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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Fulfill the Partial Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By :


Registration Number: 2113321047





Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work,

has been expressed through my own words and has not previously been submitted

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Medan, April 2016



Silaban, Sarah Marilyn. 2113321047. The Effect of Guided Writing Strategy on Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Text. A Thesis, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2016.

This study deals with the effect of the effect of guided writing strategy on students achievement in writing narrative text. The objective of this study was to find out if there was effect of guided writing strategy on students achievement in writing narrative text. It was conducted by using experimental research. The population of this study was tenth grade of SMA Sinar Husni Medan, which is consisted of 3 parallel classes. Two classes were taken as the sample of the research. The class X IPA1 was a experimental group and class X IPA2 was as control group. The experimental group was taught by using guided writing strategy, otherwise control group was taught without using guided writing strategy. The instrument for collecting data was writing test. The data was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result shows that the value of t-observed is higher than the value of t-table. (4,34 >2,000 ( α= 0.05)) with the degree of freedom (df) = 56. Based on the data analysis of the study, the result indicates that the alternative hypothesis ( ) was accepted. It means that Guided writing strategy affects on students’ achievement in writing narrative text.




First of all, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to Almighty Lord, Jesus Christ for His uncountable blessing, love, strength given to the writer during her study and in completing this thesis which entitled: The Effect of Guided Writing Strategy On Students’ Achievement in Writing Narrative Text. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the writer realized that she had received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments, got a lot of assistance and moral support from people around her. Therefore, the writer expresses her gratitude and special thanks to:

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program.

Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., her Thesis Advisor. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., her Academic Advisor. Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., her Reviewers. Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., her Reviewers.

All the Lecturers of English and Literature Department who have taught, guided, and advice her throughout the academic year.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd., and Mr. Pantas., Administrative Staff of English Education.

Drs. H. Sosiar., the Headmaster of SMA Sinar Husni for giving chance to conduct the research.

Sri Rezeki, S.Pd the English Teacher of Grade tenth SMA Sinar Husni Medan for the supports.


Her brothers , Ery Galaksi Doli Silaban and Eka Febri Silaban thanks for support and pray.

Her special one, Try Utama Sitohang, S.Pd., who always give the time to accompany her. Thanks for being the reason her smile and laughing, thanks for the happiness.

Her best friends ever “KLM”, Yudhi Aditya Kurniawan, S.Pd., Putri Permata Sari Samosir,S.Pd, Megawati Siregar, Sameris Sitanggang, Sirikit Karola br Sembiring and Mauritz Anggadewa Panggabean thanks for about 4 years experience, keep spirit guys, keep rock and pray to get it. Love you all.

Her friends in PPLT SMK N 1 Kabanjahe , Intan Theresia Sinambela, Lita Sandora Manalu, Cristofer Imanka Girsang, Ica Junita Purba, Ari Sirait, Jhon Padang for the experiences shared. And also for those who cannot be mentioned one by one.

The writer realizes that, this thesis still has the paucity, she warmly welcomes any suggestions and advices that will improve the quality of this thesis. She hopes that this thesis will be useful for those who read and feel interested in the field of this study.

Medan, April 2016 The writer,




A. The Background of the Study ... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 4

C. The Objective of the Study ... 4

D The Scope of the Study ... 4

E. The Significance of the Study ... 5


A. Theoretical Framework ... 6

b. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Applying Guided Writing Strategy ... 24

B. The Relevant of the Study... 24

C. Conceptual Framework ... 25

D. Hypothesis ... 27


A. Research Design ... 28

B. Population and Sample ... 29

1. Population ... 29

2. Sample ... 29

C. The Source of Data and The Data ... 29

D. The Instrument of Collecting Data ... 30

E. Scoring The Test ... 30

F. The Procedures of Research... 32

G. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 33



A. Data Description ... 36

B. Data Analysis ... 42

1. Reliability of test ... 42

2. Testing Normality ... 43

3. Testing Homogeneity of Data ... 44

4. Data Analysis by Using t-Test Formula ... 45

C. Testing Hypothesis ... 46

D. Research Findings ... 47

E. Discussion ... 47


A. Conclusion ... 50

B. Suggestions ... 50






Table 1.1 The grade X Students’ Score of Writing Text ... 3

Table 3. 1 Research Design ... 28

Table 3.2 Writing Assessment Rubric ... 30

Table 3.3 The Coefficient of (r) ... 35

Table 4.1 Students’ Score in Experimental group ... 36

Table 4.2 Students’ Score in Control Group ... 37

Table 4.3 Students’ Score in Pre-Test ... 37

Table 4.4 Students’ Score in Post test ... 39

Table 4.5 Students Distribution Score Base on Sudijono’s Classification ... 40

Table 4.6Normality of Data ... 44




Figure 2.1 Step in Writing Process ... 11

Figure 2.2 The Example of Narrative Text ... 22

Figure 4.1 Students’ score in Pre-test ... 38

Figure 4.2 Students’ score in Post test ... 39

Figure 4.3 Students’ Distibution Score Classification in Experimental Group ... . 41





Appendix A The Pre-test and Post test in Experimental and Control Groups .. 55

Appendix B Students’ score of Pre-test and Post test of Experimental groups ……….. 56

Appendix C Students’ score of Pre-test and Post test of Control groups ... 57

Appendix D The Calculation of Reliability of the Test ... 58

Appendix E Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group ... 60

Appendix F Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ... 63

Appendix G Testing Normality in Experimental Group ... 66

Appendix H Testing Normality in Control Group ... 70

Appendix I Test for Homogeneity of Variance of Post test in Experimental and Control Groups ... 74

Appendix J The Calculation of t-test ... 76

Appendix K Table of Normality from 0 to Z ... 79

Appendix L Table List of testing Liliefors ... 81

Appendix M Percentage Points of the t Distribution ... 82




A. The Background of the Study

Human being use language as a tool of communication. Expression of our

ideas, emotions, thoughts and feeling, can be done by using either in spoken or

written. English as one of many languages in active use in the world. One

example of the importance of English can be seen in education field. English has

become crucial at the university level. In Indonesia, English is seen as a foreign

language which means that English is not used as the main language of

communication. In order to compete and to communicate in global community,

the government of Indonesia have made the subject of English taught from

preliminary school to university.

In the English language, there are four skills that should be mastered by

students, namely reading, listening, writing and speaking. Both reading and

listening are said as receptive performance, which means a process of

comprehending the materials given. On the other side. Writing and speaking are

called productive performance, which deals more with the production (Brown,



It is a process of putting ideas or thoughts into words which is combined

into the form of paragraphs . In writing, ideas are arranged in series of sentences

that are related to each other so the information can be comprehended. The ideas

are put together through the logical sequences, which is later said as the logic of

hierarchy (Knapp, 2005:15) Through writing people can express their experiences,

events and social identities. It also can train them to think critically and creatively.

Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of teaching writing, the teacher have to

know about the students difficult to write so that they could help the students to

solve their problems. There are some aspects which should be mastered by

students in writing skills, namely; vocabulary, structure, the ability to arrange the

coherence and cohesive ideas.

As stated above, writing is the one of the basic skills of the English

language. It is generally considered one of the most difficult that other skills for

foreign language students. Even native speakers feel difficulty in showing a good

command of writing. According to the research conducted by Lee and Tajino

(2008), some students consider academic writing is difficult due to their

perceptions of low English ability. The students difficult in expressing ideas,

writing coherent paragraphs, and linking sentences smoothly.

Based on the observation in SMA Sinar Husni Medan. The student’s ability

of such skill was quite low, especially in writing narrative text; they have some

difficulties in writing narrative text and do not know how to start writing well. It

happened because of some factors, such as; they could not write narrative text



make the sentences become a complete text, they do not have enough vocabulary

and their diction in writing is not satisfied. Finally, writing was not interested to

some students and they left that this activity wasted of the time. Based on

observation and interview almost fifty percent of the students got low marks in


The writer found the data about the writing score test in two semesters. The

data can be seen as follows:

Table 1.1

The Grade X students’ Scores of Writing Test

Semester Score Students Percentage

Source: data from Curriculum Development Board SMA Sinar Husni, Year : 2015 - 2016

Almost 50 % students got the score under the minimum criteria mastery

(KKM). The KKM that applied for the subject in that school is 70. Most of them

got under the minimum score.

Concerning with explanation above, the writer offers guided writing



writer hopes the students are able to write writing task systematically and

meaningfully and will get interested in studying English .

According to Lestari et all (2013) in teaching writing a description text by using

guided writing strategy . They have found that guided writing strategy helps the students

to develop their writing skill by giving them wide range of vocabularies and grammar.

The result also show that there is significant difference of pretest and post test.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background above, the problem of study was formulated as

follows, “ Is there any significant effect of guided writing strategy on the

students’ achievement in narrative text?”

C. The Objective of the Study

In relation to the problem of study, the objective of the study was to find out

the effect of guided writing strategy on students’ achievement in writing narrative


D. The Scope of the Study

There are many types of writing, such as narrative, descriptive, procedure,

argumentative, spoof, and others. This study basically was limited on the effect of

guided writing strategy on students’ achievement in writing narrative text.



E. The Significance of the Study

Findings of this study were expected to be useful for :

1. Theoretically, the findings will add up more horizon in theories of teaching

english especially in writing.

2. Practically, the findings can be useful for teachers in improving method of

teaching. The findings also can be useful for students in improving their





A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that applying guided writing

strategy significantly affects the students’ achievement in writing narrative text. It

can be seen from the data which had obtained in the post-test of experimental

group were: the total score is 2134 and the mean score is 73,6, while the data in

control group were: the total score was 1862 and the mean score was 64. Thus, the

students’ score in experimental group was higher than the students’ score in

control group. The calculation of the data in the testing hypothesis showed that

t-observed 4,34 was higher than t-table 2.000, it means that the alternative

hypothesis is acceptable.

B. Suggestions

This study showed that writing by using guided writing strategy could

improve students’ achievement in writing narrative text. As the result of the study,

it is suggested that:

1. Since guided writing strategy is significantly effective, it is suggested that

English teacher should use the strategy in their attempt to better the



2. This research is limited to the investigation of guided writing strategy in

writing It is suggested that a research should be done on writing




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Table 1.1 The grade X Students’ Score of Writing Text         Page  ...............................
Figure 2.1 Step in Writing Process  ................................................................
Table 1.1  The Grade X students’ Scores of Writing Test


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