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Academic year: 2017



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Nothing but the biggest thanks the writer would like to express to Jesus Christ, his

provider for blessings, ability, strength and also protection, that the writer has been

granted during completing the thesis so that he is able to fulfill one of the requirement

for the degree of SarjanaSastra at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and

Arts, State University of Medan.

The writer would like to say his special thanks to :

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra.

Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department, Syamsul Bahri, S.S.,M.Hum., the Head of Applied Linguistics Program, and Nora Ronita, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum., the Head of Educational English Program thanks for their administrative help during the writer’s study in English Department State

University of Medan.

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., as his Thesis Advisor also Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd, Drs. Lidiman Sahat Martua, M.Hum, Drs. Muhammad Natsir, M.Hum as his Reviewer.

Eis Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd for her patience, helps in completing the requirements due to the rules of University

His lovely family, my beloved late father (alm) Pelda. Joni Gultom, his

lovely and tough mother Nenny Perangin-angin for all the things you have

been done to me, love, caring, pray, motivation and also financial supports so

that the writer can finish his study in UNIMED. His beloved late brother

(alm) Edward Evensus Gultom, my brothers Erwin Gultom and Kristian Gultom, my beloved sisters Rita Silviana Gultom, S.Pd and Vera Gultom and also my beloved cousin Maya Tamba who always support me in

accomplishing this thesis


My close friends in campus, 7 disasters, Ines, Heny, Lusi, Swarman, Swari and Via thank you for your aids in accomplishing the documents, for laughs and cries, support, I do really love you guys, I hope we can get a better life

after finishing our study, Amin. And also my classmates English Literature

11 B and A, thanks for showing and teaching me how to live modest and to study hard, I will always remember the memories that class been through. • Soraya, Misida and Nono my beloved senior in campus who always keep me

updated with the hottest issues in campus, thanks also for the information and

guidance in completing my thesis.

Ricky Yosepin Sembiring, my best friend since we were in secondary school, thanks also for the things you spent for me. We both must be


• All others whose name can not be mentioned one by one for their helps, aids,

supports. Thanks you so much for everything. God bless us, Amin.

Medan, Juni 2015


The writer



Julianto, Eren. 2113220011. The Meaning of Slang Language in 22 Jump Street Movie. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan. 2015.

The study was deal with the meaning of slang language used by the characters in 22 Jump Street Movie. The objectives of the study was to describe the meaning of the slang language used by the movie stars and the kinds of slang language they used, also explaining the reason why the characters used the slang language. The data were analyzed by identifying the utterances found in the movie script. The findings show that the meaning used by the characters are contextual meaning, depending on the situation or given context. There are four kinds of slang language but only 3 kinds of slang language used, they were Various in Slang, Abbreviate Word and Slang Used in America TV show. The reason of using slang was because the characters wanted to reduce the seriousness of the conversation since this was a comedy-action movie in which the comedy and action must be appeared at the same time.

Keywords:Non-standard English, slang, meaning, literature, 22 Jump Street Movie.










A. Sociolinguistics ... 6

B. Slang ... 7

C. History of Slang Language...8

D. The Kinds of Slang...10

i. Vegetables and Fruits on Slang Language ... 16

2. Abbreviate Word ... 17


3. Slang Used in America Television Program ... 18

a. The entertainment World ... 18

b. Excalamation Used in Cartoon and Comics Books ... 18

c. Baby’s Expression ... 18

d. Foreign Words Used in Daily Conversation ... 19

e. Sport ... 19

4. The Particular Phrase and Idiom ... 21

a. The Comparison of Sound/Content ... 21

b. The Words Repetition ... 21

c. Proverb ... 22

d. Phrase and Words Used by Criminal or Police ... 22

E. The Characteristics and Criteria of Slang ... 22


J. Conceptual Framework ...35


A. Research Design ... 37

B. The Source of Data ...37

C. The technique for Collecting Data...38

D. The Technique for Analyzing Data...38


A. The Data ... 39

B. The Data Analysis ... 39

1. The Meaning of Slang Words or Phrases ... 39

2. The Kinds of Slang... 43

3. The Reason of Using Slang Language ... 47

C. Research Findings ... 49


A. Conclusions ...51

B. Suggestions ... 52








Appendix A ...54 Appendix B ...59 Appendix C ...84




A. The Background of the Study

In life, human being needs a medium to interact with other people. The

necessary tool that we need is called as language. Language has an essential

function to all societies who use this, because language is a way to interact one to

another person especially in communication so that they can understand each

other. Language is human and non instinctive methods of communication, ideas,

feelings, and desires as well by means of a system of sounds and sound symbols.

Thus language as a tool of communication is needed to interact with others.

Kentjono (2003:2) said language itself is a system of arbitrary vocal

symbol used by a social group for cooperation, communication and identification.

Therefore, language has an important role for human life. With communication

language people are able to make relationship with other people and it is

important to maintain that relation. Trudgill (1947:13) language is not simply a

means of communicating information but also very important means establishing

relationship with other people.

Language has a flexible characteristic and dynamic which will create new

possibility in communication, so it is impossible that language just can stop in one

word and one meaning because language can change as fast as the grown of

human life itself. There are many kinds of language in this world, but as we know

English is recognized and represented the first international language that used


when people want to go abroad. Yet, English also becomes language of

standardization for many countries to become their national language or second

language, differs from Indonesia that ascribes English as foreign language.

English itself has been divided into two parts namely Standard English and

Non-Standard English. Non-Standard English is variety of English that is usually used in

written and spoken which is normally taught in school or in deliberate manner

also spoken by well-educated person. Standard English has colloquial as well as

formal variants. On the other hand, Non-Standard English is properly used in

particular situation and can not be used in formal situation and usually spoken by

uneducated people. There are many kinds of Non-Standard Languages, one of

Non-Standard English that is used on informal style is called as slang.

Chaer (1998) said that slang is secret language that held by some

communities or groups that are not owned by other groups.Slang is very informal

words and expressions that are more common in spoken language, especially used

by a particular group of people. In application current slang can be found in the

conversations of teenagers and young children. Young people are the most

creative and most easily saturated with the establishment. It also affects the use of

everyday language. They tend to want a refresher language and an intimate and

friendly atmosphere in talking one each other. They consider that language is the

vehicle for discussion and at the same time strengthens relationships and it is the

most effective communication tool for those who are characteristic for the group.

They create their own language structure that is different from the existing

structure of language.



Generally, most of countries have their own slang terms in their language.

For instance in Indonesia, slang can be found in daily conversation and most of

teenagers use it, such as Jayus( not funny), bonyok(parents), cupu(old-fashioned),

lebay(exaggerate ), etc. Besides, it is used by teenagers, there are some social

groups which usually use it, such as; street gang, football player, drug user,

gambler. Slang is expressed spontaneously and is not bound by a lot grammatical

norms. Variety of such language is not so systemic, interspersed with many

regional languages and social dialects.

Today, the use of slang is dramatically increased. There are a lot literature

works that use slang. The use of slang can also be found in lyrics of songs and

movies. Especially, movie and song that bring out the social and cultural side of

someone’s identity. To analyze the slang, the writer chose the film “22 Jump

Street Movie” as a source of research material. The movie “22 Jump Street

Alone” tells a strory of two cops named Schmidt (Jonah Hills) and Jenko

(Channing Tatum). Their assignemnt is to go undercover. However, after failing

inthe pursuit of a group of drug dealers led byGhost (Peter Stormare), Deputy

Chief Hardy(Nick Offerman ) puts the duo back on theprogram to work for

Captain Dickson (IceCube) - now located across the street at 22Jump Street. Their

assignment is to goundercover as college students and locatethesupplier of a drug

known as "WHYPHY" (WorkHard Yes Play Hard Yes) that killed a

studentphotographed buying it on campus. The writer decided to choose this

movie because the genre of this movie is comedy whereby this movie has an



conversation that is used by characters in the 22 Jump Street Movie which can be

analyzed, for example,

- Jenko : I suck at improvising. I don’t want to do it.

-Captain Dickson : You two son of bitches are going to college.

-Ghost : I can’t believe the punks I have to deal with these days

From the examples above we can see that the slang language is used in the

movie. The first slang word from quoted conversation is suck. Suck literally

means an act of sucking or swallowing but in this case suck as slang word means

repellent, inferior or worthless. This is suitable how Jenko tries to tell Zook that

he is not good at improvising. Then another example form the second quoted

conversation is son of bitches. Captain Dickson is talking to Jenko and Zook. The

phrase son of bitch is a slang phrase means an annoying person and nasty person

and usually unpleasant one. The last example is punks. In this quoted conversation

Ghost uses the slang word punks to describe Jenko and Zook whereby punks

means a bumptious but insignificant or contemptible person. Since most of scenes

in this movie took place in a campus and club where there are a lot young people



B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the research, the writer tried to get the answer

of these following questions :

a. What meaningsare used in 22 Jump Street movie ?

b. What kinds of slang language are used in the movie ?

c. Why are the slang used as the way they are?

C. The Objectives of the Study

The purposes of this research were to find out :

1. Investigating the meaning of the slang words that found in 22 Jump

Street movie.

2. Describing the kinds of slang words that used in 22 Jump Street


3. Describing the reason of using slang terms in 22 jump Street movie.

D. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study focused on the meaning of slang used by the

characters in 22 Jump Street Movie. The data took from the script of 22 Jump



E. The Significance of the Study

This study is expected to be useful for :

1. The students of language particularly English students who are

interested in studying English slang, to know the meaning and the kinds

of slang also the reason of using the slang itself.

2. The readers, who like to watch American movies which use a lot slang

words as their script.

3. Students who learn English to enrich their knowledge and information

about slang language.

4. English teacher or someone who is teaching about slang, to increase




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, the writer concluded that :

1. The meaning of the slang words used by the characters in 22 Jump Street

Movie are mostly the contextual meaning.

2. The kind of slang that mostly used by the characters is Slang Used in America

Television Program due to this kind of slang covers more words than other

kinds, followed by Abbreviate Words and the last is various in slang.

3. The reason of using slang in 22 Jump Street Movie mostly is to reduce

seriousness of conversation, this is based on Partridge’s theory about the

reason of using slang. Reducing serious on the conversation actually

predictable since this is a comedy movie in which there are a lot jokes to be


B. Suggestions

1. The slang words are inappropriate word because it usually gives rude meaning

but it is commonly used in America. So, the readers particularly students

needed to know about the meaning of the slang language they usually use,

because today, specially teenagers, they take anything for granted, without

knowing the meaning they use the slang word to express their thoughts,



making status on social media and etc. It is important for giving the readers a

clear explanation so that the readers would not make mistakes in

understanding the meaning of those slang word.

2. The writer suggests that studying about slang is very interesting, so they must

master the topic they want to discuss and other researchers should enjoy in the

search of materials they need to analyze slang.

3. This thesis could be an additional material for other researchers who are

interested in studying Non-Standard English especially slang and what are the

reason of using it from Partridge ( 1979) and also kinds of those slang




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