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2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Novel - The Description of Telekinesis in Stephen Kings 's Novel Carrie


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2.1 Novel

The word “novel” comes from the Italian, Novella. Novel is a long

narrative prose that describe fictional characters and events in the form of a

sequential story. A novel is a literary work has been appreciated by many people

because it aims to entertains and teaches. The genre has historical roots both in the

fields of the medieval and early modern romance and in the tradition of the novel.

The latter, an Italian word used to describe short stories, supplied the present

generic English term in the 18th century. The first significant European novelist is

Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, the first part of which was published

in 1605.

Shaw (1972:189) says, “A novel is lengthy fictitious narrative prose

portraying character and presenting an organized series of events and settings.” It

means that long or short of a work is often used as a distinguishing feature

between short stories and novels. Short stories usually range between 1,500 to

15,000 words, while novel about 70,000 sometimes 40,0000 words. Characters

and action representative of the real life of past or present times. Novel and short

story tell all events or problems that occur in human life.

Every novel has five elements: Characters - The people (or sometimes

animals) the story is about. Theme - The writer of the story is trying to teach the

reader and provide the message. Plot - What happens in the story. Setting - When

and where the story takes place. And the last, Point of view - Who is telling the


the story. Third person point of view uses an unnamed narrator who knows what

all (or most) of the story's characters are thinking.

2.2 Character

A character or fictional characters is a person in narrative work of arts,

such as a novel, drama, television series, or film. In literature, characters guide

readers through their stories, helping them to understand plots and theme. The

types of characters in the novel is flat characters and round characters. A character

has strategic position to delivers the message, moral, or something that would be

given to the reader.

Abrams (1981:20) says, “Character is the person who is performed in a

narrative prose or drama, and it is interpreted by the reader which has quality of

moral and the certain tendency such as expression in conversation and what he

has done in action.” It means that a character with the personal quality is related to

the reader to get the message and the reader interprets the character by seeing his

action and conversation.

Furqonul (1987:51) says that the characters in a good novel are interesting,

intriguing, consistent, convincing, complex and realistic. If the author has created

a particularly vivid or individualistic characters, then we, as readers, will find that

character interesting regardless of whether or not we symphatize with him or her.

It means that characters is one part which very important in a story. Character

make the story become real and interesting.

Round Characters is a major character in a fiction of work who encounters


and described than flat, or static, characters. If you think of the characters you

most love in fiction, they probably seem as real to you as people you know in real

life. This is a good sign that they are round characters. A writer employs a number

of tools or elements to develop a character, making him or her round, including

description and dialogue. A character's responses to conflict and his or her internal

dialogue are also revelatory.

Flat Characters is a minor character in a fiction of work who does not

undergo substantial change or growth in the course of a story. Also referred to as

"two-dimensional characters" or "static characters," flat characters play a

supporting role to the main character, who as a rule should be round. To the

degree that the stock characters have many common traits, they are representative

of their class, or group. Such characters, with variations in names, ages, and sexes,

have been constant in literature since the ancient Greeks. Some regular stock

characters are insensitive father, the interfering mother, the sassy younger brother

or sister, the greedy politican, the resourceful cowboy or detective, the

overbearing or henpecked husband, the submissive or nagging wife, and the angry

police captain. Stock characters stay flat as long as they merely perform their roles

and exhibit conventional and un individual traits. When they posses no attitudes

except those of their class, they are labeled stereotype, because they all seem to be

cast from the same mold or printing matrix.

Main Characters are actors which appear the most in the story and always


plot. Main characters are the important part in the novel because the y have role to

run the story, main characters in a novel could be more than one in the different

major quality.

Peripheral characters are the actors who have part in supporting the story.

The presence of the peripheral characters in whole story are limited and they are

usually only related to the main characters.

2.3 Theme

Yelland (1983:189) says that the central thought in a literary work. In a

novel, theme is the central idea developed in the plot. Theme is one of the

fundamental components of fiction. Theme is a broad idea, message or moral of a

story. The message may be about life, society or human nature. Theme often

explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost implied rather than stated


In contemporary literary studies, a theme is the central topic a text treats.

Themes can be divided into two categories : a work’s thematic concept is what

readers “think the work is about” and its thematic statements being “what the

work says about the subject”.

An imaginative work, a theme can be expressed in various ways, such as

through character dialogue, through conflict, or through indirect comments.

Therefore, a good theme is a theme that is not expressed directly and clearly. You

extract it from the characters, action, and setting that make up the story. In other


Shaw (1972:237) says that theme is the central and dominating idea in a

literary work. The theme is the main idea or topic of the story. Sometimes, an

author writes a story that is based on a particular theme. Other times, the theme

appear before the author writes the story. The theme of the story doesn’t need to

convey a moral point. It only needs to convey the author’s views on a particular


Peck and Coyle (1984:141) say, “theme of work is the large of idea or

concept it is dealing with. in order to grasp the theme of work, we have to stand

back from the text and see what sort of general experience or subject links all its

details together.” It means that theme is a large idea, to be able to understand a

theme, we must to see from the text or the general experience of the author.

Scharbach (1965) says, “Theme represents all of the many things the

author has to say about the various aspect of life that he shows his reader, and

statements of theme can be arrived at only through the inductive prose.” It means

that every novelist can convey various aspects of life to his readers. Theme

sometimes considers a message.

2.4 Plot

Plot is one of the most important elements in shaping a work of fiction.

Plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main

part of a story. The plot is known as the foundation of a novel or story which the

character and setting are built around. Plot as a media for understanding the life of


Arrowsmith (1963:13) says that plot structure includes three parts :

a) Exposition (setting forth of the begining)

b) Conflict (a complication that moves to climax)

c) Denouement (Literally, the outcome of the conflict, the resolution).

It means that plot elements are just based on exposition of the begining of the

events, the development of events that led to the conflict which climax, and the

denouement of the conflict.

Stanton (1965:14) says that plot is a story that consist of the sequence of

events, but each events just related by casual sequence, and an event is caused or

can caused the other events happened. it means that the plot is the arrangement of

the events in a story into a casual sequence.

Hartoko (1985:48) says that there are two types of plot. They are:

a) Flashback plot (mixed plot)

This technique is used by the author to display events in the past.

b) Flash-forward plot (progressive plot)

This technique is easier to understand by the reader because the author

tells the story chronologically.

2.5 Setting

Setting is the time, place, and social reality within which a story takes

place. We have no understand where we are , in which period of time, in which

society and at which level in that society if we are no to interpret correctly the


characters, and plot, because all of them is an integral part. Setting should be able

to form a specific theme and plot.

Fananie (2001:98) says, “The successful setting must be integrated with

the theme, character, style, implication or the related of its philosophical.” It

means that setting must be able to form the certain theme and plot with the place,

time, area, and certain people with specific characteristic.

Novel not only needs characters, theme and plot, but also setting. Setting

usually directs to the definition of place, connection of time and social

environment where the event happens. Setting gives the basic of story correctly

and clear. The setting is important to give realistic impression to the readers,

created a certain situation at a glanced is really happened. So, the readers feel

easier to create their imagination and participation to criticize the story

Nurgiyantoro (2004:227-223) says that setting can be divided into three

main element, they are : setting of place, setting of time, and setting of social.

Setting of place ; time and social condition that becomes place for figures do and

affected an event. Setting will influence the action and way of thought of figures.

Setting of time means when the time of story happen. The problem of when

usually connects with factual time for example day, month, year, weather, or

historical period. Setting of society is very close to the behavior of social life in a

certain place and certain time in novel. Social setting has connection with the

system of social life that contains many problems in complex scope. It can be


2.6 Point of View

  Point of view is the angle of considering things which shows us the

opinion or feelings of the individuals involved in a situation. In literature, point of

view is the mode of narration that an author employs to let the readers “hear” and

“see” what takes place in a story, poem, essay etc. Point of view is a reflection of

the opinion an individual from real life or fiction can have. The point of view

discusses about who is telling story, or from which position the events are

perceived. In general, point of view is differentiated into two kinds : first person

point of view and third person point of view.

In the first person point of view , the story is told by a character within the

story, a character using the first person pronoun, I. In the narrator is a secondary

character, the point of view is first person observer. In the third point of view , the

story is not told by a character but by "invisible author" using the third person

pronoun (he, she, or it) to tell the story. If the third person narrator gives us the

thoughts of characters (he wondered where he'd lost his baseball glove), then he is

a third person omniscient ( all knowing) narrator. In the third person narrator only

gives us information which could be recorded, then he is a third person dramatic


There are four basic of point of views : a) The first of point of view is the

writer must whether the “I” is to be major or minor character, protagonist or

observer, or someone merely repeating a narrative he has heard at second hand. b)

The omniscient point of view,In which the author himself tells the story in the


bring into plays as much of that knowledge as he choosen. c) Observer’s point of

view, in modification of omniscient point of view, there is the narrative related

from the vision of the single character used by the author as a central observer or

central intelligence through whom anything cleared. d) The objective point of

view, though it is the third person narrative, like the omniscient point of view, the

author using this technique refrains from making a sides, commenting on the

action, or addressing the reader. The author becomes a seeing eye that reports but

does not interpret.

2.7 Telekinesis

Smith (2010:246) says, “Psychokinesis is the direct influence of thought

on physical objects or processes (moving things, bending spoons).” It means that

Telekinesis or psychokinesis Telekinesis is the psychic ability to directly

influence objects using mind. Telekinesis or psychokinesis is a hereditary trait,

produced by a gene that is usually recessive. Telekinesis or psychokinesis is not

only the ability of person since born, but telekinesis can be learned by ordinary

human beings with complicated sufficient concentration exercise. Some people

argue that the telekinesis ability is natural, therefore its very likely to learned by

practice of concentration of mind. To use telekinesis needs a long time to be able

to use it and will spend a lot of energy in the body, because all the energy in the

body centered to the brain.

There are two levels of it: Micro and Macro Telekinesis. Micro


Influencing matter on a visible scale. Macro Telekinesis is what most people

views as telekinesis. And few knows the difference between Micro and Macro.

Telekinesis is the power to move objects with our mind. As we get

stronger and better at it, we might be able to move heavier things. Telekinesis

takes great focus and it would help to meditate and practice frequently though it is

not required. A theory on Telekinesis is that energy flows where our attention

goes and our attention goes where our focus goes. one fact is, we all are made of

the same energy, so we must simply connect with whatever we are. trying to

move. Another is the Chaos Theory. No matter how small our focus is, it does

affect the thing somehow, and greater focus equals to greater effect. Concept of

telekinesis or psychokinesis is the argument that all objects have energy. That is

why we can move things by connecting our mental energy with the energy of the


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