leader can never relax, they also continue to develop

ideas or strategies better marketing and continue to improve the company.

According to Kotler (2008: 5) found that the success of the ongoing demand

for establishing and managing the marketing department capable. So to achieve

success and maintain the success of a company's products must be supported by

marketers that reliably and continuously improve its capabilities. Marketers

companies continually need to innovate and create new ideas that can break the

closure and revolutionize the expectations of consumers for a product.

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008: 6), Marketing is the process by

which companies create value for customers and build strong relationships with

customers with the aim to capture the value of customers in return. A marketer

also needs to pay attention to what is desired by the target market. One to note is

the need for a product by someone. Humans have many needs. According to

Kotler and Armstrong (2008: 7), the need is a state of feeling shortage of certain

basic satisfaction. Humans need a few things to survive, according to Kotler and

Armstrong (2008: 7), these needs are food, clothing, home, security, a sense of

belonging and self-esteem.

Futsal has become a phenomenon around the year 2007 until today it has been

growing public desire to exercise, these conditions create business opportunities

for producers futsal shoes. Someone needs to exercise, especially futsal increase

public demand for futsal shoes, with the development of futsal in Indonesia was


3 soccer shoes. With the increasing interest in futsal indirectly increase the demand

someone will use futsal footwear products (Suryadi, 2012).

Therefore, each company trying to become a market leader in indoor soccer

shoes manufacturer, which means the products are well received in the market.

Companies whose products were well received would definitely got a good

advantage too. In an effort to fulfill their needs, a person will choose the product

that gives the highest satisfaction. In particular, the factors that create the highest

satisfaction for each person will be different, but in general the factors such as the

product itself, the price of the product and how to get the product often becomes a

consideration. A rational consumers will choose a product with good quality,

reasonably priced products or cheaper and easily available. Quality products

desired by consumers regarding the benefits to meet the needs of consumers and

safety for themselves, so that consumers feel calm outwardly and inwardly in

using the product (Suryadi, 2012).

Look a futsal phenomenon that occurs when this shift occurred in the market

brand futsal shoes, indoor soccer shoes Some famous brand in Indonesia is

Adidas, Nike, Specs, Joma, Mizuno and others. Brand is already embedded in the

minds of consumers because once the product is long enough to market share in

Indonesia. Even some of them became a pioneer and market-leading futsal shoes

sales in Indonesia. The increasing advances in technology, increases also

technological developments by manufacturers futsal shoes. Developments


4 competition between companies in order to retain customers and a market share

of its products.

According to Suryadi and Rinaldi (2013), the number of foreign brands of

sport shoes do not make Specs afraid to compete. SPECS are a product of the

domestic focus to develop and improve the quality of specific futsal shoes. shoes

no less than foreign brands. According to Arif (2012), president director of PT.

PANATRADE CARAKA, since the beginning of its development SPECS already

positioned as sport shoes, unclear target market being targeted to make entry-level

Specs lower-middle class. In 2001 SPECS and the management team to

reoriented the market segment of middle-upper class. Reorientation because the

price gap that occurs between local brand sport shoes with overseas like Nike and

Adidas. The fall of the Rupiah against the Dollar led to a segment futsal shoes at

moderate prices to be empty. This makes SPECS and the team reoriented to fill

the void. "We attack spot by spot" to look at the unique sports shoe market but not

as a whole, the initial category targeted by the Specs is a category of football

boots, with the desire to target a large market category. Since 2001 SPECS

already lead the market 4-5 years in that category.

After feeling well established, in 2004 began to enter the market SPECS futsal

shoes, but at that futsal is not booming as it is now, with analysis and market

predictions regarding the development, Specs already established categorized feel

it. Further Specs are also working on a number of clubs and players to be a brand


5 League champions / ISL 2012), Persipura Jayapura (ISL champion 2011), Semen

Padang FC (Indonesia premier league champion 2012). "In every club jersey,

Specs made the hallmark of their respective regions”. As for the brand

ambassador of players, Specs make the famous players like Christian Gonzales

(Gonzales habibi Mustafa) and Greg Nwokolo. for futsal, Specs made famous

players to serve as brand ambassadors such as Socrates matulesi, beny Hera,

Hendra Kurniawan, Hanif Salim, bambang bayu saptaji, etc.

In terms of Specs vigorous advertising campaign in television and print

media, especially in the media and tabloid sports such as football magazine. Specs

also be a sitcom sponsor of the “Tendangan si Madun” likely a lot of viewers.

Advertising spending relatively large Specs, According to Nielsen data in the first

quarter / 2012 Specs spent Rp 1.28 billion. While in 2011 reached Rp 6.50 billion.

Specs advertising spending continues to rise from a year-earlier. As in 2009 and

2010, respectively Rp 1.82 billion and Rp 2.34 billion.

In addition to actively advertise, promote Specs below the line or brand

activation. Such as makes coaching clinic, in cooperation withsome football

schools. As in futsal, Specs sponsoring some Junior High Schools in Jakarta,

Bandung, and Makassar to be given a coaching clinic by futsal brand ambassador

of Specs. Next Specs also held a tournament “futsalogy tournament”. sales

continue to rise in the last 10 years. fantastic growth in the years (2010-2013),

which reached more than 50%, focus and consistency is the key to achieve high


6 are still many Indonesian people who prefer foreign brands than local brands.

Since the beginning of Specs is not ashamed to call himself a local product. it can

be seen from the image of product advertising slogan "Buktikan indonesiamu".

Arif also said the Specs control 30% market share and futsal soccer shoes. Greater

than outside brands such as Nike and Adidas.

Based on the SWA research, last year, Specs produce 3 million more shoes.

Football boots with a contribution of approximately 30% and futsal shoes 20% of

total sales Specs. According to the research institute MARS, specs are already on

track to outperform products futsal shoes on the market in the sales industry

competition futsal shoes, Specs working on several communities and clubs of

some sports he entered, this spot can be interaction between both. SPECS also

hold events to introduce more products. Moreover, foreign futsal shoes continue

to aggressively work on the market in Indonesia.

According to the 2012-2014 index of top brand futsal shoes market is still

dominated by NIKE, ADIDAS, JOMA and followed by SPECS in order to four.

The survey results are summarized in the Top Brand Award as well as a

prestigious event at the top of the competition between brands Top Brand Index

subsequently obtained by calculating the average weight of each parameter were

obtained from the survey results directly to the customer a product / service of

various brands in certain categories. The first parameter is the top of mind brand

awareness (TOM BA), which is an indicator of the extent to which a particular


7 is the last usage (LU), which brands the respondents use the current / last (market

share). The third is a future intention (FI), which is an indicator of respondents'

loyalty to the brand of products / services that want to used / consumed in the


The survey results illustrated in table 1.1 below

Table 1.1

Top Brand Index Futsal Shoes in 2012-2014 (In percent unit)

Product 2012 2013 2014

Nike 17.5 25.3 41.4

Adidas 15.1 17.3 22.4

Joma 9.6 13.1 15.5

Specs 6.9 7.5 9.7

Reebok 5.4 4.9 4.2

Mizuno 3.4 4.2 3.3

Piero 2.1 3.3 2.3

Kelme 1.5 2.2 1.3

Source: www.topbrand-award.com (2014)

According to the survey index of top brand in the year 2012-2014, indicated

Nike, Adidas and Joma better than Specs, but judging from the development,

Specs increased fairly. It indicates that Specs has been favored by users futsal

shoes. With continued product innovation, Specs is not afraid to compete against


8 serve as ambassador, in addition they also provide links to some of the

Indonesian team futsal league (www.Specs-sports.com)

According to Peter and Olson (2002) in Wardani (2010: 15) brand switching

is purchasing patterns characterized by alteration or replacement of one brand to

another brand. Many factors can affecting brand switching behavior, there are:

consumer unsatisfaction, advertising, price, word of mouth and brand image.

That indicates brand switching by users of other brands to Specs. Consumer

unsatisfaction is one factor contributing to the displacement of the brand because

of dissatisfied customers will look for another product option information, and

will probably stop buying products or influencing others not to buy (Kotler&

Keller, 2008: 177-193). Business Review Weekly (1997) in Tjiptono and Diana

(2000: 117), revealed that customer satisfaction occupies the second place in the

ranks of business performance index most widely used in Australia. Where the

first is the net profit (net profit). Of course, customer satisfaction is very

important for every company. Therefore in this study will measure the impact if

consumers are not satisfied with a product that is the business performance of an


Advertising is one of the components of the marketing mix that is commonly

done by the company. Advertising According to Kotler (20013: 202) is defined

as any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or


9 activity is considered very important if company want a successful product on

the market. No wonder every year, even every new product introductions, the

company spent hundreds of millions and even billions of rupiah for advertising

expenses. Conditions of tight competition makes these costs increase every year.

Companies competing to make advertising to build a favorable position in the

market. Ads can indeed affect consumer behavior toward the advertised brand.

The influence of advertising on consumer behavior is extremely varied, ranging

from encouraging consumers to look for products that are intended to encourage

people who previously disloyal be loyal or perhaps vice versa, people who were

previously loyal to a product becomes loyal to the product due to the emergence

of advertising new products.

Price differences between brands can also affect the behavior of switching

brands. It can be concluded that a change in one or several brands in the same

product class can affect the behavior of moving the brand to the consumer,

because of the price differences between brands. According Mowen& Minor

(2001: 109) "a particular brand can be purchased because of convenience,

availability, or price. If any of these factors change, then consumers may quickly

switch to another brand ". It means that prices can have an impact for consumers

to switch to other brands. Price is the amount of money charged on the products

and services or the amount of value exchanged on benefit consumers as having or


10 The next factor that encourages brand switching is word of mouth (WOM).

WOM has greater strength than advertising and other forms of promotion. A

consumer attitude shows that effective WOM will quickly build credibility of a

brand, which led to the recommendation by the consumer to another consumer. If

consumers feel satisfied on a product, it will create a positive WOM about the

product. However, if consumers are not satisfied with the product, it will create a

negative WOM about the product and result in the migration of customers or

potential customers who fail to buy the product (Rahmawati and Taurina, 2011:

3). Kotler and Keller (2007: 204) argues that the Communication word of mouth

(WOM) or word of mouth communication is a process of communication that the

form of recommendations either individually or in groups to a product or service

that aims to provide personal information.

Another factor that affect switching brand is the brand image. Monroe study,

Dodd and Grewal (1991) in Khairani (2011: 4) states that the buyer has a high

brand image that will generate buying interest. If a brand already known and then

in the minds of consumers there are certain associations for a brand that different

with other brands and consumers will perceive the quality is high. Creating the

right brand image for a product, would be very useful for marketers, because the

brand image will influence consumer ratings on alternative brand expected. This

not only can meet the needs of consumers, but can provide better satisfaction and


11 Based on the background that has been described, the authors are interested in

researching the above four factors, namely consumer unsatisfaction, advertising,

price, brand image and word of mouth. Then want to analyze how the influence

of these factors on brand switching to Specs as outlined in the thesis with the


The analysis of influence Customer unstisfaction, Advertising, Pricing, word

of mouth (WOM) and Brand image to the Brand Switching other futsal shoes to

brands SPECS (Case study SPECS user in east Ciputat)”.

B. Problem Formulation

1. Does customer unsatisfaction significantly influence brand switching?

2. Does advertising significantly influence brand switching?

3. Does price significantly influence brand switching?

4. Does word of mouth (WOM) significantly influence brand switching?

5. Does brand image significantly influence brand switching?

6. Does customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price, word of mouth (WOM)


12 C. Objectives research

1. To analyze influence of customer unsatisfaction to brand switching

2. To analyze influence of advertising product to brand switching

3. To analyze influence of price to brand switching

4. To analyze influence of word of mouth (WOM) to brand switching

5. To analyze influence of brand image to brand switching

6. To analyze the influence of customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price,

word of mouth (WOM), brand image to brand switching

D. Benefits Of Research 1. For the company

This result of this research are expected to be used as strategy material

consideration which will be pursued company to maintain customer

from switch to another brand.

2. For the author

The results of this research are expected to provide an opportunity to

increase knowledge and insight of marketing, especially about

customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price, word of mouth (WOM),

brand image and brand switching.

3. For other researchers

The results could be useful as a reference for future researches related

to marketing especially customer unsatisfaction, advertising, price,



LITERATURE REVIEW A. Consumer Behavior

According to Tjiptono and Diana (2000: 121) consumer behavior is

dominated by the paradigm of information processing (information processing

paradigm). This paradigm assumes that each consumer is rational economic

man who made a purchase on the basis of motive and rational choice. But in

fact, consumers purchase and consuming the products not only for functional

value, but also because of the social and emotional values. Consumer

behavior is defined as the study of unit purchases (buying units) and

exchange processes involving the acquisition, consumption, and disposal of

goods, services, experiences, and ideas - ideas (Mowen and Minor, 2002: 6).

Unit purchases (buying units) are consumers for products, services,

experiences, and ideas offered by marketers. This purchase units consisting of

individuals, families, or groups who decide to buy. Furthermore, the unit can

be either consumer purchases (such as, individuals and households) or

for-profit organizations / non-for-profit making purchases. Consumer behavior has

strong impact on the marketing management. Modern marketing managers

also use the idea of "marketing concept" about understanding the needs and

desires of consumers which facilitates the exchange process and the


14 saw that satisfy the consumer is important in all marketing efforts (Mowen

and Minor, 2002: 28). The center of the field of science is the study of

consumer behavior exchange process. Exchange is the process whereby

something tangible or intangible, actual or symbolic, is transferred between

two or more social actors (Mowen and Minor, 2002: 28).

B. Customer Unsatisfaction

Customers are all those which requires product or services given by

companies to meet a sacrificing to certain quality standard, and because it will

affect the performance of the company (Nasution, 2005: 45).

1. Definition of satisfaction and unsatisfaction of customers

The formulation of the dominant and most widely used and referenced

in the literature of Marketing and Consumer Behavior is unsatisfaction

based on the paradigm of disconfirmation (Oliver in Tjiptono and Diana,

2000: 118), that customer satisfaction is defined as an evaluation, where

the perception of the performance of the products or services chosen are


From these definitions it can be concluded that basically the

definitions of customer satisfaction include the difference between

expectations and perceived performance or results (Tjiptono and Diana,


15 Meanwhile, according to Peter and Olson (2005: 160) and Kotler and

Armstrong (2008) consumer unsatisfaction arise when the performance of

a product turns out worse than expected performance. Consumers who are

not satisfied with a product less likely to be re-purchasing, tend to switch

brands, and appealed to manufacturers, retailers, and even tell the other


2. Measurement of consumer unsatisfaction

In essence, measuring the level of satisfaction / unsatisfaction of

customers the same as measuring the quality of a product, which is

determined by variable and performance-based expectations (perceived

performance) (Tjiptono& Diana, 2001: 46). Quality and customer

satisfaction are closely related. Quality gives an impulse to the customer

to establish a strong bond with the company (Tjiptono& Diana, 2001: 2).

The concept of quality itself is often regarded as a measure of the

relative goodness of a product or service consisting of quality of design

and quality of the suitability (Tjiptono and Diana, 2001: 2).

According Tjiptono (2008: 67), in the quality of the products there are eight

main dimensions which are usually used, namely:

1. Performance basic operating characteristics of a product and is the

main characteristic considered when the customer wants to buy a


16 2. Feature, specific complementary characteristics that can increase

product usage experience.

3. Reliability is the probability of failure or damage to the product

within a certain time. The smaller the possibility of damage, the

more reliable the product concerned.

4. Durability is the amount of usage of the product before the product

concerned should be replaced. The greater the frequency of normal

use is possible, the greater the durability of the product.

5. Conformance with regard to the level of product conformity to

specifications predetermined by the customer's wishes.

6. The ability of service (serviceability) is a characteristic that is

related to the speed/courtesy, competence, ease, and the handling of

complaints satisfactorily.

7. Aesthetics (Aesthetics) is a characteristic of the beauty is subjective

so with regard to personal considerations and reflections of

individual preference or choice.

8. The perceived quality (perceived quality), the characteristics

associated with a reputation (brand name, image).

A company would not survive without consumers who use or wear the

products of the manufacturers, therefore, to improve the quality of the


17 by knowing the customer satisfaction, the goods and services produce it

has more value as more consumers demand as users of the product.

According to Umar (2001: 93) quality of the product is important for

consumers. Product quality, whether in the form of goods or services

should be determined by its dimensions, which is called the dimension of

the quality of goods or products.

C. Advertising

1. Definition of advertising

Advertising all forms of paid up non-personal presentation and

promotion of ideas, goods, or services by a clear sponsor (Kotler and Keller

2013: 202). Advertising can be seen as a form of communication and

promotion (Kotler, 2005: 23). Called as a form of communication in the

process of advertising there is a flow of information that the advertising

message from a source (companies) that are presented to a customers and

there is also the purpose of the message that the target market or audience.

Meanwhile, as a form of promotion, because the ads are efforts to influence

the market in order to buy the products offered by the sponsoring company.

2. The purpose of advertising

Advertising purposes namely specific communication task and the

level of achievement that must be achieved with a specific audience in a


18 can be classified according to the target market, which is to provide

information, persuasion or enhance buyers, adding value and helping other

business enterprises.

a. Normative advertising, aiming to form a first request to inform

the market about new products, proposing a new use of a

product, inform the market about price changes, explain the

workings of a product, explain the services available, correct

the erroneous impression, reduce anxiety buyers and establish

a corporate image.

b. Persuasive advertising, aimed to establish selective demand a

certain brand, made on a competitive stage by establishing

brand preference, pushing over the brand, change the

perception of buyers about product attributes, persuade buyers

to buy now, and persuade buyers receiving / try to stimulate the

use of the product.

c. Reminder advertising, aims to remind the established product

by reminding buyers that can afford to make buyers still

remember the product, even though not in season, and maintain

awareness of the peak.

d. Advertising adder value, aims to add value to the brand in the

consumer's perception with innovation, quality improvement


19 e. Advertising support other activities, aimed at helping to

facilitate the activities of other companies in the process of

marketing communications, such as advertising helps in the

release of sales promotion (coupons), assisting salespeople

(product introduction), refine the results of other marketing


For producers, advertising is not just a promotional tool of

goods and services, but also to instill the image to customers and

prospective customers about the products offered. Image formed by

advertising often leads the public to believe in the product, thus

encouraging potential customers to consume and maintain customer


3. Hierarchy of advertising

According to Umar (2005: 246-247) consumer interest in the potential

of a product offered on the market, is basically divided into three stages,

namely stage know, affected, and act to make a purchase. Models are

generally used for looking at these stages is modeled AIDCA.

a. Attention

At this stage the ads served must be able to attract the attention

of target market audience, if this step is not successful, the next step

becomes useless. By knowing the results at this stage the company has


20 b. Interest

If successfully captured the attention of the target audience, ads

delivered should be able to make the audience interested to know more

about the product being advertised. For that viewers should be

stimulated to want to follow the advertising messages.

c. The desire

Ads must be managed to move the viewer desires to have or

enjoy the product. needs or wants them to have, wear, or do something

as a continuation phase of interest.

d. Trust (Conviction)

Up to this stage the company's goals through advertising has

successfully created a need for prospective buyers. A number of

prospective buyers has begun to waver and emotions begin untouched,

but still doubts. In these conditions should be able to convince the ad

or cause the confidence of prospective buyers.

e. Action

At this stage, the prospective buyer should already be able to

take decisions, to buy or not. Perhaps the desire to buy has been

decided but the purchase has not been done because there are

considerations influenced the customer desire to buy a product. For

that advertising should be able to lead prospective buyers to take the


21 Lu-shu, and Chang (2003) in Ermayanti (2006: 99) argues that the

advertising gives a stimulant and incentive for consumers to switch brands

and stated that consumers with different levels of perception have various

possibilities to switch brands.

D. Price

1. Understanding the price

Price is an element of the marketing mix that produces revenue; other

elements generating costs (Kotler and Keller 2013: 67). Price variables in the

marketing mix refer to what should be the consumer sacrifice to buy a

product or service which normally uses the value of money. The price of a

product is determined not only by the cost of production but also other

factors, such as competition and consumer perception of the product

(Morissan, 2010: 78).

According to Gary Armstrong and Kotler (2008: 439) "the price is the

amount of money charged for a product or service or the amount of value

exchanged for consumers on its benefits for owning or using a product or

service". While Mowen and Minnor according to Ermayanti (2006) says that

the price is one of the factors considered by consumers, because consumers

are sensitive to price, other than that, according to Mowen and Minor also

said that a brand was purchased because of convenience, availability or

price. If any of these factors change, then most likely the consumer will


22 2. Pricing

Pricing has various strategies according to the stage through which a

product or service. Kotler and Armstrong (2008) are classifying such pricing

strategies as follows:

a. New product pricing strategies, namely pricing flushed markets and

pricing for market penetration.

b. Product mix pricing strategies, namely pricing of the product line,

additional product pricing, product pricing bound, pricing of products,

and pricing of the product package.

c. Price adjustment strategy, which consists of pricing discounts and

price reductions, segmented pricing, psychological pricing,

promotional pricing, dynamic pricing, international pricing and pricing

based on geography.

d. Strategies for coping with changes in prices, which pioneered the price

changes, how to react to price changes, and respond to changes in


3. Purpose of Pricing

Pricing should be directed to a destination. Before pricing is done, the

goal should be set in advance. Pricing objectives include: (a) profit

orientation: achieve profit targets and increase profit: (b) sales orientation:

increase sales volume, and maintain or grow market share. (Machfoedz,


23 a. The purpose of profit-oriented

Companies can choose one of two goals in a profit-oriented pricing

policy. Profit-oriented goals can be reached in the short term or long term.

1) Achieving the target profit

Companies can choose to set the price of its product reaches a

certain percentage of the sales or investments. Achievement of

objectives as it is applied by a broker or producer. Many retail and

wholesale trade businessman using profit targets on net sales as

pricing objectives of short-term period.

2) Increase profit

Pricing objectives to earn money as much as possible followed

by a large number of companies than other purpose. Difficulties faced

this purpose is that the term connotes bad maximize profits associated

with high prices and monopoly. The purpose of enlarging profits the

company would be more profitable if applied in the long term.

However, to apply these companies have to accept losses in the short


b. Goal-oriented sales

1) Increase the volume of sales

Pricing of several companies focused on sales volumes during

a certain period, for example, 1 year or 3 years. Management aims


24 pricing strategy although others should experience a loss in the

short term.

2) Maintaining or increasing market share

Some companies large or small set the price for the purpose of

maintaining or increasing market share of the company. For

example, when the Japanese currency (YEN) value exceeds the

value of the US dollar, Japanese products become more expensive

in the United States. Japanese companies are faced with the

prospect of reduced market share. To maintain market share,

Japanese companies accept smaller profit margins and reduce

costs so it can sell products at a price below the selling price


4. Factors affecting the price level

According to Hasan (2007: 304) companies must understand the

factors that directly affect the price level to be determined:

a. Economic conditions

Economic conditions (inflation, boom or recession, interest

rates), government policies and regulations, and social aspects


25 b. Demand and supply

Request a number of products purchased at a certain price

level. Important issues in this factor are to estimate how buyers

respond to the prices offered an alternative. While offers a number of

products offered by the company (seller) at a certain price level.

Generally, the higher prices encourage the offered amount becomes

larger, but in certain cases it turns into a scarcity of goods is higher.

c. The company's goals

The company's goal to be achieved is stated explicitly, such as:

1) Achieving maximum profit

2) Maintaining the viability of the company

3) Creating a quality leadership

4) To increase the volume of sales

5) Reaching a large market share, maintain and improve market


6) Creating a stabilization of prices and overcome the competition

7) Return of capital tied up in a certain period

8) And so forth

d. Legal and ethical factors

These factors usually becomes a tool of government oversight

in determining the maximum, minimum, or a certain price (for grain,


26 electricity) as well as the practice of other practices that prevent efforts

towards monopoly.

e. Marketing mix

Pricing should be coordinated and mutually supportive with

other marketing mix of product, distribution and promotion.

f. Cost

Cost is the basic factor in determining price is minimal, because

the level of price that cannot cover the costs will result in losses. The

costs that must be considered in the determination of prices at least as:

1) The cost of out-of-pocket costs increase, opportunity costs,

controllable costs, replacement costs, non-operating expenses

2) Structure costs

3) The cost volume relationship

4) Competitive advantage

5) Effect of experience costs

6) How much influence the cost of the company's future

g. Size of business

Management needs to decide who should set prices, for example, by

top management, product line management, sales managers, production


27 h. Competition

The forces that influence the competition in the industry is the

competition in the relevant industry, product substitution, suppliers,

customers, and the threat of new entrants.

i. The nature of the market

Each company needs to understand the nature of market linkages and

demand that it faces, whether including perfect competition, monopolistic

competition, oligopoly or monopoly.

E. Word of Mouth

1. Definition Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth communication is communication that is done through

word of mouth conversation by telling experience or excellence of a

product. Initially this term specifically referred to the oral

communications but now includes all types of human communication,

such as face-to-face, telephone, e-mail and text messages. Word of mouth

is considered to be the most powerful force in the market. In the fact,

consumer choice is usually influenced by word of mouth (Casalo and

Flavia: 2008).

Kotler and Keller (2007: 204) argue that the communication word of

mouth is a process of communication that the form of recommendations

either individually or in groups to a product or service that aims to


28 the communication channels that often used by companies that produce

both goods and services because of communication and word of mouth

(word of mouth) considered to be very effective in expediting the process

of marketing and can provide benefits to the company. According to

Hasan (2010: 32) word of mouth is the act of consumers providing

information to other consumers (interpersonal) noncommercial both

brands, products and services.

Rangkuti (2009: 77) defines WOM as a marketing effort that triggers

the customer to discuss, promote, recommend and sell a product, service

or brand to another customer. Mowen and Minor (2002: 180) says that

the word of mouh communication refers to the exchange of comments,

thoughts or ideas between two or more consumers are neither a source of

marketing. WOM is defined as a form of communication of goods and

services between people who are independent, not part of the provider of

such products, which occurs through the medium is also believed to be


Hasan (2010: 25) suggests the reason that makes WOM can become

powerful resources in influencing purchase decisions, which is:

1) WOM is an independent source of information and honest, which

means when the information comes from a friend it is more

credible because no relation of the person with the product


29 2) WOM is very powerful because it provides benefits to those who

ask with direct experience of the product through the experience

of a friend.

3) WOM tailored to people who are interested in it. A person will not

join the conversation, unless they are interested in the topic of


4) WOM produces informal media information.

5) WOM can start from a single source depends on how the power of

influencers and social networks that spread rapidly and widely to


6) WOM is not limited by space or other constraints, such as social

cohesion, time, family or other physical obstacles.

According to Kotler (2007: 206), receiving and responding to

consumer WOM on the conditions and the situation in:

1) Consumers lack sufficient information to assist in making a


2) The product is very complex and difficult to assess using the

criteria of assessment.

3) Consumers are less able to judge the product, no matter how the

information is distributed and addressed.


30 5) Effect of other people more easily accessible than other sources

and because it can be consulted by saving time and effort.

6) Strong social ties that exist between disseminator and recipient


7) Individuals have a high requirement on the approval of the social


Thus the word of mouth is one way to reduce the uncertainty,

because by asking others who have already used the product

concerned, will produce information that is more reliable, so it will

also save time and brand evaluation process. So, word of mouth

cannot be invented or created. Because of WOM conducted by the

consumer voluntarily or without reward, all of them purely from

personal experience of other consumers who ultimately formed

consumer confidence of consumers on the other. Trying making up

WOM actually make the company will fail and can lead to more

severe effect. Making up WOM can damage the brand and image of

the company so that the company will eventually fail completely.

2. Create Word of Mouth

Word of mouth will be created when the products are delivered to provide


31 several elements that must be possessed of a product in order to generate

positive WOM and sustainable, including:

a. The product must be able to evoke an emotional response.

b. The product or the brand should be able to give the effect of

something that delight or excitement. Means that the product must

be able to provide something that exceeds consumer expectations.

c. The product must have something that can advertise themselves or

inspire someone to ask it.

d. A product becomes more powerful when many users.

e. The product must be compatible with other products, in particular

can be applied in products that rely on technology.

f. The experience of consumers using the product the first time.

Once consumers were disappointed, they are not going to use your

product again and they will act like a terrorist.

Based on the research of Diamond Management & Technology

Consultants in Mix Magazine (2007: 17) there are some forms of the

method for creating word of mouth, among others:

a. Buzz marketing, use or entertainment activities are good news for

people who have been involved with a product can discuss these


32 b. Evangelist marketing, the disseminator of news (evangelist),

speakers or volunteers who became a leader in the active

dissemination activities on behalf of the company.

c. Community marketing, establishing and supporting community

niche (niche community) which happily divide their interest in a

brand, provide tools, content, and information to support the


d. Conversation creation, interesting or funny ads, e-mail, as well as

entertainment to start WOM activity.

e. Influencer marketing, identifying key communities and opinion

leaders are happy to tell you the product and have the ability to

influence the opinion of others.

f. Cause marketing, providing support for outreach programs

through fundraising to get the respect and support of the people

who have the same concert with the company.

g. Viral marketing, creating an entertaining and informative

messages and is designed to spread exponentially through

electronic media or e-mail.

h. Grassroots marketing organize and motivate volunteers to get

involved in a personal or local.

i. Brand blogging, creating blogs and participating in the


33 sharing information of value that may be discussed blog


j. Product seeding, putting the right products in the right hands, at

the right time, providing information or samples to influential


k. Referral programs, creating tools for customers who are satisfied

that they recommend the same product to the relatives.

3. Dimension Word of Mouth

Referring to the concept that has been implemented Basel et. al. in

Barata (2005: 27), there are two variables of word of mouth, the

perception of risk and consumer knowledge. And in a study conducted by

Surya Sutriono (2008: 31), which draws on research conducted by Brown

and dacin there are three variables, which is satisfaction, incentives, and

opinion leaders.

1) Risk Perception

Word of mouth can affect a person's perception of the value of

a product or the perception of risk that would arise when consuming

the product. The perception of the risk of becoming one of the

important components of information processing performed

consumers. If the information obtained through the word of mouth is


34 (Rini, 2011: 3). According to Gods (2005: 27) in the marketing

process, consumers always face with the risk in any decision making.

According to Mowen and Minor (2002: 89) the perception of

risk is understood as the likelihood of consumers to experience the

negative consequences of using products and services. According

Trocchia in Suhartomo (2010: 29), there are six dimensions of risk

perception, which is:

a. Financial risk is the perception that the product would not be in

accordance with the price.

b. Risk promotion is the perception that the product will not have

the promotion as expected.

c. Risk perception that time is the time spent to search for the

product will be wasted when the product is not performing as


d. Physical risk is the perception that the product will harm or

threaten the safety of consumers or others.

e. Psychological risk is the perception that the product would not

be in keeping with the concept of self or consumers.

f. Social risk is the perceptions that the product is not good will


35 2) Consumer Knowledge

Through WOM, consumers create knowledge about the

products that will be chosen. If consumers know more about the

products that will be chosen, then the risk he would receive would be

less than he has no knowledge about the product. According to Gods

(2005: 29), consumers have to have the level of knowledge about the

products offered so that it will ignore more information from others

before making the purchase.

Consumer knowledge about the product also has influence not

only on the search WOM actively, but also on consumers'

perceptions of risk. Consumers with little knowledge of the products

tend to have a greater perception of risk and benefit that is greater

than searching for information through WOM activity. In the

decision, the information possessed formed into consumer knowledge

needed to assess the risks of all alternative products that will be

chosen, so that consumers have more information to be able to assess

the choice of products to be consumed which a minimum risk has

compared with consumers who do not have sufficient information.

According to research conducted by Mishra, Umesh, and Stem

in Barata (2005: 30) there are three sizes to measure the level of


36 a. Knowledge is the knowledge of consumers about the products

consumers know exactly what is offered by the provider of the

product concerned.

b. Experience of consumer-related products are consumer

knowledge about the product as what is obtained when using

the product.

c. Information owned by consumers about the product is

consumer knowledge about the products concerned which he

obtained from other sources.

4. Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction will affect the consumers' desire to

disseminate information about the product or service is consumed. If

consumers are satisfied with the products they use it instinctively

consumers will tell the people around him about his satisfaction and

word of mouth spread, both positive and negative among these

people. Word of mouth behavior can be linked to consumer

satisfaction and unsatisfaction with previous consumption


Consumers who are satisfied after consuming a product certainly

will spread positive word of mouth, while consumers who are not

satisfied after consuming a product would spread negative word of


37 satisfaction will be influenced by the specific features of the product

and the perception of the quality. Product quality basically describes

how much the perceived benefit of consumers so as to satisfy their


5. Incentives

In the word of mouth communication, necessary incentives to

stimulate consumers who have used a product spread it to others.

The incentive to be creative although it can also be in the form of

money. Erida (2009: 2), explained that incentives, both monetary

and non-monetary form can reduce the negative word of mouth

behavior and reinforce positive word of mouth.

When linked with the satisfaction of consumers, the incentive

is considered as a catalyst to improve the behavior of consumers

are satisfied WOM and dampen the negative WOM than

consumers who are not satisfied with the product consumed

(Erida, 2009: 3).

6. Opinion Leader

Widyaharsana (2009: 44) argues, an opinion leader of

consumers that regularly affect the views, attitudes, and

behaviors of others. Furthermore, Widyaharsana provide an


38 a. They provide a stimulus to other consumers, so that

consumers become aware of the needs that have been


b. They provide information to other consumers about a

product. In many cases, consumers are more likely to

trust a third party rather than promotion by the first


c. They give advice that allows consumers to choose

products that best of many options. These suggestions

are useful in helping consumers to shorten the

evaluation process significantly choice.

d. They provide feedback that is trusted by other

consumers. The expertise and credibility of the opinion

leader can sometimes affect other consumers in

determining a product.

Furthermore, Widyaharsana (2009: 52) explains that

the good opinion leader must have two main requirements

so that they play a major role in the process of WOM,


a. Networking, they should have an extensive


39 will increase the chances of people listen to the

information of an opinion leader.

b. Credibility, addition to an extensive network,

the opinion leader must have credibility.

Credibility is the quality, capability, or power

to generate trust. There are two factors that

make a person has credibility, honesty and the

ability or expertise. Someone who is not

considered to have expertise not wants to hear

his opinion. Furthermore, an expert who is not

considered fair also will not be able to

influence others.

F. Brand Image

1. Definition of Brand

Positive image consumer to a brand more allows consumers to

make purchases. Good brand also became the basis for building a

positive corporate image. The benefits of a positive brand image,

the company bias expand product lines by utilizing the positive

image which has been formed to brand old products. The thing to

note is how to maintain and improve the already positive brand


40 Here is some understanding of brand image (brand image) in

the view of the experts:

a. Brand image simply by Rangkuti (2009: 43) is a set of

associations brand / brand formed in the minds of consumers.

b. Keller (2008: 66) defines brand image as a perception or

impression of a brand by a group of associations that connect

customers to the brand in their memories.

From the above understanding can be concluded that brand

image is the result of perception and understanding of consumers on

the brand of a product is seen, thought and imagined. By creating

the right brand image for a products, would be very useful for

marketers, because the brand image will influence consumer ratings

on alternative brand faces.

Fournier said that consumers' perception of a brand is one of

the keys to building a long term relationship. Furthermore, Morris

(1996) in Rahma (2007: 28) reveals that building a strong perception

of the brand is the top priority at some companies today. Meghan

(1995) in Rahma (2007: 28) also noted the importance of brand

image development in business organizations. Meenaghan states that

the image of a well-managed brand will produce positive


41 a. Improving the understanding of knowledge on aspects

consumer behavior in making decisions.

b. Enhancing consumer orientation toward things that are

symbolic over the functions of the product.

c. Improving consumer confidence in the product.

d. Increase sustainable competitive advantage in view of

technological innovation is very easy to be imitated by


Another opinion expressed by Graeff (1996) in Rahma, (2007: 30)

states that the rapid development of the market, will encourage

consumers to more expensive brand image then attention to the

characteristics of the products offered. The condition indicates that the

product is in mature stages in the product life cycle. Cover proprietary,

competitive and stage image. Proprietary explains that the brand is able

to show the uniqueness of some products on the market. Competitive

explains that the brand is able to describe a product has a competitive

advantage that the drive competitors to perform product development

in order to survive in the market. While the stage to explain that the

brand image of a product capable of being decisive in differentiating a

product in the minds of consumers in their purchase decision than other


Table 1.1 Top Brand Index Futsal Shoes in 2012-2014
Table 2.1 Summary of previous research
Figure 2.1 Research Framework
Table 3.1 Likert scale of five (5) levels


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