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A Brief Description Of Characters’ In Stephenie Meyer’s Novel “New Moon”


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BY ERNI WATI REG NO: 072202005




Approved by


Drs. Parlindungan Purba,M.Hum. NIP. 196302161989031003

Submitted to Faculty of letters, University of Sumatera Utara,

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the DIPLOMA (D-III) in English.

Approved by

Head of English Study Program,

Drs Syahyar Hanum,D.P.F.E NIP. 195109071979022001

Approved by the Diploma III of English Study Program Faculty of Letters,

University of Sumatera Utara.


Accepted by the board of examiners of English Program, Faculty of letters, University of

North Sumatera,

The Examination is held on the……….

Faculty of letters, University of North Sumatera,


Prof. Syaifuddin, M.A, Ph.D. NIP. 196509091994031004

Board of Examiner and reader:

Examiner : Drs. Parlindungan purba, M.Hum.



I, ERNI WATI declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where references is

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extracted in whole or part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another


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Qualification : D-III/Ahli Madya

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First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT, who has given me health and

capability to finish this paper as my last assignments to finish my study at Diploma III

English Program Study, Faculty of Letters University of North Sumatera.

I also would like to thank to the Dean of Faculty of Letters, Prof. Syaifuddin,

M.A, Ph.D, and the Head of Diploma III English Program Study, Dra. Syahyar Hanum, DPFE, and thanks to my Supervisor, Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum, who has

spend his precious time on guidances and corrections during the process of completeness

my paper. I also would like to thank to my Reader, Drs. Siamir Marulafau, M.Hum, for

his time, patience, attention and suggestions. And I would like to thank to all my lectures

in English Program Study, Faculty of Letters. Thanks for the taught and guidance while I

am in this faculty.

To my beloved parent, my beloved mother Siti Aisyah, and my beloved father

Sahran, who has patiently given me their moral and financial support, advices, loves and

prayers during my live. To my sister especially, Hamsiah, S.Pd, thank for supports and

the advices that you give for me. To my friends at class A of the 2007 academic year

especially, Rina A.M, Julia S, Mahesa Z, Tri R, Sulis T, and Miranda who can not be

mentioned one by one, thank you for understanding me and thank for our beautiful

friendship while we are in this Faculty, I love you very much. Wherever you are, you


In writing this paper, I found many difficulties. Without any helps and support

from all parties, this paper would not be completed. I realize that this paper is not perfect.

Therefore, I welcome constructive critics and suggestions because I believe that it will

give more benefit in the future.

Medan, June 2010

The Writer,



Novel adalah sebuah karya sastra manusia, novel terbagi atas dua bagian, yaitu

fiksi (tidak nyata) dan non fiksi (nyata). Novel yang baik tidak hanya memberikan sebuah

hiburan, tetapi juga memberikan kesan dan pesan yang baik kepada pembacanya. New

Moon adalah sebuah novel best seller di New York. New Moon adalah sebuah novel fiksi

yang menarik, novel ini ditulis dengan sederhana oleh Stephenie Morgan Meyer seorang

novelis lulusan dari Brigham Young Universitas, Amerika Serikat. Novel ini terdiri dari

empat seri yaitu : New Moon, Twilight, Eclipse dan Breaking Dawn. Karakter di dalam

novel ini sangat kuat dan bagus, pantas ditiru oleh masyarakat. Karakternya mengajarkan

kebaikan dan memberikan inspirasi bagi pembaca yang membaca novel ini. Penulis

sangat tertarik dengan novel ini. Oleh karena itu, penulis membuat kertas karya yang






ABSTRACT ……….. ii



2.3. Settings ………..……… 10



Novel adalah sebuah karya sastra manusia, novel terbagi atas dua bagian, yaitu

fiksi (tidak nyata) dan non fiksi (nyata). Novel yang baik tidak hanya memberikan sebuah

hiburan, tetapi juga memberikan kesan dan pesan yang baik kepada pembacanya. New

Moon adalah sebuah novel best seller di New York. New Moon adalah sebuah novel fiksi

yang menarik, novel ini ditulis dengan sederhana oleh Stephenie Morgan Meyer seorang

novelis lulusan dari Brigham Young Universitas, Amerika Serikat. Novel ini terdiri dari

empat seri yaitu : New Moon, Twilight, Eclipse dan Breaking Dawn. Karakter di dalam

novel ini sangat kuat dan bagus, pantas ditiru oleh masyarakat. Karakternya mengajarkan

kebaikan dan memberikan inspirasi bagi pembaca yang membaca novel ini. Penulis

sangat tertarik dengan novel ini. Oleh karena itu, penulis membuat kertas karya yang




1.1 Background of Study

Literature is writing which expresses and communicates feelings and attitudes

toward life. There are some types of literature such as poem, prose, and drama. One of

the literatures I analyze is prose about novel. Novel consists of five elements. They are

theme, character, setting, plot and point of view. I choose to describe and to analyze

about the character in the novel.

Novel is one of human literature creations. Novels do not, however, present a

documentary picture of life. According to Kennedy (1991: 203) that novel is a

book-length story in prose, whose author try to create senses while we read, we experience

actual life. The novel is a picture of real life and manner of time when it was written.

Some of them are fiction (unreal) and some are nonfiction (real). In nonfiction novel, the

author’s presents actual people and events. In fiction novel, the readers can know more

about the character. By this description, the readers will know about characters are

categorized as a main characters and peripheral characters. Character is one part which

very important in a story. Character make the story become real and interesting. We can

understand about the way of story in a novel. Without character, the novel is nothing. The

readers can get meaning and many messages of life from the character in a story.

New Moon is one of the famous novels in the United States. It was written by


It consists of four series. They are New Moon, Twilight, Eclipse and Breaking down. The

novel is very interesting.

I choose this novel as my topic in this paper because I am very interested with the

story of New Moon. This story is not only made in novel, but also in a film. Many people

read this novel and watch the film. There are many messages that we get like a

friendship, spirit in life and love. It tells about the story of a woman trying to maintain

her love until whenever and anywhere. With love, she can spirit in life. Although their

lifes are different. One is human and the other is vampire. This novel has values of

fantasy, and romance. Each figure in the characters in the story has unique characters. In

this novel we can feel what the characters do.

1.2 Scope of Study

There are many aspects can be analyzed in novel, those are interesting to be

studied but I am more interested about characters; so, I limit the study only for main

characters and peripheral characters. In this novel, I describe about characters thought


1.3 Purpose of Study

There are two prime purposes of this paper:

 To understand what character is and division of characters

To analyze and to describe the characters in New Moon, and

To add knowledge of literature especially in part of character in novel.

1.4 Significance of Study

There are some types in literature such as prose, drama and poem. One of the

prose forms is novel. In writing this paper I describe the character in novel as my paper in

order to more comprehend and add knowledge about literature especially in the form of

novel. Therefore, I hope that my paper can useful and meaningful for those who are

interested in literature, especially to English Diploma students of University of Sumatera

Utara order to understand more about what character is.

1.5 Method of Study

In writing this paper, I read the novel several times and know about the full story.

After that, I am quoting the words about the character in the novel. To enrich my data, I

get some books which are relevant with my topic in the library and browse to add




A literature has some elements to support it, for example intrinsic elements. But

in this chapter, I just explain about the intrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements in a literature

consists of theme, characterization, plot, point of view and settings.

2.1 Theme

According to Stanton and Kenny in Nurgyantoro (1998:67), theme is the meaning

that implied in a story. In order to decide the theme in novel, the reader should have a

clear definition of theme itself. Theme is a general basic idea that supports literature, and

it is implied in the texts as semantics structure and connected with similarities and


In literary fiction, however, is usually much more subtle in revealing its theme,

the overall meaning the reader derives from the story. Theme is filtered from the motif

found in the literary works itself, which decide the presence of events, conflict, and

certain situation. Theme becomes a basic development of whole story, so it must

represent the whole part of story of the novel. The reader should conclude the whole story


2.2 Characterization

Another intrinsic element is characterization. Characterization is the description

of clean image about someone who appears in a story. In fiction, it is used terms such as

character and characterization. Absolutely the terms do not refer to the similar meaning,

and in this paper it will be used in the different meaning. Using the term “character” in

kinds of English literature aim to different meaning, namely as the characters are

presented in the story, and as attitude, interest, and moral principle of the characters

(Stanton, 1965:17 ) Between character and characterization has an intact unification.

Term of “characterization” has an intensive meaning because it includes a view

of character, how the characterization is, and how the placement and description are in a

story, so that it is able to give an explicit illustration to readers.

The characterization refers to realization technique and developing character in a

story. In fiction, realization technique is type. So, there are two aspects in

characterization namely: content and type. Absolutely, what and who the character is not

important as long as readers can identify the character (Jones, 1968:33), or readers can

understand and interpret them based on logical story and perception.

Abrams (1981:20), character is people who are presented in narrative work or

play interpreted by readers have a moral quality and certain disposition expressed by

words and action. From the quotation we know that between a character and personal

quality relate to readers’ acceptation. For the character’s personality is interpreted base

on words (verbal) and other behavior (non verbal). Differences among the first character


It has wide meaning that characters, because it is including the problem about the

person of story. Whereas characters just refers to person in the story. A character is the

people appear in a story of novel, and the readers interpret it as the person who has a

moral quality and certain tendency such as being expressed of what they do. Characters

occupy strategic position as the carrier and the teller of messages, moral or something to

the reader intentionally (Nurgyantoro, Burhan.1998: 165). In the novel, character usually

show with physical marking, situation of social, behavior, nature and habit. The people in

a play are referred to as characters. We asses them on basis what they say and do.

Description of characters also helps us to understand the author’s intent. In real life, we

are told from an early age not to judge people by external appearance, but in fiction the

opposite is more often the case physical description is invariably a sign of what hicks

beneath the surface. Given the brevity of most short stories, these physical details may be

minimal but revealing in their lack of particulars.

There are five kinds of character in fiction based on point of view and

observation, namely:

2.2.1 Main Character and Peripheral Character

By reading a novel, the readers usually face to several characters that appear in the

story. But each character has different rolled. Based on the role and level of importance

there is an essential character being appeared continuously. So, it seems to dominate the

story which called the main character. The main character is called the Hero or heroic.

The term ‘hero’ does not mean someone who is brave or noble but it means may be good


main character appears in most of the story, either as subject or object. In certain novel,

main characters always appear in almost each event and can be found in each page of

novel. The main character is a character that is given a priority story in novel. He is

presented and talked a lot as a figure of incident or given incident. Even in certain novels,

main character appears every event and is shown every page of novel. In other novels

main character is not appeared every event, but event is still linked of him. For the main

character is talked a lot and always relate to other characters. He establishes to develop

all plots. On the contrary, appearance of peripheral character in a story is less, not

significant, and will appear if there is a relation with the main character directly or not.

On the other hand, there are characters that appear once or something in the story, and

maybe relatively in short portion, which is called the peripheral character. The peripheral

character is called the villain. The peripheral character is the characters that supported the

main characters and held an important role to the story of a novel.

2.2.2 Protagonist and Antagonist

Based on the function of character’s appearance it is categorized into protagonist

character and antagonist character. Readers often identify themselves to certain

characters, give sympathy and empathy, and involve themselves emotionally to the

characters. Such the character is protagonist character (Altenbernd & Lewis, 1966:59).

Protagonist character is a character that is admired by readers, and well-known as

a hero. Protagonist character shows something appropriate with our view's expectation.

Then readers often know him because of having a similarity, and as if his problem is also


A fiction must contain conflicts, especially faced by protagonist character. The

conflicts are caused by Antagonist character. Antagonist character usually opposites to

protagonist character directly or not, physically or mind.

Conflict is not only caused by Antagonist character (some characters), but also

other things beyond individual activities, such as: disaster, accident, environment and

society, social rules, moral value, higher power and strength, etc. The cause of conflict

that is not done by a character called as Antagonist force (Altenbernd & Lewis, 1966:59).

Perhaps conflict is caused by himself, for example: a character will make an important

decision and take a consequence that caused conflict himself.

2.2.3 Simple Character and Complex Character

Based on characterization, it is divided into simple character and complex character (Foster, 1970:75). Simple character is a character that has only one personal

quality, and one characteristic. As a human character, he is not revealed all side of his

life. He does not have attitude and behavior that be able to startle reader. His attitude and

behavior is flat, only reflects one characteristic. Simple character’s characterization is

really simple, and formalized only one sentence or even phrase.

Simple character can do some actions; otherwise actions will be back to

formalized character. Thus, reader can understand easily simple character’s behavior.

Simple character is easily known and understood, more familiar, and stereotype (Kenny,


Complex character is a character has and is revealed all sides of his life. He has


behavior even opposite and difficult to guess. Therefore generally his characteristic is

difficult to describe. His life is similar to human’s real life, and often gives surprise to

reader (Abrams, 1981:20-1).

2.2.4 Static Character and Developing Character

Based on developing character or not in novel, it is divided into static character

and developing character. Static character is a character that has no change or

development of character as the result of events happen (Altenbernd & Lewis, 1966:58).

This character looks like less involving and not affects any change of environment for

having communication.

On the contrary, developing character is a character that has change and

development of character for developing and changing events and plot. He interacts in

environment actively, and everything will affect his attitude, character, and behavior.

Thus, developing character will get change in the beginning, middle, and ending story

according to demanding the coherence of comprehensive story.

2.2.5 Typical Character and Neutral Character

Based on the reflection of character to a group of human in real life, character is

divided into typical character and neutral character. Typical character is a character that is

presented only his individuality, and job quality or nationality (Altenbernd & Lewis,

1966:60). Typical character is a person or a group of people as a part of organization in


who interprets based on his/her perception for the character in the real world and his/her

understanding for the character in fiction world.

On the other hand, neutral character is a character exists for the story. He/she is

really imaginative character who just lives and exists in fiction world. He presents just for

the story, or even absolutely he is the owner of the story.

2.3 Setting

When the reader reads a novel, they actually are faced a world that had been

completed by the character and the events in the novel. But of course, those things are

less complete because the characters need living space, place and time, like human’s

living in the real world.

In other hand, novel not only needs characters, story and plot, but also setting.

Setting usually directs to the definition of place, connection of time and social

environment where the event happens. Setting gives the basic of story correctly and clear.

The setting is important to give realistic impression to the readers, created a certain

situation at a glanced is really happened. So, the readers feel easier to create their

imagination and participation to criticize the story.

2.3.1 Setting of place

Setting of place directs to the location where the event happened in a story. The

use of setting which certain name should reflect the geographical condition of place. Each


of the place is important to give impression to the readers, because they will consider that

the events are really happened in the place of the story.

Setting of place in a novel usually consists of several locations and it will move

from one place to another place because there’s a development of plot and characters.

Setting of place is decided by the accuracy of description, function, and the unity with

another setting’s elements.

2.3.2 Setting of Time.

Setting of time is related to the problem of when the event happens in a story. The

problem of when is usually connected with factual time, that has connection with

Historical events. The readers try to understand and enjoy the story based on the period.

2.3.3 Setting of Society

Social setting directs to the problem which are related to the behavior of social

life in certain place and certain time in a novel. Social setting has connection with the

system of social life that contains many problems in complex scope; it can be habits,


2.4 Plot

Plot is important element of fiction or literary work; even most of the readers

consider it as the important element among the other element of a novel, such as

characterization, theme, point and point of view.

Stanton stated that plot is the story that consists of events order, but each event is

connected by causality. (Nurgyantoro, Burhan.1998: 127) one event is caused or caused

the others. Meanwhile, Kenny stated that plot is the events shown in a story, which are

arranged according to causality. The existence of the plot depends on three essential

elements; event, conflict, and climax. Event can be meant by a change of one situation to

the other. Conflict is a dramatic thing, directed to competition between two balanced

powers and show action – reaction. Event and conflict usually have a close relation. They

can cause each other, actually conflict is event. There are certain events that can be

happened as the result of conflict happened.According to Stanton, climax happens when

the conflict had reached level of the highest intensity, and it can be avoided. It means that

climax must be happened because it is the meeting point between two or more situations,

which are contrary and it decide how the problem will be solved. ( Nurgyantoro,


Plot of the story contains the element of time order; either it is given explicitly or

implicitly. Therefore there are earlier event, next event and the last event of the story.

However, plot in a novel seldom serves events order chronologically and harmoniously,

but it can be started and ended by any event. So, that the first step can be in the beginning


According to Tasrif, there are five steps in a plot. The first, the introduction step is

the opening of the story, giving earlier information, which is useful for the base of the

base of the next step. Second, the step of generating circumstances begins when the

conflict happened at the first time and it will develop or being developed its intensity.

Third, the step of rising action is conflict that happened in previous step will become

more developing and become developed intensity. The external and internal conflicts,

contras among the interest, problem, and characters which tend to climax, cannot be

avoided anymore. Forth, step of climax when conflict and contras that happened to the

characters reached culminating point. The main characters as subject and object of

conflict will realize the climax. A long fiction maybe has more than one climax. The last

step is the denouement, it is the step which conflict and contras reached climax, which

has being solved and made clear. (Nurgyantoro, Burhan.1998 : 149).

2.5 Point of View

Point of view is one of the elements in a novel which classified as literary device

by Stanton. However it does not mean that the role of viewpoint will influence the story.

The form of point of view will influence the reader’s reaction about the fiction in many

things as well, point of view directs to the way of telling the story in a novel. It is the way

or perception which is used by the author as a device to appear character, action and

many kinds of event, which form the story in a fiction to the reader. So, point of view

truthfully is the strategy, or technique that is chosen by the author intentionally to tell his


Point of view is the technique that is used by the author to find and tell the

meaning of his artistic works to the readers. The authors expect that the reader can accept

his technique. Point of view has psychological connection to the readers. The readers

need clear perception about the viewpoint. The readers understanding of a novel will be

influence by a clear point of view. Point of view is not only considered as the way of

dramatic, but also considered as serving thematic definition. Because a novel offers

values, attitude, and live perception through point of view.




3.1 The Main Characters

3.1.1 Bella

Bella is the main character in New Moon. She is a perpetually clumsy “danger

magnet” with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is often portrayed as having low

self-esteem and an immunity to supernatural abilities involves the mind. She moves from

Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington. After moving to Forks,

she attracts so much attention at her new school and befriended quickly by several

students. Much to her dismay, several boys compete for shy her attention. She also likes

to drive her truck. She finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome

vampire boy, Edward Cullen. Over time she falls in love. She does love Edward as

quoted bellow:

Aku menyandarkan kepalaku di bahunya dan mengembuskan napas bahagia. “Well, aku sedang berpikir-pikir, karena sekarang masih hari ulang tahunku, aku ingin kau menciumku lagi”.


When she is celebrating her birthday, she gets also a surprise from Edward’s family. She

is very happy. At one time, she is falling into a deep depression when Edward leaves him

to Forks as quoted below:

Cinta, hidup, makna… berakhir.

Aku berjalan dan berjalan. Waktu tak ada artinya lagi bagiku sementara aku berjalan pelan menembus semak belukar. Berjam-jam telah berlalu, tapi rasanya baru beberapa detik. Mungkin waktu terasa membeku… (New Moon, 2009.90)

After he goes, she becomes sad and looks hopelessly. But, a few moment later her old

friend, Jacob can fills days of her with a happy and colorful. Infactly, Jacob is falling in

love with her. She regards Jacob just as a friend, not as lover as she loves Edward. She is

very difficult to forget Edward’s loves. Not only Jacob who loves to him, but also Mike

loves to her since he knows her in their school. However, she can’t forget Edward. Her

Days always content by shadow of Edward as quoted below:

Namanya menembus semua dinding yang ku bangun untuk menahannya. “Edward, Edward, Edward…. Aku akan mati… Edward, Aku Cinta Padamu”.


On the way life, she tries to look for the existences of Edward family. So that, other

vampire like Laurent and Victoria try to kill her because the effect revenge death of their

brother, Jasper. Then Edward protects and returns to meet her. Finally they marry and

have a child.

3.1.2 Edward

Edward is a handsome vampire who lives with a coven of like-minded vampires

that known as the Cullen family, who feeds on animals rather than humans. He is a

vegetarian vampire who drinks animal’s blood, non-human. He has an ability as other

vampire whose strength, speed, hence concerned by the sun shine directly the body of

glistening, then at that time his eyes can changes become another color from red eyes

becomes golden. Besides that, he also has a talent to be able to read people’s mind. But

he cannot read mind of Bella. Initially, he tries to avoid Bella because he always feels

tempted when he is breathing blood of Bella. However, he can overcome the problem and

later then he even also falling in love to Bella.

Along the run of time, he and his family leave Forks because he believes that they

earn endangered Bella. He gives reason that he does not love Bella anymore and he

expects Bella can forget him as quoted below:

“Bella, sudah saatnya kami akan pergi… Aku tidak baik untukmu, Bella. Aku lelah menjadi sesuatu yang bukan diriku… Aku bukan manusia. Jaga dirimu baik-baik”.


A few moment later, he knows the situation that Bella threatened by another vampire, he

comes to protects Bella and success to kills captive of the gluttonousness vampire will

bloody that human being assisted by Jacob. He promises that he will not leave Bella

anymore. He can’t life without her.

3.1.3 Jacob

Jacob is the best friend of Bella since she was young. He was born 1990. He has

brown skin, wavy long hair, brown black eyes and high body. His smile looks sweet. He

comes from tribe of Quileute as well as shape-shifter is the people which capable to

change himself become animal like wolf. So, he is called a werewolf. He also capable in

automotive machine and he able to makes cart race special assembly. He lives in La Push

with his father, Billy. His house is very simple as quoted below:

Rumah keluarga Black samar-samar masih familier, rumah kayu kecil dengan jendela-jendela sempit dan cat merah kusam yang membuatnya mirip lumbung kecil…..

(New Moon, 2009.145)

He resurfaces with a much larger role as Bella's best friend as she struggles through her

depression over losing Edward. He tries to heal Bella broken heart was left by Edward.

He makes Bella laugh and knew something about himself without saying. He always


“Kapan kau perlu ku temani aku akan selalu siap…” seakan berkata-kata tapi mulutnya seakan tak mampu untuk mengungkapnya pada Bella……

(New Moon, 2009.175)

He is a member of the Quileute tribe. The Quileute tribe hates inhalator blood. He orders

Bella to avoid Edward because he worries Bella also will become his victim as quoted


“Quileute sejak zaman nenek moyang sudah sangat membenci vampire karena mereka tidak memiliki jiwa kemanusiaan… Apapun yang ada di depan mereka asalkan itu beraroma darah pasti langsung diterkam. Sama seperti halnya anjing yang baru melihat tulang”. (New Moon, 2009.121)

He falls in love with Bella. He tries to grab Bella from Edward. But finally he thinks that


3.2 The Peripheral Characters

3.2.1 Charlie

Charlie is a head police office at Forks. He is Bella’s father. He has brown curly

hair. His wife, Renee, leaves him and married again with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a

minor league baseball player since Bella was a child. He has a hobby to watchs game

football on TV every night as quoted below:

Pertandingan masih berlangsung; begitu berjalan memasuki pintu depan, langsung bisa mendengar suara komentator meningkahi sorak-sorai penonton di televisi termasuk Charlie yang sedang asik-asiknya melihat itu. Charlie tidur-tiduran di sofa dengan kaki ditumpangkan di lengan sofa…

(New Moon, 2009.61)

He does love his child though he is a single parent. He loves his child as he loves himself.

When something matter is happened to his child for he becomes worry as quoted below:

“Bella, kau baik-baik saja?. Aku disini, Sayang” suara yang berat dan penuh kekhawatiran pada setiap orang anak yang dicintai….


Besides as a police in metropolises, he also often gets call in case accident of

traffic. Most of children often motorcycle race at long public road. Hence he does not like

if his child riding motorbike as quoted below:

Jangan pernah mengakhiri hidupmu di atas sepeda motor karena itu sangat tragis bagi dirimu….

Ceroboh dan tolol jika kau melakukannya…. (New Moon, 2009.141)

He is a very responsible for his obligation and duty as a father for his child.

3.2.2 Carlisle

He is Esme’s husband and also foster father of Edward. He is 23 years old. He has

blond hair and gallant body. He is about 187 heights. His father is a pastor of a church at

Anglican, England. His father is a hunter of all kinds of creature like enchanter, werewolf

and vampire. After his father becomes old, then he changes the position of his father. A

night, he attacks vampire and he is dead in the street. He transforms his body becomes


He thinks that the man changes unto vampire, so that they will get a struggle. He

has a science concerning medical. He becomes famous and super doctor at Forks. Not

like other vampire, he doesnot be tempted by human being blood after he practicing until


group of deer. He realizes that he can eat animal blood without must attack man. From

that, he begins practice to be a man blood of himself and becomes a doctor. He is a doctor

of vampire who works at Intensive Care Unit of hospital. He looks very expert to take

care of people. Bella is one of a person who is helped by him in the hospital when Bella

is attacked by Jasper as quoted below:

“Aku paling senang kalau… kemampuanku ini bisa membantu menyelamatkan orang yang kalau tidak ku tolong pasti akan meninggal. Senang rasanya mengetahui bahwa, karena kemampuanku, kehidupan orang lain bisa jauh lebih baik karena aku ada. Bahkan indra penciumanku terkadang bisa menjadi perangkat diagnosis yang berguna.”

(New Moon, 2009.48)

Finally, he and his wife with family of Edward go to Volterra, Italy. It is the endless

residence of family good vampire.

3.2.3 Mike

He has a small body, white skin, oval face and curly hair. He is Bella’s friend in the

school. He often pays attention Bella when Bella sorrowing or going together with


Yang lain sibuk dengan obrolannya masing-masing. Sementara aku selalu memperhatikan apa yang dikatakannya. Aku sangat suka dengan kecantikan wajahnya….Bahkan saat pergi nonoton dengan Jacob, aku juga tak ingin kalah dengannya, aku berusaha untuk mendekati Bella…

(New moon, 2009. 55)

He is a very disgusted with a blood. He vomits when see it. Even he goes to watch action

film at the movie. At that time, he watches action of someone who kills and blood spurt

exit, then he vomits and immediately go exit.

3.2.4 Billy Black

He is a Jacob’s father. He lives with Jacob at the La Push. He is Charlie’s old

friend. He is a defect. He gets an accident and makes his feet get broken since he is still

teenager. Finally he has to use a wheel chair to help him to moves as quoted below:

Aku sedang berada di ruang tamu sedang memegang buku. Ku letakkan buku itu dipangkuanku dan menggelindingkan kursi roda kedepan begitu melihat Bella yang datang. “Well, kejutan besar! Senag bertemu denganmu, Bella.”

“Apa yang membawamu kesini? Charlie baik-baik saja, kan?


He still looks spirit though his ages have been old. If he meets his old friends such

as Charlie, Harry Clearwater, Sue and another looks so happy. Do not look a few sorrows

though he lives defect and very simple with an only child of him as quoted below:

Dengan penuh semangat mendorong kursi rodanya, ia nampak senang menyambut kedatangan kami… Senyumnya penuh kebahagiaan… Ia mengajak kami makan bersama didalam rumahnya yang sempit sampai-sampai kami semua tak tertampung dalam rumahnya.

“Ayolah cicipi resep spageti super rahasiaku. Diwariskan turun-temurun ke beberapa generasi,” katanya denga suara serak.

(New Moon, 2009.164)

He is a humorist. And he also likes to advise his child for kindness.




4.1 Conclusion

There are ten characters in New Moon:

1. Bella, is a perpetually clumsy “danger magnet” in her school to man, the main


2. Edward, is a vampire who drinks animal blood rather than human, the main


3. Charlie, is a head police office at Swan, Bella’s father, the peripheral character.

4. Carlisle, is a doctor of vampire which almost forget to the human blood, works

at unit Intensive Care hospital, the peripheral character.

5. Mike, Bella’s friend in the school which also loves Bella, the peripheral


6. Jacob, is a best friend of Bella in her childhood, shape-sifter, the main character.

7. Billy Black, Jacob’s father, the peripheral character.

After analyzing the New Moon novel, I take some conclusions as

follow :

a. Character is a fiction or nonfiction person who takes important role in literary

embodiment. It may be a man or a woman that brings a story from the

beginning up to the end. It is also stirred by the authors to present the ideas for


b. The presence of character is essential in literary works. Without it, perhaps it

would not be a novel. As an important ingredient character maybe divided into

main character and peripheral character are depending on how much role is

given to the work.

c. The main character is the character that is given a priority story in a novel. It

appears in most of the story and establishes to develop all plots.

d. The peripheral character is the character that supported the main character. It

appears in a story is less and not significant.

e. In New Moon, there are three main characters, Bella, Edward and Jacob. And

four peripheral characters, Charlie, Carlisle, Mike and Billy. They have a


4.2 Suggestion.

I suggest that this novel is good for the readers who are interested in the

appreciation of novel as a part of literature field. Stephanie Meyer’s novel “New Moon”

struggle for her life. It is good for the readers to take moral message from the story.

It is also suggested that the readers should follow some good sides and avoid bad

sides of character. Such as we must appreciate and respect people around us, and never

discriminate for race and nation. In our life, we must be wise and patient to make a good

decision to solve a problem. Furthermore, I want to say that this novel is meaningful for

those who are interested in literature.

Finally, I hope that this paper writing will be a precious contribution

academically. So, this maybe a strong point for my friends as a student of English



Meyer, Stephenie. 2009. New Moon. Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada

University Press.

Peck, John and Martin Coyle. 1984. Literary Term and Criticism. London : Macmillan

Education Ltd.

Gwynn, R.S. 2002. Fiction A Pocket Anthology. New York : Longman.

Sanger, Keith. 1993. The Language of Fiction. New York : Routledge.

Echols, John.M and HasanSadily. 1998. Kamus Indonesia-Inggris. Jakarta : Gramedia

Pustaka Utama.

Hamalian dan Carl. 1967. The Shape of Fiction. United States Of America : Mc

Graw-Hill Book Company.

Kenedy, X.J. 1991. Literature an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. London :

Harper Collins Publisher.

Nurgyantoro, Burhan. 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada

University Press.

Peck, John. 1983. How to Study a Novel. Great Britain : The Camelot Press Ltd.

Rees, R, J. 1973. English Literature an Introduction for foreign readers. Hong Kong :

The Macmillan Press Ltd.



Comment for NEW MOON Novel

"Propelled by suspense and romance in equal parts [this story] will keep readers madly

flipping the pages of Meyer's tantalizing debut."

Publishers Weekly

"Stephenie's fans are rabid, Stephenie has tapped into something very deep in her readers,

and they respond on an emotional level."

Megan Tingley, Editor at Little, Brown and Company

"From the first chapter, Meyer grabbed my attention and kept me enthralled throughout

the entire book. The characters contrast so greatly, I found myself wondering how she

pieced them so seamlessly."

US President Barack Obama

“New Moon is a literary phenomenon".

The New York Times

"The world's most popular vampire novelist since Anne Rice”.


"Perfectly the teenage feeling of sexual tension and alienation".

The Times Magazines

"New Moon is deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful".


“The novel’s danger-factor skyrockets as the excitement of secret love and hushed

affection morphs into a terrifying race to stay alive. Realistic, subtle, succinct, and easy to

follow, New Moon will have readers dying to sink their teeth into it".

Hillias J. martin of School Library Journal

"New Moon is a gripping blend of romance and horror".

Norah Piehl of Teen Reads

"There are some flaws here–a plot that could have been tightened, an over reliance on

adjectives and adverbs to bolster dialogue–but this dark romance seeps into the soul."


"High school drama with a bloody twist ... no secret, of course, at whom this book is

aimed, and no doubt, either, that it has hit its mark”.

Christoper Middleton of the Daily Telegraph


"New Moon, the book in Stephenie Meyer's series, gripped me so fiercely that I called the

nearest teenager I know and begged for her copy after I misplaced my own."

Jennifer Hawes of The Post and Courier


Stephenie Meyer was born in Hartford, Connecticut, United States on 24th

December 1973. Whole name is Stephenie Morgan Meyer. She graduated from Brigham

Young University with a bachelor’s degree in English. She lives with her husband and

three young sons in Phoenix, Arizona. After the publication of her first novel, Twilight

and then followed by New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Down, there are booksellers

chose Stephenie Meyer as one of the “most promising new authors of 2005” (Publishers

Weekly). It debuted at 1 at box office with $70 million, making the highest grossing

opening weekend for a female director like Stephenie Meyer. Now she becomes a


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