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Susilaningsih, 8136112082, Developing English Reading Materials Through Authenticity - Centered Approach ( ACA ) for Vocational Students of Computer Network Engineering In SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah. Thesis. English applied linguitic study program. Postgraduate school. State university of Medan. 2016

This study deals with the development of English Reading Materials of vocational school, SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah, majoring Computer Network Engineering. The objectives of this study are : 1) to know the existing English reading materials for students of computer network engineering in SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah 2) to find out English reading materials are needed for students of computer network engineering in SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah 3) to develop English reading material through ACA.. Developing Reading materials relevant to the needs of students of computer network engineering, especially grade XI. This study was conducted by a research and development (R&D) method proposed by Borg and Gall (1987).The targeted clients of this research were the number of totally reach 37 respondents namely :a) 33 the students of computer network engineering grade XI of 2015 – 2016 academic years, they were taken by random sampling technique. b) 1 stakeholder and c) 3 English teacher. The instrumentations for collecting data were documentary sheet, questionnaire and interview.



Susilaningsih, 8136112082, mengembangkan materi membaca bahasa inggris melalui pendekatan kealamian teks yang fokus pada materi (ACA) untuk siswa teknik komputer jaringan di SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah.Tesis, Pascasarjana. Program Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Negeri Medan, 2016.

Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan pengembangan materi membaca bahasa inggris untuk siswa SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah jurusan teknik komputer jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengetahui keadaan materi membaca bahasa inggris yg ada untuk siswa jurusan teknik komputer jaringan 2) untuk menemukan kebutuhan siswa untuk materi membaca bahasa inngris 3) untuk mengembangkan materi membaca bahasa inggris melalui pendekatan kealamian teks yang fokus pada materi. Mengembangkan materi membaca yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa jurusan teknik komputer jaringan khususnya kelas XI. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode penelitian pendidikan dan pengembangan ( Educational & Development; R&D ) oleh Borg and Gall (1987). Sasaran penelitian ini adalah berjumlah 37 orang yang terdiri dari 1) 33 orang siswa yang diambil secara acak 2) 1 orang alumni dan 3) 3 guru bahasa inggris. Alat untuk mengumpulkan data adalah dari dokumentasi, kuestionar dan interview.



Thanks to Allah, the lord of the universe who has given me the opportunity to finish this

thesis. Thank you so much my dear lord. It is also impossible to be finished without guidance,

support and valuable knowledge from many people whose names can not be mentioned one by


First, the writer would you like to express her sincere gratitude to Dr. I. Wayan Dirgayasa M.Hum her first advisor and Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed., TESP her second adviser, for their valuable advice, guidance, constructive comments and previous time spent on supervising and commeting the process of writing until it come to its present form. Second her special gratitude goes to the head of English applied linguistics, Dr.Rahmad Husein, M.Ed who has generously encouraged her in completing this study, all lectures, for her valuable knowledge and instruction they have implemented to her during the years studying and librarians of the state university of Medan for leading some useful books and other sources that are needed in writing this thesis.

The writer would you like to express her sincere gratitude to examiner Prof.Dr.Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd, Prof, Dr. Busmin Gurning M.Pd, and Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing M.Pd without their excellent academic guidance and support, this thesis would not have been possible.


Then, a very special dept of gratitude is directed to family her beloved father Nasrul,

beloved mother Hj.Asmaniarti, her parent in law Nirwani Siregar , her beloved husband Wahyu

nadjrin tambunan, her son Fajar Ilham tambunan, her sister Eva susilawati, her brother Hendra

sahputra and young sister Intan purnama sari for their full love, support, care and prayer.

Finally, a special debt of gratitude is addressed to all her beloved friends in SMA Negeri

2 Tukka, all her classmates LTBI B3for their close friendship and encouragement in finishing

this thesis.

Last but not least, she must confess that she has done her most to accomplish this thesis

but she realized but it is still far from being perfect. Therefore, any constructive, criticisms,

suggestions or comments will be highlyappreciated.











CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Research Problem of the Study ... 5

1.3 The Objectives of the Study ... 6

1.4 The Scope of Study ... 6

1.5 The Significance of the Study ... 6

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theoritical Framework ... 8

2.1.1 English for Specific Purpose ... 8

2.1.2 Types of ESP ... 9 English as a Restricted Language ... 9

(9) English with Specific Topics ... 11

2.1.3 Learning Material ... 12

2.1.4.Principles of Learning Materials ... 14

2.1.5 Material Development ... 15

2.1.6 Reading Materials ... 19

2.1.7 Reading Text for Computer Network Engineering ... 21

2.1.8 Authenticity Centered Approach (ACA)... 23 Sources of Authentic Materials ... 24 Advantages of Using Authentic Materials ... 25

2.1.9 The English Reading Material for Computer Network Engineering and Authenticity – Centred Approach ... 26

2.1.10 Need analysis ... 28

2.2 The Relevant Previous Studies ... 30

2.3 Conceptual Framework ... 32


3.2 Research Method ... 34

3.3 Target Clients ... 35

3.4 The Technique for Collecting Data ... 35

3.5 The Trusthwortiness of the Data ... 36

3.6 Technique for Analyzing Data ... 36


3.6.2 Phase 2. The Development of the Syllabus ... 37

3.6.3 Phase 3. Development and Designing the Learning Materials... 38

3.8.4 Phases 4. Validating the Learning Materials ... 38



4.1.The Evaluation and Need Analysis ... 41

4.1.1 The Evaluation of The Existing Learning Materials

and Existing Syllabus ... 41 Existing English Reading Materials ... 42 Existing Syllabus ... 44

4.1.2 The Need Analysis of Teaching and Learning of

English for Computer ... 45

4.1.3 The Result of Interview and Documentation ... 50

4.2.The Developing Syllabus of English for Computer Network

Engineering ... 52

4.3. The Developing of English Reading Materials for Computer

Network Engineering ... 56

4.4. Validating New Reading Materials... 59



5.1 Conclusions ... 63

5.2 Suggestions ... 64



Table 1 : Parameters to Measure the Level of students’ needs ... 40

Table 2 : parameter for validating the reading materials ... 40 Table 3 : Level of needs for analysis in type of linguitic features ... 46 Table 4 : The names of topics or themes of reading materials

needed by the students ... 47 Table 5 : Level of need analysis for types of layout ... 48 Table 6 : Level of need analysis for types vocabulary... 49 Table 7 : Level of need analysis for types of test for reading comprehension .. 50 Table 8 : The score of expert judgement of english reading materials



Fiqure 1 : The configuration of authenticity – centered approach and English reading materials for computer network engineering ... 28 Figure 3 : Final form of developing reading material for students of




1.1 Background of Study

In Indonesia, there are two kinds of Senior High School, namely senior

high school (SMA) and vocational school (SMK). SMA differs from SMK. In

general the students of SMA are prepared to continue their study to the university

because they study general knowledge, while students of SMK are prepared to be

ready for work because they study specific knowledge based on their competency,

although they are not limited to continue their study to the university.

In line with Government Regulation RI No.20 of 2003 article 18 which

stated that vocational school is a school in which the students are prepared to

work in particular field. Vocational students need to be prepared to enter the

working world after they graduated and should have some special abilities to

support their knowledge. The government encourages the graduates of junior

secondary level to proceed to vocational school. This encouragement is intended

to prepare the human resources are ready to work in order to reduce

unemployment in the productive age and reduce the number of poverty.

SMK 1 in Tapanuli Tengah have some majors. One of majors is

computer network engineering. Computer network engineers, also known as

network architects, are responsible for the testing, designing and maintenance of

computer networking systems. These systems may involve a local office network


interested in computers and advanced Internet technology are ideally suited to get

started in this career.

English in its curriculum considered to be important for now and the future

for vocational school. Students are expected to master English fluently.

Development of the language skills are aimed at the improvement of students’

proficiency in English. Language classes at higher educational school use the text

of specific professional fields. The text should be focused on the communicative

needs of the students of a certain higher school level. In this case, teaching and

learning of english through specific content and materials.

In Learning English focus on four basic skills: listening, reading, speaking

and writing. Reading is one of important skill as the window to the world. It is an

important skill for learners to acquire since gives the ability to understand words

and sentences of English in general. Reading can be defined as perceifing a

written text in order to understand its contents. Grellet (1986) explains that

understanding a written text means extracting the required information from it as

effective as possible.

According to Kennedy and Bolitho (1984), materials for reading play the

role of activities; students are asked to read and try to comprehend as they are

allowed to use dictionaries to learn new structures and vocabulary. Students have

to skim, scan, relate graphs to text, relate diagrams to text, predict and sequence

the structure of a text, and understand elliptical writing-telexes. Such activities are

means of joy as well as of teaching and learning. They help students in using and


strategies and level of comprehension; they are the practical contribution of

theoretical lessons. Each material for reading is given to students in order to make

them master specific points which themselves are helpful for their studies.

Appropriate of reading materials are needed to get rich information and

increase mastery of vocabulary because when the students read the text, they will

find new vocabulary there. It is supported by Hammer (1998) which stated that

reading text provide oppurtunities to study language : vocabulary, grammar,

punctuation and the way the students construct sentence, paragraph and texts. In

other words, the students learn new vocabulary when they read a text. Vocabulary

should be thaught only in context, never in word lists to be memorized with

dictionary defenitions (Scheleppegrell, 1986) as practiced by the teacher above.

Based on the realities many reading material available gives the concept of

a subject matter described differently. The largest proportion of does not

appropriate with knowledge field. In this case cause many SMK gradutaes do not

have knowledge and lack information appropriate their field and they are not

ready for the job because their ability and knowldege toward job field not

accordance with the demand of the market.

Also, the existing learning materials at vocational school can not encourage

and motivate the students optimally because it apparently does not designed by

using students-centered learning. The teachers seems to be more dominant in

teaching and learning process, while the students tend to be a good listener. The

materials are designed not to be based on students activities so that the students


In SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah uses book “ Key to Success English for

Vocational School” published by Tiga Serangkai. It is not supply discussion in

reading material appropriate their field. The materials are given focus on the

grammar,exercise without covering the specific needs student of computer

network engineering and so does the syllabus of computer network engineering.

This school don’t have the relevant book in teaching process. In addition, the text

of reading seem irrelevant to the competency standart because the existing reading

materials do not relate to the students’ professionalism. For instance, the

irrelevant text are in chapter I about hobbies and handling guest, in chapter II

about general text, in chapter III about diagrams and job description, etc. This text

seems inappropriate to the competency standard for students computer network

engineering. The text was too general for them.

According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987:8) that to improve the learners’

motivation and make learning better and faster, the lectures should prepare

materials which are relevant to the students’ need and interest. In addition For

ESP teachers, the selection extends the use of what is available. Sometimes, they

need to adapt or look for over the shelf materials in order to help ESP students

achieve their aims Teacher must know that students have a specific purpose for

learning English and specific term but they are seldom do needs analysis to find

out what was necessary to actually achieve it. Or they probably do not know topic

to teach appropriate the students’ need.

Further, if associated with theory of authentic materials, the existing


should give the real information or situation related to the students’ field because

authentic materials are important tools for use in ESP classes, they motivate and

immerse learners in specific areas of the target language in which practice is

needed. Beside that, choosing the reading material of computer network

engineering should also concern to the language features ( the sentence pattern,

the technical vocabularies and the functional words), the level difficulties and the

kinds of genres should be learned.

Therefore, this study is devoted to studying and designing reading materials

of English for students of computer netwok engineering. In the other words, this

research intended to analyze th existing syllabus and reading materials. If the

existing reading materials are not in accordance with syllabus and relevant to the

computer network engineering students’ needs, designing reading materials are

really required. The design of reading materials will use Authenticity - Centred

Approach (ACA). According to Mishan (2005), authenticity centred approach is

materials - centred and upholds the importance of materials design not only as a

professional skill applied by course book writers, but as one used by individual

teaching contexts. Simply, authenticity - centred approach is defined as a teaching

approach which focuses on the materials, in this case authentic materials. The

teacher gives an authentic text to the students in teaching learning process.

1.2 The Problems of The Study

Based on the background of the study, the research problems can be


1. How are the existing English reading materials used for students of

computer network engineering in SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah?

2. What English reading materials are needed by students of computer

network engineering in SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah?

3. How to develop the English reading materials for students of computer

network engineering in SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah through ACA?

1.3 The Objectives of The Study

The research intends to the computer tchnique students needs in English.

Therefore the objective of the research are:

1. To know the existing English reading materials for students of

computer network engineering in SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah

2. To find out English reading materials are needed for students of

computer network engineering in SMK 1 Tapanuli Tengah

3. To develop English reading material through ACA

1.4 The Scope of The Study

The study focused on the design and develop English reading materials

which are relevant for students of computer network engineering through ACA.

1.5 The Significance of The Study

Findings of the study are expected to be significant and relevant theoritically


(1) Theoritically

This study is expected to develop the state of art of reading material

through ACA. The materials are expected to provide a good reference

and useful in developing the knowledge and science.

(2) Practically

This study is a conceptual contribution to

a) The findings are expected to be used as inputs for the teachers,

administrators, developers and educational institution in implemating

and select appropriate English reading materials for their students.

b) The students of computer network engineering to improve their ability

in English and to master English that they need

c) The researcher in term of promoting and exploring relevant materials


Table 1  : Parameters to Measure the Level of students’ needs ........................
Figure 3 : Final form of developing reading material for students of


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