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A Morphemic Analysis Of Loanwords From English Vocabularies In Kompas Selected Columns


Academic year: 2016

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Dr. Deliana, M. Hum Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, MA NIP. 19571117 198303 2 002 NIP. 19581017 198601 1 000

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English




ii Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University

of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


iii Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English, Faculty of

Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Thursday, 8th of October 2015.

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA

NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

1. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ...

2. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA, Ph. D ...

3. Prof. Dr.T. Silvana Sinar, M.A. Ph. D ...








Signed :












Signed :



Alhamdulillah, in the name of Allah SWT, I would like to thank God, the Powerful and the Merciful for giving me the guidance, the power, the patience, and the ability to finish this thesis. And also great respectable for Prophet Muhammad SAW the leader and the rule model of Moslem forever.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor and co-supervisor, Dr. Deliana, M. Hum and Drs. Bahagia Tarigan, M.A, for their willingness sharing times and patience in guiding, correcting, and supervising this thesis.

Further, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A, the head of Department of English Literature, Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, Mr. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, MA, Ph.D as the secretary of Department of English Literature for giving all facilities and opportunities in completing this thesis.

My deepest gratitude is dedicate to my rest and wonderful family, to my mom and dad, thanks for the great spirit, pray, and endless love you have always been sharing with me. Then to my sisters, Mbak Gege, Lona, and Hesti, thanks for all of the support you have given to me. Then to my one and only brother, Wigung, thanks for the great spirit you have told to me.

I don’t forget to thank to my amazing Sehati’s friend Novri, Dian, May, Ibet,

Doris, and Ima for all of the support you gave to me and for the help you did to me when I was oppress in doing this thesis.


vii Sonya Priscilia Tarigan, Sulastri Situmorang, and Tantri Weri Sinaga for all the favors, discussions, thoughts, advices, and the sincere friendship. Thanks for making my four years filled with craziness, wonderful, and spectacular experience. Thanks

for being my “family” when I was far away from my family. Thanks for accepting

every inadequacy I had. Thanks for changing all of my unfavorable attitudes and

deeds. Thanks for teaching me how to appreciate the difference we had. I’ve gained

very much experiences and lessons from you all. I don’t know how to reward all of

the kindnesses you’ve shared to me. Thanks for unforgettable moments you made for

me. Thanks for everything you gave to my life. May Allah SWT, the Almighty bless you all, Amin.

Medan, September 2015



Skripsi yang berjudul “A Morphemic Analysis of Loanwords From English Vocabularies In Indonesian Selected Newspaper „Kompas‟” ini membahas tentang analisis morfemis dari kata-kata serapan Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia. Analisis morfemis merupakan sebuah proses pembentukan kata baik derivasional maupun infleksional. Analisis morfemis yang dibahas didalam skripsi ini adalah afiksasi, perubahan internal, konversi atau perubahan kosong,dan derivasional.Skripsi ini dimaksudkan untuk menambah penelitian ilmiah dan informasi yang berhubungan dengan proses-proses morfemis dari kata-kata serapan dan juga sebagai acuan dan pertimbangan bagi orang- orang yang akan mempelajari dan menganalisa proses-proses morfemis dari kata-kata serapan dalam Bahasa Indoensia. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif karena semua data yang dianalisis dalam skripsi ini dibuat dalam bentuk kata-kata bukan angka. Data dalam skripsi ini diambil dari kolom yang sudah dipilih dalam harian Kompas dari tanggal 23 April sampai dengan 30 April 2015. Dari hasil analisis yang ditemukan dalam skripsi ini,terdapat sedikitnya 215 kemunculan kata-kata serapan yang lazim digunakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.Kata-kata-kata ini kemudian dikelompokkan berdasarkan proses-proses morfemis yang terjadi ketika kata tersebut digunakan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hampir semua kata yang diserap kedalam Bahasa Indonesia mengalami perubahan dalam penggunaaannya.



This thesis entitled “A Morphemic Analysis of Loanwords From English Vocabularies In Indonesian Selected Newspaper „Kompas‟” discusses about the morphemic analysis of English loanwords which is used into Bahasa Indonesia Morphemic analysis is a process of word formation whether it is derivational or inflectional. The morphemic analysis that will be discussed in this thesis are affixation, internal change, conversion or zero derivation, and derivational. This thesis is intended to enrich the scientific research and give information about morphemic processes of loanwords and also can be a reference and consideration for those who study and analyze morphemic processes of loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia. The method that used in thesis is descriptive qualitative method because all of the data that are analyzed in this thesis are presented in the form of words not in number. The data are taken from Kompas selected columns in April 23rd up to April 30th 2015.Based on the finding that has been analyzed in this thesis, at least 215 occurrences of loanwords are found from the data which is commonly used in Bahasa Indonesia. This occurrence of loanwords then are analyzed based on the process which occurs in its word formation. It is almost certainly that loanwords which borrow into Bahasa Indonesia have gained some changes in using it.









ABSTRACT ... viii




Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Problem of Study ... 3

1.3 Objectives of Study ... 3

1.4 Scope of Study ... 4

1.5 Significance of Study ... 4

Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Review of Study ... 5

2.2 Theoretical Review ... 6

2.2.1 Morphology ... 6

2.2.2 Word... 7



2.2.4 Root, Base, and Stem ... 10

2.3 Morphemic Analysis ... 12

2.3.1Affixation ... 12

2.3.2Internal Change ... 13

2.3.3Reduplication ... 14

2.3.4Conversion ... 14

2.3.5Derivational ... 14

2.3.6Inflectional ... 14

2.4 Loanwords ... 15

Chapter III METHODS OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design ... 18

3.2 Data and Data Source ... 18

3.3 Data Collecting Procedure ... 19

3.4 Data Analysis Method ... 19

Chapter IV ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 Analysis ... 21

4.1.1Spontaneous Loanwords ... 21

4.1.2Incorporated Loanwords ... 24

4.1.3Analysis of Affixation Process ... 31

4.1.4Analysis of Internal Change Process ... 43

4.1.5Analysis of Conversion Process ... 65

4.1.6Analysis of Derivational Process ... 82



5.1 Conclusion ... 89 5.2 Suggestion ... 89





Table 2.1 : Free morphemes and bound morphemes Table 2.2 : Inflectional forms

Table 2.3 : Necessary and unnecessary loanwords Table 4.1 : Spontaneous Loanwords

Table 4.2 : Incorporated Loanwords

Table 4.3 : Bahasa Indonesia Affixation Adjustment of loanwords Table 4.4 : Internal changes’ list

Table 4.5 : Conversion’s list



Skripsi yang berjudul “A Morphemic Analysis of Loanwords From English Vocabularies In Indonesian Selected Newspaper „Kompas‟” ini membahas tentang analisis morfemis dari kata-kata serapan Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia. Analisis morfemis merupakan sebuah proses pembentukan kata baik derivasional maupun infleksional. Analisis morfemis yang dibahas didalam skripsi ini adalah afiksasi, perubahan internal, konversi atau perubahan kosong,dan derivasional.Skripsi ini dimaksudkan untuk menambah penelitian ilmiah dan informasi yang berhubungan dengan proses-proses morfemis dari kata-kata serapan dan juga sebagai acuan dan pertimbangan bagi orang- orang yang akan mempelajari dan menganalisa proses-proses morfemis dari kata-kata serapan dalam Bahasa Indoensia. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif karena semua data yang dianalisis dalam skripsi ini dibuat dalam bentuk kata-kata bukan angka. Data dalam skripsi ini diambil dari kolom yang sudah dipilih dalam harian Kompas dari tanggal 23 April sampai dengan 30 April 2015. Dari hasil analisis yang ditemukan dalam skripsi ini,terdapat sedikitnya 215 kemunculan kata-kata serapan yang lazim digunakan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.Kata-kata-kata ini kemudian dikelompokkan berdasarkan proses-proses morfemis yang terjadi ketika kata tersebut digunakan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia. Hampir semua kata yang diserap kedalam Bahasa Indonesia mengalami perubahan dalam penggunaaannya.



This thesis entitled “A Morphemic Analysis of Loanwords From English Vocabularies In Indonesian Selected Newspaper „Kompas‟” discusses about the morphemic analysis of English loanwords which is used into Bahasa Indonesia Morphemic analysis is a process of word formation whether it is derivational or inflectional. The morphemic analysis that will be discussed in this thesis are affixation, internal change, conversion or zero derivation, and derivational. This thesis is intended to enrich the scientific research and give information about morphemic processes of loanwords and also can be a reference and consideration for those who study and analyze morphemic processes of loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia. The method that used in thesis is descriptive qualitative method because all of the data that are analyzed in this thesis are presented in the form of words not in number. The data are taken from Kompas selected columns in April 23rd up to April 30th 2015.Based on the finding that has been analyzed in this thesis, at least 215 occurrences of loanwords are found from the data which is commonly used in Bahasa Indonesia. This occurrence of loanwords then are analyzed based on the process which occurs in its word formation. It is almost certainly that loanwords which borrow into Bahasa Indonesia have gained some changes in using it.




1.1.Background of The Study

All languages change over time. They change because of the change in culture and environment. Language is an expression of human activity in the world and the changes in the world have brought about innovation in a language. Bahasa Indonesia has changed many times because of the influence of other languages and environments. It has been a long time since Indonesia was colonized by the other nations, and it has had an impact on the language. Bahasa Indonesia that is used nowadays is the language that is created by unification of other languages. Most of the vocabularies now are derived from other languages such as English, Portuguese, Dutch, Arabic, etc. The interference of other countries, peoples and languages in the colonial era has brought about many new words in Bahasa Indonesia.

Because of the influence of the other nations, Bahasa Indonesia has borrowed vocabularies from other languages. They are called loanwords. Generally, loanwords mean the words are borrowed from one language and then naturalized to the other language or it can be said that loanwords are words from origin language that become part of another language and used it like their own language. The loanwords

are used because the writer can’t find an appropriate word expression or the language

doesn’t have any appropriate words to replace it. It includes its pronunciation, writing system, form and also meaning.

Borrowing a language from another language is due to the contact between two languages or one language to another language. We may find the words such as


2 from English loanwords which are used into Bahasa Indonesia. The words that are borrowed from English words must be known in Bahasa Indonesia so that the information can be understood by any information provider or receiver that uses two languages, either English or Indonesian.

It is commonly for the people to use the loanword in their daily life even in the formal situation, but they might be not know about how exactly alteration process that occurs in borrowing a loanwords. The loanwords that are used in Bahasa Indonesia often possess alteration process. The alterations sometimes occur in the form of loanwords that used in Bahasa Indonesia. This alteration can be seen through the word formation when the loanwords are used into Bahasa Indonesia. The change in the word formation of loanwords that used in Bahasa Indonesia can be analyzed in morphology.

Morphology is the a branch of linguistics used to identify, analyze, and describe the structure of a given language’s morpheme and other linguistics units, such as root words, affixes, parts of speech, intonation and stressed, or implied context. Coates (1999:8) states that morphology is the academic study of word

structure”. More specifically, this thesis attempts to discuss morphemic analysis of

English loanwords towards Bahasa Indonesia. Morphemic analysis is used to determine or infer the meaning of words by examining their meaningful parts (prefix, suffix, root, etc). The process of words formation that is borrowed from English words sometimes has undergone some changes in its word formation. The process can be seen in Bahasa Indonesia case as follow:



The word “contract” is borrowed into Bahasa Indonesia and the base form of

the word in ɒahasa Indonesia is “kontrak”. ɒased on the context of the sentence, to

make it equivalence with ɒahasa Indonesia, the word “contract” is formed by adding

the affixation “me-” in ɒahasa Indonesia. However the word “me-kontrak” is

grammatically incorrect, therefore the appropriate form in Bahasa Indonesia is

“mengontrak”. It is contemplated based on the morphological aspects.

Based on all of the reason that explained above, so the writer will discuss the morphemic analysis of loanwords in newspaper. The reason of the use newspaper for this thesis because of the language that used short, simple, understanable and solid interesting. It means that press as means of mass communication has a big responsibility in the establishment of a language. The source data of this thesis is the articles in Kompas selected columns which is used the registers terms in their language production.

1.2.Problem of Study

In this analysis, there are some questions to be answered. These questions are the problems that need solutions, they are:

a. What types of loanwords are found in Kompas selected columns?

b. How are the morphemic processes of loanwords found in Kompas selected columns?

1.3.Objectives of the Study


4 b. To analyze morphemic processes of loanword in Kompas selected


1.4.Scope of The Study

In research, it is important to limit the analysis on specific data that has been chosen. This research will focus on the articles of selected columns in Kompas daily newspaper. The focus of the analysis is the morphemic process of loanwords or terms in Bahasa Indonesia.

1.5.Significance of The Study




2.1.Review of Study

In doing an analysis scientifically it is important to look upon another work which has been done before. Through reflecting on it, the analysis could take some different perspectives from those works, such as the theory, the methodology and the way they analyze the data. Those works, in a narrow or wide paradigm, may help to finish and conclude an analysis well.

The work which is going to be discussed is “Penyerapan Leksikon ɑsing

dalam Bidang Otomotif ke Dalam Bahasa Indonesia (Dahreni 2009). Dahreni analyzed the process of word- formation in Bahasa Indonesia from the loanwords or terms that are derived from other languages especially from English. She also analyzed borrowing of foreign languages based on the morphological forms of word structuring. The morphological forms found in loanwords of foreign terms in automotive are affixation, reduplication, and abbreviation.


6 2.2.Theoretical Review

2.2.1. Morphology

Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of the morpheme construction. It is traditionally distinguished from syntax, which deals with the rules governing the combination of words in sentences. It is generally divided into two fields: the study of inflections (inflectional morphology) and of word-formation (lexical or derivational morphology) – a distinction which is sometimes accorded theoretical status (split morphology). In other words, morphology is a branch of linguistics which studies and discusses complications of word structure and the change of words structure, meaning and word-class (Crystal 2008:314).

Morphology is the study of morphemes and their arrangements in forming words. The morpheme arrangements which are treated under the morphology of a language include all combinations that form words or parts of words. In morphology, the system for the combining of morphemes is different with syntax. In syntax, there

may be such alternative orders as “John ran away”, “ɑway ran John”, and “ɑway

John ran”, in morphology, the order is fixed. Even in English is found complex

structures, e.g. “formalizers”, in which are consisted of five morphemes. The shift in order one morpheme makes the word quite unintelligible, e.g. “formizalers” (Nida 1949:1).


7 Verhaar (2008:97) states that “morfologi adalah bidang linguistic yang mengidentifikasi satuan-satuan dasar bahasa sebagai satuan gramatikal”. It is said that the additional of grammar here is obviously needed because every word can be divided into the smallest part which is called phoneme. But phoneme is not always a morpheme. In short, morpheme here is the part which is formed by the smallest constituent grammatical. For example, the word “undo” consists of four phonemes and two morphemes, “un-” and “do”.

Morphology is bound in its discipline. Bound is the study that only works through word structures and grammatical exchanges. Morphology does not always break a sentence down into the smallest part until it has reached the level of words. When the level of words has been reached, it will be easy to determine the word structuring.

2.2.2. Word

Every sentence written in the books, newspapers, magazines are formed by a word combined with another word. Not only in the written form, but also in every statement uttered by people is formed by a word. Word is a part of sentence consists of one or more letters or syllables and had certain meaning. Therefore the word can be analyzed by the structure and meaning. Hockett (1958: 166) states that a word is thus any segment or a sentence bounded by successive points at which pausing is possible. Based on his statement, he defines that it should be possible to make pausing among the words. It is based on how someone utters and stresses the intonation in a sentence.

Bloomfield cited in Parera (1988:2) states that word is a free form consists of two or more lesser free forms as, for instance, “poor John” or “John ran away” or


8 form: in brief, a word is minimum free form. Minimum free form refers to a form that can be uttered alone and had meaning, but the form can’t be separated from the other form. These forms can’t be uttered and have no meaning. Based on this view, the minimum free from of word can be defined in words such as “quickly”, “lower”, and “highest”. From those words, the words “quickly”, “lower”, and “highest” are the minimum free form because the words consist of free form such as “quick”,

“low”, and “high” and they are followed by form such as “–ly”, “-er”, and “–est”.

These forms are also words but they don’t possess a meaning and they should be bound to free form to make them meaningful.

Words tend to be smaller than sentence and it is combined to form a sentence. However sometimes in some languages, a single word can posses a “sentence”

meaning. In a spoken or “signed” languages, words, there are no spaces or pauses to

delineate words. It is pointed out that the words don’t need to be written to know their existence. The existence of words can be seen when they use and give meaning to a sentence that is uttered by people.

2.2.3. Morpheme

The term morpheme refers to the smallest, invisible units of semantic content or grammatical function which words are made up (Katamba 1993:20). In other case, he defines morpheme as the smallest difference in shape of a word correlates with the smallest difference in word or sentence meaning or in grammatical structure.

Nida (1949:6) states that morphemes are the minimal meaningful units which may constitute words or parts of words. For example, English words “boyish”,

“maddening”, “condense”, “receive”, and “up”, have a little difficulty in identifying


9 constituents parts. In order to identify the morphemes, the constituents must have certain partially similar forms that can be recognized recurring partials. It should have the comparison of words in which each form contains morpheme in a different situation. This means, the morpheme can be discovered from the comparison and isolation with the other forms.

Hockett (1958:123) states that morpheme as the smallest individually meaningful elements in the utterances of a language. He gives an easy way to find a morpheme in a speech in a language. For example, “John was looking for the

glasses”. He gives a statement as what is said that form of the sentence can be

separated into the smallest part and is possible for that form to reuse in other sentences with more or less same meaning. The sentence can be separated as the morpheme such as:

- John - was - look - ing – for – the – glass – es

Morpheme always has a meaning and also can’t be divided into the smallest part anymore because the meaning contains in that morpheme will disappear. The meaning contains in the morpheme is either lexical meaning or grammatical meaning.

Morpheme is divided into two parts such as free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is the morpheme that can stand alone without being added by another morpheme. This means, the free morpheme doesn’t need another form of morpheme to join with the morpheme itself and it can be separated from the

other “free” form of morpheme whether it is in front or at the back, is pronunciation.


10 some other word- building elements attached to. In short, bound morpheme is not an independent morpheme and it doesn’t have meaning if it stands alone.

Here are some examples that describe free morphemes and bound morphemes.

Free Morpheme Bound Morpheme

Nation National

Power Powerful

Hard Hardest

Print Printer

Mean Meaning

Easy Easily

Able Unable

Regular Irregular

Courage Encourage

Perfect Imperfect

Table 2.1: free morphemes and bound morphemes

2.2.4. Root, Base, and Stem



“sending”, for instance, it can be seen the structure of “send-ing” and it can be

concluded that the free morpheme “send” has had the bound morpheme “–ing” attached after it. The key elements to which others are added, is called the root of the word. Katamba (1993:41) states that a root is the irreducible core of a word, with absolutely nothing else is attached to it. It is the part that always present, possibly with some modification, in the various manifestations of a lexeme. For example,

“walk” is a root and it appears in the set of word-forms that instantiate the lexeme

“walk” such as “walk”, “walks”, “walking”, and “walked”.

The additional elements such as “–ly”, “-est”, “-er”, “-ing”, “-im”, “-un”, etc which are well known as affixes, are not independent. They are added to other elements. It is called a base. All roots are potentially bases. Katamba (1993:45) states that a base is any unit whatsoever to which affixes of any kind can be added. The affixes attached to a base may be inflectional affixes selected for syntactic reason or derivational affixes which alter the meaning or grammatical category of the base. For example, an unadorned root like “boy” can be a base since it has an inflectional affix like “–s” to form the plural “boys” or derivational affix like “–ish” to turn the noun boy into the adjective “boyish”.


12 Coates (1993:29) simply defines the term of root, base, and stem. He states that root is a morpheme on which the rest of a word is built, base is any structure to which an affix may be added, and stem is any base to which a grammatical affix may be added. He also states that there are two kinds of affixes, lexical affixes which are formed separated from dictionary word by being attached to bases and grammatical affixes which add grammatical meanings to the meaning of their stems. Based on that view, it is concluded that all roots are bases. Bases are called stem only in the context of inflectional morphology.

2.3.Morphemic Analysis

Parera (1988:18) states that “proses morfemis adalah proses pembentukan kata bermorfem jamak baik derivatif maupun inflektif.” This process is meant and functioned as the complement of lexical meaning which is possessed by a base form. Generally the morphemic processes are divided into some process, such as affixation, reduplication, internal change, conversion, suprasegemental morphemic (inflection and derivation), etc.

2.3.1. Affixation


13 1. Prefix

Prefix is the affixation process that happens if the bound morpheme is

added in front of base form or free morpheme of word. For example, “un

-”, “re-”, “de-”, “im-” in words unhappy, rebuilt, deactivate, immortal. 2. Suffix

Suffix is the process of affixation that happens if bound morpheme is

added in the end of the free morpheme or base form. For example, “-s”, “

-ion”, “-ish”, “-er”, “-ly”, “-ful”, “-est” in words books, delegation, childish, farmer, fully, beautiful, and highest.

3. Confix

Confix is the process of affixation in which the affixation is divided by

the bound morpheme. For example, “un-ly”, “ir-able”, “im-ity” in words

uneasily”, “irreplaceable”, “immortality”. 4. Infix

Infix is the process of affixation in which the bound morpheme is added in the middle of free morpheme. In English, there is no infix process in word formation, but in Bahasa Indonesia the process still exists. For

example, “-em”,“-el”, and “-er” in words gemuruh, telunjuk, gerigi.

2.3.2. Internal Change


14 2.3.3. Reduplication

Reduplication is the morphemic process of word that reduplicates the base form whether it is partial, whole word, or even the changing of sounds. For examples, “handy-dandy”, “bow-wow”, “chit-chat”, “walkie-talkie”, “zig-zag”, etc. In Bahasa Indonesia, for example,“lelaki” (partial reduplication),“mondar-mandir” (reduplication with the changing of sounds), and “meja-meja” (reduplication of whole word).

2.3.4. Conversion

Conversion or zero derivation is the process of word formation from the word to other word without any segmental changes. For example, the word “sheep” is the singular free morpheme, if it is changed into plural it is still “sheep” because there no any segmental changes. Compared with the singular “dog”, if it is changed into plural it will be “dogs” (the affixation process with the addition of -s).

2.3.5. Derivational

Parera (1994:21) states that “derivasi adalah sebuah proses pembentukan kata yang terjadi apabila sebuah kata bermorfem jamak secara sintaksis berdistribusi dan mempunyai equivalen dengan sebuah kata bermorfem tunggal”. For example, the

word farmer is derived from verb “farm” and added with morpheme “–er” becomes

farmer (noun) and word “girlish” is an adjective which is derived from noun, “girl”

and added with morpheme “-ish”.

2.3.6. Inflectional


15 brought to the replacement from the word-class to other word-class. The distribution of inflectional process is wider than derivational process. The form of inflectional is usually divided into some grammatical categories such as gender (man/male and woman/female) time, active and passive forms, and other category that have possibility with the characteristic of certain languages.

In English, the following examples will be explained.

Base Form Inflectional Word-Class Category

Boy Boys Noun Plural

Instrumentalist Instrumentalists Noun Plural


Prettier Adjective Comparison

(Degree) Prettiest


Better Adjective Comparison

(Degree) Best

Stop Stopped Verb Time


Give Gave Verb Time

Table 2.2: inflectional forms



16 utterance. He also states whether the foreign words are adopted or not, two types of loanwords have been distinguished as follows:

1. Spontaneous loanwords

Spontaneous loanwords are foreign words that receive no adaptation at all or they may receive it but the adaptation is not apparently noticeable in the base language. For example, the English “thank” is written thank (without spelling change, pronounced as /θæŋk/ and without changing the

phoneme /θ/ into /t/, and without erasing the sound of /k/ at the end of the


2. Incorporated loanwords

Incorporated loanwords are words that are borrowed and receive affixes, sounds, or spelling adjustment in the base language. For example, the English “handphone” has been pronounced /hænpon/ and sometimes written “henpon”, the word “juice” become “jus”, “paragraph” become

“paragraf”, etc.

Besides the two types above, he also distinguishes two types of loan words based on the level of the necessity in borrowing the words, the types are:

1. Necessary loanwords

Necessary loanwords, also named importations, are words borrowed from foreign languages by bilinguals into their utterance because they find there is no exact word in their own language that can express what they mean. For examples, the Indonesia words related to invention of technology “televise”, “telepon”, “computer”, and “internet” are absorbed from English words, “television”, “telephone”, “computer”, and


17 2. Unnecessary loanwords

Unnecessary loanwords are the words from a foreign language that are borrowed although there are actually corresponding words in the language receive that may be used to substitute them. The following list is popular loanwords found in Bahasa Indonesia that demonstrate the unnecessary. Some of the Bahasa Indonesia corresponding items indeed look more foreign than the English that have been frequently and widely used.

English Loanword Bahasa Indonesia Corresponding Items

Keywords Kata kunci

Software Perangkat lunak

Microphone Pelantang

E-mail Pos elektronik

Scanner Pemindai

Handphone Telepon genggam

Keyboard Papan tombol

Snack Kudapan

Laundry Penatu;dobi


Web-news Jejaring berita




3.1.Research Design

This research applies qualitative method which focuses on the phenomena of loanwords. The discussion is focused on the phenomena of English vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia. This thesis attempts to analyze the morphemic English loanword vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia. The data are taken from Kompas randomly selected columns.

3.2.Data and Data Source


19 3.3.Data Collecting Procedure

Azwar (2004:36) states that “data penelitian dikumpulkan baik lewat instrumen pengumpulan data, observasi, maupun lewat data dokumentasi”. Based on the theory viewed above, the procedure that is used to collect the data is documentation. Documentation is the procedure used to search the data from the written text such as s transcript, books, newspapers, magazines, agendas, etc. The data are taken from Kompas daily newspaper.

3.4.Data Analysis Method

After collecting the data, the analysis then moves to the analysis of data. In analyzing the data, the descriptive method is applied. Azwar (2004:126) stated that

“analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai subyek

penelitian berdasarkan data dari variabel yang diperoleh dari kelompok subyek yang diteliti dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk pengujian hipotesis.”

Based on the theory, the analysis will follow particular procedures which are

stated below:

1. Classification

Classification is the phase used to categorize or divide the data. This phase is firstly to classify and arrange the data to which they belong to. In this phase, the data should be categorized based on the column such as, economics, educations and cultures, internationals, politics and laws, and sports.

2. Identification


20 identified in this analysis regarding the loanwords that are taken from Kompas selected columns.

3. Finding

Finding is the phase of looking for the loanwords from the data that have been taken. In this phase the data are segmented into words. The amount of loanwords that obtained from the data are 900 loanwords. Then from 900 loanwords, the data are reduced until 215 loanwords. The data is choosen based on the most used and appeared words in Bahasa Indonesia.

4. Analysis





In the chapters before, theories of loanwords have been explained specifically. Based on the theory, this thesis is not discussing about the loanwords, however this thesis discusses the loanwords based on the morphology aspect especially the morphemic process of loanwords in Bahasa Indonesia. In this chapter, the data that have been gained from the source are analyzed based on the morphemic process that occurs in the data. This chapter also answers the problem that need to be solved.

Before explaining this thesis further, the writer calls up again about loanwords and morphemic process. As we know, loanwords are words that used to replace other words when there are no proper words. Loanwords also used as the borrowing words which can be naturalized into the language. The types of loanwords are divided into two types such as, spontaneous loanwords and incorporated loanwords. All types of those loanwords are represented by the words which are found in data.

Based on the data which are obtained from Kompas selected columns in April 23rd up to April 30th 2015, there are two types of loanwords which are categorized into spontaneous loanwords and incorporated loanwords.

4.1.1.Spontaneous Loanwords


22 No English Loanword

Bahasa Indonesia Adapted Version

1 Area Area

2 Atom Atom

3 Audio Audio

4 Audit Audit

5 Bank Bank

6 Bar Bar

7 Bilateral Bilateral

8 Bomber Bomber

9 Bus Bus

10 Debit Debit

11 Detail Detail

12 Digital Digital

13 Domain Domain

14 Duel Duel

15 Duet Duet

16 Elite Elite

17 Era Era

18 Film Film

19 Final Final

20 Format Format

21 Formula Formula



23 Global Global

24 Hotel Hotel

25 Internal Internal

26 Item Item

27 Level Level

28 Maestro Maestro

29 Magnet Magnet

30 Material Material

31 Media Media

32 Model Model

33 Modern Modern

34 Moral Moral

35 Multilateral Multilateral

36 Navigator Navigator

37 Normal Normal

38 Novel Novel

39 Operator Operator

40 Optimal Optimal

41 Partner Partner

42 Patriot Patriot

43 Poster Poster

44 Program Program

45 Proposal Proposal



47 Regional Regional

48 Rival Rival

49 Semifinal Semifinal

50 Seminar Seminar

51 Status Status

52 Super Super

53 Target Target

54 Telegram Telegram

55 Terminal Terminal

56 Top Top

57 Total Total

58 Tripod Tripod

59 Unit Unit

60 Veteran Veteran

61 Video Video

62 Virus Virus

63 Visa Visa

64 Visual Visual


65 Volume Volume

Table 4.1: Spontaneous loanwords

4.1.2.Incorporated Loanwords


25 No English Loanwords

Bahasa Indonesia Adapted Version

1 Politic Berpolitik

2 Create Berkreasi

3 Potency Berpotensi

4 Orientate Berorientasi

5 Music Bermusik

6 Carrier Berkarir

7 Quality Berkualitas

8 Operate Beroperasi

9 Status Berstatus

10 Duel Berduel

11 Motive Bermotif

12 Evolution Berevolusi

13 Communicate Berkomunikasi

14 Action Beraksi

15 Subsidy Bersubsidi

16 Initiative Berinisiatif

17 Comment Berkomentar

18 Access Mengakses

19 Express Mengekspresikan

20 Process Memproses

21 Audit Mengaudit



23 Optimal Mengoptimalkan

24 Describe Mendeskripsikan

25 Appreciate Mengapresiasi

26 Inspire Menginspirasi

27 Import Mengimpor

28 Protest Memprotes

29 Recruit Merekrut

30 Target Menargetkan

31 Respond Merespon

32 Neutralize Menetralkan

33 Predict Memprediksi

34 Analyze Menganalisis

35 Adapt Mengadaptasi

36 Claim Mengklaim

37 Adopt Mengadopsi

38 Clarify Mengklarifikasi

39 Transfer Mentransfer

40 Comment Mengomentari

41 Criticize Mengkritik

42 Sponsor Mensponsori

43 Revise Merevisi

44 Manipulate Memanipulasi

45 Maximize Memaksimalkan



47 Activate Mengaktifkan

48 Control Mengontrol

49 Monitor Memonitor

50 Evacuate Mengevakuasi

51 Discuss Berdiskusi

52 Adapt Beradaptasi

53 Modal Bermodalkan

54 Anticipate Mengantisispasi

55 Mutate Memutasi

56 Operate Mengoperasikan

57 Promote Mempromosikan

58 Inform Menginformasikan

59 Instruct Menginstruksikan

60 Invest Menginvestasikan

61 Academic Akademik

62 Access Akses

63 Actor Aktor

64 Alphabet Alfabet

65 Analysis Analisis

66 Artist Artis

67 Aspect Aspek

68 Biography Biografi

69 Business Bisnis



71 Box Boks

72 Bomb Bom

73 Brochure Brosur

74 Check Cek

75 Deficit Defisit

76 Decade Dekade

77 Department Departemen

78 Dialogue Dialog

79 Design Desain

80 Discount Diskon

81 Document Dokumen

82 Draft Draf

83 Dramatic Dramatis

84 Effect Efek

85 Efficient Efisien

86 Element Elemen

87 Economy Ekonomi

88 Execution Eksekusi

89 External Eksternal

90 Extreme Ekstrem

91 Energy Energi

92 Essay Esai

93 Fact Fakta


29 95 Facilitator Fasilitator

96 Focus Fokus

97 Photo Foto

98 Helicopter Helikopter

99 Icon Ikon

100 Illegal Ilegal

101 Index Indeks

102 Indicator Indikator

103 Industry Industri

104 International Internasional

105 Jacket Jaket

106 Jeep Jip

107 Journal Jurnal

108 Cabin Kabin

109 Camera Kamera

110 Camp Kamp

111 Category Kategori

112 Code Kode

113 Colony Koloni

114 Corps Korps

115 Cream Krim

116 Crucial Krusial

117 License Lisensi



119 Marathon Maraton

120 Microphone Mikrofon

121 National Nasional

122 Neutral Netral

123 Object Objek

124 Operation Operasi

125 Pamphlet Pamflet

126 Potential Potensial

127 Producer Produser

128 Protocol Protokol

129 Ratio Rasio

130 Rhetoric Retorika

131 Certificate Sertifikat

132 Symbol Simbol

133 System Sistem

134 Scenario Skenario

135 Special Spesial

136 Station Stasiun

137 Study Studi

138 Survey Survei

139 Team Tim

140 Traditional Tradisional

141 Tragedy Tragedi



143 Vacuum Vakum

144 Villa Vila

145 Vocal Vokal

146 Professional Profesional 147 Systematic Sistematis

148 Artistic Artistik

149 Objective Objektif


150 Operational Operasional

Table 4.2: Incorporated loanwords

After categorizing the loanwords into two types of loanwords, then the change of word formation from English loanwords into Bahasa Indonesia will be analyzed through morphemic analysis. Morphemic analysis is the analysis that explains the word formation whether it is derivational or inflectional. The analysis functions as the complement of lexical meaning which is possessed by a base form. The analysis will deals with affixation, reduplication, conversion, internal change, derivational, and inflectional. The analyses discuss the word formation of the English loanwords used in Bahasa Indonesia.

4.1.3. Analysis of Affixation Process


32 Based on the data that have been classified, 50 English words that get affixation adjustment when they are used in Bahasa Indonesia are analyzed below.

No English Loanword

Bahasa Indonesia Affixation


1. Politic (n) Berpolitik (v)

2. Creation (n) Berkreasi (v)

3. Potency (n) Berpotensi (v)

4. Orientate (v) Berorientasi (v)

5. Music (n) Bermusik (v)

6. Carrier (n) Berkarir (v)

7. Quality (n) Berkualitas (v)

8. Operate (v) Beroperasi (v)

9. Status (n) Berstatus (v)

10. Duel (n) Berduel (v)

11. Motive (n) Bermotif (v)

12. Evolution (n) Berevolusi (v) 13. Communicate (v) Berkomunikasi (v)

14. Action (n) Beraksi (v)

15. Subsidy (n) Bersubsidi (v)

16. Initiative (n) Berinisiatif (v)

17. Comment (n) Berkomentar (v)

18. Access (n) Mengakses (v)

19. Express (v) Mengekspresikan (v)



21. Audit (n) Mengaudit (v)

22. Detect (v) Mendeteksi (v)

23. Optimal (n) Mengoptimalkan (v)

24. Describe (v) Mendeskripsikan (v) 25. Appreciate (v) Mengapresiasi (v)

26. Inspire (v) Menginspirasi (v)

27. Import (n) Mengimpor (v)

28. Protest (n) Memprotes (v)

29. Recruit (v) Merekrut (v)

30. Target (v) Menargetkan (v)

31. Respond (v) Merespon (v)

32. Neutralize (v) Menetralkan (v)

33. Predict (v) Memprediksi (v)

34. Analyze (v) Menganalisis (v)

35. Adapt (v) Mengadaptasi (v)

36. Claim (v) Mengklaim (v)

37. Adopt (v) Mengadopsi (v)

38. Clarify (v) Mengklarifikasi (v)

39. Transfer (v) Mentransfer (v)

40. Comment (n) Mengomentari (v)

41. Criticize (v) Mengkritik (v)

42. Sponsor (n) Mensponsori (v)

43. Revise (v) Merevisi (v)



45. Maximize (v) Memaksimalkan (v)

46. Export (n) Mengekspor (v)

47. Activate (v) Mengaktifkan (v)

48. Control (n) Mengontrol (v)

49. Monitor (v) Memonitor (v)


50. Evacuate (v) Mengevakuasi (v)

Table 4.3: Bahasa Indonesia Affixation Adjustment of loanwords

1. Berpolitik

The word “berpolitik” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “politik”. The noun base form “politik” is borrowed from English

noun word “politics”. The word “ber + politik” here is a verb.

2. Berkresi

The word “berkreasi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “kreasi”. The noun base form “kreasi” is borrowed from English

noun word “creation”. The word “ber + kreasi” here is a verb.

3. Berpotensi

The word “berpotensi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “potensi”. The noun base form “potensi” is borrowed from English

noun word “potency”. The word “ber + potensi” here is a verb.

4. Berorientasi

The word “berorientasi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “orientasi”. The noun base form “orientasi” is borrowed from


35 5. Bermusik

The word “bermusik” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “musik”. The noun base form “music” is borrowed from English

noun word “music”. The word “ber + musik” here is a verb.

6. Berkarir

The word “berkarir” formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “karir”. The noun base form “karir” is borrowed from English noun

word “carrier”. The word “ber + karir” here is a verb.

7. Berkualitas

The word “berkualitas” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “kualitas”. The noun base form “kualitas” is borrowed from

English noun word “quality”. The word “ber + kualitas” here is a verb.

8. Beroperasi

The word “beroperasi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “operasi”. The noun base form “operasi” is borrowed from English

verb word “operate”. The word “ber + operasi” here is a verb.

9. Berstatus

The word “berstatus” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “status”. The noun base form “status” is borrowed from English

noun word “status”. The word “ber + status” here is verb.


The word “berduel” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “duel”. The noun base form “duel” is borrowed from English noun word


36 11.Bermotif

The word “bermotif” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “motif”. The noun base form “motif” is borrowed from English

noun word “motive”. The word “ber + motif” here is a verb.


The word “berevolusi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “evolusi”. The noun base form “evolusi” is borrowed from English

noun word “evolution”. The word “ber + evolusi” here is a verb.


The word “berkomunikasi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “komunikasi”. The noun base form “komunikasi” is borrowed

from English verb word “communicate”. The word “ber + komunikasi”

here is a verb. 14.Beraksi

The word “beraksi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “aksi”. The noun base form “aksi” is borrowed from English noun word

“action”. The word “ber + aksi” here is a verb.


The word “bersubsidi” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “subsidi”. The noun base form “subsidi” is borrowed from English noun word “subsidy”. The word “ber + subsidi” here is a verb.


The word “berinisiatif” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun base form “inisiatif”. The word “inisiatif” is borrowed from English noun


37 17.Berkomentar

The word “berkomentar” is formed by adding prefix “ber-” + noun form “komentar”. The noun form “komentar” is borrowed from English noun

word “comment”. The word “ber + komentar” here is a verb.


The word “mengakses” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /a/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “akses”. The noun base form “akses” is borrowed from English noun word

“access”. The word “meng + akses” here is a verb.


The word “mengekspresikan” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is

followed by phoneme /e/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “ekspresi” + a suffix “-kan”. The word “mengekspresikan” is borrowed

from English verb word “express”. The word “meng + ekspresi + kan”

here is a verb. 20.Memproses

The word “memproses” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /p/ becoming “mem-” + noun base form “proses”. The noun base form “proses” is borrowed from English noun word

“process”. The word “mem + proses” here is a verb.


The word “mengaudit” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /a/ becoming “mem-” + noun base form “audit”. The noun base form “audit” is borrowed from English noun word


38 22.Mendeteksi

The word “mendeteksi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /d/ becoming “men-” + noun base form “deteksi”. The word “mendeteksi” is borrowed from English verb word “detect”. The word “men + deteksi” here is a verb.


The word “mengoptimalkan” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /o/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “optimal” + suffix “-kan”. The word “mengoptimalkan” is borrowed

from English noun word “optimal”. The word “meng + optimal + kan”

here is a verb. 24.Mendeskripsikan

The word “mendeskripsikan” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /d/ becoming “men-” + noun base form “deskripsi” + suffix “-kan”. The word “mendeskripsikan” is borrowed

from English verb word “describe”. The word “men + deskripsi + kan”

here is a verb. 25.Mengapresiasi

The word “mengapresiasi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /a/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “apresiasi”. The word “mengapresiasi” is borrowed from English verb

word “appreciate”. The word “meng + apresiasi” here is a verb.



39 “inspirasi”. The word “menginspirasi” is borrowed from English verb

word “inspire”. The word “meng + inspirasi” here is a verb.


The word “mengimpor” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /i/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “impor”. The noun base form “impor” is borrowed from English noun word

“import”. The word “meng + impor” here is a verb.


The word “memprotes” is formed by adding prefix “mem-” + noun base form “protes”. The word “memprotes” is borrowed from English noun

word “protest”. The word “mem + protes” here is a verb.


The word “merekrut” is formed by adding prefix “me-” + noun base form “rekrut”. The word “merekrut” is borrowed from English verb

word “recruit”. The word “me + rekrut” here is a verb.


The word “menargetkan” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /t/ becoming “men-” + noun base form “target” + suffix “-kan”. The noun base form “target” is borrowed from English

verb word “target”. The word “me + nargetkan” here is a verb.


The word “merespon” is formed by adding prefix “me-” + noun base form “respon”. The word “merespon” is borrowed from English verb


40 32.Menetralkan

The word “menetralkan” is formed by adding prefix “me-” + noun base form “netral” + suffix “-kan”. The word “menetralkan” is borrowed

from English verb word “neutralize”. The word “me + netral + kan” here

is a verb. 33.Memprediksi

The word “memprediksi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /p/ becoming “mem-” + noun base form “prediksi”. The word “memprediksi” is borrowed from English verb

word “predict”. The word “mem + prediksi” here is a verb.


The word “menganalisis” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /a/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “analisis”. The word “menganalisis” is borrowed from English verb

word “analyze”. The word “meng + analisis” here is a verb.


The word “mengadaptasi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /a/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “adaptasi”. The word “mengadaptasi” is borrowed from English word

“adapt”. The word “meng + adaptasi” here is a verb.


The word “mengklaim” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /k/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “klaim”. The noun base form “klaim” is borrowed from English verb word


41 37.Mengadopsi

The word “mengadopsi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /a/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “adopsi”. The word “mengadopsi” is borrowed from English verb word “adopt”. The word “meng + adopsi” here is a verb.


The word “mengklarifikasi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /k/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “klarifikasi”. The word “mengklarifikasi” is borrowed from English verb

word “clarify”. The word “meng + klarifikasi” here is a verb.


The word “mentransfer” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /t/ becoming “men-” + noun base form “transfer”. The word “mentransfer” is borrowed from English verb word “transfer”. The word “men + transfer” here is a verb.


The word “mengomentari” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /k/ becoming “meng-” + noun form “komentar” + suffix “i”. The noun form “komentar” is borrowed from English noun

word “comment”. The word “me + ngomentar + i” here is a verb.



42 42.Mensponsori

The word “mensponsori” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /s/ becoming “men-” + noun base form “sponsor” + suffix “i”. The noun base form “sponsor” is borrowed from English

noun word “sponsor”. The word “men +sponsor + i” here is a verb.


The word “merevisi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” + noun base form “revisi”. The word “merevisi” is borrowed from English verb word

“revise”. The word “me + revisi” here is a verb.


The word “memanipulasi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” + noun base

form “manipulasi”. The word “memanipulasi” is borrowed from English

verb word “manipulate”. The word “me + manipulasi” here is a verb.


The word “memaksimalkan” is formed by adding prefix “me-” + noun base form “maksimal” + suffix “-kan”. The word “memaksimalkan” is

borrowed from English verb word “maximize”. The word “me +

maksimal + kan” here is a verb.


The word “mengekspor” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /e/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “ekspor”. The noun base form “ekspor” is borrowed from English noun word


43 47.Mengaktifkan

The word “mengaktifkan” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /a/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “aktif” + suffix “-kan”. The word “mengaktifkan” is borrowed from English verb

word “activate”. The word “meng + aktif + kan” here is a verb.


The word “mengontrol” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /k/ becoming “meng-” + noun base form “kontrol”. The noun base form “kontrol” is borrowed from English noun

word “control”. The word “me + ngontrol” here is a verb.


The word “memonitor” is formed by adding prefix “me-” + noun base form “monitor”. The noun base form “monitor” is borrowed from

English verb word “monitor”. The word “me + monitor” here is a verb.


The word “mengevakuasi” is formed by adding prefix “me-” which is followed by phoneme /e/ changing into “meng-” + noun base form “evakuasi”. The word “mengevakuasi” is taken from English word

“evacuate”. The word “meng + evakuasi” here is a verb.

4.1.4. Analysis of Internal Change Process


44 intonation, duration, etc). This change also makes foreign language or in this case English more acceptable in Bahasa Indonesia and it is based on the official Indonesian spelling system.

Based on the data that have been classified, 85 English words that get internal change process when they are used in Bahasa Indonesia are analyzed below.

No. English Loanwords

Bahasa Indonesia Internal Change Version

1 Academic (adj) Akademik (adj)

2 Access (n) Akses (n)

3 Actor (n) Aktor (n)

4 Alphabet (n) Alfabet (n)

5 Analysis (n) Analisis (n)

6 Artist (n) Artis (n)

7 Aspect (n) Aspek (n)

8 Biography (n) Biografi (n)

9 Business (n) Bisnis (n)

10 Body (n) Bodi (n)

11 Box (n) Boks (n)

12 Bomb (n) Bom (n)

13 Brochure (n) Brosur (n)

14 Check (n) Cek (n)

15 Deficit (n) Defisit (v)

16 Decade (n) Dekade (n)



18 Dialogue (n) Dialog (n)

19 Design (n) Desain (n)

20 Discount (n) Diskon (n)

21 Document (n) Dokumen (n)

22 Draft (n) Draf (n)

23 Dramatic (adj) Dramatis (adj)

24 Effect (n) Efek (n)

25 Efficient (adj) Efisien (adj)

26 Element (n) Elemen (n)

27 Economy (n) Ekonomi (n)

28 Execution (n) Eksekusi (n)

29 External (adj) Eksternal (adj)

30 Extreme (n) Ekstrem (n)

31 Energy (n) Energi (n)

32 Essay (n) Esai (n)

33 Fact (n) Fakta (n)

34 Phase (n) Fase (n)

35 Facilitator (n) Fasilitator (n)

36 Focus (n) Fokus (n)

37 Photo (n) Foto (n)

38 Helicopter (n) Helikopter (n)

39 Icon (n) Ikon (n)

40 Illegal (adj) Ilegal (adj)


46 42 Indicator (n) Indikator (n)

43 Industry (n) Industri (n)

44 International (adj) Internasional (adj)

45 Jacket (n) Jaket (n)

46 Jeep (n) Jip (n)

47 Journal (n) Jurnal (n)

48 Cabin (n) Kabin (n)

49 Camera (n) Kamera (n)

50 Camp (n) Kamp (n)

51 Category (n) Kategori (n)

52 Code (n) Kode (n)

53 Colony (n) Koloni (n)

54 Corps (n) Korps (n)



Table 2.1: free morphemes and bound morphemes
Table 2.2: inflectional forms
Table 2.3: necessary and unnecessary loanwords
Table 4.1: Spontaneous loanwords


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