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Academic year: 2017



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Rani R Simanungkalit IDN 4123312021

Bilingual Mathematics Education


Submitted to Fulfill the Requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan








Rani R. Simanungkalit (IDN 4123312021)


The aim of this research is to apply the Contextual Teaching and Learning to improve students’ mathematical learning activities and problem solving ability students was conducted in SMAN 2 Balige. The type of this research was Classroom Action Research.

The subjects of this research were students of XI IA1 in A.Y 2016/2017 that have total of 34 students. The object in this research is activity student and students’ mathematical problem solving ability by using Contextual Teaching and Learning in grade XI IA1 in SMA 2 Balige of A.Y 2016/2017

This research was implemented by 2 cycle. Each cycle was consist 2 meetings. Instrument used to collect the data in this research is test and observation sheet.

After given a treatment to students, in the first cycle, the average score of their mathematical problem solving was 59.21. thirteen students (38.23%) obtained score ≥67. The average score of teacher’s activities in observation sheet was 2.66, which classified as good category. The average score of students’ activities in observation sheet was 2.55, which classified as good category. In the second cycle, the average score of mathematical problem solving ability was increased become 77.9 with 29 student (85.28%) obtained score ≥67. The average score of teacher’s activities in observation sheet was 3.44, which classifie as very good category. The average score of students’ activities in observation sheet was 3.22, which classified as very good category.




First of all, the author is grateful to the God Almighty for His Blessing and chance to finish the study and complete the thesis entitled “The Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning to Improve the Activity and Problem Solving

Ability in SMAN 2 Balige”

The author’s special sincerest thanks is expressed to Mr. Prof. Dr. Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd as her thesis supervisor for advices, encouragement, suggestions

and knowledge that have been contributed to help the author in compiling this

thesis so that this thesis could be finished. Then author also say thanks to Mr. Drs.

Syafari, M.Pd as her academic supervisor for his advices, suggesttion, motivation from beginning until finishing the study. The author’s special thanks are also given to Mr. Dr. Edy Surya,M.Si, Mrs. Ani Minarni,M.Si, and Mr. Denny

Haris,S.Si,M.Pd as thesis examiner for their willingnedd to correct, giving

advices, encouragement, suggestions and knowledges that have been contributed

to help the author in compiling this thesis.

The author also give thanks to Mr. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom,M.Pd as the

Rector of State University of Medan, Mr. Dr. Asrin Lubis,M.Pd as the Deanof

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Mr. Dr. Edy Surya,M.Si as the

Head of Mathematics Department, Mr. Drs. Yasifati Hia,M.Si as the Secretary of

Mathematics Department and Mrs. Dr Iis Siti Jahro,M.Si as the Coordinator of

Biingual Program for all the valuable guidance and contribution to complete this

thesis. Big thanks for all the lecturers of Mathematics Department and all

administrative staff at the faculty, deparment, and bilingual program for their

guidance and administrate assistance given. Then, also give thanks to Mr. Aldon

Samosir, S.Pd as Headmaster of SMAN 2 Balige, Mrs Ani Nadapdap, S.Pd as

Mathematics Teacher at SMAN 2 Balige and also all of teacher and staff in

SMAN 2 Balige who help authors in doing and finishing the research.


Nurlian Aritonang, also for author’s beloved Brother Ratno Simanungkalit and his

wife Elfrida Sitohang and for author’s beloved sisters Romey Valensia

Simanungkalit and her husband Daulat Sianipar, Lelyanti Simanungkalit and her

husband Samuel Ebenezer Saragi Napitu the author Nephews Daffa Wahyu

Sianipar, Gilbert Alfredo, Leonel Saragi Napitu, Zylgwyn Glorido Simanungkalit then also for author’s Nieces Novelita GA Simanungkalit, Susi MS Simanungkalit, Nethanesia Sianipar and Nadine Saragi Napitu

Thanks for all my lovely family in Bilingual Mathematics 2012, who gave

support and motivation during completion of thesis. Also thanks for my friend in

PPLT SMAN 2 Balige who gave loves and cheers through completing this thesis.

Also thanks to all my family in Himpunan Pemuda Pemudi Silindung (HIPSI)

who always support and help me during completion of this thesis. Also thanks for

my beloved friend Friska Elvitaningru and Padillah Nur Nasution, who already be

with me in sadness and happiness, sharing and discovering many unique things

together from first semester until end semester. The last, thanks for my best Mery

Julia Sidauruk who always beside me and caring me in all my problem and my

happiness from the Senior High School until the end my college.

The writer should give a big effort to prepare this thesis, and writers

knows this thesis was weakness. So that, writer needs some suggetions to take this

thesis better. And big wishes, it can improve our knowledge.

Medan, Agustus 2016


Rani R. Simanungkalit




1.1. Background of Study 1

1.2. Problem Identification 8

1.3. Problem Limitation 8

1.4. Problem Formulation 8

1.5. Research Objective 9

1.6. Benefit of Study 9

1.7. Operational Defenition 10


2.1. The Theoretical Framework 11

2.1.1. Mathematics Learning 11

2.1.2. Learning Activity 12

2.1.3. Problem Solving Ability 13

2.1.4. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) 15 Defenition of CTL 15 Syntaxs of CTL 16

2.2. Learning Theory Support 18

2.2.1. Ausubel’s Learning Theory 18

2.2.2. Piaget’s Learning Theory 19

2.2.3. Vygotsky’s Theory of Learning 19

2.3. Contents Material 21

2.4. The Relevant Study 31

2.5. The Conceptual Framework 32

2.6. Research Hypotesis 33


3.1. Type of Research 34

3.2. Location and Time of Research 34

3.3. Subject and Object of Research 34

3.4. Research Procedure 34

3.4.1. CYCLE I 35 Problem I 35 Action Planning I 36


vi Initial Capability Test 44 Mathematics Problem Solving Ability Test 44

3.5.2. Non Test 48

3.6. Data Resources 49

3.7. Data Analysis Technique 50

3.7.1 Data Reduction 50

3.7.2. Data Interpretation 50 Data analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability 50 Students activity worksheet 50 Increasing of students’ mathematical problem solving ability 51 Observations of Learning Activities 51

3.7.3. Taking Conclusion 52

3.7.4. Indicators od Success 52


4.1 The Result of Research 53

4.1.1 Description of Initial Test Result 53 4.1.2 Description of Action Research Cycle I 55 4.1.3 Description of Action Research Cycle II 68

4.2 Research Findings 82

4.3 Discussion of Research 83


5.1 Conclusion 85

5.2 Recommendation 89






Figure 1.1. Student’s Sheet in Understanding the Problem Step 4 Figure 1.2. Student’s Sheet in Devising a Plan 4 Figure 1.3. Student’s Sheet in Carrying out the Plan 4 Figure 1.4. Student’sSheet in Looking Back the Solution 5 Figure 3.1. Chronology of Classroom Action Research 35

Figure 4.1 the result of initial test 54

Figure 4.2 The Result of Problem Solving Ability Test I 59 Figure 4.3. students still had difficulty in understanding problem 63 Figure 4.4. students still had difficulty to devise the plan 64 Figure 4.5. Student still had difficulty in carrying out the plan 64 Figure 4.6. students still had difficulty in looking back the solution 65

Figure 4.7. Student’s Activity in Cycle II 69



Table 1.1. Table of Preliminary Diagnostic Test 5

Table 3.1. Table of Recflection I 38

Table 3.2. Table of Recflection I I 42

Table 3.3 Blueprint of initial Test of Problem Solving Ability 44 Table 3.4. Blueprint of Problem Solving Test I 45 Table 3.5. Blueprint of Problem Solving Test II 46 Table 3.6. Guidance Scoring Mathematical Problem Solving Ability 47 Table 3.7. Criteria of Student Problem Solving Ability Level 50 Table 3.8. Interpretation of Gain Normalization 51 Table 3.9. Criteria of Average Assessment observation 52

Table 4.1 Initial Test Result 53

Table 4.2. Students Ability understanding the Problem in PSAT I 57 Table 4.3. Level of Student’s Ability of Devising a Plan in PSAT I 57 Table 4.4. Level of Student’s Ability of Carrying out Plan in PSAT I 58 Table 4.5. Level of Student’s Ability of Looking Back in PSAT I 58 Table 4.6. The Classical Learning Mastery Cycle I 59 Table 4.7. Result of Analysis the Process of Student’s Answer Cycle I 60 Table 4.8. Description of Observation Teacher’s Activity I 61 Table 4.9. Description of Observation Student’s Activity I 62

Table 4.10. The Result of Cycle I 66

Table 4.11. Students Ability understanding the Problem in PSAT I 71 Table 4.12. Level of Student’s Ability of Devising a Plan in PSAT II 72 Table 4.13. Level of Student’s Ability of Carrying out Plan in PSAT II 72 Table 4.14. Level of Student’s Ability of Looking Back in PSAT II 73 Table 4.15. Result of Problem Solving Ability Test II 79 Table 4.16. Result of Analysis the Process of Student Answer Cycle II 76 Table 4.17. Description of Observation Teacher’s Activity II 76 Table 4.18. Description of Observation Student’s Activity II 77 Table 4.19. Increasing Criteria of Student’s Problem Solving Ability 80



Appendix 5 Students Activity Sheet I 110

Appendix 6 Students Activity Sheet II 115

Appendix 7 Students Activity Sheet III) 119

Appendix 8 Students Activity Sheet IV 123

Appendix 9 Blueprint of Problem Solving Ability Test I 125 Appendix 10 Blueprint of Problem Solving Ability Test II 126 Appendix 11 Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Test I 127 Appendix 12 Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Test II 129 Appendix 13 Alternative Solution of Problem Solving Ability Test I 121 Appendix 14 Alternative Solution of Problem Solving Ability Test II 136 Appendix 15 Scoring Guidelines of Mathematical PSAT 146 Appendix 16 Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Activity Cycle I 147 Appendix 17 Observation Sheet ofStudents’s Activity Cycle I 149 Appendix 18 Observation Sheet of Teacher’s Activity Cycle II 151 Appendix 19 Observation Sheet of Students’s Activity Cycle II 155 Appendix 20 Validation Sheet of Mathematical PSAT I 153 Appendix 21 Validation Sheet of Mathematical PSAT II 155 Appendix 22 List of Value the Process of Student’s Answer on PSAT I 161 Appendix 23 Value PSAT I for Aspect of Understanding the Problem 163 Appendix 24 Value PSAT I for Aspect of Devising a Plan 165 Appendix 25 Value PSAT I for Aspect of Carrying Out the Plan 167 Appendix 26 Value PSAT I for Aspect of Looking Back 169 Appendix 27 List of Value the Process of Student’s Answer on PSAT II 171 Appendix 28 Value PSAT II for Aspect of Understanding the Problem 173 Appendix 29 Value PSAT II for Aspect of Devising a Plan 175 Appendix 30 Value PSAT II for Aspect of Carrying Out the Plan 177 Appendix 31 Value PSAT II for Aspect of Looking Back 179 Appendix 32 Result Description of Mathematical PSAT I 181 Appendix 33 Result Description of Mathematical PSAT II 182


1 1.1. Background of study

Education is a way to develop the world in the future. By

education, people will be informed and able to develop itself to the more

advanced, or to compete in the future. Therefore, developments or

alteration in education is something that should happen in accordance with

the changing culture of life. Supporting the development of education in

the future can develop the potential of students to face, overcome and

solve the problems that will occur in the future.Every child has the right to

a quality education. Education can give the students the courage to face

the competition in the progress of the modern era in either the current or

next. As Bernard (in The International Working Group on Education

Florence, Italy June 2000) states that:

In all aspects of the school and its surrounding education community, the rights of the whole child, and all children, to survival, protection, development and participation are at the centre. This means that the focus is on learning which strengthens the capacities of children to act progressively on their own behalf through the acquisition of relevant knowledge, useful skills and appropriate attitudes; and which creates for children, and helps them create for themselves and others, places of safety, security and healthy interaction.

The education system in Indonesia is referring to the Law of the

Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Year 20012 on National Education

System said that education is a deliberate and planned attemptto create a

study atmosphere and provide learning in order that students may actively

develop themselves to have spiritual and religious strength, self-control,

personality, intelligence, morals, and skills needed by themselves, the



Mathematics is one of the subjects that occupy an important role in

education. As seen from time spent in math in school, more than the other

subjects given at all levels of education starting from elementary school to

college. According to William (Mathematics’ Arizona Education) said

that: "mathematics is a human endeavor; and humanity is brought together throught matematics”. Mathematics is essentially the activities of human life, how to live, how we are shaped by the social environment and growth

of a civilization. In the activities we would have experienced activities that

involve math in it. And the activities that we will experience continued

until the future. Therefore, learning of mathematics is essential in


As Cornellius (in Abdurrahman, 2009: 253) states that there is five

reason for studying mathematics there is a means of clear and logical

thingking; a means to solve the problems in everyday; the means to know

the patterns of relationships and generalization of experiences; the means

to develop creativity and a means to raise awareness of cultural

development. However, a problem that often arises is inactivity students in

learning mathematics.Students follow the process learning by the teacher

in the classroom by listening but do not criticism to teachers as feedback

from the process of teaching and learning.This makes students become

passive and can not solve problems in mathematics and tend to memorize

concepts. These conditions make the students less interested in math.

To solve the problem is needed some strategies named problem

solving. Mathematical problem solving is a process which involved the

method solution is unknown in advance. To find the solution, student

should map their knowledge about mathematics. There are found


1. Understanding the problem

From this step, student should understand the problem that can be

looked from being able to point out what the data, what the

condition, and also what the problem showed.

2. Devising a plan

From this step, students make plan how to solve the problem, which

solution that correspond to the problem. Finding the connection

between the data and the unknown.

3. Carring out the plan

From this step, students implement the plan of what they have

planned before.

4. Looking back

Student able to derive the result differently and use method for some

other problem.

When researcher teach in PPL, researcher has make the diagnostic

testin SMA N 2 Balige during follow experience teaching in school or generally called “Program Pengalaman Lapangan Terpadu” on Agustus 22th until November 28th observations carried out in class XI IA. Number

of students about 30 student per class. Diagnostic tests conducted by researcher by giving the problem to see students’ problem solving ability. Giving diagnostic test carried out on October 12th 2016. There are 30

students answer the diagnostic test in class XI IA 3. The problem tested to

students as follow:

Sudut-sudut segitiga ABCD adalah , �� . Jika sin = dengan



From the answers given by student obtained:

1. Students could not understand the problem

Figure 1.1 Student’s sheet in understanding the problem step Students were able to identify what is asked but they did not able

to identify whats is known. From the image above, student did not

know clearly what is known. In this step, there are 15 of 17 students

could not understand the problem.

2. Students could not devise a plan in problem solving strategies

Figure 1.2 Student’s sheet in devising a plan

From this figure, students still did not make a right sketch drawing.

They draw a sketch but did not make the explanation of the drawing.

From the 17 students, thay are no one make the sketch explanation.

3. Students could not carry out the plan in problem solving strategies


From this figure, students could not do the completion based on the

plan. Students could not find an appropriate strategy to solve the

problem. There are 13 of 17 could not implement problem solving


4. Students did not look back the solution carefully and they could not

derive the solution differently.

Figure 1.4 Student’s sheet in looking back the solution Most of students did not check back their task carefully. They also

could not derive the solution differently.There are no student did not

look back the solution carefully and could not derive the result


Table 1.1 Table of Preliminary Diagnostic Test

Aspect Categorized Not

Categorized High Medium Low

1. Understanding the Problem 46.66% 23.33% 13.33% 16.66%

2. Devising a plan 13.33% 23.33% 40.00% 23.33%

3. Carrying out the plan 23.33% 16.66% 13.33% 46.66%



From the diagnostic test of problem solving ability above, many

students still can not understand the problem, make the question into

mathematics model and formulate the problem. From this table, shown that

students still have low ability in problem solving. Fourth aspects of

problem solving throught the diagnostic test, were still not reached yet as

well by students, this is happen because students are not able to figure out

the problem in their mind and can not make the problem into the

mathematics model and also formulate the problem.

In addition to interviews, the researchers also observed the process

of learning mathematics in class XI when the learning process , researchers


 Some students are more passive and less response to the material being taught

 Students are more memorizing formulas and notes the important things without knowing the concept

 Most students do not want to ask and just listening to the teacher  At the given task or problem, students can answer well through the

formulas given. However, when there is a matter that is slightly

different from the examples and formula, the students immediately

apparent confusion.

Recognizing the reality on the ground that the learning activity and

the problem solving ability of students is still low. We need a model of

learning that make the student become active. It required a learning model

that can support successful learning. According to Ausubel (Dahar, 2006)

The new paradigm in education today is to create meaningful learning

process, the learning process that takes place in schools let students

actively in involved in learning (students-oriented). As a manager of

student learning, teacher are obliged to improved attention and efforts in


understood by students. Students are required to be better to use the ability

of thingking to be skilled in problem solving in daily life relatedto


Various efforts continue to be developed by the instigators of

education for the learning of mathematics in order to maximize on

reaching the desired objectives, in terms of models, strategies and learning

methods in accordance with the concepts being taught. According to Berns

(2011) said that one of the alternatives that can be done to overcome these

problems is to use appropriate learning models namely Contextual

Teaching and Learning. This model is very supportive to improve the

activity of the students because it provides a learning contextually or

involves events experienced in daily life as a person, family members, and

community members. If students know the application of learning by

looking at students' everyday itself, then it can be more active, problem

solving, and also further develop the lesson.

Contextual Teaching and Learning is a concept of learning that help teacher to connect between what is taught with students’ realworld situation an encorage students make connection between knowledge

possessed and its application in daily life, that involve seven main

componets, they are: contructivism, questioning, inquiry, learning

community, modelling, and authentic assessment (Trianto 2009).

Based on the matters described above, the researcher interested in

conducting research by the title “The Application of Contextual Teaching

and Learning to Improvethe Activity and Problem Solving Ability in



1.2. Problem Identification

From the the background issues that have been described, can be

identified some problems, among others:

4. The approach learning is not satisfy to reach the goal of learning.

1.3. Problem Limitation

In this observation Researcher make the limitionbecause time and

cost, there are:

1. Learning method used is Contextual Teaching and Learning.

2. The mathematical learning activity tenth grade students of SMAN

2 Balige Academic Year 2016/2017

3. Problem solving ability tenth grade students of SMA N 2 Balige

Academic Year 2016/2017

1.4. Problem Formulation

Based on the background that has been stated above that the

formulation of the problem in this research are:

1. How strategies to improve the activity of students by Contextual

Teaching and Learning in class XI IA1 SMAN 2 Balige in

Statistical topic?

2. How improving the problem solving ability of student XI IA1

SMAN 2 Balige after applied by Contextual teaching and


1.5. Research Objectives

Based on the problem formulation, then objectives ofthis research

are as follows:

1. Applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning to improve students’ mathematical learning activities in the statistical topic in XI IA1 grade of SMAN 2 Balige

2. Applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning students’

mathematical problem solving ability in the statistical topic in XI

IA1 grade of SMAN 2 Balige

1.6. Benefit of Study

In the implementation of classroom action research is expected to

contribute ideas and feedback that is useful to the improvement of the

quality of education, especially for:

1. For schools, as input and contribute ideas for improving the

quality of learning, especially in order to increase activity and

problem solving skills in mathematics.

2. For teachers, increase the variety of learning models. This

research is expected to broaden their horizons and knowledge of

teachers regarding teaching model Contextual Teaching and

Learning (CTL) as an alternative learning in order to improve the

activity and problem solving skills in mathematics

3. For students, gain experience learning how to understand a

mathematical concept with contextual

4. For researchers, add and equip themselves to become a teacher



1.7. Operasional Defenition

This study entitled “The Application of Contextual Learning to Improvethe Activity and Problem Solving Ability in Grade X SMA N 2

Balige Academic Year 2015/2016”. The terms that require explanation is

as follows.

1. Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) is a contextual model of

learning that engages students in an important activity that helps

linking academic learning to real-life contexts they face.

2. Learning activities is any activity carried out in the process of

interaction (teacher and students) in order to achieve learning

objectives. Activity is means here the emphasis is on students, because

the presence of student activities in the learning process will impact

the creation of active learning situation.

3. The mathematical problem solving ability is the ability which gained

by student to understand and complete the problem which are faced by

using their skills and abilities to determine the concept they should use


79 5.1 Conclusion

Based on the results of research and discussion can be concluded that:

1. The level of student’s problem solving ability through implementation of

Contextual Teaching and Learning on the topic of Statistical in grade XI

IA1 SMAN 2 Balige Academic Year 2016/2017 is in good categories.

2. Learning activities by students through implementation ofContextual

Teaching and Learning on the topic of Statistical in grade XI IA1 SMAN 2

Balige Academic Year 2016/2017 is in good categories.

5.2 Recommendations

The recommendations in this research are as follows:

1. For teacher and school practitioner is equitable to change the learning

custom which is dominated by teacher and starting to involve students

more actively in the learning process, as well as give more attention to student’sproblem solving ability. For this case, the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach can be one of learning alternative to

improve student’sproblem solving ability.

2. For the taking principle, properly can use the learning by implementation

of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) as one of learning approach

which is need to be followed-up by training intensively about the learning



3. For the further researcher is recommended to continue the research in

more complex objectives. Because the students’ success in learning cannot

be measured only with the written test.

4. For the further researcher is recommended to improve continuously the

learning scenario by implementation of Contextual Teaching and Learning

(CTL) especially in modelling and reflection as the low participation of



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Figure 1.1 Student’s sheet in understanding the problem step
Figure 1.4 Student’s sheet in looking back the solution


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