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Academic year: 2017



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Hariaty Indra Lesmana ID. Number: 4123332006

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill Requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan





ACHIEVEMENT AND CURIOSITY USING HANDOUT and curiosity using handout media on solubility and solubility product topic is explained. The objectives of this research are (1) to determine whether the student’s achievement that teaches by PBL with TSTS model with using handout media is significant higher than teach just using PBL using handout media (2) to know the correlation student’s curiosity and student’s achievement that teach by PBL with TSTS model with using handout media on the topic of solubility and solubility product. Population of this research were all class in grade XI science on second semester from SMAN 1 Air Putih, SMAN 1 Berastagi, SMAN 1 Sidikalang. Three class were used as class experimental I and three other class were used as class experimental II. Before conducting the research, the pretest was done, then the research was conducting in both of class and give the questionnaire of student’s curiosity character was done at last meeting of research. In class experimental I, the students were taught by using collaboration of PBL with TSTS model using handout media and in class experimental II the students were taught by using PBL model using handout media. After conducting the teaching-learning process, the posttest was done. The results of research are (1) The student’s achievement that taught by collaboration PBL with TSTS model using handout media is significant higher than student’s achievement that taught by PBL using handout media, like at SMAN 1 Air Putih 74%, at SMAN 1 Berastagi 76%, then at SMAN 1 Sidikalang 78% (2) There is positive and medium correlation between student’s curiosities with achievement in each class like at SMAN 1 Air Putih in experiment I 31.36% while in exp class II 2.7%. At SMAN 1 Berastagi in exp class I has 19.53% and exp class II 4.7% and at SMAN 1 Sidikalang in class exp I 28.09% and class exp II 0.68%. Furthermore, using collaboration of PBL with TSTS model using handout media on teaching solubility and solubility product topic in class is more effectively than using PBL model using handout media.




Firstly, the greatest thankfulness is given to Almighty God, Jesus Christ who always that gives blessing and provides health, wisdom, strength, spirit,

knowledge and material for writer in composing this thesis accordance with the planned time.

The title of thesis is “Implementation of Collaboration PBL with Two Stay Two Stray Model to Increase Curiosity and Student’s Achievement in Chemistry

on Solubility and Solubility Product Topic” that arranged to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express the thanks and great appreciation to Alm. Drs. Rahmat Nauli, M.Si, big thanks also for Dr. Iis Siti jahro, M.Si as my thesis supervisor for this valuable time spent in giving guidance, advices, motivation and suggestions during completing this thesis. The writer also thanks to Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, MSc., Ph.D., Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Si., and Dr. Marham Sitorus, M.Si as examiner for this thesis that giving me advices, suggestion, guidance and constructive comments for this thesis’s completeness.

The writer also say thanks to Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd as the Dean of

Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University of Medan, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as the coordinator Bilingual Department, Nora Susanti, S.Si, Apt., M.Sc., and Mr. Syamsudin as administrator of Bilingual Office for their advices and other necessary administrative business. The great thanks are also given to

Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si as my academic supervisor for this guidance during my academic process in this University. The writer also say thanks to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as my instrument’s validator in this research.



A deepest love, appreciation and thank you so much also for my dearest

parents A. Purba and N. Pakpahan, also for dearest Rade’s family, my sister Lampala Purba, Ruth Purba, and little sister Debora Purba for their motivation, advice, prayers and financial support to me during my university lecture process.

Special thanks are given to all my love classmate in Bilingual chemistry Education 2012 that always gives me the best memory in my education process especially for Lady Ofina Boangmanalu, Meliana, Biuti and Nur’saadah (my thesis team), Fridayuni (tel), Lisna (nong), Nova (bor), and Rina (men) for their kindness in my academic process and spending quality time in many times of our limited time. The writer also would like to say thanks to sissy Rina Rumahorbo and sissy Fretty Sinaga as my PKK in UKMKP’s organization, Euagllion Small Group (Arif, Anggi, Nova, Novel and Lestari) for kindness and prayers in completeness this thesis. And everyone whose names can’t be mentioned one by one for your support and helping in my thesis process.

Finally, writer hope this can be used for those who would like to explore more about learning model in solubility and solubility product topic. The writer realize that this thesis is still far from being prefect therefore critique and

suggestion are needed for further improvement of this thesis.

Medan, June 2016 The






Ratification Sheet i

Biography ii

Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Content List vi

Figure List x

Table List xi

Appendix List xii


1.1. Research Background 1

1.2. Problem Identification 8

1.3. Problem Limitation 8

1.4. Problem Statement 8

1.5. Research Objective 9

1.6. Operational Defenition 9


2.1. Learning 11

2.1.1. Definition Of Learning 11

2.1.2. Learning Activity 12

2.1.3. Learning Achievement 12

2.1.4. Learning Assessment 12

2.2. Cooperative Learning Model 13

2.3. Problem Based Learning 13

2.3.1. The Characteristic of Problem Based Learning 15 2.3.2. The Importance of PBL to Improve Soft Skills 17

2.3.3. Advantages and Lack of PBL 18


vii The Lack of PBL 19

2.3.4. Syntax for Problem Based Learning 20

2.4. Two Stay – Two Stray (TSTS) 21

2.4.1. Basic Components of TSTS 21

2.4.2. The Advantages and Lack of TSTS 22 Advantages of TSTS 22 Lack of TSTS 22

2.5. Media of Education 23

2.5.1. Definition of Learning Media 23

2.5.2. Types of Learning Media 23

2.5.3. Types of Instructional Media 24

2.6. Handout Media 25

2.6.1. Definition of Handout Media 25

2.6.2. Form of Handout Media 25

2.6.3. Arranging Handout 26

2.6.4. The advantages and Lack of Handout 27 The Advantages Handout 27 The Lack of Handout 28

2.7. Character of Education 28

2.7.1. Curiosity Character 29

2.8. Solubility and Solubility Product 30

2.8.1. Solubility 31

2.8.2. Solubility Product (Ksp) 32

2.8.3. Chemical Equilibrium and Solubility 33

2.8.4. Relationship between Solubility and Ksp 33

2.9. Conceptual Framework 34




3.1. Location and Time Research 36

3.2. Population and Sample 37

3.3. Research Variable 37

3.3.1. Independent Variable 37

3.3.2. Dependent Variable 38

3.3.3. Control Variable 35

3.4. Research Instrument 35

3.5. The Instrument’s Trial 37

3.5.1. Content Validity Test 38

3.5.2. Validity of Test 38

3.5.3. Reliability of Test 39

3.5.4. Difficulty Index 39

3.5.5. Discriminating Power 39

3.5.6. Destructor 40

3.6. Research Design 41

3.7. Research Procedure 43

3.8. Technique of Data Collection 43

3.9. Technique of Data Analysis 44

3.9.1. Normality Test 44

3.9.2. Homogeneity Test 44

3.9.3. Normalized Gain 44

3.9.4. Calculation of Student’s Curiosity 45

3.10. Hypothesis Testing 45




4.1. Description of School Sample 48

4.2. Instrument’s Analysis 48

4.2.1. The Instrument Test Analysis 48 Content Validity 49 Validity of Evaluation Test 49 Reliability of Evaluation Test 49 Difficulty Index of Evaluation Test 49 Discriminating Power of Evaluation Test 50 Destructor Index of Evaluation Test 50

4.3. Data Result and Discussion of Pretest 50

4.3.1. Normality of Pretest 52

4.3.2. Homogeneity of Pretest 52

4.4. Student’s Achievement Data

4.4.1. Data Result and Discussion of Posttest and Gain 53

4.4.2. Normality of Posttest and Gain 55

4.4.3. Homogeneity Test 56

4.5. The Analysis Instrument Non Test 56

4.5.1. Data of student’s curiosity Character 57

4.6. Hypothesis Testing 58

4.7. Correlation 59


5.1. Conclusions 61

5.2. Suggestion 61




Table 2.1. The syntax of Problem Based Learning 20

Table 3.1. The Grille of Student’s Achievement Test Instrument 37

Table 3.2 Classification of Content Validity Analysis 38

Table 3.3. The design of Research 41

Table 4.1. Description of Class that used as Sample 47

Table 4.2. Data of Student’s Result Pretest 50

Table 4.3. Normality Test of Student’s Pretest 51

Table 4.4. Homogeneity of Pretest 51

Table 4.5. Data of Student’s Posttest and Gain 52

Table 4.6 Normality Test Student’s of Posttest and Gain 54

Table 4.7. Homogeneity Student’s Posttest 55

Table 4.9. The Student’s Curiosity Character 56

Table 4.10. Hypothesis Testing 57



Figure 2.1. Illustration the implementation of PBL 16




Appendix 1 Syllabus 66

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan 70 Appendix 3 Student Worksheet 93

Appendix 4 Analysis Instrument (Before Validation) 97

Appendix 5 Instrument Test (Before Validation) 105

Appendix 6 Instrument Test (After Validation) 113

Appendix 7 Questionnaires of Curiosity Character 118

Appendix 8 Validity of Instrument Test 120

Appendix 9 Reliability Test 125

Appendix 10 Difficulty Index 128

Appendix 11 Discriminating Power 130

Appendix 12 Destructor 132

Appendix 13 Pretest Data 136

Appendix 14 Normality Pretest 141

Appendix 15 Homogeneity Pretest 148

Appendix 16 Posttest Data 151

Appendix 17 Gain Data 157

Appendix 18 Normality Posttest 163

Appendix 19 Homogeneity Posttest 169

Appendix 20 Normality Gain 172

Appendix 21 Homogeneity Gain 178

Appendix 23 Character 181

Appendix 24 Hypothesis Test 189

Appendix 25 Correlation 190

Appendix 26 Handout Media 188





1.1.Research Background

In the process of learning, success is measured based upon achievement of competence of teaching and learning established since the beginning of the learning activities. Teacher’s role is very important in learning. The teachers act as facilitators, mediators, and counselor. In this role, the teacher should also be able to work well with students, support each other so that the achievement of competence specified. An important element in the process of teaching and learning media that used in accordance with the material being taught. It is trivial,

but these link to each other. (Slamateo, 2003)

Learning is a change in an individual as a result of experience. People began to learn since they were born, and learning is related to experience (Slavin, 2005). These changes occur in cognitive structure established by the process of assimilation and accommodation as a result of the interaction between a person and the environment (Hill, 2002). PBL is considered as one of the strategic ways to improve higher-order thinking. The implementation of PBL involves teaching through problem solving in groups on real life situations which require students to think critically to solve given problems.

The lack of student’s learning outcomes can’t be separated from the quality of teacher performance in teaching and learning process in the classroom, where the teacher is an element in the process of teaching and learning that has important role in the success of students receive lessons and master optimally. The barriers in learning chemistry is where students are not comfortable the teacher’s way in learning process because it just uses a speech method of making a boring lecture for the students to absorb the lessons without understanding it well.

The problems that often arise in the world of education is the weak ability of

students to use thinking skills to solve problems. Students tend to be bombarded with information that requires memorizing only. Lots of knowledge and



what they are facing. Barrow (1980, Barret, 2005) defines PBM as "The learning

that results from the process of working towards the understanding of a resolution of a problem. The problem is encountered first in the learning process. "While Cunningham et al (2000, Chasman er.al., 2003) defines PBM as "... Problem-based learning (PBL) has been defined as a teaching strategy that" simultaneously develops problem-solving strategies, disciplinary knowledge, and skills by placing students in the active role as problem-solvers confronted with a structured problem roomates mirrors real- world problems ".



Problem Based Learning (PBL) is an effective approach to teaching thinking processes with a high degree of problem-oriented situation, including learning how to learn. According Santyasa (in Ghofur: 2013). Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a strategy or approach designed to help the learning process in accordance with the measures contained in the pattern of problem solving ie starting from the analysis, planning, solving, and judgment inherent at each stage. Then according Dasna (2007), PBL should be used in learning because: (1) With the PBL will happen meaningful learning. Students who learn to solve a problem then they will apply the knowledge possessed or sought to know the necessary knowledge. (2) In situations of PBL, students integrate knowledge and skills simultaneously and apply it in a relevant context. (3) PBL can improve critical thinking skills, the initiative fosters student / student work, internal motivation to learn,

Problem Based Learning Collaborative learning model as a model of Involves both teachers and students. The teacher project to solve a particular problem in order that students could solve it. They are forced to think critically Also in analyzing the while doing inquiry process. Eventually so that they can

draw a conclusion during the process under teacher guidance.

Problem based learning (PBL) is an instructional approach where students learn by solving challenging, open-ended problems. The problems are authentic tasks and are solved in socially and contextually based teams of students. The students rely on their current knowledge of the problem, identify “information they need to know to solve the problem, and the strategies they use to solve the problem” (Stanford University Newsletter on Teaching, 2001). Some research with using Problem Based Learning (PBL) model have done, are: Based on Yunita

Selviana Tany and Tri Hapsari Utami (2013) Penerapan Problem Based Learning



Based on the observation of the second cycle of learning activities that teachers

and students performed relatively well.

An then on Ali Muhson (2009) “Peningkatan Minat Belajar Dan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Melalui Penerapan Problem-Based Learning the level interest of the students to learn: If the first cycle of interest in learning in the classroom in the high category, only 27% increased to 37% in the second cycle. So also the interest of student learning outside the classroom. If in the first cycle are categorized as high as 35% increased to 37% in the second cycle. This indicates that the improvement made to the learning process in the second cycle is able to increase student interest in learning. Based on the table can be obtained that the student is still relatively low. This is evident from the average value only reaches 67.8 class. Although the average value of these can’t be said to be optimal. The level of understanding of students: If the first cycle level of understanding of students who enter high category only 16%, then in the second cycle is the figure increased to 22%.

On Susilowati (2015) “The Development Problem Based Learning Collaborative Model in Sociology Learning in Senior High School” Mean of the affective mark of the group using varied lecturing models = 73.00. Group using Problem Based Learning Collaborative affective model has a better mark than the control group items, namely 87.59> 73.00 so can also improve the students character. The students achievement of the group using Problem Based Learning Collaborative Model is 75.64 the mean of students achievement of the group using Varied lecturing Model = 68.74, so the group using Problem Based Learning Collaborative model has a better achievement than that using Varied lecturing Model students achievement of the groups using Problem Based Learning Collaborative Model 75.56> 68.74 the mean of the students achievement of the group using Varied lecturing Model = 65.57. So it can be concluded that the group using Problem Based Learning Collaborative model is better than the group using Varied lecturing Model.



increase in student test results conducted at the end of each cycle. In the first cycle

as much as 58.53% of students has increased its value by 2 points above SKM while in cycle II reached 75.61%. In terms of cognitive predetermined by the researcher, in the first cycle as much as 82.35% of students pass the study and increased in the second cycle into 87.46%.

In the learning process, so that the subject matter received by students and in accordance with the purpose of teaching that has been planned, it is necessary to use appropriate learning media and more meaningful. Many media that can be cultivated teachers to overcome learning difficulties experienced by students. One of the media to provide handouts. The use of tools or teaching materials is a part that can’t be separated and it is an integration of the learning methods used. Learning aids including one dynamic element in learning. Notch tools have an important role because it can help the learning process of students. Use of assistive devices, teaching materials that can abstract concreted and create a learning environment that is not attractive to be attractive. Tools or teaching material in the era of technological progress is needed in the learning process. The use of a medium of learning and teaching materials are good sources are

indispensable in order to help the learning process effective and efficient. In an effort to improve the effectiveness students in study, so the teachers are required to use teaching materials and detailed content of the material is more appropriate in this case like handout or students handbook. Handouts will reduce the use of verbal material submitted and is able to increase the active participation of students in learning, which ultimately is expected to improve student learning outcomes.



try to solve the problem and maximize every effort to obtain a satisfaction in


Next, other alternative model is teaching model Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) is one of cooperative learning. Lie (2010:29) pointed out that cooperative learning is not same with learning in group. There are some basic elements of cooperative learning that different with dividing group inappropriately. The right procedures of cooperative learning will make the teacher manages the class more effectively. According to Roger and David Johnson, to achieve the maximum result, five elements of cooperative learning must be applied: (a) positive dependency, (b) individual responsibility, (c) face to face interaction, (d) communication each members, and (e) evaluation group process. In Elin Rosalin (2008: 120) Two Stay - Two Stray is the learning done by the students to share their knowledge and experiences with other groups. According Lukmanul Hakiim (2009: 54) is a cooperative learning that emphasizes active learning activities of students together in groups and not individually. In Sugiyanto (2008: 51-52) stated that the techniques learned Two Stay Two Guest (Two Stay Two Stray) was developed by Spencer Kagan (1992). The structure of two stay two guests provide

an opportunity for the group to share results and information with other groups. Excess techniques Two Stay Two Stray according Daryono (2012) is to give an opportunity to the students to define the concept of its own to solve the problem, giving students the chance to create the creativity in communication with the theme group of there, familiarize students to be open to friends, increase students' motivation, as well as can assist teachers in learning achievement because the steps are easy to implement cooperative learning in schools.



65.889 its means that the category is sufficiency. It means that the use of TSTS

could give positive effect and motivate the student.

And then on Lukluk Ibana, dkk (2013) “Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa” the results of the research showed that the learning activities of students increase from 69,67% in cycle 1 to 80,11% in cycle 2. The results of the percentage formula in cycle 1 showed that the students is inactive, while in cycle 2 showed that the students were classified as active. Furthermore, the students learning outcomes had increased. The students who reached KKM in first cycle is 22 students or 73,33%, while in cycle 2 they were 25 students or 83,33%. The result showed that the student’s outcomes increased 10% from cycle 1 to cycle 2. And the on Titik Hariyani (2013) “Cooperative Learning Type Two Stay Two Stray Model On Civic Education Of Elementary School” the average value of student learning outcomes in the cycle I of (64.74), cycle II of (69.74) and cycle III of (77.37). Thus there was an increase from cycle I to cycle II is 5 and from cycle II to cycle III 7.63.

From the result of an expert, I do research at three schools to see this

learning model where this model can implement every school, because not all schools the learning model is good.

Based on the discussion above, I would like to investigate the “Implementation of Collaboration PBL with Two Stay Two Stray Model to Increase Student’s Achievement and Curiosity Using Handout Media on Solubility and Solubility Product Topic.”

1.2. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the problem, the problem identification of this research that can be identified:

1. Lack of variation model in teaching 2. The low student’s curiosity

3. The weak ability of students to use thinking skills to solve problems. 4. The comparison of student’s achievement using PBL with Two Stay

Two Stray model



1.3. Problem Limitation

Based on the background of the problem, the problem limitation can be identified as below:

1. The topic that will teach in this research solubility and solubility product on grade XI second semester

2. The model of teaching that will use in this research is collaboration PBL with TSTS model

3. Media of learning that will use handout media

4. This research will be conducted in SMAN 1 Air Putih 5. There is character that will measure; curiosity

1.4. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the problems that identified:

1. Is any the significant different student’s achievement that teaches by PBL with TSTS model using handout media than taught by PBL model using handout media

2. Is there correlation student’s curiosity character and student’s achievement that teach by PBL with TSTS model with using handout media on the topic of solubility and solubility product

1.5. Research Objectives

General purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of chemistry student’s achievement to SHS is none other than to increase the completeness of chemical learning outcomes through PBL and TSTS model using handout media on the subject Solubility and Solubility Product of a grade XI. And then special purposes of research are:

1. To determine whether the student’s achievement that teaches by PBL with TSTS model with using handout media is significant higher than teach just using PBL



1.6. Operational Definition

1. Cooperative learning model Two Stay – Two Stray (TSTS)

Two Stay Two Stray was developed by Spencer Kagan (1992) Cooperative Learning Model is learning model that gives the group to share their opinion and information to other group. This learning model used in all learning subjects and all students’. This learning involved by teachers and students’. It will be success when teacher and students’ have good communication.

2. Problem based Learning (PBL)

PBL is an educational format that is centered around the discussion and learning that emanates from a clinically-based problem. Problem solving is the solving process used to solve a problem. Since PBL starts with a problem to be solved, students working in a PBL environment should be skilled in problem solving or critical thinking. One indicator of effective problem – solving skills is the ability to transfer reasoning strategies to new problems ( Patel et al, 1991)

3. Handout Media

Handout is one form of print media. Handout are more concise than the module as its primary function as a supplement. From the above opinion can be concluded that the handouts are sheets of paper containing the learning resources that are used to help students understand the lesson with a more optimal.

4. Curiosity




The objectives of this research had been transformed to be problem statements which were then hypothesized. Based on the data analysis researcher concluded that:

1. Student’s achievement that taught by collaboration Problem Based Learning

with Two Stay-Two Stray model using handout media on teaching solubility and solubility product topic has significant higher than class taught by

Problem Based Learning that using handout media in all of schools, like at SMAN 1 Air Putih 74%, while at SMAN 1 Berastagi 76%, then at SMAN 1 Sidikalang 78%.

2. At three of schools there is medium correlation between student’s curiosity character of class taught by collaboration Problem Based Learning with Two Stay-Two Stray model using handout media on teaching solubility and solubility product topic.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the data analysis, research suggests that:

1. The prospective teachers can use this research as a reference as for doing the similar researches in order to increase student’s achievement and interest either by applying appropriate learning model or using appropriate learning media.

2. The next researchers who will conduct could include additional variables

which may give contribution to student’s achievement and curiosity character



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Figure 2.1.  Illustration the implementation of PBL


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