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Approvement figure of spech analysis on Robert frot's poems


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted to the of Adab and Humanities In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Strata (1)



NIM. 101026021581

Advisor :


NIP. 150317725







A paper entitled Figure of Speech Analysis on Robert Frost’s Poems was examined by examination board of Faculty of Humanities State Islamic Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on July 1, 2008. It has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for acquiring the Degree of Strata 1 (S1) in English Letters Department .

Examination Board


Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd. NIP. 150299480


Drs. Asep Saepudin, M.Pd NIP. 150261902


Examiner I,

Dini Masitah, SS. NIP. 150317724

Examiner II,





First of all, I thank to Allah, the lord of the word and the thereafter. I am really sure that I have got is from him. Peace and blessing be upon oar prophet Muhammad SAW all of his follower.

I would like to express the greatest honor to my beloved husband (H. Andi Jamal Fuadi, S.Ag) who always accompanies me in sadness and happiness, my beloved sons (Fatih Haikal Fuadi and Kaafi Maula Fuadi), my mother (Masitoh), my father (Ahmad), my mother in law (Hj. Lughoyah Fitri), my father in law (H. U. Mulyadi Abdul Aziz) who always give everything for me and for my life.

I cannot fail to mention my advisor Elve Oktafiyani for the great contribution in finishing this paper. I also cannot fail to thank to my beloved sister and brother (Nuriah Budiani and M. Arief Syamsudin) for their contribution in my life. I thank for all they had given to me, and may God blesses they and their family.

Special thank to Mr. and Mrs. H. Dani Mohammad Hasan Saiful Mubarok and the family for great contribution and also for editing my paper.

I wish to say gratitude to the following persons

1. Dr. H. Abdul Chair, MA as the Dean of Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University.

2. Dr. M Farkhan, M.Pd as the head of English Letter Department

3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd as the secretary of English Letter Department. 4. All lectures of English Letter Department who have taught and educated me


5. All of my friends of English Letter Department who cannot be mentioned one by one for giving spirit and motivation.

May Allah bless Us, Finally, I release that this paper is far from being perfect, Accordingly, I hope any suggestion and criticism for this paper.









A. Background Of The Research ... 1

B. Focus Of The Study ... 3

C. Research Question ... 3

D. Significant Of The Research ... 3

E. Research Methodology ... 3

1. The Objective of the Research ... 3

2. The Methodology of Research ... 4

3. Analysis Data ... 4

4. Analysis Unit ... 4

5. Place and Time ... 4


A. The Nature of Poetry ... 5


C. Explication ... 9

D. The Nature of Figure of Speech ... 9

E. Kinds of Figures of Speech ... 10


A. Explication of My November Guest ... 17

B. Explication of A Late Walk ... 28


A. Data Description of My November Guest ... 39

B. Analysis Figures of Speech of My November Guest... 40

C. Data Description of A late Walk... 46

D. Analysis Figures of Speech of A Late Walk ... 47

E. Analysis Of The Theme ... 50





A. Background of the Research

In every reading, a literary work will give people different response and different meaning1, it depends on the response that built by the reader among the works that he read, and the literary knowledge basic that he mastered as well.

It also happens in poetry reading, how many times we were reading the works and how much knowledge literary basic we were mastered will give effect to the response of works that we read.

The response variously different in every reading; for the writer opinions the responses becomes an autonomous from literary work which are free from the writer of the works subjectivity2-responses come from early reading will be different with the second, the beginner’s reading will be different with the expert, also the camera we captured the work from what side will effect the response it self.


I.A Richards argued that ”The all important fact for study literature-or any other mode of communication-is that there are several kinds of meaning” I.A. Richards in Practical Criticism; Chapter I. The four kinds of meaning. Via Critical Theory since Plato. Edited by Hazard Adams. University of California. 1971. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publisher. London. P. 851



Literary works has kind of genre from the early genre until the latest modern, which are; Poetry, Prose, Drama, etc- and the latest is film. For the first writer has mentioned poetry is very unique genre among the other-in the writer view point-because it is come from the early and still existed until the modern time.

Poetry as well, has structures to be recognized, a rhyme to be enchanted and the symbolization that make poetry can grasps much things with the little figurative language that almost used in this works eventually.

Poetry-in general-or poem in specific work and in the next paragraph mention, also is a unique media of communication, created in a brief and concentrated form of language, it can give meaning intently. The object to be communicated in a poem are various, for instance, the experiences of life, emotional condition, the philosophy of life, and the social critics for the times and place it’s lived.

Some of poet made his poem is very concern to the things that he wants to see; it is called with curiosity or style from the poet, and also usually influenced by the social life.

One of the greatest American poets who are capable of communicating his ideas through poem was Robert Frost. He was born in San Francisco, March 26, 1874 and died in Boston, January, 29, 1963.


meanings. Some words, which Emily Dickinson applied to her self, apply to Frost; like her, he “thinks New Englandly.” There is certain reticence, a teasing indirectness, in his way of telling his thought. Generally, he avoids personal involvement by dramatizing. The used of figurative language is mostly appear in his works. The simplicity appearance almost in his works enriched by the figures of speech that he keeps in his work an enchantment.

There are two works from Robert Frost that has made the writer is curios to analyze more intensely; My November Guest and A Late Walk.

These two poems have exciting figure of speech almost in its contents. For the reason why, the writer will tend to investigate and discover these two poems as the paper goal, the research its self namely Figures of Speech Analysis on two Robert Frost’s Poems; My November Guest and A

late Walk. The analysis will be focused on the configuration of figures of speech on these two poems, the meaning of these figures of speech and the influence of these figures of speech into the theme comprehensively.

B. Focus of the Study


C. Research Question

The questions of the research consist of:

1. What kind figures of speech can be found on two Robert Frost’s poems; My November Guest and A late Walk?

2. What are the meanings of those figures of speech? 3. How do figures of speech convey the theme of each

poem? D. Signification of the Research

As far, the significance of the research is can be used for Islamic development by reading and understanding figures of speech, for referential source for those who want to study and analyze poetry more intently, comparative source in future, and also for academic analysis in English Letters Department especially for those who want to discuss literary works of poetry with these theories and approaches, specifically in figures of speech.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Object of the Research The objectives of the research are:

1. to describe about kinds of figures of speech can be found on the poems


2. The Method of the Research

This research is a descriptive qualitative research describes about kinds of figure of speech on four Robert Frost’s poems and the meaning of those figure of speech. Beside these, the research also discusses about the themes of those poems.

The analysis includes explicating, which contains explication of the entire poem in detail and then followed by the figures of speech analysis. From both analyses the writer tries to conclude the theme of each poem.

3. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the writer uses dialectic analytic technique based on critical study and analysis to the qualitative data base on the study of figures of speech used on the poems.

4. Analysis Unit

The unit analysis of the research is two poems by Robert Frost, they are: My November Rain andA Late Walk.

5. Place and Time





What is poetry? A short piece of imaginative writing, of a personal nature and laid out in lines is the usual answer. Will that do? Poetry definitions are difficult, as is aesthetics generally. What is distinctive and important tends to evade the qualified language in which we attempt to cover all considerations. Perhaps we could say that poetry was responsible attempts to understand the world in human terms through

literary composition. The terms beg many questions, of course, but poetry today is commonly an amalgam of three distinct viewpoints.

For traditionalists a poem is an expression of a vision that is rendered in a form intelligible and pleasurable to others and so likely to arouse kindred emotions. Otherwise Modernists think a poem is an autonomous object that may or may not represent the real world but is created in language made distinctive by its complex web of references. Postmodernists look on poems as collages of current idioms that are intriguing but self-contained — they employ, challenge and/or mock preconceptions, but refer to nothing beyond themselves.


beautiful words. As a universal language, poem has existed almost in all ages. The people in the world always regard it as one of the most important expressions. Where there are people there are poem. Poem also a unique media of communication, created in a brief and concentrated form of language, differs from the other literary works. Accordingly, poem can give its meaning intently. The objects to be communicated in a poem are various.


Understanding poetry means understanding the works of poetry it self, depend on the work we read and the response that we had concerning the poetry that we read, no poem is ever completed,3 it means that the poet always leaves some work for his reader, a poem only prompt us, stimulates us to further consideration. In contrary, there are some of fundamental elements that should be known to analyze poetry, some of those are:

1. Imagery

Imagery may be defined as the representation through language of sense experience. Poetry indirectly appeals to our sense through imagery. Imagery is more incidental to a poem than metaphor, symbols and theme and they are often confused. Nevertheless, an image should conjure up something more than the mere mentioning of the object or situation. A mistake often made to take every image as



though it were a symbol or metaphor. Frost assumed “that pressing the poem too hard”.4

There are seven kinds of imagery, first of all is visual imagery; it is something seen in the mind’s eye. Second is, auditory imagery; it’s represents a sound. Third is, olfactory imagery; it’s represent smell and nasal sense. Forth is, gustatory imagery; it’s represents a taste. Fifth is, tactile imagery; it’s represents touch and skin feel. Sixth is, organic imagery; it’s represents internal sensation, like hunger, thirst, fatigue or fear, etc. seventh is, kinesthetic imagery; it’s represents movement or tension.

2. Figure of speech

Figure of speech is a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of the words. More over this topic will be discussed as the theoretical framework in the next discussion.

3. Meter

Meter is to determine how many feet in a line of poem. Naturally the English language falls into iambic5 patterns of accent or stress. Meter governs the placement of accents and the length of the line. Meter can be diagrammed to examine these elements, which is called scansion. We can scan the poem to discover the placements of the





accents. This helps us to read the poem correctly. Meter has a great influence on the flow and the rhythm of the poem.

4. Rhythm

Rhythm in poetry is built by the patterns of repeated sounds. The patterns of sound have an effect to delightful the sound, the words and the accents of the poem which is establish in our mind as a collection of associations of sounds and meaning. The pattern is established in the repetition of lines having the same number of syllables, also by the steady use of accent in the same way, furthermore it brings us to our first major contemplation.

5. Rhyme

Rhyme is the end of the line, mostly in the same consonants or vowel and sounds, its called perfect rhyme. But, eventually, there are rhyme which has not same in the consonant or vowel but its identical in sound. In contrary, identical in consonant or vowel but it’s not same in sounds. Rhyme divided into two kinds; masculine and feminine. Masculine rhyme is when the last syllable is stressed and feminine is not. Frost used rhyme mostly of his works, but Frost also made his works in blank verse.


Content is the story line that brought by the poem, it is speak about narration, description, or the major theme of the poem. It is sometimes make a surface meaning of the poem. It is possible to respond to a poem without fully understanding every word or phrases and sometimes meaning evolve as you continue to study a poem. Having preliminary scheme or idea of what poem is about, can be an imperative first stair towards a fuller and more certain appreciative.6


Explication or explanation is an examination of literary work to exaggerate the work, to be known in every part of poem, for the relation of each part, and the correlation of each to the whole as well.7

Understanding the poem wholly needs the explication in mean. The explication itself will give general assumption, characteristic of the poem, metrical organization until the content and meaning of the poem.



Croft, Steven and Cross Helen. 2000. Literature, Criticism, and style. Oxford: Oxford University Press. P. 53



Figure of speech is a language that is symbolic or metaphorical and not meant to be taken literally.8 It is also as speech or group of words worn to present exacting emphasize to an idea or attitude. The special emphasis is typically accomplished by the user's conscious deviation from the strict literal sense of a word, or from the more commonly used form of word order or sentence construction. From ancient times to the present, such figurative locutions have been extensively employed by orators and writers to strengthen and make fancy their styles of speech and work of art. 9

Figure of speech used by Frost to say something other than the literal meaning of the words. For example, “the entire world’s a stage” Frost often referred to them simply as “figures” Frost said, “Every poem I write is figurative in two senses.10 It will have figures in it, of course; but it’s also a figure in itself- a figure for something, and it’s made so that you can get more than one figure out of it.”11

1. Kinds of Figure of Speech a. Metaphor


Perrin, Lawrence and R.ARP, Thomas.1992. Sound and sense: An Introduction to poetry, Eight edition, Southern Methodist University.


"Figure of Speech." Microsoft® Student 2007 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2006


Northrop Frye said in his second essay. Ethical Criticism: Theory of symbol: “Whenever we read anything, we find our attention moving in two directions at once. One direction is outward or centrifugal in which we keep going outside our reading, from the individual words to the things they mean, or in practice, to our memory of the conventional association between them. The other direction is inward or centripetal, in which we try to develop from the words a sense of the larger verbal pattern they make.



Metaphor is figure of speech which compares one thing directly.12 Usually a metaphor is created through the use of some form of the verb “to be” for instance, if we say “you’re your shining face is like a bright moon”, the bright moon is refer directly to the shining face. The metaphor in other words establishes an analogy between object without actually saying that is establishing this contrast. When the poet uses metaphor he transfers the qualities and association of one object to another in order to make the latter more vivid in our mind.

b. Personification

Personification is the method of handing over human characteristics to nonhuman objects, abstractions or ideas. Attributing personal form to such nonhuman objects and ideas is a standard rhetorical device in poetry. Thus we recurrently find poets dealing with the moon as lady, referring her beauty. We utter about the lady beauty and about Old Man River. In allegorical dramas or poems certain characters are personifications of various qualities like virginity or desirable quality, iniquity or eternity, etc. the poet thus personifies qualities or describes them as if they were in fact people.

c. Parallelism



Parallelism is a principle advocating that ideas of identical significance or consequence should be treated at equal length within a poem.13 For instance, one wrote a poem which was proposed to study the limitation of men and women, and yet only devoted one third as much space and thought to women as it did to men, then there would be a deficient of parallelism. Parts of effort should be analogous with each other so that there is no tremendous disproportion in prominence. It would be as great a fault of course to devote equal thinking and space to concepts which were not equally important. If a poem was purportedly about a barn and yet the poet spent most of his time describing the farmer who owned the barn, there would again be a lack of parallelism; in short, parallelism requires equal treatment for equally important aspects of the matter under consideration.

d. Metonymy

Metonymy is the substitution of a word closely associated with other word in place of that other word. For an example, Indonesia’s former President Soeharto mal-wisdom will associate to the place where he lived; it’s called Cendana wisdom, at that time its superb and final decision. For the poet usually make name of place to configure his poem thematically with metonymy. For



instance; Frost uses Wood in his poem refer to the metonymy of home, place or rule.

e. Theme




The chapter will discuss about the description of the poems, explication is an explanation of the poem in detail, disentanglement any complexities to be initiate in it. In sustaining the depiction of the poem, the writer presented any outlook about the poems according to literary critics.

Besides these, the paraphrase and the description about the elements of those poems also became the topic on this chapter. The writer also tried to examine and unfold all detail in a poem that sensitive reader might consider. These might include rhythm, rhyme, imagery, tone, mood, and so on.

All poetry is written in some particular meter; that is, poems are made from a collection of lines which have a certain number of syllables, some of which are accented (receive stress) and some of which are not (receive no stress). We can scan a line of poetry when we mark over each word whether or it should be stressed while one that is not to be stressed is marked (-) and the stressed word or syllable marked by (!).

A. Explication of My November Guest

My November Guest

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me, 1

Thinks these dark days of autumn rain 2


She loves the bare, the withered tree; 4

She walks the sodden pasture lane. 5

Her pleasure will not let me stay, 6

She talks and I am fain to list: 7

She’s glad the birds are gone away, 8

She’s glad her simple worsted gray 9

Is silver now with clinging mist. 10

The desolate, deserted trees, 11

The faded earth, the heavy sky, 12

The beauties she so truly sees, 13

She thinks I have no eye for these, 14

And vexes me for reason why. 15

Not yesterday I learned to know 16

The love of bare November days 17

Before the coming of the snow, 18

But it were vain to tell her so, 19

And they are better for her praise 20


November Guest. The poem it self has four stanzas; each stanza has five lines called quintets with rhyme scheme A-B-A-A-B. The writer also sees the clear metrical that has been designed by Frost with Iambic tetra meter. There is also alliteration in the first stanza-dark days- that giving an effect of emphasize. The poem also say called another property to enchanting itself, it formed paradox;

“Thinks these dark days of autumn rain Are beautiful as days can be..”

Dark days of autumn rain thought by his November guest beautiful as days can be. Signs for stressed syllables use (!) And the falling or unstressed with (~) it is to make the writer easy in typing; Furthermore, the poem will be explained line by line as follows:

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me, A 1

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent, it is shown British accent that Frost it self is New Englanders of nine generations; Frost said that naturally English accent is fall into iambic- and he lived in country yard for most of his times. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed, also its a perfect rhyme in vowel when it is related to the third and fourth line is identical.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Thinks these dark days of autumn rain B 2


to make enchantment into his poem. The property is alliteration dark days the sound of da and repeated with da again gives an impression that Frost want to strengthen this part of his November Guest which symbolized by dark days.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Are beautiful as days can be; A 3

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed, also it’s a perfect rhyme in vowel when it is related to the first line is identical.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

She loves the bare, the withered tree; A 4

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed, also it a perfect rhyme in vowel when it is related to the first and third line is identical.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ ! B 5 She walks the sodden pasture lane.

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. The end of the rhyme is identical with the second line (rain with lane) the sound of n consonant has made its rhyme. It becomes the end of the first stanza that forms A-B-A-A-B rhyme scheme.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Her pleasure will not let me stay, A 6


be dominant as in the previous stanza, it expresses the character ‘I’ wants to give communication to ‘She’ character. This communication then built the crisis of theme; it is the first time the character ‘I’ being a subject, and rotates the position as shown in the previous stanza ‘I’ always be an object in the grammatical theme. As in my and me, grammatically it shown such position mentioned.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

She talks and I am fain to list: B 7

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. In this line, character ‘She’ mentioned by the ‘I’ character as an object again grammatically.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

She’s glad the birds are gone away, A 8

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. In this line, also, character ‘She’ mentioned by the ‘I’ character as an object again grammatically. Moreover, this line is the extension from the preceding line (7th line), it tells about Character ‘She” describe about her feeling. Writer can see in the 7th line there is double dot (:) as the symbol for extension will expand in the forwarder line.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

She’s glad her simple worsted gray A 9


~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Is silver now with clinging mist B 10

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. This line correlated with the previous line (10th line), it is shown how Gray synonym with silver and mist. According to Encarta Dictionary gray and silver are identical,14 both of them formed mist as the resulted end; a condition that people reach out of final frontier or something mysterious or sadly in other stipulation.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

The desolate, deserted trees, A 11

`The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it is stressed. Both desolate and deserted are identical in meaning; it is an enchantment from the writer when he gives repetition, writer thinks, this repetition is strengthen to show how ‘She’ character in this poem is.

Trees become a point of view that brought by ‘I’ character.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

The faded earth, the heavy sky, B 12

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. Again in this line, Frost used faded that identical with the previous words that used; gray and silver. Earth is mother for Transcendentalist and Naturalist;15 they use mother earth as a proverb which is express main fixation in their life.


Microsoft Student (DVD) Premium, Encarta Dictionary 2007.



~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

The beauties she so truly sees, A 13

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. In the writer sentence succession it can be reformed as this sentence- She so truly sees the beauties-. The sentence then conveys that character ‘She’ could not see which beauty is and which is not, for the reason that, character ‘She’ thinks to the expression that state in the earlier line such as; gray, silver, and fade as a beauty.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

She thinks I have no eye for these, A 14

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. The pronoun ‘She’ still as subject, the dominance of story telling from Robert Frost is still handled by character ‘She’. The succession of the characters will be discussed in the fourth chapter.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

And vexes me for reason why. B 15

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. In this line, character ‘I’ shows his self as an object-me-for the last time. All the things that told by ‘She’ character are become burden for ‘I’ character, vexes can be reformed when the subject is shown as follow; and she vexes me for reason why. Vexes is verb for third singular


person and there are only two characters in this poem, so, the third singular person is refer to ‘She. Vex, quoted from Encarta dictionary vexes is annoy somebody or to make somebody upset with the unimportant matter.16

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Not yesterday I learned to know A 16

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. It is a turning point line, when character ‘I’ turn over become a subject. The sentence of the line is a past tense structurally; past time is a consciousness, conscious that something wrong when character ‘I’ listen to something inconsequential.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

The love of bare November days B 17

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. The line tells contraposition that it is useless to love bare November days. November is time when snow starts to flow.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Before the coming of the snow, A 18

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. The snow rapidly come, actually ‘I’ character gives a warn to ‘She’ character of her late maturity, bare November day is winter and winter is a late maturity that should be impinge on to her attitudes and behaviors more mature than before.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !


“to make somebody annoyed or slightly upset , especially over a relatively un important matter.


But it were vain to tell her so, A 19

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. The maturity is hard to come to ‘She’ character, and all betwixt is become wasteful.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

And they are better for her praise B 20

The meter in this line is tetrameter with iambic accent. The end of the rhyme is masculine because it’s stressed. The sound of‘s’ in praise is identical with sound of‘s’ in days. It is the end of the line that ‘I’ character gives final statement that all the things he has done are for her honor.

The poem tells about his guest that has no attitude optimistically facing the life. This is signed by dark days, she feel her life so unlucky, the situation of the

dark days also strengthen by the manner of the Guest loves to take her burden of her life alone, it is symbolized by walks the sodden pasture lane. Almost all words in this poem represents dark side and loneliness that brought by My November Guest, the color that bring in the poem also represented by silver. The earth also became faded, the only solution that offered by the poem is the coming of the snow. In the Greece Mythology, Snow or winter season is the death, it is pessimistic life that described by the poem. In the end of it, the writer concludes the poem use personification, it shown by my November guest; the guest is sorrow personified as incoming regretful woman exceedingly esteemed who walk with him (character of ‘I’).


A late walk is the third poem that will be explicated in this paper and it has perfect rhyme in every stanza. The second and the fourth line of every stanza correlated, it is formed in trimeter metrical pattern and has masculine ending, otherwise the first and the third line in tetrameter metrical pattern.

The lyric of the poem is ballad style lyric, with the rhyme scheme A-B-C-B-, A Late Walk is a hope from the character of the poem going back, become so restless in the previous life, the character of the poem needs go up the mowing field and the mowing field represents the late walk.

The poem it self has sixteen lines and divided into four stanzas, it is very flowing poem, the impression of the poem giving an affect that the poem is very quite calm in the ballad tetra meter and trimeter pattern.

One of the reasons Frost called as a nature poet;17 almost of his works tell about nature, even though there is a little presence of character. Likewise of this poem, Frost uses only a little presence of the character. From the four stanzas, Frost mentioned ‘I’ four times, each stanza ‘I’ mentioned once. In the first stanza existed in the first line, in the second stanza, ‘I’ placed in the fifth line, in the third stanza ‘I’ existed in the eleventh line and in the last stanza ‘I’ placed in the thirteenth lines.

Even despite the fact that ‘I’ mentioned four time, thematically the poem tells about nature more to a large extent than ‘I’. As naturalist Frost believes that


Frost himself denied that he is a nature poet, “ I am not a nature poet, There is almost person in my poems.” But almost of his works use nature imagery. His grasps and understanding of natural fact is well recognized, this is why Frost called the nature poet. Quoted from


nature and human share their spirit, each needs the other. For further detail, let’s stressed called masculine accent. It is the first stanza that has two different meters, first and third is tetrameter otherwise the second and the fourth is dimeter. Here the ‘I’ character going back to the mowing field, as the symbolization that he returned the place that in the end of age. Field usually has period of time, begin with plantation to the harvest time, mowing is the period when the farmer take their benefit from their field, it is the time before harvest. From this symbolization, Frost emphasized that A Late Walk represented one of it by go up to the mowing field.

~ ! ~ ! ~ !

The headless aftermath, B 2

The accent is still iambic when the meter turns out to be trimeter and the ending is still masculine. Aftermath is an effect that it is hopeless going back to the place or time when something look like too late,

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew, C 3

The accent is iambic and the meter is tetrameter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, heavy dew18 here is the air condensation in the



after warm season which represents the lumber that possessed by ‘I’ facing his life, his psychological predicament take him to the how he can see his future, In the next line heavy dew similarly represent like it has closed the garden path.

~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Half closes the garden path. B 4

The accent is iambic and the meter is trimeter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, garden path is the way that usually farmer trough from and to work field. It placed between house and the field, garden path is the place where the flower blossoms give fragrance to whom passed by, it gives happy feeling habitually, but in contrary, the garden path seems half closed by the heavy dew or psychological character side.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

And when I come to the garden ground, A 5

The accent is iambic and the meter is tetrameter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, in this second stanza, frost slightly emphasizes the garden path with garden ground, garden path actually is not closed for the

and decreases as the temperature falls. In the evening after a warm day, air that is nearly saturated with vapor cools and drops below the temperature at which it is fully saturated. As the air cools further, the excess water vapor condenses on any surface, such as a blade of grass or a

windowpane. In air containing a given amount of water vapor, the temperature at which dew begins to form is known as the dew point. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


The accent is iambic and the meter is trimeter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, the whir of sober birds phrase attracts the writer responses that it is very serious problem that have by the character. Sober birds19

become a symbol with the aim of his psychological matter. The whir formed stressed called masculine accent, the tangle of withered weeds is a metaphor of the situation felt by ‘I’, it is a process of dying, become useless and faded away, ‘I’ has felt the situation as same as the bush that dried away.

~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Is sadder than any words. B 8

The accent is iambic and the meter is trimeter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, in the previous line (eight line) told that the situation is tangle into withered weeds symbolizes a late walk, in this line such situation strengthened by sadder than any words. But all of it is still only ‘I’ feeling.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

A tree beside the wall stands bare, A 9

The accent is iambic and the meter is tetrameter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, stands bare again symbolize the wasteful feeling of ‘I’ when it stands beside the wall which is a symbolization of establishment.



Wall is built as symbol of civilization, the establish form and made by human, wall represents human civilization achievement.

~ ! ~ ! ~ !

But a leaf that lingered brown, B 10

The accent is iambic and the meter is trimeter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, leaf that lingered brown is a metaphor of a late walk, it is the situation when something is on the edge of the horn.

~ ! ~ ! ! ~ !

Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought, C 11

The accent is iambic and the meter is tetrameter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, ‘I’ realize that all disturbing is only a thought that perhaps will not be same with the reality.

~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Comes softly rattling down. B 12

The accent is iambic and the meter is trimeter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, rattling down is consciousness take in charge slowly, that something to be change, it’s useless thinks about something wasteful.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

I end not far from my going forth 13


~ ! ~ ! ~ !

By picking the faded blue 14

The accent is iambic and the meter is trimeter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, by picking the faded blue is positive thinking, take something useful in the end of period even though it’s a tiny things.

~ ! ~ ! ~ ! ~ !

Of the last remaining aster flower 15

The accent is iambic and the meter is tetrameter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, aster flower is something can be picked from the last remain.

~ ! ~ ! ~ !

To carry again to you 16

The accent is iambic and the meter is trimeter, the last syllable is stressed called masculine accent, to carry again to you is all the way ‘I’ had took should not be pessimistic, always be positive thinking and fight for last remain blood.

A symbolization of A Late Walk is revealed in the tenth and twelfth line,

But a leaf that lingered brown and comes softly rattling down. A late walk means that some one going back in the gray, when the old time comes everything seems like too late to do something. The blue aster had become fade away. The phrases


The aftermath is identical with path, birds identical with words, Brown identical with down, Blue identical with you, all of these correlated words placed in trimeter. In the fifteen lines Frost tries to give fascination with alliteration, aster

flower; it is give an affect and an emphasize that it is very resting and calm poem,




This chapter consisted of figures of speech analysis and its explanation. As mentioned in the second chapter, those figures of speech that will be used in this chapter is as same as mentioned, consist of, parallelism, alliteration, metaphor, personification, metonymy and theme, in every poem, research found different various devices relatively. Begin with My November Guest and then A Late Walk.


My November Guest is the first poem that would be analyzed in this chapter concerning figures of speech in it.

My November Guest

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me, 1

Thinks these dark days of autumn rain 2

Are beautiful as days can be; 3

She loves the bare, the withered tree; 4

She walks the sodden pasture lane. 5

Her pleasure will not let me stay, 6

She talks and I am fain to list: 7

She’s glad the birds are gone away, 8

She’s glad her simple worsted gray 9


The desolate, deserted trees, 11

The faded earth, the heavy sky, 12

The beauties she so truly sees, 13

She thinks I have no eye for these, 14

And vexes me for reason why. 15

Not yesterday I learned to know 16

The love of bare November days 17

Before the coming of the snow, 18

But it were vain to tell her so, 19

And they are better for her praise 20

There were some figures of speech used in Frost’s My November Guest as follows:

1. Parallelism

First figure of speech that I have found in this poem is parallelism, the parallelism of this poem almost shown in every stanza and lines. In the beginning of the poem my sorrow become the first phrase found as parallelism, this word will be parallel with the words forwardly to built theme unity.


about sorrow and get connected with some of symbols or metaphors that naturally fallen into something sadly or something dislike and disharmony. My sorrow strengthens by the second parallelism in this poem found in the second line of the first stanza, which are dark days and autumn rain.

Dark days shown in the second line to exaggerate what the sorrow is. These two parallelisms equalize two quality of situations, people will think dark days as sorrow; when the dark come something will fade in sight, when something is faded away people will lose their control, because commonly people can manage things in the bright and in sight, when the dark days come people will things few alternates of going rain and storm or going night, it can be called the day fade away become a blank day. Quoted from Lord Tennyson blank day is similar with sorrow.20More over, autumn rain will be close related with November days as the close parallelism afterward.

Third parallelism I found here is the bare-the withered tree in the fourth line of first stanza. These two phrases are identical and have same meaning, the bare exaggerated by the withered tree. The


“He is not here; but far away The noise of life begins again, And ghastly thro' the drizzling rain On the bald street breaks the blank day.”

Alfred Tennyson (1809 - 1892)


bare is the condition of unclothed or someone have nothing to hidden to, nothing have to be proud to, in the other hand, the withered tree is the condition when something going to shrivel or dry up as part of the process of dying, or make something, especially a plant or part of plant, shrivel in this way.21 The process of dying is the time when something going paler, from bright into dark, from life into death. The withered tree symbolized the situation of dark situation, from this basic think it can be parallelized with the sorrow.

The withered tree position is as same as dark and the bare is equivalent with day, since the dark day has recognized as parallelism so that these phrases included. Sorrow as the first theme built by Frost in the parallelism of the poem has much of breakdown of it afterward.

The fourth parallelism is gone away in the third line of second stanza. Completely in the line written she’s glad the birds are gone away, making an enchanting a poem realized by Frost it has to have deep concern in every detail, one of the detail is using phrase or words that has parallelism to built a theme, parallelism again shown in this poem in gone away. In the common sense and people believe, something going away will make sad, a pity or instable



psychological condition. As an example is a death of family member will give different situation in the family from a various aspects, gone away placed by Frost in this poem is to give parallelism from the previous story told. It’s equivalent or similar with the dark days, it’s identical with the withered tree and it’s give an effect to strengthen the sorrow situation.

The fifth parallelism found in this poem is worsted gray. This phrase consists of two words, first is worst and the second is gray. Worst is an adjective for the condition or situation of manner or time that going most unpleasant, most unfavorable or least good. In the other hand gray is the color that identical with ash, a color combination of black and white. Gray also represents a gloomy situation or a transformation circumstances from bright to dark.

Worsted gray is the situation from good to worse and then worst,

gray is the color that symbolize the sadness, dying, dull or colorless. From this state of affair, worsted gray is parallel with the previous parallelism, and it has great effect connection with sorrow to built cumulative theme of the poem.

To give more power of parallelism, Frost then added silver and


condenses in the atmosphere just above the ground. Mist also has a gray color; it is very easy to the reader response to grasp the parallelism of these words with the preceding parallelism. Frost involved the climate change and best known material such as mist

and silver to give attraction to his poem and easier to keep in reader’s mind. These words absolutely have a very close relation with sorrow that offered by Frost to the reader to give more information utterly and make the reader involve more intently in his reading. This is one of the effect of parallelism that built by Robert Frost.

The seventh and the last parallelism is November days found in the second line of last stanza (fourth stanza). Why does writer think

November days as part of parallelism in this Robert Frost’s poem is many beliefs in several countries think that November day is day of the dead.22 More over, Thomas Hood said November is the month without anything, no cheer, no comfortable feeling and so on.23 It is


Day of the Dead, annual celebration to honor the spirits of the dead, observed primarily in Mexico and other Latin American countries in early November. The exact dates of the celebration vary from region to region. In many communities, the Day of the Dead—known in Spanish as El Día de los Muertos—is observed on November 1 and 2 and coincides with the Christian celebrations of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. All Saints’ Day, observed on November 1, honors the Christian saints, and All Souls’ Day, observed on November 2, is a holiday of the Roman Catholic Church to commemorate the deceased so they might “rest in peace.” According to popular belief, on the Day of the Dead the spirits of the dead return to commune with the living. Families leave offerings for these spirits, attend fiestas (festivals) dressed in costumes, and clean or decorate the graves of deceased family members”. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


No warmth, no cheerfulness, no healthful ease, No comfortable feel in any member—


parallel with the sorrow, when some one is not in his good mood and sorrow comes, and then there will be no cheer, not any comfortable feeling. Robert Frost stated November to his poem is to make easy reading to the reader with this synecdoche November days that is also parallel with all the parallelism that has mentioned before. November is the best known words to represents sorrow because November known as the part of Months in the year (eleventh month), besides November also known as the gloomy month when the rain going badly down and the climate it self is cold and going frosty in the next month of December, in this late November happen Autumn season. Autumn rain also had become one of parallelism found in the preceding analysis. November is the month of transition from half cold to cold; it is parallel with the silver and gray color.

From all parallelism that has found in this Robert Frost’s poem, the last parallelism November days represents all the parallelism and has a great connection to build the theme and close related with the title that Frost wrote. The parallelism technique that brought by Frost in this poem has give effect to the reader response not to release their mind from the story that flowing easy.

No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,— November!”

Quoted from Hood’s poem titled "No!" Thomas Hood (1799 - 1845)

British poet and humorist.


2. Personification

Second device found in Robert Frost ‘My November Guest’ is personification. This device used by Frost to make the symbol or the emblem look like smoother and seem elegantly interacts with the reader. November personified by Frost as a woman whose coming to his with a lumber, pronoun ‘she’ appears in the first line of first stanza. It positions beside Frost or character ‘I’. In the fourth and fifth line, ‘she’ shows her leisure pursuits and personality by showing does her like and what does she do. This pronoun give an impression to the reader about the personality of ‘November’ seem like a woman personality, has a hobby and know what did it do like a human being normally.

The appearance of pronoun is not only in subjective matters but also in possessive matter. In the first line of second stanza cited ‘her pleasure’ as possessive matter for ‘November’ as seem as he had psychological side with this possessive adjective. More over, the interaction between ‘I’ and ‘she’ are happened as long as it poem telling with ‘I’ point of view.


3. Theme

Theme is the last figure of speech that found in this poem, theme become main foundation since Frost has concern with natural poetic deliberation. This poem also has very natural theme, with the month of November become the object of theme.

Having natural theme, My November Guest arranged by Frost with conversational poem, it is shown by the appearance of two characters which are one of them are not human, it has pronoun ‘She’ by the process of personification, but in future the process then builds new thematic poem. Reader in first sight will see the theme is social theme, but in concentrated interpretation reader will come to the next theme found hidden in the personification that the pronoun ‘she’ is non-human character.



In this last poem A Late Walk from Robert Frost there are at least three figures of speech will be analyze. From the parallelism, alliteration until metaphor, here are the complete work and the figures of speech in A Late Walk;

A late Walk

When I go up through the mowing field 1

The headless aftermath, 2

Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew, 3

Half closes the garden path. 4

And when I come to the garden ground, 5

The whir of sober birds 6

Up from the tangle of withered weeds 7

Is sadder than any words. 8

A tree beside the wall stands bare, 9

But a leaf that lingered brown, 10

Disturbed, I doubt not, by my thought, 11

Comes softly rattling down. 12

I end not far from my going forth 13

By picking the faded blue 14


1. Parallelism

One of devices used by Frost in this poem is parallelism; Frost used it to bond the theme with the parallel or connected words and phrases. A late walk is natural poem with take natural setting in the country side. To get the point of the theme and make a succession in bonding story Frost uses parallelism from the words that have close relation with natural image.

First parallelism in this poem is in the first line of first stanza mowing field; everyone will have convention in their image when mowing field is mention. It is located in the country side; it is an action of the farmer to cut off their plant in the harvest time. Absolutely people will not think mowing field located in the down town, where the activities are not suitable and there is no open space in the city. Frost gives first impression in his poem A Late Walk to his reader to connect their image to the country side; it is kind of parallelism work and function.

Second parallelism in the Frost’s poem A Late Walk is

thatch with the heavy dew; it is placed in the third line of first stanza. Thatch is plant material used as roofing in a house.24 This phrase will attract us to the place where the roof is still filling by dew when the morning comes; usually the situation is very cool



and fresh. This parallelism again being a magnet for reader’s image to response the phrase and connect it with the theme of the poem.

Third parallelism is in the fourth line of first stanza garden path; Frost knows better how to make reader’s mind strongly bond to his work. Garden path is created to make effect that in this last line of first stanza reader still taken to the general theme of the poem through parallelism. Garden path will convey reader’s imagination to the place where the plants are live and grow, and there is a path to go to cross the garden or beside the garden.

Garden path existed when there a lot of garden than the building; it is a way to reach some place through the garden.

Fourth parallelism is in the first line of the second stanza

garden ground; otherwise as parallelism, this phrase is positioned by Frost as alliteration as well. It is a support for the previous parallelism garden path, because this parallelism has very close relation with the preceding one.

Fifth parallelism is sober birds located in the second line of first stanza; sober bird is another force to give the theme is established in building natural theme.


synecdoche25 for the feeling of narrator about his life when getting to his environment he feels that he is unwanted, it is parallel with the meaning of the weed; the unwanted plant that used to be growth in the side of the garden or in the garden by replacing other plant.26

Seventh parallelism is Aster flower located in the third line of fourth stanza; it is kind of flower use to growth and live in the last summer through out autumn season. As a parallel to the natural theme, aster flower also symbolized the hope of the narrator of the poem behind his desperation. Because it is not tool late to do something when winter is not coming yet, it is still in autumn.

All these parallelism; mowing field, A Late Walk is thatch with the heavy dew, garden path, garden ground, sober bird,

withered weeds and Aster flower construct succession in the natural theme.

2. Synecdoche

In this poem, writer found another figure of speech which is enriching the poem with various devices; synecdoche. There are at least four synecdoches that patch into the text.


Will be worked at next analysis about synecdoche afterward.


“Weed, term applied to any plant that grows where it is not wanted. A weed is usually


First of all is “smooth laid like thatch with the heavy dew”, except perform as synecdoche it is also perform as metaphor. This phrase represents psychological aspect of the character of the poem which is has a great burden in facing his life. This synecdoche is explained by the previous and the afterward lines; “the headless aftermath and half closes the garden path”, he is facing reality when he come back to the mowing field, he has nothing to do after he had following bad event until he had nothing in the head to think or to solve. The solve is not patching in his head regarded by see the fourth line” half closes the garden path”, all the aftermath had made him hard to see the garden path which is used to be done by him before.

Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew is a synecdoche for the first stanza; it is representing the whole lines with simple image as synecdoche. It is how Frost love to make simple work with layered meaning through little bit touch grasping the whole.


disturbed the cultural establishment in the garden ground. He felt it because of the whir of sober birds that as dedicated to him, he felt

sadder than any words. This synecdoche has a great succession in this stanza, relating all the phrases and meaning by a little significant.

Third synecdoche is leaf that lingered down; located in the second line of third stanza, the location of this synecdoche has the same position with the fourth synecdoche in the fourth stanza faded blue.

Leaf that lingered brown is still focus on the psychological side of the narrator. There is differentiation between realities he facing on and the sentiment he feeling on, in the phrase ahead of the third line in the same stanza, cited that, by my thought. It is a condition where his sentiment is more dominant than the realities. Lingered brown is positioned as an emblem for synecdoche to give a succession in this stanza.


surface and touch all the aspects and the theme of the poem. Faded blue is identical with the A Late Walk in the meaning.

Faded blue constructed from two words, and both words also has parallel meaning, faded mean that something going blur, old or late. In the other hand, blue mean sad, worthless and no hope. The entire meaning are close related each other.

3. Metaphor

Last figurative language found in the poem is metaphor. Actually this metaphor also has been used by synecdoche27 in the last analysis. It is placed in the third line of the first stanza.

“Smooth- laid like thatch with the heavy dew”. Word like is sign for metaphor’s presence, because metaphor is a figure of speech as symbol that comparing something with the other directly, one of the sign is using word like.

The metaphor in this poem expresses the narrator feeling when he is going back to his native place in the late time. Metaphor here had function to give extensive explanation and comparative feeling whether the reader can catch the point in the different situation and different side.

4. Theme



Differed with the two last poems, A late Walk has a theme about human psychological side, even though there are various ‘natural’ words placed in the poem but in the way of meaning succession pointing to the emblemism of psychological matters.

The succession has been perfectly made by devices used by Frost begin with the parallelism, synecdoche and metaphor. Each device has run their function to give a complete work that has enchanting poem of Frost.

In the last analysis of this chapter, writer will cite all figures of speech that had been discussed into a figures of speech table, in order to give simple reading of this analysis.

Table figures of speech in My November Guest


3 Personification When She’s here…(1/1)

Table figures of speech in A late Walk


his poem. 3 Metaphor “Smooth- laid like thatch with the

heavy dew” (3/1)




In this chapter, writer will conclude the analysis that has been discussed in the preceding chapter consists of two poems from Robert Frost; My November Guest and A Late Walk. These two poems has been analyzed by figures of speech that patched into the text and make sequence building of the theme and the unity of the poem.

On My November Guest Frost uses Parallelism as the meaning of story chain to make reader bonding to the story of the poem and make dependent relation each other. More over, parallelism28 has a great function to guard theme from the beginning until the end of the text. The other figure of speech used by Frost in this poem is Personification.29 The meaning of personification in this poem is Frost gives familiar effect by personified November as a woman. By this personification the theme of the poem becoming more attractive and enchant. Theme as the last figure of speech in this poem is concluded as natural poetic theme, because the instrument of the poem mostly pointing natural theme.

On A Late Walk writer concludes that Frost uses Parallelism as the meaning of story chain to make reader bonding to the story of the poem and make dependent relation each other. All these parallelism; mowing field, A Late Walk is

thatch with the heavy dew, garden path, garden ground, sober bird, withered

weeds and Aster flower construct succession in the natural theme. Second figure


See the table in the fourth chapter to read complete parallelism



of speech used by Robert Frost in this poem is synecdoche. Writer concludes the use of synecdoche is to give simple effect to the greater meaning in the second layer. In the first layer writer concludes Frost uses natural theme, but in the second layer actually Frost has human psychological theme. It is the meaning of synecdoche’ present in this poem. Third figure of speech in this poem is metaphor; writer sees and concludes the use of metaphor is to give impressive comparison for the character’s psychology. The theme of the poem has two layers, the two layers as the influence of synecdoche present. First layer is a natural theme and the second layer is psychological theme.



Adams. Hazard. 1971. Critical Theory since Plato. University of California. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publisher. London.

Lodge. David. 1988 Modern Criticism and Theory New York. Longman publisher.


Croft, Steven and Cross Helen. 2000. Literature, Criticism, and style. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Perrin, Lawrence and R.ARP, Thomas.1992. Sound and sense:

An Introduction to poetry, Eight edition, Southern Methodist University Frye. Northrop. 1971. Anatomy Of Criticism; four Essay.

New Jersey. Princeton University Press. http//www.frostfriends.org/figurative

Reaske. Christopher Russell.1966. How to Analyze Poetry. New York. Monarch Press.

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figures of speech of the poems and the theme of these poems.
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