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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis



Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Magister Humaniora


MUHAMMAD SYAFII Registration Number: 8146111039







MUHAMMAD SYAFII . The Translation of English Collocations in Divergent Trilogy. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan. 2016.

The research dealt with English collocations in Divergent Trilogy .The objective of this study were (1) To describe types of English collocations in the Divergent Trilogy(2) To describe procedures used in translating Divergent Trilogy (3) To find out the most grammatical collocationsused in Divergent Trilogy. The data were English collocations obtained from clause of DivergentTrilogy. This research applied qualitative research design. The data were collected through documentary technique. The findings of this study showed that: 1) All types of collocatios were found in DivergentTrilogy novel, they are type of lexical collocations and grammatical collocations,2) There were five procedures used in translating English collocations, they are Literal translation (202 data), transposition (15 data), modulation (113 data), equivalence (2 data), and Adaptation (31 data), 3) The dominant grammatical collocations occurred in Divergent Trilogy was type1(preposition + noun).



Muhammad Syafii.Terjemahan dari Ungkapan English collocation dalam Divergent Trilogy. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris. Sekolah Pascasarjana. Universitas Negeri Medan.2016.

Tesis ini membahas tentang English collocations di Divergent Trilogy.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk menggambarkan English collocationsyang muncul dalam Divergent Trilogy (2) untuk menggambarkan prosedur yang digunakan dalam menerjemah English collocations di Divergent Trilogy (3) untuk menemukan grammatical collocationyang dominan yang digunakan didalam Divergent Trilogy. Datanya adalah English collocations yang diperoleh dari klausa novel Divergent Trilogy. penelitian ini menerapkan penelitian desain penelitian kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalu teknik dokumentari. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) semua jenis collocations ditemukan dalam novel Divergent Trilogy, yaitu type lexical collocations dan grammatical collocations, 2)ada lima prosedur yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan English colloactions di divergent trilogy, yaitu Literal translation (202 data), transposition (15data), modulation (113 data), equivalence (2 data), and Adaptation (31 data), 3) grammatical collocationsyang dominan muncul dalam Divergent Trilogy adalah type 1(preposition + noun).




Alhamdulillah, in the name of Almighty ALLAH, the most Gracious and

the most Merciful, first of all, the writer would like to thank God for His Blessing

in the completion of this thesis. Praises are also addressed to our prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the better life of today.

In the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge his

deepest gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to

his by a lot of people.

The highest appreciation goes to his two advisors, Prof. Dr. Syahron

Lubis, M.A. as his first advisor and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. as his

second advisor for their all guidance through the completion of this thesis.

Then, his appreciation also goes to. Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. as the

Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Dr. Anni Holila

Pulungan, M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study

Program who have assisted his in processing the administration requirements

during the process of hih studies in the Postgraduate School of the State

University of Medan.

The writer’s great thanks also go to his reviewers and examiners, Prof. Dr.

Busmin Gurning., Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed.and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum. They

had given valuable inputs, suggestions, criticisms, and improvements for this

thesis. He also would like to express his thankfulness for all lecturers taught him



Finally, his special gratitude is dedicated to his beloved mother who gives

his pray, motivation, support, love and also endless praying. And also special

thank for his sisters and brothers, Julpan Siagian, Junaidah , Suparman, S.Kom,

Jumaiyah and Ilham who always believe in his dreams and a very special thank

for his love, Kalvina Elvi who always gives him motivation and no suitable word

that can fully describe their everlasting love and express how much he loves them.

Then, his gratitude goes to his friends of LTBI who have supported him to

conduct this thesis, especially for Nurul Inayah Hutasuhut, M.Hum, Rizky

Ananda, M.Hum, Arman Bemby Sinaga M.Hum, and Muhammad Muslim

Nasution, M.Hum for their motivation, help and cooperation. And last but not

least, his great thanks also go to his best friends, Anjelina Pasaribu, Lena Sinaga,

Wilda Putri, Dodi Setiawan, Azriani Astuti and Tengku Surya Pramana for their

support and friendship.

Medan, September 2016 The writer,



2.10 Conceptual Framework……….. 36


3.1 Research Design ... 39

3.2 The Data and the Source of Data ... 39

3.3 Techniques of Data Collection ... 40



3.5 Trustworthiness of the Study ... 42


4.1 Data Analysis ... 47

4.1.1 English Collocation Occur in Translating Divergent Trilogy Novel... ... ... 61

4.1.2 Translation Procedures are used in Translating Divergent Trilogy ... 62

4.1.3 The Most Dominant grammatical collocations is Used in Translating Divergent Trilogy Novel ... 66

4.2 Research Findings ... 66

4.3 Discussions ... 67


5.1 Conclusions ... 71

5.2 Suggestions ... 72






1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Background of the Study

Translation has an important role in transferring technology and literature in Indonesia. Because of the differences in structure and system in doing translation from Indonesian into English, it is not an easy thing. To make it easier, a translator should show the important of translation. Translation is useful in many aspects, they are: education, literary, trade, politic, entertainment, information, etc.

Many people need translation to do their activities in those aspects. Since there are many appliances used in English then Indonesian need its translation in order to get understands the meaning of its appliances. Therefore, highly qualified translators - who have good knowledge about the target language (TL) and the languages they have to transform as source language (SL) are required. To produce a good translation, a qualified translator has been able to understand ideas and thought including the message expressed in the SL and representing it in the TL.

A good translator should be able translate any kinds of translation. One kind of translation that can be found is literary works. Literary works have many kinds of types and Novel is one of them.



There might be some potential problems appear in translating Novel from the source language into the target language. The problems are related to various types of nonequivalence required different strategies, some of them straight forward and others more involved and difficult to handle. In some contexts, strategies will help the translators to deal with non-equivalence. Thus, it attracts curiosity about what methods applied by the translator and in what situation the methods are used.

Nida and Taber in Hoed (1993:57) state that the processes of translation are:

1. Analysis (learning the source text).

It is the first step in which the content and the purpose in the source text is entirely be read and be understood.

2. Transfer (replacing the substance of source language with its equivalence

substance of target language).

In this step, the message in the source text is transferred into the target text. The message can be a content, idea or thought.

3. Restructure (adapted the translated text to the turn of reader). Restructure

means rearrange. In other word, after transferring the message from source text into the target text, a translator has to rearrange



receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”. Based on this statement it can be clear that meaning of a source language text must be substituted by the closest natural equivalent in the target language.

From the staement above it can be said that translation is a process to transfer the meaning not the form. For example, Indonesian translation of all students take bus is not semua siswa mengambil bis but it is translated to semua

siswa naik bis. The sentence is translated so in order to keep the naturalness of the

meaning . This statement has been said by Simatupang in his book. Simatupang (2000) states that Naturalness according to the target language must be attempted to make the readers do not realize that they are reading a translation..

Translating the novel is not an easy work. If it is not done carefully, could slide into the interpreter translating sentence by sentence. As a result, though it looks nice and coherent, the resulting overall target text does not reveal messages such as those mandated by the original script and it is not readable. In order totranslate thenovel, thetranslatormust masterat least threethings:linguisticaspects of thesource textandthe target text, culturalaspectscontainedin thenovel, and theskills ofstorytelling.The thirdcapabilityis necessary becausethetranslationis thestory. Withouttheseskills, resultingtarget textwill feelstiffanduncomfortableto read.



To satisfy the reader , translator must make an effort to produce a good translation product . Larson (1984) states that the best translation is the one which (a) use the normal language forms of the receptor language , (b) communicates, as much as possible to the receptor language speakers the same meaning that was understood by the speaker of the source language , and (c) maintains the dynamic of the original source language text.

One of the obstacles that may be found by the translator is translating English words combination into Indonesian, for example, is in translating collocation. Collocations play a vital role in the language: they are considered to be the mechanism that provides cohesion or textuality to the text. In addition, collocations are an essential organizing principle in the terminology of any language. Sarikas states that Collocations are important combinations of words that endow the language with natural sounding speech and writing (2006: 36).

Collocations have many important functions in language, Sarikas (2006) states that; one function is that collocations help people talk and write about any topic and communicate effectively, which means that by going through the procedure of having a productive collocation (to know which adjectives are used with which nouns and vice versa), one develops one’s learning of linguistic rules as well as improves one’s linguistic ability and skills.



tends to be one of the most problematic and error-generating area of vocabulary, especially for second language learners.

Learning collocation is an important part of learning the vocabulary of a language. Then, the best way is by finding the words that often used in English. Michael McCarthy Felicity O'Dell (2005) states that A collocation is a pair or a group of words that are often used together. These combinations, sound natural to native speakers, but students of English have to make a special effort to learn them because they are often difficult to guess." Some combinations just sound 'wrong about native speakers of English. For example, the adjective fast collocates with cars, but not a glance. Some collocations are more open, where several different words may be used to give a similar meaning. For example, keep to/stick to the rules. Ghazali (2006) in his study Collocations and Word Combinations in English: Considerations, Classifications, and Pedagogic Implications state that Learning collocation is learning how to communicate idiomatically.



Learning about collocation can be found by studying through the novel, film, newspaper, magazine, and others. Thus, the writer chooses a novel as a project of the material for analysis of English collocation. It is because by learning collocation can be improving our skills like giving us alternative ways of saying something in speaking and improving our style in writing with new words that the writer can find.

It is challenging to analyze the translation of English Collocation in Novel “Divergent Trilogy” into Bahasa Indonesia by Veronica Roth. This Sentence is taken from Novel “Divergent Trilogy” , “I decide not to take the bus. If I get home early, my father will notice when he checks the house log at the end of the

day.” It translated to kuputuskan tidak naik bus. Kalau aku pulang lebih cepat ,

ayah akan tahu saat ia memeriksa log rumah nanti. Words ‘take’ and the ‘bus’

collocate each other and create meaning i.e naik (menaiki), not translated to mengambil bus. Based on this example the translator should be concerned to find

the equivalence of English collocation in Indonesian..



1.2. The Problems of the Study

1. What are the types of English collocations in the Divergent Trilogy?

2. How are the English Collocations in Divergent Trilogy translated into


3. What is the most dominant grammatical collocation used in translating

Divergent Trilogy?

1.3. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the analysis in this study are concerned with the problem of the study. They are:

1. to find out the types of of English collocations in the Divergent Trilogy.

2. to describe How the English Collocations in the Divergent Trilogy translated

into Indonesia .

3. to find outthe the most dominant grammatical collocations is used in

translating Divergent Trilogy?

1.4. The Scope of the Study

Research limitation is needed to give a focus to this research. This research focused on the translation of English collocations in Divergent Trilogy Novel into Bahasa Indonesia by Anggun prameswari of the SL into TL after they are translated.

1.5. The Significance of the Study




71 researcher namely (1) lexical collocations and (2) grammatical collocations..

2) The English collocations in divergent trilogy were translated by applying 5 translation procedures, namely literal translation (55.6%), transposition (4.2%), modulation (31.1%), equivalence (0.6%), and adaptation (8.5%).

3) The most dominant of grammatical collocations used in Divergent Trilogy was type 1. Type is preposition + noun. The preposition cannot be separated from the noun.

Language is a means of communication among people,and language fluency is influenced by how this language is acquired. Collocation is one of the most important parts in language . collocations might be described as the words taht are located or foun together in predictable patterns in speech and writing. The indentifications of cillocational constraints can guarantee the straightforwardness of language used by non- native speaker, therefore in the case of translating of



use collocation itself even used by non-native speaker and the tranlation

procedures from the source language (SL) to the target language (TL)

5.2 Suggestions

From the data analysis and conlusion above, the researcher purpose some sugestions as follows:

1. To teacher

Teacher need to inform students that collocations is very important and based on the meaning, collocations should be recognized as the important element because the meaning of collocations itself is predictable.

2. To language learner

This study can be used by the learners or university students to improve their ability to translate collocations in sentence.

3. To other researcher




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Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework .....................................................................


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