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The Intrinsic Analysis in C. S. Lewis’s Novel Prince Caspian (Book 2 In The Chronicles Of Narnia)


Academic year: 2016

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Title of Paper : The Intrinsic Analysis in C. S. Lewis Novel Prince Caspian

(Book 2 In

The Chronicles of Narnia)

Qualification : D-III/ Ahli Madya

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Novel merupakan salah satu hasil karya sastra manusia yang tidak hanya berisi cerita yang menarik, tetapi juga mengandung pesan moral bagi pembacanya. Kertas karya yang berjudul





For words.

First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the God for blessing and giving me

health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get

Diploma III certificate from English Department Faculty of Letters, University of

North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love and appreciation to:

• My beloved prents, Drs. Pilemon Bukit, MTh and Ir. Meiyesti

Situmorang, MKes. Thank you for all your motivations, advices, prays, and loves for me. I present this paper for you.

Dr. Matius C. A. Sembiring, M.A. as the Head of English Diploma Study

Program, who gives me a lot of knowledge.

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M. Hum. as my supervisor. Thank you for the

valuable time in giving the correction and constructive critics in completing

this paper.

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. as the Dean of Faculty of Letters, University of

North Sumatera.

All lectures in English Diploma Study Program for giving me advices and



• My Entire friends in Solidas (Student Of English Diploma Association).

Thank you for the nice friendship during us together.

• My best friend: Stefanus, Horas, Basten, Habib, and Wahyu. Thank you for

the nice friendship during our study. I will never forget your kindness to me

and I will be missing the days we spent together.

Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I

welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper. I hope this

paper will be a worthwhile for the readers.

Medan, April 2014

The writer,

Reg. No. 102202038





ABSTRAK ... ii

3.3.2. Peripheral Character ... 25

3.4. The Setting ... 26

3.4.1. Setting of Place ... 26

3.4.2. Setting of Time ... 27

3.5. Point of View ... 27


4.1. Conclusion ... 28





Novel merupakan salah satu hasil karya sastra manusia yang tidak hanya berisi cerita yang menarik, tetapi juga mengandung pesan moral bagi pembacanya. Kertas karya yang berjudul







1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is creative expression of human imagination or wishes that it is

almost impossible to create an exact definition of it. Wellek & Warren (1971:3) state

that literature is the mirror of human life that portrays ‘human feeling, thought,

imagination and perception which can be viewed based on personal judgment.

Literature can be divided into three genres, such as prose fiction, poetry and

drama. In the sense of literary, prose also called fiction, narrative text, or narrative

discourse. Fiction is a narrative work that tells something that is imaginary,

something that does not exist and happen in the real world. As a work of imaginary,

fiction directs various problems of man and humanity, life and living. Fiction tells

the various problems of human life in the interactions with the environment and

others. Fiction is the result of dialogue, contemplation, and reactions to the

environment and the life of the author.

Novel is fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a


nearly always an extended fictional prose narrative, although some novel are very

short, some are non fictional, some have been written in verse and some not even tell

a story, novel is fictitious kind of writing.

Novel is a world specially made in words by an author. A novel exists in the

way it does because an author has chosen to put it together in that particularly way.

This means that novels are not real life. Like all works of art poems, plays, pots or

pieces of music – they have been constructed or crafted. (Gill, 1985:77).

There are two important elements in fiction, intrinsic and extrinsic elements.

Extrinsic elements include: religion, education, custom, etc. while intrinsic elements

include: theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view.

Prince Caspian Novel has written by C. S. Lewis as a part of his seventh book of The Cronicles of Narnia. This novel is a book 2 which content “The return to

Narnia” after the ‘main character’ in book 1 (The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe)

adventured, preyed by White Witch. And then Aslan, the noble lion, free Prince

Caspian and Narnia from the spell of her (the White Witch).

1.2 Scope of Study

Analyzing literature especially novel is not easy. The scope or limitation of

this analysis is to analyze only five intrinsic elements in C.S. Lewis novel Prince of

Caspian. There are theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view. It is important to


1.3 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study to analyze the intrinsic elements in Prince of

Caspian novel, so that the writer can understand how the elements of literature works

include theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view made. So the story ideas,

conflict in the story, the characters in the story, the setting of place and setting of

time, until the point of view that created by the author can be analyzed carefully. The

writer hopes this analysis could help the readers who want to know more about the

messages in the novel.

1.4 Significance of Study

The significance of this paper is to enrich literary study especially in

literature of novel. The writer hope this analysis could become references for further

study of literary works whatever forms they will be.

1.5 Method of Research

Method of research conducted in this paper is the step by step method. The

first step is reading the main source data until finish; it is Prince of Caspian novel.

After reading to the end, the writer select the text, interpret it, and then analyze the

texts in order to decide which ones of the text are relevant to the elements of literature

contained in the novel so that it can be conclude to this paper. The writer also

searches some data from books and internet that related with elements of literature as



2.1 Definition of Novel

Novel is the name of a literary kind and there is a story to tell about how, over

the centuries, its substance has widened and its conventions changed. Henry James

(Watson,1978: xi) in an excited moment, called the novel ‘independent, elastic

prodigious, and its story is as untidy as some of its masterpieces. If Aristotle had ever

read any novels, he would have needed a far wider canvas than he allowed to tragedy

in that surviving fragment of analysis known as the poetics.

Novella literally means 'a small new item' and then interpreted as 'a short

story in the form of prose' (Abrams,1981: 119). Novels and short stories are two

forms of literature that once called fiction. Differences between the novel and short

stories are a formality in terms of shape, in terms of story length. A long story, let's

say hundreds of pages, clearly can not be called as a short story, but more

appropriately called a novel. Because of its length, the novel can not inherit the solid

unity that belongs to the short story. The novel is also not able to make the subject

stand out like a microcosmic principle of short stories. Instead the novel is able to

present the development of one character, a complicated social situation,

relationships that involve many or few characters, and a variety of complicated events

occurring in greater detail. The novel is able to create a complete universe at once


compared with the short story. It is said more easily because the novel is not

burdened with the responsibility to deliver something quickly or with solid form and

said to be more difficult because the novel was written in large scale units that

contain a larger organization rather than short stories.

The novel is educating us because novels can inform on some surprising

subjects. Like other kinds of story, a novel is a way of learning about how things

were cognitive instrument and those who distrust stories as evidence should consider

how often in conversation we use them to make points or answer questions. For one

thing, a novel is too untidy an object, often, to be seen as regulated in its entirety and

the patterns offered can be impoverishing the figure in the carpet is not itself the

carpet, or anything like it. A novel is a fund of knowledge as well as a literary form

and any pure and exclusive formalism whether structuralize or other, flies in the face

of much of the ordinary experience of reading fiction.

Novel can freely express something, to present something more, more

detailed, more detail and more involving many complex problems. This includes

various the story elements that build the novel. (Nurgiyantoro, trans.2005:11).

Novels, however are fictional, that is to say, they have been made up. A

character in a novel can’t be compared to a real person from whom he or she has been

copied, because, for example, there is no Prince Caspian in real life. He, or any other


Novel is one of many possible prose narrative forms. Richard Gill in his book

(1985:78) state that; in the writing, there is a recognition that a novel is something

specially made by an author so that a reader will respond to it in a particular way. The

good candidate has recognized three things about a novel: the events of the novel, the

author who has created them, and the reader for whom the novel is written. In any

good writing about a novel, these three things should be mentioned. They are,

however not separable. For instance, the events of a novel are only there because the

author has put them there, and they are only recognized as events when read by a


The author, of course is the most important element; the events of the novel

and the reactions of the reader depend upon what he or she chooses to do. Because

without an author there could be no book at all, but there is also a much more

important reason: a novel is a world specially made in words by an author.

2.2 The Instrinsic Elements of Novel

Element of literature denote the things that are used to make up a work

literature. There are different types and forms of literature. They are novel, drama,

poetry, biography, non-fictional prose, essay, epic and short story. All these types of

literature have some elements. To complete a piece of literature, a writer, dramatist or

novelist needs to use certain elements like theme, plot, character, etc. However,


Extrinsic and intrinsic approaches to literature are employed by critics to

evaluate literature according to understandings of the world. Extrinsic and intrinsic

approaches to literature are ways to criticize literature in different terms. In intrinsic

approach, the critic is mainly concerned with the form, language, style, symbols,

images, contrast, structure and development of plot in literary work.Intrinsic is also

called formalism as the critic’s basic interest is in the form of the text. In comparison

to intrinsic, the extrinsic approach makes the critic to give more importance to the

context of a text. It means that he is mainly interested in the background, history,

social conditions and biography of the author.

Analysis of the intrinsic elements in literary is an analysis of the literary work

itself without looking the related with the data beyond the literary work.(Sukada,

trans.1987:51). In this chapter, the writer analyzes further about intrinsic elements in

Prince of Caspian novel. There are five elements to develop the story. It consists of

theme, plot, character, setting, and point of view.

2.2.1 The Theme

Theme is one of the fundamental components of fiction. Theme means what

the novel can be summed up as saying. Another way of putting it would be to talk of

the ‘ideas’ of the book. According to Wikipedia, theme is a broad idea, message or


often explore timeless and universal ideas and are almost implied rather than stated


To determine the main meaning in a novel, we should know the definition of

theme itself. Hartoko & Harmanto state that “The theme is the basic common idea

that support of literary work that is contained in the text as a semantic structure and

related equations similarities or differences”. (Nurgiyantoro, trans.1995.68).

A theme must represent the whole part of the story, because theme is basic

development of story. Like as the important meaning in ourselves experience, the

theme of a story is individualistic and universal. Theme gives a strong to explained

unity of event that describing and also tells about life in common context.

Thus, to find the theme of a work of fiction, it must be inferred from the

whole story, not only on the basis of certain parts of the story. Principal themes as the

meaning of a work of fiction are not deliberately hidden because of precisely this that

is offered to readers. However, the overall theme is the meaning of which supported

the story, by itself it will be hidden behind the story that supports it. As a meaning, in

general, the themes not depicted directly or specifically. The existence or presence of

the theme possesses the whole story and this is causes the small probability for the

direct depiction. And this is also the cause not easy interpretation the themes. The


sometimes it can also found any sentences or paragraphs of certain conversations that

can be interpreted as something that contains the main theme.

2.2.2 Plot

According to Stanton (1965:14), state that the plot is a story that contains the

sequence of events, but each incident was only connected in cause and effect, the

events that caused one and also cause the occurrence of other events. Appearance of

events for events that only based on the order of time is not necessarily a plot. To be a

plot, the events must be processed and made creatively, so that the results of

processing and making itself is something beautiful and interesting, particularly in

relation to the relevant works of fiction as a whole.

Kenny (1966:14) points out the plot as the events are displayed in a not simple

story, because the author set the events was based on a causal connection. The plot is

basically sequences of events in logical and chronological relations are interrelated

and are caused or experienced by the characters. The plot outline is divided into three

parts, namely early, middle, and end. The first part contains the exposition that

contains instability and conflicts. The middle part contains the climax which is the

height of the conflict. The final section contains troubleshooting (Wiyatmi,


The plot has a number of rules, namely plausibility, surprise, suspense, and


within the framework of fiction. A story says makes sense if the story has a truth,

which is right for the story itself. In addition, the surprise also serves to slow down

or speed up the climax. Suspense arises when a series of events related to previous

events, arrive - arrived diverted to other events that are not related, so the

continuation of the event was delayed and experience uncertainty. The series of

events contained in a story has to have integrity.

In accordance with the composition of the events or its parts, the plot can be

divided into several types. There are the progressive plot and regressive plot. In a

progressive plot, the events arranged: early, middle, end. A novel is called

progressive if the events which are narrated chronologically, the first event followed

by the events that happened later. While the regressive plot also called as flash back

plot is arranged on the contrary, for example: the middle, beginning, end or the end,

beginning, middle.

On the basis of quantity, there are a single plot and plural plot. Plot is called a

single when the events contain only one primary event, while the plot is called plural

when containing a variety of primary events and other events. When viewed from its

quality, there are dense plot and loose plot. The dense plot is when the main plot of

the story doesn’t have a space to be added another plot. Conversely, the loose plot is

when it has possibility to inserting another plot.


2.2.3 Character

Characters, according to Abrams in Nurgiyantoro (Trans.1995:164) ‘are the

people who featured in a narrative or dramatic works that are interpreted to have

certain moral qualities and tendencies as expressed in speech and what is done in


Fiction is a form of creative work, so how authors create characters and

develop the story was not separated from the freedom of creativity. Fiction offers the

life model which attitudes and experienced by the characters of story according to

how the author in looking life itself. Because the author is deliberately created the

world in fiction, he has the complete freedom to display the characters according to

his taste, whoever the person, whatever his social status, however his attitude and

whatever the problems faced.

Although the characters are figure just created by the author, they should be

who living fairly as how the man in the real life which contained of blood and meat

also has thoughts and feelings. The life of the character is only in a fictional world, so

they should be appropriate according to the story and the role that played. If there are

any other actions of characters from stories that have been described previously, it

should be on the responsibility of accountable in terms of plot, so the story still has a

higher plausibility level. Or if the characters act strange in a reasonable life, they


in a story that is rated important and is shown continuously, so it felt to dominate

most of the story, it is called the central / main character. While there are also

characters that only appear once or several times in the story and it were probably in a

relatively short portion, namely peripheral character.

2.2.4 Setting

Setting is the foundation that leads to understanding the place, time relations,

and social environment where the occurrence of the events described. In fiction, the

background can be divided into three kinds, namely the setting place, time, and

social. The setting of place is related to geographical problems, the location where the

incident occurred, in what village, what city, and so forth. The setting of time is

related to matter of time, days, hours, and historical. The setting of social is related to

people’s lives (Wiyatmi,trans.2008:40). A story requires clarity about where the

accident occurred and when it happens to easy imagination and understanding. That

means that a story requires the setting of places, the setting of time and the setting of

social-cultural where the story took place.

According to Gill (1985:106), Setting is a broad word. It covers the places in

which characters are presented; the social context of characters, such as their families,

friends and class; the customs, beliefs and rules of behavior of their society; the

scenes that are the background or the situation for the events of the novel; and the


setting. When we study a novel, we should pay attention to setting, because it can

make a contribution to the book. A successful setting is one which is appropriate to

the section of the novel in which it appears and also, possibly, to the book as whole.

Setting is important to development the story. Setting provides in a concrete

and clear. It will give a realistic impression for the reader. That is the story told as if it

is happening and earnestly. Provide basic background in concrete and clear. This will

give the reader a realistic impression, that is the story told as if it happened and in

earnest, so that the reader feels much easier to operate a good imagination power to

participate critically in relation to knowledge about the setting. Readers feel to find

something truly become a part of him when read the story.

2.2.5 Point of View

The point of view can be interpreted as how a story is told. Abrams state that

the point of view is the way of the author used as a means of displaying the

characters, action, background, and various events that make up the story in a

fictional text to the readers. So, the point of view is the way, strategy, or tactic that is

deliberately chosen by the writer to express stories and ideas. Selection of point of

view in fiction, in many cases will affect the freedom, sharpness, and objectivity in

telling stories, and it will also influence the level of plausibility of the story.

Point of view distinguished by the form of persona which tells in the story.


person point of view. Based on two forms of persona, Lukens (2003:168)

distinguishes point of view into four categories, namely first person point of view,

omniscient point of view, limited omniscient point of view, and dramatic point of

view. According to Mitchell (2003:267), first person point of view and third person

point of view is still dominant, but in the writing of contemporary have been

modified in such away as to appear more attractive.

First person point of view displaying the “I” character as the center of

narration and central of story. The “I” character usually be the protagonist character

who tells about what he experienced, though only occurred in the mind or the real,

which is conducted verbally and none verbally. Third person point of view shows the

“He” character as the central of story. The character of “He” appears with the title

name such as he, she or they. The omniscient point of view describes imagery of the

some characters into the other characters concerning the events that made and placed

in the reality, or any event which tells the author's mind that happened in hearts and

minds of the characters and what is done in real, and also actions and reactions that

take place between the character, as the author became a source of information to

know everything. Limited omniscient point of view does not give the author to tell

about the character as told. The author has limitations in accessing information that

can be told, either in relation to the number of characters and events because the


3. The Analysis of Prince Caspian Novel.

3.1 The Theme

To look for the theme in novel, we must read the previous novels in The

Cronicles of Narnia saga. This novel writen with fantasy and myth stories so to

analyze it we need to read it with concern and imagination. In Prince Caspian novel the writer delivered two major themes of the story are courage for life and the

revolution toward for restoration for a better world. Then the sub theme in this novel

is about adventure and friendship.

• Courage

The stories about courage for life always appear in the novel, that is why the

writer decides that courage for life is the central theme in Prince Caspian novel. The story happens when the main character, which is Prince Caspian (The Tenth = X), as

a small boy (by which time both of his parents are dead), His uncle King Miraz



himself. Although Miraz never cared much for Prince Caspian, he was willing that

Caspian should succeed him as king, as he would rather Caspian inherit the throne

than a stranger. When Miraz's wife

changes overnight. Miraz wish to inherit the throne to his own son, and will murder


And when he found himself in two reality that first King Miraz secretly

planned to kill him immedietly and second his people need the true King lo lean the

nation on, he started to learn to become a King, learn about his history, philosophy,

and how to embrace every segment of his people. The stories about courage also

delivered when the journey of Caspian meet his loyals (The Old Narnian Hood) on

the sixth chapter, The People that Lived in Hiding, this chapter tell two side of

courages first about many marginalized people by Telmarine found the prince in the

wood and reborn a new hope for the future, second for Caspian for being brave

enough to lead those people. And then Caspian started to courage himself to start his

own journey to the Old Narnia and meet Aslan (the representation of hope and nearly

god). Then he was blowing his magic horn to recall the Kings and Queens of The Old

Narnian, which is Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy: four children who found their way

into the magical land of Narnia through a secret passage way through a wardrobe in

the first novel. The recall of The Old Narnian Kings and Queens also build a

subjective about courage, Caspian and his old narnian people hoping for a help, a big

chilvary and magic but in fact, they did not found anything but only the four young

people, children of adam, and when they missed the expectation, they remind

themselves about the spirit of old narnian, that spirit is more important than any

military equipment and dozens knight. The spirit for being brave, the spirit for being

wise, the spirit of familyhood instead of helping each other and trusting each other, is


• The Revolution toward for Restoration for a better world

Whole Saga of The Cronicles of Narnia repeat this theme, the revolution

toward for restoration for a better world, but the second novel which is Prince Caspian novel reflect it more. For the start, this novel telling us about the magnificiant world that left behind, an ancient that have been forgotten, in the middle

of the novel, the story tell us that the new world became chaos for greedy politic and

imperial hesitation, then the novel tell us about how the forgotten one, which is the

old narnian arise again, step by step. Started with the young prince of Telmarine,

Caspian horn is revolusion for his uncle. And the four Kings and Queens of Narnia ;

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, with the kings and queens of old and Aslan at his

side Prince Caspian finds himself easily capable of defeating his uncle and bringing

Narnia back to its previous glory. remake the restoration just like what Aslan did

about The Whitch Kingdom in the first book of the Saga

• Adventure and Friendship.

In was reflect in every parts of the novel. It started with adventure, it was

described since the beginning of the novel on the first chapter, The Island. The first

chapter tell about when the four children are sitting in a railway station when they

feel themselves being tugged back into Narnia. They are somehow transported to Cair

Paravel, their former castle, which is now a ruin. There they are found by a dwarf

who brings them back to Caspian. At the end of the story, Susan and Peter are told


Kings and Queens with Aslan, The four Kings and Queens with Caspian, Caspian and

his tutor – half telmarine half narnian, Caspian and his little knight of Old Narnian,

reflect an adventure journey from the beginning until the end of the story.

3.2 Plot

In Prince Caspian novel, the author tells the story step by step in chronologivally manner. Thus, Prince Caspian novel is using progressive plot. The story began, when The Kings and Queens of Narnia, in real world

awaiting their train to school after the summer holidays, are magically whisked away

to a beach near an old and ruined castle. They come to realize the ruin is

where they once ruled as the Kings and Queens of

vault where Peter's sword and shield, Susan's bow and arrows, and Lucy's bottle of

magical cordial and dagger are stored. Susan's horn for summoning help is missing,

however, as she left it in the woods the day they returned to England after their first

visit to Narnia. Although only a year has passed in England, many centuries have

passed in Nar

That same day, they intervene to rescue

who have brought him to the ruins to drown him. Trumpkin tells the children that

since their disappearance, a race of men called

driving the Talking Beasts into the wilderness and pushing even their memory


but the rightful king is Miraz's young nephew,

support of the Old Narnians.

Miraz had usurped the throne by killing his own brother, Caspian's


Prince Caspian, until that point ignorant of his uncle's evil deeds, escaped


in the lore of Old Narnia, and who gives him in parting Queen Susan's horn. Caspian

flees into the forest but is knocked unconscious when his horse bolts. He awakes in

the den of a talking badger,

who accept Caspian as their king.

The badger and dwarves take Caspian to meet many creatures of Old Narnia.

They gather for a council at midnight on

warn them of the approach of King Miraz and his army; he urges them to flee


Narnians to the How, and after several skirmishes the Narnians appear close to defeat.

At a second war council, they discuss whether to use Queen Susan's horn, and

whether it will bring Aslan or the Kings and Queens of the golden age. Not knowing

where help will arrive, they dispatch

Trumpkin to Cair Paravel, and it is then that Trumpkin is captured by the Telmarines


Trumpkin and the Pevensies make their way to Caspian. They try to save time

by travelling up

follow where he leads, but the others do not believe her and follow their original

course, which becomes increasingly difficult. In the night, Aslan calls Lucy and tells

her that she must awaken the others and insist that they follow her on Aslan's path. In

the cold early hours of morning the others eventually obey. They begin to see Aslan's

shadow, then Aslan himself. Aslan sends Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin ahead to

Aslan's How to deal with the treachery brewing there, and follows with Susan and


Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin enter Aslan's How; they overhear Nikabrik and

his confederates, a Hag and a Wer-Wolf, trying to convince Caspian, Cornelius, and

Trufflehunter to help them resurrect the

defeat Miraz. A fight ensues, and Nikabrik and his two friends are slain.

Peter challenges Miraz to single combat; the army of the victor in this duel

will be considered the victor in the war. Even though he has a stronger army and thus

has more to lose by a duel, Miraz accepts the challenge, goaded by his two


cry that the Narnians have cheated and stabbed the King in the back while he was

down. They command the Telmarine army to attack, and in the commotion that

follows, Glozelle stabs Miraz in the back. Aslan, meanwhile, accompanied by Lucy


woods to life. The gods and awakened trees liberate several victims of Telmarine

oppression, then intervene to turn the tide of battle and send the Telmarines fleeing.

Discovering themselves trapped at the Great River, where their bridge has been

destroyed by Bacchus, the Telmarines surrender.

Aslan gives the Telmarines a choice of staying in Narnia under Caspian or

returning to Earth, their original home. After one volunteer disappears through the

magic door created by Aslan, the Pevensies go through to reassure the other

Telmarines, though Peter and Susan reveal to Edmund and Lucy that they are too old

to return furthermore to Narnia. The Pevensies find themselves back at the railway

station where the adventure began, just as the train to Susan and Lucy's boarding

school pulls up into the station.

3.3 The Character

There are some character in Prince Caspian novel. In this chapter, the writer will describe main character and peripheral character. There are six main characters

in this novel, and ten peripheral characters.

3.3.1 Main Character

introduces Caspian as the young nephew of and heir to King

this time 1300 years have passed since the rule of High Ki


into hiding by Caspian's ancestors, the

believed to be


Deliverance" and restore old Narnia. Despite his Telmarine bloodline, Caspian is

named the rightful heir by Aslan himself, for he is a member of Adam's race from

Earth. He becomes King Caspian X.

years before, is a cruel and unpopular ruler who has imposed stern laws and high

taxes on the Narnian population. Most notorious for banning the teaching of

Narnia's pre

He initially tolerates Caspian as his heir, taking the title of

himself, before ascending the throne while Caspian is a small child. Many years

later, his wife,

in order to clarify the succession. He fights the Old Narnians, who support

Caspian, and accepts a challenge to single combat with Peter to settle the matter;

but he is killed treacherously by Lord Glozelle after the duel.

she has a terrible time convincing her brothers and sister as well as Trumpkin the

dwarf that he had returned, echoing her trials early in the first book. However,

Edmund believes her and backs her up, due to her being right about Narnia itself


they refuse to come with her. Lucy comments that Aslan has grown larger, but

really she is the one that has grown.

Lucy's sighting of Aslan, pointing out that in their first adventure she turned out

to be right and he ended up looking a bit silly. He convinces Trumpkin the dwarf

that they are the Kings and Queens from the legend by defeating him in a sparring

practice. He later helps Peter and Trumpkin defend Caspian against Nikabrik, the

hag, and the werewolf, which Edmund kills. Edmund is also there to witness

Peter's duel against Miraz. In this book Edmund is around 11 years old at the time

of their return. He has since become more caring and protective of Lucy, and is

the first person to believe her when she sees Aslan, supporting her against the

disbelief of Trumpkin and her other siblings. Edmund proves to be much more

mature than Peter and Caspian both, but he stays out of their arguments. Edmund

is indispensable in all the battles, to Peter especially; sneaking into Miraz's castle

ahead of the army to signal that it was safe to enter, and presenting Peter's

proposition for a duel to Miraz and goading him into accepting, thereby buying

them time. Edmund, along with Trumpkin, Reepicheep, and others, provides

some comedic relief throughout the story. It can also be thought that Edmund's

repeated heroism and nobility is an attempt at compensating for betraying his


When the children are forced to make a decision, Peter, as High King, has the

final word. In order to stall the war long enough for Lucy to find Aslan and

awaken the Narnians, Peter claims the right to a one-on-one duel with the

Telmarine king, Miraz. After the Pevensie children help defeat the Telmarines,

Peter formally gives Caspian the authority to rule a free Narnia. Aslan gives

Caspian the authority to "rule under Us and under the High King". Peter later

confided to Lucy and Edmund that he was told by Aslan that he and Susan will

never return to Narnia, as they are now too old, and have learned all that they can

from that world.

arrow. Susan's magical horn plays an important part in the adventures of



transferred to Narnia from a railway station in

arrows she has retrieved from the ruin of

legendary prowess at archery by defeating

competition. She is described as being enormously gentle and tender-hearted,

being embarrassed to defeat the dwarf. Edmund, however, later describes her as


later admits to having known deep down that it was true. Aslan tells Susan that

she has "listened to fears", but his breath soon restores her faith and she immerses

herself in their adventures as deeply as in the first book. She later accompanies

Lucy as Aslan revives the forest and river spirits of Narnia. By the conclusion

of Prince Caspian, Aslan says that she and Peter will never enter Narnia again because they have accomplished what they needed to there.

3.3.2 Peripheral Character

by Miraz's soldiers and taken to Cair Paravel to be drowned, he is freed by the

Pevensie children and leads them to Caspian. At the beginning of the novel he is

entirely skeptical about the existence of Aslan and the ancient Kings and Queens,

but learns better in the course of the story.

Caspian about old Narnia and courage him to prepare himself to become a King,

work as formal and legal tutor to Caspian and also aids in the Narnians' defeat of

the Telmarines.

Aslan from his bonds in the previous book, and were thus given the gift of


Together with a Hag and a Wer-Wolf, he plots to raise the

the Telmarines through black magic, but all three are killed by Caspian and his


Prince Caspian in his struggle against Miraz.


Miraz they manipulate him into accepting Peter's challenge, cry treachery when

Miraz falls and secretly stab him in the back.

3.4 Setting

In this paper, the writer will analyze the setting into two parts, setting of place

and setting of time.

3.4.1 Setting of Place


countries. The author also provides glimpses of more fantastic locations that exist in and around the main world of Narnia, including an edge and an underworld.

3.4.2.Setting of Time

1940’s London year. 600 years after the old narnia built.

3.5 Point of View

The author of Prince Caspian novel uses the third person point of view as his technique to writing. The author uses the He/She/Them as main character, the

They/Them as supporting characters. The He/She/Them character in this novel were

The Kings and Queens of Narnia, Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie



4.1 Conclusions

After analyzing the intrinsic elements of C.S Lewis’s Saga Novel, Prince Caspian, in this chapter the writer would like to conclude the analysis of the novel as follow :

1.The Theme

The theme of Prince Caspian novel is about courage for life and the revolution toward for restoration for a better world. Then the sub theme in this novel

is about adventure and friendship. The theme experience by Prince Caspian and The

Kings and Queens of Narnia as the main characters in this novel. They prove that

with courage they can build a revolusion and concret the restoration for the hood that

left behind, balance of every creatures. Instead of that their friendship and how

familyhood helping each other contribute to succeed to implement their vision and

react their missions.

2.The Plot

The author of Prince Caspian novel uses the progressive plot. The story start when The Kings and Queens of Narnia, Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy magicly

captivated again to the world of Narnia because of the horn of hope that blew by the

Telmarine, Prince Caspian, and tells step by step how these main characters proclaim


3.The Character

In Prince Caspian novel, there are six main characters and ten peripheral characters. The central character is Prince Caspian

4.The Setting

The setting of places in Prince Caspian is The World of Narnia and London. The writer doesnt found the real time of Narnia Age in this novel because the author

doesnt mention the exact time when the story began.

5.The Point of View

The author uses the He/She/Them as main character, the They/Them as supporting

characters. The He/She/Them character in this novel were The Kings and Queens of

Narnia, Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie and Lucy Pevensie, Prince

of Telmarine Caspian or King Caspian X as they act as persons who wacthing the

experience of the main characters.

6.The Style

Prince Caspian novel using some old-literature of British English to describe some situation or the sentence of conversation inside the story.

4.2 Suggestion

After explaining and analyzing the intrinsic element of Prince Caspian novel. I would hope this paper will make the readers can understand about story and get


things found in this novel are very interisting to analyze further. I realize that paper is

still far from being perfect and in writing this paper, I only used the simple words. So

i approve constructive criticism to my paper so that will give more benefit to me in



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Lewis, C. S. 1970. Prince Caspian (Book 2 In The Chronicles Of Narnia). New York: Collier

Books Macmillan Publishing Company.

Lukens, Rebecca J. 1999. A Critical Handbook of Children’s Literature. New York:


Nurgiyantoro, Burhan.1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University


Robert, Edgar V, Jacobs, Henry E. 1985. Literature: Introduction to Reading and Writing.

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Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren.1956,1962. Theory of Literature. New York: A Harvest




Biography of C. S. Lewis

Born on November 29, 1898, in Belfast Ireland, C.S. Lewis went on to teach

at Oxford University and became a renowned apologist writer, using logic and

philosophy to support the tenets of his Christian faith. He is also known throughout

the world as the author of The Chronicles of Narnia fantasy series, which have been adapted into various films for the big and small screens.

Author Clive Staples Lewis was born in Belfast, Ireland, on November 29,

1898, to Flora August Hamilton Lewis and Albert J. Lewis. As a toddler, Clive

declared that his name was Jack, which is what he was called by family and friends

thenceforth. He was close to his older brother Warren and the two spent much time

together as children. Lewis was enraptured by fantastic animals and tales of gallantry,

and hence the brothers created the imaginary land of Boxen, complete with an

intricate history that served them for years.

Lewis's mother died when he was 10, and he went on to receive his

pre-college education at boarding schools and from a tutor. During WWI, he served with

the English army and was sent home after being wounded by shrapnel. He then chose

to live as a surrogate son with Janie Moore, the mother of a friend of Lewis's who


Lewis graduated from Oxford University with a focus on literature and classic

philosophy, and in 1925 was awarded a fellowship teaching position at Magdalen

College, which was part of the university. There, he also joined the group known as

The Inklings, an informal collective of writers and intellectuals who counted among

their members Lewis's brother, Warren Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkien. It was through

conversations with group members that Lewis found himself re-embracing

Christianity after having become disillusioned with the faith as a youth. He would go

on to become renowned for his rich apologist texts, where he explained his spiritual

beliefs via platforms of logic and philosophy.

Lewis began publishing work in the mid-1920s with his first book, the

satirical Dymer (1926). After penning other titles—including The Allegory of Love

(1936), for which he won the Hawthornden Prize—he released in 1938 his first sci-fi

work, Out of the Silent Planet, the first of a trilogy which dealt sub-textually with concepts of sin and desire. Later, during World War II, Lewis gave highly popular

radio broadcasts on Christianity which won many converts; his speeches were

collected in the work Mere Christianity.

During the '50s, Lewis started to publish the seven books that would comprise


resplendent with mythical creatures and talking animals. Different parts of the series

represented a variety of Biblical themes; one prominent character is Aslan, a lion and

the ruler of Narnia, who has also been interpreted as a Jesus Christ figure. (Lewis

would assert that his Narnia stories weren't a direct allegory to the real world.)

Though the book received some negative reviews, general readers took to the

story in a big way. The series has retained its international popularity over the


In 1954, Lewis joined the faculty of Cambridge University as a literature

professor, and in 1956 he married an American English teacher, Joy Gresham, with

whom he had been in correspondence. Lewis was full of joy during the years of their

marriage, though Gresham died of cancer in 1960. Lewis grieved deeply for his wife

and shared his thoughts in the book A Grief Observed, using a pen name.

In 1963, Lewis resigned from his Cambridge position after experiencing heart

trouble. He died on November 22, 1963, in Headington, Oxford.

Lewis was a prolific author of fiction and nonfiction who wrote dozens of

books over the course of his career. His faith-based arguments as seen in texts like

The Great Divorce (1946) and Miracles (1947) are held in high regard by many theologians, scholars and general readers. Lewis also continued his love affair with


Faces: A Myth Retold (1956) featured the story of Psyche and Cupid. He also penned an autobiography, Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life (1955).

Lewis's landmark series, The Chronicles of Narnia, has seen a number of on-screen iterations, including a cartoon version of The Lion, The Witch and the

Wardrobe that was released in 1979 and a 1989 BBC film series. Additionally, in 2005, FOX released a big-screen adaptation of The Lion, The Witch and the

Wardrobe, starring Tilda Swinton as the witch Jadis and Liam Neeson as the voice of Aslan. Two more Narnia films have been brought to theaters as well: Prince Caspian

(2008) and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010). Lewis's relationship with his wife Joy has also been depicted in Shadowlands, presented as a play and two films; one of the film versions was directed by Richard Attenborough and starred Anthony



Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie sit at a railway station waiting for

the train that will whisk them away to boarding school. For those unfamiliar with the

concept, a boarding school is what you'd get if a regular school and a jail had a baby

(read: you live there, all day, all school year). Luckily for the Pevensie children, a

magical force does the whisking instead of the train, and they find themselves in a

thick thicket.

As any curious children would, they go exploring. They discover they are on a

forested island with a bunch of ruins. Peter figures out that they've returned to Narnia,

and that these ruins are their old castle of Cair Paravel from back when they were

kings and queens. To prove it, they find their old treasure room where their awesome

king and queen swag remains. Nice.

The next morning, they rescue a dwarf from being drowned by a couple of

soldiers. NBD. The dwarf thanks them and tells them he fights for King Caspian, a

Telmarine and the true king of Old and New Narnians alike. Old Narnians? New?

Caspian? Sounds like some backstory is in order, and the dwarf kindly obliges.

Caspian was the son of the king, but after the king's death, his uncle, Miraz,

ruled as a regent since Caspian was too young. Caspian learned of Old Narnia and the


Cornelius taught the young king until Miraz's wife became pregnant. Realizing

Caspian's life was in danger, Cornelius snuck him out of the castle and sent him

riding toward the southern woods.

There, he met the Old Narnians, including Trufflehunter the badger;

Trumpkin and Nikabrik the dwarfs; a couple talking bears and squirrels; and some

centaurs and fauns for good measure. What self-respecting magical wood doesn't

have centaurs and fauns bound about, right? With the rightful king on their side, the

Old Narnians decide the time for a civil war has come.

Seems like a good idea—until they start to lose. In a moment of desperation,

Caspian blows Susan's horn, given to him by Dr. Cornelius, and Trumpkin heads to

Cair Paravel to see if Aslan or some other type of divine assistance has shown up to

help (30 minutes or less or the miracle is free!).

And this is where we came in to the story. Trumpkin and the Pevensie

children agree to beat feet and get to Caspian's aid as soon as possible. They get lost

along the way and suffer hardships, including a non-talking bear, which apparently

aren't as friendly as their chit-chatty brothers. When they get to a gorge, Lucy spots

Aslan, but the others, save Edmund, don't believe her. They take the hard road and


When they sleep, Aslan comes to Lucy and tells her to wake the others.

Although always a difficult task to wake up campers, she manages, and they all

follow Aslan to Caspian's camp. There, they find Nikabrik trying to resurrect the

White Witch, source of evil, eternal winter, and enemy of Christmas. Since Peter and

Edmund are fans of good things and Christmas presents, they stop Nikabrik and his

corrupt companions.

With his new army outnumbered, Peter challenges Miraz to single combat,

which Miraz accepts because he feels his pride is on the line. Peter and Miraz duke it

out old-school style with swords and armor. But their duel is cut short when two

Telmarine lords, Glozelle and Sopespian, betray and stab Miraz in the back (literally).

The Telmarines fight the Narnians, but with Peter and Edmund in command, the

Narnians beat them back to the river.

Wait, but what were Susan and Lucy up to during all this? Well, they were

with Aslan invading the town of Beruna. With the gods and creatures of old, they

scared off the Telmarines who were scared of the old ways while accepting others

into their fold.

Victory and success! Caspian becomes King of Narnia, and the Old Narnians

can again live freely in their land. Aslan allows the Telmarines who wish to remain in


As for Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, they have to return to their own

world, too. For Peter and Susan, it's bittersweet as Aslan says they've become too old

to return to Narnia again (a.k.a. too tall to ride this ride). It's hinted that Edmund and

Lucy will return one day, though. And with that, they return to the railway station and


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